[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez. Towards World Association 34-42
— Leaders of Lost Causes: Book Reviews 412-414
Acquired Characters Inherited? Thomas Hunt Morgan 712-719
Adams, Tames Truslow. Revolutionary New England. Rev. by D. S. Muzzey 812-816
Adams, John. Modern Developments in Educational Practice. Rev. by G. S. Counts 198-202
Adams, Joseph Quincy. A Life of William Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 604-609
Agassiz, Alexander. Huxley and Agassiz: Unpublished Letters 63-80
Agassiz, George Russell, ed. Meade’s Headquarters 1863-1865. Rev. by C. W. Eliot 375-379
Aiken, Conrad. The Pilgrimage of Festus. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
Aldington, Richard. The River Kennet: a Poem 81-84
American Laughs, The. Agnes Repplier 482-493
American Short Story, The. Katharine Fullerton Gerould 642-663
Americans. Are Americans a Timid People? Agnes Repplier 1-13
Animals, Story. Caroline Francis Richardson 365-374
Asquith, Herbert Henry, The Genesis of the War. Rev. by Charles Seymour 790-794
Autolycus: a Poem. Alice Brown 302
Autumn Mist: a Poem. Theodore Maynard 247-248
Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. The Success and Failure of “Liberalism” 85-104
Baikie, James. “The Life of the Ancient East. Rev. by Flinders Petrie 807-810
Baitsell, George Alfred. J. A. Thomson’s The Outline of Science 192-193
Beauty: a Poem. Preston Clark 765
Becker, Carl. The Declaration of Independence. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
Beerbohm, Max. Tales of Three Nations. Supplement, January issue, 1924
— The Humor of. Wilbur L. Cross 209-227
Beers, Henry Augustin. The Farington Diary, ed. by James Greig 794-797
Bellamann, Henry. Beyond the Psyche 519-526
Belloc, Hilaire. On Contemporary Stupidity 105-113
Benavente, Jacinto. The Playwright’s Mind 43-62
Benét, William Rose. Poetry ad Lib: Book Reviews 161-165
Beyond the Psyche. Henry Bellamann. . 519-526
Bingham, Hiram. Inca Land. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Bodenheim, Maxwell. Introducing Irony. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
— The Sardonic Arm. Rev. by W. R. Benét. .’ 161-165
Borchard, Edwin Montefiore. J. W. Garner’s International Law and the World War 188-191
— C. C. Hydes’s International Law 188-191
Bradford, Gamaliel. Damaged Souls. Rev. by A. H. Quinn. 401-404
Brandes, George. Creative Spirits of the Nineteenth Century. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 816-820
Brink Roscoe W. Down the River. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Brooke, Charles Frederick Tucker. The Folio of 1623 130-143
— J. Q. Adams’s A Life of William Shakespeare 604-609
Brooks, Charles Franklin. E. Huntington’s Earth and Sun 613-616
— E. Huntington’s and S. S. Visher’s Climatic Changes 613-616
Brown, Alice. Autolycus: a Poem 302
Charles Reynolds. Faith and Health. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 810-812
Brown, William Adams. The Church in America. Rev. by A. C. McGiffert 186-187
Brownings, A Visitor to the, ed. by Leonard Huxley 228-246
Buck, Philo Melvin. What India Wants 496-518
Bunn, Henry W. W. H. Hudson’s A Hind in Richmond Park 383-385
Byron, Lord. Correspondence, ed. by John Murray. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 169-171
Byron Centenary, The. Howard Mumford Jones 730-745
Caillaux, Joseph. Whither France? Whither Europe? Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
Capitalism, The Logic of. James Laurence Laughlin 289-301
Captain Marryat. Michael Sadleir 774-789
Captured: a Poem. Archibald MacLeish 346
Carnegie Endowment. Official German Documents. Rev. by C. Seymour 790-794
Carter, Howard. The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen. Rev. by Flinders Petrie 807-810
Cassels, Walter Richard: A Visitor to the Brownings, ed. by Leonard Huxley 228-246
Catt, Carrie Chapman. Woman Suffrage and Politics. Rev. by K. B. Davis 392-394
Characters. Are Acquired Characters Inherited? Thomas Hunt Morgan 712-729
Charnwood, Lord. Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by S. P. Sherman 583-585
