[Reviews are entered, under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abandoned Hills. Verse. Frances Frost 521
Abbott, W. C.: A King, a Queen, and Four Statesmen. Book Reviews 410
Adams, James Truslow: The Epic of America. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 402
Adams, Joseph Quincy: Leslie Hotson’s Shakespeare versus Shallow 601
Addams, Jane: The Second Twenty Years at Hull House. Rev. by P. U. Kellogg 196
Aiken, Conrad: Preludes for Memnon. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Allen, Frederick Lewis: Only Yesterday. Rev. by D. O. Stewart 605
Allison, John M. S.: Biography in History. Book Reviews 204
— France Drags on the Coat-Tails of Progress. Book Reviews 857
American Students and French Novels. André Maurois 111
Andrews, Fannie Fern: The Holy Land under Mandate. Rev. by W. E. Hocking 627
Angoff, Charles: A Literary History of the American People, 1607-1815. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Anthony, Irvin: Decatur. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 395
Applegate, Frank G.: New Mexican Sketches 376
Archer, Charles: William Archer, Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 597
Armstrong, Martin: Mr. Darby. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Arnaud, Rene: The Second Re-public and Napoleon III. Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 204
As Earth Was. Verse. Louis Untermeyer 71
Auslander, Joseph, tr.: The Sonnets of Petrarch. Rev. by T. C. Chubb 640
Austin, Mary: Experiences Facing Death. Rev. by Edward Wagenknecht 847
Baker, Ray Stannard: Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by Preston Slosson 615
Barry, F. V., ed.: Maria Edgeworth: Chosen Letters. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Bartlett, Lanier, ed.: On the Old West Coast. Rev. by M. M. Quaife 180
Barton, Joan: The Scarecrow. Verse 346
Beard, Mary R.: On Understanding Women. Rev. by Bernice Kenyon 843
Beatty, Albert R., ed.: Letters of George Washington 466
Bell, Major Horace: On the Old West Coast. Rev. by M. M. Quaife 180
Belloc, Hilaire: Cranmer. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Benchley, Robert: A Possible Revolution in Hollywood 100
Benson, E. F.: As We Were. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Blankenship, Russell: American Literature as an Expression of the American Mind. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Bolton, Herbert Eugene: Outmost of Empire. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Bones of Contention. Frank O’Connor 736
Bonn, Moritz J.: The Crisis in Germany 549
Borchard, Edwin M.: Convicting the Innocent. Rev. by Zechariah Chafee, Jr. 810
Bourke-White, Margaret: Eyes on Russia. Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Boyle, Kay: The Man who Died Young 785
Boynton, Henry Walcott: lames Fenimore Cooper. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Branch, E. Douglas: Westward. Rev. by M. M. Quaife 180
Breeding. Zona Gale 348
Bright, John: Diaries. Rev. by H. J. Laski 428
Brontës’ Web of Dreams, The. Fannie E. Ratchford 139
Brooke, Tucker: Shakespeare: Approach and Withdrawal. Book Reviews 215
Bryant, Arthur: King Charles II. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Buck, Pearl S.: China and the Foreign Chinese 539
Burdett, Osbert: The Two Carlyles. Rev. by Oliver Elton 198
Burghclere, Lady: Stratford. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Burns, Robert: Letters. Rev. by W. A. Neilson 610
Business and the Good Life. Raphael Demos 771
Business of Medicine, The. C.-E. A. Winslow 318
Cabot, Philip: The Vices of Free Competition 38
Caldwell, Robert Granville: James A. Garfield. Rev. by A. B. Darling 630
Canby, Henry Seidel: Classic Americans. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Canby, Marion: Explicit; High Mowing. Verse 284
