[Reviews are entered, under the author of the book reviewed, and under the reviewer.]
Abbe, George: Water and Air. Verse 145
Adams, Franklin P., ed.: Innocent Merriment. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Adams, J. Donald: A Cloud of Witnesses. Book Reviews 788
Agar, Herbert: A Time for Greatness. Rev. by F. W. Coker 577
Aleutian Stepping-Stones. Theodore S. Farrelly 280
Alford, John: Public Art and Architecture 67
All Flesh Is Grass. Edmund W. Sinnott 681
Anderson, Sherwood: Memoirs. Rev. by Maxwell Geismar 183
Anderson, W. R.: The Challenge of Listening; Discovering Music, Rev. by Richard Donovan 816
Andrews, John Williams: Hill Country North. Verse 306
Are the People Right? A. G. Keller 94
Ascent of Ariel Goodbody, The. Walter Van Tilburg Clark 337
Ascoli, Max: Reynolds and Eleanor Packard’s Balcony Empire 607
Asphodel. Eudora Welty 146
Bacon, Leonard: Trouble of Mind. Verse 34
Bakeless, John: The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe. Rev. by Leslie Hotson 801
Bakke, E. Wight: Sir William Beveridge’s Social Insurance and Allied Services 585
Bayler, Walter L. J.: Last Man Off Wake Island. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Beals, Carleton: The Pampas 540
Becker, Carl: How New Will the Better World Be? 417
— J. B. Condliffe’s Agenda for a Postwar World 372
— To Win the Peace. Book Reviews 158
Beebe, William: Book of Bays. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Behrendt, Walter Curt: Henry-Russell Hitchcock’s In the Nature of Materials 178
Belden, Jack: Retreat with Stilwell. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Benét, Stephen Vincent: Selected Works. Rev. by Robert van Gelder 385
Ben-Horin, Eliahu: The Red Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Bennett, John: Folk Tales from Old Charleston 721
Berchin, Michel: The Red Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Beveridge, Sir William: Social Insurance and Allied Services. Rev. by E. W. Bakke 585
Biddle, Francis: Mr. Justice Holmes. Rev. by C. E. Clark 618
Bishop, Morris: Spilt Milk. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
— ed.: A Treasury of British Humar. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Slack Book of Poland, The. Rev. by George Vernadsky 409
Book and the Swallow, The. Verse. S. Raiziss 554
Bourke-White, Margaret: Shooting the Russian War. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Brinnin, John Malcolm: The Garden Is Political. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Britt, Steuart Henderson, ed.: Jews in a. Gentile World. Rev. by M. R. Davie 189
Brooke, Tucker: Theodore Spencer’s Shakespeare and the Nature of Man 581
Brooks, Van Wyck, ed.: The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays. Rev. by S. T. Williams 375
Buck, Pearl S.: American Unity and Asia. Rev. by Nathaniel Peffer 191
Burnett, Whit, ed.: This Is My Best. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Byas, Hugh: The Japanese Problem 453
Byrd, Sam: Small Town South. Rev. by Virginius Dabney 404
Calhoun, R. L.: Carl J. Friedrich’s The New Belief in the Common Man 616
Campbell, Oscar James: What Is the Matter with Hamlet? 309
Canfield, Dorothy: The Knot Hole 493
Card, The. Paul Marcus 533
Carnes, Cecil, ed.: Last Man Off Wake Island. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Carr, Edward Hallett: Conditions of Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Carroll, Wallace: We’re in This with Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Catholic Opinion and the War. Arnold Lunn 289
Chamberlain, John: Labor in War Time 18
Chamberlin, William Henry: Coalition for War and Peace 625
— Canada Today and Tomorrow, Rev. by F. H. Underhill 402
Chase, Stuart: Goals for America. Rev. by C. R. Walker 597
Child in France, A. Anne Green 79
Churchill, Winston S.: The Unrelenting Struggle. Rev. by C. H. Driver 388
Ciardi, John: Two Poems 237
Clark, Charles E.: Francis Biddle’s Mr. Justice Holmes 618
Clark, Charles Upson, ed.: Compendium and Description of the West Indies. Rev. by R. B. Merriman 400
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: The Ascent of Ariel Goodbody 337
Coalition for War and Peace. William Henry Chamberlin 625
Cohen, Maxwell: Newfoundland: Atlantic Rampart 555
Coker, Francis W.: Herbert Agar’s A Time for Greatness 577
Commando Raider’s Story, A. C. B. Wall 440
Condliffe, J. B.: Agenda for a Postwar World. Rev. by Carl Becker 372
Cornford, Francis Macdonald, tr.: The Re-public of Plato. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
