[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abele, Rudolph von: Alexander H. Stephens. Rev. by D. M. Potter 356
Adams, Henry: The Formative Years. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
— Henry Adams and his Friends. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Agar, Herbert, ed.: The Formative Years. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Allen, Charles: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Allen, Lafe Franklin: Educational Reform in Japan 705
Almond, Gabriel A.: Veil Valentin’s The German People 181
American Position in the Mediterranean, The. William Reitzel 673
Anderson, Charles R., ed.: The Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Anderson, Elbridge Gerry: This Ever-Homing Time. Verse 490
Andrade, Jorge Carrera: Secret Country. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth: Berlin Underground, 1938-1045. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Arnall, Ellis Gibbs: The Shore Dimly Seen. Rev. by H. H. Miller 544
Arts, the Professions, and the State, The. Lyman Bryson 631
Australian Pioneer, An. Frank Dalby Davison 320
Barrett, Catharine: When They Cast Their Leaves 514
Batchelor, C. Malcolm: Gilberto Freyre’s The Masters and, the Slaves 362
Baykov, Alexander M.: Soviet Foreign Trade. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Bayne-Jones, S.: John F. Fulton’s Harvey Cashing 528
Bean, C. E. W.: On the Wool Track. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Beard, Charles A.: American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932—1940. Rev. by G. A. Craig 369
Beatty, Richmond C.: The Heritage of Symbolism in Modern Poetry 467
Benedict, Ruth: The Chysanthemum and the Sword. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Blanch, Arnold: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
Blanshard, Brand: Herbert W. Schneider’s A History of American Philosophy 530
Bonsai, Stephen: Suitors and Suppliants. Rev. by Charles Seymour 145
Brazil. Hubert Herring 304
Bridgman, P. W.: Philipp Frank’s Einstein 734
Britain under Planning. John Chamberlain 210
Brodie, Bernard, ed.: The Absolute Weapon. Rev. by R. C. Snyder 162
Brown, E. K.: Homage to Willa Cather 77
— Thackeray and Trollope. Book Reviews 753
Bryson, Lyman: The Arts, the Professions, and the State 631
— Science and. Freedom. Rev. by E. W. Sinnott 552
Bullard, F. Lauriston, ed.: The Diary of a Public Man. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Bullitt, William C.: The Great Globe Itself. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Burnham, James: The Struggle for the World. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 755
Bush, Douglas: English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600—1660. Rev. by L. L. Martz 568
Campbell, Joseph, ed.: Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Rev. by Benjamin Rowland, Jr. 364
Campbell, Oscar James: John Palmer’s Political Characters of Shakespeare 555
Carleton, William G: Ideology or Balance of Power? 590
Carr, Edward Hallett: The Soviet Impact on the Western World,. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Cassandra Again. Verse. Hugh Chisholm 603
Cater, Harold Dean, ed.: Henry Adams and- his friends. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Cecil, David: Hardy the Novelist. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 376
Cecil, David: The Poetry of Thomas Gray 611
Chamberlain, John: Britain under Planning 210
Chamberlin, William Henry, ed.: Blueprint for World Conquest. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Chapman, Abraham: Two Filipino Narratives. Book Reviews 184
Chase, Mary Ellen: Mary Alden Hopkins’ Hannah More and Her Circle 744
Chevigny, Hector: My Eyes Have a Cold Nose. Rev. by G. W. Corner 542
Children Swimming. Verse. Eugene Davidson 630
Childs, Marquis W.: Issues and Leaders in Washington 385
— The Political Outlook 1
Chisholm, Hugh: Cassandra Again. Verse 603
Christ-Janer, Albert: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
Churchill, Winston: Secret Session Speeches. Rev. by Charles Poore 360
Coates, Robert M.: The State of the Novel 604
Cole, Margaret: Beatrice Webb. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 350
Colum, Padraic: Sean O’Casey’s Drums under the Windows 154
Complex Problem of China, The. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger 499
