Adams, James Truslow, ed.: Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Adler, Mortimer: How To Read a Book. Rev. by M. H. Nicolson 184
Aiken, George D.: Jonathan Daniels’s A Southerner Discovers New England 167
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe: Peter W. Rainier’s My Vanished Africa 388
Allen, James, ed.: Democracy and Finance. Rev. by G. T. Washington 398
Anderson, Sherwood: For What? 750
Anderson, W. R.: Music in History. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 412
Andrews, Charles M.: Lawrence Henry Gipson’s The British Empire before the American Revolution 425
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish: Chronology of Failure. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Armstrong, Margaret: Trelawny. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 408
Arseniev, V. K.: Dersu the Trapper. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Arts in Bali, The. Margaret Mead 335
Ascoli, Max: Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night 628
As I Saw It. W. L. White 92
Bacon, Leonard: An Eminent Post-Victorian 310
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 615
Bakeless, John: Daniel Boone. Rev. by David Potter 174
Bakke, E. Wight: The Unemployed Worker. Rev. by E. E. Witte 841
Baldwin, Hanson W.: Military Lessons of the War 649
Bax, Clifford: On Style in Some of the Older Writers 734
Becker, Carl L.: The Old Disorder in Europe 433
— Modern Democracy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 839
— José Ortega y Gasset’s Toward a Philosophy of History 815
— Ralph Barton Perry’s Shall Not Perish from the Earth 375
Bemelmans, Ludwig: The Donkey Inside. Rev. by J. I. B. McCulloch 614
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: Paul Birdsall’s Versailles Twenty Years After 612
Benét, Stephen Vincent: The Power of the Written Word 522
Benians, E. A., ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 8 60
Bennett, Charles H.: Hugh Kingsmill’s Johnson without Boswell 851
Benson, E. F.: Final Edition. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Bernays, Edward L.: Allan Nevins’s John D. Rockefeller 400
Big Jules. Morley Callaghan 150
Biography. Verse. John Holmes 241
Birdsall, Paul: Versailles Twenty Years After. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 612
Bishop, John Peale: Selected Poems. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Bishop, Morris: Ronsard. Rev. by Henri Peyre 170
Bissell, Richard M., Jr.: Public Policy and War Economy. Book Reviews 828
Blunden, Edmund: Poems, 1030—1940. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Bottome, Phyllis: Mansion House of Liberty. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Bourgoin, Louise: French Life under the Germans 703
Boyhood in East Belleville. Pardee .Lowe 766
Bradley, John Hodgdon: George A. Baitsell’s Science in Progress 615
— Hans Zinsser’s As I Remember Him 179
Brittain, Vera: England’s Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Brogan, D. W.: Political Testament 244
— France under the Republic. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Brooks, Robert R. R.: As Steel Goes. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 197
Brooks, Van Wyck: New England: Indian Summer. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 158
Brown, W. Norman: Jawaharlal Nehru’s Toward Freedom! 623
Bruun, Geoffrey: Richelieu and Robespierre. Book Reviews 837
Buchan, John: Pilgrim’s Way. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Burckhardt, Carl J.: Richelieu. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 837
Bush, Douglas: Chauncey B. Tinker’s and Howard F. Lowry’s The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. 195
Calico Days. Edwin Corle 549
Callaghan, Morley: Big Jules 150
Cambridge History of the British Empire, The, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Canada Goes Abroad. R. A. MacKay 109
Candidates and Speeches. John Chamberlain 45
Carcopino, Jerome: Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Rev. by R. M. Gummere 410
Cash, W. J.: The Mind of the South. Rev. by G. F. Milton 831
Chamberlain, John: Letters. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 188
— Candidates and Speeches 45
Chamberlin, William Henry: Stalin in the War 483
— Robert Aura Smith’s Our Future in Asia 413
