[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
After the British Election. H. G. Nicholas 591
Almond, Gabriel A.: The American People and, foreign Policy. Rev. by McGeorge Bundy 726
Anti-Westernism in Recent Soviet Literature. Gleb Struve 209
Appleby, Paul H.: The Significance of the Hoover Commission Report 1
Auden, W. H.: The Enchafèd flood. Rev. by Jacques Barzun 730
Austria’s Dilemma. Robert Strausz-Hupe 311
Aydelotte, William O.: The Detective Story as a Historical Source 76
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress: Sixth Series. Rev. by Waldemar Kaempffert 167
Barker, Eric Wilson: Listen, the Fog Horns! Verse 511
Barzun, Jacques: W. H. Auden’s The Enchaféd Flood 730
Baum, Paull F.: Two Victorian Poets. Rev. of books by Oswald Doughty & John Connell 570
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: John Quincy Adams. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 360
Bergin, Thomas G.: Italian Fiction Today 709
Beyen, J. W.: Money in a Maelstrom. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Bieber, Ralph P.: The Gold Rush and Its Historians. Rev. of books by Cleland, Bruff, Moorman, Van Nostrand, Coulter, Jackson, Knowland, Neasham, Heizer, Fenengh, Caughey, Lewis & Hulbert 370
Bloch, Marc: Strange Defeat. Rev. by B. M. W. Knox 173
Bourret, F. M.: The Gold Coast. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
Bowra, C. M.: The Romantic Imagination. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 346
Brinton, Crane: Pieter Geyl’s Napoleon 160
Brodie, Bernard: Strategic Implications of the North Atlantic Pact 193
Brooks, Gwendolyn: Annie Allen. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Brown, Lloyd A.: The Story of Maps. Rev. by A. O. Victor 186
Bruff, J. Goldsborough: Journals, Drawings, and Other Papers. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Bundy, McGeorge: G. A. Almond’s The American People and Foreign Policy 726
Bunkley, Allison Williams: Peronist Crisis 402
J. L., Stephens’s Incidents of Travel 357
Bush, Vannevar: Modern Arms and Free Men. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 560
Canby, Marion: So Only Try. Verse 274
Carleton, William G.: The Republicans Face 1950 415
Caughey, John Walton: Gold. Is the Cornerstone & Rushing for Gold. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Challange of Mass Media, The. Alexander Klein 675
Chamberlain, John: Man and the State. Rev. of books by W. O. Orton & Bertrand Russell 733
Chamberlin, W. H.: Vladimir Petrov’s Soviet Gold 554
Childs, Harwood L.: Public Opinion Polls. Rev. of books by Mosteller, Hyman, McCarthy, Marks, & Truman; and by Meier & Saunders 550
Chinese Communism. Nathaniel Peffer 23
Christopher, Robert: Jishin. Story 54
Chuang Tzu’s Butterfly. Verse. Ralph Gordon 225
Chute, Marchette: Shakespeare of London. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Clapham, Sir John: A Concise Economic History of Britain. Rev. by Herbert Heaton 558
Clay, Lucius D.: Decision in Germany. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Cleland, Robert Glass, ed,: Apron Full of Gold. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Clifford, James L.: Pope and His Contemporaries. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Clucas, Lowell M., Jr.: Piercing the Iron Curtain 603
Cohen, Robert S.: Philipp Frank’s Modern Science and Its Philosophy 738
Coker, Francis W.: Ludwig von Mises, Human Action 748
Commager, Henry Steele: The American Mind. Rev. by H. M. Jones 723
Communism and the Asiatic Mind. Emanuel Sarkisyanz 491
Connell, John: W. E. Henley. Rev. by P. F. Baurn 570
Controlling Poliomyelitis. John R. Paul 647
Cooper, Duff: Sergeant Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Corle, Edwin: The Widow. Story 337
Coulter, Edith M.: California Pictorial. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Crane, R. S. The English Augustans and Modern Criticism. Rev. of books by Clifford, Landa, & James 753
Creekmore, Hubert: Greetings from Pascagoula. Story 142
Culler, A. Dwight: The Core of the Nineteenth Century. Rev. of books by Basil Willey & Holbrook Jackson 552
Danger of Innocence, The: Adam as Hero in American Literature. R. W. B. Lewis 473