Conant, James Bryant: The Scientific Education of the Layman 15
Corbett, Percy Elwood: Britain. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 174
Corner, George W.: Hector Chevigny’s My Eyes Have a Cold Nose 542
Covarrubias, Miguel: Mexico South. Rev. by George Kubler 560
Coyle, David Cushman: The Dilemma of Prosperity 193
— Fred I. Raymond’s The Limitist 740
Craig, Gordon A.: Charles A. Beard’s American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1032-1040 369
Cultural Handicaps in the Northwest. Joseph Kinsey Howard 478
Curti, Merle: Impressions of a Visit to India 689
— The Roots of American Loyalty. Rev. by John Lydenberg 177
D., H.: The flowering of the Rod. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
— Tribute to the Angels. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Dabbs, James McBride: Thoreau: The Adventurer as Economist 667
Dart, Margaret S., ed.: Letters of a Yankee Forty-niner 643
Davidson, Eugene: Children Swimming. Verse 630
— Among the Poets. Book Reviews 149
— New Volumes of Poetry. Book Reviews 539
Davison, Frank Dalby: An Australian Pioneer 320
Deane, John R.: The Strange Alliance. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Deasy, Mary: The Holiday 131
Dehn, Adolf: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
De la Mare, Walter: The Burning Glass. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Demos, Raphael: John Dewey’s Problems of Men 156
— F S. C. Northrop’s The Meeting of East and West 371
DeVane, William C.: Mark Schorer’s William Blake 547
Dewey, John: Problems of Men. Rev. by Raphael Demos 156
Dilemma of Prosperity, The. David Cushman Coyle 193
Dorfman, Joseph: The Economic Mind in American Civilization’, 1606—1865. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 159
Douglas, Kenneth N.: Balzac and Stendhal. Book Reviews 565
Driver, Cecil H.: Restless India. Book Reviews 368
— Tory Radical. Rev. by R. L. Schuyler 562
— Arnold J. Toynbee’s A Study of History 727
Duckett, Eleanor Shipley: Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars. Rev. by J. C. Pope 758
Dulles, Allen Welsh: Germany’s Underground. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Dunn, Frederick S.: Sumner Welles’s Where Are We Heading? 343
Bade, Charles, ed.: Winston Churchill’s Secret Session Speeches. Rev. by Charles Poore 360
Economic Issues in the Occupation of Japan. William W. Lockwood 46
Educational Reform in Japan. Lafe Franklin Allen 705
Evans, Oliver: Skaters, Rockefeller Plaza. Verse 303
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Walter Johnson’s Selected Letters of William Allen White 537
Flores, Angel, ed.: The Kafka Problem. Rev. by Harry Levin 354
Formation of Stars, The. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. 491
Fox, William T. R.: American-Soviet Relations. Book Reviews 164
— James Burnham’s The Struggle for the World 755
Frank, Philipp: Einstein. Rev. by P. W. Bridgman 734
Freyre, Gilberto: The Masters and the Slaves. Rev. by C. M. Batchelor 362
Frost, Robert: Nocturnes. Verse 37
Fulton, John F.: Harvey Cashing. Rev. by S. Bayne-Jones 528
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Australia’s Past and Present. Book Reviews 741
Gamow, George: Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life. Rev. by R. F. Humphreys 567
Gerth, H. H., ed.: From Max Weber. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Gilchrist, Marie: In Place of Farewell. Verse 277
Gipson, Lawrence Henry: The British Empire before the American Revolution, Vol. VI. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 186
Grave in the Foothills. Verse. Celeste Turner Wright 703
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: The Mediterranean Way of Life 435
Greenslet, Ferris: The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 345
Gregory, Horace: A History of American Poetry, 1000-1040. Rev. by S. T. Williams 374
Grierson, Herbert J. C.: A Critical History of English Poetry. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 731
Haight, Gordon S.: Gordon N. Ray’s The Letters and. Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. Ill, IV 557
Hall, Walter Phelps: Iron Out of Calvary. Rev. by Walter Millis 348
