[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Acheson, Dean: Prelude to Independence 481
Adler, Mortimer J.: The Idea of Freedom, Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Aiken, Conrad: A Reviewer’s ABC. Rev. by Ambrose Gordon, Jr. 415
Albert Camus on Capital Punishment: His Adaption of The Possessed. Warren Ramsey 634
Alleg, Henri: The Question. Rev. by Georges May 148
Antony and Octavius. Thomas McFarland 203
Any Summer Afternoon. Verse. Sister M. Maura 420
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia: Spinster. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Barber, C. L.: Shakespeare’s Festive Comedy. Rev Summer vi
Barlow, Nora (ed.) : The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Barrett, William: Irrational Man. Rev. by Julian Hartt 295
Bay, Christian: The Structure of Freedom. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Beardsley, Monroe C.: Aesthetics. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
Bees, The. Story. Eleanor Clark 181
Bellow, Saul: Henderson the Rain King. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Beringer, Robert. Robert Jungk’s Brighter than a Thousand Suns 418
Betjeman, John: John Betjeman’s Collected Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Binkley, Wilfred E.: The Man in the White House. Rev Spring viii
Bloom, Harold: Shelley’s Mythmaking. Rev. by Earl R. Wasserman 609
Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Americans: The Colonial Experience. Rev. by Edmund S. Morgan 402
Brown, Frank London: Trumbull Park. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Brown, Maurice J. E.: Schubert. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 286
Brown, Norman O.: Life Against Death. Rev. by James E. Dittes 426
Buck, Pearl: Friend to friend. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Burdick, Eugene: The Ugly American. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Butor, Michel: A Change of Heart. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Camus, Albert, see Ramsey, Warren
Gary, Joyce: Art and Reality. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
—The Captive and the Free. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Castra. Verse. Byron Colt 78
Catton, Bruce: America Goes to War. Rev Winter viii
Changing Image of Catholicism in America, The. Robert D. Cross 562
Chisolm, Lawrence: The Failures of Success. Rev. of books by Wilkins, Samuels, & Keller 436
Ciardi, John: I Marry You. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Clark, Eleanor: The Bees. Story 181
Clark, W. Norris: The Road, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Coleridge: The Vulnerable Poet. I. A. Richards 491
Colt, Byron: Castra. Verse 78
Colum, Mary and Padriac: Our friend James Joyce. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Connelly, Kenneth: Musical Portraits: Bizet and Schubert. Rev. of books by Maurice J. E. Brown & Mina Curtiss 286
Cornyn, William S.: Burmese Life: Two Views. Rev. of books by U Ba U & Trager 133
Cox, James M.: Two Surveys, One Analysis. Rev. of books by Stewart, Levin, & Thoreau 150
Coxe, Louis O.: The Wilderness and Other Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Crisis of Democracy, The. John Knox Jessup 17
Cross, Robert p.: The Changing Image of Catholicism in America 562
Culler, A. Dwight: On Victorian Political Thought. Rev. of books by St. John Stevas & Kenny 584
Cummings, E. E.: 95 Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Curle, Richard: Joseph Conrad and His Characters Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 153
Curtiss, Mina: Bizet and His World. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 286
Darwin, Charles: Charles Darwin: Evolution and Natural Selection (Bert James Loewenberg, ed.). Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Decision, The. Verse. Theodore Roethke 78
Deevey, Edward S.: Donald R. Griffin’s Listening in the Dark 114
Degler, Carl N.: Arthur M. Schlesinger’s The Coming of the New Deal 445
— Out of Our Past. Rev Summer viii
DeMott, Benjamin: The Body’s Cage. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Dickey, James: The Other. Verse 398
Dinerstein, Herbert S.: War and the Soviet Union. Rev. by William R. Emerson 604
