[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Academic Freedom and German Politics. Thomas T. Helde 76
Acheson, Dean: Morality, Moralism, and Diplomacy 481
Adrian, Arthur A.: Georgina Hogarth and the Dickens Circle. Rev. by Joan Bennett 445
Akashi, Yasushi: Japan’s Foreign Policy 219
Anderson, Quentin: The American Henry James. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 265
Arms and the Welfare State. John Davenport 335
Aron, Raymond: The Opium of the Intellectuals. Rev Summer vi
Atherton, John: On Inheriting an Empty House at Coney Island. Verse 74
Baker, James Volant: The Sacred River. Rev. by Martin Price 617
Baker, Joseph E.: How the French See America 239
Balsden, J. P. V. D.: Clarence W. Mendell’s Tacitus 262
Beach, Joseph Warren: The Making of the Auden Canon. Rev Winter xxiv
Beale, Howard K.: Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Beck, William S.: Modern Science and the Nature of Life. Rev Autumn xiv
Bennett, Joan: Two Victorian Women. Rev. of books by Vera Wheatley-& Adrian 445
Benton, William: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia 552
Berg, Stephen: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Berliner, Joseph S.: Factory and Manager in the USSR. Rev. by Charles R. Walker 288
Berrigan, Daniel: Time Without Number. Rev. by James Wright 608
Bible Salesman, The. Story. Alma Stone 393
Billington, James H.: Mikhailovsky and Russian Populism. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Black Charles L., Jr.: Constitutional Issues Today. Rev. of books by Kilpatrick & Hook 117
Blackmur, R. P.: The Swan in Zurich 347
Bloom, Harold: Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism 130
Blum, John Morton: Woodrow Wilson. Rev. of books by Walworth & Hoover 592
Brogan, D. W.: The End of Illusion? 161
Brown, J. Douglas: High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Bruford, W. H.: Chekhov. Rev Autumn xvi
Buffum, Imbrie: Studies in the Baroque from Montaigne to Rotrou, Rev. Autumn xii
Camus, Albert: Exile and the Kingdom. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Carpentier, Alejo: The Kingdom of This World. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Changing Outposts: The Western Communities in Southeast Asia. Leslie H. Palmier 405
Chiang Chung-Cheng: see Chiang Kai-Shek.
Chiang Kai-Shek (Chiang Chung-Cheng): Soviet Russia. Rev. by Herbert Feis 133
Chisolm, Lawrence: American Biography. Rev. of books by Levenson; Howe; Beale; Mitchell; Walters; Meade; Sellers; Nevins & Hill; & Catherine Owens Peare 291
Clark, J. M.: Economic Institutions and Human Welfare. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Cohn, Norman: The Pursuit of the Millennium. Rev. by Raymond English 272
Collection, The. Story. Katharine Shattuck 93
Cone, Carl B.: Burke and the Nature of Politics. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Connelly, Kenneth: Albert Camus. Rev. of books by Camus, Hanna, Maquet, & Thody 623
Cottrell, Alvin J.: A New Strategy for Europe 36
Cow, The. Story. Lucian Marquis 193
Cozzens, James Gould: By Love Possessed. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Cressy, Earl Herbert: Understanding China. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Davenport, John: Arms and the Welfare State 335
Davidson, Edward H.: Poe. Rev Spring viii
Davie, Donald: Articulate Energy. Rev, by Martin Price 617
Defense, Dollars, and Doctrines. James Tobin 321
de Latil, Pierre: Thinking by Machine. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Denney, Reuel: The Astonished Muse. Rev. by John Fischer 112
de Santillana, Giorgio: Historians of Science. Rev, of books by Sarton & Koyré 453
DeVane, William Clyde: Prophets in an Anxious Time. Rev. of books by Willey & Houghton 108
—The American University in the Twentieth Century. Rev. by Douglas Knight 141
de Vaucouleurs, Gérard: Discovery of the Universe. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Dickey, James: The Sprinter’s Sleep. Verse 72
Douglas, William O.: The Right of the People. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Durrell, Lawrence: Hitter Lemons. Rev. by George Steiner 600
Edwards, Jonathan: freedom of the Will (Paul Ramsey, ed.). Rev. Autumn viii
Einzig, Paul: The Economic Consequences of Automation. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Eisenhower Economy and National Security, The: Two Views, see Tobin, James, and Davenport, John.
