[Reviews of non-fiction are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer; reviews of fiction are entered, under “Outstanding Novels” and under the reviewer.]
Adami, Marie: Fanny Keats. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Adams Grace: Workers on Relief. Rev. by E. W. Bakke 411
Alexander, Roy: The Cruise of the Raider “Wolf.” Rev. by William McFee 378
Allen Frederick Lewis: Since Yesterday. Rev. by Sherman Kent 604
Allen Henry E.: George Antonius’s The Arab Awakening 405
Allen Sara Van Alstyne: Descent through a Dream. Verse 589
Analogies: Dangerous and Otherwise. Julian Huxley 532
Antonius, George: The Arab Awakening. Rev. by H. E. Allen 405
Armour, Richard W.: Coleridge the Talker. Rev. by E. L. Griggs 835
Armstrong, Anne W.: The Romantic Cook-Book 427
Arrubla, Gerardo: History of Colombia. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Art of Reading, The. André Maurois 646
Ascoli, Max: Mussolini in the War 776
Aviation in 1940. Edward P. Warner 731
Bacon, Leonard: Turk’s Cap Lily. Verse 791
Baker, Dorothy: Private Lesson 590
Baker, Ray Stannard: Woodrow Wilson, Life and Letters, Vol. VIII. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 193
Bakke, E. Wight: Grace Adams’s Workers on Relief 411
Ballou, Adin: The Towpath 861
Ballon, Jenny: Period Piece. Rev. by G. S. Haight 631
Barro Colorado, On. Theodore H. Eaton, Jr. 334
Bates, Ernest Sutherland: American Faith. Rev. by Lindsay Rogers 837
Baumer, Franklin Le Van: The Rise of the Puritans. Book Reviews 208
Beard, Charles A.: Stephen Raushenbush’s The March of Fascism 167
Beard, Miriam, tr.: The Power of the Charlatan. Rev. by H. L. Mencken 181
Becker, Carl: Some Generalities that Still Glitter 649
Bellinger, Alfred R.: A. D. 193-324 (The Cambridge Ancient History). Book Reviews 199
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: President Wilson. Book Reviews 193
Benchley, Robert: Margaret Farrand Thorp’s America at the Movies 814
Blockade Problem, The. Gustav Stolper 504
Books of the Decade. William Allen White; Alvin Johnson; Clifton Fadiman; Charles A. Beard; David McCord; George W. Gray 419
Brawne, Fanny: Letters to Fanny Keats, 1820-1824. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Brinton, Crane: Arnold J. Toynbee’s A Study of History 608
Brooks, Cleanth: Modern Poetry and the Tradition. Rev. by Maynard Mack 398
Buell, Raymond Leslie: Poland. Rev. by George Vernadsky 190
Calogeras, Jo?o Pandfa: A History of Brazil. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Cambridge Ancient History, The, Vol. XII; Vol. V of Plates. Rev. by A. R. Bellinger 199
Campbell, C. Macfie: Sigmund Freud’s Moses and Monotheism 178
Canby, Henry Seidel: Simeon Strunsky’s The Living Tradition 606
— Thoreau. Rev. by F. O. Matthiessen 416
Candidates in the Spring. William Allen White 433
Carr Katherine: South American Primer. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Cecil, David: The Voting Melbourne. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 390
Chamberlain, John: Mayor La Guardia 11
— The American Stakes. Rev. by M. W. Childs 812
Chamberlin, William Henry: France at War 488
Chew, Samuel C.: Helen Thomas Flexner’s A Quaker Childhood 820
Childs, Marquis W.: John Chamberlain’s The American Stakes 812
Churchill, Winston S.: Step by Step. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 808
Ciardi, John: Museum. Verse 530
— Homeward to America. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Clark, Kenneth: Leonardo da Vinci. Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr. 392
Cohn, David L.: The Good Old Days. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 828
Colum, Mary M.: William Butler Yeats’s Last Poems and Plays 806
Colum, Padraic: Sean O’Casey’s I Knock at the Door 182
Commager, Henry Steele: Carl Sandburg’s Abraham Lincoln: The War Years 374
Cooper, Louise Field: Mr. White 802
Craven, Thomas, ed.: A Treasury of Art Masterpieces. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 632
Daladier, Edouard: In Defense of France. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 823
Das, Taraknath: Philip Steegman’s India Ink 643
