Gregory Bateson The Eternal Verities 1
Geoffrey H. Hartman Plenty of Nothing: Hitchcock’s North by Northwest 13
Michael G. Cooke Rational Despair and the Fatality of Revolution in West Indian Literature 28
Helen Chasin Impossible A Story 39
Jeffrey L. Duncan The Design of Hawthorne’s Fabrications 51
Gretchen Graf Jordan Adultery and Its Fruit in The Scarlet Letter and The Power and the Glory:
The Relation of Meaning and Form 72
A. R. Ammons Spiritual Progress A Poem 88
John N. Morris In the Album A Poem 89
W. S. Di Piero Early Light A Poem 90
Amy Clampitt Letters from Jerusalem A Poem 92
Robert Shaw Two Poems 94
Stephen Yenser Recent Poetry: Five Poets 97
Nancy F. Cott The Confederate Elite in Crisis 121
Donald G. Marshall Criticism and Creativity 129
Hana Demetz The Valley of the Shadow 138
John Morton Blum To Nuremberg and Beyond 141
Martin Green The Soldier Caste 145
Alexander Welsh Dickens Among Fallen Women 149
B. H. Haggin New Records in Review 157
Reader’s Guide: David E. Schoonover Hemingway’s Letters x