[Reviews are entered under the author of the book renewed mid under the reviewer.]
Abbe, George: Thine Is the Power. Verse 481
About Love. Walter de la Mare 609
Abyssinian Memories. Hoffman Philip 292
Adams, James Truslow: Wilbur L. Cross’s Connecticut Yankee 346
Adler, Mortimer J.: How To Think about War and Peace. Rev. by John Storck 749
Africa without Germans. Irwin Shaw 623
Aldington, Richard: The Duke. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 569
America and the Beveridge Plan. E. Wight Bakke 642
American Education after the War. William Clyde DeVane 34
Animals Courting. Julian S. Huxley 47
Aragon, Louis: Two Poems 605
Ascoli, Max: Herbert L. Matthews’s The fruits of Fascism 371
Bakeless, John: Letter 575
Bakke, E. Wight: America and the Beveridge Plan 642
Balchen, Bernt: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Barzun, Jacques: Romanticism and the Modern Ego. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Bates, Miner Searle: Citizens of the World. Book Reviews 167
Beach, F. A.: Robert M. Yerkes’s Chimpanzees 366
Beard, Charles A.: Eric F. Goldman’s John Bach McMaster 160
— The Republic. Rev. by F. W. Coker 352
Beck, Richard, ed.: Icelandic Poems and Stories. Rev. by A. B. Benson 189
Becker, Carl L.: What We Didn’t Know Hurt Us a Lot 385
— Aims and Means of Foreign Policy. Book Reviews 142
— How New Will the Better World Be? Rev. by Leo Gershoy 733
Behind the Japanese Lines in Burma. Bernard Fergusson 418
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: The Latin American Policy of the United States. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Benét, Stephen Vincent: Western Star. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Benson, Adolph B.: Richard Beck’s Icelandic Poems and Stories 189
Benton, Walter: This Is My Beloved. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Bernstein, Walter: Night Watch 658
Bidwell, Percy W.: Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.’s Lead-Lease 545
Blake, R. P.; Early Russian History. Book Reviews 552
Boggs, Tom: Arenas. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Bradford, Sax: The Battle for Buenos Aires. Rev. by Hubert Herring 149
Britain’s New Colonial Policy. Ronald Stuart Kain 498
Brogan, D. W.: The English People. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Bronson, F. W.: War around the World. Book Reviews 759
Brown, E. K.: The Revival of E. M. Forster 668
Brown, James E.: Russia Fights. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Brown, John Mason: To All Hands. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Burckhardt, Jakob: Force and Freedom. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 177
But Not So Final. Gale Wilhelm 135
Byas, Hugh: The Coming of War in the Pacific. Book Reviews 734
— John Goette’s Japan Fights for Asia 358
Canby, Henry Seidel: Walt Whitman. Rev. by C. J. Furness 557
Cant, Gilbert: America’s Navy in World War II. Rev. by Paul Schubert 356
Cardozo, Nancy: Letter Overseas. Verse 67
Cassidy, Henry C.: Moscow Dateline. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Chamberlain, John: Readers and Writers in War Time 1
Chamberlin, William Henry: The Russian Enigma. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Chant for an Unknown Grave. Verse. Margaret McGovern 516
Chiang Kai-Shek, All We Are and All We Have; Resistance and Reconstruction. Rev. by M. S. Bates 167
Chiang Kai-Shek, Madame: We Chinese Women. Rev. by M. S. Bates 167
Clayton, E. H.: The New Order in Occupied China 460
Coker, Francis W.: Charles A. Beard’s The Republic 352
Constitution vs. the Peace, The. Henry Hazlitt 405
Cousins, Norman: Carleton Mabee’s The American Leonardo 153
Crafford, F. S.: Jan Smuts. Rev. by C. H. Driver 751
Cross, Wilbur L.: Connecticut Yankee. Rev. by J. T. Adams 346
Curti, Merle: The Growth of American Thought. Rev. by S. T. Williams 549
