[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abbott, Lawrence Fraser. Impressions of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by H. Bingham 438-444
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez. Makers of a World Society: Book Reviews 422-425
Adams, Joseph Quincy. G. C. D. Odell’s Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving 644-646
Aiken, Conrad. Dragon Spring: a Poem 477-478
— The New Elizabethans: Book Reviews 632-636
America, Asia’s Challenge to. Edward L. Parsons 15-33
American Opinion, French Policy and. Charles Seymour 479-495
Andrews, Roy Chapman. Across Mongolian Plains. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Andreyev, Leonid. Satan’s Diary. Rev. by Leo Pasvolsky 194-196
Are you Afraid? a Poem. Grace Hazard Conkling 378-379
Armfield, Constance. Wonder Tales of the World. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Arms Conference, Personalities at the. Charles Merz 496-508
Art and Decency. Grant Showerman 304-314
Art in the European Theatre. Thomas Moult 732-745
Asia’s Challenge to America. Edward L. Parsons 15-33
Aviation, The Human Machine in. Edward C. Schneider 594-612
Baker, George Pierce. Modern American Plays. Rev. by H. McAfee 197-200
Baker, Karle Wilson. The Birds of Tanglewood 118-129
— The Garden of the Plynck. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Balfour, Arthur James. Essays Speculative and Political. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Banks, Theodore Howard. Wild Geese. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Bass, John Foster. America and the Balance Sheet of Europe. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 864-869
Beach, Joseph Warren. Latter-Day Critics of Shelley 718-731
Beauty: a Poem. John Cross 593
Beers, Clifford Whittingham. The Mind that Found Itself’. Rev. by H. van Dyke 646-648
Belloc, Hilaire. Thoughts on Modern Thought 317-339
Benét, William Rose. Amy Lowell and other Poets: Book Reviews 175-180
Bentinck, Lady Norah. The Ex-Kaiser in Exile. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 620-624
Berdan, John Milton. Early Tudor Poetry. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 416-422
Bingham, Hiram. Theodore Roosevelt: Book Reviews 438-444
— An Explorer in the Air Service. Rev. by E. P. Warner 201-203
Birds of Tanglewood, The. Karle Wilson Baker 118-129
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Theodore Roosevelt and his Time. Rev. by H. Bingham 438-444
Bland, John Otway Percy. China, Japan and Korea. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
— Li Hung Chang. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Blunden, Edmund. Three Poems: The Shadow; Threshold; Country Sale 699-702
Boat-Building, Tertia: An Adventure in. E. P. Morris 787-802
Bodenheim, Maxwell. To a Country-Girl: a Poem 825
Bolton, Herbert Eugene. The Spanish Borderlands. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Books and Reading: a Poem. John J. Chapman 139
Bottomley, Gordon. King Lear’s Wife and Other Plays. Rev. by S. Jameson 425-430
Bowman, Isaiah. The New World. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
Boyle, Darl MacLeod. Where Lilith Dances. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Break of Morning: a Poem. Walter de la Mare 525
Brooke, Charles Francis Tucker. Shakespeare Apart 102-116
Brooks, Alfred Mansfield. From Holbein to Whistler. Rev. by F. Weitenkampf. 188-189
Brown, Peter Hume. Life of Goethe. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 890-893
Brown, William Adams. J. H. Robinson’s The Mind in the Making 856-860
Bryce, James. Modern Democracies. Rev. by Allen Johnson 170-175
Buck, Solon Justus. The Agrarian Crusade. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Bunin, Ivan A. Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov. Rev. by W. L. Phelps 399-406
By water, Hector C. Sea Power in the Pacific. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Cambridge History of American Literature. Rev. by Norman Foerster 636-641
Caput Mortuum: a Poem. E. A. Robinson 117
Castles in Spain. John Galsworthy 1-14
Chapman, John Jay. Books and Reading: a Poem 139
— William Lloyd Garrison. Rev. by Owen Wister 629-632
Chekhov, Anton. Letters and Tales. Tr. by C. Garnett. Rev. by W. L. Phelps. 399-406
— Themes, Thoughts, Notes and Fragments. Rev. by W. L. Phelps 399-406
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. The Uses of Diversity. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Child, Educating the Superior. Donald A. Laird 54-6-555
