[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abbott Wilbur Cortez. The Great Game of Politics 43-54
— Histories of the World War 597-613,672
Absence. Hereafter: Two Poems. John Drinkwater 480-481
Adams, George P. Idealism and the Modern Age. Rev. by R. F. A. Hoernlé. 650-654
Adams’ Henry. Seventeen Letters, ed. by Frederick Bliss Luquiens 111-130
— Six Letters, ed. by Albert Stanburrough Cook 131-140
— A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-1865. Rev. by Henry D. Sedgwick 643-650
— Letters to a Niece, ed. by Mabel LaFarge. Rev. by H. D. Sedgwick 643-650
Aleichem, Shalom. Jewish Children. Rev. by Dorothy Canfield Fisher 664-671
American Literature, The Feminine Nuisance in. Joseph Hergesheimer 716-725
American Literature through French Eyes. Charles Cestre 85-98
Americanization, Race and. Vernon Kellogg 729-740
Andrews, Charles McLean. Colonial Folkways. Rev. by Archibald Macmechan 192-197
— The Fathers of New England. Rev. by Archibald Macmechan 192-197
Anonymous. Politics: Behind the Scenes 705-715
Annunzio, Gabriele d’. Tales of my Native Town. Rev. by D. Canfield Fisher 664-671
Arthur, Sir George. Life of Lord Kitchener. Rev. by A. Maurice Low 654-657
Asquith, Margot. An Autobiography. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 624-629
Baker, Karle Wilson. The Lord Speaks: a Poem 84
Bakewell, Charles Montague. The Story of the American Red Cross in Italy. Rev. by Bruno Roselli 887-892
Barbour, Henry Gray. Edwin E. Slosson’s Creative Chemistry 882-887
Bates, Katharine Lee. Brief Life: a Poem 110
Beers, Henry Augustin. The Connecticut Wits. Rev. by Norman Foerster 865-872
Benét, Stephen Vincent. Flood Tide: a Poem 141-142
Bennett, Charles A. A. Perchance to Dream? 558-564
Boas, Franz. The Problem of the American Negro 384-395
Bodenheim, Maxwell. Rattlesnake Mountain Fable: a Poem 168
Bolsheviks in the Crimea, The. Ivan Petrunkevitch 57-71
Borchard, Edwin Montefiore. Our Foreign Policy 511-530
Bosanquet, Theodora. The Record of Henry James 143-156
Bourne, Randolph. Untimely Papers. Rev. by Maurice F. Egan 186-189
Brick and Oak, In Praise of. Christopher L. Ward 531-542
Brief Life: a Poem. Katharine Lee Bates 110
Brooke, C. F. Tucker. King John, ed. by Horace Howard Furness 662-663
Brooks, Charles Stephen. I Plan a Vacation 614-623
Brown, Alice. Homespun and Gold. Rev. by Dorothy Canfield Fisher 664-671
Canby, Henry Seidel. Everyday Americans. Rev. by Norman Foerster 865-872
Canfield, Dorothy. Some Books of Short Stories: Book Reviews 664-671
Cather, Willa. Youth and the Bright Medusa. Rev. by D. Canfield Fisher 664-671
Cestre, Charles. American Literature through French Eyes 85-98
Children’s Ghosts, The: a Poem. Winifred M. Letts 55-56
Chronicles of America, The. Ed. by Allen Johnson. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Clarke, W. E. Robert Louis Stevenson in Samoa 275-296
Collop, John. An Unknown Poet. John Drinkwater 323-337
Colum, Padraic. Reminiscence: a Poem 543-544
Conklin, Edwin Grant. J. Arthur Thomson’s System of Animate Nature 639-645
Conversational Poetry. Edith Franklin Wyatt 157-167
Cook, Albert Stanburrough, ed. Six Letters of Henry Adams 181-140
Corbin, Alice. Two Ways of Love: a Poem 803
Corwin, Edward S. John Marshall and the Constitution. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Cotswold Characters. John Drinkwater 833-851
Crimea, The Bolsheviks in the. Ivan Petrunkevitch 57-71
Cross, Wilbur Lucius. Some Novels of 1920 396-411
Crothers, Samuel McC. The Dame School of Experience, Rev. by N. Foerster 865-872
Curie, Richard. Wanderings. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Demos, Raphael. Lies and Liars 373-383
Deutsch, Babette. Portraits: Poems 776-777
Dialect, The Permanent Utility of. Brander Matthews 338-348
Dodd, William E. The Cotton Kingdom. Rev. by Archibald Macmechan 192-197
Drinkwater, John. Cotswold Characters 833-851
— Two Poems: Absence. Hereafter 480-481
— An Unknown Poet 323-337
Dunbar, Olivia Howard. Spring of the Year 565-575