Daugherty, Carroll R.: Organized Labor and the Public Interest 454
Davidson, Eugene: Walk with a Child. Verse 75
Dawson, Giles E.: A Gentleman’s Purse 631
Democritus, Arise! A Study of Dr. Johnson’s Humor. C. R. Tracy 294
Derby, John: Rilke as Prose-Writer and Friend. Rev. of books by Rainer Maria Rilke & Magda von Hattingburg 563
Detective Story as a Historical Source, The. William O. Aydelotte 76
Deutsch, Babette: Six Poets. Rev. of books by Rosalie Moore, Gwendolyn Brooks, Louis Simpson, Jose Garcia Villa, Sister Mary Jeremy, Theodore Spencer 361
Deutscher, Isaac: Stalin. Rev. by David Shub 155
DeVane, William C.: Charles Tennyson’s Alfred Tennyson 176
DeVoe, Alan: Andrew Denny Rodgers’s Liberty Hyde Bailey 158
DeWeerd, H. A.: Vannevar Bush’s Modern Arms and Free Men 560
Dodge, Bayard: The Problem of the Palestine Refugees 61
Doughty, Oswald: Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Rev. by P. F. Bauin 570
Dunbar, Carl O.: George Gaylord Simpson’s The Meaning of Evolution- 344
Einstein, Alfred: The Italian Madrigal. Rev. by Leo Schrade 378
Elliott, Charles Winslow: Kenneth P. Williams’s Lincoln Finds a General 538
Ellmann, Richard: Yeats. Rev. by George Whalley 165
— From Renishaw to Paterson. Rev. of books by Edith Sitwell & W. C. Williams 543
Emotive Language Still. I. A. Richards 108
Enright, Elizabeth: The Sardillion. Story 445
Farnham, Willard: Shakespeare’s Tragic Frontier. Rev. by Hallet Smith 743
Fenenga, Franklin: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Flatter, Richard: Hamlet’s Father. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Fogle, Richard Harter: The Imagery of Keats and Shelley. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 346
Food Shortages and the Sea. Daniel Merriman 430
Fox Annette Baker: Freedom and Welfare in the Caribbean. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
François-Poncet, Andre: The Fateful Years. Rev. by Hans Kohn 184
Frank, Philipp: Modern Science and Its Philosophy. Rev. by R. S. Cohen 738
French Literary Scene, The. Henry Peyre 263
Friters, Gerard M.: Outer Mongolia and Its International Position. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
From a High Window. Verse. Sara Teasdale .> 414
Fuller, J. F. C.: The Second World War, 1939—1945. Rev. by Fletcher Pratt 157
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Henry Nash Smith’s Virgin Land 746
Gardner, W. H.: Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Josephine Miles 368
Gayn, Mark: Japan Diary. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 150
Gentleman’s Purse, A. Giles E. Dawson 631
Geyl, Pieter: Napoleon. Rev. by Crane Brinton 160
Goldenweiser, E. A.: Monetary Management. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Goodenough, Erwin R.: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Faith and History 162
Gordon, Ralph: Chuang Tzu’s Butterfly. Verse 225
Goshal, Kumar; People in Colonies. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
Greece: Our Problem and Our Opportunity. L. S. Stavrianos 657
Greetings from Pascagoula. Story. Hubert Creekmore 142
Griffiths, Eldon W.: Retrospect on Germany 96
Gudzy, N. K.: History of Early Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Hadsel, Winifred Nelson: A. Rossi’s A Communist Party in Action 763
Hall, Amanda Benjamin: The Outsiders. Story 693
Hamilton, George Heard: Andre Malraux, The Psychology of Art 751
Harbor, The. Verse. Edith Stuurman 692
Harper, Ralph: Martin Heidegger’s Existence and Being 758
Harris, Seymour E., ed.: Saving American Capitalism. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 376
Harrison, Richard Edes, ed.: New Compass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Hartmann, Frederick H.: Settlement for Germany 240
Hattingberg, Magda von: Rilke and Benvenuta, Rev. by John Derby 563
Heaton, Herbert: Sir John Clapham’s A Concise Economic History of Britain 558
Heidegger, Martin: Existence and Being. Rev. by Ralph Harper 758
Heizer, Robert F.: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Hoover Commission Report, see Significance of the Hoover Commission Report 1
Hotson, Leslie: Shakespeare’s Sonnets Dated find Other Essays. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