Chambrun, René de: I Saw France Fall. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Chapin, Henry: West Walking Yankee. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Chase, Mary Ellen: Time to Oneself 128
— Studies of Two Novelists. Book Reviews 611
Chew, Samuel C.: R. W. Ketton-Cremer’s Horace Walpole 385
Churchill, Winston S.: Blood, Sweat and Tears. Rev. by C. H. Driver 812
Ciardi, John: A Letter for My Pupils. Verse 481
Clark, Charles E.: Mark DeWolfe Howe’s Holmes-Pollock Letters 822
Cleaves, Freeman: Old Tippecanoe. Rev. by David Potter 174
Coffin, Henry Sloane: Ends and Means of a More Christian Society 228
Coker, Francis W.: Harold J. Laski’s The American Presidency 160
Coleman, Elliott: An American In Augustland. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Coleman, R. V., ed.: Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Colum, Padraic: Notes on “Finnegans Wake” 640
Conrad, Joseph: Letters to Marguerite Poradawska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Corle, Edwin: Calico Days 549
Crane, Verner W.: Bernhard Knollenberg’s Washington and the Revolution 621
Cross, Wilbur L.: Political Preface 1
Grouse, Russel: Clarence Day’s “Life with Father” Made into a Play. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Cummings, E. E.: Fifty Poems. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Cummings, Lewis V.: I Was a Head-Hunter. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Cunningham, Larabie: We Hope It’s Been Fun 366
Cutting, Suydam: The Fire Ox and Other Years. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Daiches, David: Poetry and the Modern World. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Dane, G. Ezra, ed.: Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Daniels, Jonathan: A Southerner Discovers New England. Rev. by G. D. Aiken 167
Davis, Herbert: In England, Now. Book Reviews 825
Deutsch, Babette: Flight. Verse 749
— Loss. Verse 91
DeVane, William Clyde: The Young Voters 34
— Margaret Armstrong’s Trelawny 408
Devon Streams. Henry Williamson 759
Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Dodd, W. E.: Diary. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 626
Dodd, W. E., Jr., and M., ed.: Ambassador Dodd’s Diary. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 626
Douglas, William O.: Democracy and Finance. Rev. by G. T. Washington 398
Dream of Themistocles, The. Verse. Eva Triem 348
Drew, Elizabeth: Directions In Modern Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Driver, Cecil H.: Winston S. Churchill’s Blood, Sweat and Tears 812
— René Kraus’s Winston Churchill 635
Dunford, Nelson: Edward Kasner’s and James Newman’s Mathematics and the Imagination 210
Dunn, Waldo Hilary: George Washington. Rev. by Frank Monaghan 206
Earle, Edward Mead: The Threat to American Security 454
Early for Once. Verse. David McCord 127
Eaton, Charles Edward: These Are the Things of Youth. Verse 586
Economic Policy and Latin America. John W. Evans 566
Economic Questions. Alvin Johnson 7
Editors, The: Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xiv-xx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xvi-xxiv; Summer, xiv-xxiii
Eminent Post-Victorian, An. Leonard Bacon 310
Ends and Means of a More Christian Society. Henry Sloane Coffin 228
Evans, B. Ifor: Tradition and Romanticism. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Evans, John W.: Economic Policy and Latin America 566
False Spring. Verse. Keith Thomas 521
Fearing, Kenneth: Collected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Finlayson, Donald L.: Roger Fry and His Work. Book Reviews 395
Fletcher, John Gould: South Star. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Fletcher, William G.: Our Caribbean and Pacific Possessions. Book Reviews 637
Flight. Verse. Babette Deutsch 749
Focillon, Henri: Agnes Mongan’s and Paul J. Sachs’s Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art 428
Forbes-Robertson, Diana, ed.: War Letters from Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
For Him To-morrow. Edward Havill 784
For Those Who Watch the Skies. Verse. Genevieve Taggard 685
For What? Sherwood Anderson 750
Foss, Kenelm: Here Lies Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 619
Fragments from a Chinese Journal. Ruth Greene 594
Free Frenchman Writes from the East, A 800
