[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abrams, M. H. : The Mirror and the Lamp. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Adler, John H.: Disagreement on Economic Development. Rev. of books by Frankel & Nurkse 468
Advertising: The Institution of Abundance. David M. Potter 49
Afternoon : Amagansett Beach. Verse. John Hall Wheelock 385
Alpers, Antony: Katherine Mansfield. Rev. by Harry Levin 310
Anderson, Wendell B. : The Night of No Stars. Verse 101
Arber, Agnes : The Mind and the Eye. Rev. by Marston Bates 633
Aron, Raymond: A Century of Total War. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé 617
Astronomy Lesson. Story. Willard Marsh 548
Auerbach, Erich : Mimesis. Re v. by Rosemond Tuve 619
Bates, Marston : Agnes Arber’s The Mind and the Eye 633
Beach, Joseph Warren : Robert Frost 204
Bear, Firman E. : Land, Food, and People 262
Bergin, Thomas G. : Francis Fergusson’s Dante’s Drama of the Mind 150
Bergson, Abram, ed. : Soviet Economic Growth. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Berlin, Isaiah: The Hedgehog and the Fox. Rev. by René Wellek 607
Bieber, Konrad: Albert Camus’ The Rebel 473
Bingham, Jonathan B. : Skirt-Sleeve Diplomacy. Rev. by Willard L, Thorp 599
Blanshard, Brand : The Case for Plato. Rev. of books by Levinson & Wild 444
Miss, Trudy, ed. : Thomas Carlyle: Letters to His Wife. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Blum, John M. : The Republican Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
—(ed.) : The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
Bogardus, Edgar: Various Jangling Keys. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Genius of American Politics. Rev. by Gushing Strout 137
Borkenau, Franz : European Communism. Rev. by Philip E. Mosely 284
Boulding, Kenneth E. : The Organizational Revolution. Rev. by J. M. Clark 1 18
“Bourgeois Idealism” in Soviet Nuclear Physics. Martin Gardner 386
Bowen, Howard R. : Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. Rev. by. J. M. Clark 118
Bowles, Chester: Ambassador’s Report. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 599
Bridenbaugh, Carl: The Great Transformation. Rev. of books by Hazard & Miller 312
Brinton, Crane: Isaac Deutscher’s The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 613
British Colonialism. W. T. Stace 372
Brombert, Victor H.: Baudelaire, Proust, and Alain-Fournier. Rev. of books by Jones, Turnell, Hindus, & Gibson 635
Brown, Harrison: The Challenge of Man’s Future. Rev. by G. E. Hutchinson 61 1
Brown, Ralph S., Jr.: Concerning the Atom. Rev. of books by Dean & Evans 452
Bruce, J. Campbell: The Golden Door. Rev. by Oscar Handlin 639
Burchell, S. C. : The First of the Moderns. Rev. of books by LeRoy, Holloway, & Trudy Bliss 155
Burns, David: E. E. Cummings’ i — Six Nonlectures 306
Campbell, Mildred: Early Parliaments. Rev. of books by Neale & Faith Thompson 456
Camus, Albert: The Rebel. Rev. by Konrad Bieber 473
Carleton, William G. : The Nazi-Fascist Revolutions. Rev. of books by Hitler, von Papen, & Ciano 316
Carlyle, Thomas: see Trudy Bliss.