Cannon, Carl L., ed.: Narratives of the Trans-Mississippi Frontier, Reprints. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Carlyle, Jane Welsh: Letters. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Carr, Edward Hallett: Dostoevsky. Rev. by P. S. Porohovshikov 612
Carswell, Catherine: The Life of Robert Burns. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Gather, Willa: Shadows on the Rock. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Caughey, John, ed.: The Emigrants’ Guile to California. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr.: Edwin M. Borchard’s and E. Russell Lutz’s Convicting the Innocent 810
Chamberlin, William Henry: The Soviet Planned Economic Order. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Chapman, Arthur: The Pony Express. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Chapman, Maristan: The Weather Tree. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Charteris, Evan: The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse. Rev. by F. E. Pierce 177
Chase, Mary Ellen: Pastel and Portrait. Book Reviews 617
— Agnes Repplier’s Mere Marie of the Ursulines 213
Chase, Stuart: Mexico. Rev. by F. B. Luquiens 406
Chesterfield, Lord: Letters. Rev. by S. L. Gulick, Jr. 849
Chew, Samuel C.: Studies of Poets. Book Reviews 207
China and the Foreign Chinese. Pearl S. Buck 539
Christiansen, Sigurd: Two Living and One Dead. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Chubb, Thomas Caldecot: Dante and Petrarch in English. Book Reviews 640
Churchill, Winston S.: A Roving Commission. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
— The Unknown War. Rev. by B. H. L. Hart 599
Clark, Charles E.: Ernest Jerome Hopkins’ Our Lawless Police 413
Clark, Eva Turner: Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare’s Plays. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 215
Clark, William Bell: Lambert Wickes, Sea Raider and Diplomat. Rev. by T. G. Frothingham 845
Claudel, Paul: The Satin Slipper. Rev. by A. J. Farmer 626
Coe, W. R.: The Mysterious Breath of Life. Book Reviews 834
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram: The Cupola. Verse 548
— Portrait of an American. Rev. by M. E. Chase 617
— Thornton Wilder’s The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act 403
— The Yoke of Thunder. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Cohen, Morris R.: Reason and Nature. Rev. by F. S. C. Northrop 423
Compton, Arthur H.: Do We Live in a World of Chance? 86
Control and Reduction of the Liquor Traffic. Rex Maurice Naylor 296
Cooley, Rossa B.: School Acres. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Cornelius, Helen: New England Spring. Verse 580
Cournos, John: Tolstoy, Artist and Man. Book Reviews 210
Craven, Thomas: Men of Art. Rev. by D. V. Thompson, Jr. 187
Crewe, Marquess of: Lord Rosebery. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Crisis in Germany, The. Moritz J. Bonn 549
Cronin, A. J.: Hatter’s Castle. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Cross, Wilbur: The Yale Review Comes of Age 1
Cupola, The. Verse. Robert P. Tristram Coffin 548
Curran, Henry H.: Letter 643
Curtius, Ernst Robert: The Civilization of France. Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 857
Dakers, Andrew: The Tragic Queen. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Dana, Arnold G.: “Prosperity” Problems. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 841
Dane, Clemence: Broome Stages. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Darling, Arthur B.: Five American Presidents. Book Reviews 630
Darling, Jay N.: Ding Goes to Russia. Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Davenport, Walter: Power and Glory. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 395
Davidson, Eugene: Sorrow for Youth. Verse 138
Davis, George: The Opening of a Door. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Davis, Malcolm W.: Red Swords and Ploughshares. Book Reviews 174
