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Search results tagged “Poetry”

A painting of two sisters. The Two Sisters by Théodore Chassériau, 1843.


Deborah Diemont
July 1, 2019
A painting of a dog. Rhodesian Ridgeback by Carl Friedrich Schulz.


Esther Schor
July 1, 2019
Photo of Jupiter from Voyager 1, 1979.

“It’s Complicated”

Catherine Stearns
July 1, 2019
Still from Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943. Woman looks out of a window.

Summer Visitation

Eamon Grennan
July 1, 2019
Desert Sky by Edgar Payne, 1930. A landscape painting of a desert and blue, cloudy sky.

The Southwest Part of the Truth

Ioanna Carlsen
July 1, 2019
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Sunday with George

Elisabeth Murawski
July 1, 2019
Painting of sea anemones. Various sea anemones by Giacomo Merculiano, 1893.

The Reef

Rachel Trousdale
July 1, 2019
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram


Geoffrey Hill
July 1, 2019
Denise at Her Dressing Table by Mary Cassatt,  1908-09.


Sara Wallace
July 1, 2019