China and the True Internationalism. Chang Hsin-Hai 509-524
Chronicles of America, The. Ed. by Allen Johnson. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Chubb, Thomas Caldecott. The White God. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Churchill, Winston. An Uncharted Way 526-545
Civilization, The Outlook for. W. M. Flinders Petrie 225-241
Clarke, W. E. Frederick O’Brien’s White Shadows in the South Seas, and Mystic Isles of the South Seas 624-629
Clutton-Brock, Arthur. Essays on Books. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Coale, James J. Protestantism and the Masses 78-88
Coffin, Henry Sloane. Re-making the Church: Book Reviews 875-878
Colum, Padraic. The Children of Odin. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Conklin, Edwin Grant. The Future of Evolution 748-768
— The Direction of Human Evolution. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
Conkling, Grace Hazard. Two Poems: Are you Afraid? Detail for Music 378-379
Constitution, A New. Samuel Spring 574-592
Cook, Sir Edward. Delane of ” The Times.” Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Cook, George Cram, ed. The Provincetown Plays. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Cooper, James Fenimore. Unpublished Letters, ed. by his Grandson 242-268
Coriat, Isador Henry. Repressed Emotions. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Couchoud, Paul-Louis. Japanese Impressions. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Country Sale: a Poem. Edmund Blunden 700-702
Croce, Benedetto. The Young Dante and the Dante of the Comedy 34-51
Cross, John. Beauty: a Poem 593
Cross, Wilbur Lucius. From Columbus to Shakespeare: Book Reviews 416-422
— From Plutarch to Strachey 140-157
— The New Fiction 449-466
— Novels out of the General Run: Book Reviews 860-864
Dane, Clemence. A Bill of Divorcement. Rev. by Storm Jameson 425-430
Dante. The Young Dante and the Dante of the Comedy. Benedetto Croce 34-51
Davies, William Henry. The Captive Lion. Rev. by Conrad Aiken.” 632-636
Decency, Art and. Grant Showerman 304-314
De la Mare, Walter John. Break of Morning: a Poem 525
— Memoirs of a Midget. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 860-864
Detail for Music: a Poem. Grace Hazard Conkling 379
Dewing, Arthur Stone. Financial Policy of Corporations. Rev. by R. Morris 207-209
Diary of Romney Marsh, A. E. L. Grant Watson 839-851
Disarmament, The Economic Necessity for. Harold Glenn Moulton 269-283
Dragon Spring: a Poem. Conrad Aiken 477-478
Drama, The Realistic Test in. St. John Ervine 285-303
Dramatic Critic, The First. W. M. Letts 613-619
Drinkwater, John. Edwin Arlington Robinson 467-476
— Mary Stuart. Rev. by Storm Jameson 425-430
Duclaux, Marie. Victor Hugo. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Dunlap, Knight. Mystical Medicine: Book Reviews 190-194
Eclipse of Europe, The. Francis W. Hirst 687-698
Economic Necessity for Disarmament, The. Harold Glenn Moulton 269-283
Edman, Irwin. Human Traits. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
Educating the Superior Child. Donald A. Laird 546-555
Einstein, Lewis. Tudor Ideals. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 416-422
Elliot, Hugh Samuel Roger. Herbert Spencer. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
End of Race Migrations, The. Henry Pratt Fairchild 826-838
Ervine, St. John. The Realistic Test in Drama 285-303
Ethics of Taste, The. O. W. Firkins 367-377
Europe, The Eclipse of. Francis W. Hirst 687-698
Evolution, The Future of. Edwin Grant Conklin 748-768
Evolution, The Road of. Albert P. Mathews 340-352
Fahs, Charles Harvey. America’s Stake in the Far East. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Fairchild, Henry Pratt. The End of Race Migrations 826-838
Fall of the Curtain, The. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 130-138
Fallacy of Free Verse, The. Theodore Maynard 354-366
Farrand, Max. The Fathers of the Constitution. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Fiction, The New. Wilbur Cross 449-466
Fillmore, Parker. The Shoemaker s Apron. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Firkins, Oscar W. The Ethics of Taste 367-377
First Dramatic Critic, The. W. M. Letts 613-619
Fletcher, John Gould. Breakers and Granite. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Foerster, Norman. The Cambridge History of American Literature 636-641
Follett, Helen Thomas. The Affairs of Children: Book Reviews 888-890
Forbes, Rosita. The Secret of the Saraha: Kufara. Rev. by D. B. Macdonald 880-883
