[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
About Foreign Language Teaching. Leonard Bloomfield 625
Adams, J. Donald: The Shape of Books To Come. Rev. by H. J. Muller 744
Allen, D. C.: Not Unrequited. Verse 683
American Security and Foreign Economic Policy. Eugene V. Rostow 495
Andrews, John Williams: No Star Fallen. Verse 601
Argall, Phyllis: My Life with the Enemy. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Art in Progress: A Survey Prepared, for the fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 351
Auden, W. H.: The Collected Poetry of. Rev. by D. A. Stauffer 153
— For the Time Being. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Bache, Carol: Paradox Isle. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Bailey, Thomas A.: Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace. Rev. by Charles Seymour 158
Beard, Charles A.: A Basic History of the United States. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Beard, Mary R.: A Basic History of the United States. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Becker, Carl: The Will of the People 385
— The Reconstruction. Book Reviews 148
Belief in a Future Life. J. Paul Williams 462
Bloomfield, Leonard: About Foreign Language Teaching 625
Bodmer, Frederick: The Loom of Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 187
Bowers, Claude: The Young Jefferson, 1743-1789. Rev. by D. M. Potter 738
Bowers, David F.: Ralph Barton Perry’s Puritanism and Democracy 749
Brandt, Paul: The Reconstruction of World Agriculture. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 565
Bridgman, P. W.: The Prospect for Intelligence 444
British Twentieth Century Economics. Geoffrey Crowther 210
Brooke, Tucker: Arthur Colby Sprague’s Shakespeare and the Actors 169
Brookhouser, Frank: Request for Sherwood Anderson 618
Brooks, Cleanth: Shakespeare as a Symbolist Poet 642
Brooks, Van Wyck: The World of Washington Irving. Rev. by S. T. Williams 346
Brown, E. K.: The Fiction of Henry James. Book Reviews 536
Brown, Harry: The Violent. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Brown, Ralph Adams: Richard S. West, Jr.’s Gideon Welles: Lincoln’s Navy Department 184
Byas, Hugh: Re-Education of the Japanese. Book Reviews 155
Calhoun, Robert L.: Kierkegaard’s Writings. Book Reviews 370
Chamberlain, John: The Public and the Political Campaign 1
Chase, Mary Ellen: The Bible and the Common Reader. Rev. by A. N. Wilder 745
— Sheila Kaye-Smith’s and G. B. Stern’s Speaking of Jane Austen 165
Chemurgic Fantasy, A. Ross L. Holman 282
Childs, Marquis W.: Raymond Clapper’s Watching the World: 1943-1044 153
Ciardi, John: On My Nephew’s Globe Bank. Verse 225
Clapper, Raymond: Watching the World: 1943-1944. Rev. by M. W. Childs 153
Clapper, Mrs. Raymond, ed.: Watching the World: 1943-1944, Rev. by M. W. Childs 153
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: The Wind and the Snow of Winter 227
Colonists for Alaska. William Oilman 666
Come Away Home. Michael Wilson 330
Cooke, Morris Llewellyn: Brazil on the March. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 365
Craig, Gordon A.: The Technique of Peacemaking 113
Crider, J, H.: The Bureaucrat. Rev. by W. A. Orton 378
Croce, Benedetto: Germany and Europe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Crowther, Geoffrey: British Twentieth Century Economics 210
Dallin, David J.: The Real Soviet Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Davenport, Russell: My Country. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Davidson, Eugene: Two Poems. Verse 27
Davis, Herbert: W. S. Lewis’s and A. Dayle Wallace’s Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry 355
de Kiewiet, C. W.: C. V. Wedgwood’s William the Silent 561
Deutsch, Babette: Take Them, Stranger. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
DeWeerd, H. A.: Japan’s Fatal Miscalculations 129
Donovan, Richard: Alfred Einstein’s Mozart: His Character, His Work 741
Dos Passos, John: State of the Nation. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 348
Driver, C. H.: Penderel Moon’s Strangers in India 755
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Song for a Son. Verse 254
Editors, The: Library of the Quarter, The. Autumn, x-xxx; Winter, viii-xxiv; Spring, viii-xxvi; and Summer, viii-xxviii