Dittes, James E.: Freud and Society. Rev. of books by Rieff & Brown 626
Dreyfus Echo, The: Justice and Politics in the Fourth Republic. Gordon Wright 354
Duerrenmatt, Friedrich: The Pledge, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Durr, Robert Allen: The Last Days of H. L. Mencken 58
Ego in Otherdom. Bertrand de Jouvenel 505
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: The Personality of Jonathan Swift. Rev Spring vi
Else, Gerald F.: Aristotle’s Poetics. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 135
Emerson, William R.: The Generals. Rev. of books by Montgomery & von Manstein 280
Emerson, William R.: Hindsight and Foresight. Rev. of books by Wedemeyer & Dinerstein 604
Enright, Elizabeth: I Pine for Thee. Story 515
Erikson, Erik H.: Young Man Luther. Rev. by Roland H. Bainton 405
Farnsworth, Paul R.: The Social Psychology of Music. Rev Autumn x
Feis, Herbert: Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin Autumn xviii
Fellner, William: Politics, Economics, and Recession 1
Fenton, Charles A.: Stephen Vincent Benet. Rev. Geoffrey Wagner 284
Fielding, Gabriel: Eight Days. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Fluid Suburbia. William Zeckendorf 27
Fowlie, Wallace: see Perse, St.-John
France’s New Horizon. John E. Sawyer 161
Frankel, Theodore: Letter from Munich 541
Friedrich, Otto: How to be a War Correspondent 474
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr.: Albert Guérard’s France: A Modern History 593
Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Affluent Society. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Garthoff, Raymond L.: Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age. Rev. by Townsend Hoopes 266
Gasiorowski, Zygmunt J.: Poland: Times of Trial. Rev. of books by Rozek & Syrop 116
Gibbs, Barbara: The Green Chapel. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Gillet, Louis -.daybook for James Joyce. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Gold, Herbert: The Optimist. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Gorky, Letters of …: see Yershov, Peter (ed.)
Griffin, Donald R.: Listening in the Dark. Rev. by Edward S. Deevey 114
Gilbert, Felix: Politics and Morality. Rev. of books by Sterling & Strauss 465
Glazer, Nathan: The Immigrant Groups and American Culture 382
Gordon, Ambrose, Jr.: Conrad Aiken’s A Reviewer’s ABC 415
Gordon, Lincoln: NATO in the Nuclear Age 321
Gordon, Milton M.- Social Class in American Sociology. Rev Spring xviii
Gregory, Horace: Amy Lowell. Rev. by Geoffrey Wagner 284
Griswold, Whitney Liberal Education and the Democratic Ideal and Other Essays. Rev. by Harold W. Stoke 583
Guérard Albert: France: A Modern History. Rev. by Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 593
Guerard’ Albert J.: Conrad the Novelist. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 153
Gunn, Thom: Poetry as Written. Rev. of books by Williams, Cummings, Muriel Rukeyser, Villa, Shapiro, Ciardi, Wagoner, Hall, & Stephens 297
—Poets English and American. Rev. of books by Betjeman, Reid, Coxe, O’Gorman, Roethke, Elizabeth Jennings, & Barbara Gibbs 617
Haggin B. H.: New Records in Review 157, 317, 470 & 630
Hagstrum, Jean H.: The Sister Arts. Rev Spring x
Hall Donald: The Dark Houses. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Hamerow, Theodore S.: Restoration, Revolution, Reaction. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Hanley, James: An End and a Beginning. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Hardy, John Edward: After the New Criticism. Rev. of books by Heuser, Watson & Wilson 410
Harrity, Richard: Eleanor Roosevelt. Rev Winter xx
Hartt, Julian N.: The Existential and the Human. Rev. of books by Ortega y Gasset & Barrett 295
Heisenberg: Werner: The Physicist’s Conception of Nature. Rev Winter xii
Heller, Erich: The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann. Rev. by Victor Lange 447
Herz, John H.: International Politics in the Atomic Age. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Heuser, Alan: The Shaping Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Himmelfarb, Gertrude: Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Hirschman, Albert O. The Strategy of Economic Development. Rev. by C. P. Kindleberger 440