French Life under the Germans. Louise Bourgoin 703
Fry, Roger: Last Lectures. Rev. by D. L. Finlayson 395
Gabriel, Ralph H.: A Broad Sweep of History. Book Review 387
Gee, John A., ed.: Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton: Autobiographies. Book Reviews 416
Gershoy, Leo: Carl L. Becker’s Modern Democracy 839
— Decline and Fall. Book Reviews 402
Gipson, Lawrence Henry: The British Empire before the American Revolution. Rev. by C. M. Andrews 425
Glasgow, Alice: Sheridan of Drury Lane. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 619
Graebner, Walter: Their Finest Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Gray, Peter: Pilgrimage to Tinos 721
Greatest of War Books, The. Sean O’Faolain 141
Greene, Ruth: Fragments from a Chinese Journal 594
Gregg, Alan: Medical Problems of Europe 75
Gregory, Horace: Poems, 1030—1940. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Griswold, A. Whitney: Exploring the Pacific. Book Reviews 182
— Edgar Snow’s The Battle for Asia 630
Growth of a Group Mind in Britain, The. Julian S. Huxley 669
Gummere, Richard M.: Jerome Carcopino’s Daily Life in Ancient Rome 410
Haas, William H.: The American Empire. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 637
Haight, Gordon S.: George Eliot and John Chapman. Rev. by M. E. Chase 611
Harris, Herbert: Labor’s Civil War. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 197
Harwood, H. M.: London Front. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Havill, Edward: For Him To-morrow 784
Heart Remembers Its Home, The. Katherine Reeves 430
Herbert, A. P., and Others: England Speaks. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Hillyer, Robert: Pattern of a Day. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Holborn, Hajo: W. E. Dodd, Jr.’s and M. Dodd’s Ambassador Dodd’s Diary 626
— Europe’s Road to War. Book Reviews 163
— Sir Archibald Wavell’s Allenby 843
Holbrook, Stewart H.: Ethan Allen. Rev. by David Potter 174
Holmes, John: Biography. Verse 241
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Hornberger, Theodore: Dixon Wecter’s The Hero in America 849
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, ed.: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Huxley, Julian S.: The Growth of a Group Mind in Britain 669
I’ll Tell You the Story of a Brave Engineer. Benedict Thielen 325
Impressions of a Far Eastern Trip. Simon N. Whitney 261
Independence Day Toasts. Margaret T. Morewood 862
Jesse, F. Tennyson: London Front. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Johnson, Alvin: Economic Questions 7
Jones, Howard Mumford: Edmund Wilson’s To the Finland Station 393
Kasner, Edward: Mathematics and the Imagination. Rev. by Nelson Dunford 210
Keller, A. G.: What Literature Can Do for Science 560
Kerner, Robert J., ed.: Czechoslovakia, Rev. by Otakar Odlozilik 632
Kernodle, George R.: Plays of War and Peace Time. Book Reviews 421
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Horace Walpole. Rev. by S. C. Chew 385
Keynes, John Maynard: How To Pay for the War. Rev. by R. M. Bissell, Jr. 828
Kingsmill, Hugh, ed.: Johnson without Boswell. Rev. by C. H. Bennett 851
Knollenberg, Bernhard: Washington and the Revolution. Rev. by V. W. Crane 621
Korngold, Ralph: Robespierre and the fourth Estate. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 837
Kraus, René: The Private and. Public Life of Socrates. Rev. by R. B. Levinson 204
— Winston Churchill. Rev. by C. H. Driver 635
Lamb, Harold: The March of the Barbarians. Rev. by N. Toll 199
Lascelles, Mary: Jane Austen and Her Art. Rev. by M. E. Chase 611
Laski, Harold J.: The American Presidency. Rev. by F. W. Coker 160
— Where Do We Go from Here? Rev. by Arnold Wolfers 603
Latin America and the New Hemisphere Front. John I. B. McCulloch 291
Lattimore, Owen: Mongol Journeys. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Lengyel, Emil: Turkey. Rev. by George Vernadsky 854
Leonard, Chilson H.: The Ends of the Earth. Book Reviews 833
Letter for My Pupils, A. Verse. John Ciardi 481
Letters and Comment 430, 640, 862
LeVene, Clara Mae: O. C. Marsh. Rev. by P. E. Raymond 181
Levinson, Ronald B.: Socrates. Book Reviews 204
Library of the Quarter. The Editors. Autumn, xiv-xx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xvi-xxiv; Summer, xiv-xxiii