Einstein, Alfred: Mozart: His Character, His Work, Rev. by Richard Donovan 742
El Soledad. A Dialogue. Donald A. Stauffer 472
Employment and Post-War Prosperity. Leonora Herrick 270
Epic Animal. Verse, Edith Henrich 57
Epitaph. Verse. David Morton 99
Farm Kitchen, The. Betty Fible Martin 699
Fay, Sidney B.: Harry R. Rudin’s Armistice 1918 551
Fiction of the Future, The. Bettina Linn 241
Field, Carter: Bernard Baruch. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 539
Fitzgerald, Robert: A Wreath for the Sea. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Planner, Janet: Pétain, the Old Man of France. Rev. by C. A. Micaud 357
Fletcher, William G.: Brazil and Argentina. Book Reviews 365
Fontaine, Robert: The Life and Death of Uncle Louis 142
Fosdick, Harry Emerson: A Great Time to be Alive. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 367
Fowler, Burton P.: A Liberal Program for Secondary Schools 306
Fox, Dixon Ryan: The Completion of Independence, 1790—1830 (A History of American Life, V). Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Fox, William T. R.: The Super Powers, The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union—Their Responsibility for Peace. Rev. by Quincy Wright 553
Fraenkel, Ernst: Military Government and the Rule of Law. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 747
Francis, Robert: The Sound I Listened For. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Fraser, Lindley: Germany between Two Wars: A Study of Propaganda and War-Guilt. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants, a Study in Command, Vol. III. Rev. by D. M. Potter 3 60
Frost, Frances: Weather Report from Earth. Verse 305
Frost, Robert: A Masque of Reason. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 549
Gabriel, Ralph H.: The Philippines 14
— Ernst Fraenkel’s Military Government and the Rule of Law 747
— Surveying the Nation. Book Reviews 348
Gerry, Bill: Understand What I Mean? 76
Gide, André: Imaginary Interviews. Rev. by Henri Peyre 567
Gilm’an, William: Colonists for Alaska 666
Graham, Edward H.: Natural Principles of Land Use. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Greene, Theodore M.: History and the Liberal Arts 64
Gregory Horace: The Shield of Achilles: Essays on Beliefs in Poetry. Rev. by Mark Schorer 163
Griswold, A. Whitney: American Agriculture in the War and Afterwards. Book Reviews 171
— Karl Brandt’s The Reconstruction of World Agriculture 565
Hailey, Foster: The War Converges on Japan 587
Hall Lawrence S.: Hawthorne, Critic of Society. Rev. by Austin Warren 362
Hamilton, George Heard: Art in Progress: A Survey Prepared for the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art . 351
Hardwick, Elizabeth: Saint Ursula and Her Eleven Thousand Virgins 524
Hart, B. H. Liddell: Some Lessons of the European Warfare 405
Hayes, Alfred: The Big Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
“H. D.”: The Walls Do Not Fall. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Heavey’s Army. Robert Shaplen 429
Hendrickson, Roy F.: Food “Crisis”. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Henrich, Edith: Epic Animal. Verse 57
Herrick, Leonora: Employment and Post-War Prosperity 270
Herskovits, Melville J.: Bronislaw Malinowski’s A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays 377
History and the Liberal Arts. Theodore M. Greene 64
Hockett, Homer C.: Land of the Free: A Short History of the American People. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Hogben, Lancelot, ed.: The Loom of Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 187
Hollandia. Robert Shaplen 87
Holman, Ross L. A Chemurgic Fantasy 282
Horgan, Paul: Taos Valley 36
Howard, Joseph Kinsey: Montana: High, Wide and Handsome. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 160
Howe, Will D.: Charles Lamb and His Friends. Rev. by H. W. Randall 174
Husband, John Dillon: Whose Is the Name We Say. Verse 427
Huxley, Julian: West African Possibilities 255
James, Henry: The Great Short Novels of. Rev. by E. K. Brown . 536
— Stories of Writers and Artists. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Japan’s Fatal Miscalculations. H. A. DeWeerd 129
Johnson, Alvin: The Rehabilitation of Europe 577
