The Yale Review by decade: VOLUMES XXX-XXXIX (1940-1950)
VOLUME XXX (1940-1941)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Adams, James Truslow, ed.: Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Adler, Mortimer: How To Read a Book. Rev. by M. H. Nicolson 184
Aiken, George D.: Jonathan Daniels’s A Southerner Discovers New England 167
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe: Peter W. Rainier’s My Vanished Africa 388
Allen, James, ed.: Democracy and Finance. Rev. by G. T. Washington 398
Anderson, Sherwood: For What? 750
Anderson, W. R.: Music in History. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 412
Andrews, Charles M.: Lawrence Henry Gipson’s The British Empire before the American Revolution 425
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish: Chronology of Failure. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Armstrong, Margaret: Trelawny. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 408
Arseniev, V. K.: Dersu the Trapper. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Arts in Bali, The. Margaret Mead 335
Ascoli, Max: Jan Valtin’s Out of the Night 628
As I Saw It. W. L. White 92
Bacon, Leonard: An Eminent Post-Victorian 310
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 615
Bakeless, John: Daniel Boone. Rev. by David Potter 174
Bakke, E. Wight: The Unemployed Worker. Rev. by E. E. Witte 841
Baldwin, Hanson W.: Military Lessons of the War 649
Bax, Clifford: On Style in Some of the Older Writers 734
Becker, Carl L.: The Old Disorder in Europe 433
— Modern Democracy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 839
— José Ortega y Gasset’s Toward a Philosophy of History 815
— Ralph Barton Perry’s Shall Not Perish from the Earth 375
Bemelmans, Ludwig: The Donkey Inside. Rev. by J. I. B. McCulloch 614
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: Paul Birdsall’s Versailles Twenty Years After 612
Benét, Stephen Vincent: The Power of the Written Word 522
Benians, E. A., ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 8 60
Bennett, Charles H.: Hugh Kingsmill’s Johnson without Boswell 851
Benson, E. F.: Final Edition. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Bernays, Edward L.: Allan Nevins’s John D. Rockefeller 400
Big Jules. Morley Callaghan 150
Biography. Verse. John Holmes 241
Birdsall, Paul: Versailles Twenty Years After. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 612
Bishop, John Peale: Selected Poems. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Bishop, Morris: Ronsard. Rev. by Henri Peyre 170
Bissell, Richard M., Jr.: Public Policy and War Economy. Book Reviews 828
Blunden, Edmund: Poems, 1030—1940. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Bottome, Phyllis: Mansion House of Liberty. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Bourgoin, Louise: French Life under the Germans 703
Boyhood in East Belleville. Pardee .Lowe 766
Bradley, John Hodgdon: George A. Baitsell’s Science in Progress 615
— Hans Zinsser’s As I Remember Him 179
Brittain, Vera: England’s Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Brogan, D. W.: Political Testament 244
— France under the Republic. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Brooks, Robert R. R.: As Steel Goes. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 197
Brooks, Van Wyck: New England: Indian Summer. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 158
Brown, W. Norman: Jawaharlal Nehru’s Toward Freedom! 623
Bruun, Geoffrey: Richelieu and Robespierre. Book Reviews 837
Buchan, John: Pilgrim’s Way. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Burckhardt, Carl J.: Richelieu. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 837
Bush, Douglas: Chauncey B. Tinker’s and Howard F. Lowry’s The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. 195
Calico Days. Edwin Corle 549
Callaghan, Morley: Big Jules 150
Cambridge History of the British Empire, The, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Canada Goes Abroad. R. A. MacKay 109
Candidates and Speeches. John Chamberlain 45
Carcopino, Jerome: Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Rev. by R. M. Gummere 410