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. The Ballad of Saint Barbara. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
China, Political Readjustment in. Harold Scott Quigley 746-764
Church of the Spirit, The. Francis G. Peabody 431-441
Churchill, Winston Spencer. The World Crisis, 11)15. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
— The World Crisis, 1915. Rev. by Charles Seymour 790-794
Clark, Preston. Two Sonnets: Embarkation; Beauty 765
Clay, Albert Tobias. A Hebrew Deluge Story. Rev. by J. A. Montgomery 196-198
Coast Cattle: a Poem. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth 710
Coatsworth, Elizabeth J. Maine Poems 710-711
Coffin, Henry Sloane. Of Spiritual Interests: Book Reviews 810-812
— What Is There in Religion? Rev. by A. C. McGiffert 186-187
Colum, Padraic. The Children Who Followed the Piper. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Common Sense and the League. Edward Bliss Reed 276-288
Conkling, Grace Hazard. Six Books for Children: Book Reviews 409-412
Conkling, Hilda. Shoes of the Wind. Rev. by W. R. Benét. 161-165
Contemporary Stupidity, On. Hilaire Belloc 105-113
Conversation. Zona Gale 527-530
Cortissoz, Royal. J. Meir-Graefe’s Vincent Van Gogh 598-600
Costello, Harry Todd. A Realist and Two Idealists: Book Reviews 404-408
Counts, George Sylvester. Educational Unrest: Book Reviews 198-202
Critical Fable, A, by A Poker of Fun, Amy Lowell. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Criticism, On Perspective in. Wilson Follett 550-562
Cross, Wilbur Lucius. The Humor of Max Beerbohm 209-227
Dane, Clemence. The Feminine of Genius 684-689
Dark, Sidney. W. S. Gilbert. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 804-807
Davis, Katharine Bement. C. C. Catt’s and N. R. Shuler’s Woman Suffrage 392-394
De Man, Henry, see Man, Henry de
Design in Nature, On. William King Gregory 334-345
Deutsch, Babette. Maternity: a Poem 495
— The Pledge of Benjamin: a Poem 494-495
Dos Passes, John Roderigo. A Pushcart at the Curb. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Doughty, Charles Montagu. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 801-804
Dunbar, Olivia Howard. Gina Lombroso’s The Soul of Woman 829-832
Dunbar, Olivia Howard. A. M. Ludovici’s Woman: A Vindication 829-832
— Some Critics of the English Mind: Book Reviews 176-180
Dwight, H. G. C. M. Doughty’s Travels in Arabia Deserta 801-804
Eckenrode, Hamilton James. Jefferson Davis. Rev. by N. W. Stephenson 828-829
Egypt, New Lights on the Past in. Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie 14-29
Eliot, Charles William. Meade’s Headquarters 1863-1865, ed. by G. R. Agassiz 375-379
Eliot, Thomas Stearns. The Waste Land. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Ellis, Havelock. The Dance of Life. Rev. by C. Morley 797-801
Embarkation: a Poem. Preston Clark 765
Erskine, John. The Literary Discipline. Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Ervine, St. John Greer. Some Impressions of My Elders. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 176-180
Europe’s Big Debts. Irving Fisher 449-466
Evolution of Man, The. The Sigma Xi Lectures. Rev. by W. K. Gregory 619-622
Farbman, Michael. The Struggle for Power in Russia 467-481
Farington, Joseph. The Farington Diary. Rev. by H. A. Beers 794-797
Feminine of Genius, The. Clemence Dane 684-689
Fisher, Irving. Europe’s Big Debts 449-466
Flammarion, Camille. After Death. Rev. by V. Kellogg 171-174
— At the Moment of Death. Rev. by V. Kellogg 171-174
Flaubert and Flaubart. John Middleton Murry 347-364
Fletcher, John Gould. The Spirit of Thomas Hardy 322-333
— Seven Poets: Book Reviews 585-588
Flower, Walter Newman. George Frideric Handel. Rev. by B. Simonds 820-823
Foerster, Norman. Nature in American Literature. Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Folio of 1623, The. Charles Frederick Tucker Brooke 130-143
Follett, Wilson. On Perspective in Criticism 550-562
Fosdick, Harry Emerson. Christianity and Progress. Rev. by A. C. McGiffert. 186-187
— Twelve Tests of Character. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 810-812
