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Search results tagged “Film”

Still from the film Atlantics, 2019.

In the Atmosphere

In Mati Diop’s Atlantics, every breath takes in the evaporated substance of history
Lindsay Turner
June 1, 2020
Still from Pen15, a television show

Act Your Age

Swapping bodies, swapping ages, and re-inventing youth
Benjamin Naddaff-Hafrey
December 21, 2020
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Children of Thanos

Film in review
Roy Scranton
January 1, 2019
Painting of a building in white with gray windows

Reimagining the Battle of Algiers

An artist's vision of Gillo Pontecorvo’s film
Kate Liebman
September 20, 2021

Making a Home In the Multiverse

Everything Everywhere All At Once reinvents the immigrant family drama
Simon Wu
May 9, 2022

On Emancipation

What Hollywood has done to a much-circulated image of American slavery
Lauren Michele Jackson
December 9, 2022

All at Once, the Multiverse Is Everywhere

Why today's movies, TV shows, and literature love branching timelines and many worlds
David M. de León
March 9, 2023

Service or Servitude?

The Bear and The Menu give us very different views of capitalism
Daniel W. Drezner
September 12, 2023

Parents Just Don’t Understand—and That’s OK

All of Us Strangers charts a new direction for queer cinema
Lio Wong
February 26, 2024

The Auteur of Fatherhood

How Steven Spielberg recast American masculinity
Phillip Maciak
March 4, 2024