[Reviews are entered under the author of the hook reviewed and under the reviewer]
Aaboe, Asger: Historians of Science. Rev. of books by van der Waerden, de Santillana, & Sigerist 324
Aaron, Daniel: Writers on the Left. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 463
Acheson, Dean: Fifty Years After 1
Adams, John: The Adams Papers. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. by L. H. Butterfield. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 453
African Leaders. See New African Leaders, The
Aims and Values of the Sciences, The. Joseph S. Fruton 197
Alexander, Doris: The Tempering of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. by Eugene M. Waith 625
America’s Musical Maturity: A Twentieth-Century Story. Virgil Thomson 66
American Humor: Its Cause and Cure. Max Shulman 119
American Letters: A Projection. R. W. B. Lewis 211
Anglo-American Relations: Retrospect and Prospect. D. W. Brogan 11
Arendt, Hannah: Between Past and Future. Rev Autumn xxxii
Argyris, Chris: William J. J. Gordon’s Synetics 473
Auerbach, Erich: Dante: Poet of the Secular World. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 459
Aymé, Marcel: The Conscience of Love. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Bartlett, Irving H.: Wendell Phillips: Brahmin Radical. Rev. Spring xii
Bergin, Thomas G.: The Renaissance and Its Poets. Rev. of books by Hay, Auerbach, & Wilkins 459
Beringer, Robert: Growth and Goals in Physics 125
Best of Both Worlds, The: Feminism and Femininity. Edna G. Rostow 384
Black, Charles L., Jr.: Changing (and Unchanging) Faces of Law 35
Black, Max: Models and Metaphors. Rev. by Newton P. Stallknecht 637
Blanshard, Brand: Reason and Goodness. Rev. by Erroll E. Harris 489
Bloch, Marc: feudal Society. Rev Winter xii
Bloom, Harold: The Visionary Company. Rev. by Robert O. Preyer 316
Blum, John Morton: Yesterday’s Lost Causes. Rev. of books by Sinclair & Wolfskill. 611
Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Image. Rev. by Kenneth S. Lynn 649
Booth, Wayne C.: Yes, But Are They Really Novels? Rev. of books by Huxley, Sillitoe, Elliott, Aymé, Katherine Anne Porter, & Maureen Howard 630
—: The Rhetoric of Fiction. Rev. by Martin Price 469
Bossenbrook, William J.: The German Mind. Rev. by Peter Demetz 308
Bovie, Palmer: Unnatural Love in Etruscan Places. Verse 266
Boyle, Robert: Metaphor in Hopkins. Rev. by Newton P. Stallknecht 637
Bramson, Leon: The Political Context of Sociology. Rev. by Irving Kristol 292
British Unilateralism: A Critical View. H. A. DeWeerd 574
Brogan. D. W.: Anglo-American Relations: Retrospect and Prospect 11
Brombert, Victor: The Intellectual Hero. Rev Autumn xxxvi.
Brown, Ford K.: Fathers of the Victorians. Rev. by J. B. Schneewind 475
Brown, John Russell (ed.) : Jacobean Theatre. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 332
—: Early Shakespeare. Rev Spring xxii
Butterfield, L. H. (ed.) : The Adams Papers. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 453
Caillois, Roger: Man, Play, and Games. Rev Spring xvi
Calisher, Hortense: False Entry. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Cargill, Oscar & Others (eds.) : O’Neill and His Plays. Rev. by Eugene M. Waith 625
Carleton, William G.: Leninism and the Legacy of Western Imperialism 505
Carmichael, Oliver C.: Graduate Education, Rev Spring xviii
Changing (and Unchanging) Faces of Law. Charles L. Black, Jr. 35
Cherniavsky, Michael: Corporal Hitler, General Winter, and the Russian Peasant 547
Clark, Thomas D.: The Emerging South. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 312
Collaer, Paul: A History of Modern Music. Rev Spring xxiv
Connelly, Kenneth: Israel V. Nestyev’s Prokofiev 293
Conservation as a Public Policy Goal. George R. Hall 400
Corporal Hitler, General Winter, and the Russian Peasant. Michael Cherniavsky 547
de Jouvenel, Bertrand: The Manners of Politics 414
Demetz, Peter: On German Intellectual History. Rev. of books by Bossenbrook & Leppmann 308
Denny, Alice: Africa and the Victorians. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 319
de Santillana, Giorgio: The Origins of Scientific Thought. Rev. by Asger Aaboe 324
—: On the Nature of History of Science: A Reply to Dr. Aaboe 500
de Vaux, Roland: Ancient Israel. Rev. by Marvin H. Pope 620
DeWeerd, H. A.: British Unilateralism: A Critical View 574
Dickey, William: Two Poems 589