Carr, E. H.: The Bolshevik Revolution: Vol. III. Rev. by Martin E. Malia 466
Catlin, George : Propaganda and the Cold War 103
Cecil, Algernon: Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Chapman, Stuart W. : The Right of Revolution and the Rights of Man 576
Chute, Marchette : Ben Jonson of Westminster. Rev. by Charles Tyler Prouty 471
Ciano, Count Galeazzo: Ciano’s Hidden Diary, 1937-1938. Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Ciardi, John : Three Views of a Mother. Verse 185
Civilian-Military Balance. Townsend Hoopes 218
Clark, J. M. : Economics and Ethics. Rev. of books by Muelder, Boulding, & Bowen 118
Cochran, Thomas C. : Railroad Leaders, 1845-1890, Rev. by John E. Sawyer 622
Cohen, I, Bernard: Louis de Broglie’s The Revolution in Physics 283
Collective Security and the War in Korea. Arnold Wolfers 481
Colton, Joel : The French Socialist Party 402
Connolly, Cyril : Ideas and Places. Rev. by Henri Peyre 293
Copeland, Thomas W. : Jacques Maritain’s Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry 143
Cornell, Kenneth : Zola and George Sand. Rev. of books by Maurois & Hemmings 314
Cummings, E. E. : i — Six Nonlectures. Rev. by David Burns 306
Current, Richard N. : Secretary Stimson. Rev. by Robert H. Ferrell 625
Curtis, L. P. : Conservatives All. Rev. of books by Pares & Kirk 133
Curtius, Ernst Robert: European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Rev. by Charles W. Jones 459
Dahl, Robert A. : Politics, Economics, and Welfare. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Dallin, David J. : The New Russian Intelligentsia 188
Dean, Gordon : Report on the Atom. Rev. by Ralph S. Brown, Jr. 452
Dean, Vera Micheles: New Patterns of Democracy in India 161
de Broglie, Louis: The Revolution in Physics. Rev. by I. Bernard Cohen 283
Dedmon, Emmett : Fabulous Chicago. Rev. by Victor S. Yarros 47 5
Denigration of Masaryk, The. Richard Hunt 414
Deutsch, Babette: Poetry Chronicle. Rev. of books by Warren, Santayana, Bogardus, MacNeice, May Sarton, Jean Garrigue, Roethke, & Shapiro 276
Deutscher, Isaac: The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1870-1021. Rev. by Crane Brinton 613
Driscoll, David: The Lost Sheep. Story 246
Driver C. H.: Monarchs and Prime Ministers. Rev. of books by Nicolson, Young, & Cecil 287
Duteil, H.-J.: The Great American Parade. Rev. by Gushing Stout 137
Edel, Leon: Henry James: The Untried Years, 1843-1870. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr 128
Einaudi, Mario: Europe after Stalin 24
Eliot T. S., ed.: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Harry Levin 602
Erdman, David V.: Blake: Prophet Against Empire. Rev. by Martin Price 629
Europe after Stalin. Mario Einaudi 24
Europe versus Asia in American Strategy. Herbert Feis 351
Evans, Medford: The Secret War for the A-Bomb. Rev. by Ralph S. Brown, Jr. 452
Fainsod, Merle: How Russia Is Ruled. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Feidelson, Charles, Jr.: Leon Edel’s Henry James: The Untried Years, 1843-1870 128
Feis, Herbert: Europe versus Asia in American Strategy 351
—: The China Tangle. Rev. by William W. Kaufmann 308
Fellner, William: Problems Behind the Federal Budget 177
Fergusson, Francis: Dante’s Drama of the Mind. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 150
Ferrell, Robert H.: Anglo-American Relations. Rev. of books by Zimmern & Willert 141
—: Richard N. Current’s Secretary Stimson 625
Feuillerat, Albert: The Composition of Shakespeare’s Plays. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Finn, Dallas: Japanese Universities Today 559
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Vermont Tradition. Rev. by Helen MacAfee 464
Fitzsimons, M. A., ed.: The Catholic Church in World Affairs. Rev. by George N. Shuster 609
Fluchere, Henri: Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallet Smith 121
Francis, Robert: The Net. Verse 534
Frankel, S. Herbert: The Economic Impact on Underdeveloped Societies, Rev. by John H. Adler 468
French Socialist Party, The. Joel Colton 402
Frost, Robert: Joseph Warren Beach 204
Frye, Richard N.: Iran. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Fuess, John C.: World Labor and American Foreign Policy 437
Gardner, Martin: “Bourgeois Idealism” in Soviet Nuclear Physics 386
Garraty, John A.: Henry Cabot Lodge. Rev. by Charles Seymour 273
Garrigue, Jean: The Monument Rose. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sibson, Robert: The Quest of Alain-Fournier. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Gifts, The. Story. Faye Riter 427
Gleason, S. Everett: The Undeclared War. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 295