Davidson, Eugene: Poets in the Modern World. Book Reviews 171
Davies, A. Mervyn: dive of Plassey. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 414
Davis, George T.: A Navy Second to None. Rev. by W. D. Puleston 831
Davis, Herbert: Walpole’s Correspondence with Madame du Deffand. Book Review 614
Denney, Reuel: The Connecticut River & Other Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Descent through a Dream. Verse. Sara Van Alstyne Allen 589
Deutsch, Albert: Tom o’ Bedlam and His Song 856
DeVane, William Clyde: David Cecil’s The Young Melbourne 390
Dewey, John: freedom and Culture. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 388
Driver, C. H.: Germany’s Limit of Endurance? Book Reviews 619
Drucker, Peter F.: The End of Economic Man. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 175
Du Deffand, Madame: Correspondence. Rev. by Herbert Davis 614
Dulles, Foster Rhea: America Learns to Play. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 828
Earle, Edward Mead: National Security and Foreign Policy 444
Eastman, Max: Stalin’s Russia and the Crisis in Socialism. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 817
Eaton, Clement: Freedom of Thought in the Old South. Rev. by F. L. Owsley 849
Eaton, Theodore H., Jr.: On Barro Colorado 334
Edgcumbe, Fred, ed.: The Letters of Fanny Brawne to Fanny Keats, 1820-1824. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Edie, Lionel D.: Carl Snyder’s Capitalism the Creator 826
Editors, The: Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xii-xxii; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xiv-xxiv; Summer, xiv-xxxii
Eliot, T. S.: The Idea of a Christian Society. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 624
Ellis, Havelock: Frustration 212
— My Life. Rev. by Sydney Greenbie 409
Elliston, H. B.: Finland Fights. Rev. by Waino Nyland 853
European Trouble Zone. George Vernadsky 248
Exercises in Incongruity. Herbert J. Muller 97
Faison, S. L., Jr.: Kenneth Clark’s Leonardo da Vinci 392
Falk, Edwin A.: W. D. Puleston’s Mahan 204
Fay, Sidney B.: Arnold Wolfers’s Britain and France between Two Wars 833
Ferril, Thomas Hornsby: Solstice. Verse 247
First. Verse. Genevieve Taggard 484
Flexner, Helen Thomas: A Quaker Childhood. Rev. by S. C. Chew 820
Florinsky, Michael T.: Toward an Understanding of the U.S.S.R. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 383
France at War. William Henry Chamberlin 488
Francesco, Crete de: The Power of the Charlatan. Rev. by H. L. Mencken 181
Frankenberg, Lloyd: The Red Kite. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Frankfurter, Felix: Law and Politics. Rev. by M. DeW. Howe 639
Freeman, Douglas Southall: The South to Posterity. Rev. by F. L. Owsley 849
French Yellow Book, The. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 823
Freud, Sigmund: Moses and Monotheism. Rev. by C. M. Campbell 178
Frustration. Havelock Ellis 212
Gabriel, Ralph H.: The Course of American Democratic Thought. Rev. by Lindsay Rogers 837
Garratt, Geoffrey T.: What Has Happened to Europe? Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 808
Garrod, H. W., ed.: The Poetical Works of John Keats. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Gershoy, Leo: French Affairs. Book Reviews 823
Gold in a Warring- World. Alvin H. Hansen 668
Green, F. C.: Stendhal. Rev. by P. M. Jack 196
Greenbie, Sydney: Havelock Ellis’s My Life 409
Greene, Graham: Another Mexico. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Gregory, Horace: A. E. Housman’s Collected Poems 841
— Keats and Shelley. Book Reviews 185
Griggs, Earl Leslie: Coleridge’s Work and Personality. Book Reviews 835
GrisWold, A. Whitney: Raymond Moley’s After Seven Years 407
Grousset, Rene, ed.: Art ,of the Far East. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 632
Gunther, John: Inside Asia. Rev. by Barnet Nover 189
Haight, Gordon S.: Jenny Ballou’s Period Piece 631
Hall, D. J.: Illinois Interlude 792
Hall, Walter Phelps: Peter Quennell’s Caroline of England 622
Haller, William: The Rise of Puritanism. Rev. by F. Le V. Baumer 208
Hanc, Josef: Southeastern Europe. Book Reviews 628