Light, Richard Upjohn: Focus on Africa. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Lindsay, Howard: Clarence Day’s “Life with Father” Made into a Play. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, vi—xii; Spring, viii—xiv; Summer, viii—xiv
Livingstone, R. W.: Portrait of Socrates. Rev. by R. B. Levinson 204
Lorca, F. Garcia: The Poet in New York and Other Poems. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Loss. Verse. Babette Deutsch 91
Lowe, Pardee: Boyhood in East Belleville 766
Lowry, Howard F.: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. Rev. by Douglas Bush 195
McClure, Norman Egbert, ed.: The Letters of John Chamberlain. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 188
McCord, David: Early for Once. Verse 127
— Dale Warren’s The Care and Feeding of a Place in the Country 856
MacCormac, John: Canada, America’s Problem. Rev. by B. K. Sandwell 191
McCulloch, John I. B.: Latin America and the New Hemisphere Front 291
— Ludwig Bemelmans’s The Donkey Inside 614
McFee, William: John A. Gee’s and Paul J. Sturm’s Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska 606
McGovern, William Montgomery: The Early Empires of Central Asia. Rev. by N. Toll 858
Mack, Maynard: Criticism of Poetry. Book Reviews 608
MacKay, R. A.: Canada Goes Abroad 109
McKinney, Howard D.: Music in History. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 412
MacNeice, Louis: Poems, 1925-1040. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Marlow, James: De Gaulle and the Coming Invasion of Germany. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Maurois, André: Tragedy in France. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Mead, Margaret: The Arts in Bali 335
Medical Problems of Europe. Alan Gregg 75
Mendenhall, Thomas C., II: Letter to the Editors 647
Mendershausen, Horst: The Economics of War. Rev. by R. M. Bissell, Jr. 828
Michie, Allan A.: Their Finest Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Military Lessons of the War. Hanson W. Baldwin 649
Millis, Walter: Why Europe Fights. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 163
Milton, George Fort: W. J. Cash’s The Mind of the South 831
Monaghan, Frank: Nathaniel Wright Stephenson’s and Waldo Hilary Dunn’s George Washington 206
Mongan, Agnes: Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art. Rev. by Henri Focillon 428
Monroe Doctrine To-day, The. Dexter Perkins 686
Morewood, Margaret T.: Independence Day Toasts 862
Morton, David: Red Maple. Verse 62
Mosely, Philip E.: The War Rolls towards the Near East 273
— Henry C. Wolfe’s The Imperial Soviets 193
Murrow, Edward R.: This Is London. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Nathan, Robert: A Winter Tide. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Neff, Emery: A Revolution in European Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Nehru, Jawaharlal: Toward Freedom! Rev. by W. N. Brown 623
Nevins, Allan: Frémont, Pathmaker of the West. Rev. by David Potter 174
— John D. Rockefeller. Rev. by E. L. Bernays 400
Newman, James: Mathematics and the Imagination. Rev. by Nelson Dunford 210
Newton, A. P., ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope: Mortimer Adler’s How to Read a Book 184
Norton, M. D. Herter, tr.: Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 201
Notes on “Finnegans Wake.” Padraic Colum 640
Notestein, Wallace: To England’s Account 350
— Norman Egbert McClure’s The Letters of John Chamberlain 188
Odets, Clifford: Night Music. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Odlozilik, Otakar: Robert J. Kerner’s Czechoslovakia, 632
O’Faolain, Sean: The Greatest of War Books 141
Old Disorder in Europe, The. Carl Becker 433
Olson, Elder: The Cock of Heaven. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Ortega y Gasset, José: Toward a Philosophy of History. Rev. by Carl Becker 815
Outstanding- Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell. Autumn, vii-xii; Winter, vi-xii; Spring, viii-xiv; Summer, viii-xiv
Owen, Louise: Winter Journal. Verse 309
Pargellis, Stanley: The British Second Empire. Book Review 860
Peattie, Donald Culross, ed.: Audubon’s America. Rev. by F. F. Van de Water 392
Perkins, Dexter: The Monroe Doctrine To-day 686
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Epigram and Epitaph. Book Reviews 619