Eliot, Alexander: Three Hundred fears of American Painting. Rev Winter xx
Ellmann, Richard: Ulysses the Divine Nobody 56
End of Illusion? The: D. W. Brogan 161
English Raymond: Studies in Heresy and Catastrophe. Rev. of books by Cohn & Judith N. Shklar 272
Feis, Herbert: Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek), Soviet Russia 133
Fielding Gabriel: In the Time of Greenbloom. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Fischer, George: Russian Liberalism. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Fischer, John: The Masses and the Arts. Rev. of books by Rosenberg & White (eds.) ; & Denney 112
Force and Foreign Policy. Robert W. Tucker 374
Foreign Economic Aid. Milton Friedman 500
Forsdyke, John: Greece Before Homer. Rev Spring vi
Freeman, Eugene: Principles and Prudence in Integration 310
Friedman, Milton: Foreign Economic Aid 500
Friedman, William F. & Elizebeth: The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined. Rev. Winter xii
From You, Emperors, and Others. Five Poems. Robert Penn Warren 494
Frost William: The Correspondence of Alexander Pope (George Sherburn, ed.) 125
Frye, Northrop: Anatomy of Criticism. Rev. by Harold Bloom 130
Galantière, Lewis: see Parmelin, Hélène.
Galler, David: The Phoenix at Windsor, California. Verse 419
Gironella, José Maria: Where the Soil Was Shallow. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Gluckstein, Ygael: Mao’s China. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Goodman, Ronald: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Gray, Ronald: Kafka’s Castle. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 265
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, The. William Benton 552
Griswold, A. Whitney: In the University Tradition. Rev. by Henry M. Wriston 432
Haftmann, Werner: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 157, 306, 477, & 628
Hahn, Walter F.: A New Strategy for Europe 36
Hamilton and Power. Adrienne Koch 537
Hamilton, George Heard: Modern German Art. Rev. of books by Haftmann; Hentzen & Lieberman ; Kuhn; Roethel; Selz; & Myers 443
Hamilton, Walton: The Politics of Industry. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Hand, Learned: The Bill of Rights. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Hanna, Thomas: The Thought and Art of Albert Camus. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Harbison, Frederick: High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Hartt, J. N.: Man in Search of Wisdom. Rev. of books by Missenard, Wolfe, Ortega y Gasset, & Mora 449
Helde, Thomas T.: Academic Freedom and German Politics 76
Heller, Erich: The Disinherited Mind. Rev Summer xviii
Hentzen, Alfred: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Hewes, Laurence: Boxcar in the Sand. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Higbee, Edward: The American Oasis. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Hill, Frank Ernest: Ford’ Expansion and Challenge. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Hilles, Frederick W.: Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis’s Horace Walpole’s Library 599
Hillyer, Robert: The Relic and Other Poems. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Hiscocks, Richard: Democracy in Western Germany. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 440
Hook, Sidney: Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 117
Hoopes, Townsend: NATO Strategy and Europe’s Atomic Fear 181
Hoover, Herbert: The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by John Morton Blum 592
Hoskins, Katherine: Responsibilities. Verse 416
Houghton, Walter E.: The Victorian Frame of Mind. Rev. by William Clyde DeVane 108
How the French See America. Joseph E. Baker 239
Howe, Mark De Wolfe: Justice Holmes: The Shaping Years. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Huck and Jim. Kenneth S. Lynn 421
Hunt, Herbert J.: Honoré de Balzac. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Ionesco, Eugene: Four Plays. Rev Spring xii
Japan’s Foreign Policy. Yasushi Akashi 219
