[Reviews are entered under the author of the hook reviewed and under the reviewer]
Aliens, The. Story. R. Prawer Jhabvala 385
American Tragedy, An. Robert Penn Warren 1
Arnold, Thurman W.: The Folklore o£ Capitalism Revisited 188
Baker, Herschel: William Hazlitt. Rev. by William C. DeVane 112
Batten, Loring W., HI: Guadalcanal Twenty Years After 418
Battis, Emery: Saints and Sectaries. Rev. by John E. Pomfret 598
Baxter, James P., 3rd: Samuel Flagg Bemis’s American Foreign Policy and the Blessings of Liberty and Other Essays 584
Bazelon, David T.: The Paper Economy. Rev. by Edward T. Chase 625
Beardsley, Monroe C.: Two Theorists of Literature. Rev. of books by Levi & Ong 294
Beck, Warren: Faulkner: A Preface and a Letter 157
Bedford, Sybille: A Favourite of the Gods. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: American Foreign Policy and the Blessings of Liberty and Other Essays. Rev. by James P. Baxter, 3rd 584
Berger, Harry, Jr.: Samuel C. Chew’s The Pilgrimage of Life 301
Berryman, John: Two Dream Songs. Verse 558
Black, Charles L., Jr.: The Constitution and Public Power 54
Bloom, Harold: Blake’s Apocalypse. Rev. by John E. Grant 591
Blumenson, Martin: de la Gorce’s The French Army 588
Boas, George: The Heaven of Invention. Rev. by W. K. Wimsatt, Jr. 613
Bradbrook, M. C.: The Rise of the Common Player. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 458
Brady, Frank: The Terrible Encounter: Jonathan Swift and the Human Race. Rev. of books by Ferguson & Ehrenpreis 287
Braine, John: Life at the Top. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Britain in the ‘Sixties. Raymond English 481
British Strategy in the War of American Independence. Piers Mackesy 539
Brodeur, Paul: The Sick Fox. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Brogan, D. W.: Dwight Macdonald’s Against the American Grain 448
Brooks, Cleanth: History, Tragedy, and the Imagination in Absalom, Absalom! 340
Burn, Andrew Robert: Persia and the Greeks. Rev. by C. Bradford Welles 610
Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Rev Summer xxii
Catlin, Stanton Loomis: James Thomas Flexner’s That Wilder Image 471
Chase, Edward T.: Politics and Technology 321
—: David T. Bazelon’s The Paper Economy 625
Chew, Samuel C.: The Pilgrimage of Life. Rev. by Harry Berger, Jr. 301
Chisolm, Lawrence W.: Reflections on American Situations. Rev. of books by DeMott, & Elizabeth Hardwick 270
Clark, Eleanor: The Oyster and the Book 366
Cole, Douglas: Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe. Rev. by Charles T. Harrison 622
Colum, Padraic: Images of Departure. Verse 412
Confidant, The. Story. Marvin Mudrick 90
Connelly, Kenneth: A Working Friendship: The Correspondence between Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannstahl (tr. by Hanns Hammelmann & Ewald Osers) 405
Conquest, Robert: Between Mars and Venus. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
Constitution and Public Power, The. Charles L. Black, Jr. 54
Coxe, Louis: Cruising. Verse 560
Creeley, Robert: for Love (Poems 1958-1960) 129
Cruising. Verse. Louis Coxe 560
Culler, A. Dwight: Correspondents with Posterity. Rev. of books by Trevor, Dessain (ed.), Hart-Davis (ed.), Silver (ed.), & Howard (ed.) 283
Davie, Donald: New and Selected Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
de Blij, Harm J.: Africa South .Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Degler, Carl N.: The Ordeal of Herbert Hoover 563
de la Gorce, Paul-Marie: The French Army. Rev. by Martin Blumenson 588
DeMott, Benjamin: Hells and Benefits. Rev. by Lawrence W. Chisolm 270
de Selincourt, Aubrey: The World of Herodotus. Rev. by C. Bradford Welles 610
Dessain, Charles Stephen (ed.): The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 283
Deutsch, Karl W.: The Lonely Nationalism of Rudyard Kipling 499
DeVane, William C.: The Nineteenth-Century Quest. Rev. of books by Peckham & Baker 112
Dialogue on Un-American Activities, A. Andrew Hacker 25
Dickey, James: On the Inundation of the Coosawattee Valley. Verse 234
—:Drowning with Others. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
Dickinson, William Croft: Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1603. Rev. by Ian Grimble 118
Donoghue, Denis: A Mode of Communication: Frost and the “Middle” Style 205
Edel, Leon: Henry James. Vol. II, The Conquest of London: 1870-1881; Vol. III, The Middle Years, 1882-1895. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 451
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age. Vol. I. Rev. by Frank Brady 267
Emperor’s Old Clothes, The. See Remak, Joachim; Masters, Roger; & Arnold, Thurman W.