Day, Clarence: God and My Father. Rev. by Henshaw Ward 825
Delafield, E. M.: Diary of a Provincial Lady. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Demos, Raphael: Business and the Good Life 771
deTerra, Hellmut: George N. Roerich’s Trails to Inmost Asia 408
Dewing, Arthur Stone: I. Maurice Wormser’s Frankenstein, Incorporated 856
Dibelius, Wilhelm: England. Rev. by David Owen 170
Dickinson, Emily: Letters. Rev. by M. A. Jordan 625
Dillon, George: The Flowering Stone. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 811
Dobie, J. Frank: Coronado’s Children. Rev. by M. M. Quaife 180
Dobrée, Bonamy, ed.: The Letters of Lord Chesterfield. Rev. by S. L. Gulick, Jr. 849
Donham, Wallace Brett: Business Looks at the Unforeseen. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 841
Don Juan in the Wheelbarrow. L. A. G. Strong 581
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Petersburg Reveries 645
Do We Live in a World of Chance? Arthur H. Compton 86
Dramatic Illusion. Charles Morgan 125
Drew, Mary Gladstone: Diaries and Letters. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Duggan, Stephen P.: French Security 18
Dukes, Ashley: Ellen Terry’s and Bernard Shaw’s Correspondence 393
Dumas, Alexandra, ed.: The Memoirs of Garibaldi. Rev. by K. R. Greenfield 193
Dwight, H. G.: Ink and Sand. Book Reviews 839
Eckstein, Gustav: Noguchi. Rev. by J. F. Fulton 596
Edgerton, Franklin: René Grousset’s India 635
Edgeworth, Maria: Chosen Letters. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Winter, vi, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Spring, vi, viii, x,
xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Summer, vi, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix
Elton, Oliver: Osbert Burdett’s The Two Carlyles 198
Embree, Edwin R.: Brown America. Rev. by H. W. Odum 419
Explicit. Verse. Marion Canby 284
Failure of Farm Board Stabilization, The. Charles P. Rowland 503
Fairchild, Fred Rogers: Government Saves us from Depression 661
Farmer, A. J.: Paul Claudel’s The Satin Slider 626
Fauconnier, Henri: Malaisie. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Faÿ, Bernard: George Washington, Republican Aristocrat. Rev by A. B. Darling 630
Ferguson, J. de Lancey, ed.: The Letters of Robert Burns. Rev. by W. A. Neilson 610
Ferguson, Rachel: The Brontës Went to Woolworth’s. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Feuillerat, Albert: John Palmer’s Molière 182
Flanders, Helen Hartness: American Homespun. Book Reviews 848
Flanders, Ralph E.: Taming Our Machines. Rev. by C. P. Rollins” 426
Fletcher, Jefferson Butler, tr.: The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Rev. by T. C. Chubb 640
Florinsky, Michael T.: The End. of the Russian Empire. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Fraenkel, Osmond K.: The Sacco-Vanzetti Case. Rev. by R. W. Hale 638
Frank, Waldo: America Hispana. Rev. by F. B. Luquiens 406
Freeman, H. W.: Fathers of their People. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
French Security. Stephen P. Duggan 18
Friedell, Egon: A Cultural History of the Modern Age. Rev. by W. H. Hamilton 416
Frost, Frances: This One Day; Abandoned Hills. Verse 520
Frothingham, Thomas G.: William Bell Clark’s Lambert Wickes, Sea Raider and Diplomat 845
F�löp-Miller, Rene, ed.: Tolstoy, Literary Fragments. Rev. by John Cournos 210
Fulton, John F.: Two Medical Biographies. Book Reviews 596
Gabriel, Gilbert: I, James Lewis. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Gabriel, Ralph H.: American Warriors. Book Reviews 395
Gale, Zona: Breeding 348
Galsworthy, John: Maid in Waiting. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Garibaldi, Giuseppe: Memoirs. Rev. by K. R. Greenfield 193
Garnett, David: The Grasshoppers Come. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Garrod, H. W.: Poetry and the Criticism of Life. Rev. by I. A. Richards 191
Geddes, Patrick: Life. Rev. by W. R. Coe 834
