[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abbott, Herbert Vaughan. C. B. Tinker’s Young Boswell 646-648
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez. Memorials of Prime Ministers: Book Reviews 860-863
— Modern Barbarians 275-285
Adams, James Truslow. Founding of New England. Rev. by J. S. Bassett 865-868
Adams, Samuel Hopkins. Success. Rev. by J. M. Lee 418-421
After the Circus: a Poem. Raymond Holden…’ 144
Alden, Raymond Macdonald. Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
All Souls: a Poem. Elinor Wylie 254
Allies in Peace. Agnes Repplier 225-237
American Literature, For the Higher Study of. Stuart P. Sherman 469-475
American Manners in 1830. Paul Lambert White 118-131
And So, I think, Diogenes: a Poem. Amy Lowell 286-287
Anderson, Melville Best, tr. Divine Comedy of Dante. Rev. by R. S. Phelps 432-435
Andrews, Charles McLean, ed. Journal of a Lady of Quality. Rev. by N. W. Stephenson 421-424
Andrews, Evangeline Walker, ed. Journal of a Lady of Quality. Rev. by N. W. Stephenson 421—424
Animula, Vagula: a Poem. Lee Wilson Dodd 593
Archer, William. The Peace-President. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Atom, The New World of the. William Lawrence Bragg 755-772
Austen, Jane. Love and Friendship. Rev. by W. L. Cross 410-413
Austria and Central Europe. Josef Redlich 335-344
Autumn Chant: a Poem. Edna St. Vincent Millay 56-57
Baker, Karle Wilson. Window Lore 614-624
Baker, Ray Stannard. Woodrovo Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Barbanans, Modern. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 275-285
Bartlett, Henrietta C. Mr. William Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
Bassett, John Spencer. J. T. Adams’s Founding of New England 865-868
— T. G. Wright’s Literary Culture in Early New England 865-868
Bau, Mingchien Joshua. Foreign Relations of China. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Beers, Henry Augustin. P. P. Howe’s Life of William Hazlitt 868-873
— Lytton Strachey’s Books and Characters 398-400
Bellamann, Henry Hauer. A Sound in the Mulberry Trees: a Poem 117
Benvenut0’s Valentine: a Poem. Elinor Wylie 476
Berman, Louis. Glands Regulating Personality. Rev. by A. P. Mathews 658-661
Bigham, Clive. Prime Ministers of Britain. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 860-863
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. My Diaries. Rev. by S. K. Mitchell 664-668
Borchard, The Famine and the. Emma Ponafidine 58-72
Boorcahrd, Edwin Montefiore. R. Pound’s Philosophy of Law 415-418
— R. Pound’s Spirit of the Common Law 415-418
Borden, Sir Robert Laird. The British Commonwealth of Nations 774-789
Bottomley, Gordon. Gruach and Britain’s Daughter. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Boyd, Ernest. J. Freeman’s Portrait of George Moore 435~437
Bragg, William Lawrence. The New World of the Atom 755-772
Break-Up of the Novel, The. John Middleton Murry 288-3o4
Bridges, Robert. Buch der Lieder: a Poem 723
British Commonwealth of Nations, The. Sir Robert Laird Borden 774-789
Brooke, Charles F. Tucker. The Shakespearean Year: Book Reviews 634-635
Brown, Alice. M. A. DeW. Howe’s Memories of a Hostess 638-641
— Caroline Ticknor’s Glimpses of Authors 638-641
Buch der Lieder: a Poem. Robert Bridges 723
Buchan, John. History of the Great War. Rev. by W. Lippmann 641-642
Buell, Llewellyn Morgan. M. J. Moses’s Representative One-Act Plays 652-655
— Frank Shay’s Contemporary One-Act Plays of 1921 652-655
Buschor, Ernst. Greek Vase-Painting. Rev. by G. H. Chase 424-425
Calderon, George, Tahiti. Rev. by William McFee 628-631
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick. My Life and Some Letters. Rev. by A. Repplier 852-857
Canby, Henry Seidel. Definitions. Rev. by S. T. Williams.’ 875-8821
Cecil, Lady Gwendolen. Robert, Marquis of Salisbury. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 860-863
Central Europe, Austria and. Josef Redlich 335~344
Chapman, John Jay. Glance Toward Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
Chase, George Henry. Ernst Buschor’s Greek Vase-Painting 424-425