Cash, W. J.: The Mind of the South. Rev. by G. F. Milton 831
Chamberlain, John: Letters. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 188
— Candidates and Speeches 45
Chamberlin, William Henry: Stalin in the War 483
— Robert Aura Smith’s Our Future in Asia 413
Chambrun, René de: I Saw France Fall. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Chapin, Henry: West Walking Yankee. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Chase, Mary Ellen: Time to Oneself 128
— Studies of Two Novelists. Book Reviews 611
Chew, Samuel C.: R. W. Ketton-Cremer’s Horace Walpole 385
Churchill, Winston S.: Blood, Sweat and Tears. Rev. by C. H. Driver 812
Ciardi, John: A Letter for My Pupils. Verse 481
Clark, Charles E.: Mark DeWolfe Howe’s Holmes-Pollock Letters 822
Cleaves, Freeman: Old Tippecanoe. Rev. by David Potter 174
Coffin, Henry Sloane: Ends and Means of a More Christian Society 228
Coker, Francis W.: Harold J. Laski’s The American Presidency 160
Coleman, Elliott: An American In Augustland. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Coleman, R. V., ed.: Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Colum, Padraic: Notes on “Finnegans Wake” 640
Conrad, Joseph: Letters to Marguerite Poradawska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Corle, Edwin: Calico Days 549
Crane, Verner W.: Bernhard Knollenberg’s Washington and the Revolution 621
Cross, Wilbur L.: Political Preface 1
Grouse, Russel: Clarence Day’s “Life with Father” Made into a Play. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Cummings, E. E.: Fifty Poems. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Cummings, Lewis V.: I Was a Head-Hunter. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Cunningham, Larabie: We Hope It’s Been Fun 366
Cutting, Suydam: The Fire Ox and Other Years. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Daiches, David: Poetry and the Modern World. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Dane, G. Ezra, ed.: Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Daniels, Jonathan: A Southerner Discovers New England. Rev. by G. D. Aiken 167
Davis, Herbert: In England, Now. Book Reviews 825
Deutsch, Babette: Flight. Verse 749
— Loss. Verse 91
DeVane, William Clyde: The Young Voters 34
— Margaret Armstrong’s Trelawny 408
Devon Streams. Henry Williamson 759
Dictionary of American History. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 387
Dodd, W. E.: Diary. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 626
Dodd, W. E., Jr., and M., ed.: Ambassador Dodd’s Diary. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 626
Douglas, William O.: Democracy and Finance. Rev. by G. T. Washington 398
Dream of Themistocles, The. Verse. Eva Triem 348
Drew, Elizabeth: Directions In Modern Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Driver, Cecil H.: Winston S. Churchill’s Blood, Sweat and Tears 812
— René Kraus’s Winston Churchill 635
Dunford, Nelson: Edward Kasner’s and James Newman’s Mathematics and the Imagination 210
Dunn, Waldo Hilary: George Washington. Rev. by Frank Monaghan 206
Earle, Edward Mead: The Threat to American Security 454
Early for Once. Verse. David McCord 127
Eaton, Charles Edward: These Are the Things of Youth. Verse 586
Economic Policy and Latin America. John W. Evans 566
Economic Questions. Alvin Johnson 7
Editors, The: Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xiv-xx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xvi-xxiv; Summer, xiv-xxiii
Eminent Post-Victorian, An. Leonard Bacon 310
Ends and Means of a More Christian Society. Henry Sloane Coffin 228
Evans, B. Ifor: Tradition and Romanticism. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Evans, John W.: Economic Policy and Latin America 566
False Spring. Verse. Keith Thomas 521
Fearing, Kenneth: Collected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Finlayson, Donald L.: Roger Fry and His Work. Book Reviews 395
Fletcher, John Gould: South Star. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Fletcher, William G.: Our Caribbean and Pacific Possessions. Book Reviews 637
Flight. Verse. Babette Deutsch 749