Franck, Harry Alverson. Working North from Patagonia. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Frazer, Sir James George. The Golden Bough. Rev. by A. G. Keller 398-401
Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince. My War Experiences. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
Frost, Robert. I Will Sing You One-O: a Poem 31-33
— Nothing Gold Can Stay: a Poem 30
— To Earthward: a Poem 30-31
Fungi: a Poem. Charles Wharton Stork 129
Gale, Zona. Conversation 527-530
Garner, James Wilford. International Law. Rev. by E. M. Borchard 188-191
General Practice. Albert Galloway Keller 114-128
Genius, The Feminine of. Clemence Dane 684-689
Gentile, Giovanni. The Reform of Education. Rev. by G. S. Counts 198-202
German Documents Relating to the World War. Rev. by C. Seymour 790-794
Germany’s New Prophets. Henry de Man 665-683
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. The American Short Story 642-663
Glass Houses: a Poem. Edwin Arlington Robinson 664
Gosse, Edmund. More Books on the Table. Rev. by G. McL. Harper 591-594
Gregory, William King. On Design in Nature 334-345
— The Evolution of Man. The Sigma Xi Lectures 619-622
Greig, James, ed. The Farington Diary. Rev. by H. A. Beers 794-797
Grey, Rowland. W. S. Gilbert. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 804-807
Guedalla, Philip. The Second Empire. Rev. by Charles Seymour 390-392
Guise, Anselm Verner Lee. Six Tears in Bolivia. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Haldane, Viscount. The Philosophy of Humanism. Rev. by H. T. Costello 404-408
Hanbury-Williams, Sir John. The Emperor Nicholas II. Rev. by A. Petrunkevitch 594-598
Hardy, Thomas, The Spirit of. John Gould Fletcher 322-333
Haring, Clarence Henry. For a Latin-American Bookshelf: Book Reviews 180-186
Harlow, Ralph Volney. Samuel Adams. Rev. by D. S. Muzzey 812-816
Harper, George McLean. Serious Studies of Men and Books: Book Reviews 591-594
Hearn, Lafcadio. European and Oriental Literature. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 816-820
Hillyer, Robert Silliman. A. Machen’s “the Hill of Dreams 174-176
— A. Machen’s Things Near and Far 174-176
Hocking, William Ernest. Leaders and Led 625-641
Hoernlé, Reinhold F. A. Matter, Life, Mind and God. Rev. by H. T. Costello, .f. 404-408
Holden, Raymond. Granite and Alabaster. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Hopkins, Edward Washburn. Origin and Evolution of Religion. Rev. by A. G. Keller 398-401
Hudson, William Henry. A Hind in Richmond Park. Rev. by H. W. Bunn 383-385
Huggins, William Lloyd. Labor and Democracy. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 193-196
Humor of Max Beerbohm, The. Wilbur Lucius Cross 209-227
Huntington, Ellsworth. The Ends of the Earth: Book Reviews 385-390
— Climatic Changes. Rev. by C. F. Brooks 613-616
— Earth and Sun. Rev. by C. F. Brooks 613-616
Huxley, Leonard, ed. A Visitor to the Brownings 228-246
— Huxley and Agassiz: Unpublished Letters 63-80
Huxley, Thomas Henry. Huxley and Agassiz: Unpublished Letters 63-80
Hyde, Charles Cheney. International Law. Rev. by E. M. Borchard 188-191
I Will Sing You One-O: a Poem. Robert Frost 31-33
India. What India Wants. Philo M. Buck 496-518
Inge, William Ralph. Outspoken Essays (Second Series). Rev. by G. McL. Harper 591-594
Interpreter, The: a Poem. E. Clement Jones 549
Jones, E. Clement. The Interpreter: a Poem 549
Jones, Howard Mumford. The Byron Centenary 730-745
Keller, Albert Galloway. General Practice 114-128
— Magic, Science, and Religion: Book Reviews 398-401
Kellogg, Vernon. C. Flammarion’s At the Moment of Death and After Death 171-174
— Raymond Pearl’s The Biology of Death 171-174
Keun, Odette. My Adventures in Bolshevik Russia. Rev. by A. Petrunkevitch 594-598
Kleinmichel, Countess. Memories of a Shipwrecked World. Rev. by A. Petrunkevitch 594-598
Kohlsaat, Herman Henry. From McKinley to Harding. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
Laggards, The: a Poem. Edwin Arlington Robinson 442
Laughlin, James Laurence. The Logic of Capitalism 289-301
Leaders and Led. William Ernest Hocking 625-641
