[Reviews are entered under the author of the hook reviewed and under the reviewer]
Archeology in the Soviet Union. S. Frederick Starr 311
Arkin, Frieda: The Husband’s Talc. Story 51
Aronson, Sidney H.: Status and Kinship in the Higher Civil Service. Rev. by Raymond English 114
Ayre, A. J.: The Concept of a Person and Other Essays. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 132
Balabanoff, Angelica: Impressions of Lenin. Rev. by Cyril E. Black 426
Barbour, Hugh: The Quakers in Puritan England. Rev Autumn xii
Barnard, John: Two Poems 234
Barnett, Lincoln: The Treasure of Our Tongue. Rev. Winter vi
Barzini, Luigi: The Italians. Rev Spring vi
Battiscombe, Georgina: John Keble. Rev Autumn xvi
Bays, Gwendolyn: The Orphic Vision. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
Berger, Harry, Jr.: Selected Letters of Robert Frost (Lawrence Thompson, ed.) 277
Berry, Wendell: The Broken Ground. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Berryman, John: 77 Dream Songs. Rev. by Louis L. Mart 285
Biopolitics: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy. Lynton K. Caldwell 1
Black, Cyril E.: Lenin after Forty Years. Rev. of books by Fischer, Payne, Possony, & Angelica Balabanoff 426
Blackmur, R. P.: Eleven Essays in the European Novel. Rev Winter xx
Blanshard, Brand: Eliot in Memory 635
Blistein, Elmer M.: Comedy in Action. Rev Winter xiv
Bloom, Harold: Myth, Vision, Allegory. Rev. of books by Weisinger, Woodman, Engelberg, Parkinson, Fletcher, Desiree Hirst, 8c Gwendolyn Bays 143
Bounty. Story. Cormac McCarthy 368
Bowles, Chester: The Oldest New Nation 321
Boy from Chillicothe, The. Story. Robert L. Flynn 567
Braaten, Carl F. See Kerygma and History & The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ
Brophy, Brigid: Mozart the Dramatist. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 581
Brown, Elizabeth M.: Early American Churches. Rev. of books by Rose & Sinnott 119
Brustein, Robert: The Theatre of Revolt. Rev. by Alvin Kernan 265
Bulttnan, Rudolf. See Kerygma and History
Butterfield, L. H.: The Field Notes of Captain William Clark, 1803-1805 (Ernest Staples Osgood, ed.) 446
Caldwell, Lynton K.: Biopolitics: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy 1
Cameron, Kenneth Neill. See Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Cather, Willa. See Schroeter, James
Chen, King: Peking’s Strategy in Indochina 550
Chisolm, Lawrence Washington: Ralph Ellison’s Shadow and Act 450
Clark, Captain William: The Field Notes of … (Ernest Staples Osgood, ed.). Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 446
Coles, Robert: Public Evil and Private Problems: Segregation and Psychiatry 513
Connelly, Kenneth: Brigid Brophy’s Mozart the Dramatist 581
Coletta, Paolo: William Jennings Bryan. Rev Spring xviii
Colinvaux, Paul: The First Americans: The Evidence of Mud 397
Colville, Derek: The Shoddy Revolution in British Education 464
Cooper, D. G.: Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre’s Philosophy. Rev. by Henri Peyre 241
Coxe, Louis: On Seeing Films of the War. Verse 83
Crisis in French Canada. W. E. Greening 375
Cummings, E. E.: 73 Poems. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 285
Curtis, L. P.: David Owen’s English Philanthropy, 1660-1960 586
Danelski, David J.: A Supreme Court Justice Steps Down 411
Demetz, Peter: The Uses of Lukács. Rev. of books by Lukács 435
Dickey, James: Helmets. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 285
—: Sustainment. Verse 547
Dobzhansky, Theodosius: Heredity and the Nature of Man. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 443
Eliot in Memory. Brand Blanshard 635
Ellison, Ralph: Shadow and Act. Rev. by Lawrence Washington Chisolm 450
Engelberg, Edward: The Vast Design. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
English, Raymond: Elites, Establishments, and Education. Rev. of books by Wilkinson & Aronson 114
Entrepreneurship and the Depressed Area. Stanley Foster Reed 31
Fayen, George E.: Alienation Again: Before and After. Rev. o£ books by Hardy & Klein 600