Focillon, Henri: Agnes Mongan’s and Paul J. Sachs’s Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art 428
Forbes-Robertson, Diana, ed.: War Letters from Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
For Him To-morrow. Edward Havill 784
For Those Who Watch the Skies. Verse. Genevieve Taggard 685
For What? Sherwood Anderson 750
Foss, Kenelm: Here Lies Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 619
Fragments from a Chinese Journal. Ruth Greene 594
Free Frenchman Writes from the East, A 800
French Life under the Germans. Louise Bourgoin 703
Fry, Roger: Last Lectures. Rev. by D. L. Finlayson 395
Gabriel, Ralph H.: A Broad Sweep of History. Book Review 387
Gee, John A., ed.: Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Gerould, Katharine Fullerton: Autobiographies. Book Reviews 416
Gershoy, Leo: Carl L. Becker’s Modern Democracy 839
— Decline and Fall. Book Reviews 402
Gipson, Lawrence Henry: The British Empire before the American Revolution. Rev. by C. M. Andrews 425
Glasgow, Alice: Sheridan of Drury Lane. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 619
Graebner, Walter: Their Finest Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Gray, Peter: Pilgrimage to Tinos 721
Greatest of War Books, The. Sean O’Faolain 141
Greene, Ruth: Fragments from a Chinese Journal 594
Gregg, Alan: Medical Problems of Europe 75
Gregory, Horace: Poems, 1030—1940. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Griswold, A. Whitney: Exploring the Pacific. Book Reviews 182
— Edgar Snow’s The Battle for Asia 630
Growth of a Group Mind in Britain, The. Julian S. Huxley 669
Gummere, Richard M.: Jerome Carcopino’s Daily Life in Ancient Rome 410
Haas, William H.: The American Empire. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 637
Haight, Gordon S.: George Eliot and John Chapman. Rev. by M. E. Chase 611
Harris, Herbert: Labor’s Civil War. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 197
Harwood, H. M.: London Front. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Havill, Edward: For Him To-morrow 784
Heart Remembers Its Home, The. Katherine Reeves 430
Herbert, A. P., and Others: England Speaks. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Hillyer, Robert: Pattern of a Day. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Holborn, Hajo: W. E. Dodd, Jr.’s and M. Dodd’s Ambassador Dodd’s Diary 626
— Europe’s Road to War. Book Reviews 163
— Sir Archibald Wavell’s Allenby 843
Holbrook, Stewart H.: Ethan Allen. Rev. by David Potter 174
Holmes, John: Biography. Verse 241
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Hornberger, Theodore: Dixon Wecter’s The Hero in America 849
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, ed.: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Huxley, Julian S.: The Growth of a Group Mind in Britain 669
I’ll Tell You the Story of a Brave Engineer. Benedict Thielen 325
Impressions of a Far Eastern Trip. Simon N. Whitney 261
Independence Day Toasts. Margaret T. Morewood 862
Jesse, F. Tennyson: London Front. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Johnson, Alvin: Economic Questions 7
Jones, Howard Mumford: Edmund Wilson’s To the Finland Station 393
Kasner, Edward: Mathematics and the Imagination. Rev. by Nelson Dunford 210
Keller, A. G.: What Literature Can Do for Science 560
Kerner, Robert J., ed.: Czechoslovakia, Rev. by Otakar Odlozilik 632
Kernodle, George R.: Plays of War and Peace Time. Book Reviews 421
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Horace Walpole. Rev. by S. C. Chew 385
Keynes, John Maynard: How To Pay for the War. Rev. by R. M. Bissell, Jr. 828
Kingsmill, Hugh, ed.: Johnson without Boswell. Rev. by C. H. Bennett 851
Knollenberg, Bernhard: Washington and the Revolution. Rev. by V. W. Crane 621
Korngold, Ralph: Robespierre and the fourth Estate. Rev. by Geoffrey Bruun 837
Kraus, René: The Private and. Public Life of Socrates. Rev. by R. B. Levinson 204
— Winston Churchill. Rev. by C. H. Driver 635
Lamb, Harold: The March of the Barbarians. Rev. by N. Toll 199
Lascelles, Mary: Jane Austen and Her Art. Rev. by M. E. Chase 611
Laski, Harold J.: The American Presidency. Rev. by F. W. Coker 160
— Where Do We Go from Here? Rev. by Arnold Wolfers 603