Jewkes, John: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Journal of the Plague, A. Francis Russell 219
Juilfs, J.: The Rise of Modern Physics. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Kafka and the Mystery of Bureaucracy. Rebecca West 15
Kampelman, Max M.: The Communist Party vs. the C.I.O. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Kermode, Frank: Romantic Image. Rev. by Martin Price 617
Kilpatrick, James Jackson: The Sovereign States. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 117
Kissinger, Henry A.: Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Rev Autumn vi
Knight, Douglas: William Clyde DeVane’s The American University in the Twentieth Century 141
Knox, Bernard M. W,: Oedipus at Thebes. Rev Autumn xviii
Koch, Adrienne: Hamilton and Power 537
Konvitz, Milton R.: Fundamental Liberties of a Free People. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Koyre, Alexandre: From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe. Rev. by Giorgio de Santillana 453
Krieger, Leonard: New Democracies. Rev. of books by Hiscocks & Montgomery 440
— The German Idea of Freedom. Rev. by Carl E. Schorske 276
Kristol, Irving: Old Truths and the New Conservatism 365
— Letter to an American 632
Kroeber, Clifton B. (ed.): The Frontier in Perspective. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Kuhn, Charles L.: German Expressionism and Abstract Art: The Harvard Collections. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Kurland, Philip B.: The Supreme Court and Its Literate Critics. Rev. of books by Hand, Douglas, Swisher, Konvitz, & O’Brien 596
Lamar, Howard R.: The Frontier Reexamined. Rev. of books by Wyman & Kroeber (eds.) ; & Moore 469
Lampert, E.: Studies in Rebellion. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Lattimore, Richmond: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Lavrin, Janko: The Rise of Russian Liberalism. Rev. of books by Lampert, Billington, & Fischer 613
Letter to an American. Irving Kristol 632
Levenson, J. C.: The Mind and Art of Henry Adams. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Lewis, D B. Wyndham: Doctor Rabelais. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Lewis, r. W. B.: Inside and Out. Rev. of books by Anderson & Gray 265
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon: Horace Walpole’s Library. Rev. by Frederick W. Hilles 599
Liberty and Equality. Reinhold Niebuhr 1
Lieberman, William S.: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Lindblom, Charles E.: Economics and Society. Rev. of books by Clark, Hamilton, Richberg, & Kampelman 128
Lynn, Kenneth S.: Huck and Jim 421
McCollom, William G.: Tragedy. Rev Spring xiv
Maquet, Albert: Albert Camus: The Invincible Summer. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Maritain, Jacques: Reflections on America. Rev Summer x
Marquis, Lucian: The Cow. Story 193
Martz, Louis L.: Wallace Stevens 517
—Essays on the Poetry of Milton. Rev. of books by Rosemond Tuve & Stein 259
Meade, Robert Douthat: Patrick Henry. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Meier, Richard L,: Science and Economic Development. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Mendell, Clarence W.: Tacitus. Rev. by J. P. V. D. Balsdon 262
Meredith, William: The Open Sea and Other Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Mezey, Robert: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Missenard, Andre: In Search of Man. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Mitchell, Broadus: Alexander Hamilton: Youth to Maturity. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Montgomery, John D.: Forced To Be Free. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 440
Moore, Arthur K.: The Frontier Mind, Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Mora, Jose Ferrater: Man at the Crossroads. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Morality, Moralism, and Diplomacy. Dean Acheson 481
Moravia, Alberto: The Sterility of Suffering 175
Morris, Wright: Love Among the Cannibals. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Morse, Samuel French (ed.) : see Stevens, Wallace.
