[Reviews are entered, under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer .]
Abbott, Claude Colleer, ed.: Further Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Horace Gregory 415
Achievements of Ataturk, The. Henry E. Allen 542
Adams, Henry: Letters. Rev. by S. T. Williams 426
After a Little While. Mary Fassett Hunt 164
After Lima. A. A. Berle, Jr. 449
After the New Deal. Alvin Johnson 217
Agar, Herbert: Pursuit of Haziness. Rev. by H. J. Laski 394
Allen, Henry E.: The Achievements of Ataturk 542
Allison, John M. S.: Lamoignon de Malesherbes. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 195
Allover Pattern. Verse. Lloyd Frankenberg 693
American Prelude. Verse. Axton Clark 346
Andrews, Charles M.: The Colonial Period of American History, Vol. IV. Rev. by M. W. Jernegan 643
Aragon, Louis: Residential Quarter. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, xii
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish: When There Is No Peace. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 823
Armstrong-, Margaret: Fanny Kemble. Rev. by Brooks Atkinson 185
Arvin, Newton: Whitman. Rev. by H. H. Clark 633
Atkinson, Brooks: Margaret Armstrong’s Fanny Kemble 185
Austrian Officer, An: A Vienna Diary 680
Baker, Ray Stannard: Woodrow Wilson, Life and Letters, Vol. VII. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 637
Bald, R. C.: Lives of the Poets. Book Reviews 855
Barker, Creighton: Arthur E. Hertzler’s The Horse and Buggy Doctor 215
Bates, Ralph: Sirocco. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, xii
Baxter, James P., 3rd: A. Whitney Griswold’s The Far Eastern Policy of the United States 647
Beard, Charles A.: America in Mid-passage. Rev. by F. W. Coker 843
Beard, Mary R.: America in Mid-passage. Rev. by F. W. Coker 843
— Jeannette Marks’s The Family of the Barrett 645
Beatty, Richmond Croom: Lord Macaulay. Rev. by R. L. Schuyler 631
Becker, Carl: When Democratic Virtues Disintegrate 649
— Ernest R. Trattner’s Architects of Ideas 382
Belitt, Ben: The Five-Fold Mesh. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 608
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: Ray Stannard Baker’s Woodrow Wilson, Life and Letters, Vol. VII 637
Benét, William Rose, ed.: The Oxford Anthology of American Literature. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr. 639
Benson, Adolph B.: Isaac Goldberg’s The Wonder of Words 642
Benson, Ivan: Mark Twain’s Western Years. Rev. by Paul Horgan 846
Benton, Walter: Dawn Raid. Verse 359
Berle, A. A. Jr.: After Lima 449
Bess, Demaree: In Search of Soviet Gold. Rev. by André Efron 627
Binkley, Robert C.: David Lloyd George’s Memoirs of the Paris Peace Conference 853
Bisson, T. A.: Japan in China. Rev. by Nathaniel Peffer 179
Bonbright, James C.: Public Ownership and the National Power Policy 36
Bowen, Elizabeth: The Death of the Heart. Rev. by Ralph Thompson … Spring, xii
Boyle, Kay: Monday Night. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, viii
Bradley, John Hodgdon: Percy E. Raymond’s Prehistoric Life 859
Brain Is Grooved, The. Irving Fineman 375
Bridgman, Donald S.: Education for Work and Citizenship 93
Brinton, Crane: The Lives of Talleyrand. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 195
Britain’s Military Situation. B. H. Liddell Hart 230
British Power Since Jutland. Edwin A. Falk 694
Brooks, Robert R. R.: Unions of Their Own Choosing. Rev. by Leo Wolman 833
Bruun, Geoffrey: Mortals in the Storm. Book Reviews 827
— Two Liberal-minded Noblemen. Book Reviews 195
Bryant, Arthur: Samuel Pepys: The Saviour of the Navy. Rev. by William Matthews 831
Buck, Pearl: The Patriot. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, viii
Buck in the Bottoms. August Derleth 82
Burlingame, Roger: March of the Iron Men. Rev. by E. P. Warner 388
