World Affairs: A More Cheerful Perspective Bayless Manning 1
For Girls: From “Birches” to “Wild Grapes” Helen Bacon 13
“An Exemplar to Her Sex”: Richardson’s Clarissa Rachel Mayer Brownstein 30
Place and Plot in Shakespeare Alvin Kernan 48
Zoysia Grass. A Story Eleanor Clark 57
Two Poems Jay Meek 65
Two Poems Thomas Johnson 68
The Wing and the Talon. Verse Edward Locke 69
Variations on a Line. Verse J. D. McClatchy 70
Ninth Life. Verse Deborah Tall 71
New Books in Review:
Recent Poetry: Ten Poets Helen Vendler 72
The Idea of Reform A. Dwight Culler 90
H I J K L M N Fred C. Robinson 94
Soliloquy in a Chaucerian Cloister; or, Philippa Parses E. T. Donaldson 100
Signs and Images: Old Models into New Lowry Nelson, Jr. 106
The Knotty Problems of Correggio’s Art Edmund P. Pillsbury 115
The American Sublime Vincent Miller 121
Spenser: Root of the Visionary Line A. Bartlett Giamatti 124
Five Lives Mary Ellmann 128
Common Sense and Wit in Historiography Donald Kagan 135
Affairs of Honor Alexander Welsh 139
Roots as Placebo Michael G. Cooke 144
Genius Loci Morton Lustig 147
Studies of Women Helene Moglen 150
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 157
Contributors vi
Reader’s Guide vi-xv