[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Adams, Samuel Hopkins: A. Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Alinsky, Saul D.: Reveille for Radicals. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
America and Britain, 1939—1946. D. W. Brogan 193
American Security and the Atomic Bomb. Bernard Brodie 399
Andrews, Charles McLean, ed.: Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Andrews, Evangeline Walker, ed.: Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Are We Ready for a World State? Edward R. Lewis 491
Artist in the Community, The. Charles Morgan 594
Bailey, Thomas A.: Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress, Third Series and Fourth Series. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 367
Bakshy, Alexander, tr.: Seven Plays. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Barnes, John L., ed.: A Stone, A Leaf, A Door. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Beard, Mary R.: Ida Pruitt’s A Daughter of Han 544
Beck, Warren: Out of Line 139
Becker, Carl L.: Freedom and Responsibility in the American Way of Life. Rev. by J. B. Brebner 555
Bell, H. C. F.: Woodrow Wilson and the People. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
Bennett, Charles H.: Peter Quennell’s The Profane Virtues 379
Bennett, Joan: Virginia Woolf. Rev. by Bettina Linn 360
Bill, Alfred Hoyt: The Beleaguered City. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Binger, Carl: The Doctor’s Job. Rev. by A. B. Dayton 172
Biological Basis of Democracy, The. Edmund W. Sinnott 61
Blanshard, Brand: Morris R. Cohen’s A Preface to Logic 170
— Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy 568
Blunden, Edmund: Shells by a Stream. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Bolte, Charles G.: The Veterans Seek Education 614
— The New Veteran. Rev. by J. F. Mathias 566
Botkin, B. A., ed.: Lay My Burden Down. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 736
Bradley, John Hodgdon: Vannevar Bush’s Endless Horizons 729
— Science Marches on. Book Reviews 367
Bradley, Phillips, ed.: Democracy in America. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 173
Brebner, John Bartlet: North Atlantic Triangle. Rev. by P. E. Corbett 338
— Tracts for Our Times. Book Reviews 555
Brinton, Crane: The United States and Britain. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 553
Brodie, Bernard: American Security and the Atomic Bomb 399
Brogan, D. W.: America and Britain, 1939-1946 193
Brown, E. K.: James and Conrad 265
— Hilton Brown’s Rudyard Kipling 740
Brown, Hilton: Rudyard Kipling. Rev. by E. K. Brown 740
Brown, Ivor: A Word in Your Ear and Just Another Word,. Rev. by David McCord 372
Brown, W. Norman: Franklin Edgerton’s The Bhagavad Gita 177
Bryant, Arthur: Years of Victory. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 358
Buchanan, Norman S.: International Investment and Domestic Welfare. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Burckhardt, Jacob: The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 182
Bush, Vannevar: Endless Horizons. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 729
Butcher, H. C.: My Three Years with Eisenhower. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 743
By the Light of a Mushroom. George Weller 40
Calder-Marshall, Arthur: Notes on Yugoslav Journeys 475
Canfield [Fisher], Dorothy: Sex Education 252
— William Allen White’s Autobiography 531
Case, Arthur E.: Four Essays on Gulliver’s Travels. Rev. by George Sherburn 760
Chamberlain, John: President Truman’s Job 1
Christmas Card Verse. Verse. Earl Daniels 222
Chute, Marchette: Geoffrey Chaucer of England. Rev. by R. A. Pratt 763
Ciano, Count: The Ciano Diaries. Rev. by Hans Kohn 542
Clapham, Sir John: The Bank of England. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 559
Clark, Charles E.: Samuel J. Konefsky’s Chief Justice Stone and the Supreme Court 564
Cohen, Morris R.: A Preface to Logic. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 170
Colum, Padraic: Robin Flower’s The Western Island 349
Corbett, P. E.: John Bartlet Brebner’s North Atlantic Triangle 338
Cowley, Malcolm, ed.: Aragon. Rev. by Henri Peyre 562
Croushore, James H., ed.: A Volunteer’s Adventures. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Czechoslovakia’s Reconstruction. Joseph Wechsberg 502
Dallin, David J.: The Big Three. Rev. by Hans Kohn 184
Daniels, Earl: Christmas Card Verse. Verse 222