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton: Our Class Distinctions 251
Ghent, W. J.: The Early Far West, 1540-1850. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Gibbs, Sir Philip: The Reckless Duke. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Gide, André: Memories of a Sentimental School Boy 266
Gladstone, Mary (Mrs. Drew) : Diaries and Letters. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Goethe. Thomas Mann 711
Goldman, Emma: Living My Life. Rev. by Ordway Tead 851
Golovine, Nicholas N.: The Russian Army in the World War. Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Goodrich, Frances Louisa: Mountain Homespun, Rev. by H. H. Flanders 848
Government Saves us from Depression. Fred Rogers Fairchild 661
Green, Anne: Marietta. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: Garibaldi and Cavour. Book Reviews 193
Grousset, René: India. Rev. by Franklin Edgerton 635
Gulick, Sidney L., Jr.: Bonamy Dobrée’s The Letters of Lord Chesterfield 849
Hackett, Francis: Vitamines for the Artist 861
Hafen, LeRoy R„ ed.: The Past and Present of the Pike’s Peak Gold Regions. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Hagedorn, Hermann: Leonard Wood. Rev. by R. H, Gabriel 395
Haldane, Elizabeth: Mrs. Gaskell and Her Friends. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Haldane, J. S.: The Philosophical Basis of Biology. Rev. by W. R. Coe 834
Hale, Richard W.: Osmond K. Fraenkel’s The Sacco-Vanzetti Case 638
Hall, Walter Phelps: Mr. Gladstone. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Hamilton, Walton H.: Egon Friedell’s A Cultural History of the Modern Age 416
Harris, Abram L.: The Black Worker. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Hart, B. H. Liddell: Winston S. Churchill’s The Unknown War 599
— Foch. Rev. by Charles Seymour 594
Heltai, Jenö: Czardas. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Herford, C. H.: Wordsworth. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Hertz, Emanuel: Abraham Lincoln. Rev. by A. B. Darling 630
High Mowing. Verse. Marion Canby 284
Hilton, James: And Now Good-bye. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Hindus, Maurice: Red Bread. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Hocking, William Ernest: Conflicts in Palestine. Book Reviews 627
Hooker, Richard: Walter Lippmann’s and William O. Scroggs’s The United States in World Affairs 817
— Walter Millis’ The Martial Spirit 173
Hooton, Earnest A.: Up from the Ape. Rev. by R. S. Lull 185
Hopkins, Ernest Jerome: Our Lawless Police. Rev. by C. E. Clark 413
Hopkins, Ernest M.: Letter 645
Hotson Leslie: Shakespeare versus Shallow. Rev. by J. Q. Adams 601
Howland, Charles P.: The Failure of Farm Board Stabilization 503
— War and the Nature of Man. Book Reviews 829
Hulbert, Archer Butler: Forty-niners. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Huxley, Julian S.: Impressions from a Russian Notebook 523
— What is the White Man in Africa For? 285
Impressions from a Russian Notebook. Julian S. Huxley 523
India at the Crossroads. Harold J. Laski 486
Japanese Policy and Opinion. Yusuke Tsurumi 754
Jeffers, Robinson: Thurso’s Landing. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 811
Johnson, Charles S.: The Negro in American Civilization. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Johnson, Geoffrey: Young Jaffery. Verse 752
Johnson, Overton: Route Across the Rocky Mountains. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Johnson, R. Brimley: Jane Austen. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Jones, Howard Mumford: Ludwig Lewisohn’s Expression in America 836
Jordan, M. A.: Mabel Loomis Todd’s The Letters of Emily Dickinson 625
Josephson, Matthew: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rev. by Albert Schinz 623
Kahn, Eugen: Psychopathic Personalities. Rev. by Adolf Meyer 189
Kaun, Alexander: Maxim Gorky and His Russia. Rev. by P. S. Porohovshikov 612