How Stable Is the American Economy? Sumner H. Slichter 577
Hudnut, Joseph: Architecture and the Spirit of Man. Rev. by Christopher Tunnard 366
Hulbert, Archer Butler. Forty Niners. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Hunt, The. Story. Sloan Wilson 524
Huxley, Julian: Heredity, East and West: Lysenko and World Science. Rev. by E. W. Sinnott 536
Hyman, Herbert: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
In a Public Ward. Charles Spielberger 226
Inland Boyhood. Verse. Lionel Wiggam 656
In the Low Country of Ceylon. Dillon Ripley 119
Italian Fiction Today. Thomas G. Bergin 709
Jackson, Holbrook: Dreamers of Dreams. Rev. by A. D. Culler 55 2
Jackson, Joseph Henry, ed.: Gold Rush Album. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Jacoby, Erich H.: Agrarian Unrest in Southeast Asia. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
James, D. G.: The Life of Reason: Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Jeremy, Sister Mary: Dialogue with an Angel. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Jishin. Story. Robert Christopher 54
Johnson, Walter: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1941-1945, edited by S. I. Rosenman 755
Jones, F. C.: Manchuria Since 1031. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
Jones, Howard Mumford: H. S. Commager’s The American Mind, 723
Joughin, G. Louis: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 171
Kaempffert, Waldemar: George A. Baitsell’s Science in Progress: Sixth Series 167
Kaysen, Carl: Stefan T. Possony’s Strategic Air Power 567
Kent, Sherman: Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy. Rev. by W. L. Langer 365
Kerner, Robert J., ed.: ‘Yugoslavia. Rev. by H. L. Roberts 178
— Pauline Thompkins’s American-Russian Relations in the Far East 541
Key, V. O., Jr.: Southern Politics in State and Nation. Rev. by C. V. Woodward 374
Klein, Alexander: The Challenge of Mass Media 675
Knopf, Alfred A.: William Miller’s The Book Industry 355
Knowland, Joseph R.: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Knox, Bernard M. W.: Marc Bloch’s Strange Defeat 173
Kohn, Hans: André François-Poncet’s The Fateful Years 184
Kraus, Michael: The Atlantic Civilization. Rev. by G. W. Pierson 545
Kurath, Hans: A Word Geography of the Eastern United States. Rev. by Harold Whitehall 556
Kurihara, Kenneth K.: Monetary Theory and Public Policy. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Landa, Louis A.: Pope and His Contemporaries. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Langer, William L.: Sherman Kent’s Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy 365
Lattimore, Owen: The Situation in Asia. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 150
Lavrin, Janko: Panorama of Russian Literature. Rev. of books by Gudzy, Mirsky, Slonim, & Strakhovsky 547
Lewis, Oscar: Sea Routes to the Gold Fields. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Lewis, R. W. B.: The Danger of Innocence 473
Leyburn, James G.: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti, by G. Louis Joughin & Edmund M. Morgan 171
Liberal Journalism. George Soule 326
Lindblom, Charles E.: Unions and Capitalism. Rev. by Frances Perkins 349
Listen, the Fog Horns! Verse. Eric Wilson Barker 511
McCarthy, Philip J.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Ma, Ho-t’ien: Chinese Agent in Mongolia. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
Madison, Charles A.: Walter Reuther and the New Unionism 275
Malraux, Andre: The Psychology of Art. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 751
Marks, Eli A.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Marsh, Willard N.: Two Poems 471
Mathematics Comes Out of the Classroom. Gerard Piel 132
Meier, Norman C.: The Polls and Public Opinion. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Meinecke, Friedrich: The German Catastrophe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Merriinan, Daniel: Food Shortages and the Sea 430
Meyerhoff, Howard A.: New Compass of the World, ed. by Weigert, Stefansson Harrison 175
Miles, Josephine: The Plastic Glass. Verse 630
— W. H. Gardner’s Gerard Manley Hopkins 368
Miller, William: The Book Industry. Rev. by A. A. Knopf 355