Ford, Worthington Chauncey. The Chronicles of America 883-888
Foreign Trade, The Future of our. Francis H. Sisson 68-76
Free Verse, The Fallacy of. Theodore Maynard 354-366
Freeman, John. Poems, New and Old. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Freeman, Richard Austin. Social Decay and Regeneration. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
French Policy and American Opinion. Charles Seymour 479-495
Freud, Sigmund. General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Rev. by K. Dunlap 190-194
Frost, Robert. Maple: a Poem 52-57
Future of Evolution, The. Edwin Grant Conklin 748-768
Future of our Foreign Trade, The. Francis H. Sisson 68-76
Gale, Zona. National Epics of the Border: Book Reviews 852-856
Galsworthy, John. Castles in Spain 1-14
— A Family Man. Rev. by Storm Jameson 425-430
Garland, Hamlin. Border Edition of the Works. Rev. by Zona Gale 852-856
— A Daughter of the Middle Border. Rev. by Zona Gale 852-856
— A Son of the Middle Border. Rev. by Zona Gale 852-856
Glaspell, Susan. Plays. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Glass of Fashion, The. Rev. by Charles Seymour 869-875
Gleason, George. What Shall I think o/ Japan? Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Goethe’s Literary Essays, ed. by J. E. Spingarn. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 890-893
Gorky, Maxim. Reminiscences of Triton Chekhov. Rev. by W. L. Phelps 399-406
— Reminiscences of ‘Tolstoy. Rev. by Leo Pasvolsky 194-196
Graves, Henry Solon. John Ise’s The United States Forest Policy 209-212
Hamilton, Lord Frederick. Here, There, and Everywhere. Rev. by A. Repplier 620-624
Handy, Willowdean C. The Marquesans: Fact versus Fiction 769-786
Hannay, David. Porfirio Diaz. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Haughty and Proud Generation, A. Ford Madox Hueffer 703-717
Havell, Ernest Binfield. A Handbook of Indian Art. Rev. by R, E. Hume 412-415
He Goads Himself: a Poem. Louis Untermeyer 556
Hémon, Louis. Maria Chapdelaine. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 860-864
Higginson, Henry Lee. Life and Letters. Rev. by T. S. Perry 878-880
Hirst, Francis Wrigley. The Eclipse of Europe 687-698
Hoernlé, Reinhold F. Alfred. Bertrand Russell’s Analysis of Mind 656-659
Hollingworth, Harry Levi. The Psychology of the Functional Neuroses. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Holloway, Emory. Walt Whitman’s The Gathering of the Forces 212-215
Holmes, John Haynes. New Churches for Old. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 875-878
Holmes, Samuel Jackson. The Trend of the Race. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
Howland, Harold. Theodore Roosevelt and his Times. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Hsin-Hai, Chang. China and the True Internationalism 509-524
Hueffer, Ford Madox. A Haughty and Proud Generation 703-717
— ” Thus to Revisit. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Hulbert, Archer Butler. The Paths of Inland Commerce. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Human Machine in Aviation, The. Edward C. Schneider 594-612
Hume, Robert Ernest. India Unveiling: Book Reviews 412-415
Inge, William Ralph. Outspoken Essays. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Interlude in the Antique Mode: a Poem. E. Clement Jones 746-747
Internationalism, China and the True. Chang Hsin-Hai 509-524
Ise, John. The United States Forest Policy. Rev. by H. S. Graves 209-212
lyenaga, Toyokichi. Japan and the California Problem. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
James, William. Letters, ed. by his son Henry James. Rev. by F. J. E. Woodbridge 182-187
Jameson, Storm. New English Plays: Book Reviews 425-430
— Modern Drama in Europe. Rev. by Stark Young 180-182
Johnson, Allen. James Bryce’s Modern Democracies 170-175
— Jefferson and his Colleagues. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
— ed. The Chronicles of America. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Johnston, Sir Harry. On the Writing of Novels 58-67
Jones, E. Clement. Interlude in the Antique Mode: a Poem 746-747
— New England Burying-Ground: a Poem 315-316
Jordan, Mary Augusta. Carl Van Doren’s The American Novel 659-661
Keller, Albert Galloway. The World and the Social Scientists: Book Reviews 661-666
Keynes, John Maynard. A Revision of the Treaty. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 864-869
King, Grace. An Old French Teacher of New Orleans 380-398