League, Common Sense and the. Edward Bliss Reed 276-288
Letters and Comment 203-208, 415-416, 623-624
“Liberalism”, The Success and Failure of. Benjamin Wisner Bacon…” 85-104
Livingstone, Richard Winn. The Legacy of Greece. Rev. by Paul Shorey 394-398
Locking the Barn Door. Laura Woolsey Lord Scales 766-773
Lofting, Hugh. The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Logic of Capitalism, The. James Laurence Laughlin 289-301
Lombroso, Gina. The Soul of Woman. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 829-832
Lowell, Amy. A Critical Fable. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Ludovici, Anthony M. Woman: A Vindication. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 829-832
Lusk, Graham. L. B. Mendel’s Nutrition, The Chemistry of Life 609-612
Lyman, Col. Theodore. Meade’s Headquarters 1863-1865. Rev. by C. W. Eliot 375-379
MacAfee, Helen. Rebuttal by the Novelists 531-548
Mace, Arthur C. The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen. Rev. by Flinders Petrie 807-810
McGiffert, Arthur Cushman. Freedom in Modern Religion: Book Reviews 186-187
Machen, Arthur. The Hill of Dreams. Rev. by R. S. Hillyer 174-176
— Things Near and Far. Rev. by R. S. Hillyer 174-176
Mackail, John William. Virgil. Rev. by Paul Shorey 394-398
MacLeish, Archibald. Captured: a Poem 346
— Lewis Mumford’s The Story of Utopias 165-169
— H. G. Wells’s Men Like Gods 165-169
Macy, John Albert. The Critical Game. Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Maine Poems. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth 710-711
Man, Henry de. Germany’s New Prophets 665-683
Mansfield, Katherine. Extracts from a Journal 144-160, 303-321
Marriage, Modern. William Graham Sumner 249-275
Marryat, Captain. Michael Sadleir 774-789
Masefield, John. The Dream. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
Maternity: a Poem. Babette Deutsch 495
Maynard, Theodore. Autumn Mist: a Poem 247-248
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Vincent Van Gogh. Rev. by Royal Cortissoz 598-600
Mendel, Lafayette Benedict. Nutrition. Rev. by Graham Lusk 609-612
Meyerfeld, Max. Letters of John Millington Synge 690-709
Millay, Edna St. Vincent. A Few Figs from Thistles. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Modern Marriage. William Graham Sumner 249-275
Monro, Harold. Real Property. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
Montgomery, James Alan. A. T. Clay’s A Hebrew Deluge Story 196-198
Morgan, Thomas Hunt. Are Acquired Characters Inherited? 712-729
Morley, Christopher. Havelock Ellis’s The Dance of Life 797-801
Mumford, Lewis. The Story of Utopias. Rev. by Archibald MacLeish 165-169
Murray, Gilbert. Tradition and Progress. Rev. by Paul Shorey 394-398
Murray, John, ed. Lord Byron’s Correspondence. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 169-171
Murry, John Middleton. Extracts from a Journal by Katherine Mansfield. 144-160, 303-321
— Flaubert and Flaubart 347-364
— Countries of the Mind. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 176-180
Muzzey, David Saville. J. T. Adams’s Revolutionary New England 812-816
— R. V. Harlow’s Samuel Adams 812-816
— The United States of America. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
Nature, On Design in. William King Gregory 334-345
New Lights on the Past in Egypt. Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie 14-29
Nitti, Francesco. The Decadence of Europe. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
Nothing Gold Can Stay: a Poem. Robert Frost 30
Novelists, Rebuttal by the. Helen MacAfee 531-548
Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. The United States Since the Civil War. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
O’Conor, Norreys Jephson. Battles and Enchantments. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Ogg, Frederic Austin. American History and Politics: Book Reviews 600-604
On Buying a Maine Farm: a Poem. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth 710-711
Our Debt to Greece and Rome Series. Rev. by Paul Shorey 394-398
Papini, Giovanni. Four and ‘Twenty Minds. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 816-820