Cheplin, Harry Asher. Intestinal Flora. Rev. by J. C. Torrey 213-215
Child’s Religion, A. Winifred M. Letts 742-754
China, Present Conditions in. Kenneth Scott Latourette 562-578
Choral: a Poem. Anne Goodwin Winslow 543
Clark, Francis Edward. The Menace of the Sermon 87-96
Clark, John Maurice. The Empire of Machines 132-143
College Government, Democracy in American. Henry Noble MacCracken 703-721
Conrad in the East. Richard Curie 497-508
Cooper, James Fenimore. Correspondence. Rev. by Meredith Nicholson 857-860
Costello, Harry Todd. John Dewey’s Human Nature and Conduct 407-410
— John Dewey’s Reconstruction in Philosophy 407-410
Crawford, Francis Marion, The Stories of. Hugh Walpole 673-691
Cross, Arthur Lyon. Francis Hackett’s Irish Nation 428-431
— M. Hayden’s and G. A. Moonan’s History of the Irish People 428-432
Cross, Wilbur Lucius. Novels of N Dimensions 477-496
— Jane Austen’s Love and Friendship 410-413
— Carl Van Doren’s Contemporary American Novelists 186-190
Crowell, Benedict. How America Went to War. Rev. by L. H. Holt 196-199
Cruise up London River, A. Fryniwyd Tennyson Jesse 826-843
Culbertson, William Smith. The Making of Tariffs 255-274
Curie, Richard. Conrad in the East 497-508
Dane, Clemence. Will Shakespeare. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-199
Dante, “the Divine Comedy tr. by C. Langdon. Rev. by R. S. Phelps 432-435
— The Divine Comedy tr. by M. B. Anderson. Rev. by R. S. Phelps 432-435
Daphne: a Poem. Hildegarde Planner 811-812
Davis, Elmer. History of the New York Times. Rev. by J. M. Lee 418-421
Dawes, Charles Gates. Journal of the Great War. Rev. by L. H. Holt 196-199
Day-Dreams, Ideals and. Kenneth Grahame 238-252
Debts, War. Russell Cornell Leffingwell 22-40
De La Mare, Walter. Lispet, Lispett & Vaine 377-397
— Down-adown Derry. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
De La Mare, Walter. The Veil. Rev. by W. B. D. Henderson 643-646
Delta Autumn, The: a Poem. William Alexander Percy 97
Democracy in American College Government. Henry Noble MacCracken 703-722
Destructibility of Literary Genius, The. Frederick Erastus Pierce 110-116
Dewey, John. Human Nature and Conduct. Rev. by H. T. Costello 407-410
— Reconstruction in Philosophy. Rev. by H. T. Costello 407-410
Djemal, Ahmad, Pasha. Memories. Rev. by W. L. Westermann 886-889
Dodd, Lee Wilson. Animula, Vagula: a Poem 593
Dodd, William Edward. Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Drew, John. My Years on the Stage. Rev. by A. Repplier 852-857
Dunn, Waldo Hilary. Life of Donald G. Mitchell. Rev. by A. H. Quinn 650-651
Dunsany, Lord. If. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Eckardstein, Baron von. Ten Years at the Court of St. James. Rev. by S. K. Mitchell 664-668
Education in England, Six Years of. Herbert A. L. Fisher 510-527
Edwards, Clara Gary. Persian Portraits 159-180
Elliot, Sir Henry George. Some Revolutions. Rev. by S. K. Mitchell 664-668
Empire of Machines, The. John Maurice Clark 132-143
England, Six Years of Education in. Herbert A. L. Fisher 510-527
Erskine, John. Walt Whitman’s Uncollected Poetry and Prose 440-443
Factors in the Railroad Situation. Arthur Twining Hadley 449-468
Famine and the Bolsheviki, The. Emma Ponafidine 58-72
Farrar, John. Songs for Parents. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Firkins, Oscar W. The Old Time in the New Drama: Book Reviews 192-196
— A. E. Housman’s Last Poems 850-852
Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens. Six Years of Education in England 510-527
Flanner, Hildegarde. Daphne: a Poem 811-812
For a Word: a Poem. William Alexander Percy 773
Freeman, John. Music. Rev., by W. B. D. Henderson 643-646
— A Portrait of George Moore. Rev. by Ernest Boyd 435-437
Fringe of Words, The. Henry Van Dyke 73-84
Fuess, Claude Moore, comp. Society Verse. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Furness, Horace Howard. Letters. Rev. by Bliss Perry 625-628
Gale, Zona. The Novel and the Spirit 41-55
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. Valiant Dust. Rev. by R. West 844-850