Perry, Ralph Barton: Shall Not Perish from the Earth. Rev. by Carl Becker 375
Peyre, Henri: Two French Poets. Book Reviews 170
Phillips, James Emerson, Jr.: The State in Shakespeare’s Greek and Roman Plays. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Pilgrimage to Tinos. Peter Gray 721
Fitter, Ruth: The Sprit Watches. Rev. by R. W. Short 112
Pol, Heinz: Suicide of a Democracy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Political Preface. Wilbur L. Cross 1
Political Testament. D. W. Brogan 244
Pollock, Sir Frederick: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Pompey and Some Peaches. Osbert Sitwell 531
Poncins, Gontran de: Kabloona, Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Potter, David: O Pioneers! Book Reviews 174
Pound, Ezra: Cantos LII-LXXI. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Power of the Written Word, The. Stephen Vincent Benét 522
Propaganda. H. M. Tomlinson 63
Rainier, Peter W.: My Vanished Africa. Rev. by M. L. J. Akeley 388
Raymond, Percy E.: Charles Schuchert’s and Clara Mae LeVene’s O. C. Marsh 181
Red Maple. Verse. David Morton 62
Reeves, Katherine: The Heart Remembers Its Home 430
Riesenberg, Felix: The Pacific Ocean. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 182
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Wartime Letters. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 201
Rippy, J. Fred: The Caribbean Danger Zone. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 637
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox: Song in the Meadow. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Roethke, Theodore: Open House. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Rose, J. Holland, ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Rosenfeld, Paul: Howard D. McKinney’s and W. R. Anderson’s Music in History 412
Rosten, Norman: Return Again, Traveler. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Rowell, Henry T., ed.: Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Rev. by R. M. Gummere 410
Ruff, William: Franklin Walker’s and G. Ezra Dane’s Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown 423
Sabine, George H., ed.: The Works of Gerrard Winstanley. Rev. by D. H. Willson 853
Sachs, Paul J.: Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art. Rev. by Henri Focillon 428
Sanderson, Ivan T.: We Meet a Snake 587
Sandwell, B. K.: John MacCormac’s Canada, America’s Problem 191
Saroyan, William: The Time of Your Life. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Sassoon, Siegfried: Rhymed Ruminations. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Schuchert, Charles: O. C. Marsh. Rev. by P. E. Raymond 181
Schumpeter, E. B., ed.: The Industrialization of Japan and Manchukuo. Rev. by J. H. Shoemaker 845
Sherwood, Robert Emmet: There Shall Be No Night. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Shoemaker, James H.: E. B. Schumpeter’s The Industrialization of Japan and Manchukuo 845
Short, R. W.: Four Books of Poems. Book Reviews 212
Sitwell, Osbert: Pompey and Some Peaches 531
Slichter, Sumner H.: Recent History of Labor Unions. Book Reviews 197
Smith, Robert Aura: Our Future in Asia. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 413
Snow, Edgar: The Battle for Asia. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 630
Some Aspects of Foreign Policy. Arnold Wolfers 16
Spencer, Hazelton: The Art and Life of William Shakespeare. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Stalin in the War. William Henry Chamberlin 483
Stark, Freya: Winter in Arabia. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Starkie, Enid: Arthur Rim-baud. Rev. by Henri Peyre 170
Staudinger, Hans: Eric Sutton’s Gustav Stresemann: His Diaries, Letters, and Papers 207
Steiner, Herbert: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Wartime Letters 201
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright: George Washington. Rev. by Frank Monaghan 206
Stoll, Elmer Edgar: Shakespeare and Other Masters. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Straus, Roger W., Jr., ed.: War Letters from Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Stresemann, Gustav: Diaries, Letters, and- Papers. Rev. by Hans Staudinger 207