Burlingham, Charles C.: Felix Frankfurter’s Mr, Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court 605
— Beryl Harold Levy’s Cardozo and Frontiers of Legal Thinking 177
Canby, Courtlandt: Christmas at Shiraz 294
Canfield, Dorothy: Nothing Ever Happens 719
— Seasoned Timber. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, viii
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand: Death on the Installment Plan. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, x
Chamberlin, William Henry: Japan Attempts to Remap Asia 19
Chambers, E. K.: Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Rev. by R. C. Bald 855
Champion, Selwyn Gurney: Racial Proverbs. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 428
Charlton, H. B.: Shakespearian Comedy. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 200
Chase, Mary Ellen: Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas 403
Chase, Stuart: Marquis W. Childs’s This Is Democracy 615
Childs, Harwood L., tr.: The Nazi Primer. Rev. by F. W. Coker 412
Childs, Marquis W.: Farmer-Labor Relations in Scandinavia 50
— This Is Democracy. Rev. by Stuart Chase 615
Chinard, Gilbert: George Wilson Pierson’s Tocqueville and Beaumont in America 205
Christmas at Shiraz. Courtlandt Canby 294
Chubb, Thomas Caldecot: Disciple of Experience. Book Reviews 624
Churchill, Winston S.: Marlborough, Vols. V, VI. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 400
— While England Slept. Rev. by Arnold Wolfers 398
Clark, Axton: American Prelude. Verse 246
Clark, Grover: Bunji Omura’s The Last Genro 211
Clark, Harry Hayden: Three Spokesmen of Nineteenth-Century America. Book Reviews 633
Coker, Francis W.: Charles A. and Mary R. Beard’s America in Midpassage 843
— The Outlook of the Nordics. Book Review 412
Commager, Henry Steele: Jonathan Daniels’s A Southerner Discovers the South 405
— William Allen White’s A Puritan in Babylon 839
Copland, Aaron: What To Listen For in Music. Rev. by Deems Taylor 614
Counts, George S.: The Prospects of American Democracy. Rev. by H. J. Laski 394
Czechoslovak Frontiers. Charles Seymour 273
Dane, Clemence: The Moon Is Feminine. Rev. by Ralph Thompson . . , . Autumn, x
Dane, G. Ezra, ed.: Letters from the Sandwich Islands. Rev. by Paul Horgan 846
Daniels, Jonathan: A Southerner Discovers the South. Rev. by H. S. Commager 405
Davenport, Beatrix Gary, ed.: A Diary of the French Revolution. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 827
Davidson, Frank P., ed.: Before America Decides. Rev. by Walter Millis 630
Davis, Clyde Brion: “The Great American Novel—.” Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, x
Dawn Raid Verse Walter Benton 359
Dean Vera Micheles: Europe in Retreat. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 823
D Tong David Cornel: Old Haven. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, x
Derleth’ August: Buck in the Bottoms 82
D Vane William C.: Ernest de Selincourt’s The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Later Years 829
Dresbach, Glenn Ward: Honey in the Wall. Verse 144
Editors The: Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xviii-xxx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xiv-xxii; Summer, xii-xxiv
Edman, Irwin: Four Ways of Philosophy. Rev. by F. S. C. Northrop 203
Education for Work and Citizenship. Donald S. Bridgman 93
Efron Andre: John D. Littlepage’s and Demaree Bess’s In Search of Soviet Gold 627
Eliot George Fielding: The Ramparts We Watch. Rev. by C. C. Tansill 622
Eliot, T. S.: The Family Reunion. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 836
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Letters. Rev. by S. T. Williams 849
Fagan, Benjamin: The Unquiet Passion 594
Fairley, Margaret Tynes: Shadow and Light. Verse in
Falk, Edwin A.: British Power Since Jutland 694