Dallin, David J.: Russia and Postwar Europe. Rev. by V. M. Dean 541
Davidson, Eugene: H. L. Mencken’s Heathen Days 181
Davie, Maurice R.: Edwin R. Embree’s 13 against the Odds 547
Dean, Vera Micheles: David J. Dallin’s Russia and Postwar Europe 541
— Policy towards Germany. Book Reviews 744
De la Mare, Walter: About Love 609
Demos, Raphael: Werner Jaeger’s Paideia, Vols. II and III 543
DeVane, William Clyde: American Education after the War 34
DeVoto, Bernard: The Literary Fallacy. Rev. by S. T. Williams 747
DeWeerd, H. A.: Germany’s Strategic Position 331
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants, Vol. II 185
Dramatic Expression among Primitive Peoples. Melville J. Herskovits 683
Dresbach, Glenn Ward: The Tree Remembered. Verse 682
Driver, C. H.: F. S. Crafford’s Jan Smuts 751
— South African Newsreel. Book Reviews 157
Duranty, Walter: U.S.S.R. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 756
Earle, Edward Mead, ed.: Makers of Modern Strategy. Rev. by Fletcher Pratt 383
Eaton, Charles Edward: The Bright Plain. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Eaton, Clement: Marie Kimball’s Jefferson 165
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xvi—xxvi; Winter, xxiv—xxxii; Spring, xviii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xiv
Edman, Irwin: George Santayana’s Persons and Places 536
Eliot, T. S.: Four Quartets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Embree, Edwin R.: 13 against the Odds. Rev. by M. R. Davie 547
Everyone Is Right. Liz Jacobson 531
Fedotoff White, D.: The Growth of the Red. Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 756
Fergusson, Bernard: Behind the Japanese Lines in Burma 418
Fiesta in St. Paul. Grace Flandrau 69
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Our Young Folks. Rev. by K. E. McBride 554
Fitzgibbon, Russell H.: Studies of Latin America. Book Reviews 170
Flandrau, Grace: Fiesta in St. Paul 69
Forces of Change in the English-Speaking World. W. B. Willcox 14
Ford, Corey: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Foreign Relations of the United States: Japan, 1031—1041. Rev. by Hugh Byas 734
For Love Only. Verse, John Dillon Husband 33
Fowlie, Wallace: Clowns and Angels. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Frank Waldo: South American Journey. Rev. by Hubert Herring 149
Franklin, Albert B.: Ecuador. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Fredborg, Arvid: Behind the Steel Wall. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 567
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants, Vol. II. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 185
Free Private Enterprise for Post-War America. James J. O’Leary 586
Fry, Clements C.: Katherine Butler Hathaway’s The Little Locksmith 362
Furness, Clifton Joseph: Henry Seidel Canby’s Walt Whitman 557
Gabriel,’ R. H.: Carl Van Doren’s Mutiny in January 161
Geismar, Maxwell: Ellen Glasgow’s A Certain Measure 364
Germany’s Strategic Position. H. A. DeWeerd 331
Gershoy, Leo: Carl L. Becker’s How New Will the Better World Be? 733
Glasgow, Ellen: A Certain Measure. Rev. by Maxwell Geismar 364
Goette, John: Japan Fights for Asia. Rev. by Hugh Byas 358
Goldman, Eric F.: John Bach McMaster. Rev. by C. A. Beard 160
Gray, George W.: Science at War. Rev. by Waldemar Kaempffert 535
Greene, Theodore M.: The Mind of Maritain. Book Reviews 377
Grew, Joseph C.: Ten Years in Japan. Rev. by Hugh Byas 734
Grift Cornelis van der: Escape from Java. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Guedalla, Philip: The Two Marshals. Rev. by T. Mendenhall 559
Guérard, Albert: Is England in Europe ? 312
— Napoleon III. Rev. by T. Mendenhall 559
Guérard, Albert, Jr.: Prometheus and the Aeolian Lyre 482
Gunther, John: D Day. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Hagen, Paul: Germany after Hitler. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Halper, Albert: A Song Writer in the Family 258