Latin America and the New Hemisphere Front. John I. B. McCulloch 291
Lattimore, Owen: Mongol Journeys. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Lengyel, Emil: Turkey. Rev. by George Vernadsky 854
Leonard, Chilson H.: The Ends of the Earth. Book Reviews 833
Letter for My Pupils, A. Verse. John Ciardi 481
Letters and Comment 430, 640, 862
LeVene, Clara Mae: O. C. Marsh. Rev. by P. E. Raymond 181
Levinson, Ronald B.: Socrates. Book Reviews 204
Library of the Quarter. The Editors. Autumn, xiv-xx; Winter, xiv-xxviii; Spring, xvi-xxiv; Summer, xiv-xxiii
Light, Richard Upjohn: Focus on Africa. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Lindsay, Howard: Clarence Day’s “Life with Father” Made into a Play. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, vi—xii; Spring, viii—xiv; Summer, viii—xiv
Livingstone, R. W.: Portrait of Socrates. Rev. by R. B. Levinson 204
Lorca, F. Garcia: The Poet in New York and Other Poems. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Loss. Verse. Babette Deutsch 91
Lowe, Pardee: Boyhood in East Belleville 766
Lowry, Howard F.: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. Rev. by Douglas Bush 195
McClure, Norman Egbert, ed.: The Letters of John Chamberlain. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 188
McCord, David: Early for Once. Verse 127
— Dale Warren’s The Care and Feeding of a Place in the Country 856
MacCormac, John: Canada, America’s Problem. Rev. by B. K. Sandwell 191
McCulloch, John I. B.: Latin America and the New Hemisphere Front 291
— Ludwig Bemelmans’s The Donkey Inside 614
McFee, William: John A. Gee’s and Paul J. Sturm’s Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska 606
McGovern, William Montgomery: The Early Empires of Central Asia. Rev. by N. Toll 858
Mack, Maynard: Criticism of Poetry. Book Reviews 608
MacKay, R. A.: Canada Goes Abroad 109
McKinney, Howard D.: Music in History. Rev. by Paul Rosenfeld 412
MacNeice, Louis: Poems, 1925-1040. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Marlow, James: De Gaulle and the Coming Invasion of Germany. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Maurois, André: Tragedy in France. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Mead, Margaret: The Arts in Bali 335
Medical Problems of Europe. Alan Gregg 75
Mendenhall, Thomas C., II: Letter to the Editors 647
Mendershausen, Horst: The Economics of War. Rev. by R. M. Bissell, Jr. 828
Michie, Allan A.: Their Finest Hour. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Military Lessons of the War. Hanson W. Baldwin 649
Millis, Walter: Why Europe Fights. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 163
Milton, George Fort: W. J. Cash’s The Mind of the South 831
Monaghan, Frank: Nathaniel Wright Stephenson’s and Waldo Hilary Dunn’s George Washington 206
Mongan, Agnes: Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art. Rev. by Henri Focillon 428
Monroe Doctrine To-day, The. Dexter Perkins 686
Morewood, Margaret T.: Independence Day Toasts 862
Morton, David: Red Maple. Verse 62
Mosely, Philip E.: The War Rolls towards the Near East 273
— Henry C. Wolfe’s The Imperial Soviets 193
Murrow, Edward R.: This Is London. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Nathan, Robert: A Winter Tide. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Neff, Emery: A Revolution in European Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
Nehru, Jawaharlal: Toward Freedom! Rev. by W. N. Brown 623
Nevins, Allan: Frémont, Pathmaker of the West. Rev. by David Potter 174
— John D. Rockefeller. Rev. by E. L. Bernays 400
Newman, James: Mathematics and the Imagination. Rev. by Nelson Dunford 210
Newton, A. P., ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope: Mortimer Adler’s How to Read a Book 184
Norton, M. D. Herter, tr.: Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 201
Notes on “Finnegans Wake.” Padraic Colum 640
Notestein, Wallace: To England’s Account 350
— Norman Egbert McClure’s The Letters of John Chamberlain 188
Odets, Clifford: Night Music. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Odlozilik, Otakar: Robert J. Kerner’s Czechoslovakia, 632