English, Raymond: Britain in the ‘Sixties 181
Export Economies between East and West, The. Jonathan Levin 373
Faulkner: A Preface and a Letter. Warren Beck 157
Feidelson, Charles, Jr.: Leon Edel’s Henry James: Vol. II, The Conquest of London, 1870-1881; Vol. ill, The Middle Years, 1882-1895 451
Feinman, Alvin: Two Poems 68
Ferguson, Oliver W.: Jonathan Swift and Ireland. Rev. by Frank Brady 267
Fiedler, Leslie A.: The Second Stone. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Fielding, Gabriel: The Birthday King,. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Films. See New Films in Review
Fired. Verse. Howard Levant 561
Flexner, James Thomas: That Wilder Image. Rev. by Stanton Loomis Catlin 471
Folklore of Capitalism Revisited, The. Thurman W. Arnold 188
Forgery and the Anthropology of Art. Leonard B. Meyer 220
Franz, C.: Racial Themes in Southern Rhodesia. Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Fraser, Douglas: Primitive Art. Rev. by George Kubler 445
Frost, Robert. See Donoghue, Denis
Frye, Northrop: The Well-Tempered Critic. Rev Summer xx
Giedion, Siegfried: The Eternal Present: The Beginnings of Art. Rev. by George Kubler 445
Gifford, Prosser: African Assessment and Augury. Rev. of books by de Blij, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Margery ‘Perham, Rogers & Franz, & Spiro 138
Graham, David L.: The Rise of the Mexican Right 102
Grant, John E.: Harold Bloom’s Blake’s Apocalypse 591
Gregory, Horace: Medusa in Gramercy Park. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
Grimble, Ian: Gael and Saxon in Scotland. Rev. of books by Dickinson & Pryde 118
Guadalcanal Twenty Years After. Loring W. Batten, III 418
Gunn, Thorn: Things, Voices, Minds. Rev. of books by Levertov, Creeley, Dickey, Watson, Gregory, Conquest, Hollander, & Davie 129
Hacker, Andrew: A Dialogue on Un-American Activities 25
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 152, 315,476,636
Hardwick, Elizabeth: A View of My Own. Rev. by Lawrence W. Chisolm 270
Harrison, Charles T.: Renaissance Heroes. Rev. of books by Cole & Waith 622
Hart-Davis, Rupert (ed.):The Letters of Oscar Wilde. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 283
Hartshorne, Charles: The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Nonclassical Metaphysics. Rev Summer xviii
Heer, Friedrich: The Medieval World: Europe 1100-1350. Rev Summer x
History, Tragedy, and the Imagination in Absalom, Absalom! Cleanth Brooks 340
Hollander, John: Movie-Going and Other Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
Hoover, Herbert. See Degler, Carl N.