Hamilton, George Heard: Regina Shoolman’s and Charles E. Slatkin’s The Enjoyment of Art in America 183
Hamlin, Talbot: Greek Revival Architecture in America. Rev. by E. V. Meeks 742
Haskins, Caryl P.: The Amazon. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Hathaway, Katherine Butler: The Little Locksmith. Rev. by C. C. Fry 362
Hays, H. R., ed.: 12 Spanish American Poets. Rev. by Rolfe Humphries 561
Hazlitt, Henry: The Constitution vs. the Peace 405
Heiden, Konrad: Der Fuehrer. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 567
Herring, Hubert: The Aloofness of Argentina. Book Reviews 149
Herskovits, Melville J.: Dramatic Expression among Primitive Peoples 683
Holt, Rackham: George Washington Carver. Rev. by F. B. Hutt 155
Howard, Leon: The Connecticut Wits. Rev. by S. T. Williams 175
Hoyland, John S.: Indian Crisis. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Humphries, Rolfe: H. R. Hays’s 12 Spanish American Poets 561
Husband, John Dillon: For Love Only. Verse 33
Hutt, F. B.: Rackham Holt’s George Washington Carver 155
Huxley, Julian S.: Animals Courting 47
In Autumn Read History. Verse. Keith Thomas 120
In Defense of the Small Countries. Arnold Wolfers 201
Is England in Europe? Albert Guérard 312
Island Road to Tokyo, The. Willard Price 517
Issues of the Coming Election, The. Alvin Johnson 577
Jacobson, Liz: Everyone Is Right 531
Jaeger, Werner: Paideia, Vols. II and III. Rev. by Raphael Demos 543
James, Selwyn: South of the Congo. Rev. by C. H. Driver 157
Japanese Emperor, The. Helen Mears 238
Jeans, Sir James: Physics and Philosophy. Rev. by Henry Margenau 163
Jefferson, Thomas: The Complete Jefferson. Rev. by Dumas Malone 571
Jobim, José: Brazil in the Making. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Johnson, Alvin: The Issues of the Coming Election 577
— Peace in the World to Come 193
Johnson, Gerald W.: American Heroes and Hero-Worship. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 375
Kaempffert, Waldemar: George W. Gray’s Science at War 535
Kain, Ronald Stuart: Britain’s New Colonial Policy 498
Karpovich, Michael: Russia Today. Book Reviews 354
— Two Books on Russia. Book Reviews 756
Kelemen, Pal: Medieval American Art. Rev. by George Kubler 173
Kennedy, Raymond: K. M. Panikkar’s The future of South-East Asia 555
Kern’s Garden. Marian Marschak 471
Kimball, Marie: Jefferson. Rev. by Clement Eaton 165
Knight, G. Wilson: The Starlit Dome. Rev. by Mark Schorer 179
Kubler, George: Pal Kelemen’s Medieval American Art 173
La Farge, Oliver: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Laing, Dilys Bennett: Two Poems 221
Lansing, E. H.: Escape from Java. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Lavin, Mary: The Sand Castle 721
Lerner, Max, ed.: The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 572
Lesueur, Larry: Twelve Months that Changed the World. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Letter Overseas. Verse. Nancy Cardozo 67
Letters and Comment 191,575
Letter to Sara Teasdale, A. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay 191
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, xvi—xxvi; Winter, xxiv—xxxii; Spring, xviii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xiv
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel: A Letter to Sara Teasdale 191
Lippmann, Walter: U.S. Foreign Policy. Rev. by Carl Becker 142
Little, C. C.: Charles Oberling’s The Riddle of Cancer 763
Logan, Richard F.: William R. Van Dersal’s The American Land 374
Mabee, Carleton: The American Leonardo. Rev. by Norman Cousins 153
McBride, K. E.: Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s Our Young Folks 554
McGovern, Margaret: Chant for an Unknown Grave. Verse 516
Mackenzie, DeWitt: India’s Problem Can Be Solved. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
McMurtrie, Douglas C.: The Book. Rev. by C. P. Rollins 169