O’Faolain, Sean: The Greatest of War Books 141
Old Disorder in Europe, The. Carl Becker 433
Olson, Elder: The Cock of Heaven. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Ortega y Gasset, José: Toward a Philosophy of History. Rev. by Carl Becker 815
Outstanding- Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell. Autumn, vii-xii; Winter, vi-xii; Spring, viii-xiv; Summer, viii-xiv
Owen, Louise: Winter Journal. Verse 309
Pargellis, Stanley: The British Second Empire. Book Review 860
Peattie, Donald Culross, ed.: Audubon’s America. Rev. by F. F. Van de Water 392
Perkins, Dexter: The Monroe Doctrine To-day 686
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Epigram and Epitaph. Book Reviews 619
Perry, Ralph Barton: Shall Not Perish from the Earth. Rev. by Carl Becker 375
Peyre, Henri: Two French Poets. Book Reviews 170
Phillips, James Emerson, Jr.: The State in Shakespeare’s Greek and Roman Plays. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Pilgrimage to Tinos. Peter Gray 721
Fitter, Ruth: The Sprit Watches. Rev. by R. W. Short 112
Pol, Heinz: Suicide of a Democracy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Political Preface. Wilbur L. Cross 1
Political Testament. D. W. Brogan 244
Pollock, Sir Frederick: Holmes-Pollock Letters. Rev. by C. E. Clark 822
Pompey and Some Peaches. Osbert Sitwell 531
Poncins, Gontran de: Kabloona, Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Potter, David: O Pioneers! Book Reviews 174
Pound, Ezra: Cantos LII-LXXI. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Power of the Written Word, The. Stephen Vincent Benét 522
Propaganda. H. M. Tomlinson 63
Rainier, Peter W.: My Vanished Africa. Rev. by M. L. J. Akeley 388
Raymond, Percy E.: Charles Schuchert’s and Clara Mae LeVene’s O. C. Marsh 181
Red Maple. Verse. David Morton 62
Reeves, Katherine: The Heart Remembers Its Home 430
Riesenberg, Felix: The Pacific Ocean. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 182
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Wartime Letters. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 201
Rippy, J. Fred: The Caribbean Danger Zone. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 637
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox: Song in the Meadow. Rev. by R. W. Short 212
Roethke, Theodore: Open House. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Rose, J. Holland, ed.: The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Vol. II. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 860
Rosenfeld, Paul: Howard D. McKinney’s and W. R. Anderson’s Music in History 412
Rosten, Norman: Return Again, Traveler. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Rowell, Henry T., ed.: Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Rev. by R. M. Gummere 410
Ruff, William: Franklin Walker’s and G. Ezra Dane’s Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown 423
Sabine, George H., ed.: The Works of Gerrard Winstanley. Rev. by D. H. Willson 853
Sachs, Paul J.: Drawings in the Fogg Museum of Art. Rev. by Henri Focillon 428
Sanderson, Ivan T.: We Meet a Snake 587
Sandwell, B. K.: John MacCormac’s Canada, America’s Problem 191
Saroyan, William: The Time of Your Life. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Sassoon, Siegfried: Rhymed Ruminations. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Schuchert, Charles: O. C. Marsh. Rev. by P. E. Raymond 181
Schumpeter, E. B., ed.: The Industrialization of Japan and Manchukuo. Rev. by J. H. Shoemaker 845
Sherwood, Robert Emmet: There Shall Be No Night. Rev. by G. R. Kernodle 421
Shoemaker, James H.: E. B. Schumpeter’s The Industrialization of Japan and Manchukuo 845
Short, R. W.: Four Books of Poems. Book Reviews 212
Sitwell, Osbert: Pompey and Some Peaches 531
Slichter, Sumner H.: Recent History of Labor Unions. Book Reviews 197
Smith, Robert Aura: Our Future in Asia. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 413
Snow, Edgar: The Battle for Asia. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 630
Some Aspects of Foreign Policy. Arnold Wolfers 16
Spencer, Hazelton: The Art and Life of William Shakespeare. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Stalin in the War. William Henry Chamberlin 483