Goerlitz, Walter: History of the German General Staff. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Graham, David L.: The United States and Mexico 235
Greece and Recovery. Theodore Saloutos 535
Greene, Constance McL.: Rollin G. Osterweis’ Three Centuries of New Haven 144
Guerney, B. G., tr.: New Russian Stories. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
Gurian, Waldemar, ed.: The Catholic Church in World Affairs. Rev. by George N. Shuster 609
—: Contemporary Russia. Rev. of books by Stevens, Fainsod, Rostov, Leites, & Bergson 461
Hamlet. Karl Polanyi 336
Handlin, Oscar: The Immigrant’s Rights. Rev. of books by Konvitz & Bruce 639
Hart B. H. Liddell, ed.: The Rommel Papers. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Hartmann, Frederick H.: Soviet Russia and the German Problem 511
Hazard, Paul: The European Mind. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 312
Hemmings, F. W. J.: Emile Zola. Rev. by Kenneth Cornell 314
Hindus, Milton: The Proustian Vision. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Hitler, Adolf: Hitler’s Secret Conversations (introduction by H. R. Trevor Roper) . Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Holborn, Hajo: The Prussian Military Mind. Rev. of books by Goerlitz, Taylor, & Rommel 301
Holbrook, Stewart H.: The Age of the Moguls. Rev. by John E. Sawyer 622
Holcombe, Arthur N.: Presidential Leadership and the Party System 321
Holloway, John: The Victorian Sage. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Hoopes, Townsend: Civilian-Military Balance 218
House, Humphry: Coleridge. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Hudnut, Joseph: Christopher Tunnard’s The City of Man 274
Hunt, Richard: The Denigration of Masaryk 414
Hurewitz, J. C.: Mid-die East Dilemmas. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Hutchinson, G. E.: Harrison Brown’s The Challenge of Man’s Future 611
—: The Itinerant Ivory Tower. Rev. by Kirtley F. Mather 455
Ickes, Harold L.: The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: 1933-1936. Rev. by Basil Rauch 458
James, William, A Boy’s Recollections of. Sidney Lovett 525
Japanese Universities Today. Dallas Finn 559
Jarrell, Randall: Poetry and the Age. Rev. by Henri Peyre 293
Johnson, Alvin: Belle Case La Follette & Fola La Follette’s Robert M. La Follette 44 7
Johnson, E. D. H.: The Romantic View of Poetry. Rev. of books by Abrams, Read, House, & Knight 298
Jones, Charles W.: Ernst Robert Curtius’ European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages 459
Jones, Maxwell: The Therapeutic Community. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Jones, P. Mansell: Baudelaire. Rev. by Victor M. Brombert 635
Jumping Bean Season. Story. Ralph Robin 89
Kaufmann, William W.: Herbert Feis’s The China Tangle 308
Kirk, George: The Middle East in the War. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Kirk, Russell: The Conservative Mind. Rev. by L. P. Curtis 133
Knight, G. Wilson: Lord Byron. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Knoepfle, John: On a Fall Night. Verse 117
Kökeritz, Helge: Shakespeare’s Pronunciation. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Konvitz, Milton R.: Civil Rights in Immigration. Rev. by Oscar Handlin 639
Kubler, George: Andre Malraux, The Voices of Silence 448
La Follette, Belle Case, & La Follette, Fola: Robert M. La Follette. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 447
Land, Food, and People. Firman E. Bear 262
Langer, William L.: The Undeclared War. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 295
Lape, Fred: Two Country Figures. Verse 574
Leites, Nathan: A Study of Bolshevism. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
LeRoy, Gaylord C.: Per flexed Prophets. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Lester, Richard A.: Economics Includes Politics. Rev. of books by Dahl & Lindblom; Millikan; & Nourse 146
Letter to Americans. René Sedillot 1
Levin, Harry: Antony Alpers’ Katherine Mansfield 310
—: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound (ed. by T. S. Eliot) 602
Levinson, Ronald B.: In Defense of Plato. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 444
Lindblom, Charles E.: David Riesman’s Thorstein Veblen 282
—: Politics, Economics, and Welfare. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Link Arthur S. : Theodore Roosevelt in His Letters. Rev. of The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, edited by Morison & Blum, et at.; & The Re-publican Roosevelt, by John M. Blum 589
Logan, Rayford, W. : The Negro in American Life and Thought: 1877-1901. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Lost Sheep, The. Story. David Driscoll 246
Lovett, Sidney : A Boy’s Recollections of William James 525