Dwight, Harry Griswold. Wanderlust: Book Reviews 872-878
Education, Professional Schools of Liberal. Archibald MacLeish 362-372
Egan, Maurice Francis. Five American Essayists: Book Reviews 186-189
Egypt, The Unrest in. Anstruther MacKay 758-775
Elton, Oliver. Survey of English Literature. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 878-882
Essay in the Theory of Poetry, An. Gilbert Murray 482-499
Evarts, William Maxwell. Arguments and Speeches. Rev. by M. Storey 189-192
Faris, John T. On the Trail of the Pioneers. Rev. by C. L. Skinner 181-186
Feminine Nuisance in American Literature, The. Joseph Hergesheimer 716-725
Fish, Carl Russell. The Path of Empire. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. Some Books of Short Stories: Book Reviews 664-671
Fisher, Sidney G. The Quaker Colonies. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Fleming, Walter Lynwood. The Sequel of Appomattox. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Fletcher, John Gould. André Fontainas’s La Vie d’Edgar A. Poe 444-448
Flood Tide: a Poem. Stephen Vincent Benét 141-142
Foerster, Norman. Post-War Essays: Book Reviews 865-872
Fontainas, André. La Vie d’Edgar A. Poe. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 444-448
Ford, Henry Jones. The Cleveland Era. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Ford, Worthington C. ed. A Cycle of Adams Letters. Rev. by H. D. Sedgwick 643-650
Foreign Policy, Our. Edwin Montefiore Borchard 511-530
Franklin, Fabian. The Price of Liberty 791-801
French Women after the War. Marcelle Tinayre 500-510
Prost, Robert. A Group of Poems 258-261
Furness, Horace Howard, ed. King John. Rev. by C. F. Tucker Brooke 662-663
Game of Politics, The Great. Wilbur C. Abbott 43-54
Germany since the Revolution. Richard Grelling 225-245
Germany’s Place in the Sun—Past and Present. Richard Grelling 741-757
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. Modes and Morals. Rev. by M. F. Egan 186-189
Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Dutch and English on the Hudson. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Great Game of Politics, The. Wilbur C. Abbott 43-54
Grelling, Richard. Germany since the Revolution 225-245
Grelling, Richard Germany’s Place in the Sun—Past and Present 741-757
Hale, F. From Persian Uplands. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Hall, Hazel. Spring from a Window: Poems 595-596
Hapgood, Norman. Liberal or Reactionary 26-42
Henderson, Archibald. Conquest of the Old Southwest. Rev. by C. L. Skinner 181-186
Henderson,’ William James. Music through War Spectacles 778-790
Hendrick, Burton J. The Age of Big Business. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Hereafter. Absence: Two Poems. John Drinkwater 480-481
Heraesheimer, Joseph. The Feminine Nuisance in American Literature 716-725
Histories of the World War. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 597-613, 672
History for Everybody. Herbert George Wells 673-704
Hoernlé, R. F. Alfred. Protean Idealism: Book Reviews 650-654
Holliday, Robert Cortes. Peeps at People. Rev. by M. F. Egan 186-189
— Broome Street Straws. Rev. by M. F. Egan 186-189
Hornblow, Arthur. History of the Theatre in America. Rev. by W. L. Phelps 212-214
Howells, William Dean. William Lyon Phelps 99-109
Rowland, Louis. H. Watterson’s “Marse Henry”: An Autobiography 435-437
Hoyt, Edith. In the Hunger Districts 351-361
Hudson, William Henry. Adventures among Birds. Rev. by D. L. Sharp 429-431
— Birds in Town and Village. Rev. by D. L. Sharp 429-431
Huneker, James. Bedouins. Rev. by M. F. Egan 186-189
Hunger Districts, In the. Edith Hoyt 351-361
Huntingtori, Ellsworth. Red Man’s Continent. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
I Plan a Vacation. Charles S. Brooks 614-623
In Praise of Brick and Oak. Christopher L. Ward 531-542
In the Hunger Districts. Edith Hoyt 351-361
Inge, William Ralph. Religion in England after the War 297-310
Italian Contrasts. Gino Speranza 467-79
” J ‘Accuse,” Author of, see Grelling, Richard.