Hoopes, Townsend: Raymond L. Garthoff’s Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age 266
How to be a War Correspondent. Otto Friedrich 474
How to Write Like Somebody Else. Theodore Roethke 366
I Pine for Thee. Story. Elizabeth Enright 515
Immigrant Groups and American Culture, The. Nathan Glazer 382
In Gertrude’s Closet. William Wasserstrom 244
Jenkins, Iredell: Art and the Human Enterprise. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 135
—Recent Perspectives on Art. Rev. of books by Gary, Sedlmeyr & Beardsley 420
Jennings, Elizabeth: A Sense of the World. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Jerome, Judson: Rivalry with Madmen 344
Jessup, John Knox: The Crisis of Democracy 17
Johnson, Samuel: Diaries, Prayers, and Annals. Rev Autumn vi
Jouvenel, Bertrand de: Ego in Otherdom 505
Jungk, Robert: Brighter than a Thousand Suns. Rev. by Robert Beringer 418
Kanfer, Allen: The Trigger Man. Verse 81
Keller, Morton: In Defense of Yesterday. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 436
Kenny, Terence: The Political Thought of John Henry Newman, Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 584
Key, V. O., Jr.: Robert C. Wood’s Suburbia 403
Kindleberger, C. P.: Albert O. Hirschman’s The Strategy of Economic Development 440
Knox, Bernard M. W.: John W. Wheeler-Bennett’s King George VI 413
Kohn, Hans: National Socialism and German History 190
Krieger, Leonard: Freedom: Theory and Practice. Rev. of books by Adler, Bay, & Hamerow 292
Lall, Anand: Seasons of Jupiter: Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
Lange, Victor: Erich Heller’s The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann 447
Larrabee, Eric: Mass Leisure. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 428
Last Days of H. L. Mencken, The. Robert Allen Durr 58
Latin America in Perspective. Milton I. Vanger 228
Lederer, William J.: The Ugly American. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Letter from Munich. Theodore Frankel 541
Levin, Harry: The Power of Blackness. Rev. by James M. Cox 150
—Art versus Life. Rev. of books by Gillet, Sullivan, & Mary & Padraic Colum 269
—The Question of Hamlet. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 587
Levin, Max M.: Allen Wheelis’s The Quest for Identity 139
Lockard, Duane: New England State Politics, Rev Summer x
Locke, Edward: A Summer Rowing. Verse 243
Loewenberg, Bert James (ed.) see Darwin, Charles
—Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Natural Selection. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Lost Ingredient, The. Verse. Anne Sexton 559
McFarland, Thomas: Antony and Octavius 203
McLellan, David S.: Style and Substance in American Foreign Policy 41
Manstein, Erich von: Lost Victories, Rev. by William R. Emerson 280
Marshall, Charles Burton: American Foreign Policy: Three Critics. Rev. of books by Herz, Sulzberger, & Thomas 576
Marshall, John: St. John Perse’s Seamarks 142
Martin, Ralph G.: Eleanor Roosevelt: Her Life in Pictures. Rev Winter xx
Martz, Louis L.: Maurice Valency’s In Praise of Love 442
Mason, Alpheus Thomas: The Supreme Court: Temple and Forum 524
May, Georges: Algeria Today: Facts and Moral Problems. Rev. of books by Alleg & Tillion 148
Mayer, Martin: Madison Avenue, U.S.A. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Mencken, H. L.: see Durr, Robert Allen
Meyersohn, Rolf: Mass Leisure, Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 428
Mill, Edward W.: A New Diplomacy for Asia. Rev. of Books by Lederer & Burdick; & by Romulo & Pearl Buck 431
Miller, Perry: see Thoreau, Henry David
Millis, Walter. Arms and the State. Rev. by Edward Posniak 613
Mills, C. Wright: The Causes of World War Three. Rev. by Edward Posniak 613
Montgomery: The Memoirs of Field-Marshall the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. Rev. by William R. Emerson 280
Morgan, Edmund S.: Daniel J. Boorstin’s The Americans: The Colonial Experience 402
Morris, Wright: The Territory Ahead. Rev Winter xii
Mount Athos. Frederick Will 82
Munich: see Theodore Frankel