Hansen, Alvin H.: Gold in a Warring World 668
— Monetary and Fiscal Controls in War Time 231
Hanson, Lawrence: The Life of S. T. Coleridge. Rev. by E. L. Griggs 835
Hard, Walter: Vermont Valley. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Hauser, Heinrich: Battle against Time. Rev. by C. H. Driver 619
Henao, Jesus Maria: History of Colombia. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Henderson, Sir Nevile: Failure of a Mission. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 808
Herring, Hubert: Mexico and South America. Book Reviews 394
Herriot, Edouard: The Wellsprings of Liberty. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 823
Hickey, J. J.: Frederick C. Lincoln’s The Migration of American Birds 206
Hills, The. Verse. Daniel Smythe 306
Hinkson, Pamela: Letters from W. B. Yeats 307
Hishida, Seiji: Japan among the Great Powers. Rev. by A. N. Holcombe 640
Holborn, Hajo: The New Totalitarianism. Book Reviews 175
— Hermann Rauschning’s The Revolution of Nihilism 403
— Hermann Rauschning’s The Voice of Destruction 637
Holcombe, A. N.: War Propaganda. Book Reviews 640
Housman, A. E.: Collected Poems. Rev. by Horace Gregory 841
Housrnan, Laurence: Ruling Powers 689
Howe, Mark De Wolfe: The Philosophy of a Progressive. Book Review 639
Howes, Raymond F.: Coleridge the Talker. Rev. by E. L. Griggs 835
Huxley, Julian: Analogies: Dangerous and Otherwise 532
Illinois Interlude. D. J. Hall 792
Instead of the New Deal. Alvin Johnson 1
Ives, C. P.: Odell Shepard’s Connecticut, Past and Present 202
Ivory-Bills and Paroquets. Samuel Scoville, Jr. 556
Jack, Peter Monro: Stendhal and Flaubert. Book Reviews 196
Jackson, J. Hampden: Finland. Rev. by Waino Nyland 853
Jackson, Joseph Henry: Franklin Walker’s San Francisco’s Literary Frontiers 839
Johnson, Alvin: Instead of the New Deal 1
Journey with the Moon. John Q. Stewart 51
Kahn, Eugen: Problems of Middle Age 349
Karpovich, Michael: Stalin and His Policies. Book Reviews 817
Keats, John: Poetical Works. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Kent, Sherman: Frederick Lewis Allen’s Since Yesterday 604
King, Mary: The White Bull 755
Kirkpatrick, F. A.: Latin America. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Kluckhohn, Frank L.: The Mexican Challenge. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Knappen, M. M.: Tudor Puritanism. Rev. by F. Le V. Baumer 208
Kohn, Hans: Revolutions and Dictatorships. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 175
Krenek, Ernest: Music Here and Now. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 847
Krivitsky, W. G.: In Stalin’s Secret Service. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 383
Labor Wars, The. Louis Stark 28
Leeds, Stanton B.: These Rule France. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 823
Leishman, J. B., tr.: Duino Elegies. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 171
Lengyel, Emil: The Danube. Rev. by Josef Hanc 628
Letter from England, A 648
Letters and Comment 212, 426, 646, 856
Letters from W. B. Yeats. Pamela Hinkson 307
Levinson, Ronald B.: The “Republic” Revisited 153
Lewis, W. S., ed.: Horace Waif ale’s Correspondence with Madame du Deffand. Rev. by Herbert Davis 614
Library of the Quarter. The Editors. Autumn, xii—xxii; Winter, xiv—xxviii; Spring, xiv—xxiv; Summer, xiv—xxxii
Lincoln, Frederick C.: The Migration of American Birds. Rev. by J. J. Hickey 206
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Winter, vi—xiv; Spring, vi—xii; Summer, vi—xii
Lucas, Audrey: Some Dickens Women 706
Lyons, Eugene: Stalin. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 817
McFee, William: Roy Alexander’s The Cruise of the Raider “Wolf” 378
Mack, Maynard: Critical Synthesis. Book Reviews 398
MacLeish, Archibald: America Was Promises. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
— ed.: Law and Politics. Rev. by M. DeW. Howe 639
MacNeice, Louis: Modern Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 398
McNeill, Louise: Gauley Mountain. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Malam, Charles: Passing. Verse 729
