[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez. The Serious Pepys 551-75
— Gilbert Slater’s Making of Modern England 173-8
— H. A. L. Fisher’s Bonapartism 173-8
— H. A. L. Fisher’s Republican Tradition in Europe 173-8
— J. H. Rose’s Personality of Napoleon 173-8
— J. L. and B. Hammond’s Village Labourer 173-8
— Oscar Browning’s History of the Modern World 173-8
— R. H. Gretton’s Modern History of the English People 173-8
— R. M. Johnson’s The Corsican 173-8
— W. F. Monypenny’s Life of Benjamin Disraeli . 173-8
Adams, Henry. Mont-Saint-Michel. Rev. by F. B. Luquiens 826-30
Adams, John Chester. Orlo Williams’s Life of Rickman 194-7
Agassiz, Alexander,. Letters. Rev. by S. W. Williston 818-20
Allen, Gardner Weld. Naval History. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 410-2
Altitudes, Life at Great. Yandell Henderson 759-73
American Novel, The. Robert Herrick 419-37
American Vasari, The. Theodore Salisbury Woolsey 778-89
Amram, Beulah Brylawski. Giovanni Pascoli 117-30
Anatolian Journey, An. Helen McAfee 536-48
Angier, Roswell Parker. Hugo M�nsterberg’s Psychology 398-401
Ash Wednesday: a Poem. John Erskine 488-93
Babbitt, Irving. P. E. More’s Drift of Romanticism 386-9
Background of the American Novel. Robert Herrick 213-33
Backhouse, E. Court of Peking. Rev. by F. W. Williams 820-6
Bailey, William Bacon. G. J. Kneeland’s Commercialized Prostitution 625-7
Bakewell, Charles Montague. J. Royce’s Problem of Christianity 843-9
Barton, George Aaron. A. T. Clay’s Babylonian Records 622-4
— A. T. Clay’s Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions 622-4
Beard, Charles Austin. Economic Interpretation. Rev. by S. L. Sioussat 628-30
Beer, George Louis. Old Colonial System. Rev. by G. S. Callender 630-4
Beers, Henry Augustin. A Pilgrim in Concord 673-88
— The Dying Pantheist to the Priest: a Poem 211-2
Bergson, The Significance of. William Ernest Hocking 303-26
Bingham, Hiram. Latin America and the Monroe Doctrine 656-72
— The Monroe Doctrine. Rev. by H. Wilson 412-8
Björnson, Björnstjerne. Plays. Rev. by L. W. Dodd 596-600
Blackmar, Frank Wilson. H. W. Farnam’s Economic Utilization of History 395-8
Blake, Warren Barton. Anatole France’s Works 603-6
Boccaccio, an Apology. Henry Dwight Sedgwick 327-42
Bogart, Ernest Ludlow. K. Coman’s Economic Beginnings of the Far West 409-10
Boggs, Theodore Harding. F. J. Warne’s Immigrant Invasion 837-9
— H. P. Fairchild’s Immigration 837-9
Boyle, Louise Dixon. 11. Montessori’s Pedagogical Anthropology 840-1
Bradford, Gamaliel. A Gentleman of Athens 102-16
Jewett, Sarah Orne, The New England of. E. M. Chapman 157-72
Johnston, Robert Matteson. The Corsican. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 173-8
Jordan, Mary Augusta. T. H. S. Escott’s Anthony Trollope 607-11
Keller, Albert Galloway. A. R. Wallace’s Social Environment 392-5
Kneeland, George J. Commercialized Prostitution. Rev. by W. B. Bailey 626-7
Kohut, George Alexander. Hebrew Anthology. Rev. by G. H. Nettleton 600-2
Koomar Roy, Basanta. The Personality of Tagore 471-87
Latin America and the Monroe Doctrine. Hiram Bingham 656-72
Law and the Judges, The. Arthur Linton Corbin 234-50
Learned, Henry Barrett. H. C. Lodge’s Early Memories 814-6
LeBon, Gustave. Psychology of Revolution. Rev. by F. M. Fling 627-8
Ledoux, Louis Vernon. A Sicilian Idyl: a Dramatic Poem 91-101
Legros, G. V. Fabre. Rev. by Alexander Petrunkevitch 849-50
Leonard, William Ellery. John Muir’s Story of my Boyhood 611-4
Letters from an Old Hair Trunk. Dudley L. Vaill 691-707
Li Hung Chang. Memoirs. Rev. by F. W. Williams 820-6
Liberty: Mediaeval and Modern. Albert Frederick Pollard 746-58
Life at Great Altitudes. Yandell Henderson 759-731
Literary Criticism in American Periodicals. Bliss Perry 635-55
Lodge, Henry Cabot. Early Memories. Rev. by H. B. Learned 814-6
Loeb Classical Library, The. Rev. by Wilbur Lucius Cross 380-3