Daniels, Jonathan: Morris Ernst’s The First Freedom 726
Daniels, Josephus: The Wilson Era. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
David, Hans T., ed.: The Bach Reader. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 731
Day of Gold and Darkness. Robert Fontaine 527
Dayton, Arthur Bliss: Carl Singer’s The Doctor’s Job 172
De Forest, John William: A Volunteer’s Adventures. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Demos, Raphael: George Santayana’s The Middle Span 149
Departure. Verse. Frederick Ebright 99
DeVane, William C.: The Shelleys. Book Reviews 153
Dickinson, Jonathan: Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Dickinson Saga, The. John Erskine 74
Donovan, Richard: Mendelssohn and Schumann. Book Reviews 351
Driver, C. H.: George Soule’s America’s Stake in Britain’s future 356
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Two Lyrics 622
Earle, Edward Mead: The Influence of Air Power upon History 577
Ebright, Frederick: Departure. Verse 99
Edgerton, Franklin, ed.: The Bhagavad Gita. Rev. by W. N. Brown 177
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, x-xxxviii; Winter, xviii-xxxix; Spring, viii-xxx; Summer, vi-xxvi
Embree, John F • The Japanese Nation, Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Empty Sky, The. Benedict Thielen 431
Ernst Morris: The Pint Freedom. Rev. by Jonathan Daniels 726
Erskine, John: The Dickinson Saga 74
Farewell, My Lovely Magnolias. J. H. Marion, Jr. 416
Fifield, William: Step Right Up 682
Fine Benjamin: Democratic Education. Rev. by David Worcester 757
Finegan, Jack: Light from the Ancient Past. Rev. by G. M. A. Hanfmann 761
Finer, Herman: Road to Reaction. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Sex Education 252
— William Allen White’s Autobiography 533
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Crack-up. Rev. by Mark Schorer 187
Fleisher, Wilfrid: What To Do with Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Flower, Robin: The Western Island. Rev. by Padraic Colum 349
Fontaine, Robert: Day of Gold and Darkness 527
Forman, Harrison: Report from Red China. Rev. by D. N. Rowe 738
Furnivall, J. S.: Netherlands India. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Future in Relation to American Naval Power, The. William B. Willcox 100
Gabriel, Ralph H.: George R. Stewart’s Names on the Land 151
Geismar, Maxwell: Thomas Wolfe: The Hillman and the Furies 649
Germany and the Germans. Thomas Mann 223
Goddard, Harold: In Ophelia’s Closet 462
Gooch, G. P.: Courts and Cabinets. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 742
Gorky, Maxim: Seven Plays. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Gottmann, Jean: French Colonial Records. Book Reviews 370
Greene, Jane Bannard, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1802-1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: Frederic C. Lane’s Andrea Barbarigo 186
Griswold, A. Whitney: The Agrarian Crossroads of Public Policy. Book Reviews 164
Guerard, Albert J.: Montherlant and the Collaborators 93
Haggard, Howard W.: The Physiology of Alcohol 295
Haight, Gordon S.: Victorian Writers. Book Reviews 546
Hailey, Foster: War, Peace, and Atomic Fission. Book Reviews 343
Hanfmann, George M. A.: Jack Finegan’s Light from the Ancient Past 761
Hansen, Alvin H.: Inflation 692
— America’s Role in the World Economy. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Harper, Paul V., ed.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Harper, Samuel N.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Harris, Seymour E., ed.: Economic Reconstruction. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Harvard Committee: General Education in a Free Society. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 535
Harvest, The. Verse. May Sarton 29
Hennessey, Joseph, ed.: The Letters of Alexander Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Henrich, Edith: Sonnet for Sappho 415
Herring, Hubert: Dictatorship in South America. Book Reviews 175
Hinkley, Laura L.: The Brontës. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Holmes, John: Time and My Father’s Cousin. Verse 291
Hooker, Richard: Japan’s Lost Opportunity in the War 30
Hoover, Calvin B.: International Trade and Domestic Employment. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Hudnut, Joseph: Paul Zucker’s New Architecture and City Planning 167