Doblhofer, Ernst: Voices in Stone. Rev Winter viii
Dubos, René: From Sorcerer to Scientific Medicine 46
—: The Dreams of Reason. Rev. by Loren Eiseley 609
Dunn, Waldo Hilary: James Anthony Froude. Rev. by J. B. Schneewind 475
Economic Issues Then and Now. Henry C. Wallich 23
Eiseley, Loren: René Dubos, The Dreams of Reason 609
Elliott, George P.: David Knudsen. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Enigma of the South, The. David M. Potter 142
Errington, Paul L.: Of Man and the Lower Animals 370
Fifty-Year-Old Smiling Public Man, A. Verse. W. R. Moses 427
Fifty Years After. Dean Acheson 1
Fifty Years of Man in the Zoo. G. Evelyn Hutchinson 56
Fisher, Peter F.: The Valley of Vision. Rev Spring vi
For Hopkins at Oxford. Verse. Theodore Weiss 426
From Sorcerer to Scientific Medicine. René Dubos 46
From Whence. Verse. Theodore Roethke 264
Fruton, Joseph S.: The Aims and Values of the Sciences 197
Frye, Northrop (ed.) : The Valley of Vision. Rev Spring vi
Gallagher, John: Africa and the Victorians. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 319
Gardner, John W.: Excellence. Rev Autumn xx
Gelb, Arthur & Barbara: O’Neill. Rev. by Eugene M. Waith 625
Gift, The. Verse. Myron Turner 265
Gilbert, Felix: To the Farewell Address. Rev Autumn xvi
Glazer, Nathan: The Social Basis of American Communism. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 463
Goldberg, S. L.: The Classical Temper. Rev. by Robert Scholes 623
Goldin, Judah: A New Song. Verse .’ 592
Goodman, Paul: Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals. Rev. by Kenneth S. Lynn 649
Gordon, William J. J.: Synetics. Rev. by Chris Argyris 473
Growth and Goals in Physics. Robert Beringer 125
Guelzo, Carl M.: Korea: The Divided Peace 428
Guicharnaud, Jacques: Modern French Theatre from Giraudoux to Beckett. Rev Autumn xii
Gunn Thom: Imitations and Originals. Rev. of books by Lowell, Wilbur, Macneice, Stafford, Kinsella, Todd, & Maxine W. Kumin 480
Haggin, B. H.: Recordings of the Half-Century 175
—: New Records in Review 337, 496, 653
Hall, George R.: Conservation as a Public Policy Goal 400
Hanna, Thomas: The Lyrical Existentialists. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 644
Harris, Bernard (ed.) : Jacobean Theatre. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 332
—: Early Shakespeare. Rev Spring xxii
Harris, Errol E.: Brand Blanshard’s Reason and Goodness 489
Hartt, J. N.: The Theological Situation after Fifty Years 75
—: The Return of Moral Passion. Rev. of books by Meddlers, Moravia, Calisher, Warren, Malamud, Steinbeck, Horia, & Salinger 300
Hassan, Ihab: Radical Innocence. Rev. by Martin Price 469
Hay, Denys: The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 459
Heimann, Eduard: Reason and Faith in Modern Society. Rev. by George A. Lindbeck 642
Hempstone, Smith: Africa: Angry Young Giant. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 319
Heppenstall, Rayner: The Fourfold Tradition. Rev. by Martin Price 469
Hollywood Faces the World. Richard D. MacCann 593
Horace and Cleopatra. Donald Pearce 236
Horia, Vintilla: God Was Born in Exile. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Howard, Maureen: Not a Word About Nightingales. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn: Fifty Years of Man in the Zoo 56
Hutchison, Harold F.: The Hollow Crown. Rev. by Charles Tyler Prouty 614
Huxley, Aldous: Island. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Hynes, Samuel: Pound and the Prose Tradition 532
Injustice and Bureaucracy. Lewis C. Mainzer 559
Interpretation of American Society, The. Kenneth S. Lynn 159
Is Haiti Next? O. Ernest Moore 254
Israeli at the Vatican, An. Paul Newton 657
Jaeger, Werner: Early Christianity and Greek Paideia. Rev Winter xviii
Jiménez, Juan Ramon — A Remembrance. Theodore Lidz 342
Kellen, Konrad: Khrushchev. Rev Autumn xxiv
Kernan, Alvin: “The Anarchic Will.” Rev. of books by Brown & Harris, & by Knights 332
Kinsella, Thomas: Poems and Translations. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Kirk, Russell: Hoffman Nickerson’s The Loss of Unity 458
Knights, L. C.: An Approach to ‘Hamlet’ and Some Shakespearean Themes. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 332
Korea: The Divided Peace. Carl M. Guelzo 428
Kristol, Irving: Leon Bramson’s The Political Context of Sociology 292