Howard, Daniel F. (ed.):The Correspondence of Samuel Butler with His Sister Mary. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 283
Hugo, Richard F.: The Squatter on Company Land. Verse 416
Hulme, Hilda M.: Explorations in Shakespeare’s Language. Rev Summer xvi
Hutchinson, William T. (ed.):see Madison, James
Images of Departure. Verse. Padraic Colum 412
In Defense of Country Votes. Noel Perrin 16
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development: The Economic Development of Uganda. Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Is the Cold War Obsolete? Joachim Remak 161
Jessup, John K.: Marshall McLuhan’s The Gutenberg Galaxy 454
Jhabvala, R. Prawer: The Aliens. Story 385
—: Get Ready for Battle. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Johnson, Pamela Hansford: An Error of Judgment. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Jones, John: On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 458
Kernan, Alvin: The Force of Habit. Rev. of books by Stendahl, Jones, Bradbrook, & Talbert 458
Kipling, Rudyard. See Deutsch, Karl W. & Wiener, Norbert
Kubler, George: Primeval Human Expression. Rev. of books by Giedion, Wingert, & Fraser 445
Kuhn, Delia & Ferdinand: Borderlands. Rev. by Roy Andrew Miller 277
Lattimore, Owen: Nomads and Commissars: Mongolia Revisited. Rev. by Roy Andrew Miller 277
Les Beaux Arbres. Verse. R. M. Render 561
Levant, Howard: Fired. Verse 561
Levertov, Denise: The Jacob’s Ladder. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 129
Levi, Albert William: Literature, Philosophy, and the Imagination. Rev. by Monroe C. Beardsley 294
Levin, Jonathan: The Export Economies between East and West 373
Lewis, Wilmarth S.: Henry Knox Sherrill’s Among Friends 456
Linney, Romulus: Heathen Valley. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Lonely Nationalism of Rudyard Kipling, The. Karl W. Deutsch & Norbert Wiener 499
Lowell, Robert: The Public Garden. Verse 67
McGrath, Fergal: The Consecration of Learning Summer x
McKinley, Daniel: Oil Barrels and Muk-Tuk: An Arctic Year 72
McLuhan, Marshall: The Gutenberg Galaxy. Rev. by John K. Jessup 454
Macdonald, Dwight: Against the American Grain. Rev. by D. W. Brogan 448
Mackesy, Piers: British Strategy in the War of American Independence 539
Macridis, Roy C.: The New French Politics 352
Madison, James: The Papers of James Madison, Vols. 1677 (William T. Hutchinson & William M. E. Rachal, eels.) 126
Masters, Roger: Russia and the United Nations 176
Meyer, Leonard B.: Forgery and the Anthropology of Art 220
Miller, Perry: Two Puritan Presidents. Rev. of books by Tucker & Morgan 148
Miller, Roy Andrews: Leviathan’s Fringes: Or the Ruins of Religious Greatness. Rev. of books by Smith, Lattimore, & by Delia & Ferdinand Kuhn 277
Mode of Communication, A: Frost and the “Middle” Style. Denis Donoghue 205
Moore, Brian: An Answer from Limbo. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Moseley, Edwin M.: Pseudonyms of Christ in the Modern Novel. Rev. Summer xiv
Mudrick, Marvin: The Confidant. Story 90
My Daughter on Good Friday. Verse. Sheldon Tannenbaum 417
Nelson, Lowry, Jr.: Night Thoughts on the Gothic Novel 236
—: Baroque Lyric Poetry. Rev. by Joseph H. Summers 122
Nelson, William: The Poetry of Edmund Spenser. Rev Summer xxvi
New Films in Review. David R. Slavitt 308,627
New French Politics, The. Roy C. Macridis 352
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 152, 315,476,636
Newman, Charles: Reflections on Protection 404
Night Thoughts on the Gothic Novel. Lowry Nelson, Jr. 236
Observation of the Husband in the Marketplace, An. Verse. Barry Spacks 415
Oil Barrels and Muk-Tuk: An Arctic Year. Daniel McKinley 72
On the Inundation of the Coosawattee Valley. Verse. James Dickey 234
Ong, Walter J.: The Barbarian Within. Rev. by Monroe C. Beardsley 294
Ordeal of Herbert Hoover, The. Carl N. Degler 563
Oyster and the Book, The. Eleanor Clark 366
Pearce, Donald R.: The Style of Milton’s Epic 427
Peckham, Morse: Beyond the Tragic Vision. Rev. by William C. DeVane 112
Perham, Margery: The Colonial Reckoning. Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Perrin, Noel: In Defense of Country Votes 16
Peyre, Henri: Literature and Sincerity. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 617
Pickrel, Paul: Eero Saarinen on His Work (Aline B. Saarinen, ed.) 290
Politics and Technology. Edward T. Chase 321
Pomfret, John E.: The Puritan Saints of Massachusetts. Rev. of books by Morgan & Battis 598