Huntington, Ellsworth: Mainsprings of Civilization. Rev. by Samuel Van Valkenburg 377
Inflation. Alvin H. Hansen 692
Influence of Air Power upon History, The. Edward Mead Earle 577
Ingersoll, Ralph: Top Secret. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 743
In Ophelia’s Closet. Harold Goddard 462
Interpretation of China’s Conflict, An. Gunther Stein 633
James and Conrad. E. K. Brown 265
Japan’s Lost Opportunity in the War. Richard Hooker 30
Johnstone, William C.: The Future of Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stem 340
Jones, Frederick L., ed.: The Letters of Mary W. Shelley. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
Jones, Rufus M.: Evangeline Walker Andrews’ and Charles McLean Andrews’ Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal 561
Josephson, Hannah, ed.: Aragon. Rev. by Henri Peyre 562
Kaufman, Beatrice, ed.: The Letters of Alexander Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Kennedy, Raymond: Indonesia. Soak Reviews 363
Kenyon Critics, The: Gerard. Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Maynard Mack 539
Kerner, Robert J.: Russian Policy in the Far East 119
Koestler, Arthur: The Yogi and the Commissar. Rev. by Marc Slonim 179
Kohn, Hans: Count Ciano’s The Ciano Diaries 542
— David J. Dallin’s The Big Three 184
Konefsky, Samuel J.: Chief Justice Stone and the Supreme Court. Rev. by C. E. Clark 564
Kreymborg, Alfred: Selected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Krout, John A.: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.’s The Age of Jackson 727
Laing, Dilys Bennet: Proof and Reproof. Verse 666
Lane, Frederic C.: Andrea Barbarigo. Rev. by K. R. Greenfield 186
Lao Shih: Sound-Movies 286
Laserson, Max M.: Russia and the Western World. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Latourette, Kenneth Scott: A History of the Expansion of Christianity. Vols. III—VII. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 158
Lauterbach, Richard E.: These Are the Russians. Rev. by Marc Slonim 179
Lewis, Alun: Ha! Ha! Among the Trumpets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Lewis, C. Day: Short Is the Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Lewis, Edward R.: Are We Ready for a World State? 491
Leyburn, James G.: Bronislaw Malinowski’s The Dynamics of Culture Change 362
Liberman, Simon: Building Lenin’s Russia. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, x-xxxviii; Winter, xviii-xxxix; Spring, viii-xxx; Summer, vi-xxvi
Life of Boswell, The. Frederick A. Pottle 445
Lineaweaver, Marion: Sapphics. Verse 691
Lines about Land. Verse. Rosalie Moore 461
Linn, Bettina: Joan Bennett’s Virginia Woolf 360
Lynd, Helen Merrell: England in the Eighteen-Eighties. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 347
McCord, David: Ivor Brown’s A Word in Your Ear and Just Another Word- 372
Mack, Maynard: The Kenyon Critics’ Gerard Manley Hopkins 539
MacNeice, Louis: Springboard. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Malinowski, Bronislaw: The Dynamics of Culture Change. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 362
Mann, Thomas: Germany and the Germans 223
Marion, J. H., Jr.: Farewell, My Lovely Magnolias 416
Marshall, George C.: The Winning of the War in Europe and the Pacific. Rev. by Foster Hailey 343
Mathias, James F.: Charles G. Bolte’s The New Veteran 566
Medical Services of the Future. Thomas Parran 385
Mencken, H. L.: Supplement I: The American Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 354
Mendel, Arthur, ed.: The Each Reader. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 731
Mendell, C. W.: L. P. Wilkinson’s Horace and His Lyric Poetry 746
Mendelssohn, Felix: Letters. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Mendenhall, Thomas C., II: Sir John Clapham’s The Bank of England 559
— Look Out, Here Come the Experts. Book Reviews 743
Menner, Robert J.: H. L. Mencken’s Supplement I: The American Language 354
Meredith, Roy: Mr. Lincoln’s Camera Man. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Micaud, Charles A.: The New Regime in France 308
Milburn, George: Oklahoma 515
Mllis Walter: The United Nations Charter and the Peace 14
Mommsen, Theodor E.: Jacob Burckhardt’s The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy 182
Montherlant and the Collaborators. Albert J. Guerard 93