Korzybski, Alfred. The Manhood of Humanity. Rev. by A. Petrunkevitch 431-433
Krafft, Herman Frederick. Sea Power in American History. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 215-217
Kuno, Yoshi S. What Japan Wants. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Kuprin, Alexander. Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov. Rev. by W. L. Phelps 399-406
Ladd, George Trumbull. Intimate Glimpses of Life in India. Rev. by R. E. Hume 412-415
Laird, Donald Anderson. Educating the Superior Child 546-555
Latter-Day Critics of Shelley. Joseph W. Beach 718-731
Lay, Wilfred. Man’s Unconscious Passion. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Leary, John J. Talks with T. R. Rev. by Hiram Bingham 438-444
Letters and Comment 218-224,445-448,667-672, 894-896
Letts, Winifred M. The First Dramatic Critic 613-619
— No Night in Heaven: a Poem 284
Lewis, William Draper. Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Hiram Bingham 438-444
Lippmann, Walter. Second-Best Statesmen 673-686
Low, Barbara. Psychoanalysis. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Lowell, Amy. Legends. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Lucy, Sir Henry. Men and Manner in Parliament. Rev. by Charles Seymour 869-875
Lynd, Robert. The Art of Letters. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
McAfee, Helen. The Vogue of the Printed Play: Book Reviews 197-200
MacDonagh, Michael. The Pageant of Parliament. Rev. by Charles Seymour 869-875
Macdonald, Duncan Black. Islam from Different Angles: Book Reviews 880-883
McFee, William. R. D. Paine’s Lost Ships and Lonely Seas 641-644
McKenna, Stephen. While I Remember. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 620-624
Mackenzie, Osgood. A Hundred Tears in the Highlands. Rev. by A. Repplier 620-624
Maple: a Poem. Robert Frost 52~57
Marquesans, The: Fact versus Fiction. Willowdean C. Handy 769-786
Marshall, Archibald. The Novelist’s Workshop 803-824
Martin, Edward Sanford. Life of Joseph H. Choate. Rev. by M. Storey 203-207
Masefield, John. King Cole. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Masters, Edgar Lee. The Open Sea. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Mathews, Albert Prescott. The Road of Evolution 340-352
Maynard, Theodore. The Fallacy of Free Verse 354-366
— The Last Knight and other Poems. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Merz, Charles. Personalities at the Arms Conference 496-508
Mew, Charlotte. Saturday Market. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Migrations, The End of Race. Henry Pratt Fairchild 826-838
Millay, Edna St. Vincent. Second April. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Mirrors of Downing Street, The. Rev. by Charles Seymour 869-875
Mitchell, William. Our Air Force. Rev. by E. P. Warner 201-203
Modern Thought, Thoughts on. Hilaire Belloc 317-339
Moody, John. The Masters of Capital. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
— The Railroad Builders. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Morris, Edward Parmelee. Tertia: an Adventure in Boat-Building 787-802
Morris, Ray. The Philosophy of Modern Finance: Book Reviews 207-209
Moses, Montrose Jonas, ed. Representative Plays by American Dramatists. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Moult, Thomas. Art in the European Theatre 732-745
Moulton, Harold Glenn. The Economic Necessity of Disarmament 269-283
— America and the Balance Sheet of Europe. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 864-869
— Financial Organization of Society. Rev. by Ray Morris 207-209
Neeser Robert Wilden. The Rise and Fall of Navies: Book Reviews 215-217
Negro School, Paradise. Howard Snyder 158-169
New Constitution, A. Samuel Spring 574-592
New England Burying-Ground: a Poem. E. Clement Jones 315-316
New Fiction, The. Wilbur Cross 449-466
No Night in Heaven: a Poem. W. M. Letts 284
Norris, Walter Blake. Sea Power in American History. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 215-217
Novelist’s Workshop, The. Archibald Marshall 803-824
Novels, On the Writing of. Sir Harry Johnston 58-67
Noyes, Charles Reinold. America and the War Debt: Book Reviews 864-869
O’Brien, Frederick. Mystic Isles of the South Seas. Rev. by W. E. Clarke 624-629
— White Shadows in the South Seas. Rev. by W. E. Clarke 624-629
Odell, George C. D. Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving. Rev. by J. Q. Adams 644-646
O’Higgins, Harvey. The Secret Springs. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Old French Teacher of New Orleans, An. Grace King 380-398