Millis, Walter: Our Defense Program 385
Mirsky, D. S.: A History of Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Mises, Ludwig von: Human Action. Rev. by F. W. Coker 748
Moore, Rosalie: The Grasshopper’s Man. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Moorman, Madison Berry: The Journal. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Morgan, Edmund M.: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 171
Mosteller, Frederick: The Pre-Election Polls of 1948. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Neasham, Aubrey: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Neumann, Sigmund: Decision in Germany? Rev. of books by L. D. Clay & Friedrich Meinecke 735
Nicholas, H. G.: After the British Election 591
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Faith and History. Rev. by E. R. Goodenough 162
Noon of Loss, The. Verse. Thomas H. Vance 325
O’Casey, Sean: Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 169
O’Faolain, Sean: The Irish. Rev. by Horace Heynolds 169
Organized Labor and the Public Interest. Carroll R. Daugherty 454
Orton, William O.: The Economic Role of the State. Rev. by John Chamberlain 733
Ouija Board, The. Story. Jessamyn West 255
Our Defense Program. Walter Millis 385
Outsiders, The. Story. Amanda Benjamin Hall 693
Outstanding Novels. Paul Pickrel 189, 381, 573, 765
Paul, John R.: Controlling Poliomyelitis 647
Peffer, Nathaniel: Chinese Communism 23
Perkins, Dexter: Samuel Flagg Bemis’s John Quincy Adams 360
Perkins, Frances: Charles E. Lindblom’s Unions and Capitalism 349
Peronist Crisis. Allison Williams Bunkley 402
Petrov, Vladimir: Soviet Gold. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 554
Peyre, Henri: The French Literary Scene 263
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Novels 189, 381, 573, 765
Piel, Gerard: Mathematics Comes Out of the Classroom 132
Piercing the Iron Curtain. Lowell M. Clucas, Jr. 603
Pierson, G. W.: Michael Kraus’s The Atlantic Civilization 545
Plastic Glass, The. Verse. Josephine Miles 630
Poppe, Nicholas: Central Asia. Rev. of books by F. C. Jones, Ma Ho-t’ien, & G. M. Friters 565
Possony, Stefan T.: Strategic Air Power. Rev. by Carl Kaysen 567
Potter, David M.: Sketches for the Roosevelt Portrait 39
Pottle, Frederick A.: The Romantic Imagination Revisited. Rev. of books by C. M. Bowra & R. H. Fogle 346
Pratt, Fletcher: J. F. C. Fuller’s The Second World War, 1030-1045 157
Problem of the Palestine Refugees, The. Bayard Dodge 61
Reichardt, Konstantin: August Strindberg’s Eight Famous Plays 153
Reiwald, Paul: Society and Its Criminals. Rev. by Fredric Wertham 741
Republicans Face 1950, The. William G. Carleton 415
Retrospect on Germany. Eldon W. Griffiths 96
Reuther, Walter, see Walter Reuther and the New Unionism 275
Reynolds, Horace: Irish Puritanism. Rev. of books by Sean O’Faolain & Sean O’Casey 169
Richards, I. A.: Emotive Language Still 108
Rilke, Rainer Maria: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. Rev. by John Derby 563
Ripley, Dillon: In the Low Country of Ceylon 119
Roberts, Henry L.: R. J. Kerner’s Yugoslavia 178
Rodgers, Andrew Denny: Liberty Hyde Bailey. Rev. by Alan Devoe 158
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Public Papers and Addresses, 1941-1945. Rev. by Walter Johnson 735
Rosenman, Samuel L, ed.: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1941—1945. Rev. by Walter Johnson 755
Rossi, A.: A Communist Party in Action. Rev. by W. N. Hadsel 763
Russell, Bertrand: Authority and the Individual. Rev. by John Chamberlain 733
Sansoin, G. B.: The Western World and Japan. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 728
Sardillion, The. Story. Elizabeth Enright 445
Sarkisyanz, Emanuel: Communism and the Asiatic Mind 491
Saunders, Harold W.: The Polls and Public Opinion. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Schrade, Leo: Alfred Einstein’s The Italian Madrigal 378
Settlement for Germany: Frederick H. Hartmann 240
Sherburn, George: The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker 182
Shub, David: Isaac Deutscher’s Stalin 155
Significance of the Hoover Commission Report, The. Paul H. Appleby 1
Simpson, George Gaylord: The Meaning of Evolution. Rev. by C. O. Dunbar 344
