Knowledge, Patience, and Faust D. Z. Phillips 321
A Chancy Business, This Constitution Richard Thomas Tench 342
Landscape of Relationships: The Vision of Cezanne Ronald Hayman 357
Ibsen’s Doll House: A Myth for Our Time Elaine Hoffman Baruch 374
Lela. A Story Wendell Carl Murray 388
E. M. Forster’s Second War Donald Watt 401
Attitudes to Modern Architecture in Post-Modern Criticism Michael Hollander 411
The Achievement of Edmund Spenser C. A. Patrides 427
Elegy Spoken to a Tree. Verse Dennis Hinrichsen 444
Leaving a Cocktail Party. Verse James Cole 445
New Books in Review: Dimensions of the “Energy Crisis” Leroy C. Gould 446
A Life of Letters Richard H. Brodhead 451
Clifford’s Johnson Frederick A. Pottle 456
Russian Encounters Alfred Corn 459
Heroes, Purposes, and Villains Richard Howard 466
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 469
Letters and Comment: Saint Gerard Manley Hopkins? Norman White 473
Contributors v
Reader’s Guide vi