Powell, Anthony: The Kindly Ones. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Powers, J. F.: Morte D’Urban. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Price, Martin: The Complexity of Awareness and the Awareness of Complexity: Some Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Powell, Linney, Powers, Moore, Braine, Wain, & Pamela Hansford Johnson 258
—: Seven Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Updike, Rosa, Fiedler, Fielding, Brodeur, Sybille Bedford, & R. Prawer Jhabvala 601
Pryde, George S.: Scotland from 160) to the Present Day. Rev. by Ian Grimble 118
Public Garden, The. Verse. Robert Lowell 67
Rachal, William M. E. (ed.). See Madison, James
Records. See New Records in Review
Red and the Black in Rural France, The. Gordon Wright 39
Reflections on Protection. Charles Newman 404
Rehder, R. M.: Les Beaux Arbres. Verse 561
Remak, Joachim: Is the Cold War Obsolete? 161
Rise of the Mexican Right, The. David L. Graham 102
Rogers, Cyril A.: Racial Themes in Southern Rhodesia. Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Rosa, Joao Guimaraes: The Devil to Pay in the Backlands. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Russia and the United Nations. Roger Masters 176
Rustow, Dankwart A.: Turkey’s Second Try at Democracy 518
Saarinen, Aline B. (ed.):Eero Saarinen on His Work. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 290
Scully, Vincent: The Earth, The Temple and the Gods: Greek Sacred Architecture. Rev. by Cornelius Vermeule 116
Seiden, Morton Irving: The Poet as a Myth-maker, 1865-1939. Rev. by John Unterecker 585
Sherrill, Henry Knox: Among Friends. Rev. by Wilmarth S. Lewis 456
Silver, Arnold (ed.):The Family Letters of Samuel Butler. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 283
Slavitt, David R.: New Films in Review 308, 627
Smith, Bradford: Portrait of India. Rev. by Roy Andrew Miller 277
Spacks, Barry: An Observation of the Husband in the Marketplace. Verse 415
Spiro, Herbert J.: Politics in Africa. Rev. by Prosser Gifford 138
Squatter on Company Land, The. Verse. Richard F. Hugo 416
Stendahl: Racine and Shakespeare. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 458
Strauss, Richard: A Working Friendship: The Correspondence between Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannstahl (tr. by Hanns Hammelmann & Ewald Osers).Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 465
Style of Milton’s Epic, The. Donald R. Pearce 427
Summers, Joseph H.: Metaphysical and Baroque Poetry. Rev. of books by Warnke & Nelson 122
Talbert, Ernest William: The Problem of Order. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 458
Tannenbaum, Sheldon: My Daughter on Good Friday. Verse 417
Trevor, Meriol: Newman: The Pillar of the Cloud. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 283
Tucker, Louis Leonard: Puritan Protagonist: President Thomas Clap of Yale College. Rev. by Perry Miller 148
Turkey’s Second Try at Democracy. Dankwart A. Rustow 518
Two Dream Songs. Verse. John Berryman 558
Two Poems. Alvin Feinman 68
Uganda. See International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
Unterecker, John: Yeats: Seer and Dramatist. Rev. of books by Seiden, & by Helen Hennessy Vendler 585
Updike, John: The Centaur. Rev. by Martin Price 601
Vendler, Helen Hennessy: Yeats’s Vision and the Later Plays. Rev. by John Unterecker 585
Vermeule, Cornelius: Vincent Scully’s The Earth, The Temple and the Gods: Greek Sacred Architecture 146
Vivas, Eliseo: Henry Peyre’s Literature and Sincerity 617
von Hofmannstahl, Hugo: A Working Friendship: The Correspondence between Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannstahl (tr. by Hanns Hammelmann & Ewald Osers).Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 465
Wain, John: Strike the Father Dead. Rev. by Martin Price 258
Waith, Eugene M.: The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare, and Dryden. Rev. by Charles T. Harrison 622
Warnke, Frank J.: European Metaphysical Poetry. Rev. by Joseph H. Summers 122
Warren, Robert Penn: An American Tragedy 1
Watson, Robert: A Paper Horse. Rev, by Thorn Gunn 129
Welles, C. Bradford: Greece in the Age of Herodotus. Rev. of books by de Selincourt & Burn 610
Wiener, Norbert: The Lonely Nationalism of Rudyard Kipling 499
Wimsatt, W. K., Jr.: George Boas’s The Heaven of Invention 617
Wingert, Paul S.: Primitive Art: Its Traditions and Styles. Rev. by George Kubler 445
Wright, Gordon: The Red and the Black in Rural France 39