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Search results tagged “Poetry”

Interior view of library.

What Space is For

The forking paths of memory and return
Mairead Small Staid
June 28, 2021
Two cartoon characters superimposed onto painting of a storm.

The Brink of Destruction

Revisiting John Ashbery’s “Soonest Mended”
Edward Hirsch
September 20, 2021
Jean Valentine at her desk

And Finally I'll Say Goodbye

Remembering my mother, Jean Valentine
Rebecca Chace
May 19, 2021

Charles Simic

Remembering a great poet and friend
Meghan O’Rourke
January 13, 2023

Eliot Among the Ruins

The Waste Land remains prophetic, but what did it foretell?
Langdon Hammer
December 12, 2022

Louise Glück

The poet who taught me to write books
Meghan O’Rourke
October 18, 2023

Louise Glück

A poet you couldn’t hide from
Aria Aber
October 19, 2023

Louise Glück

Making an art of conversation
Sam Huber
October 19, 2023

Louise Glück

Poet of October
Langdon Hammer
October 23, 2023

Louise Glück

A genuine gift for friendship
Rachel Mannheimer
October 19, 2023