Fante, John: Wait Until Spring, Bandini. Rev. by Ralph Thompson … . Winter, viii
Farmer-Labor Relations in Scandinavia. Marquis W. Childs 50
Farmer’s Votes and Problems, The. William Allen White 433
Farrell, James T.: No Star Is Lost. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, vi
Faulkner, William: The Wild Palms. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, viii
Feiler, Arthur: The End of Austria. Book Reviews 187
Ferguson, DeLancey: Pride and Passion. Rev. by R. C. Bald 855
Fineman, Irving: The Brain Is Grooved 375
Fishman, Joseph Fulling: In the Name of Parole 145
Flynn, John T.: Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Roosevelt 667
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, ed.: Letters of Henry Adams. Rev. by S. T. Williams 426
Frankenberg, Lloyd: Allover Pattern. Verse 693
Frankfurter, Felix: Mr. Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court. Rev. by C. C. Burlingham 605
Fuess, Claude M.: William Lyon Phelps’s Autobiography with Letters 817
Garnett, David, ed.: The Letters of T. E. Lawrence. Rev. by William Yale 819
Gedye, G. E. R.: Betrayal in Central Europe. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 823
Geijerstam, Gosta af: Storevik. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, xii
Gibbons, Stella: Nightingale Wood. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, x
Gide, Andre: Montaigne 572
Gilson, Etienne: The Unity of Philosophical Experience. Rev. by F. S. C. Northrop 203
Goldberg, Isaac: The Wonder of Words. Rev. by A. B. Benson 642
Good Theatre. George R. Kernodle 112
Graham, Stephen: Alexander of Yugoslavia. Rev. by Philip E. Mosely 841
Graves, Robert: Count Belisarius. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, xii
Gray, George W.: Launcelot Hogben’s Science for the Citizen 384
Gregory, Horace: Gerard Manley Hopkins. Book Reviews 415
Griswold, A. Whitney: Before and After Munich. Book Reviews 823
— The Far Eastern Policy of the United States. Rev. by J. P. Baxter, 3rd 647
Harris, Herbert: American Labor. Rev. by Leo Wolman 833
Hauser, Heinrich: Last Port of Call. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, xii
Hawkins, Desmond: Hawk Among the Sparrows. Rev. by Ralph Thompson . . Summer, vi
Hertzler, Arthur E.: The Horse and Buggy Doctor. Rev. by Creighton Barker 215
Hicks, Granville, ed.: The Letters of Lincoln Steffens. Rev. by S. T. Williams 426
Higgins, E. L.: The French Revolution As Told, by Contemporaries. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 827
Hill, Clyde M.: Betty and Ernest K. Lindley’s A New Deal for Youth 207
Hitler and Southeastern Europe. Philip E. Mosely 249
Hogben, Launcelot: Science for the Citizen. Rev. by G. W. Gray 384
Holmes, John: The Second Wonder. Verse 292
Honey in the Wall. Verse. Glenn Ward Dresbach 144
Hopkins, Gerard Manley: Further Letters; Notebooks and Papers. Rev. by Horace Gregory 415
Horan, Robert: Legend. Verse 472
Horgan, Paul: Relatives Out West 305
— News of Mark Twain. Book Reviews 846
House, Humphrey, ed.: The Notebooks and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Horace Gregory 415
House by the Sea, A. Benedict Thielen 521
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe: Holmes of the Breakfast-Table. Rev. by David McCord 822
Hughes, Helen Sard: Mr. Cowslade’s Memoirs 861
Hull, Helen: Frost Flower. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, viii
Hulme, Kathryn: We Lived As Children. Rev. by Ralph Thompson … Autumn, viii
Hume, Cyril: Landfall. Verse 540
Hunt, Mary Fassett: After a Little While 164
Hutchinson, R. C.: Testament. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, x
Hutton, Graham: Survey after Munich. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 823
Huxley, Julian: The Uniqueness of Man 473
In the Name of Parole. Joseph Fulling Fishman and Vee Perlman 145