Cowgill, George R.: Some Food Problems in War Time 251
Craven, Avery: The Coming of the Civil War. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 406
Crossroads of the Old World. Murray Harris 350
Dabney, Virginius: Sam Byrd’s Small Town South 404
Dallin, David J.: Soviet Russia’s Foreign Policy 1939—1042. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Daniels, Earl: For John Milton. Verse 668
Davidson, Eugene: To a Man of Science. Verse 110
Davie, Maurice R.: Isacque Graeber’s and Steuart Henderson Britt’s Jews in a Gentile World 189
Dawson, Christopher: The Judgment of the Nations. Rev. by C. W. Hendel 818
Dawson, Christopher M.: Great Greeks. Book Reviews 803
Dean, Vera Micheles: Germany’s Role in Post-War Reconstruction 111
De Gaulle as a Soldier. H. A. DeWeerd 760
DeVane, William C.: Every Man His Own Anthologist. Book Reviews 829
— E. B. White’s One Man’s Meat 163
DeVoto, Bernard: Mark Twain at Work. Rev. by G. S. Haight 176
— The Year of Decision. Rev. by H. P. Johnson 822
DeWeerd, H. A.: De Gaulle as a Soldier 760
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants 390
— Frank C. Waldrop’s MacArthur on War 169
Donovan, Richard: Varieties of Musical Experience. Book Reviews 816
Dorian, Frederick: The History of Music in Performance. Rev. by Roger Sessions 589
Driver, Cecil H.: Winston S. Churchill’s The Unrelenting Struggle 388
— Sigmund Neumann’s Permanent Revolution 592
Drucker, Peter F.: The Future of Industrial Man. Rev. by Henry Hazlitt 386
Du Bois, W. E. B.: James G. Leyburn’s The Haitian People 188
Dunn, Frederick Sherwood: Wendell L. Willkie’s One World 786
Dykstra, C. A.: Education and World Conflict 128
Eckstein, Gustav: In Peace Japan Breeds War. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xii—xxiv; Winter, xii—xxx; Spring, xiv—xxii; Summer, xiv—xxiv, xxx
Education and World Conflict. C. A. Dykstra 128
Education for Tomorrow. Jacques Maritain 670
Elliott, William Yandell: The Strategy of Air Power in War and Peace 217
Emerson, Rupert: Raymond Kennedy’s The Ageless Indies 202
Farrelly, Theodore S.: Aleutian Stepping-Stones 280
Fausset, Hugh l’Anson: Walt Whitman. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 172
Ficke, Arthur Davison: Tumultuous Shore. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Fire Escape. Jerome Weidman 59
Planner, Hildegarde: If There Is Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Fleming, Berry: Strike Up a Stirring Music 777
Fletcher, William G.: Hemisphere History and Policy. Book Reviews 622
Focillon, Henri: The Life of Forms in Art. Rev. by E. A. Jewell 165
Folk Tales from Old Charleston. John Bennett 721
Forbes, Esther: Paul Revere and the World He Lived In. Rev. by Margaret Leech 161
For John Milton. Verse. Earl Daniels 668
Forster, E. M.: Virginia Woolf. Rev. by Mark Schorer 377
Fosdick, Harry Emerson: On Being a Real Person. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 812
Frank, Jerome: If Men Were Angels. Rev. by Walton Hamilton 613
Frank, Waldo: Virgin Spain. Rev. by Selden Rose 195
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 390
Friedrich, Carl J.: Gorham Munson’s Twelve Decisive Battles of the Mind 167
— The New Belief in the Common Man. Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 616
Gabriel, R. H.: The Foundations of the South. Book Reviews 406
Gale, Charles H.: Jeremiah Milbank, Jr.’s The First Century of Flight in America 821
Geismar, Maxwell: Sherwood Anderson’s Memoirs 183
— Writers in Crisis. Rev. by H. J. Muller 174
George, Stefan: Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Germany’s Role in Post-War Reconstruction. Vera Micheles Dean 111
Gershoy, Leo: Leon Marchal’s Vichy 583
Gibson, Hugh: The Problems of Lasting Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Godolphin, Francis R. B., ed.: The Greek Historians. Rev. by C. M. Dawson 803
Gottmann, Jean: Nature and Men in French North Africa 474
Graeber, Isacque, ed.: Jews in a Gentile World. Rev. by M. R. Davie 189
Green, Anne: A Child in France 79
Greene, Joseph L: Tom Wintringham’s The Story of Weapons and Tactics 809
Gregory, Horace; Joseph Hone’s W. B. Yeats 599
— E. de Selincourt’s Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth 185
Grew, Joseph C.: Report from Tokyo. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Hagen, Paul: Will Germany Crack? Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 197
Haight, Gordon S.: Bernard De Veto’s Mark Twain at Work 176
— Alfred Kazin’s On Native Grounds 620
Hall, James Norman: A Word for the Essayist 50