Feidelson, Charles: Edwin Fussell’s Frontier: American Literature and the American West 578
Feinman, Alvin: Preambles. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Films. See New Films in Review
First Americans, The: The Evidence of Mud. Paul Colinvaux 397
Fischer, Louis: The Life of Lenin. Rev. by Cyril E. Black 426
Fletcher, Angus: Geoffrey H. Hartman’s Wordsworth’s Poetry: 1787-1814 595
—: Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
Flynn, Robert L.: The Boy from Chillicothe. Story 567
Fowlie, Wallace: André Gide. Rev Summer xii
Freedman, Ralph: The Lyrical Novel. Rev Autumn xxxiv
From The Tidal Bestiary: The Symbiotics. Verse. John Haag 238
Frost, Robert: Selected Letters of … (Lawrence Thompson, ed.). Rev. by Harry Berger, Jr. 277
Function of Criticism Once More, The. Robert Langbaum 205
Furniss, Edgar S.: The Graduate School of Yale. Rev Summer xii
Fussell, Edwin: Frontier: American Literature and the American West. Rev. by Charles Feidelson 578
Gilson, Etienne: The Philosopher and Theology. Rev. by Paul L. Holmer 454
Green, Anne. See Green, Julian
Green, Constance McLaughlin: Philadelphian and Bostonian. Rev. of books by Hindle, & by Harold & James Kirker 598
Green, Julian: Diary 1928-1957. Rev Winter x
Greening, W. E.: Crisis in French Canada 375
Greenway, John. The Inevitable Americans. Rev. by David M. Potter 124
Grimes, Alan P.: Equality in America. Rev. by Frederick W. Watkins 462
Haag, John: From The Tidal Bestiary: The Symbiotics. Verse 238
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 155, 307, 477,620
Halliday F. E.: The Poetry of Shakespeare’s Plays. Rev. by Harry Levin 261
Handler, Edward: America and Europe in the Political Thought of John Adams. Rev by Edmund S. Morgan 112
Hardy, John Edward: Man in the Modern Novel. Rev. by George S. Fayen, Jr. 600
Harrisville, Roy A. See Kerygma and History Sc The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ
Hartman, Geoffrey: Insides and Outsides. Rev. o£ books by Whitaker, & Priscilla Washburn Shaw 270
—: Wordsworth’s Poetry: 1787-1814. Rev. by Angus Fletcher 595
Hartt Julian N.: The Lost Image of Man. Rev Autumn xxvi
Haydon, Benjamin Robert: The Diary of … (Willard Bissell Pope, ed.) Autumn vi
Hilles. Frederick W.: Calhoun Winton’s Captain Steele 117
Hindle, Brooke: David Rittenhouse. Rev. by Constance McLaughlin Green 598
Hirst, Désiréé: Hidden Riches. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, The. Carl F. Braaten & Roy A. Harrisville (translators and editors) 454
Hoffman, Daniel: Three Poems 394
Hoffman, Martin: Reflections on Narcotics Addiction 17
Holborn, Hajo: A History of Modern Germany, 1648-1840. Rev. by Fritz Stern 248
Holmer, Paul L.: Some Problems of Contemporary Christian Thought. Rev. of books by Gilson, Kierkegaard, and by Braaten & Harrisville (editors and translators) 454
Hopkins the Critic. Myron Ochshorn 346
Husband’s Tale, The. Story. Frieda Arkin 51
Janssens, G. A.: Nicholas Joost’s Scofield Thayer and The Dial 282
Johnson, John J.: The New Latin American Nationalism 187
Johnson, Lyndon. See Magrath, C. Peter
Joost, Nicholas: Scofield Thayer and The Dial. Rev. by G. A. Janssens 282
Jouvenel, Bertrand de: The Pure Theory of Politics. Rev. by Rogers D. Masters 128
Kahler, Erich: The Meaning of History. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 273
Kellen, Konrad: Reminiscences of Thomas Mann 383
Kennan, George: On Dealing with the Communist World. Rev. by Roger D. Masters 258
Kernan, Alvin: Robert Brustein’s The Theatre of Revolt 265
Kerygma and History: A Symposium on the Theology of Rudolf Bultman. Carl F. Braaten & Roy A. Harrisville (translators & editors). Rev. by Paul L. Holmer 454
Kierkegaard, Soren A.: Philosophical Fragments or a Fragment of Philosophy. Rev. by Paul L. Holmer 454
Kirker, Harold and James: Bullfinch’s Boston, 1787-1817. Rev. by Constance McLaughlin Green 598
Klein, Marcus: After Alienation. Rev. by George S. Fayen, Jr. 600
Knox, Bernard M. W.: The Heroic Temper. Rev Summer xviii
Kohn, Hans: Living in a World Revolution. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 273