— Carter Field’s Bernard Baruch 539
— Joseph Kinsey Howard’s Montana: High, Wide and Handsome 160
Jones, Vergil Carrington: Ranger Mosby. Rev. by Lloyd Lewis 368
Justema, William: Private Papers: Poems of an Army Year. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Karpovich, Michael: Three Books on Soviet Russia. Book Reviews 759
Kaye-Smith, Sheila: Speaking of Jane Austen. Rev. by Mary Ellen Chase 165
Keller, A. G.: William Benjamin Smith’s and Walter Miller’s The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation 363
Kelley, Welbourn, nar.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Kennedy, Raymond: Richard Wright’s Black Boy 762
Kierkegaard, Soren: Either/Or, Vol. I, Vol. II; The Concept of Dread; Training in Christianity; For Self-Examination and Judge Yourselves!; Attack upon “Christendom.” Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 370
Kris, Ernst: German Radio Propaganda. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Krout, John A.: The Completion of Independence, 1790-1830. (A History of American Life, V). Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Krutch, Joseph Wood: Samuel Johnson. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 546
Kybal, Vlastimil: Carlo Sforza’s Contemporary Italy 167
Lamott, Willis: Nippon: The Crime and. Punishment of Japan. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Landheer, B.: Hendrik Riemen’s The Netherlands 185
Lazarsfeld, Paul F., ed.: Radio Research, 1042-1943. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Leffingwell, R. C.: Managing Our Economy 603
Lewis, Lloyd: Vergil Carrington Jones’s Ranger Mosby 368
Lewis, W. S., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
Liberal Program for Secondary Schools, A. Burton P. Fowler 306
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, x-xxx; Winter, viii-xxiv; Spring, vii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xxviii
Life and Death of Uncle Louis, The. Robert Fontaine 142
Lin, Yu-Tang: The Vigil of a Nation. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Lincoln and John Bright. J. G. Randall 292
Linn, Bettina: The Fiction of the Future 241
Lippmann, Walter: U.S. War Aims. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
Lower 6. Verse. David McCord 481
Maclean, Catherine Macdonald: Born under Saturn: A Biography of William Hazlitt. Rev. by H. W. Randall 174
McCord, David: Lower 6. Verse 481
McCoy, Melvin H.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
McKay, Donald C.: J. M. Thompson’s The French Revolution 740
Malinowski, Bronislaw: A Scientific Theory of Culture and. Other Essays. Rev. by M. J. Herskovits 377
Man the Insurgent. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 29
Managing Our Economy. R. C. Leffingwell 603
Marriott, Alice: The Ten Grandmothers. Rev. by L. W. Simmons 563
Martin, Betty Fible: The Farm Kitchen 699
Marx, Daniel, Jr.: Strategy and American Shipping Policy 684
Matthiessen, F. O.: Henry James: The Major Phase. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
— Henry James: Stories of Writers and Artists. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Maurer, Oscar, Jr.: Francis E. Mineka’s The Dissidence of Dissent: “The Monthly Repository,” 1806-1838 375
Mellinek, S. M.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Menner, Robert J.: Frederick Bodmer’s The Loom of Language 187
Meredith, William: Love Letters from an Impossible Land. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Merriam, Charles E.: Ludwig von Mises’s Omnipotent Government 179
Micaud, Charles A.: The New France 100
— The Dead Past (France). Book Reviews 357
Miller, Walter, trans.: The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation. Rev. by A. G. Keller 363
Mineka, Francis E.: The Dissidence of Dissent. Rev. by Oscar Maurer, Jr. 375
Mises, Ludwig von: Bureaucracy. Rev. by W. A. Orton 378
— Omnipotent Government. Rev. by C. E. Merriam 179
Moon, Penderel: Strangers in India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 755
Moore, Marianne: Nevertheless. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Morris, Ray: Beardsley Ruml’s Tomorrow’s Business 556
Morton, David: Epitaph. Verse 99
Muller, Herbert J.: J. Donald Adams’s The Shape of Books To Come 744