Stark, Freya: Winter in Arabia. Rev. by C. H. Leonard 833
Starkie, Enid: Arthur Rim-baud. Rev. by Henri Peyre 170
Staudinger, Hans: Eric Sutton’s Gustav Stresemann: His Diaries, Letters, and Papers 207
Steiner, Herbert: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Wartime Letters 201
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright: George Washington. Rev. by Frank Monaghan 206
Stoll, Elmer Edgar: Shakespeare and Other Masters. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Straus, Roger W., Jr., ed.: War Letters from Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Stresemann, Gustav: Diaries, Letters, and- Papers. Rev. by Hans Staudinger 207
Struther, Jan, ed.: Women of Britain. Rev. by Herbert Davis 825
Sturm, Paul J., ed.: Letters of Joseph Conrad to Marguerite Poradowska. Rev. by William McFee 606
Style in Some of the Older Writers, On. Clifford Bax 734
Sutton, Eric, ed.: Gustav Stresemann: His Diaries, Letters, and Papers. Rev. by Hans Staudinger 207
Sweeney, John L.: Directions in Modern Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 608
— New Poetry. Book Reviews 817
Taggard, Genevieve: For Those Who Watch the Skies. Verse 685
Taylor, Edmond: The Strategy of Terror. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 402
Taylor, George Coffin: Four Interpreters of Shakespeare. Book Reviews 418
These Are the Things of Youth. Verse. Charles Edward Eaton 586
Thielen, Benedict: I’ll Tell You the Story of a Brave Engineer 325
Thomas, Keith: False Spring. Verse 521
Thorp, Margaret Farrand: Forrest Wilson’s Crusader in Crinoline 847
Thoughts after the Election. William Allen White 217
Threat to American Security, The. Edward Mead Earle 454
Time to Oneself. Mary Ellen Chase 128
Tinker, Chauncey B.: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. Rev. by Douglas Bush 195
To England’s Account. Wallace Notestein 350
Tolischus, Otto D.: They Wanted War. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 163
Toll, N.: Harold Lamb’s The March of the Barbarians 199
— William Montgomery McGovern’s The Early Empires .of Central Asia 858
Tomlinson, H. M.: Propaganda 63
Triem, Eva: The Dream of Themistocles. Verse 348
Tuttle, Emerson: Letter to the Editors 645
Twain, Mark: Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Tweedsmuir, Lord: Pilgrim’s Way. Rev. by K. F. Gerould 416
Untermeyer, Louis: Yeats and Others. Book Reviews 378
Valtin, Jan: Out of the Night. Rev. by Max Ascoli 628
Van de Water, Frederic F.: Donald Culross Peattie’s Audubon’s America 392
Van Doren, Mark: Shakespeare. Rev. by G. C. Taylor 418
Van Kleffens, E. N.: Juggernaut over Holland. Rev. by H. W. Van Loon 617
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem: The Story of the Pacific. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 18 2
— E. N. van Kleffens’s Juggernaut over Holland 617
Vernadsky, George: Emil Lengyel’s Turkey 854
Vinacke, Harold M.: What Shall America Defend? 499
Walker, Franklin, ed.: Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown. Rev. by William Ruff 423
Warren, Dale: The Care and Feeding of a Place in the Country. Rev. by David McCord 856
War Rolls towards the Near East, The. Philip E. Mosely and Clayton E. Whipple 273
Washington, George T.: William O. Douglas’s Democracy and Finance 398
Wavell, Sir Archibald: Allenby. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 843
Wecter, Dixon: The Hero in America. Rev. by Theodore Hornberger 849
We Hope It’s Been Fun. Larabie Cunningham 366
We Meet a Snake. Ivan T. Sanderson 587
What Literature Can Do for Science. A. G. Keller 560
What Shall America Defend? Harold M. Vinacke 499
Whicher, George F.: Van Wyck Brooks’s New England: Indian Summer 158
Whipple, Clayton E.: The War Rolls towards the Near East 273
White, W. L.: As I Saw It 92
White, William Allen: Thoughts after the Election 217
Whitney, Simon N.: Impressions of a Far Eastern Trip 261
Williams, William Carlos: The Broken Span. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Williamson, Henry: Devon Streams 759
Willson, David Harris: George H. Sabine’s The Works of Gerrard Winstanley 853