Koht, Halvdan: Driving Forces in History. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 273
Kott, Jan: Shakespeare Our Contemporary. Rev. by Harry Levin 261
Krieger, Leonard: The Internal Relations of History. Rev. of books by Kohn, Kahler, & Koht 273
Krieger, Murray: A Window to Criticism. Rev. by Harry Levin 261
Laing, R. F.: Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre’s Philosophy. Rev. by Henri Peyre 241
Lakoff, Sanford A.: Equality in Political Philosophy. Rev. by Frederick W. Watkins 462
Langbaum, Robert: The Function of Criticism Once More 205
Larkin, Philip: The Whitsun Weddings. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Last Act and the Action of Hamlet, The. B. L. Reid 59
L’Avventura: A Closer Look. Simon O. Lesser 41
Lee, Lawrence: Montgomery: An Elegy. Verse 236
Lesser, Simon O.: L’Avventura: A Closer Look 41
Levertov, Denise: O Taste and See. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 285
Levin, Harry: Reducing Shakespeare. Rev. of books by Kott, Krieger, Halliday, & Shakespeare 261
Lorant, Stefan: Pittsburgh: The Story of an American City. Rev Spring xxii
Lowell, Robert: For the Union Dead. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 285
Lukács, Georg: The Historical Novel & Realism in Our Time. Rev. by Peter Demetz 435
Lyndon Johnson and the Paradox of the Presidency. C. Peter Magrath 481
McCarthy, Cormac: Bounty. Story 368
Mack, Maynard: “We Came Crying Hither”: An Essay on King Lear 161
Magrath, C. Peter: Lyndon Johnson and the Paradox of the Presidency 481
Mann, Thomas. See Kellen, Konrad
Margenau, Henry: Ethics and Science. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 443
Marney, Carlyle: The Recovery of the Person. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 132
Martz, Louis L.: The Paradise Within. Rev. by Helen C. White 440
—: Recent Poetry: The Elegiac Mode. Rev. of books by Berryman, Cummings, Dickey, Lowell, Roethke, & Denise Levertov 285
—: Recent Poetry: The Substance of Change. Rev. of books by Berry, Feinman, Larkin, Valentine, Wevill, & Skelton (ed.) 605
Masters, Roger D.: George Kennan’s On Dealing with the Communist World 258
—: Bertrand de Jouvenel’s The Pure Theory of Politics 128
Mayman, Martin. See Menninger, Karl: The Vital Balance
Menninger, Karl: The Vital Balance. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 132
Mid-Evening Angst, The. Verse. David Ray 237
Midnight Geometry. Verse. John Unterecker 84
Montgomery: An Elegy. Verse. Lawrence Lee 236
Moog, Vlanna: Bandeirantes and Pioneers. Rev. by David M. Potter 124
Morgan, Edmund S.: Edward Handler’s America and Europe in the Political Thought of John Adams 112
Myself. Verse. Leonard Wolf 549
Negley, Glenn: Political Authority and Moral Judgment. Rev Summer xvi
New Films in Review. David R. Slavitt 299, 625
New Latin American Nationalism, The. John J. Johnson 187
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 155, 307, 477,620
New Roads to a World without War. Arthur I. Waskow 85
Notopoulos, James A.: The Tragic and the Epic in T. E. Lawrence 331
Ochshorn, Myron: Hopkins the Critic 346
Oldest New Nation, The. Chester Bowles 321
On Seeing Films of the War. Verse. Louis Coxe 83
On Translating Beowulf. Burton Raffel 532
Osgood, Ernest Staples. See Clark, Captain William
Owen, David: English Philanthropy, 1660-1906. Rev. by L. P. Curtis 586
Parkinson, Thomas: W. B. Yeats: The Later Poetry. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
Payne, Robert: The Life and Death of Lenin. Rev. by Cyril E. Black 426
Peking’s Strategy in Indochina. King Chen 550
Peyre, Henri: On Sartre. Rev. of books by Laing & Cooper; & by Sartre 241
Pluto Is the Furthest Planet. Story. Abraham Rothberg 219
Podhoretz, Norman: Doings and Undoings.- Rev. by Stanley Trachtenberg 149
Pope, Willard Bissell. See Haydon, Benjamin Robert
Possony, Stefan T.: Lenin. Rev. by Cyril E. Black 426
Potter, David M.: On American Identity. Rev. of books by Moog, Ruitenbeek, & Greenway 124
Price, George: The Narrow Pass. Rev. by George Alfred Schrader 132
Pruyser, Paul. See Menninger, Karl: The Vital Balance
