Introduction to “Byron and Mr. Briggs” Edward A. Hungerford 321
Byron and Mr. Briggs Virginia Woolf 325
Psychiatric Help 5¢: Psychoanalysis and the Psychotherapies of Liberation Fred Bloom and Alice Bloom 350
Foreign Students and the American Dream Eisuke Suzuki 369
Petrarch and the English George Watson 383
Landscape. Verse Margaret Smith 394
Two Poems Tom McKeown 396
Late Autumn Walk. Verse J. D. McClatchy 398
New Books in Review:
Fishing by Obstinate Isles: Five Poets Alfred Corn 400
Benjamin’s Second Coming Lawrence Lipking 410
Some Versions of Picturesque Martin Price 417
Clothes in Life and Clothes in Art Quentin Bell 422
Happy Marriages Patricia Meyer Spacks 427
Eight Recent Novels Maureen Howard 432
Puns and Pictures Eugene M. Waith 442
Literary Activity in France Georges May 447
Norwegian Immigration Jeffrey L. Sammons 452
Shakespeare Garrett Stewart 453
Outside China Roy Andrew Miller 460
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 476
Contributors v
Reader’s Guide vi