Keith, Sir Arthur: New Discoveries Relating to the Antiquity of Man. Rev. by R. S. Lull 185
Kellogg, Paul U.: Magic Lenses. Book Reviews 196
Kennedy, Margaret: Return 1 Dare Not. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Kenyon, Bernice: Fresh Interpretations of Women. Book Reviews 843
Keynes, John Maynard: The Prospects of the Sterling Exchange 433
Knopf, Olga: The Art of Being a Woman. Rev. by Bernice Kenyon 843
Labor in Office and Opposition. Wickham Steed 56
Lake, Stuart N.: Wyatt Earp. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 395
Laski, Harold J.: India at the Crossroads 486
— R. A. J. Walling’s The Diaries of John Bright 428
Leech, Harper: The Paradox of Plenty. Rev. by C. R. Noyes 841
Letters of George Washington. Albert R. Beatty, ed 466
Letter to a Young Poet. Virginia Woolf 696
Levine, Isaac Don: Stalin. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Lewisohn, Ludwig: Expression in America. Rev. by H. M. Jones 836
Library of the Quarter, The. Notable New Books Selected by the Editors. Autumn, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Winter, vi, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Spring, vi, viii, x,
xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiv; Summer, vi, viii, x, xii, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix
Lipari, Angelo: Francesco De Sanctis’ History of Italian Literature 832
Lippmann, Walter: A Reckoning 649
— The United States in World Affairs, 1931. Rev. by Richard Hooker 817
Lombroso, Gina: The Tragedies of Progress. Rev. by C. P. Rollins 426
Long, Ray: An Editor Looks at Russia. Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Louisiana Gombo. Edward Laroque Tinker 566
Lovett, Robert Morss: Henry Justin Smith’s Chicago 404
Lucas, F. L.: Eight Victorian Poets. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Lull, Richard Swann: Why Has Man Evolved? Book Reviews 185
Luquiens, Frederick Bliss: Mexico and Latin America. Book Reviews 406
Lutz, E. Russell: Convicting the Innocent. Rev. by Zechariah Chafee, Jr. 810
Lybyer, Albert Howe: Barnette Miller’s Beyond the Sublime Porte 608
Lynch, Denis Tilden: Grower Cleveland. Rev. by A. B. Darling 630
MacAfee, Helen: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, viii, x, xii; Winter, vi, viii, x; Spring, vi, viii, x; Summer, vi, viii, x
McFee, William: The Harbourmaster. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Mackail, J. W.: The Approach to Shakespeare. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 215
MacLeish, Archibald: Conquistador. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 811
Mann, Thomas: Goethe 711
Man who Died Young-, The. Kay Boyle 785
Masefield, John: Minnie Maylow’s Story. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Masterman, Lucy, ed.: Mary Gladstone (Mrs. Drew) : Her Diaries and Letters. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Maurois, Andre: American Students and French Novels 111
Meeks, Everett V.: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Modern Architecture 178
Memories of a Sentimental School Boy. Andre Gide 266
Meyer, Adolf: Eugen Kahn’s Psychopathic Personalities 189
Meyerstein, E. H. W.: A Life of Thomas Chatterton. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Miller, Barnette: Beyond the Sublime Porte. Rev. by A. H. Lybyer 608
Millis, Walter: The Martial Spirit. Rev. by Richard Hooker 173
Milne, A. A.: Two People. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Minney, R. J.: Clive. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Modern Long Poem, The. Herbert Read 360
Moley, Raymond: When Politics Seasons Justice 448
Molotov, V. M.: The Success of the Five Year Plan. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Morgan, Charles: Dramatic Illusion 125
— The fountain. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Mumford, Lewis: The Brown Decades, 1865—1805. Rev. by E. P. Oberholtzer 415