Godley, Alfred Denis, ed. Horati Carminum Liber. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Grahame, Kenneth. Ideals and Day-Dreams 238-252
Graves, Charles Larcom. Mr. Punch’s Modern England. Rev. by C. Seymour 400-403
Greenbie, Marjorie Barstow. In the Eyes of the East. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Greenbie, Sydney. The Pacific Triangle. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Grinnell, George Bird. W. T. Hornaday’s Wild Animals 437-440
— Samuel Scoville’s Wild Folk 437-440
Gwynn, Stephen. What it is Like in Ireland 544-561
Hackett, Francis. Story of the Irish Nation. Rev. by A. L. Cross 428-432
Hadley, Arthur Twining. Factors in the Railroad Situation 449-468
Halévy, Daniel. President Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Hall, James N. Faery Lands of the South Seas. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Harrow, Benjamin. Glands in Health and Disease. Rev. by A. P. Mathews 658-661
Haunted Earth: a Poem. John Hall Wheelock 85-86
Hayden, Mary. History of the Irish People. Rev. by A. L. Cross 428-432
Henderson, Walter Brooks Dray ton. Poets in Exile: Book Reviews 643-646
Hendrick, Burton Jesse. Life of Walter Hines Page. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 631-634
Herrick, Robert. A Visit to Henry James 724-741
— Percy Lubbock’s ‘The Craft of Fiction 181-186
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Letters and Journals. Rev. by M. Storey 199-200
High, Stanley. China’s Place in the Sun. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Higher Study of American Literature, For the. Stuart Pratt Sherman 469-475
Holden, Raymond. After the Circus: a Poem 144
Holt, Lucius Hudson. B. Crowell’s and R. F. Wilson’s How America Went to War 196-199
— C. G. Dawes’s Journal of the Great War 196-199
Hornaday, William Temple. Wild Animals. Rev. by G. B. Grinnell 437-440
Housman, Alfred Edward. Last Poems. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 850-852
Housman, Laurence. Angels and Ministers. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Howe, Mark Antony DeWolfe. Memories of a Hostess. Rev. by A. Brown 638-641
Howe, Percival Presland. Life of William Hazlitt. Rev. by H. A. Beers 868-873
Huneker, James Gibbons. Letters. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 852-851
Huxley, Aldous. Mortal Coils. Rev. by Rebecca West 844-857
Ideals and Day-Dreams. Kenneth Grahame 238-251
Ireland, What it is Like in. Stephen Gwynn 544-561
Italy, Young. Mario Puccini 692-701
Ivins, William Mills, Jr. D. B. Updike’s Printing Types 873-875
Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall. Legends of Smokeover. Rev. by A. E. Stearns 668-670
James, Henry. A Visit to. Robert Herrick 724-741
Jesse, Fryniwyd Tennyson. A Cruise up London River 826-843
Johnson, Martin. Cannibal-Land. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Kawakami, Kiyoshi Karl. Japan’s Pacific Policy. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Keen, William Williams. Louis Pasteur 579-592
Kellogg, Vernon. Science and the Soul 305-313
Kemp, Harry. “Tramping on Life. Rev. by Agnes Repplier 852-857
Lane, Franklin Knight. Letters. Rev. by Sir A. Maurice Low 882-886
Langdon, Courtney, tr. Divine Comedy of Dante. Rev. by R. S. Phelps 432-435
Larsen, Hanna Astrup. Scandinavian Literature for Americans 364-376
Lasserre, Pierre. The Spirit of French Music. Rev. by B. Simonds 661-664
Latourette, Kenneth Scott. Present Conditions in China 562-578
Lawrence, David Herbert. England, My England. Rev. by R. West 844-850
Lee, James Melvin. The World’s Diary: Book Reviews 418-421
Leffingwell, Russell Cornell. War Debts 21-40
Letters and Comment 222-224, 444-448, 671-672, 893-896
Letts, Winifred M. A Child’s Religion 742-754
Lippmann, Walter. John Buchan’s History of the Great War 641-643
— Public Opinion. Rev. by J. M. Lee 418-421
Lispet, Lispett & Vaine. Walter De La Mare 377-397
Literary Genius, The Destructibility of. Frederick Erastus Pierce .110-116
Literature, American, For the Higher Study of. Stuart P. Sherman 469-475
London River, A Cruise Up. Fryniwyd Tennyson Jesse 826-843
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. A Puritan Censor of the Stage 790-810