Martin, Albert P.: The Plain People of Germany 46:
Martin, Percy Alvin, ed.: A History of Brazil. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr.: Western European Painting Since the Renaissance. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 632
Matthiessen, F. O.: Henry Seidel Canby’s Thoreau 416
Maurois, Andre: The Art of Reading 646
Mayor La Guardia. John Chamberlain 11
Mellquist, Jerome: American Color Reproduction. Book Reviews 632
Mencken, H. L.: Crete de Francesco’s The Power of the Charlatan 181
— Happy Days. Rev. by H. F. Pringle 617
Mendenhall, Thomas C., II: A. Mervyn Davies’s Clive of Plassey 414
Millay, Edna St. Vincent: Huntsman, What Quarry? Rev. by Eugene Davidson 171
Milton, George Fort: The South Do Move 138
Mr. Mitten. Kate O’Brien 113
Mr. White. Louise Field Cooper 802
Mitchell, Donald W.: Our First Line of Defense 565
Moley, Raymond: After Seven Years. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 407
Monetary and Fiscal Controls in War Time. Alvin H. Hansen 231
Mosely, Philip E.: Towards Understanding Russia. Book Reviews 383
Muller, Herbert T.: Exercises in Incongruity 97
Museum, Verse John Ciardi 530
Museum of Modern Art: Italian Masters. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 632
Mussolini in the War. Max Ascoli 776
National Security and Foreign Policy. Edward Mead Earle 444
Nevins, Allan Pringle’s The Life and Times of William Howard Taft 380
Norton, M.D. Herter: Translations from the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 171
Novels, Outstanding. Book Reviews. Robert Littell; Ralph Thompson. Autumn, vi-x; Winter, vi-xiv; Spring, vi-xii; Summer, vi-xii
Nover, Barnet: John Gunther’s Inside Asia 189
Number of Fragments, A. William Saroyan 365
Nyland, Waino: One Land of Tragedy. Book Reviews 853
O’Brien, Kate: Mr. Mitten 113
O’Casey Sean: I Knock at the Door. Rev. by Padraic Colum 182
O’Connor, Frank: Two Friends: Yeats and A. E. 60
Our First Line of Defense. Donald W. Mitchell 565
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell; Ralph Thompson. Autumn, vi-x; Winter, vi-xiv; Spring, vi-xii; Summer, vi-xii
Owsley, Frank L.: History of the Old South. Book Reviews 849
Pares, Bernard: The Fall of the Russian Monarchy. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 383
Parke’s, Henry Bamford: A History of Mexico. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Passing. Verse. Charles Malam 729
Patchen, Kenneth: First Will and Testament. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Peffer, Nathaniel: Struggle for Power in the Far East 273
Plain People of Germany, The. Albert P. Martin 461
Pribichevich, Stoyan: World Without End. Rev. by Josef Hanc 628
Pringle, Henry F.: The Life and Times of William Howard Taft. Rev. by Allan Nevins 380
— H. L. Mencken’s Happy Days 617
Pritchard, E. F., Jr., ed.: Law and Politics. Rev. by M. DeW. Howe 639
Private Lesson. Dorothy Baker 590
Problems of Middle Age. Eugen Kahn and Leo W. Simmons 349
Psychologist, The. Benedict Thielen 321
Puleston, W. D.: George T. Davis’s A Navy Second to None 831
— Mahan. Rev. by E. A. Falk 204
Quennell, Peter: Caroline of England. Rev. by W. P. Hall 622
Ratcliffe, S. K.: Henderson, Churchill, and the War. Book Reviews 808
Rauschning, Hermann: The Revolution of Nihilism. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 403
— The Voice of Destruction. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 637
Raushenbush, Stephen: The March .of Fascism. Rev. by C. A. Beard 167
“Republic” Revisited, The. Ronald B. Levinson 153
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Duino Elegies; Translations from the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 171
Rippy, J. Fred, ed.: History of Colombia. Rev. by Hubert Herring 394
Roethke, Theodore: Slow Season. Verse 89
Rogers, Lindsay: Bases of Our Political Beliefs. Book Reviews 837
Romantic Cook-Book, The. Anne W. Armstrong 427
Rosenfeld, Paul: Ernest Krenek’s Music Here and Now 847
Rosvall, Toivo: Finland. Rev. by Waino Nyland 853
Rukeyser, Muriel: The Shortest Way Home. Verse 49
— A Turning Wind. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 599