Mook Hubertus J. van: The Netherlands Indies and Japan. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Moore, Arthur: The Farmer and the Rest of Us. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 164
Moore Harriet L.: Soviet Far Eastern Policy, 1031—1941;. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Moore, Rosalie: Lines about Land. Verse 461
Morgan, Charles: The Artist in the Community 594
New Regime in France, The. Charles A. Micaud 308
Nicolson, Marjorie: The Harvard Committee’s General Education in a Free Society 535
Nixon, Glenn: Science and the Battle of the Atlantic 667
Norton, M. D. Herter, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1802—1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Notes on Yugoslav Journeys. Arthur Calder-Marshall 475
Notestein, Wallace: Two Books on English History. Book Reviews 347
Oil in the World. Joseph E. Pogue 623
Oklahoma. George Milburn 515
O’Leary, James J.: Social and Economic Planning. Book Reviews 550
Orton, William Aylott: The Liberal Tradition. Rev. by J. B. Brebner 555
Out of Line. Warren Beck 139
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott 189, 381, 573, 765
Parran, Thomas: Medical Services of the Future 385
Peattie, Donald Culross: The Santa Fe Trail 242
Peyre, Henri: The Resistance and Literary Revival in France 84
— Hannah Josephson’s and Malcolm Cowley’s Aragon 562
Physiology of Alcohol, The. Howard W. Haggard 295
Pickrel, Paul: Public Entertainer. Book Reviews 168
Plenty Pilikia. Genevieve Taggard 48
Pogue, Joseph E.: Oil in the World 623
Polner, Tikhon: Tolstoy and His Wife. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Potter, David M.: Perceptions of the Civil War. Book Reviews 733
— Wilson and His Times. Book Reviews 161
Pottle, Frederick A.: The Life of Boswell 445
Pratt, Robert A.: Marchette Chute’s Geoffrey Chaucer of England 763
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews 189, 381, 573, 765
President Truman’s Job. John Chamberlain 1
Prince, A. E.: Freya Stark’s The Arab Island 570
Proof and Reproof. Verse. Dilys Bennet Laing 666
Pruitt, Ida: A Daughter of Han. Rev. by M. R. Beard 544
Quennell, Peter: The Profane Virtues. Rev. by C. H. Bennett 379
Radin, Paul: The Road of Life and Death. Rev. by L. W. Simmons 747
Ray, Gordon N., ed.: The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. I and II. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Rennie, Ysabel F.: The Argentine Republic. Rev. by Hubert Herring 175
Resistance and Literary Revival in France, The. Henri Peyre 84
Reynolds, Horace: B. A. Botkin’s Lay My Burden Down 736
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Letters, 1802-1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Robequain, Charles: The Economic Development of French Indo-China. Rev. by Jean Gottmann 370
Rostow, Eugene V.: World Politics and World Trade. Book Reviews 374
Roth, Andrew: Dilemma in Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Rowe, David Nelson: Reports of Communist China. Book Reviews 738
Rowse, A. L.: The Spirit of English History. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 347
Russell, Bertrarid: A History of Western Philosophy. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 568
Russian Policy in the Far East. Robert J. Kerner 119
Santa Fe Trail, ‘The. Donald Culross Peattie 242
Santayana, George: The Middle Span. Rev. by Raphael Demos 149
Sapphics. Verse. Marion Lineaweaver 691
Sarton, May: The Harvest. Verse 29
Saturday Nocturne. Richard Sullivan 322
Schapiro, J. Salwyn: Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 173
Schauffler, Robert Haven: Florestan. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Age of Jackson. Rev. by J. A. Krout 727
Schorer, Mark: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Crack-u-p 187
Schultz, Theodore W.: Food for the World. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 164
Schuman, Frederick L.: Soviet Politics at Home and Abroad. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Science and the Battle of the Atlantic. Aurelius B. Vosseller in collaboration with Glenn Nixon 667
Selden-Goth, G., ed.: Felix Mendelssohn: Letters. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Sex Education. Dorothy Canfield 252
Shapiro, Karl: Essay on Rime. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Sharp, Roland Hall: South America. Uncensored. Rev. by Hubert Herring 175
Shelley, Mary W.: Letters. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