Haring, Douglas G., ed.: Japan’s Prospects. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Hendrick, Burton J.: Lincoln’s War Cabinet. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Henrich, Edith: The Quiet Center. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Heritage of Symbolism in Modern Poetry, The. Richmond C. Beatty 467
Herring, Hubert: Brazil 304
High Cost of Living, The. Harley L. Lutz 577
Hoffman, Frederick J.: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Holiday, The. Mary Deasy 131
Homage to Willa Gather. E. K. Brown 77
Hopkins, Mary Alden: Hannah More and Her Circle. Rev. by M. E. Chase 744
Howard, Joseph Kinsey: Cultural Handicaps in the Northwest 478
Humphreys, Richard F. George Gamow’s Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life 567
Husband, John Dillon: The Sun Moves North. Verse 423
Ideology or Balance of Power? William G. Carleton 590
Impressions of a Visit to India. Merle Curti 689
Improvisation for Spring. Verse. Joan Murray 466
Incident in Siam. Dillon Ripley 262
Innocence. Sean O’Faolain 257
In Place of Farewell. Verse. Marie Gilchrist 277
Instruments of Culture on the Frontier. Dixon Wecter 242
Issues and Leaders in Washington. Marquis Childs 385
Jackson, Robert H.: The N�rnberg Case, Rev. by E. V. Rostow 736
Jackson, Shirley: Men with Their Big Shoes 447
Johnson, Alvin: Places for Displaced Persons 394
— Two Sides of the German Problem 38
Johnson, Walter, ed.: Selected Letters of William Allen White. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 537
Jones, Howard Mumford: Henry Adams. Book Reviews 725
Josephson, Matthew: Stendhal. Rev. by K. N. Douglas 565
Kain, Donald Stuart: The Netherlands and Indonesia 287
Kaufman, Esther: The Murderer 717
Kent, Sherman: Prospects for the National Intelligence Service 116
Kocher, Paul H.: Christopher Marlowe. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 175
Kubler, George: In Middle America. Book Reviews 560
Kusaka, Shuichi, ed.: Einstein. Rev. by P. W. Bridgman 734
Labor Unions and Labor Policy. Leo Wolman 231
Lanier, Sidney: Works. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Lasswell, Harold D.: World Politics Faces Economics. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Lauterbach, Richard E.: Through Russia’s Back Door. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Lavrin, Janko: Dostoevsky. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 762
Layman and Libraries, The. Wilmarth S. Lewis 456
Le Fevre, Louis: Paul Bunyan and Rip Van Winkle 66
Letters of a Yankee Forty-niner. Margaret S. Dart, ed 643
Levi, Werner: American-Australian Relations. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Levin, Harry: Angel Flores’ The Kafka Problem 354
Lewis, Wilmarth S.: The Layman and Libraries 456
Leyburn, James G.: Rupert B. Vance’s All These People 168
Liddell Hart, B. H.: The Revolution in Warfare. Rev. by Alfred Vagts 760
Liebling, A. J., ed.: The Republic of Silence. Rev. by D. C. McKay 729
Lineaweaver, Marion: Revelation. Verse 230
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony: The Complex Problem of China 499
Lloyd, J. A. T.: Fyodor Dostoevsky. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 762
Lockwood, William W.: Economic Issues in the Occupation of Japan 46
Lowell, Robert: Lord Weary’s Castle. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Lutz, Harley L.: The High Cost of Living 577
Lydenberg, John: Merle Curti’s The Roots of American Loyalty 177
Mack, Maynard: Donald A. Stauffer’s The Nature of Poetry 346
McKay, Donald C.: A. J. Liebling’s The Republic of Silence 729
— Golo Mann’s Secretary of Europe 152
Mandel, William M.: A Guide to the Soviet Union. Rev. P. E. Mosely 533
Mann, Golo: Secretary of Europe. Rev. by D. C. McKay 15 2
Marshall, S. L. A.: Walter Millis’ The Last Phase 147
Martz, Louis L.: Douglas Bush’s English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600—1660 568
Mauny, Erik de: Summer’s End. Verse 115
Mediterranean Way of Life, The. Kent Roberts Greenfield 435
Mendelssohn, Peter de: Design for Aggression. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Mendenhall, Thomas C.: Harold Nicolson’s The Congress of Vienna 570
Men with Their Big- Shoes. Shirley Jackson 447
Merton, Thomas: A Man in the Divided, Sea. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Miller, Helen Hill: New Southern Resources 101
— Ellis Gibbs Arnall’s The Shore Dimly Seen 544
Millis, Walter: Walter Phelps Hall’s Iron Out of Calvary 348
— The Last Phase. Rev. by S. L. A. Marshall 147