O’Neill, Eugene Gladstone. Beyond the Horizon. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
— The Emperor Jones. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Orth, Samuel Peter. The Armies of Labor. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
— Our Foreigners. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Outlook for Civilization, The. W. M. Flinders Petrie 225-241
Owen, Wilfred. Poems. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Paine, Ralph Delahaye. The Fight for a Free Sea. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
— Lost Ships and Lonely Seas. Rev. by William McFee 641-644
Paradise Negro School. Howard Snyder 158-169
Parks, Leighton. The Crisis of the Churches. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 875-878
Parsons, Edward Lambe. Asia’s Challenge to America 15-33
Pasvolsky, Leo. God-Like and Satan-Like: Book Reviews 194-196
— The Reunification of Russia 557-573
Paton, Stewart. The Psychology of the Radical 89-101
— Human Behavior. Rev. by A. G. Keller 661-666
Pears, Sir Edwin. Abdul Hamid. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Perry, Bliss. Life and Letters of Henry Lee Higginson. Rev. by T. S. Perry 878-800
Perry, Thomas Sergeant. Bliss Perry’s Life and Letters of H. L. Higginson 878-800
Personalities at the Arms Conference. Charles Merz 496-5*08
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. The Outlook for Civilization 225-241
Petrunkevitch, Alexander. Alfred Korzybski’s Manhood of Humanity 431-433
Phelps, William Lyon. The Life and Art of Chekhov: Book Reviews 399-406
— Essays on Modern Dramatists. Rev. by Stark Young 180-182
Pierce, Frederick Erastus. The Greatness of Goethe: Book Reviews 890-893
Plutarch to Strachey, From. Wilbur Cross 140-157
Protestantism and the Masses. James J. Coale 78-88
Psychology of the Radical, The. Stewart Paton 89-101
Quinn, Arthur Hobson, ed. Representative American Plays. Rev. by H McAfee 197-200
Race Migrations, The End of. Henry Pratt Fairchild 826-838
Radical, The Psychology of the. Stewart Paton 89-101
Raymond, Edward Thompson. Portraits of the Nineties. Rev. by C. Seymour 869-875
Realistic Test in Drama, The. St. John Ervine 285-303
Reid, Gilbert. China, Captive or Free? Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Repplier, Agnes. The Mounting Wave of Memoirs: Book Reviews 620-624
Reunification of Russia, The. Leo Pasvolsky 557~~573
Richardson, Caroline Francis. The Pleasant Immorality of Fairy Tales: Book Reviews 433~438
Rivers, William Halse. Instinct and the Unconscious. Rev. by K. Dunlap 190-194
Road of Evolution, The. Albert P. Mathews 340-352
Robertson, Charles Grant. Bismarck. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt. My Brother. Rev. by Hiram Bingham 438-444
Robinson, Edwin Arlington. Caput Mortuum: a Poem 117
— Collected Poems. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Robinson, Edwin Arlington. John Drinkwater 467-476
Robinson, James Harvey. The Mind in the Making. Rev. by W. A. Brown . 856-860
Romney Marsh, A Diary of. E. L. Grant Watson 839-851
Roosevelt, Theodore. Letters to his Children. Rev. by Hiram Bingham 438-444
Russell, Bertrand. The Analysis of Mind. Rev. by R. F. A. Hoernlé 656-659
Russia, The Reunification of. Leo Pasvolsky 557~573
Sato, Kenoske. Japan and the California Problem. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Schneider, Edward Christian. The Human Machine in Aviation 594-612
Scudder, Vida Dutton. English Critics and Philosophers: Book Reviews 648-656
Second-Best Statesmen. Walter Lippmann 673-686
Ségur, Sophie Comtesse de. Old French Fairy Tales. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Seymour, Charles. French Policy and American Opinion 479-495
— Self-Criticism by the British: Book Reviews 869-875
— Woodrow Wilson and the Great War. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Shadow, The: a Poem. Edmund Blunden 699
Shakespeare Apart. C. F. Tucker Brooke 102-116
Shaw, George Bernard. Back to Methuselah. Rev. by Storm Jameson 425-430
Shaw of Dunfermline, Thomas, Lord. Letters to Isabel. Rev. by A. Repplier. 620-624
Shay, Frank, ed. The Provincetown Plays. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Shelley, Latter-Day Critics of. Joseph Warren Beach 718-731
Sheringham, Hugh Tempest. Ourselves When Toung. Rev. by H. T. Follett 888-890
Showerman, Grant. Art and Decency 304-314
Sisson, Francis Hinckley. The Future of our Foreign Trade 68-76