Jackson, Brinckerhoff: Saints in Summertime. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, vi
Japan Attempts to Remap Asia. William Henry Chamberlin 19
Jernegan, Marcus Wilson: Charles M. Andrews’s The Colonial Period of American History, Vol. IV 643
Jessup, Philip C.: Elihu Root. Rev. by Allan Nevins 422
Johnson, Alvin: After the New Deal 217
Johnston, S. M.: Jose’s Village 130
Jose’s Village. S. M. Johnston 130
Joyce, James: Finnegans Wake. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, vi
Kernodle, Georg-e R.: Good Theatre 112
Knollenberg, Bernhard: Carl Van Doren’s Benjamin Franklin 430
La Farge, Christopher: Each to the Other. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 608
Landfall. Verse. Cyril Hume 540
Laski, Harold J. America in Search of a Faith. Book Reviews 394
— Parliamentary Government in England. Rev. by David Owen 618
Latourette, Kenneth Scott: A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Vols. I, II. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 213
Lawrence, T. E.: Letters. Rev. by William Yale 819
Lederer, Emil, and Emy Lederer-Seidler: Japan in Transition. Rev. by Nathaniel Peffer 179
Legend. Verse. Robert Horan 472
Lennhoff, Eugene: The Last Five Hours of Austria Rev. by Arthur Feiler . . 187
Letters and Comment 861
Letters of Hawk Sung. Tr. by Pardee Lowe 69
Levy, Beryl Harold: Cardozo and Frontiers of Legal Thinking. Rev. by C. C. Burlingham 177
Library of the Quarter. The Editors. Autumn, xviii-xxx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xiv-xxii; Summer, xii-xxiv
Liddell Hart, B. H.: Britain’s Military Situation 230
Lindley, Betty and Ernest K.: A New Deal for Youth. Rev. by C. M. Hill 207
Littleage John D.: In Search of Soviet Gold. Rev. by André Efron 627
Lloyd George, David: Memoirs of the Paris Peace Conference. Rev. by R. C. Binkley 853
Lowe Pardee, tr.: Letters of Hawk Sung 69
MacAfee Helen: Thomas Mann’s The Coming Victory of Democracy 210
— Books for Holiday Gifts Winter, xxxiv
McCord, David: Smokefall. Verse 34
— M. A. DeWolfe Howe’s Holmes of the Breakfast-Table 822
— Lightest of the Arts. Book Reviews 392
MacCurdy, Edward, ed.: The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Rev. by T. C. Chubb 827
McFee, William: Why Boys Don’t Go to Sea 749
MacLeish, Archibald: Air Raid. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 608
Malraux, Andre: Man’s Hope. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, xii
Mann, Thomas: The Coming Victory of Democracy. Rev. by Helen MacAfee 210
Marks’, Jeannette: The Family of the Barrett. Rev. by M. R. Beard 645
Marquand, John P.: Wickford Point. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, vi
Matthews, William: Arthur Bryant’s Samuel Pepys: The Saviour of the Navy 831
— Cockney, Past and Present, Rev. by J. H. Wellard 197
Medical Care for the Nation. C.-E. A. Winslow 501
Metraux, Alfred: Mysteries of Easter Island 758
Millis, Walter: The President’s Political Strategy 1
— Towards an American Foreign Policy. Book Review 630
Mr. Cowslade’s Memoirs. Helen Sard Hughes 861
Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Roosevelt. John T. Flynn 667
Monopoly Investigation, The. Myron W. Watkins 323
Montaigne. Andre Gide 572
Moore, Merrill: M. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 608
Morris, Gouverneur: A Diary of the French Revolution. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 827
Mosely, Philip E.: Hitler and Southeastern Europe 249
— Stephen Graham’s Alexander of Yugoslavia 841
Mysteries of Easter Island. Alfred Metraux 758
Nash, Ogden: I’m a Stranger Here Myself. Rev. by David McCord 392
Navajo Yei-Bet-Chai. Frank Waters 558
Nazi Primer, The. Rev. by F. W. Coker 412
Nevins, Allan: Philip C. Jessup’s Elihu Root 422
Nicolson, Marjorie: J. W. N. Sullivan’s Isaac Newton 190