Wilson, Edmund: To the Finland. Station. Rev. by H. M. Jones 393
Wilson, Forrest: Crusader in Crinoline. Rev. by M. F. Thorp 847
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Jonathan Edwards. Rev. by David Potter 174
Winstanley, Gerrard: Works. Rev. by D. H. Willson 853
Winter Journal. Verse. Louise Owen 309
Witte, Edwin E.: E. Wight Bakke’s The Unemployed Worker 841
Wolfe, Henry C.: The Imperial Soviets. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 193
Wolfers, Arnold: Some Aspects of Foreign Policy 16
— Harold J. Laski’s Where Do We Go from Here? 603
Woolf, Virginia: Roger Fry. Rev. by D. L. Finlayson 395
Yeats, W. B.: Letters on Poetry to Dorothy Wellesley. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 378
Young Voters, The. William Clyde DeVane 34
Zaturenska, Marya: The Listening Landscape. Rev. by J. L. Sweeney 817
Zinsser, Hans: As I Remember Him. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 179
VOLUME XXXI (1941-1942)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Adams, Franklin P.: H. L. Mencken’s A New Dictionary of Quotations 821
After a Visit to England. Thornton Wilder 217
Ain’t Nobody Perfect. Arthur L. Bradford 588
Alfalfa and Omega. Sterling North 503
American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion. Quincy Howe 315
American Writers and the New World, The. Archibald MacLeish 61
Anshen, Ruth Nanda, ed.: Science and Man. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 837
Armstrong, Anne W.: Edd Winfield Parks’s Charles Egbert Craddock (Mary Noailles Murfree) 211
Arnold, H. H.: Winged Warfare. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 194
Asch, Nathan: A Home for Emma 350
Bacon, Leonard: W. S. Lewis’s Three Tours through London in the Years 1748, 1776, ,707 619
Baldwin, Hanson W.: United We Stand. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 194
Bangs, Francis Hyde: John Kendrick Bangs. Rev. by G. S. Haight 407
Barker, George: Selected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Bateson, F. W., ed.: The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Rev. by D. G. Wing 208
Baxter, James P., 3rd: Dexter Perkins’s Hands Off 178
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope: Simon Flexner’s and James Thomas Flexner’s William. Henry Welch and the Heroic Age of American Medicine 387
Becker, Carl L.: Making Democracy Safe in the World 433
— New Liberties for Old. Rev. by R. B. Perry 408
— Raoul de Roussy de Sales’s The Making of Tomorrow 805
— William L. Shirer’s Berlin Diary 173
Bennett, Whitman: Whittier. Rev. by S. T. Williams 626
Bradford, Arthur L.: Ain’t Nobody Perfect 588
Bradley, John Hodgdon: Ruth Nanda Anshen’s Science and Man 837
— Julian Huxley’s Man Stands Alone 416
— Donald Culross Peattie’s The Road of a Naturalist 184
Brebner, J. B.: Samuel Eliot Morison’s Admiral of the Ocean Sea 606
British View of India’s Problems, A. Sir Robert Holland 569
Brodie, Bernard: Sea Power in the Machine Age. Rev. by Paul Schubert 190
Brooks, Van Wyck: What Is Primary Literature? 25
— Opinions of Oliver Allston. Rev. by Herbert J. Muller 608
Brown, Harry. The Poem of Bunker Hill. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Brown, Ralph S., Jr., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with George Montagu. Rev. by Herbert Davis 611
Bryant, Arthur: Pageant of England, 1840-1940, Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 186
Butler, E. M.: Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Victor Lange 399
Buxton, John: The Swifts. Verse 513
Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, The. Rev. by D. G. Wing 108
Canada and the Total War. Maxwell Cohen 299
Cant, Gilbert: The War at Sea. Rev. by Herbert Rosinski 841
Capper, Arthur: Frank C. Clough’s William Allen White of Emporia 382
Chamberlain, John: Looking Ahead 9
Chamberlin, William Henry: American Views of Japanese-American Relations. Book Reviews 420
Cheney, Sheldon: The Story of Modern Art. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 632
Chéradame, André: Defense of the Americas. Rev. by F. S. Dunn 412
Clapesattle, Helen B.: The Doctors Mayo. Rev. by S. C. Harvey 823