James, Henry, The Record of. Theodora Bosanquet 143-156
Johnson, Allen, ed. The Chronicles of America. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Kellogg, Vernon. Race and Americanization 729-740
Kipling, Rudyard. Letters of Travel. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Kipling, The Literary Fortunes of. F. A. Waterhouse 817-831
Kirkland, Winifred. The View Vertical. Rev. by N. Foerster 865-872
LaFarge, Mabel. Letters to a Niece by Henry Adams, with a Niece’s Memories. Rev. by H. D. Sedgwick 643-650
Lansing, Robert. The Peace Negotiations. Rev. by Charles Seymour 852-860
Larger Railroad Problem, The. William McClellan 803-816
Letters and Comment 893-896
Letts, Winifred M. The Children’s Ghosts: a Poem 55-56
Lewis, Charlton Miner. Pygmalion: a Poem 726-728
Liberal or Reactionary. Norman Hapgood 26-42
Liberty, The Price of. Fabian Franklin 791-801
Lies and Liars. Raphael Demos 373-383
Lord Speaks, The: a Poem. Karle Wilson Baker 84
Low, Alfred Maurice. Sir George Arthur’s Life of Lord Kitchener 654-657
— Women in the Election 311-322
Luquiens, Frederick Bliss, ed. Seventeen Letters of Henry Adams 111-130
McClellan, William. The Larger Railroad Problem 803-816
MacKay, Anstruther. The Unrest in Egypt 758-775
MacLeish, Archibald. Professional Schools of Liberal Education 362-372
Macmechan, Archibald. The Chronicles of America 192-197
Macy, Jesse. The Anti-Slavery Crusade. Rev. by A. Macmethan 192-197
Mallock, William H. Memoirs of Life and Literature. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 424-429
Masterful Puritan, The. Agnes Repplier 262-274
Matthews, Brander. The Permanent Utility of Dialect 338-348
Mencken, Henry Louis. Prejudices (Second Series). Rev. by N. Foerster 865-872
Middleton, Scudder. To an Inhabitant of Paradise: a Poem 832
Moore, Frank Frankfort. A Garden of Peace. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Morris, Ray. The Silent Forces of Reconstruction 545-557
Murray, Gilbert. An Essay in the Theory of Poetry 482-499
Murry, John Middleton. The Evolution of an Intellectual. Rev. by N. Foerster 865-872
Music through War Spectacles. W. J. Henderson 778-790
Negro, The Problem of the American. Franz Boas 384-395
Novels of 1920, Some. Wilbur L. Cross 396-411
Noyes, C. Reinold. Paying the Piper 72-83
O’Conor, Norreys Jephson. A Shelf of Books about Ireland: Book Reviews 206-211
Ogg, Frederic Austin. The Old Northwest. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
— The Reign of Andrew Jackson. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Orth, Samuel Peter. Presidential Leadership 449-466
— The Boss and the Machine. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Our Foreign Policy. Edwin M. Borchard 511-530
Packard, Winthrop. Old Plymouth Trails. Rev. by C. L. Skinner 181-186
Page, Thomas Nelson. Italy and the World War. Rev. by Bruno Roselli 887-892
Paine, Ralph D. The Old Merchant Marine. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Parks, Leighton. English Ways and By-Ways. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Paying the Piper. C. Reinold Noyes 72-83
Perchance to Dream? Charles A. A. Bennett 558-564
Permanent Utility of Dialect, The. Brander Matthews 338-348
Petrunkevitch, Alexander. Bolshevism: its critics and propagandists: Book Reviews 657-662
Petrunkevitch, Ivan. The Bolsheviks in the Crimea 57-71
Phelps, William Lyon. Edmond Rostand 576-594
— A. Hornblow’s History of the Theatre in America 212-214
— William Dean Howells 99-109
Pierce, Frederick E. Oliver Elton’s Survey of English Literature 878-882
Plantation Revival Service, A. Howard Snyder 169-180
Poems, A Group of. Robert Frost 258-261
Poetry, Conversational. Edith Franklin Wyatt 157-167
Poetry, An Essay in the Theory of. Gilbert Murray 482-499
Politics, The Great Game of. Wilbur C. Abbott 43-54
Politics: Behind the Scenes. Anonymous 705-715
Portraits: Poems. Babette Deutsch 776-777
Presidential Leadership. Samuel P. Orth 449-466
Price of Liberty, The. Fabian Franklin 791-801
Problem of the American Negro, The. Franz Boas 384-395
Professional Schools of Liberal Education. Archibald MacLeish 362-372
Puritan, The Masterful. Agnes Repplier 262-274
Pygmalion: a Poem. Charlton M. Lewis 726-728
Rare and Americanization. Vernon Kellogg 729-740
Railroad Problem, The Larger. William McClellan 803-816
Rattlesnake Mountain Fable: a Poem. Maxwell Bodenheim 168