Hamilton, Edith: The Great Age of Greek Literature. Rev. by C. M. Dawson 803
Hamilton, Walton: Jerome Frank’s If Men Were Angels 613
Harris, Murray: Crossroads of the Old World 350
Hazlitt, Henry: Peter F. Drucker’s The future of Industrial Man 386
Helion, Jean: Ten Frenchmen on a Prison Farm 642
Hendel, Charles W.: Christopher Dawson’s The Judgment of the Nations 818
Herrick, Robert: Some Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Herring, Hubert: In Mexico 35
Hersey, John: Into the Valley. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Herskovits, Melville and Frances: The Negroes of Brazil 263
Hill Country North. Verse. John Williams Andrews 306
Hilton, James: The Story of Dr. Wassell. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell: In the Nature of Materials. Rev. by W. C. Behrendt 178
Holmes, John: Metaphor for My Son. Verse 518
Hone, Joseph: W. B. Yeats. Rev. by Horace Gregory 599
Hoover, Herbert: The Problems of Lasting Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Hotson, Leslie: John Bakeless’s The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe 801
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe: The Tale of Tanglewood 323
How New Will the Better World Be? Carl Becker 417
Humphries, Rolfe: Out of the Jewel. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Ickes, Harold L.: The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon. Rev. by T. V. Smith 827
In Mexico. Hubert Herring 35
Interpretation. I. A. Richards 693
Japanese Problem, The. Hugh Byas 453
Jewell, Edward Alden: Henri Focillon’s The Life of Forms in Art 165
Johnson, Alvin: A Time for World Civilization 209
— Joshua Trachtenberg’s The Devil and the Jews 795
Johnson, Howard Palmer: Bernard DeVoto’s The Year of Decision 822
Karpovich, Michael: Five Books on Russia. Book Reviews 413
— Soviet Diplomatic and Military Records. Book Reviews 609
Kazin, Alfred: On Native Grounds. Rev. by G. S. Haight 620
Keller, A. G.: Are the People Right? 94
Kennedy, Raymond: The Ageless Indies. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 202
Kiphuth, Robert: How To Be Fit. Rev. by Grantland Rice 374
Kirkwood, John G.: Muriel Rukeyser’s Willard Gibbs 579
Knot Hole, The. Dorothy Canfield 493
Kouwenhoven, John A.: Summer and Winter People 742
Labor in War Time. John Chamberlain 18
Lachmann, Kurt: Robert Strausz-Hupé’s Geopolitics 381
Langer, Susanne K.: Philosophy in a New Key. Rev. by John Storck 411
Lee, Clark: They Call It Pacific. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Leech, Margaret: Esther Forbes’s Paul Revere and the World He Lived In 161
Letters and Comment 205
Leyburn, James G.: The Haitian People. Rev. by W. E. B. Du Bois 188
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, xii—xxiv; Winter, xii—xxx; Spring, xiv—xxii; Summer, xiv—xxiv, xxx
Litchfield, Cora Snowden: Treasures from the Attic 205
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi-xii; Winter, vi—xii; Spring, vi—xii
Lunn, Arnold: Catholic Opinion and the War 289
McKinney, Howard D.: The Challenge of Listening; Discovering Music. Rev. by Richard Donovan 816
Magic Lantern. Verse. David Morton 741
Makepeace, LeRoy: Horace Dutton Taft’s Memories and Opinions 200
Mann, Thomas: Listen, Germany! Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 594
Manning, Helen Taft: W. E. Simnett’s The British Colonial Empire 392
Marchal, Leon: Vichy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 583
Marcus, Paul: The Card 533
Maritain, Jacques: Education for Tomorrow 670
Matthews, William: Our Soldiers Speak. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
Measure, The. Verse. Theodore Morrison 451
Merriman, Daniel: Coastal Cruises Chronicled. Book Reviews 193
Merriman, Roger B.: Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa’s Compendium and Description of the West Indies 400
Metaphor for My Son. Verse. John Holmes 518
Milbank, Jeremiah, Jr.: The First Century of Flight in America. Rev. by C. H. Gale 821
Morison, Elting E.: Admiral Sims and the Modern American Navy. Rev. by W. D. Puleston 611
Morris, Walter: American in Search of a Way. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 602
Morrison, Theodore: The Measure. Verse 451
Morton, David: Magic Lantern. Verse 741
Morwitz, Ernst, tr.: Stefan George’s Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Muller, Herbert J.: Maxwell Geismar’s Writers in Crisis 174
Munson, Gorham: Twelve Decisive Battles of the Mind. Rev. by C. J. Friedrich 167
Nature and Men in French North Africa. Jean Gottmann 474
Negroes of Brazil, The. Melville and Frances Herskovits 263