Skelton, Oscar Douglas. The Canadian Dominion. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Skinner, Constance Lindsay. Adventurers of Oregon. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Slosson, Edwin Emery. The American Spirit in Education. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Smith, Cades Alfred Middleton. The British in China and Far Eastern Trade. Rev. by F. W. Williams 406-412
Smith, Preserved. The Age of the Reformation. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 416-422
Snyder, Howard. Paradise Negro School 158-169
Soskice, Mrs. Juliet M. Chapters from Childhood. Rev. by H. T. Follett 888-890
Spring, Samuel. A New Constitution 574~592
Squire, John Collings. Life and Letters. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 648-656
Statesmen, Second-Best. Walter Lippmann 673-686
Stephens, James. Irish Fairy Tales. Rev. by C. F. Richardson 433-438
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. Texas and the Mexican War. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Stevens, William Oliver. A History of Sea Power. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 215-217
Stoddard, Lothrop. The New World of Islam. Rev. by D. B. Macdonald 880-883
Storey, Moorfield. E. S. Martin’s Life of Joseph Hodges Choate 203-207
Strachey, From Plutarch to. Wilbur Cross 140-157
Tagore, Rabindranath. Glimpses of Bengal. Rev. by R. E. Hume 412-415
— Thought Relics. Rev. by R. E. Hume 411-415
Tanglewood, The Birds of. Karle W. Baker 118-129
Taste, The Ethics of. O. W. Firkins 367-377
Taylor, Charles Carlisle. Life of Admiral Mahan. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 215-217
Taylor, Henry Osborn. Thought and Expression in the Sixteenth Century. Rev. by Wilbur Cross 416-422
Teasdale, Sara. Two Songs for Solitude: Poems 77
Tertia: An Adventure in Boat-Building. Edward P. Morris 787-802
Thayer, William Roscoe. Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Hiram Bingham 438-444
Theatre, Art in the European. Thomas Moult 732-745
Thompson, Holland. The Age of Invention. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
— The New South. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Thoughts on Modern Thought. Hilaire Belloc 317-339
Threshold: a Poem. Edmund Blunden 699-700
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster. The Fall of the Curtain 130-138
To a Country-Girl: a Poem. Maxwell Bodenheim 825
Tridon, Andre. Psychoanalysis and Behavior. Rev. by Knight Dunlap 190-194
Two Songs for Solitude: Poems. Sara Teasdale 77
Tyler, Royall. The Contrast. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Uncharted Way, An. Winston Churchill 526-545
Untermeyer, Louis. He Goads Himself; A Poem 556
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur. What Next in Europe? Rev. by C. R. Noyes 864-869
Van Doren, Carl. The American Novel. Rev. by M. A. Jordan 659-661
Van Dyke, Henry. C. W. Beers’ The Mind that Found Itself 646-648
Walker, Stuart. More Portmanteau Plays. Rev. by Helen McAfee 197-200
Warner, Edward Pearson. The Air Service: Book Reviews 201-203
Watson, E. L. Grant. A Diary of Romney Marsh 839-851
Weitenkampf, Frank. A. M. Brooks’ From Holbein to Whistler 188-189
Westcott, Allan. A History of Sea Power. Rev. by R. W. Neeser 215-217
Where Beauty Lodges: a Poem. Wayland Wells Williams 353
White, Viola Chittenden. Horizons. Rev. by W. R. Benét 175-180
Whitman, Walt. The Gathering of the Forces. Rev. by Emory Holloway 212-215
Wickham, Anna. The Contemplative Quarry. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Williams, Basil. Cecil Rhodes. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
— ed. Makers of the Nineteenth Century. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 422-425
Williams, Frederick Wells. Both Sides of the Far Eastern Question: Book Reviews 406-412
Williams, Wayland Wells. Where Beauty Lodges: a Poem 353
Windischgraetz, Prince Ludwig. My Memoirs. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 620-624
Wister, Owen. J. J. Chapman’s William Lloyd Garrison 629-632
Wood, William. Captains of the Civil War. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene. The Letters of William James 182-187
Wright, Peter E. At the Supreme War Council. Rev. by Charles Seymour 869-875
Writing of Novels, On the. Sir Harry Johnston 58-67
Wrong, George McKinnon. Washington and his Conrades in Arms. Rev. by W. C. Ford 883-888
Wylie, Elinor. Nets to Catch the Wind. Rev. by Conrad Aiken 632-636
Young, Stark. Critics of Contemporary Drama: Book Reviews 180-182
Young Dante and the Dante of the Comedy, The. Benedetto Croce 34-51