Our Most-Read Archival Pieces of 2022

In those years, people will say, we lost track / of the meaning of we, of you

Adrienne Rich In Those Years

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Antoine-François-Jean Claudet, “[Multiple Exposures of the Moon],” 1846-52. Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.


Our Most-Read Archival Pieces of 2022

Rodrigo Moynihan, Light Bulbs, 1982, oil on canvas. Collection of Robert Becker. Courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.

My Philosophy of Life

John Ashbery
September 20, 2021
Young James Merrill with his pet terrier at "The Orchard" in 1930.


James Merrill
April 1, 1994
Antoine-François-Jean Claudet, “[Multiple Exposures of the Moon],” 1846-52. Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

In Those Years

Adrienne Rich
April 1, 1992
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Short Talks

Anne Carson
July 1, 1991