
Poetically Speaking

A new book makes the case for bewilderment as a critical virtue
Brian Dillon

The Polycrisis

Why can’t we stop talking about nonmonogamy?
Brandy Jensen


Gender Wars

Two scholars excavate the origins of today’s trans backlash
Paisley Currah


In Search of Albertine

The feminist afterlives of Proust's iconic character
Victoria Baena

Alice Notley’s Disobedience

The shape-shifting voice that changed American poetry
Tausif Noor

Stealing the Show

Why conservatives killed America’s federally funded theater
Charlie Tyson



New Books in Review

Poems and Books of Poems
Thom Gunn
October 1, 1963

Outside Faction

Thom Gunn
June 1, 1961

Poetry as Written

Thom Gunn
January 1, 1959

A Negro Nation

W. E. B. Du Bois
January 1, 1942

The All Play No Fun Economy

How did we end up teetering between euphoria and exhaustion?
Jessikah Díaz