Struther, Jan, ed.: Women of Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Sturm, Paul J., ed.: Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Style in Some of the Older Writers, On. Clifford Bax 734
Sutton, Eric, ed.: Gustav Stresemann: His Diaries, Letters, and Papers. Rev. by Hans Staudinger 207
Sweeney, John L.: Directions in Modern Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
— New Poetry. Book Reviews 817
Taggard, Genevieve: For Those Who Watch the Skies. Verse 685
Taylor, Edmond: The Strategy of Terror. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Taylor, George Coffin: Four Interpreters of Shakespeare. Book Reviews 418
These Are the Things of Youth. Verse. Charles Edward Eaton 586
Thielen, Benedict: I’ll Tell You the Story of a Brave Engineer 325
Thomas, Keith: False Spring. Verse 521
Thorp, Margaret Farrand: Forrest Wilson’s Crusader in Crinoline 847
Thoughts after the Election. William Allen White 217
Threat to American Security, The. Edward Mead Earle 454
Time to Oneself. Mary Ellen Chase 128
Tinker, Chauncey B.: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. Rev. by Douglas Bush 195
To England’s Account. Wallace Notestein 350
Tolischus, Otto D.: They Wanted War. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 163
Toll, N.: Harold Lamb’s The March of the Barbarians 199
— William Montgomery McGovern’s The Early Empires .of Central Asia 858
Tomlinson, H. M.: Propaganda 63
Triem, Eva: The Dream of Themistocles. Verse 348
Tuttle, Emerson: Letter to the Editors 645
Twain, Mark: Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Tweedsmuir, Lord: Pilgrim’s Way. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Untermeyer, Louis: Yeats and Others. Book Reviews 378
Valtin, Jan: Out of the Night. Rev. by Max Ascoli 628
Van de Water, Frederic F.: Donald Culross Peattie’s Audubon’s America 392
Van Doren, Mark: Shakespeare. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Van Kleffens, E. N.: Juggernaut over Holland. Rev. by H. W. Van Loon 617
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem: The Story of the Pacific. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 18 2
— E. N. van Kleffens’s Juggernaut over Holland 617
Vernadsky, George: Emil Lengyel’s Turkey 854
Vinacke, Harold M.: What Shall America Defend? 499
Walker, Franklin, ed.: Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Warren, Dale: The Care and Feeding of a Place in the Country. Rev. by David McCord 856
War Rolls towards the Near East, The. Philip E. Mosely and Clayton E. Whipple 273
Washington, George T.: William O. Douglas’s Democracy and Finance 398
Wavell, Sir Archibald: Allenby. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 843
Wecter, Dixon: The Hero in America. Rev. by Theodore Hornberger 849
We Hope It’s Been Fun. Larabie Cunningham 366
We Meet a Snake. Ivan T. Sanderson 587
What Literature Can Do for Science. A. G. Keller 560
What Shall America Defend? Harold M. Vinacke 499
Whicher, George F.: Van Wyck Brooks’s New England: Indian Summer 158
Whipple, Clayton E.: The War Rolls towards the Near East 273
White, W. L.: As I Saw It 92
White, William Allen: Thoughts after the Election 217
Whitney, Simon N.: Impressions of a Far Eastern Trip 261
Williams, William Carlos: The Broken Span. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Williamson, Henry: Devon Streams 759
Willson, David Harris: George H. Sabine’s The Works of Gerrard Winstanley 853
Wilson, Edmund: To the Finland. Station. Rev. by H. M. Jones 393
Wilson, Forrest: Crusader in Crinoline. Rev. by M. F. Thorp 847
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Jonathan Edwards. Rev. by David Potter 174
Winstanley, Gerrard: Works. Rev. by D. H. Willson 853
Winter Journal. Verse. Louise Owen 309
Witte, Edwin E.: E. Wight Bakke’s The Unemployed Worker 841
Wolfe, Henry C.: The Imperial Soviets. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 193
Wolfers, Arnold: Some Aspects of Foreign Policy 16
— Harold J. Laski’s Where Do We Go from Here? 603
Woolf, Virginia: Roger Fry. Rev. by D. L. Finlayson 395
Yeats, W. B.: Letters on Poetry to Dorothy Wellesley. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Young Voters, The. William Clyde DeVane 34
Zaturenska, Marya: The Listening Landscape. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Zinsser, Hans: As I Remember Him. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 179