— The Life of Christ. Rev. by E. L. Parsons 379-383
Parkman, Francis, Some Personal Qualities of. Bliss Perry 443-448
Parsons, Edward Lambe. Giovanni Papini’s The Life of Christ 379-383
— Albert Schweitzer’s The Quest of the Historical Jesus 379-383
Parsons, Francis. The Friendly Club. Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Pattee, Fred Lewis. W. L. Phelps’s Some Makers of American Literature 616-619
— S. P. Sherman’s Americans; The Genius of America 616-619
Peabody, Francis Greenwood. The Church of the Spirit 431-441
Pearl, Raymond. “The Biology of Death. Rev. by Vernon Kellogg 171-174
Pearson, Edmund Lester. Books in Black or Red. Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Perry, Bliss. Some Personal Qualities of Francis Parkman 443-448
— The Praise of Folly. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 816-820
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck. Sidney Dark’s and Rowland Grey’s W. S. Gilbert 804-807
Perspective in Criticism, On. Wilson Follett 550-562
Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders. New Lights on the Past in Egypt 14-29
— James Baikie’s The Life of the Ancient East 807-810
— Howard Carter’s and A. C. Mace’s The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen 807-810
Petrunkevitch, Alexander. Tsarist Russia and Communist Russia: Book Reviews 594-598
Phelps, William Lyon. Some Makers of American Literature. Rev. by F. L. Pattee 616-619
Philosophy, A Preface to a System of. George Santayana 417-430
Pierce, Frederick Erastus. Lord Byron’s Correspondence, ed. by J. Murray 169-171
Playwright’s Mind, The. Jacinto Benavente 43-62
Pledge of Benjamin, The: a Poem. Babette Deutsch 494-495
Political Readjustment in China. Harold Scott Quigley 746-764
Preface to a System of Philosophy, A. George Santayana 417-430
Psyche, Beyond the. Henry Bellamann 519-526
Quigley, Harold Scott. Political Readjustment in China 746-764
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. Studies in Literature. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 176-180
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Gamaliel Bradford’s Damaged Souls 401-404
— M. R. Werner’s Barnum 401-404
Raleigh, Sir Walter. Some Authors. Rev. by V. D. Scudder 816-820
Rebuttal by the Novelists. Helen MacAfee 531-548
Reed, Edward Bliss. Common Sense and the League 276-288
Repplier, Agnes. The American Laughs 482-493
— Are Americans a Timid People ? 1-13
Rhodes, James Ford. McKinley and Roosevelt Administrations. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
Richardson, Caroline Francis. Story Animals 365-374
River Kennet, The: a Poem. Richard Aldington 81-84
Robbins, Hayes. The Labor Movement and the Farmer. Rev. by S. H. Slichter. 193-196
Robertson, William Spence. The Latin-American Nations. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Robinson, Edwin Arlington. Glass Houses: a Poem 664
— The Laggards: a Poem 442
— Roman Bartholow. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Rosenfeld, Paul. Musical Chronicle. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 820-823
Royden, Agnes Maude. Beauty in Religion. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 810-812
Russia, The Struggle for Power in. Michael Farbman 467-481
Sadleir, Michael. Captain Marryat 774-789
Sandburg, Carl. Rootabaga Stories. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Santayana, George. A Preface to a System of Philosophy 417-430
— Scepticism and Animal Faith. Rev. by H. T. Costello 404-408
— Soliloquies in England. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 176-180
Scales, Laura Woolsey Lord. Locking the Barn Door 766-773
Schweitzer, Albert. The Quest of the Historical Jesus. Rev. by E. L. Parsons 379-383
Scudder, Vida Dutton. Types of Literary Criticism: Book Reviews 816-820
Seymour, Charles. Philip Guedalla’s The Second Empire 390-392
— Questions of War Responsibility: Book Reviews 790-794
Shackleton, Sir Ernest. South. Rev. by Ellsworth Huntington 385-390
Shakespeare. William. The Folio of 1623. C. F. Tucker Brooke 130-143