Malone, Dumas: Saul K. Padover’s The Complete Jefferson 571
Margenau, Henry: Sir James Jeans’s Physics and Philosophy 163
Maritain, Jacques: Art and Poetry; Ransoming the Time; The Rights of Man and Natural Law; The Twilight of Civilization. Rev. by T. M. Greene 377
Marschak, Marian: Kern’s Garden 471
Matthews, Herbert L.: The Fruits of Fascism. Rev. by Max Ascoli 371
Mears, Helen: The Japanese Emperor 238
Meeks, Everett V.: Talbot Hamlin’s Greek Revival Architecture in America . 742
Mencken, H. L.: Heathen Days. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 181
Mendenhall, T.: Victims of Irony. Book Reviews 559
Merriman, Daniel: Using Our Marine Resources 446
Mexico’s Unity. Joseph S. Werlin 268
Miller, John C.: Origins of the American Revolution. Rev. by D. M. Potter 370
Mommsen, Theodor E.: Jakob Burckhardt’s Force and Freedom 177
Moos, Malcolm.: Swiss Neutrality 121
Moraes, F. R.: Introduction to India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Morgan, Edwin: Flower of Evil. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Mowat, R. B.: History of the English-speaking Peoples. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Muir, Peter: This Is India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Muller, Herbert J.: Science and Criticism. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr. 151
Neumann, Sigmund: Hitler and His Germany. Book Reviews 567
— Derrick Sington’s and Arthur Weidenfeld’s The Goebbels Experiment 187
New Order in Occupied China, The. E. H. Clayton 460
Nichols, James Hastings, ed.: Force and Freedom. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 177
Night Watch. Walter Bernstein 658
Notes of an Amateur Bee-Keeper. Phillips Russell 114
Oberling, Charles: Why Should Cancer Interest Us? 282
— The Riddle of Cancer. Rev. by C. C. Little 763
O’Leary, James J.: Free Private Enterprise for Post-War America 586
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, xiv—xx; Spring, viii—xiv; 764
Padover, Saul K., ed.: The Complete Jefferson. Rev. by Dumas Malone 571
Panikkar, K. M.: The Future of South-East Asia. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 555
Patchen, Kenneth: The Teeth of the Lion. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Peyre, Henri: Romantics and Moderns. Book Reviews 753
Philip, Hoffman: Abyssinian Memories 292
Potter, David M.: John C. Miller’s Origins of the American Revolution 370
Pratt, Fletcher: Edward Mead Earle’s Makers of Modern Strategy 383
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, xiv—xx; Spring, viii—xiv; 764
Price, Willard: The Island Road to Tokyo 517
Prometheus and the Aeolian Lyre. Albert Guérard, Jr. 482
Proulx, Benjamin A.: Underground from. Hongkong. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Quiet Streets of Home, The. Robert Shaplen 108
Race in the World to Come. Alvin Johnson 193
Raman, T. A.: Report on India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Rame, David: Road to Tunis. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Readers and Writers in War Time. John Chamberlain 1
Return of a Snob. Lowry Charles Wimberly 320
Revival of E. M. Forster, The. E. K. Brown 668
Rollins, Carl Purington: Douglas C. McMurtrie’s The Book 169
Rolo, Charles J,: Wingate’s Raiders. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Rosinski, Herbert: The German Army. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Rostow, Eugene V.: Max Lerner’s The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes 572
Russell, Phillips: Notes of an Amateur Bee-Keeper 114
Sale, William M., Jr.: Herbert J. Muller’s Science and Criticism 151
Sand Castle, The. Mary Lavin 721
Santayana, George: Persons and Places. Rev. by Irwin Edman 536
Schorer, Mark: G. Wilson Knight’s The Starlit Dome 179
Schubert, David: The Visitor. Verse 417
Schubert, Paul: Gilbert Cant’s America’s Navy in World War II 356