Northrop, F. S. C.: Consequences of Skepticism. Book Reviews 203
Notestein, Wallace: Selwyn Gurney Champion’s Racial Proverbs 428
— English Folk. Rev. by David Owen 618
Nothing Ever Happens. Dorothy Canfield 719
Novels, Outstanding. Rev. by Ralph Thompson. Autumn, vi-xii; Winter, vi-xiv; Spring, vi-xiv; Summer, vi-xii
Nover, Barnet: Douglas Reed’s Insanity Fair 180
Omura, Bunji: The Last Genro. Rev. by Grover Clark 211
Owen, David: An English Bookshelf. Book Reviews 618
Oxford Anthology of American Literature, The. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr. 639
Pargellis, Stanley: Winston S. Churchill’s Marlborough, Vols. V, VI 400
Pearson, Norman Holmes, ed.: The Oxford Anthology of American Literature. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr. 639
Peffer, Nathaniel: Japan’s Dilemmas. Book Reviews 179
Perlman, Vee: In the Name of Parole 145
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: H. B. Charlton’s Shakespearian Comedy 200
Phelps, William Lyon: Autobiography with Letters. Rev. by C. M. Fuess 817
Pierson, George Wilson: Tocqueville and Beaumont in America. Rev. by Gilbert Chinard 205
Pottle, Frederick A.: T. S. Eliot’s The Family Reunion 836
— John Crowe Ransom’s The World’s Body 183
Powys, Llewelyn: Earth Memories. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 193
President’s Political Strategy, The. Walter Millis 1
Public Ownership and the National Power Policy. James C. Bonbright 36
Pusey, Merlo J.: Reclaiming Our Slums 724
Ransom, John Crowe: I. A. Richards’s Interpretation in Teaching 410
— The World’s Body. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 183
Raymond, Percy E.: Prehistoric Life. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 859
Realism in the Proletarian Novel. Harold Strauss 360
Reclaiming Our Slums. Merlo J. Pusey 724.
Reed, Douglas: Insanity Fair. Rev. by Barnet Nover 180
Relatives Out West. Paul Horgan 305
Reynolds, Horace: From Dorset and Devon. Book Reviews 193
Richards, I. A.: Interpretation in Teaching. Rev. by J. C. Ransom 410
Rodman, Selden: Seascape. Verse 780
Rogers, James Harvey: Capitalism in Crisis. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 408
Remains, Jules: Death of a World. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, xii
Rosenfeld, Paul: W. J. Turner’s Mozart 418
Rostovtzeff, M.: W. W. Tarn’s The Greeks in Bactria and India 420
Rusk, Ralph L., ed.: The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Rev. by S. T. Williams 849
Sale, William M., Jr.: A Distinctive Anthology. Book Review 639
Santayana, George: The Realm of Truth. Rev. by F. S. C. Northrop 203
Schuschnigg, Kurt: My Austria. Rev. by Arthur Feiler 187
Schuyler, Robert Livingston: Richmond Croom Beatty’s Lord Macaulay 631
Seascape. Verse. Selden Rodman 780
Second Wonder, The. Verse. John Holmes 292
Selincourt, Ernest de, ed.: The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Later Years. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Seymour, Charles: Czechoslovak Frontiers 273
Shadow and Light. Verse. Margaret Tynes Fairley 111
Sharfman, I. L.: To-day’s Railroad Problem 340
Singer, I. J.: The River Breaks Up. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, x
Slichter, Sumner H.: James Harvey Rogers’s Capitalism in Crisis 408
Smitter, Wessel: F. 0. B. Detroit. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, x
Smokefall. Verse. David McCord 34
Sontag, Raymond J.: Germany and England. Rev. by David Owen 618
Sperry, W. L.: Kenneth Scott Latourette’s A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Vols. I, II 213
Stead, Christina: House of All Nations. Rev. by Ralph Thompson … . Autumn, viii
Steffens, Lincoln: Letters. Rev. by S. T. Williams 426
Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, viii
— The Long Valley. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, x