Muir, Edwin: Collected Poems. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Murdoch, Iris: The Sandcastle. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Myers, Bernard S.: The German Expressionists. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Nathan, Leonard: Western Reaches. Rev. by James Wright 608
NATO Strategy and Europe’s Atomic Fear. Townsend Hoopes 181
Nelson, Lowry, Sr.: Our Productive Land. Rev. of books by Higbee, Hewes, & Smith 137
Nevins, Allan: Ford: Expansion and Challenge. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 157, 306, 477, & 628
New Strategy for Europe, A. Alvin J. Cottrell & Walter F. Hahn 36
Newman, Ernest: From the World of Music. Rev Winter vi
Olson, Harold: Sainte-Beuve. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Liberty and Equality 1
Nutting, Anthony: I Saw for Myself. Rev. by George Steiner 600
O’Brien, F. William: Justice Reed and the First Amendment. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Old Truths and the New Conservatism. Irving Kristol 365
On Inheriting an Empty House at Coney Island. Verse. John Atherton 74
Ortega y Gasset, José: Man and People and On Love. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Oxenhandler, Neal: Scandal & Parade. Rev Summer xii
Palmier, Leslie H.: Changing Outposts: The Western Communities in Southeast Asia 405
Parmelin, Helene: Picasso and “Las Meninas” (Lewis Galantière, tr.) 578
Patchen, Kenneth; When We Were Here Together. Rev. by James Wright 608
Peare, Catherine Owens: William Penn. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Felling, Henry M,: America and the British Left. Rev Autumn xvi
Perkins, David: Two Poems 237
Peyre, Henri: Four French Lives. Rev. of books by Lewis, Wilson, Nicolson, & Hunt 434
Phoenix at Windsor, California, The. Verse. David Galler 419
Picasso and “Las Meninas.” Helene Parmelin (Lewis Galantière, tr.) 578
Poggioli, Renato: The Phoenix and the Spider, Rev Winter xxvi
Pope, Alexander: The Correspondence of Alexander Pope (George Sherburn, ed.). Rev. by William Frost 125
Price, Martin: In the Fielding Country: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Fielding, Waugh, Morris, Cozzens, Carpentier, Iris Murdoch, & Muriel Spark 143
—Symbols and Syntax. Rev. of books by Kermode, Baker, & Davie 617
Principles and Prudence in Integration. Eugene Freeman 310
Ramsey, Paul (ed.): Faith and Ethics: The Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr. Rev Spring xviii
Ramsey, Paul (ed.) : see Edwards, Jonathan.
Records, see New Records in Review.
Responsibilities. Verse. Katherine Hoskins 416
Ribner, Irving: The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare. Rev. Autumn x
Richberg, Donald R.: Labor Union Monopoly. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Roethel, Hans Konrad: Modern German Painting. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Rosenberg, Bernard (ed.) : Mass Culture. Rev. by John Fischer 112
Russell, Francis: A Journal of the Plague 219
Sarton, George: Six Wings. Rev. by Giorgio de Santillana 453
Save Yourself for a Bargain. Story. Ellen Tifft 569
Sawers, David: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Schlesinger, Arthur M.: Prelude to Independence. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Schorske, Carl E.: Liberalism and Conservatism: German Variations on a European Theme. Rev. of books by Krieger & von Klemperer 276
Sellers, Charles Grier, Jr.: James K. Polk. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Selz, Peter: German Expressionist Painting. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Shattuck, Katharine: The Collection. Story 93
Sherburn, George (ed.) : see Pope, Alexander.
Shklar, Judith N.: After Utopia. Rev. by Raymond English 272
Smith, Harlan J.: Science for Laymen. Rev. of books by von Weizsäcker & Juilfs; & de Vaucouleurs 303
Smith, Irwin: Shakespeare’s Globe Playhouse. Rev Autumn xx
Smith, Robert A.: Reinterpreting Edmund Burke. Rev. of books by Stanlis, Cone, & Schlesinger 604
Soth, Lauren: Farm Trouble, Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Soviet Encyclopedia, see Benton, William.
