A. Bartlett Giamatti A Prince and Her Poet 321
Judith Magyar Isaacson Seed of Sarah: A Memoir 338
Gaddis Smith Ideals Under Siege: Carter’s Foreign Policy 354
John McGahern Oldfashioned A Story 367
Katinka Loeser Shelf Life A Story 391
Gish jen The White Umbrella A Story 401
Leon Rooke The Woman Who Talked to Horses A Story 410
Peter Makuck Persistence A Story 418
Robert Penn Warren Two Poems 429
John Burt Teratocarcinoma A Poem 431
Julia Mishkin Flight A Poem 432
Jefferson Hunter Photography and the Social Scene 433
Harriet Ritvo Coming to Grips with Nature 439
Theodore Friend Infinity and Limit: A Teacher’s Eye 446
B. H. Haggin New Records in Review 452
Comment: Terry Caesar Outside the Inside of Saudi Arabia (Part 1) 457
John Hollander Poetry in Review ix