Low, Sir Alfred Maurice. Wilsonia: Book Reviews 882-886
— Walter Hines Page’s Life and Letters 631-634
Lowell, Amy. And So, I Think, Diogenes: a Poem 286-287
Lubbock, Percy. The Craft of Fiction. Rev. by R. Herrick 181-186
Lull, Richard Swann. J. Arthur Thomson’s Outline of Science 190-192
MacCracken, Henry Noble. Democracy in American College Government 703-722
Macdonald, Duncan Black. The Near East Tangle 345-363
McFee, William. A Bale of Magic Carpets: Book Reviews 628-631
Machines, The Empire of. John Maurice Clark 132-143
MacKnight) George. English Words. Rev. by G. Van Santvoord 889-892
MacLeish, Archibald. The New Age and the New Writers 314-321
MacMurray, John Van Antwerp. Treaties with China. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Mahan Alfred Thayer. Scrapping Mahan. William Oliver Stevens 528-542
Making of Tariffs, The. William Smith Culbertson 255-274
Manning, Frederick. H. E. Stearns’s Civilization in the United States 209-213
Marquis, Don. Noah an’ Jonah an Cap’n John Smith. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
— Sonnets to a Red-Haired Lady. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Masefield, John. Esther and Berenice. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Mathews, Albert Prescott. L. Berman’s Glands Regulating Personality 658-661
— B. Harrow’s Glands in Health and Disease 658-661
Matthews, Brander. The Tocsin of Revolt. Rev. by S. T. Williams 875-882
Maynard, Theodore. Memory: a Poem 509
Memory: a Poem. Theodore Maynard 509
Menace of the Sermon, The. Francis Edward Clark 87-96
Mencken, Henry Louis. The American Language. Rev. by G. Van Santvoord 889-892
— Prejudices. Third Series. Rev. by S. T. Williams 875-882
Merriam, Charles Edward. American Party System. Rev. by W. Millis 648-650
Miliukov, Paul N. Russia To-day and To-morrow. Rev. by M. Rostovtzeff 425-428
Millay, Edna St. Vincent. Autumn Chant: a Poem 56-57
— Song for “The Lamp and the Bell”: a Poem 56
Millis, Walter. C. E. Merriam’s American Party System 648-650
— Graham Wallas’s Human Nature in Politics 648-650
Mitchell, Sydney Knox. British Policy in Retrospect: Book Reviews 664-668
Modern Barbarians. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 275-285
Modern Music: a Suggestion. David Stanley Smith 98-109
Moonan, George A. History of the Irish People. Rev. by A. L. Cross 428-432
Morey, Charles Rufus. C. R. Post’s European and American Sculpture 655-658
Morley, Christopher. Chimney smoke. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Morris, Ray. R. B. Westerfield’s Banking Principles and Practice 863-865
Moses, Montrose Jonas, ed. One-Act Plays. Rev. by L. M. Buell 652-655
Murry, John Middleton. The Break-Up of the Novel 288-304
Music, Modern: a Suggestion. David Stanley Smith 98-109
Nation, Sections and. Frederick Jackson Turner 1-21
Nature, Wasteful. Alexander Petrunkevitch 145-158
New East Tangle, The. Duncan Black Macdonald 345-363
New Age and the New Writers, The. Archibald MacLeish 314-321
New World of the Atom, The. William Lawrence Bragg 755-772
Nicholson, Meredith. James Fenimore Cooper’s Correspondence 857-860
Nordhoff, Charles B. Faery Lands of the South Seas. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Novel and the Spirit, The. Zona Gale 41-55
Novel, The Break-up of the John Middleton Murry 288-304
Novels of N Dimensions. Wilbur Lucius Cross 477-496
Noyes, Charles Reinold. The Weather Chart of Population 813-825
O’Brien, Frederick. Atolls of the Sun. Rev. by W. McFee 628-631
Osler, Sir William. Evolution of Modern Medicine. Rev. by A. N. Tasker 413-415
Page, Walter Hines. Life and Letters. Rev. by Sir A. Maurice Low 631-634
Park, Robert Ezra. The Immigrant Press. Rev. by J. M. Lee 418-421
Parker, Henry Taylor. Eighth-Notes. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 661-664
Pasteur, Louis. William Williams Keen 579-592
Pasvolsky, Leo. Russia in the Far East. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-2o5
Peabody, Francis Greenwood. The Recall to Theology 322-333
