A Tribute Cleanth Brooks ii
Congress and President: The Balance Wheels of American Foreign Policy Alton Frye 1
Rossetti’s “Jenny”: A Realist Altarpiece G. L. Hersey 17
The Idea of Historical Progress in Marx and Marxism Louis Dupre 33
Shelley, Scrope Davies, and Shelley’s Lost 1816 Notebook Dewey R. Faulkner 44
Ancient Imagination and Seismic Disruption Michael N. Shute 55
Herman Melville: State, Civil Society, and the American 1848 Michael Rogin 72
New Books in Review: Looking Backward: Six Novels Edith Milton 89
Scenery and Society Martin Price 103
C. L. Dodgson, Lewis Carroll, and Letters to Little Girls A. Dwight Culler 108
Women of Letters: Virginia Woolf and Mary Wollstonecraft Gordon S. Haight 112
Biography Frank Brady 118
“And That’s True Too”: New Criticism of Shakespeare Alvin B. Kernan 124
Solar and Poetic Energies Lowry Nelson, Jr. 128
The Pleasures of Exile Dewey R. Faulkner 132
Homo Sapiens L. L. Larison Cudmore 135
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 139
Letters and Comment: My World with Louis Armstrong Charles L. Black, Jr. 145
Roosevelt High School Class of 1942 Wendell Bell 151
Contributors v
Reader’s Guide vii