Neumann, Sigmund: The Future of Germany. Book Reviews 735
— Research in a New Field. Book Reviews 176
New France, The. Charles A. Micaud and Robert Strausz-Hupé 100
No Star Fallen. Verse. John Williams Andrews 601
Not Unrequited. Verse. D. C. Allen 683
Note on the Home Front. Eve Riehle 323
Notestein, Ada Comstock: Mary Gray Peck’s Carrie Chapman Catt 151
Nourse, Edwin G.: Price Making in a Democracy. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 182
O’Leary, James J.: Edwin G. Nourse’s Price Making in a Democracy 182
On My Nephew’s Globe Bank. Verse. John Ciardi 225
Orton, William A.: Democracy and Statism. Book Reviews 378
Outlook for Europe, The. Arnold Wolfers 193
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott. Autumn, 1895 Winter, 381; Spring, 573; Summer, 765
Paarlberg, Don: Food. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Patchen, Kenneth: Cloth of the Tempest. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Pearson, Frank A.: Food. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Peattie, Donald Culross: Plant Hunters 58
Peck, Mary Gray: Carrie Chapman Catt. Rev. by A. C. Notestein 151
Perry, Ralph Barton: Puritanism and Democracy. Rev. by D. F. Bowers 749
Perse, Saint-John: Eloges and Other Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 181
Pertinax: The Grave Diggers of France. Rev. by C. A. Micaud 357
Peyre, Henri: André Gide’s Imaginary Interviews 567
Philippines, The. Ralph H. Gabriel 14
Plant Hunters. Donald Culross Peattie 58
Potter, David M.: Claude Bowers’s The Young Jefferson, 1743—1789 738
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants, a Study in Command, Vol. III 360
Pottle, Frederick A.: Joseph Wood Krutch’s Samuel Johnson 546
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, 189; Winter, 381; Spring, 573; Summer, 765
Prospect for Intelligence, The. P. W. Bridgman 444
Public and the Political Campaign, The. John Chamberlain 1
Rahv, Philip, ed.: The Great Short Novels of Henry James. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Randall, Helen W.: Lamb and Hazlitt. Book Reviews 174
Randall, J. G.: Lincoln and John Bright 292
— Basic History. Book Reviews 558
Ratchford, Fannie E., ed.: Letters of Thomas J. Wise to John Henry Wrenn 757
Rauch, Basil: The History of the New Deal. Rev. by W. A. Sturges 569
Rehabilitation of Europe, The. Alvin Johnson 577
Request for Sherwood Anderson. Frank Brookhouser 618
Riehle, Eve: Note on the Home Front 323
Riemens, Hendrik: The Netherlands. Rev. by B. Landheer 185
Rosinger, Lawrence K.: China’s Wartime Politics, 1037-1044. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Rostow, Eugene V.: American Security and Foreign Economic Policy 495
Rowe, David Nelson: China Among the Powers. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Rudin, Harry R,: Armistice 1018. Rev. by S. B. Fay 551
Rukeyser, Muriel: Beast in View. Rev. by Mark Schorer 531
Ruml, Beardsley: Tomorrow’s Business. Rev. by Ray Morris 556
Saint Ursula and Her Eleven Thousand Virgins. Elizabeth Hardwick 524
Salisbury, Laurence: China in War Time. Book Reviews 751
Saunders, Hilary St. George: Pioneers! O Pioneers! Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 348
Schlesinger, Arthur M.: Land of the Free: A Short History of the American People. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
School Excursion, The. Anna Seghers 706
Schorer, Mark: New Poems. Book Reviews 532
— Horace Gregory’s The Shield- of Achilles: Essays on Beliefs in Poetry 163
Schroeder, John C.: Harry Emerson Fosdick’s A Great Time to be Alive 367
Sedgwick, William Ellery: Herman Melville: The Tragedy of Mind. Rev. by S. T. Williams 571
Seghers, Anna: The School Excursion 706
Seymour, Charles: Thomas A. Bailey’s Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace 158
Sforza, Carlo: Contemporary Italy. Rev. by Vlastimil Kybal 167
Shakespeare as a Symbolist Poet. Cleanth Brooks 642
Shaper of American Romance, The. George Snell 482
Shapiro, Karl: V-Letter and Other Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Shaplen, Robert: Heavey’s Army 429
— Hollandia 87
Shotwell, James T.: The Great Decision. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
Simmons, Leo W.: Alice Mariott’s The Ten Grandmothers 563