Peabody, Josephine Preston. Portrait of Mrs. W. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Percy, William Alexander. The Delta Autumn: a Poem 97
— For a Word: a Poem 773
Perry, Bliss. Horace Howard Furness’s Letters 625-621
Persian Portraits. Clara Gary Edwards 159-180
Petrunkevitch, Alexander. Wasteful Nature 145-158
Phelps, Ruth Shepard. M. B. Anderson’s Divine Comedy of Dante 432-435
— C. Langdon’s Divine Comedy of Dante 432-435
Pierce, Frederick Erastus. The Destructibility of Literary Genius 110-111
Ponafidine, Emma. The Famine and the Bolsheviki 58-72
Population, The Weather Chart of, Charles Reinold Noyes 813-825
Post, Chandler Rathfon. European and American Sculpture. Rev. by C. R. Morey 655-651
Pound, Roscoe. Philosophy of Law. Rev. by E. M. Borchard 415-418
— The Spirit of the Common Law. Rev. by E. M. Borchard 415-418
Powell, Edward Alexander. Asia at the Crossroads. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Pratt, James Bissett. Religion and the Younger Generation 594-613
Present Conditions in China. Kenneth Scott Latourette 562-578
Prynne, William: A Puritan Censor of the Stage. T. R. Lounsbury 790-810
Puccini, Mario. Young Italy 692-701
Punch. Poems from Punch. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Puritan Censor of the Stage, A. Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury 790-810
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. W. H. Dunn’s Life of Donald G. Mitchell 650-651
— R. M. Weaver’s Herman Melville 205-209
Railroad Situation, Factors in the. Arthur Twining Hadley 449-468
Raymond, Edward Thompson. Mr. Lloyd George. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 860-863
Recall to Theology, The. Francis Greenwood Peabody 3 22-333
Redlich, Josef. Austria and Central Europe 335-344
Reed, Edward Bliss. Light Verse: Book Reviews 215-221
Religion and the Younger Generation. James Bissett Pratt 594-613
Repplier, Agnes. Allies in Peace 225-237
— Autobiographical Intimacies: Book Reviews 852-857
Rettger, Leo Frederick. Intestinal Flora. Rev. by J. C. Torrey 213-215
Robertson, John Mackinnon. Shakespeare Canon. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
Robinson, Edgar Eugene. Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Rosebery, Lord. Miscellanies. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 860-863
Rostovtzeff, Michael I. P. N. Miliukov’s Russia To-day and To-morrow 425-428
Scandinavian Literature for Americans. Hanna Astrup Larsen 364-376
Schaw, Janet. Journal of a Lady of Quality. Rev. by N. W. Stephenson 421-424
Schucking, Levin L. Character Problems in Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
Science and the Soul. Vernon Kellogg 305-313
Scoville, Samuel, Jr. Wild Folk. Rev. by G. B. Grinnell 437-440
Scrapping Mahan. William Oliver Stevens 528-542
Sections and Nation. Frederick Jackson Turner 1-21
Sermon, The Menace of the. Francis Edward Clark 87-96
Seymour, Charles. C. L. Graves’s Mr. Punch’s Modern England 400-403
Shay, Frank, ed. Contemporary One-act Plays. Rev. by L. M. Buell 652-655
Sherman, Stuart Pratt. For the Higher Study of American Literature 469-475
— C. B. Tinker’s Nature’s Simple Plan 403-407
— On Contemporary Literature. Rev. by S. T. Williams 875-882
Simonds, Bruce. P. Lasserre’s Spirit of French Music 661-664
— H. T. Parker’s Eighth-Notes 661-664
Six Years of Education in England. Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher 510-527
Smith David Stanley. Modern Music: a Suggestion 98-109
Song for “The Lamp and the Bell”: a Poem> Edna St- Vincent Millay 56
Soul, Science and the. Vernon Kellogg 305-313
Sound in the Mulberry Trees, A: a Poem. Henry Hauer Bellamann 117
Squire, John Ceilings. Poems: Second Series. Rev. by W. B. D. Henderson 643-646
Stage, A Puritan Censor of the. Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury 790-810
Stearns, Alfred Ernest. L. P. Jacks’s Legends of Smokeover 668-670
Stearns, Harold Crawford, comp. Society Verse. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Stearns, Harold Edmund, ed. Civilization in the United States. Rev. by F. Manning 209-213
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. J. Schaw’s Journal of a Lady of Quality 421-424