Lull, Richard Swann. Rulers of the Mesozoic 352-63
Luquiens, Frederick Bliss. Henry Adams’s Mont-Saint-Michel 826-30
Lynch, Frederick. Peace and War in 1913 272-84
Lyon, Walter Hastings. Capitalization. Rev. by W. H. Price 201-3
McAfee, Helen. An Anatolian Journey 536-48
MacCracken, Henry N. Mark Rutherford’s Pages from a Journal, etc. 189-94
Mackaye, Percy. The Civic Theatre. Rev. by R. H. Schauffler 390-2
McMaster, J. B. History of the United States. Rev. by F. H. Hodder 833-5
Masefield, John. Tragedy of Nan. Rev. by L. W. Dodd 596-600
Masefield, Noyes and. Henry Seidel Canby 287-302
Matthews, B. Shakespere as a Playwright. Rev. by H. B. Hinckley .831-2
Meade, George Gordon. Life and Letters. Rev. by G. Bradford 614-7
Mesozoic, Rulers of the. Richard Swann Lull 352-63
Mims, Stewart Lea. Colbert’s West India Policy. Rev. by G. S. Callender 630-4
Mirror, The: a Poem. Fannie Stearns Gifford 689-90
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred. W. W. Campbell’s Stellar Motions___ 842-3
Monroe Doctrine, Latin America and the. Hiram Bingham 656-72
Montessori, Maria. Pedagogical Anthropology. Rev. by L. D. Boyle 840-1
Monypenny, William Flavelle. Life of Disraeli. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 173-8
More, Paul Elmer. The Drift of Romanticism. Rev. by I. Babbitt 386-9
M�nsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and Efficiency. Rev. by R. P. Angier 398-401
Muir, John. Story of my Boyhood. Rev. by W. E. Leonard 611-4
Napoleon I. The Corsican: a Diary. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 173-8
Neeser, Robert Wilden. George Dewey’s Autobiography 816-8
— G. W. Allen’s Naval History of the American Revolution 410-2
Neilson, William Allan. A New Variorum Julius Caesar 602-3
Nettleton, George Henry. G. A. Kohut’s Hebrew Anthology 600-2
New England of Sarah Orne Jewett, The. Edward Mortimer Chapman 157-72
New Opportunities in the Pacific. Lincoln Hutchinson 708—25
Next Session of Parliament, The. W. M. J. Williams 864-79
Norton, Charles Eliot. Letters. Rev. by T. S. Perry 811-4
Novel The American. Robert Herrick 419—37
Novel, The Background of the American. Robert Herrick 213-33
Noves’, Alfred. A Watchword of the Fleet: a Poem 1-2
Noyes’ and Masefield. Henry Seidel Canby 287-302
Orth, Samuel Peter. Socialism in Europe. Rev. by G. L. Fox 403-5
Osier, Sir William. Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy 251-71
Pacific, New Opportunities in the. Lincoln Hutchinson 708-25
Pascoli, Giovanni. Beulah B. Amram 117-30
Peace and War in 1913. Frederick Lynch 272-84
Peirce, Walter. The Exile: a Poem 550
— The Winds of March: a Poem 549-50
Pepys, The Serious. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 551-75
Percy, William Alexander. To a Mocking-Bird: a Poem 744-5
Perkins, Henry Augustus. The Schoolboy’s Two Lost Years 131-44
Perry, Bliss. Literary Criticism in American Periodicals 635-55
Perry, Thomas Sergeant Charles Eliot Norton’s Letters 811-4
— Henry James’s A Small Boy and Others 186-9
Personality of Tagore, The. Basanta Koomar Roy 471-87
Petersen, Julius. The German Theatre of To-day 576-90
Petrunkevitch, Alexander. G. V. Legros’s Fabre 849-50
— J. H. Fabre’s Life of the Fly 849-50
Phelps, William Lyon. Conversations with Paul Heyse 774-7
Phillips, Duncan. James Huneker’s Pathos of Distance 594-6
Pierce, Frederick Erastus. God and the Farmer: a Poem 285-6
— They Who Scent the Tasselled Pine: a Poem 285
Pilgrim in Concord, A. Henry Augustin Beers 673-88
Pollard, Albert Frederick. Liberty: Mediaeval and Modern 746-58
Porter, Frank Chamberlin. Adolph Deissmann’s St. Paul 401-3
Powell, E. Alexander. The Last Frontier. Rev. by E. Huntington 180-2
Powell, Edward Payson. Roman Farm Management 621-2
Price, William Hyde. W. H. Lyon’s Capitalization 201-3
Prices, High, and High Living. Frederick Stoever Dickson 726-43
Progressive Movement and Constitutional Reform. Y. Henderson 78-90