Murdoch, Iris: The Bell. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Narayan, R. K.: The Guide. Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
National Socialism and German History. Hans Kohn 190
NATO in the Nuclear Age. Lincoln Gordon 321
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 157, 317, 470 & 630
Nuclear Blackmail and Limited War. Robert Strausz-Hupé 173
O’Gorman, Ned: The Night of the Hammer. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Oliver, E. J.: Gibbon and Rome. Rev Summer xvi
Ortega y Gassett, José: Man and Crisis. Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 295
Other, The. Verse. James Dickey 398
Pack, Robert: Wallace Stevens. Rev. by Geoffrey Wagner 284
Pease, Otis: The Responsibilities of American Advertising. Rev. by Robert H.L. Wheeler 125
Pension, The. Story. John D. Stewart 374
Perse, St.-John: Seamarks, (Wallace Fowlie, tr.). Rev. by John Marshall 142
Phelps, Robert: Heroes and Orators. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Poggioli, Renato: Trotsky’s Diary in Exile 307
Politics, Economics, and Recession. William Fellner 1
Posniak, Edward: The “Elite” and Its Critics. Rev. of books by Millis & Mills 613
Prelude to Independence. Dean Acheson 481
Price, Martin: The Self-Deceivers: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Phelps, Hanley, Iris Murdoch, Bianca VanOrden, & Muriel Spark 272
—Intelligence and Fiction: Some New Novels. Rev. of books by Bellow, Gary, Wilson, Snow, Fielding, & Updike 451
—The Difficulties of Commitment: Some Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Duerrenmatt, Butor, DeMott, Gold, Brown, Coates, Muriel Spark, & Sylvia Ashton-Warner 595
Rajan, Balachandra: The Dark Dancer. Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
Ramsey, Warren: Albert Camus on Capital Punishment: His Adaptation of The Possessed 634
Records: see New Records in Review
Records, Alastair: Oddments, inklings, Omens, Moments: Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Richards, I. A.: Coleridge: “The Vulnerable Poet 491
Rieff, Philip: Freud; The Mind of the Moralist. Rev. by James E. Dittes 426
Rivalry with Madmen. Judson Jerome 344
Roethke Theodore: The Decision. Verse 78
—How to Write Like Somebody Else 336
—Words for the Wind. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Romulo, Carlos P.: Friend to Friend. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Rozek, Edward J,: Allied Wartime Diplomacy. Rev. by Zygmunt J. Gasiorowski 116
Rukeyser Muriel: Body of Waking. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Saarinen’ Aline: The Proud Possessors. Rev Winter viii
St. John-Stevas, Norman: Walter Bagehot. Rev. by Dwight Culler 584
Samuels Ernest: Henry Adams: The Middle Years. Rev. by Lawrence Chisholm 436
Sawver John E.: France’s New Horizon 161
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Coming of the New Deal. Rev. by Carl N. Degler 445
Sedlmayr, Hans: Art in Crisis. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
See Too the Morning Come. Verse. Mark Strand 560
Sewall, Richard B.: The Vision of Tragedy. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 587
Sexton, Anne: The Lost Ingredient. Verse 559
Seymour, Charles, Jr.: Edgar Wind’s Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance 305
Shapiro, Karl: Poems of a Jew. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Shattuck, Roger: Me Banquet Years. Rev Autumn x
Sinnott, Edmund W.: The Darwinian Emancipation. Rev. of books by Loewenberg, Darwin, Nora Barlow, & Gertrude Himmelfarb 578
Sister M. Maura: Any Summer Afternoon. Verse 401
Snow, C. P.: The Search. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Spark, Muriel: Robinson. Rev. by Martin Price 272
—Memento Mori, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Sparrows. Story. Eugene Ziller 98
Spears, Monroe K.: Three Indian Novels. Rev. of books by Lall, Narayan, & Rajan 118
Spivack, Bernard: Shakespeare and the Allegory of Evil. Rev Autumn xvi
Stephens, Alan: The Sun. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Sterling, Richard W.: Ethics in a World of Power. Rev. by Felix Gilbert 465
Stewart, John D.: The Pension. Story 374
Stewart, Randall: American Literature and Christian Doctrine. Rev. by James M. Cox 150