Stewart, George R.: East of the Giants. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, viii
Storm, Hans Otto: The Two Deaths of Kaspar Rausch 781
Strauss, Harold: Realism in the Proletarian Novel 360
Sullivan, J. W. N.: Isaac Newton. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 190
Tansill, Charles Callan: George Fielding Eliot’s The Ramparts We Watch 622
Tarn, W. W.: The Greeks in Bactria and India. Rev. by M. Rostovtzeff 420
Tate, Allen: The Fathers. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Winter, viii
Taylor, Deems: Aaron Copland’s What To Listen For in Music 614
Thielen, Benedict: A House by the Sea 521
Thompson, Lawrance: Young Longfellow. Rev. by H. H. Clark 633
Thompson, Ralph: Outstanding- Novels. Book Reviews Autumn, vi-xii; Winter, vi—xiv; Spring, vi—xiv; Summer, vi—xii
To-day’s Railroad Problem. I. L. Sharfman 340
Trattner, Ernest R.: Architects of Ideas. Rev. by Carl Becker 382
Traven, B.: The Bridge in the Jungle. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, vi
Trilling, Lionel: Matthew Arnold. Rev. by R. C. Bald 855
Turner, W. J.: Mozart. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 418
Twain, Mark Letters from the Sandwich Islands. Rev. by Paul Horgan 846
Two Antiquaries. Virginia Woolf 530
Two Deaths of Kaspar Rausch, The. Hans Otto Storm 781
Undset Sigrid: Images in a. Mirror. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Autumn, xii
Uniqueness of Man, The. Julian Huxley 473
Unquiet Passion, The. Benjamin Fagan 594
Untermeyer, Louis: Experiment and Tradition. Book Reviews 608
Vallentin, Antonina: Leonardo da Vinci. Rev. by T. C. Chubb 624
Van Doren, Carl: Benjamin Franklin. Rev. by Bernhard Knollenberg 430
V reel Roger: Tides of Mont St.-Michel. Rev. by Ralph Thompson . .Autumn, xii
Vienna Diary, A. An Austrian Officer 680
Viereck, George S., Jr., ed.: Before America Decides. Rev. by Walter Millis 630
Vinci, Leonardo da: Notebooks. Rev. by T. C. Chubb 624
Warner, Edward P.: Roger Burlingume’s March of the Iron Men 388
Warner, Rex: The Professor. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, x
Warner, Sylvia Townsend: After the Death of Don Juan. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, x
Warren, Robert Penn: Night Rider. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Summer, vi
Waters, Frank: Navajo Yei-Bet-Chai 558
Watkins, Myron W.: The Monopoly Investigation 323
Wellard, James Howard: William Matthews’s Cockney, Past and Present 197
When Democratic Virtues Disintegrate. Carl Becker 649
Whicher, George Frisbie: This Was a Poet. Rev. by H. H. Clark 633
White, E. B.: The Fox of Peapack and Other Poems. Rev. by David McCord 392
White, T. H.: The Sword in the Stone. Rev. by Ralph Thompson Spring, x
White, William Allen: The Farmer’s Votes and Problems 433
— A Puritan in Babylon. Rev. by H. S. Commager 839
Why Boys Don’t Go to Sea. William McFee 749
Williams, Stanley T.: Nineteenth-Century Americans. Book Reviews 426
— Ralph L. Rusk’s The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson 849
Williams, William Carlos: Complete Collected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 608
Williamson, Henry: Goodbye West Country. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 193
Winslow, C.-E. A.: Medical Care for the Nation 501
Winter, Ella, ed.: The Letters of Lincoln Steffens. Rev. by S. T. Williams 426
Wolfers, Arnold: Winston S. Churchill’s While England Slept 398
Wolman, Leo: Past and Present of American Labor. Book Reviews 833
Woodward, E. L.: The Age of Reform. Rev. by David Owen 618
Woolf, Virginia: Two Antiquaries 530
— Three Guineas. Rev. by M. E. Chase 403
Wordsworth, William and Dorothy: Letters. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Yale, William: David Garnett’s The Letters of T. E. Lawrence 819