Freedom of Expression, The Strange Imperative Glenn Tinder 161
The Sense of Punctuation Alan Helms 177
Constable and the Art of Looking Ronald Hayman 197
Casting the Self: Keats and Lamia Donald Pearce 212
Tact, or Hamlet’s Bastards Michael L. Magie 234
Two Poems Michael G. Cooke 256
Two Poems Peter Fellowes 258
Two Poems James K. Bouien 259
Masks. Verse Brian Swann 261
New Books in Review: Phantom Defenders Leon Lipson 263
New Questions Patricia Meyer Spacks 266
Epimenides at the Computer Ignatius G, Mattingly 270
On Worldmaking Richard Rorty 276
American Literature Revisited Laurence B. Holland 279
Byron: The Pisan Letters Dewey R. Faulkner 285
Recent Criticism: Traditions of Individual Talent J. D. McClatchy 288
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 297
Letters and Comment: Prospect and Retrospect Rene Wellek 301
Erich Auerbach: Memoir of a Scholar Lowry Nelson, Jr. 312
Contributors v
Reader’s Guide vi