Reactionary, Liberal or. Norman Hapgood 26-42
Reconstruction, The Silent Forces of. Ray Morris 545-557
Reed Edward Bliss. Anthologists and Poets: Book Reviews 199-206
— The Shepherds’ Field: a Poem 348-349
Religion in England after the War. W. R. Inge 297-310
Reminiscence: a Poem. Padraic Colum 543-544
Repplier, Agnes. The Masterful Puritan 262-274
— Margot Asquith, An Autobiography 624-629
— . Points of Friction. Rev. by N. Foerster 865-872
Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from 1850-1896. Rev. by N. W. Stephenson 860-865
Richman, Irving Berdine. The Spanish Conquerors. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Robinson, James Harvey. H. G. Wells’s Outline of History 412-418
Roselli, Bruno. C. M. Bakewell’s Story of the American Red Cross in Italy 887-892
— T. N. Page’s Italy and the World War 887-892
Rostand, Edmond. William Lyon Phelps 576-594
Royce, Josiah. Lectures on Modern Idealism. Rev. by R. F. A. Hoernlé 650-654
Scudder, Vida Dutton. W. H. Mallock’s Memoirs of Life and Literature 424-429
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas. Christmas Roses. Rev. by D. Canfield Fisher 664-671
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-1865 643-650
— Mabel LaFarge’s Letters to a Niece, by Henry Adams 643-650
Seymour, Charles. Revolutionized Germany: Book Reviews 418-424
— Robert Lansing’s The Peace Negotiations 852-860
— André Tardieu’s The Truth about the Treaty 852-860
Shakespeare, King John, ed. by H. H. Furness. Rev. by C. F. Tucker Brooke 662-663
Shannon, Alastair. Morning Knowledge. Rev. by R. F. A. Hoernlé 650-654
Sharp, Dallas Lore. W. H. Hudson’s Adventures among Birds 429-431
— W. H. Hudson’s Birds in Town and Village 429-431
Shepherd, William R. Hispanic Nations of the New World. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Shepherds’ Field, The: a Poem. Edward Bliss Reed 348-349
Sherman, Stuart Pratt. Poetic Personalities: Book Reviews 629-639
Silent Forces of Reconstruction, The. Ray Morris 545-557
Skinner, Constance Lindsay. Pilgrims and Pioneers: Book Reviews 181-186
— Pioneers of the Old Southwest. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Slosson, Edwin Emery. Creative Chemistry. Rev. by H. G. Barbour 882-887
Snyder, Howard. A Plantation Revival Service 169-180
Some Novels of 1920. Wilbur L. Cross 396-411
Soule, George. Harold Stearns’s Liberalism in America 197-199
Speranza, Gino. Italian Contrasts 467-479
Spring from a Window: Poems. Hazel Hall 595-596
Spring of the Year. Olivia Howard Dunbar 565-575
Stearns, Harold. Liberalism in America. Rev. by George Soule 197-199
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. J. F. Rhodes’s History of the United States 860-865
— The Day of the Confederacy. Rev. by A. Macmechan 192-197
Stevens, William Oliver. Admirals Discreet and Indiscreet. Book Reviews 437-444
Stevenson, Robert Louis, in Samoa. W. E. Clarke 275-296
Storey, Moorfield. W. M. Evarts’s Arguments and Speeches 189-192
Taft, William Howard. Mr. Wilson and the Campaign 1-25
Tardieu, Andre. The Truth about the Treaty. Rev. by Charles Seymour 852-860
Thomson, John Arthur. The System of Animate Nature. Rev. by E. G. Conklin 639-643
Tinayre, Marcelle. French Women after the War 500-510
To an Inhabitant of Paradise: a Poem. Scudder Middleton 832
Two Ways of Love: a Poem. Alice Corbin 802
Unknown Poet, An. John Drinkwater 323-337
Unrest in Egypt, The. Anstruther MacKay. 758-775
Vacation, I Plan a. Charles S. Brooks 614-623
Walling, William English. A Labor Leader upon Labor Theorists. Book Reviews 214-224
Ward, Christopher Longstreth. In Praise of Brick and Oak 531-542
Waterhouse, F. A. The Literary Fortunes of Kipling 817-831
Watterson, Henry. “Morse Henry.” Rev. by Louis Rowland 435-437
Wells, Herbert George. History for Everybody: A Postscript to “The Outline of History” 673-704
— The Outline of History. Rev. by James Harvey Robinson 412-418
Wharton, Edith. In Morocco. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 872-878
Wheeler, William Reginald. The Far East in 1920: Book Reviews 431-435
Wilson and the Campaign. William Howard Taft 1-25
Women, French, after the War. Marcelle Tinayre 500-510
Women in the Election. A. Maurice Low 311-322
World War, Histories of the. Wilbur C. Abbott 597-613, 672
Wyatt, Edith Franklin. Conversational Poetry 157-167
Zangwill, Israel. Zionism To-Day 246-257
Zionism To-Day. Israel Zangwill 246-257