Public Evil and Private Problems: Segregation and Psychiatry. Robert Coles 513
Raffel, Burton: On Translating Beowulf 532
Ray, David: The Mid-Evening Angst. Verse 237
Reck, Andrew J.: Recent American Philosophy. Rev Winter xxii
Records. See New Records in Review
Reed, Stanley Foster: Entrepreneurship and the Depressed Area 31
Reflections on Narcotics Addiction. Martin Hoffman 17
Reid, B. L.: The Last Act and the Action of Hamlet 59
Reminiscences of Thomas Mann. Konrad Kellen 383
Ritterbush, Philip C.: Overtures to Biology. Rev Autumn xiv
Roche, Thomas P., Jr.: The Kindly Flame. Rev Winter xvi
Roethke, Theodore: The Far Field. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 285
Rose, Harold Wickliffe: The Colonial Houses of Worship in America. Rev. by Elizabeth M. Brown 119
Rothberg, Abraham: Pluto Is the Furthest Planet. Story 219
Rude, George: The Crowd in History. Rev Spring viii
Ruitenbeek, Hendrick M.: The Individual and the Crowd. Rev. by David M. Potter 124
Sartre, Jean-Paul: The Words: The Autobiography of … Rev. by Henri Peyre 241
Schneewind, J. B.: Basil Willey’s The English Moralists 268
Schrader, George Alfred: The Concept of a Person. Rev. of books by Ayre, Menninger, Price, & Marney 132
Schroeter, James: Willa Cather and the Professor’s House 494
Scobie, James R.: Argentina: A City and a Nation. Rev Winter xiv
Shakespeare, William: Shakespeare’s Poems: A Facsimile … Rev. by Harry Levin 261
Shaw, Priscilla Washburn: Rilke, Valéry and Yeats. Rev. by Geoffrey Hartman 270
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: The Esdaile Notebook (Kenneth Neill Cameron, ed.). Rev. Autumn xxxviii
Shoddy Revolution in British Education, The. Derek Colville 464
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Science and Human Problems. Rev. of books by Margenau & Dobzhansky 443
—: Meetinghouse and Church in Early New England. Rev. by Elizabth M. Brown 119
Skelton, Robin (ed.): Five Poets of the Pacific Northwest. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Slavitt, David R.: Two Poems 392
—: New Films in Review 299, 625
Starr, S. Frederick: Archeology in the Soviet Union 311
Stern, Fritz: Hajo Holborn’s A History of Modern Germany, 1648-1840 248
Stewart, John L.: Robert Penn Warren’s Flood 252
Supreme Court Justice Steps Down, A. David J. Danelski 411
Sustainment. Verse. James Dickey 547
Thompson, Lawrence. See Frost, Selected Letters of Robert
Three Poems. Daniel Hoffman 394
Trachtenberg, Stanley: Norman Podhoretz’s Doings and Undoings 149
Tragic and the Epic in T. E. Lawrence, The. James A. Notopoulos 331
Two Poems. John Barnard 234
Two Poems. David R. Slavitt 392
Two Poems. Joan White 81
Unterecker, John: Midnight Geometry. Verse 84
Valentine, Jean: Dream Barker. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Wade, Richard C.: Slavery in the Cities. Rev Winter viii
Warren, Robert Penn: Flood. Rev. by John L. Stewart 252
Waskow, Arthur I.: New Roads to a World without War 85
Watkins, Frederick W.: Equality: Concept and Practice. Rev. of books by Lakoff & Grimes 462
“We Came Crying Hither”: An Essay on….King Lear. Maynard Mack 161
Weisinger, Herbert: The Agony and the Triumph. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143
Weiss, Paul: The God We Seek. Rev Summer xxvi
Weitz, Morris: Hamlet and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism. Rev. Summer xx
Wevill, David: Birth of a Shark. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 605
Whitaker, Thomas R.: Swan and Shadow. Rev. by Geoffrey Hartman 270
White, Helen C.: Louis L. Martz’s The Paradise Within 440
White, Joan: Two Poems 81
Whitman, Cedric: Aristophanes and the Comic Hero. Rev Winter xxiii
Wilder, Amos N.: The Language of the Gospel. Rev Autumn vi
Wilkinson, Rupert: Gentlemanly Power. Rev. by Raymond English 114
Willa Cather and the Professor’s House. James Schroeter 494
Willey, Basil: The English Moralists. Rev. by J. B. Schneewind 268
Winton, Calhoun: Captain Steele. Rev. by Frederick W. Hilles 117
Wolf, Leonard: Myself. Verse 549
Wolff, Kurt. See Green, Julian
Woodman, Ross: The Apocalyptic Vision in the Poetry of Shelley. Rev. by Harold Bloom 143