Spark Muriel: The Comforters. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Sprinter’s Sleep. Verse. James Dickey 72
Stanlis, Peter J.: Edmund Burke and the Natural Law. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Stein Arnold: Heroic Knowledge. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 259
Steiner, George: On the Scene. Rev. of books by Durrell & Nutting 600
Sterility of Suffering, The. Alberto Moravia 175
Stevens, Wallace. Louis L. Martz 517
— Opus Posthumous (Samuel French Morse, ed.). Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Stillerman, Richard: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Stone, Alma: The Bible Salesman. Story 393
Swan’ in Zurich, The. R. P. Blackmur 347
Swisher Carl Brent: The Supreme Court in Modern Role. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Tang Peter S. H.: Communist China Today. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Tanizaki, Junichiro: The Makioka Sisters. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Thirlwall, John C. (ed.) : see Williams, William Carlos.
Thody, Philip: Albert Camus: A Study of His Work. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Tifft, Ellen: Save Yourself for a Bargain. Story 569
Tobin, James: Defense, Dollars, and Doctrines 321
Traversi, Derek: Shakespeare: From “Richard II” to “Henry V.” Rev. Winter x
Trip Through Yucatan, A. Verse. T. Weiss 73
Tucker, Robert W.: Force and Foreign Policy 374
Tuve, Rosemond: Images and Themes in Five Poems by Milton. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 259
Two Poems. David Perkins 237
Ulysses the Divine Nobody. Richard Ellmann 56
Usher, Abbott Payson: New Patterns of Living. Rev. of books by Meier, de Latil, & Einzig 254
Van Doren, Mark: Don Quixote’s Profession. Rev Spring x
von Klemperer, Klemens: Germany’s New Conservatism. Rev. by Carl E. Schorske 276
von Mises, Ludwig: Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution. Rev Winter viii
von Weizsäcker, C. F.: The Rise of Modern Physics. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Walker, Charles R.: Joseph S. Berliner’s Factory and Manager in the USSR. 288
Walker, Richard L.: The New China, Rev. of books by Cressy, Gluckstein, & Tang 458
Walter, Bruno: Gustav Mahler. Rev Summer xiv
Walters, Raymond, Jr.: Albert Gallatin. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Walworth, Arthur: Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by John Morton Blum 592
Wardle, Ralph M.: Oliver Goldsmith. Rev Winter xvi
Warren, Robert Penn: Promises. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
— From You, Emperors, and Others. Five Poems 494
Waugh, Evelyn: The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Weiss, T.: A Trip Through Yucatan. Verse 73
West, Rebecca: Kafka and the Mystery of Bureaucracy 15
Wheatley, Vera: The Life and Work of Harriet Martineau. Rev. by Joan Bennett 445
White, David Manning (ed.) : Mass Culture. Rev. by John Fischer 112
White, Patrick: Voss. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Whittemore, Reed: Five Old Masters and Their Sensibilities. Rev. of books by Williams, Hillyer, Stevens, Warren, & Muir 281
Willey, Basil: More Nineteenth Century Studies. Rev. by William Clyde De Vane 108
Williams, William Carlos: The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams (John C. Thirlwall, ed.). Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Wilson, Arthur M.: Diderot: The Testing Years. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Wolfe, Don M.: The Image of Man in America. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Woodring, Paul: The Innovators. Rev. of books by Brown & Harbison; Jewkes; Sawers; & Stillerman 589
Wright, James: The Cold Divinities. Verse 236
— Delicacies, Horse-Laughs, and Sorrows. Rev. of books by Meredith, Patchen, Berrigan, Lattimore, Nathan, Berg, Goodman & Mezey 608
Wriston, Henry M.: A. Whitney Griswold’s In the University Tradition 432
Wyman, Walker D. (ed.): The Frontier in Perspective. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Yaffe, James: Three Foreign Novels. Rev. of books by Gironella, White, & Tanizaki 463
You, Emperors, and Others, From. Five Poems. Robert Penn Warren 494