Mills, C. Wright, ed.: From Max Weber. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Morlev, Sylvan us Griswold: The Ancient Maya. Rev. by George Kubler 560
Mosely, Philip E.: Reports and Studies of the U.S.S.R. Book Reviews 533
— Ephraim A. Speiser’s The United States and the Near East 757
Murderer, The. Esther Kaufman 717
Murray, Joan: Improvisation for Spring. Verse 466
Netherlands and Indonesia, The. Ronald Stuart Kain 287
Neumann, Sigmund: H. H. Gerth’s and C. Wright Mills’s From Max Weber 171
— Men Who Were Tested. Book Reviews 748
New Southern Resources. Helen Hill Miller 101
Nicolson, Harold: The Congress of Vienna. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 570
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Discerning the Signs of the Times. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 366
Nocturnes. Verse. Robert Frost 37
Northrop, F. S. C.: The Meeting of East and West. Rev. by Raphael Demos 371
Notes in a Greek Journal. Derek Patmore 278
Notestein, Wallace: The Scot in History. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 377
— Two English Liberals. Books Reviews 350
O’Casey, Sean: Drums under the Windows. Rev. by Padraic Colum 154
O’Faolain, Sean: Innocence 257
Old and the New Diplomacy, The. E. L. Woodward 405
Ortega y Gasset, José: Concord and Liberty. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 167
Outstanding Novels. Rev. by Orville Prescott 189, 380, 573, 765
Palmer, John: Political Characters of Shakespeare. Rev. by O. J. Campbell 555
Pargellis, Stanley: Lawrence Henry Gipson’s The British Empire before the American Revolution, Vol. VI 186
Parkin, Raleigh: India Today. Rev. by C. H. Driver 368
Patmore, Derek: Notes in a Greek Journal 278
Pattern of a Man. James Still 93
Paul Bunyan and Rip Van Winkle. Louis Le Fevre 66
Pearson, Hesketh: Oscar Wilde. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 361
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Paul H. Kocher’s Christopher Marlowe 175
Fitter, Ruth: The Bridge. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Places for Displaced Persons. Alvin Johnson 394
Poetry of Thomas Gray, The. Lord David Cecil 611
Political Outlook, The. Marquis W. Childs 1
Poore, Charles: Charles Eade’s Winston Churchill’s Secret Session Speeches 360
Pope, John C.: Eleanor Shipley Duckett’s Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars 758
Potter, David M.: Rudolph von Abele’s Alexander H. Stephens 356
— F. Lauriston Bullard’s The Diary of a Public Man 549
Pottle, Frederick A.: Herbert J. C. Grierson’s and J. C. Smith’s A Critical History of English Poetry 731
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews 189, 380, 573, 765
Prospects for the National Intelligence Service. Sherman Kent 116
Putnam, Samuel, tr.: The Masters and the Slaves. Rev. by C. M. Batchelor 362
Quezon, Manuel Luis: The Good Fight. Rev. by Abraham Chapman 184
Ray, Gordon N., ed.: The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. Ill, IV. Rev. by G. S. Haight 557
Raymond, Fred I.: The Limitist. Rev. by D. C. Coyle 740
Reischauer, Edwin O.: Japan. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Reitzel, William: The American Position in the Mediterranean 673
Revelation. Verse. Marion Lineaweaver 230
Reynolds, Horace: Hesketh Pearson’s Oscar Wilde 361
Rider, Fremont: The Great Dilemma of World Organization. Rev. by O. J. Roberts 358
Ripley, Dillon: Incident in Siam 262
Roberts, Owen J.: Fremont Rider’s The Great Dilemma of World Organization 358
Romulo, Carlos P.: I See the Philippines Rise. Rev. by Abraham Chapman 184
Rosinger, Lawrence K.: Restless India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 368
Rostow, Eugene V.: Joseph Dorfman’s The Economic Mind in American Civilization, 1606—1865 159
— Robert H. Jackson’s The N�rnberg Case 736
Rowland, Benjamin, Jr.: Heinrich Zimmer’s “Myths and. Symbols in Indian Art and. Civilization 364
Sadleir, Michael: Trollope. Rev. by E. K. Brown 753
Salisbury, Harrison: Russia, on the Way. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Santayana, George: The Idea of Christ in the Gospels, or, God in Man. Rev. by A. N. Wilder 182
Schapiro, J. Salwyn: Jose Ortega y Gasset’s Concord, and Liberty 167
Schneider, Herbert W.: A History of American Philosophy. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 530