Smith, William Benjamin, trans.: The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation. Rev. by A, G. Keller 363
Snell, George: The Shaper of American Romance 482
Some Lessons of the European Warfare. B. H. Liddell Hart 405
Song for a Son. Verse, Virginia Esterly Dunbar 254
Speier, Hans: German Radio Propaganda. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Spencer, Theodore: An Act of Life. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Sprague, Arthur Colby: Shakespeare and the Actors. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 169
Stanton, Frank, ed.: Radio Research, 1042—1043. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Stauffer, Donald A.: El Soledad. A Dialogue 472
— The Collected, Poetry of W. H. Auden 153
Steiner, Herbert: Saint-John Perse’s Eloges and Other Poems 181
Stern, G. B.: Speaking of Jane Austen. Rev. by Mary Ellen Chase 165
Stevens, Edmund: Russia Is No Riddle. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Strategy and American Shipping Policy. Daniel Marx, Jr. 684
Strausz-Hupé: The New France 100
Sturges, Wesley A.: Basil Rauch’s The History of the New Deal 569
Taos Valley. Paul Horgan 36
Technique of Peacemaking, The. Gordon A. Craig 113
Teller, Walter M.: Roots in the Earth. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Thompson, Dunstan: Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Thompson, J. M.: The Trench Revolution. Rev. by D. C. McKay 740
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Man the Insurgent 29
Tong, Hollington K., ed.: China After Seven Years of War. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Two Poems. Verse. Eugene Davidson 27
Understand What I Mean? Bill Gerry 76
Untermeyer, Louis: Among the Poets. Book Reviews 341
Van Doren, Mark: The Seven Sleepers. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Walker, Charles R.: Dixon Wecter’s When Johnny Comes Marching Home 359
Wallace, A. Dayle, ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
Walpole, Horace: Correspondence. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
War Converges on Japan, The. Foster Hailey 587
Waring, P. Alston: Roots in the Earth. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Warren, Austin: Lawrence S. Hall’s Hawthorne, Critic of Society 362
Warren, Robert Penn: Selected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Weather Report from Earth. Verse. Frances Frost 305
Wecter, Dixon: When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Rev. by C. R. Walker 359
Wedgwood, C. V.: William the Silent. Rev. by C. W. de Kiewiet 561
Weil, Felix J.: Argentine Riddle. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 365
Welles, Sumner: Time for Decision. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
West African Possibilities. Julian Huxley 255
West Richard S., Jr.: Gideon Welles: Lincoln’s Navy Department. Rev. by R. A. Brown 184
Whicher, George F.: Robert Frost’s A Masque of Reason 549
White W. L.: Report on the Russians. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Whose’ Is the Name We Say. Verse. John Dillon Husband 427
Wilder Amos N.: Mary Ellen Chase’s The Bible and the Common Reader 745
Will of the People, The. Carl Becker 385
Williams, J. Paul: Belief in a Future Life 462
Williams, Oscar, ed.: New Poems, 1944: An Anthology of American and British Verse, with a Selection of Poems from the Armed Forces. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Williams, Stanley T.: Van Wyck Brooks’s The World of Washington Irving 346
— William Ellery Sedgwick’s Herman Melville: The Tragedy of Mind 511
Wilson, Michael: Come Away Home 330
Wind and the Snow of Winter, The. Walter Van Tilburg Clark 227
Wing, Donald G.: Fannie E. Ratchford’s Letters of Thomas J. Wise to John Henry Wrenn 757
Wise, Thomas J.: Letters. Rev. by D. G. Wing 757
Wolfers, Arnold: The Outlook for Europe 193
Wright, Quincy: William T. R. Fox’s The Super Powers, The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union—Their Responsibility for Peace 553
Wright, Richard: Black Boy. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 762
Young, Marguerite: Moderate Fable. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Zaturenska, Marya: The Golden Mirror. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532