Naylor, Rex Maurice: Control and Reduction of the Liquor Traffic 296
Nazaroff, Alexander I.: Tolstoy. Rev. by John Cournos 210
Neilson, W. A.: J. de Lancey Ferguson’s The Letters of Robert Burns 610
Neuhaus, Eugen: The History and Ideals of American Art. Rev. by D. V. Thompson, Jr. 187
New England Spring. Verse. Helen Cornelius 580
New Mexican Sketches. Frank G. Applegate 376
Nichols, Roy Franklin: Franklin Pierce, Rev. by A. B. Darling 630
Nicoll, Allardyce: Masks, Mimes and Miracles. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 633
Nicolson, Marjorie: Women as Letter Writers. Book Reviews 852
Northrop, F. S. C.: Morris R. Cohen’s Reason and Nature 423
— Bertrand Russell’s The Scientific Outlook 606
Notestein, Wallace: English Memoirs. Book Reviews 819
Novels, Outstanding. Rev. by Helen MacAfee. Autumn, viii, x, xii; Winter, vi, viii, x; Spring, vi, viii, x; Summer, vi, viii, x
Noyes, C. Reinold: From Inflation to Reflation. Book Reviews 841
Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson: Lewis Mumford’s The Brown Decades, 1865—1895 415
O’Connor, Frank: Bones of Contention 736
Odum, Howard W.: Edwin R. Embree’s Brown America 419
O’Flaherty, Liam: The Proclamation 158
— The Puritan. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Ossorgin, Michael: My Sister’s Story. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Our Class Distinctions. Katharine Fullerton Gerould 251
Owen, David: England: From the Continent. Book Reviews 170
Palmer, Frederick: Newton D. Baker. Rev. by T. H. Thomas 421
Palmer, John: Molière. Rev. by Albert Feuillerat 182
Parry, Sir Edward: The Persecution of Mary Stewart. Rev. by W. C. Abbott 410
Paxson, Frederick L.: Western Outposts. Book Reviews 826
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Allardyce Nicoll’s Masks, Mimes and Miracles 633
Petersburg Reveries. Fyodor Dostoevsky 645
Phillips, Ulrich B.: James Truslow Adams’ The Epic of America 402
— The perennial Negro. Book Reviews 202
Pierce Frederick E.: Evan Charteris’ The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse 177
Pilnyak, Boris: The Volga Falls to the Caspian Sea. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Ponafidine, Emma Cochran: Russia—My Home. Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Ponce de León. Verse. Edwin Arlington Robinson 684
Porohovshikov, P. S.: Two Russian Novelists. Book Reviews 612
Porter, Alan: The Signature of Pain. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Porter, Frank Chamberlain: The Mind of Christ in Paul. Rev. by E. F. Scott 200
Possible Revolution in Hollywood, A. Robert Benchley 100
Pringle, Henry F.: Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 395
Proclamation, The. Liam O’Flaherty 158
Prospects of the Sterling- Exchange, The. John Maynard Keynes 433
Putnam, Phelps: The Five Seasons, Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Quaife, M. M.: The Old West. Book Reviews 180
Queens of France. Thornton Wilder 72
Quennell, Peter: The Phoenix-Kind. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Rappoport, Angelo: History of Palestine. Rev. by W. E. Hocking 627
Ratchford, Fannie E.: The Brontës’ Web of Dreams 139
Ratcliffe, S. K.: Russian Communism as a Religion 233
Rattray, R. S., ed.: Akan-Ashanti Folk-Tales. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Read, Herbert: The Modern Long Poem 360
— Wordsworth. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Reckoning, A. Walter Lippmann 649
Recouly, Raymond: Joffre. Rev. by Charles Seymour 594
Reese, Lizette Woodworth: The ‘York Road. Rev. by M. E. Chase 617
Reid, Edith Gittings: The Great Physician. Rev. by J. F. Fulton 596
Repplier, Agnes: Mere Marie of the Ursulines. Rev. by M. E. Chase 213
Richards, Fred: A Persian Journey. Rev. by H. G. Dwight 839
Richards, I. A.: Criticism of English Poetry. Book-Reviews 191