Sharp Dallas Lore. Education in a Democracy. Rev. by G. S. Counts 198-202
Sherman, Stuart Pratt. Lord Charnwood’s Theodore Roosevelt 583-585
— Americans; The Genius of America. Rev. by F. L. Pattee 616-619
Shorey, Paul. The Classics and the Modern Mind: Book Reviews 394-398
Short Story, The American. Katharine Fullerton Gerould 642-663
Showerman, Grant. Homer and his Influence. Rev. by Paul Shorey 394-398
Shuler, Nettie Rogers. Woman Suffrage and Politics. Rev. by K. B. Davis 392-394
Simonds, Bruce. W. N. Flower’s George Frideric Handel 820-823
— Paul Rosenfeld’s Musical Chronicle 820-823
Slaughter, Gertrude. Shakespeare and the Heart of a Child. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Slichter, Sumner Huber. Labor Problems: Book Reviews 193-196
Some Personal Qualities of Francis Parkman. Bliss Perry 443-448
Spirit of Thomas Hardy, The. John Gould Fletcher 322-333
Spitteler, Carl. Two Little Misogynists. Rev. by G. H. Conkling 409-412
Spring, Samuel. Charles Warren’s The Supreme Court in U. S. History 612-613
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. The Friendly Arctic. Rev. by Ellsworth Huntington 385-390
— The Northward Course of Empire. Rev. by Ellsworth Huntington 385-390
Steiner, Rudolph. The Threefold Commonwealth. Rev. by G. S. Counts 198-202
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. H. J. Eckenrode’s Jefferson Davis 828-829
— Lincoln. Rev. by I. M. Tarbell 588-591
Stork, Charles Wharton. Fungi: a Poem 129
Story Animals. Caroline Francis Richardson 365-374
Strode, Muriel. At the Roots of the Grasses. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
Struggle for Power in Russia, The. Michael Farbman 467-481
Stuart, Graham Henry. Latin America and the United States. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Stuck, Hudson. A Winter Circuit of our Arctic Coast. Rev. by E. Huntington 385-390
Stupidity, On Contemporary. Hilaire Belloc 105-113
Subjunctive: a Poem. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth 711
Success and Failure of “Liberalism”, The. Benjamin Wisner Bacon 85-104
Sumner, William Graham. Modern Marriage 249-275
Sussex Man, A. E. L. Grant Watson 563-582
Synge, John Millington. Letters 690-709
Tarbell, Ida Minerva. N. W. Stephenson’s Lincoln 588-591
— J. W. Weik’s The Real Lincoln 588-591
Thayer, William Roscoe. George Washington. Rev. by F. A. Ogg 600-604
Thomson, John Arthur, ed. The Outline of Science. Rev. by G. A. Baitsell 192-193
Thorndike, Lynn. Magic and Experimental Science. Rev. by A. G. Keller 598-401
To Earthward: a Poem. Robert Frost 30-31
Towards World Association. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 34-42
Untermeyer, Louis. Roast Leviathan. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588
Van Doren, Carl. The Roving Critic, Rev. by S. T. Williams 823-827
Viroubova, Anna. Memories of the Russian Court. Rev. by A Petrunkevitch 594~598
Visher, Stephen Sargent. Climatic Changes. Rev. by C. F. Brooks 613-616
Visitor to the Brownings, A., ed. by Leonard Huxley 228-246
Walker, Charles Rumford. Steel. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 193-196
Warren, Charles. The Supreme Court in U. S. History. Rev. by S. Spring 612-613
Warshaw, Jacob. The New Latin America. Rev. by C. H. Haring 180-186
Watson, E. L. Grant. A Sussex Man 563-582
Weik, Jesse William, The Real Lincoln. Rev. by I. M. Tarbell 588-591
Wells, Herbert George. Men Like Gods. Rev. by Archibald MacLeish 165-169
Werner, Morris Robert. Barnum. Rev. by A. H. Quinn 401-404
What India Wants. Philo Melvin Buck 496-518
Wheelock, John Hall, The Black Panther. Rev. by W. R. Benét 161-165
Wilhelm II. Comparative History, 1878-1914. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
— The Kaiser s Memoirs. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 412-414
Williams, Stanley Thomas. Literary Criticism in America: Book Reviews 823-827
— Studies in Victorian Literature. Rev. by G. McL. Harper 591-594
Winchester, Caleb Thomas. An Old Castle. Rev. by O. H. Dunbar 176-180
World Association, Towards. Wilbur Cortez Abbott 34-42
Wylie, Elinor. Black Armour. Rev. by J. G. Fletcher 585-588