Schorer, Mark: William Blake. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 547
Schroeder, John C.: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Discerning the Signs of the Times 366
Schuschnigg, Kurt von: Austrian Requiem. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Schuyler, Robert Livingston: Cecil Driver’s Tory Radical 562
Scientific Education of the Layman, The. James Bryant Conant 15
Seymour, Charles: Stephen Bonsai’s Suitors and Suppliants 145
Simmons, Ernest J.: Dostoevsky. Hook Reviews 762
— Leo Tolstoy. Rev. by Marc Slonim 553
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Lyman Bryson’s Science and Freedom 552
Skaters, Rockefeller Plaza. Verse. Oliver Evans 303
Slonim, Marc: Ernest J. Simmons’ Leo Tolstoy 553
Smith, J. C.: A Critical History of English Poetry. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 731
Snyder, Richard C.: Bernard Brodie’s The Absolute Weapon 162
Somervell, D. C., ed.: A Study of History. Rev. by C. H. Driver 727
Speiser, Ephraim A.: The United States and the Near East. Rev. by P. E. Mosley 757
Speyer, Leonora: Slow Wall; Nor Without Music. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.: The Formation of Stars 491
State of the Novel, The. Robert M. Coates 604
Stauffer, Donald A.: The Nature of Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 346
Stevenson, Lionel: The Showman of Vanity Fair. Rev. by E. K. Brown 753
Still, James: Pattern of a Man 93
Summer’s End. Verse. Erik de Mauny 115
Sun Moves North, The. Verse. John Dillon Husband 423
Taggard, Genevieve: Slow Music. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Letters and Private Papers. Rev. by G. S. Haight 557
This Ever-Homing Time. Verse. Elbridge Gerry Anderson 490
Thomson, Alexander: Wallace Notestein’s The Scot in History 377
Thoreau: The Adventurer as Economist. James McBride Dabbs 667
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Trollope 424
Toynbee, Arnold J.: A Study of History. Rev. by C. H. Driver 727
Treece, Henry: Collected Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Trollope. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 424
Two Sides of the German Problem. Alvin Johnson 38
Ulrich, Carolyn F.: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Vagts, Alfred: B. H. Liddell Hart’s The Revolution in Warfare 760
Valentin, Veil: The German People. Rev. by G. A. Almond 181
Vance, Rupert B.: All These People. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 168
Van Deusen, Glyndon G.: Thurlow Weed. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Weber, Max: Essays in Sociology. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Wecter, Dixon: Instruments of Culture on the Frontier 242
Weismiller, Edward: The Faultless Shore. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Welles, Sumner: Where Are We Heading? Rev. by F. S. Dunn 343
When They Cast Their Leaves. Catharine Barrett 514
Whicher, George F.: Ferris Greenslet’s The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds 345
White, William Allen: Selected Letters. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 537
Wilder, Amos N.: George Santayana’s The Idea of Christ in the Gospels, or, God in Man 182
Willcox, W. B.: Percy Elwood Corbett’s ‘Britain 174
Williams, Stanley T.: Charles R. Anderson’s The Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier 179
— Horace Gregory’s and Marya Zaturenska’s A History of American Poetry, 1900-1940 374
Wing, Donald: Frederick J. Hoffman’s, Charles Allen’s, and Carolyn F. Ulrich’s The Little Magazine 169
Wolman, Leo: Labor Unions and Labor Policy 231
Wood, G. L., ed.: Australia, its Resources and Development. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Woodbridge, Homer E.: David Cecil’s Hardy the Novelist 376
Woodward, E. L.: The Old and the New Diplomacy 405
— Short Journey. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 350
Wright, Celeste Turner: Grave in the Foothills. Verse 703
Yanaga, Chitoshi: Three Studies of Japan. Book Reviews 746
York, Lewis E.: Albert Christ-Janer’s Boardman Robinson 564
Zaturenska, Marya: A History of American Poetry, 1900—1940. Rev. by S. T. Williams 374
Ziff, William B.: Two Worlds. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Zimmer, Heinrich: Myth and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Rev. by Benjamin Rowland, Jr. 364
Zweig, Stefan: Balzac. Rev. by K. N. Douglas 565