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox: A Buried Treasure. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Robinson, Edwin Arlington: Ponce de Leon. Verse 684
— Toussaint L’Ouverture. Verse 10
— Matthias at the Door. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Robinson, Jacob S.: A Journal of the Santa Fe Expedition under Colonel Doniphan. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Roerich, George N.: Trails to Inmost Asia. Rev. by Hellmut deTerra 408
Rogers, James Harvey: America Weighs Her Gold, Rev. by Carl Snyder 399
Rollins, Carl Purington: Insensate and Insatiable. Book Reviews 426
Roth, Joseph: lab. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Rourke, Constance: American Humor. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Royde-Smith, Naomi: The Delicate Situation. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Russell, Bertrand: The Scientific Outlook. Rev. by F. S. C. Northrop 606
Russian Communism as a Religion. S. K. Ratcliffe 233
Sackville-West, Edward: Simpson. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Sackville-West, V.: All Passion Spent. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
St. John, Christopher, ed.: Ellen Terry and Bernard Sham: A Correspondence. Rev. by Ashley Dukes 393
Salter, Sir Arthur: The World Financial Crisis 217
Samuel, Maurice: On the Rim of the Wilderness. Rev. by W. E. Hocking 627
Sanctis, Francesco De: History of Italian Literature. Rev. by Angelo Lipari 832
Sayre, Joel: Rackety Rax. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Scarecrow, The. Verse. Joan Barton 346
Schinz, Albert: Matthew Josephson’s Jean-Jacques Rousseau 623
Schuman, Frederick L.: War and Diplomacy in the French Republic. Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 857
Scott, E. F.: Frank Chamberlain Porter’s The Mind of Christ in Paul 200
Scroggs, William O.: The United States in World Affairs. Rev. by Richard Hooker 817
Scudder, Townsend, ed.: Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle to Joseph Neuberg,1848-186-2. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 852
Seymour, Charles: Foch and Joffre. Book Reviews 594
Shaw, George Bernard: Correspondence. Rev. by Ashley Dukes 393
Shelby, Gertrude Mathews: Black Genesis. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Shepard, Odell: Recent Verse. Book Reviews 590
— Lytton Strachey’s Portraits in Miniature 168
Sidgwick, Ethel: A Tale of Two Villages. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
Sieburg, Friedrich: Who are these French? Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 857
Siegfried, Andre: England’s Crisis. Rev. by David Owen 170
Simonds, Frank H.: Can Europe Keep the Peace? Rev. by C. P. Howland 829
Slosson, Preston: Ray Stannard Baker’s Woodrow Wilson 615
Smith, Henry Justin: Chicago. Rev. by R. M. Lovett 404
Snyder, Carl: James Harvey Rogers’ America Weighs Her Gold 399
Soltau, Roger: French Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 857
Sorrow for Youth. Verse. Eugene Davidson 138
Spencer, Theodore, ed.: A Garland for John Donne. Rev. by A. M. Witherspoon 636
Spero, Sterling D.: The Black Worker. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Spiller, Robert E.: Fenimore Cooper. Rev. by S. T. Williams 429
Steed, Wickham: Labor in Office and Opposition 56
Steffens, Lincoln: Autobiography. Rev. by P. U. Kellogg 196
Stephens, James: Strict Joy. Rev. by Odell Shepard 590
Stewart, Donald Ogden: Frederick Lewis Allen’s Only Yesterday 605
Stoney, Samuel Gaillard: Black Genesis. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Strachey, Lytton: Portraits in Miniature. Rev. by Odell Shepard 168
Strong, L. A. G.: Don Juan in the Wheelbarrow 581
— Brothers. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
— The Garden. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Autumn, viii
Strong, Phil: State Fair. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Summer, vi