Stevens, William Oliver. Scrapping Mahan 528-542
Stone, Melville Elijah. Fifty Tears a Journalist. Rev. by J. M. Lee 418-421
Storey, Moorfield. T. W. Higginson’s Letters and Journals 199-200
Stories of Francis Marion Crawford, The. Hugh Walpole 673-691
Strachey, John St. Loe. Adventure of Living. Rev. by A. Repplier 852-857
Strachey, Lytton. Books and Characters. Rev. by H. A. Beers 398-400
Tariffs, The Making of. William Smith Culbertson 2.55-274
Tasker, Arthur N. Sir William Osier’s Evolution of Modern Medicine 413-415
Taylor, Bert Leston, A Penny Whistle. Rev. by E. B. Reed 215-221
Thames. A Cruise up London River. F. Tennyson Jesse 826-843
Theology, The Recall to. Francis Greenwood Peabody 322-333
Thomson, John Arthur. Outline of Science. Rev. by R. S. Lull 190-192
Ticknor, Caroline. Glimpses of Authors. Rev. by A. Brown 638-641
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster. Nature’s Simple Plan. Rev. by S. P. Sherman 403-407
— Young Boswell. Rev. by H. V. Abbott 646-648
Tolstoy, Countess. Autobiography. Rev. by A. Repplier 852-857
Torrey, John Cutler. L. F. Rettger’s and H. A. Cheplin’s Intestinal Flora 213-215
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The Western Question. Rev. by W. L. Westermann 886-889
Tucker, Gilbert Milligan. American English. Rev. by G. Van Santvoord 889-892
Tumulty, Joseph Patrick. Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-886
Turner, Frederick Jackson. Sections and Nation 1-21
Twelfth Night: a Poem. Elinor Wylie 253-254
Two Sonnets. Clement Wood… .’ 334
Tyau, Min-Chien Tuk Zung. China Awakened. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Updike, Daniel Berkeley. Printing types. Rev. by W. M. Ivins, Jr. 873-875
Van Doren, Carl. Contemporary American Novelists. Rev. by W. L. Cross 186-190
Van Dyke, Henry. The Fringe of Words 73-84
— Companionable Books. Rev. by S. T. Williams 875-882
Van Santvoord, George. American and English Speech: Book Reviews 889-892
Visit to Henry James, A. Robert Herrick 724-741
Wallas, Graham. Human Nature in Politics. Rev. by W. Millis 648-650
Walpole, Hugh. The Stories of Francis Marion Crawford 673-69
War Debts. Russell Cornell Leffingwell 22-40
Ward, Sir Adolphus William. Collected Papers. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-63
Wasteful Nature. Alexander Petrunkevitch 145-158
Weather Chart of Population, The. Charles Reinold Noyes 813-82
Weaver, Raymond Melbourne. Herman Melville. Rev. by A. H. Quinn 205-201
West, Rebecca. The Present Plight of the Artist: Book Reviews 844-850
West, Victor J. Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by Sir A. M. Low 882-885
Westerfield, Ray Bert. Banking Principles. Rev. by R. Morris 863-865
Westermann, William Linn. Westerners and Turks: Book Reviews 886-889
What it is Like in Ireland. Stephen Gwynn 544-561
Wheelock, John Hall. Haunted Earth: a Poem 85-86
White, Paul Lambert. American Manners in 1830 118-131
Whitman, Walt. Uncollected Poetry and Prose. Rev. by J. Erskine 440-443
Williams, Frederick Wells. Settlement of the Far East: Book Reviews 200-205
Williams, Stanley Thomas. Self-Criticism in America: Book Reviews 875-881
Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. China at the Conference. Rev. by F. W. Williams 200-205
Wilson, Robert Forrest. How America Went to War. Rev. by L. H. Holt 196-195
Window Lore. Karle Wilson Baker 614-624
Winslow, Anne Goodwin. Choral: a Poem 543
Winstanley, Lilian. Macbeth, King Lear. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 634-638
Wood, Clement. Two Sonnets 334
Woolf, Virginia. Monday or Tuesday. Rev. by R. West 844-850
Words, The Fringe of. Henry Van Dyke 73-84
Wright, Thomas Goddard. Literary Culture in Early New England. Rev. by J. S. Bassett 865-868
Writers, The New Age and the New. Archibald MacLeish 314-321
Wylie, Elinor. All Souls: a Poem 254
— Benvenuto’s Valentine: a Poem 476
— Twelfth Night: a Poem 253-254
Yeats, William Butler. Four Plays for Dancers. Rev. by O. W. Firkins 192-196
Young Italy. Mario Puccini 692-701
Zia, Mufty-Zade K., bey. Speaking of the ‘Turks. Rev. by W. L. Westermann 886-889