Sherburn, George: Arthur E. Case’s Four Essays on Gulliver’s Travels 760
Simmons, Ernest J.: Three Russian Writers. Book Reviews 155
Simmons, Leo W.: Paul Radin’s The Road of Life and Death 747
Simonds, Bruce: Hans T. David’s and Arthur Mendel’s The Bach Reader 731
Sinnott, Edmund W.: The Biological Basis of Democracy 61
Slichter, Sumner H.: Strikes and the Public Interest 207
Slonim, Marc: Two Writers on Russia. Book Reviews 179
Smyth, Henry De Wolf: Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. Rev. by Foster Hailey 343
Sonnet for Sappho. Edith Henrich 415
Soule, George: America?! Stake in Britain’s Future. Rev. by C. H. Driver 356
Sound-Movies. Lao Shih 286
Sperry, Willard L.: Kenneth Scott Latourette’s A History of the Expansion of Christianity. Vols. III-VII 158
Stark, Freya: The Arab Island. Rev. by A. E. Prince 570
Stebbins, Lucy Poate: The Trollopes. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Stebbins, Richard Poate: The Trollopes. Rev. by G. S, Haight 546
Stein, Gunther: An Interpretation of China’s Conflict 633
— The Challenge of Red China. Rev. by D. N. Rowe 738
— The Roots of the Japanese Problem. Book Reviews 340
Step Right Up. William Fifield 682
Stern, Jacques: The French Colonies, Past and Future. Rev. by Jean Gottmann 370
Stewart, George R.: Names on the Land. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 151
Strikes and the Public Interest. Sumner H. Slichter 207
Striking Clocks, The. Dorothy Tyler 712
Sullivan, Richard: Saturday Nocturne 322
Suyemoto, Toyo: Two Poems 251
Taggard, Genevieve: Plenty Pilikia 48
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Letters and Private Papers. Vols. I and II. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Thielen, Benedict: The Empty Sky 431
Thomas Wolfe: The Hillman and the Furies. Maxwell Geismar 649
Thompson, Ronald, ed.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Thomson, Alexander: Arthur Bryant’s Years of Victory 358
— G. P. Gooch’s Courts and Cabinets 742
Timasheff, Nicholas S.: The Great Retreat. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Time and My Father’s Cousin. Verse. John Holmes 291
Tocqueville, Alexis de: Democracy in America. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 173
Two Lyrics. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 622
Two Poems. Toyo Suyemoto 251
Tyler, Dorothy: The Striking Clocks 712
United Nations Charter and the Peace, The. Walter Millis 14
Untermeyer, Louis: War Poets and Others. Book Reviews 335
Van Valkenburg, Samuel: Ellsworth Huntington’s Mainsprings of Civilization 377
Vernadsky, George: Towards an Understanding of Russia. Book Reviews 748
Veterans Seek Education, The. Charles G. Bolte 614
Vlekke, Bernard H. M.: The Story of. the Dutch East Indies. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Vosseller, Aurelius B.: Science and the Battle of the Atlantic 667
Ward, Robert S.: Asia for the Asiatics? Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Webster, Samuel Charles, ed.: Mark Twain, ‘Business Man. Rev. by S. T. Williams 758
Wechsberg, Joseph: Czechoslovakia’s Reconstruction 502
Weigand, Hermann J.: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters, 1892-1010 368
Weller, George: By the Light of a Mushroom 40
White, Newman Ivey: Portrait of Shelley. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
White, William Allen: Autobiography. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 533
Wilkinson, L. P.: Horace and His Lyric Poetry. Rev. by C. W. Mendell 746
Willcox, William B.: The Future in Relation to American Naval Power 100
— Crane Brinton’s The United States and Britain 553
Williams, Oscar: That’s A\l That Matters. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
—’ed.: The War Poets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Williams, Stanley T.: Samuel Charles Webster’s Mark Twain, Business Man 758
Wilson, Edmund, ed.: The Crack-up. Rev. by Mark Schorer 187
Wolfe, Thomas: A Stone, A Leaf, A Door. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Woollcott, Alexander: Letters. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Wootton, Barbara: Freedom under Planning. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
Worcester, David: Benjamin Fine’s Democratic Education 757
Wreden, Nicholas, tr.: Tolstoy and His Wife. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Zucker, Paul, ed.: New Architecture and City Planning. Rev. by Joseph Hudnut 167