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Search results tagged “Television”

Still from Pen15, a television show

Act Your Age

Swapping bodies, swapping ages, and re-inventing youth
Benjamin Naddaff-Hafrey
December 21, 2020
Oprah Winfrey wears a tiara, standing with cast members of SNL

Has Anyone Talked About How It Feels

Oprah Winfrey’s reign
Kathryn Lofton
September 20, 2021

Against the Stream

The forgotten pleasures of analog media
Jason Guriel
January 10, 2022

Streaming the Polycrisis

Why have TV miniseries about catastrophe become all the rage?
Adam Fales
November 28, 2023
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Against Anxiety

Vona Groarke
October 1, 2018
A still of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts in "The Andy Griffith Show."

Mayberry, USA

Visiting the inspiration for this quintessential American town.
Yunte Huang
April 1, 2018
Installation of found hand mirrors arranged in an oval on a wall.

Race Off

The fantasy of race transformation
Namwali Serpell
September 27, 2021

Service or Servitude?

The Bear and The Menu give us very different views of capitalism
Daniel W. Drezner
September 12, 2023

Are Twins Kinda Gay?

What Dead Ringers reveals about pop culture's latest obsession
Helena de Bres
October 9, 2023