Kumin, Maxine W.: Halfway. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Labaree, Leonard W.: The Adams Papers. Diary and. Autobiography of John Adams, ed. by L. H. Butterfield 453
Lamar, Howard R.: The South and the War Within. Rev. of books by Taylor Clark 312
Leninism and the Legacy of Western Imperialism. William G. Carleton 505
Leppman, Wolfgang: The German Image of Goethe. Rev. by Peter Demetz 308
Lewis, R. W. B.: American Letters: A Projection 211
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon: Horace Walpole. Rev Autumn vi
Lidz, Theodore: Juan Ramon Jimenez — A Remembrance 342
Life Science and the General Reader, The. Edmund W. Sinnott 165
Lindbeck, George A.: Eduard Heimann’s Reason and Faith in Modern Society 642
Logan, John A.: Jr.: No Transfer. Rev Autumn xxviii
Lowell, Robert: Imitations. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Lynn, Kenneth S.: The Interpretation of American Society 159
—: On American Society. Rev. of books by Boorstin, Goodman, Swados, & Warshow 649
MacCann, Richard D.: Hollywood Faces the World 593
MacCann, Carson: A Clock Without Hands. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Mackay, Agnes: The Universal Self. Rev. Winter xvi
Macneice, Louis: Solstices. Rev. by Thom Gunn 480
Mailer, Norman. See Norman Mailer and the Despair of Defiance
Main Trends of Twentieth-Century Criticism, The. René Wellek 102
Mainzer, Lewis C.: Injustice and Bureaucracy 559
Malamud, Bernard: A New Life. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Manners of Politics, The. Bertrand de Jouvenel 414
Marx, Leo: Thoreau’s Excursions 363
Miller, Arthur S.: Toward a Concept of National Responsibility 185
Moore, Doris Langley: The Late Lord Byron. Rev. by George M. Ridenour 321
Moore, O. Ernest:. Is Haiti Next? 254
Moravia, Alberto: The Empty Canvas. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Moses, W. R.: A Fifty-Year-Old Smiling Public Man. Verse 427
Mylonas, George E.: Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries. Rev. by C. Bradford Welles 467
Nestyev, Israel V.: Prokofiev. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 293
New African Leaders, The. Hugh H. & Mabel M. Smythe 227
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 337, 496, 653
New Song, A. Verse. Judah Goldin 592
Newton, Paul: An Israeli at the Vatican 657
Nickerson, Hoffman: The Loss of Unity. Rev. by Russell Kirk 458
No Man Is Continent Who Visits Islands. Verse. Mark Strand 590
Norman Mailer and the Despair of Defiance. George Alfred Schrader 267
Notes from a Finnish Journal. Alex Sayre 281
Novel, The: Artifice and Experience. Martin Price 152
Nuclear Clubs or Nuclear Wars? Aaron B. Wildavsky 345
Of Man and the Lower Animals. Paul L. Errington 370
Olafson, Frederick A.: Two Views of Pluralism: Liberal and Catholic 519
On the Fragility of Heat. Verse. Leonard Wolf 425
On the Nature of History of Science: A Reply to Dr. Aaboe. Giorgio de Santillana 500
Ong, Walter J. (ed.) : Darwin’s Vision and Christian Perspectives. Rev. Winter xxviii
Pearce, Donald: Horace and Cleopatra 236
Pearce, Roy Harvey: The Continuity of American Poetry. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 448
Pearson, Norman Holmes: Williams Collected. Rev. of books by William Carlos Williams 329
Poetry, Novels, and Critics: A Reply. David R. Slavitt 502
Pope, Marvin H.: Roland de Vaux’s Ancient Israel 620
Porter, Katherine Anne: Ship of Fools. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Potter, David M.: The Enigma of the South 142
Pound and the Prose Tradition. Samuel Hynes 532
Preyer, Robert O.: Harold Bloom’s The Visionary Company 316
Price, Martin: The Novel: Artifice and Experience I52
—: Approaches to Fiction. Rev. of books by Booth, Hassan, & Heppenstall 469
Prouty, Charles Tyler: Harold F. Hutchison’s The Hollow Crown 614
Publisher Remembers, A. Alfred A. Knopf 137
Pyrrhic Victory of the Presidency, The. James R. Schlesinger 438
Recordings of the Half-Century. B. H. Haggin 175
Records. See New Records in Review
Rees, Richard: George Orwell. Rev Spring xxviii
Ridenour, George M.: Byron: Criticism and Fact. Rev. of books by Rutherford, & by Doris Langley Moore 321
Robinson, Ronald: Africa and the Victorians. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 319
Roethke, Theodore: From Whence. Verse 264
Rosenberg, John D.: The Darkening Glass. Rev. by J. B. Schneewind 475
Rostow, Edna G.: The Best of Both Worlds: Feminism and Femininity 384
