VOLUME LXXI, NO. 2 (January 1982)

Ezra Pound Fragment, 1944 A Poem 161
H. D. Other Sea-Cities A Poem 165
W. H. Auden Pride A Poem 172
Hugh Kenner Poets at the Blackboard 173
James Laughlin William Carlos Williams and the Making of Paterson 185
Fred C. Robinson “The Might of the North”: Pound’s Anglo-Saxon Studies and “The Seafarer” 199
Alfred Corn Wallace Stevens: Pilgrim in Metaphor 225
Daniel Hoffman A Letter to W. H. Auden A Poem 236
Robert Fitzgerald Aeneid III, 1-72 A Translation 238
Terrence Des Pres A History of Death 241
Edith Milton Fables for Our Times: Six Novels 254
Richard Falk Slightly Beyond the Best and the Brightest 267
Patricia Meyer Spacks How We Talk 274
Sally Falk Moore A Theatre State? 280
Lowry Nelson, Jr. Certifying the Novel 285
David J. Gordon Analyst and Critic: New Relations 288
J. D. McClatchy Accounts of Auden 293
B. H. Haggin New Records in Review 299
Comment: Fred A. Bloom Seeing Dylan Seeing 304
Reader’s Guide
Michael Ferber The Paintings and Drawings of William Blake ix
Mary T. Reynolds Joyce’s Politics xiii
Jonathan Rieder The Odyssey of the American Right xvii