Rabindranath Tagore, The Personality of. Basanta Koomar Roy 471-87
Recovery of Lost Greek Literature, The. H. deForest Smith 794-810
Riley, Isaac Woodbridge. Theodor Gomperz’s Greek Thinkers 617-20
Rives, George Lockhart. ‘United States and Mexico. Rev. by J. H. Smith 835-7
Rose, John Holland. The Personality of Napoleon. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 173-8
Roy, Basanta Koomar. The Personality of Tagore 471-87
Royce, Josiah. The Problem of Christianity. Rev. by C. M. Bakewell 843-9
Rulers of the Mesozoic. Richard Swann Lull 352-63
Rural Coöperation. Edward Mortimer Chapman 520-35
Rutherford, M. Pages from a Journal, etc. Rev. by H. N. MacCracken 189-94
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus. Reminiscences. Rev. by L. Taft 591-4
Schauffler, Robert Haven, Percy Mackaye’s Civic Theatre 390-2
Schoolboy’s Two Lost Years, The. Henry Augustus Perkins 131-44
Scudder, Vida Button. Woman and Socialism 454-70
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Boccaccio, an Apology 327-42
Serious Pepys, The. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 551-75
Shakespeare. New Variorum Julius Caesar. Rev. by W. A. Neilson 602-3
Sherman, Stuart Pratt. A. T. Hadley’s Modern Philosophic Thought 383-5
Sicilian Idyl, A: Dramatic Poem. Louis Vernon Ledoux 91-101
Sioussat, St. George Leakin. M. Farrand’s Framing of the Constitution 628-30
— C. A. Beard’s Economic Interpretation of the Constitution 628-30
Slater, Gilbert. Making of Modern England. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 173-8
Smith, Charles Alphonso. Price Collier’s Germany and the Germans 406-7
Smith, Harry deForest. The Recovery of Lost Greek Literature 794-810
Smith, Justin Harvey. G. L, Rives’s United States and Mexico 835-7
Socialism, Woman and. Vida Button Scudder 454-70
Sprague, Oliver Mitchell Wentworth. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 438-53
Stephen Crane as I Knew Him. Hamlin Garland 494-506
Strindberg, August. Plays. Rev. by L. W. Dodd 596-600
Sumner, W. G. Earth Hunger, or the Philosophy of Land Grabbing 3-32
Surety: a Poem. Witter Bynner 793
Taft, Lorado. Augustus Saint-Gaudens’s Reminiscences 591-41
Tagore, The Personality of. Basanta Koomar Roy 471-87
Tchekoff, Anton. Plays. Rev. by L. W. Bodd 596-600
Theatre of To-Bay, The German. Julius Peterson 576-90
They Who Scent the Tasselled Pine: a Poem. F. E. Pierce 285
Through the Scuttle with the Tinman. Charles S. Brooks 343-51
To a Mocking-Bird: a Poem. William Alexander Percy 744-5
Tourney, James William. Who Should Own the Forests ? 145-56
Tropics, The Handicap of the. Ellsworth Huntington 507-19
Vaill, Budley Landon. Letters from an Old Hair Trunk 691-707
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem. Dutch Republic. Rev. by W. E. Griffis 178-80
Varro. Roman Farm Management. Rev. by E. P. Powell 621-2
Vasari, The American. Theodore Salisbury Woolsey 778-89
Wallace, Alfred Russel. Social Environment. Rev. by A. G. Keller 392-5
Warne, Frank Julian. The Immigrant Invasion. Rev. by T. H. Boggs 837-9
Watchword of the Fleet: a Poem. Alfred Noyes 1-2
Weaver, Edward Ebenezer. Mind and Health. Rev. by J. W. Buckham 203-4
Who Should Own the Forests? James William Tourney 145-561
Williams, Frederick Wells. E. Fenollosa’s Chinese and Japanese Art 197-201
— E. Backhouse and J. O. P. Bland’s Court of Peking 820-6
— Li Hung Chang’s Memoirs 820-6
Williams, Orlo. Life of John Rickman. Rev. by J. C. Adams 194-6
Williams, W. M. J. The Next Session of Parliament 364-79
Williston, Samuel Wendell. Alexander Agassiz’s Letters and Recollections 818-20
Wilson, Huntington. Hiram Bingham’s Monroe Doctrine 412-8
Winds of March, The: a Poem. Walter Peirce 549-50
Woman and Socialism. Vida Button Scudder 454-70
Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury. The American Vasari 778-89
Xenophon. A Gentleman of Athens. G. Bradford 102-16
Young Eden: a Poem. Witter Bynner 790-2