Ruling Powers. Laurence Housman 689
Run to the Town. Verse. Theodric Westbrook 364
Russia’s Economic Resources. Fritz Sternberg 287
Salter, Sir Arthur: Security. Rev. by W. A. White 169
Sandburg, Carl: Abraham Lincoln: The War Years. Rev. by H. S. Commager 374
Saroyan, William: A Number of Fragments 363
Schlesinger, Arthur M.: Tides of American Politics 217
Scoville, Samuel, Jr.: Ivory-Bills and Paroquets 556
Season in the Doomed Cities. Verse. Edward Weismiller 687
Seltmann, C. T.: The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. V of Plates. Rev. by A. R. Bellinger 199
Shaw, Irwin: The Viola Player 90
Shepard, Odell: Connecticut, Past and Present, Rev. by C. P. Ives 202
Shortest Way Home, The. Verse. Muriel Rukeyser 49
Simmons, Leo: Problems of Middle Age 345
Slow Season. Verse. Theodore Roethke 89
Smith, Warren H., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Madame du Deffand. Rev. by Herbert Davis 614
Smythe, Daniel: The Hills. Verse 306
Snyder, Carl: Capitalism the Creator. Rev. by L. D. Edie 826
Solstice. Verse. Thomas Hornsby Ferril 247
Some Dickens Women. Audrey Lucas 706
Some Generalities that Still Glitter. Carl Becker 649
South Do Move, The. George Fort Milton 138
Souvarine, Boris: Stalin. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 383
Spender, Stephen, tr.: Duino Elegies. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 171
Sperry, W. L.: T. S. Eliot’s The Idea of a Christian Society 624
Stalin, Joseph: Stalin’s Kampf. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 817
Stark, Louis: The Labor Wars 28
Steegman, Philip: India Ink. Rev. by Taraknath Das 643
Steegmuller, Francis: Flaubert and Madame Bovary. Rev. by P. M. Jack 196
Stein, Gertrude: Picasso. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 631
Sternberg, Fritz: Russia’s Economic Resources 287
— From Nazi Sources. Rev. by C. H. Driver 619
Stevenson, R. A. M., ed.: Rubens. Rev. by Jerome Mellquist 632
Stewart, John Q.: Journey with the Moon 51
Stolper, Gustav: The Blockade Problem 504
Struggle for Power in the Far East. Nathaniel Peffer 273
Strunsky, Simeon: The Living Tradition. Rev. by H. S. Canby 606
Taggard, Genevieve: First. Verse 484
Taylor, Deems: The Well Tempered Listener. Rev. by R. D. Welch 645
Thielen, Benedict: The Psychologist 321
Thompson, Ralph: Outstanding Novels. Book Re-views Autumn, vi-x
Thorp, Margaret Farrand: America at the Movies. Rev. by Robert Benchley 814
Tides of American Politics. Arthur M. Schlesinger 217
Tom o’ Bedlam and His Song. Albert Deutsch 856
Towpath, The. Adin Ballou 861
Toynbee, Arnold J.: A Study of History. Rev. by Crane Brinton 60
Turk’s Cap Lily. Verse. Leonard Bacon 79
Two Friends: Yeats and A.E. Frank O’Connor 6
Untermeyer, Louis: From Another World. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 626
— Look Homeward, America. Book Reviews 599
Vernadsky, George: European Trouble Zone 24
— Raymond Leslie Buell’s Poland 19
Viola Player, The. Irwin Shaw 9
Walker, Franklin: San Francisco’s Literary Frontiers. Rev. by J. H. Jackson 839
Walpole, Horace: Correspondence with Madame du Deffand. Rev. by Herbert Davis 614
Warner, Edward P.: Aviation in 194.0 731
Wecter, Dixon: What America Plays and Purchases. Book Reviews 828
Weismiller, Edward: Season in the Doomed Cities. Verse 687
Welch, R. D.: Deems Taylor’s The Well Tempered Listener 645
Werner, M.R., ed. Stalin’s Kampf. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 817
Westbrook, Theodric: Run to the Town. Verse 364
Whicher, George F.: Louis Untermeyer’s From Another World 626
White, Newman I.: The Unextinguished Hearth. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
White, William Allen: Candidates in the Spring 433
— Sir Arthur Salter’s Security 69
White Bull, The. Mary King 755
Wilson Edith Boiling: My Memoir. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 193
Wolfers Arnold: Britain and France between Two Wars. Rev. by S. B. Fay 833
Woodbridge, Homer E.: John Dewey’s Freedom and Culture 388
Yeats, William Butler: Last Poems and Plays. Rev. by M. M. Colum 806
Young, A. Morgan: The Rise of a Pagan State. Rev. by A. N. Holcombe 640