Schultz, Sigrid: Germany Will Try It Again. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Seidman, Joel: Union Rights and Union Duties. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 538
Shaplen, Robert: The Quiet Streets of Home 108
Shaw, Irwin: Africa without Germans 623
Sherrod, Robert: Tarawa. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Shoolman, Regina: The Enjoyment of Art in America,. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 183
Sington, Derrick: The Goebbels Experiment. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 187
Slatkin, Charles E.: The Enjoyment of Art In America. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 183
Slichter, Sumner H.: Joel Seidman’s Union Rights and Union Duties 538
Slosson, Preston: History of the English-speaking Peoples. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Smith, T. V.: The Unknown Soldier and the Ideal of Honor 225
Snyder, Charles Lee: John Skally Terry’s Thomas Wolfe’s Letters to His Mother 373
Song Writer in the Family, A. Albert Halper 258
Sowden, Lewis: The Union of South Africa. Rev. by C. H. Driver 157
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.: Lend-Lease. Rev. by P. W. Bidwell 545
Stimson, Robert: Introduction to India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Storck, John: Mortimer J. Adler’s How To Think about War and Peace 749
Sumner, B. H.: A Short History of Russia. Rev. by R. P. Blake 552
Swiss Neutrality. Malcolm Moos 121
Terhune, William B.: Gregory Zilboorg’s Mind, Medicine and Man 159
Terry, John Skally, ed.: Thomas Wolfe’s Letters to His Mother. Rev. by C. L. Snyder 373
Thine Is the Power. Verse. George Abbe 481
Thomas, Dylan: New Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Thomas, Keith: In Autumn Read History. Verse 120
Thomson, Alexander: Richard Aldington’s The Duke 569
— The English and Their Institutions. Hook Reviews 145
Tree Remembered, The. Verse. Glenn Ward Dresbach 682
Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy. George Vernadsky 699
Two Plans for International Monetary Stabilization. Jacob Viner 77
Two Poems. Louis Aragon 605
Two Poems. Dilys Bennett Laing 221
Unknown Soldier and the Ideal of Honor, The. T. V. Smith 225
Untermeyer, Louis: Eight Poets. Book Re-views 348
Using Our Marine Resources. Daniel Merriman 446
Van Dersal, William R.: The American Land. Rev. by R. F. Logan 374
Van Doren, Carl: Mutiny in January. Rev. by R. II. Gabriel 161
Vernadsky, George: Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy 699
— Ancient Russia. Rev. by R. P. Blake 552
Viner, Jacob: Two Plans for International Monetary Stabilization 77
Visitor, The. Verse. David Schubert 417
Ward, Maisie: Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 368
Wecter, Dixon: Gerald W. Johnson’s American Heroes and Hero-Worship 375
Weidenfeld, Arthur: The Goebbels Experiment. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 187
Welles, Sumner: The World of the Four Freedoms. Rev. by Carl Becker 142
Werlin, Joseph S.: Mexico’s Unity 268
What We Didn’t Know Hurt Us a Lot. Carl Becker 385
Wheeler, Post: India against the Storm. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Why Should Cancer Interest Us? Charles Oberling 282
Wilhelm, Gale: But Not So Final 135
Willcox, W. B.: Forces of Change in the English-Speaking World 14
Williams, Stanley T.: Merle Curti’s The Growth of American Thought 549
— Bernard DeVoto’s The Literary fallacy 747
— Leon Howard’s The Connecticut Wits 175
Wimberly, Lowry Charles: Return of a Snob 320
Wolfe, Thomas: Letters. Rev. by C. L. Snyder 373
Wolfers, Arnold: In Defense of the Small Countries 201
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Maisie Ward’s Gilbert Keith Chesterton 368
Wylie, Elinor: Last Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Yerkes, Robert M.: Chimpanzees. Rev. by F. A. Beach 366
Zilboorg, Gregory: Mind, Medicine and Man. Rev. by W. B. Terhune 159