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Search results tagged “Bodies & Health”

The writer Thomas Pierce and the cover of his book The Afterlives.

The Afterlives

A review of Thomas Pierce's first novel.
David Galef
April 1, 2018

Spiritualism’s Shadows

On COVID-19 and false consolation
Alicia Puglionesi
September 1, 2022

The Politics of Anger

Putin and the psychology of rage
Josh Cohen
September 1, 2022
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

The Aquarists

Life, death, and fish
Seth Lerer
November 1, 2017
Black and white still showing Giulietta Masina smiling with a black tear at the corner of her eye

How to Come Back to Life

On reaching middle age and carrying on
Emily Ogden
June 28, 2021
The author with her sister in childhood.

There I Almost Am

On envy and twinship
Jean Garnett
May 19, 2021
New York Times Cover reading "US Deaths near 100,000, an incalculable loss

Incalculable Loss

How writing can help make sense of grief
Christopher Spaide
May 19, 2021

Coming to Terms

How do we find the words for our grief?
Mona Arshi
January 24, 2022

Hilary Mantel

Remembering a singular prose stylist
Brian Dillon
September 27, 2022

A Head Is a Territory of Light

Seeking answers about my migraines
Tan Tuck Ming
October 8, 2024