Neumann, Sigmund: Home Front Against Fascism. Book Reviews 197
— Permanent Revolution. Rev. by C. H. Driver 592
— To the Other Germany. Book Reviews 594
Newfoundland: Atlantic Rampart. Maxwell Cohen 555
Notestein, Wallace: G. M. Trevelyan’s English Social History 792
O’Faolain, Sean: The Great O’Neill. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 398
On the Fitness of Things. Frank L. Warrin 240
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell; Mark Schorer. Autumn, vi-xii, Winter, vi-xii; Spring, vi-xii; Summer, vi-xiv
Packard, Reynolds and Eleanor: Balcony Empire. Rev. by Max Ascoli 607
Pampas, The. Carleton Beals 540
Pearson, Hesketh: G.B.S. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 394
Peffer, Nathaniel: Pearl S. Buck’s American Unity and Asia 191
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Hesketh Pearson’s G.B.S 394
Poliakov, Alexander: Russians Don’t Surrender. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Potter, David M.: Americans in Uniform. Book Reviews 824
Public Art and Architecture. John Alford 67
Puleston, W. D.: Elting E. Morison’s Admiral Sims and the Modern American Navy 611
Quintanilla, Luis: A Latin American Speaks. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 622
Raiziss, S.: The Book and the Swallow. Verse 554
Reischauer, A. K.: Three Books on Japan. Book Reviews 798
Reynolds, Horace: Sean O’Faolain’s The Great O’Neill 398
Rice, Grantland: Robert Kiphuth’s How To Be Fit 374
Richards, I. A.: Interpretation 693
— How To Read a Page. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
— ed.: The Republic of Plato. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
Rickenbacker, Edward V.: Seven. Came Through. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Ricketts, Edward F.: Sea of Cortez. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Riess, Curt: Underground Europe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 197
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Poems from The Hook of Hours; Sonnets to Orpheus. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Rodgers, W. R.: Awake] And Other Wartime Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Rose, Selden: Waldo Frank’s Virgin Spain 195
Rosinski, Herbert: James A. Williamson’s The Ocean in English History 604
Rourke, Constance: The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays. Rev. by S. T. Williams 375
Rukeyser, Muriel: Willard Gibbs. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 579
Salamanca, Lucy: Fortress of Freedom. Rev. by Donald Wing 204
Schorer, Mark: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Summer vi-xiv
— Virginia Woolf. Book Reviews 377
Schroeder, John C.: Harry Emerson Fosdick’s On Being a Real Person 812
Schumpeter, Joseph A.: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Rev. by C. R. Walker 597
Scott, John: Behind the Urals. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
— Duel for Europe. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Scott, Winfield Townley: The Sword on the Table. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Selincourt, E. de, ed.: Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Sessions, Roger: Frederick Dorian’s The History of Music in Performance 589
Sheean, Vincent: Between the Thunder and the Sun. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Simnett, W. E.: The British Colonial Empire. Rev. by H. T. Manning 392
Sinnott, Edmund W.: All Flesh Is Grass 681
Slichter, Sumner H.: Adolf Sturmthal’s The Tragedy of European Labor 814
Smith, T. V.: Harold L. Ickes’s The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon 827
Some Food Problems in War Time. George R. Cowgill 251
Spencer, Theodore: Shakespeare and the Nature of Man. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 581
Spring Market. Irene Calvert Straw 571
Stauffer, Donald A.: War and Poetry 520
Steinbeck, John: Sea of Cortes. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Steiner, Herbert: Stefan George’s Poems 805
Storck, John: Susanne K. Langer’s Philosophy in a New Key 411
Strategy of Air Power in War and Peace, The. William Yandell Elliott 217
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Geopolitics. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 381
Straw, Irene Calvert: Spring Market 571
Strike Up a Stirring Music. Berry Fleming 777
Sturmthal, Adolf: The Tragedy of European Labor. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 814
Summer and Winter People. John A. Kouwenhoven 742