Rudin, Harry R.: Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial. Rev. of books by Robinson, Gallagher & Alice Denny: & by Hempstone 319
Rutherford, Andrew: Byron. Rev. by George M. Ridenour 321
Ryf, Robert S.: A New Approach to Joyce. Rev. by Robert Scholes 623
Salinger, J. D.: Franny and Zooey. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Sayre, Alex: Notes from a Finnish Journal 281
Schilling, Bernard N.: Dryden and the Conservative Myth. Rev. by Aubrey Williams 615
Schlesinger, James R.: The Pyrrhic Victory of the Presidency 438
Schneewind, J. B.: Evangelicalism and Its Legacy. Rev. of books by Brown, Rosenberg, Dunn, and Townsend 475
Scholes, Robert.: Critics of Joyce. Rev. of books by Goldberg & Ryf 623
Schorer, Mark.: Sinclair Lewis. Rev Winter xii
Schrader, George Alfred: Norman Mailer and the Despair of Defiance 267
—: Camus and Other Existentialists. Rev. of books by Thody & Hanna 644
Seaside Sidewalk Cafe. Verse. Joan White 264
Shulman, Max: American Humor: Its Cause and Cure 119
Sigerist, Henry E.: A History of Medicine, Vol. II. Rev. by Asger Aaboe 324
Sillitoe, Alan: Key to the Door. Rev. by Wayne C. Booth 630
Sinclair, Andrew: Prohibition. Rev. by John Morton Blum 611
Sinnott, Edmund W.: The Life Sciences and the General Reader 165
Slavitt, David R.: Poetry, Novels, and Critics: A Reply 502
Smythe, Hugh H. & Mabel M.: The New African Leaders 227
Stafford, William: West of Your City . Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Stallknecht, Newton P.: On Metaphor. Rev. of books by Black, Boyle, & Wheelwright 637
Steinbeck, John: The Winter of Our Discontent. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Strand, Mark: No Man Is Continent Who Visits Islands. Verse 590
Suther Marshall Edward: The Dark Night of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Rev. Winter xx
Swados, Harvey: A Radical’s America. Rev. by Kenneth S. Lynn 649
Taylor, William R.: Cavalier and Yankee. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 312
Theological Situation after Fifty Years, The. J. N. Hartt 75
Thody, Philip: Albert Camus. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 644
Thomson, Virgil: America’s Musical Maturity: A Twentieth-Century Story 66
Thoreau’s Excursions. Leo Marx 363
Todd, Ruthven: Garland for the Winter Solstice. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Toward a Concept of National Responsibility. Arthur S. Miller 185
Townsend, J. Benjamin: John Davidson. Rev. by J. B. Schneewind 475
Turner, Myson: The Gift. Verse 265
Two Poems. William Dickey 589
Two Views of Pluralism: Liberal and Catholic. Frederick A. Olafson 519
Unnatural Love in Etruscan Places. Verse. Palmer Bovie 266
van der Waerden, B. L.: Science Awakening. Rev. by Asger Aaboe 324
Waith, Eugene M.: Second Blooming of a Reputation. Rev. of books by Doris Alexander, Arthur & Barbara Gelb, & by Cargill & Others (eds.) 625
Wallich, Henry C.: Economic Issues Then and Now 23
Ward, Charles E.: The Life of John Dryden. Rev. by Aubrey Williams 615
Ward, Theodore: The Capsule of the Mind. Rev Spring vi
Warren, Robert Penn: Wilderness. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 300
Warshow, Robert. The Immediate Experience. Rev. by Kenneth S. Lynn 649
Weiss, Theodore: For Hopkins at Oxford. Verse. ,.’ 426
Wellek, René: The Main Trends of Twentieth-Century Criticism 102
Welles, C. Bradford: George E. Mylonas’s Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries 467
Wheeler, Robert H. L.: Some Aspects of American Communism. Rev. of books by Glazer and Aaron 463
Wheelwright, Philip: Metaphor and Reality. Rev. by Newton P. Stallknecht 637
White, Joan: Seaside sidewalk Cafe. Verse 264
Whittemore, Reed: Roy Harvey Pearce’s The Continuity of American Poetry 448
Wilbur, Richard: Advice to a Prophet. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 480
Wildavsky, Aaron B.: Nuclear Clubs or Nuclear Wars 345
Wilkins, Ernest Hatch: Life of Petrarch. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 459
Williams, Aubrey: The Achievement of John Dryden. Rev. of books by Ward & Schilling 615
Williams, William Carlos: The Farmers’ Daughters & Many Loves. Rev. by Norman Holmes Pearson 329
Wolf, Leonard: On the Fragility of Heat. Verse 425
Wolfskill, George: The Revolt of the Conservatives. Rev. by John Morton Blum 611
Young, James Harvey: The Toadstool Millionaires. Rev. Winter vi