Stuart, Dorothy Margaret: Christina Rossetti. Rev. by S. C. Chew 207
Tarkington, Booth: Mary’s Neck. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Spring, vi
Tate, Allen: The Traveller. Verse 249
— Poems, 1928—1931. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 811
Tead, Ordway: Emma Goldman’s Living My Life 851
Terry, Ellen: Correspondence. Rev. by Ashley Dukes 393
This One Day, Verse. Frances Frost 520
Thomas, Bertram: Arabia Felix. Rev. by H. G, Dwight 839
Thomas, Jean: Devil’s Ditties. Rev. by H. H. Flanders 848
Thomas, T. H.: Frederick Palmer’s Newton D. Baker 421
Thompson, D. V., Jr.: Painters and their Art. Book Reviews 187
Thomson, J. Arthur: Life. Rev. by W. R. Coe 834
Tinker, Edward Laroque: Louisiana Gombo 566
Todd, Mabel Loomis, ed.: The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Rev. by M. A. Jordan 625
Tolstoy, Countess: Later Diary, 1891-1807. Rev. by John Cournos 210
Tolstoy, Lev N., Count: Literary Fragments. Rev. by John Cournos 210
Toussaint L’Ouverture. Verse. Edwin Arlington Robinson 10
Traveller, The. Verse. Allen Tate 249
Tsurumi, Yusuke: Japanese Policy and Opinion 754
Unison. Verse. John Hall Wheelock 483
Untermeyer, Louis: As Earth Was. Verse 71
— Five Notable Poets. Book Reviews 811
Vernadsky, G.: More Books on Russia. Book Reviews 619
Vices of Free Competition, The. Philip Cabot 38
Villard Henry: The Past and Present of the Pike’s Peak Gold Regions. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Vitamines for the Artist. Francis Hackett 861
Wagenknecht, Edward: Mary Austin’s Experiences Facing Death 847
Walling, R. A. J., ed.: The Diaries of John Bright. Rev. by H. J. Laski 428
Walpole, Hugh: The Whistle 330
Ward Henshaw: Clarence Day’s God and My Father 825
Ware, Joseph E.: The Emigrants’ Guide to California. Rev. by F. L. Paxson 826
Warshow, Robert Irving: Alexander Hamilton. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 395
Washington, George: Letters 466
What is the White Man in Africa For? Julian S. Huxley 285
Wheelock, John Hall: Unison. Verse 483
When Politics Seasons Justice. Raymond Moley 448
Whistle, The. Hugh Walpole 330
Whitham, J. Mills: A Biographical History of the French Revolution. Rev. by J. M. S. Allison 204
Whyte, A. J.: The Political Life and Letters, of Cavoar. Rev. by K. R. Green-field 193
Wickersham, George W.: Letter 643
Wilder, Thornton: Queens of France 72
— The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act. Rev. by R. P. T. Coffin 403
Williams, Charles: Poetry at Present. Rev. by I. A. Richards 191
Williams, Stanley T.: American Literature: Serious and Humorous. Book Reviews 429
Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé: They that Take the Sword. Rev. by C. P. Howland 829
Winslow, C.-E. A.: The Business of Medicine 318
Winter, W. H.: Route Across the Rocky Mountains. Rev. by F. L. Paxson . 826
Witherspoon, Alexander M.: Theodore Spencer’s A Garland for John Donne 636
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Charles Archer’s William Archer 597
Woodcock, A. W. W.: Letter 645
Woody, Thomas: New Minds: New Men? Rev. by G. Vernadsky 619
Woofter, T. J., Jr.: Black Yeomanry. Rev. by U. B. Phillips 202
Woolf, Virginia: Letter to a Young Poet 696
— The Waves. Rev. by Helen MacAfee Winter, vi
World Financial Crisis, The. Sir Arthur Salter 217
Wormser, I. Maurice: Frankenstein, Incorporated. Rev. by A. S. Dewing 856
Wortham, H. E.: Edward VII. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 819
Wright, Frank Lloyd: Modern Architecture. Rev. by E. V. Meeks 178
Wylie, Elinor: Collected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 811
Yakovlev, Y. A.: Red Villages. Rev. by M. W. Davis 174
Yale Review Award, announcement of 167
Yale Review Conies of Age, The. Wilbur Cross 1
Young, Francis Brett: Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. Rev. by Helen MacAfee. Spring, vi
Young Jaffery. Verse. Geoffrey Johnson 752