Simpson, Louis: The Arrivistes. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Julian Huxley’s Heredity, East and West 536
Sitwell, Edith: The Canticle of the Rose, Rev. by Richard Ellmann 543
Sketches for the Roosevelt Portrait. David M. Potter 39
Slichter, Sumner H.: How Stable Is the American Economy? 577
— Seymour E. Harris’s Saving American Capitalism 376
Slonim, Mark: The Epic of Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Smith, Hallett: The Shakespeare Shelf. Rev. of books by Chute, Cooper, Farnham, Flatter, Hotson, & Stauffer 743
Smith, Henry Nash: Virgin Land. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 746
Smith, John Campbell: Who Too Was a Soldier. Story 620
Smith, Lawrence: Money Today. Rev. of books by Beyen, Goldenweiesr, & Kurihara 760
So Only Try. Verse. Marion Canby 274
Soule, George: Liberal Journalism 326
Spencer, Theodore: An Acre in the Seed. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Spielberger, Charles: In a Public Ward 226
Stauffer, Donald A.; Shakespeare’s World of Images. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
— The Golden Nightingale. Rev. by George Whalley 165
Stavrianos, L. S.: Greece: Our Problem and Our Opportunity 657
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, ed.: New Corn-pass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Stegner, Wallace: Variations on a Theme by Conrad 512
Stephens, John L.: Incidents of Travel. Rev. by A. W. Bunkley 357
Stewart, Maxwell S.: Colonial Unrest. Rev. of books by Goshal, Jacoby, Fox, & Fourret 352
Strakhovsky, Leonid : Three Poets of Modern Russia. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Strategic Implications of the North Atlantic Pact. Bernard Brodie 193
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Austria’s Dilemma 311
Strindberg, August: Eight Famous Flays. Rev. by Konstantin Reichardt 153
Stuurman, Edith: The Harbor. Verse 692
Struve, Gleb: Anti-Westernism in Recent Soviet Literature 209
Taylor, George E.: G. B. Sansom’s The Western World and Japan 728
— Asia in a Bipolarized World. Rev. of books by Mark Gayn & Owen Lattimore 150
Teasdale, Sara: From a High Window. Verse 414
Tennyson, Charles: Alfred Tennyson. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 176
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. Rev. by George Sherburn 182
Tompkins, Pauline: American-Russian Relations in the Far East. Rev. by R. J. Kerner 541
Tracy, C. R.: Democritus, Arise! A Study of Dr. Johnson’s Humor 294
Truman, David B.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1948. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Tunnard, Christopher: Joseph Hudnut’s Architecture and the Spirit of Man 366
Two Poems. Willard N. Marsh 471
Vance, Thomas H.: The Noon of Loss. Verse 325
Van Nostrand, Jeanne: California Pictorial. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Variations on a Theme by Conrad. Wallace Stegner 512
Victor, Alexander O.: Lloyd A. Brown’s The Story of Maps 186
Villa, José Garcia: Volume Two. Rev. by Babette Deutch 361
Walk with a Child. Verse. Eugene Davidson 75
Walter Reuther and the New Unionism. Charles A. Madison 275
Warren, Austin: Theory of Literature. Rev. by W. K. Wimsatt, Jr. 18 o
Weigert, Hans W., ed.: New Compass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Wellek, René: Theory of Literature. Rev. by W. K. Wirnsatt, Jr. 180
Wertham, Fredric: Paul Reiwald’s Society and Its Criminals 741
West, Jessamyn: The Ouija Board. Story 255
Whalley, George: Yeats’s Mind. Rev. of books by Richard Ellmann & D. A. Stauffer 165
Whitehall, Harold: Hans Kurath’s A Word Geography of the Eastern United States 556
Who Too Was a Soldier. Story. John Campbell Smith 620
Widow, The. Story. Edwin Corle 337
Wiggam, Lionel: Inland Boyhood. Verse 656
Willey, Basil: Nineteenth Century Studies. Rev. by A. D. Culler 552
Williams, Kenneth P.: Lincoln Finds a General. Rev. by C. W. Elliott 538
Williams, William Carlos: Paterson (Book Three). Rev. by Richard Ellmann 543
Wilson, Sloan: The Hunt. Story 524
Wimsatt, W. K., Jr.: Theory of Literature, by René Wellek & Austin Warren 180
Woodward, C. Vann: V. O. Key, Jr., Southern Politics in State and Nation 374