Lunt, Horace G., ed. : Harvard Slavic Studies, Vol. I. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
MacAfee, Helen: Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s Vermont Tradition 464
MacNeice, Louis: Ten Burnt Offerings. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Malia, Martin E. : The Russian Revolution. Rev. of books by Carr & Steinberg 466
Malraux, André : The Voices of Silence. Rev. by George Kubler 448
Maritain, Jacques: Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. Rev. by Thomas W. Copeland 143
Marsh, Willard : Astronomy Lesson. Story 548
Mason, Edward S. : The New Competition 37
Mather, Kirtley F. : G. E. Hutchinson’s The Itinerant Ivory Tower 455
Maurois, André: Lélia: The Life of George Sand. Rev. by Kenneth Cornell 314
Miller, Perry: The New England Mind: From Colony to Province. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 312
Millikan, Max F., ed. : Income Stabilization for a Developing Democracy. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Milosz, Czeslaw: The Captive Mind. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Morison, Elting E., ed. : The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
Mosely, Philip E. : The Course of Communism. Rev. of books by Borkenau & Seton-Watson 284
Muelder, Walter George : Religion and Economic Responsibility. Rev. by J. M. Clark 118
Neale, J. E.: Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments. Rev. by Mildred Campbell 456
Nelson, Norman E. : Science and the Irresponsible Imagination 71
Net, The. Verse. Robert Francis 534
Neumann, Sigmund: John W. Wheeler-Bennett’s The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1018-1045 477
Neutra, Richard: Survival through Design. Rev. by Christopher Tunnard 615
New Competition, The. Edward S. Mason 37
New Critics and the Historical Method, The. Frederick A. Pottle 14
New Patterns of Democracy in India. Vera Micheles Dean 161
Russian Intelligentsia, The. David J. Dallin 1 88
Nichols, Lee : Breakthrough on the Color Front. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Nicoll, Allardyce: Shakespeare: An Introduction. Rev. by Charles Tyler Prouty 471
Nicolson, Harold : King George the Fifth. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Night of No Stars, The. Verse. Wendell B. Anderson 101
Nourse, Edwin G.: Economics in the Public Service. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Nurkse, Ragnar: Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. by John H. Adler 468
On a Fall Night. Verse. John Knoepfle 117
Osterweis, Rollin G.: Three Centuries of New Haven. Rev. by Constance McL. Green 144
Outstanding Novels. Paul Pickrel. Autumn, vi-xxvi; Winter, vi-xxiv; Spring, viii-xviii; Summer, viii-xviii
Pares Richard : King George III and the Politicians. Rev. by L. P. Curtis 133
Paterson, A. B.: see Power, William.
Perkins, Dexter: Langer & Gleason’s The Undeclared War 295
Peyre, Henri: A Concern for Literature. Rev. of books by Connolly & Jarrell 293
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Novels. Autumn, vi-xxvi; Winter, vi-xxiv; Spring, viii-xviii; Summer, viii-xviii
Polanyi, Karl: Hamlet 336
Potter, David M.: Advertising: The Institution of Abundance 49
Pottle, Frederick A.: The New Critics and the Historical Method 14
Pound, Ezra: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Harry Levin 602
Power, William: Waltzing Matilda 497
Presidential Leadership and the Party System. Arthur N. Holcombe 321
Price, Martin: Blake: Pictures and Politics. Rev. of books by Roe & Erdman . 629
Problems Behind the Federal Budget. William Fellner 171
Propaganda and the Cold War. George Catlin 103
Prouty, Charles Tyler: Two Elizabethans. Rev. of books by Nicoll & Marchette Chute 471
Radin, Paul: The World of Primitive Man. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
Rauch, Basil: The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: 1933-1936 458
Read, Herbert: The True Voice of Feeling. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Redfield, Robert: The Primitive World and Its Transformations. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
Reed, Stephen W.: Primitive Worlds. Rev. of books by Radin, Underhill, & Redfield 152
Revolt of Existence, The. John E. Smith 364
Riesman, David: Thorstein Veblen. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 282
Right of Revolution and the Rights of Man, The. Stuart W. Chapman 576
Riter, Faye: The Gifts. Story 427
Robin, Ralph: Jumping Bean Season. Story 89
Roe, Albert S.: Blake’s Illustrations to the Divine Comedy. Rev. by Martin Price 629
Roethke, Theodore: The Waking. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Rommel: see Hart, B. H. Liddell.
Roosevelt, Theodore: see Link, Arthur S.
