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Search results tagged “Poetry”

Detail from a mother of pearl Inro. Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art.

A Nacreous Woman

Sally Wen Mao
June 28, 2021
Cherries. Photo: Kristiane Wentzel.

Cherry Picking Season

Sally Wen Mao
June 28, 2021
Graphic with scene of a person walking on a shoreline and a sunset. Illustration by Laura Padilla Castellanos

At Newport Beach

Sarina Romero
June 28, 2021
hand holding a cricket mallet.  Photo: Yogendra Singh.

Fullness and Hunger

Natasha Rao
June 28, 2021
Illustration by Laura Padilla Castellanos. Two satyrs with a blue background.

Satyr’s Flute

Shangyang Fang
June 28, 2021
Two hands on a graphic black and white background. Illustration by Laura Padilla Castellanos

Race in the Mind

Shane McCrae
June 28, 2021
Sketch with scene from column capital at St. John the Divine, New York. Illustration by Laura Padilla Castellanos

Bridge 14. Feb. 45

Karl Kirchwey
June 28, 2021
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Here Together

W. S. Merwin
January 1, 2016

Living It Up

Max Ritvo
April 1, 2016