Taft, Horace Dutton: Memories and Opinions. Rev. by LeRoy Makepeace 200
Taggard, Genevieve: Long View. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Tale of Tanglewood, The. M. A. DeWolfe Howe 323
Ten Frenchmen on a Prison Farm. Jean Helion 642
Thompson, Dorothy: Listen, Hans. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 594
Time for World Civilization, A. Alvin Johnson 209
To a Man of Science. Verse. Eugene Davidson 110
Tolischus, Otto D.: Tokyo Record. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Trachtenberg, Joshua: The Devil and the Jews. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 795
Treasures from the Attic. Cora Snowden Litchfield 205
Tregaskis, Richard: Guadalcanal Diary. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Trevelyan, G. M.: English Social History. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 792
Trouble of Mind. Verse. Leonard Bacon 34
Two Poems. John Ciardi 237
Underhill, Frank H.: William Henry Chamberlin’s Canada Today and Tomorrow 402
Unity and American Leadership. William Allen White 1
Untermeyer, Louis: Cream of the Verse. Book Reviews 366
— Hugh I’Anson Fausset’s Walt Whitman 172
—, ed.: A Treasury of Great Poems. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Valhope, Carol North, tr.: Stefan George’s Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Van Gelder, Robert: Stephen Vincent Benét’s Selected Works 385
Vázquez de Espinosa, Antonio: Compendium and Description of the West Indies. Rev. by R. B. Merriman 400
Vernadsky, George: The Germans in Poland. Book Review 409
Villa Jose Garcia: Have Come, Am Here. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Wade Mason: Francis Parkman. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 807
Waldrop, Frank C.: MacArthur on War. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 169
Walker, Charles R.: Our Economic Future. Book Reviews 597
Walker, Margaret: For My People. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Wall, C. B.: A Commando Raider’s Story 440
Wallace, Henry A.: The Price of Free World Victory. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
War and Poetry. Donald A. Stauffer 520
War Crimes and Their Punishment. Thomas Raeburn White 706
Warren, Robert Penn: Eleven Poems on the Same Theme, Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Warrin, Frank L.: On the Fitness of Things 240
Water and Air. Verse. George Abbe 145
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice: The Truth about Soviet Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Wecter, Dixon: Walter Morris’s American in Search of a Way 602
— Our Soldiers Speak. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
— Mason Wade’s Francis Parkman 807
Weidman, Jerome: Fire Escape 59
Weller, George: Singapore Is Silent. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Welty, Eudora: Asphodel 146
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson: The Old South. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 406
What Is the Matter with Hamlet? Oscar James Campbell 309
Whitaker, John T.: We Cannot Escape History. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
White, E. B.: One Man’s Meat. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 163
White, John W.: Argentina. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 622
White, Thomas Raeburn: War Crimes and Their Punishment 706
White, W. L.: Queens Die Proudly; They Were Expendable. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
White, William Allen: Unity and American Leadership 1
Whittaker, James C.: We Thought We Heard the Angels Sing. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Wiley, Bell Irvin: The Life of Johnny Reb. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
Williams, Stanley T.: Constance Rourke’s The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays 375
Williamson, James A.: The Ocean in English History. Rev. by Herbert Rosinski 604
Willkie, Wendell L.: One World. Rev. by F. S. Dunn 786
Wing, Donald: Lucy Salamanca’s Fortress of Freedom 204
Wintringham, Tom: The Story of Weapons and Tactics. Rev. by J. I. Greene 809
Wolfert, Ira: Battle for the Solomons. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Richards and Plato. Book Reviews 180
Woolf, Virginia: The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. Rev. by Mark Schorer 377
Woollcott, Alexander, ed.: As You Were. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Word for the Essayist, A. James Norman Hall 50
Wordsworth, Dorothy: Journals-. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185