Stoke, Harold W.: A Whitney Griswold’s Liberal Education and the Democratic Ideal and Other Essays 583
Stopp, Frederick J.: Evelyn Waugh. Rev Summer xx
Strand, Mark: See Too the Morning Come. Verse 560
Strauss, Leo: Thoughts on Machiavelli. Rev. by Felix Gilbert 465
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Nuclear Blackmail and Limited War 173
Style and Substance in American Foreign Policy. David S. McLellan 41
Sullivan, Kevin: Joyce among the Jesuits. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Sulzberger, C. L.: What’s Wrong with U.S. Foreign Policy. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Summer Rowing, A. Verse. Edward Locke 243
Supreme Court, The: Temple and Forum. Alpheus Thomas Mason 524
Syrop, Konrad: Spring in October. Rev. by Sygmunt J. Gasiorowski 116
Thomas, Norman: The Prerequisites for Peace. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Thoreau, Henry David: Consciousness in Concord: … Thoreau’s Hitherto Lost Journal (1840-1841) (commentary by Perry Miller). Rev. by James M. Cox 150
Tillion, Germaine: Algeria: The Realities. Rev. by George May 148
Trager, Frank N.: Building a Welfare State in Burma, 1948-1958. Rev. by William S. Cornyn 133
Trigger Man, The. Verse. Allen Kanfer 81
Trotsky’s Diary in Exile. Renato Poggioli 307
Ba U: My Burma. Rev. by William S. Cornyn 133
Updike, John: The Poorhouse Fair. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Valency. Maurice: In Praise of Love. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 442
Vanger, Milton I.: Latin America in Perspective 228
Van Ghent, Dorothy: The Mask of Creation: Two New Conrad Studies. Rev. of books by Guerard & Curie 153
VanOrden, Bianca: Water Music. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Villa, Jose Garcia: Selected Poems and New, Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Vivas, Eliseo: Evolutionary Aesthetics and Aristotle. Rev. of books by Jenkins & Else 135
—The Tragic Dimension. Rev. of books by Sewall & Levin 587
Wagner, Geoffrey: Three Poets. Rev. of books by Pack, Gregory, & Fenton 284
Wagoner, David: A Place to Stand, Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Warren, Robert Penn: Selected Essays. Rev Winter vi
Wasserman, Earl R.: Shelley for the Present. Rev. of books by Bloom & Wilson 609
Wasserstrom, William: In Gertrude’s Closet 244
—Heiress of All the Ages, Rev Summer xvi
Waters, D. W.: The Art of Navigation in England in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times. Rev. Winter x
Watson, George L: A, E. Housman. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Wedemeyer, Albert C: Wedemeyer Reports. Rev. by William R. Emerson 604
Weiss, Paul: Modes of Being. Rev. by W. Norris Clarks, S.J.. 130
Wheeler, Robert H. L.: American Advertising: The Perils of Abundance. Rev. of books by Galbraith, Mayer, Pease, & Wood 125
—Larrabee & Meyersohn, Mass Leisure 428
Wheeler-Bennett, John W.: King George VI. Rev. by Bernard M. W. Knox 413
Whitman, Cedric H.: Homer and the Heroic Tradition. Rev Winter xiv
Wheelis, Allen: The Quest for Identity. Rev. by Max M. Levin 139
Wilkins, Thurman: Clarence King. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 436
Will, Frederic: Mount Athos 82
Williams, William Appleman: The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. Rev Spring xiv
Wilson, Angus: The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot, Rev. by Martin Price 451
Williams, William Carlos: Paterson (Book Five) Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Wilson F. A. C.: W. B. Yeats and Tradition. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Wilson, Milton: Shelley’s Later Poetry. Rev. by Earl R. Wasserman 609
Wind, Edgar: Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance. Rev. by Charles Seymour, Jr. 305
Wood, James Playsted: The Story of Advertising. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Wood, Robert C.: Suburbia, Rev. by V. O. Key, Jr. 403
Wright, Gordon: The Dreyfus Echo: Justice and Politics in the Fourth Republic 354
Yershov, Peter, ed.: Letters of Gorky and Andreev, 1899-1912. Rev Autumn viii
Zeckendorf, William: Fluid Suburbia 27
Zelomek, A. Wilbert: A Changing America. Rev. Spring xii
Ziller, Eugene: Sparrows. Story 98