Rostow, W. W.: The Dynamics of Soviet Society. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Ruchames, Louis: Race, Jobs, and Politics: The Story of FEPC. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Saloutos, Theodore: Greece and Recovery 535
Sandeen, Ernest: Two Poems 400
Santayana, George: The Poet’s Testament. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sarton, May: The Land of Silence and Other Poems. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sawyer, John E.: American Entrepreneurs. Rev. of books by Holbrook & Cochran 622
Science and the Irresponsible Imagination. Norman E. Nelson 71
Sedillot, René: Letter to Americans 1
Seeley, John R.: The Men of Mind and the Mind of Man. Rev. of books by Sullivan, Jones, & Milosz 125
Seton-Watson, Hugh: From Lenin to Malenkov. Rev. by Philip E. Mosely 284
Seymour, Charles: John A. Garraty’s Henry Cabot Lodge 273
Shakespeare: see Polanyi, Karl, & Smith, Hallett.
Shapiro, Karl: Poems: 1940-1053. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Shuster, George N.: Rev. of Gurian & Fitzsimons, The Catholic Church in World Affairs 609
Simmons, Ernest J., ed.: Through the Glass of Soviet Literature. Rev. by Gleb Starve 130
Slonim Marc: Modern Russian Literature. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
Smith, Alson J.: Chicago’s Left Bank. Rev. by Victor S. Yarros 475
Smith Hallett: Shakespeare: The Additions of the Learned. Rev. of books by Kökeritz, Whitaker, Wilson, Feuillerat, & Fluchere 121
Smith, John E.: The Revolt of Existence 364
Soviet Russia and the German Problem. Frederick H. Hartmann 511
Speiser, E. A.: The Middle East. Rev. of books by Kirk, Hurewitz, & Frye 158
Stace W. T.: British Colonialism 372
Staley Eugene: The Future of Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 599
Steinberg, I. N.: In the Workshop of the Revolution. Rev. by Martin E. Malia 466
Stevens, Leslie C.: Russian Assignment. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Strausz-Hupe, Robert: Raymond Aron’s A Century of Total War 617
Strout, Cushing: Three Views of America. Rev. of books by Boorstin, Duteil, & Warner 137
Struve, Gleb: Recent Russian Literature. Rev. of books by Slonim, Lunt, Simmons, & Guerney 130
Sullivan, Harry Stack: The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Taylor, Telford: Sword and Swastika. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Thompson, Faith: A Short History of Parliament, 1295-1642. Rev. by Mildred Campbell 456
Thorp, Willard L.: Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. of books by Bowles, Bingham, & Staley 599
Three Views of a Mother. Verse. John Ciardi 185
Tunnard, Christopher: Neutra’s Survival through Design 615
—: The City of Man. Rev. by Joseph Hudnut 274
Turnell, Martin: Baudelaire. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Tuve, Rosemond: Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis 619
Two Country Figures. Verse. Fred Lape 5 74
Two Poems. Ernest Sandeen 400
Underbill, Ruth Murray: Red Man’s America. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
United States and Mexico, The: David L. Graham 235
von Papen, Franz: Memoirs. Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Waltzing- Matilda. William Power 497
Warner, W. Lloyd: American Life. Rev. by Cushing Strout 137
Warren, Robert Penn: Brother to Dragons. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Wellek, Rene: Rev. of Isaiah Berlin’s The Hedgehog and the Fox 607
Wheeler-Bennett, John W.: The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1018-1045. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 477
Wheelock, John Hall: Afternoon: Amagansett Beach. Verse 385
Whitaker, Virgil K.: Shakespeare’s Use of Learning. Rev. by Hallet Smith 121
John: Plato’s Modern Enemies and the Theory of Natural Law. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 444
Willert, Sir Arthur: The Road to Safety. Rev. by Robert H. Terrell 141
Wilson, F. P.: Marlowe and the Early Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Wolfers, Arnold: Collective Security and the War in Korea 481
Woodward, C. Vann: The Progress of the Negro. Rev. of books by Logan, Ruchames, & Nichols 604
World Labor and American Foreign Policy. John C. Fuess 437
Yarros, Victor S.: Chicago—Then and Now. Rev. of books by Dedmon & Smith 475
Young, G. M.: Stanley Baldwin. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Zimmern, Sir Alfred: The American Road to Peace. Rev. by Robert H. Ferrell 141