Clapper, Raymond: The President. Book Reviews 601
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: The Portable Phonograph 53
Clough, Frank C.: William Allen White of Emporia. Rev. by Arthur Capper 382
Cohen, Maxwell: Canada and the Total War 299
Collier, John: Meeting of Relations 430
Comstock, Ada L.: Women in this War 671
Copland, Aaron: Our New Music. Rev. by Douglas Moore 391
Cranwell, John Philips: The Destiny of Sea Power. Rev. by Herbert Rosinski 841
Creek, The. Verse. Walter de la Mare 233
Croce, Benedetto: History As the Story of Liberty. Rev. by C. W. Hendel 396
Cross, Wilbur L.: Our First Thirty Years 1
— Our Historical Antecedents 645
Cuningham, Charles E.: Timothy Dwight. Rev. by R. D. French 851
Dangerfield, George: Victoria’s Heir. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 418
Daniels, Earl: Death by Water. Verse 297
Davidson, Eugene: H. L. Mencken’s Newspaper Days 847
Davis, Herbert: W. S. Lewis’s and Ralph S. Brown, Jr.’s Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with George Montagu 611
Death by Water. Verse. Earl Daniels 297
De la Mare, Walter: Two Poems 233
Democracy as a Principle of Business. Edwin G. Nourse 454
Deuel, Wallace R.: People under Hitler. Rev. by W. L. White 614
DeVane, William C.: Edmund Wilson’s The Wound and the Bow 384
DeWeerd, H. A.: The Emergence of Coalition War 649
Dodds, Harold W.: Political Parties in War Time 703
Dresbach, Glenn Ward: A Hard Place. Verse 730
Driver, Cecil H.: Philip Guedalla’s Mr. Churchill 618
Dulles, Allen W.: Hugh R. Wilson’s Diplomat between Wars 180
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Two Poems 683
Dunn, Frederick Sherwood: Andre Chéradame’s Defense of the Americas 412
— The War We Might Have Fought. Book Reviews 810
Eaker, Ira C.: Winged Warfare. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 194
Ellis, Elmer: Mr. Dooley’s America. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 630
Emergence of Coalition War, The. H. A. DeWeerd 649
Faison, S. L., Jr.: Primitives and Others. Book Reviews 854
Fay, Sidney B.: Pierre Gaxotte’s Frederick the Great 812
Ferrero, Guglielmo: The Reconstruction of Europe. Rev. by W. L. Langer 411
Fleisher, Wilfrid: Our Enemy Japan. Rev. by H. S. Quigley 856
Fletcher, John Gould: Old South Revisited. Verse 334
Flexner, James Thomas: William Henry Welch and the Heroic Age of American Medicine. Rev. by Stanhope Bayne-Jones 387
Flexner, Simon: William Henry Welch and the Heroic Age of American Medicine. Rev. by Stanhope Bayne-Jones 387
Fortunate Generation, The. Bettina Linn 555
Frederiksen, O. J., ed.: A History of Ukraine. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 424
French, Robert Dudley: Charles E. Cuningham’s Timothy Dwight 851
Friday on a Farm. Betty Fible Martin 861
Frost, Robert: I Could Give All to Time. Verse 24
— A Witness Tree. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 808
Gale, Charles H.: Training Military Pilots 477
Gaulle, Charles de: The Army of the Future. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 194
Gaxotte, Pierre: Frederick the Great. Rev. by S. B. Fay 812
Gayn, Mark J.: The Fight for the Pacific. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 420
Gershoy, Leo: France. Book Reviews 834
Gessler, Clifford: Pattern of Mexico. Rev. by George Kubler 623
Gottschalk, Louis: Lafayette and the Close of the American Revolution. Rev. by Allan Nevins 814
Grattan, C. Hartley: Introducing Australia. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 642
Graves, Robert: The Long Week-End. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 186
Griswold, A. Whitney: C. Hartley Grattan’s Introducing Australia 642
Guatemalan Market Day. Dorothy Reynolds 731
Guedalla, Philip: Mr. Churchill. Rev. by C. H. Driver 618
Guérard, Albert: The France of Tomorrow. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 834
Gunther, John: Inside Latin America. Rev. by L. A. Sánchez 427
Habe, Hans: A Thousand Shall Fall. Rev. by Barnet Nover 379
Hahn, Emily: The Soong Sisters. Rev. by Ida Treat 204
Haight, Gordon S.: Francis Hyde Bangs’s John Kendrick Bangs 407
Hamilton, George Heard: Sheldon Cheney’s The Story of Modern Art 632
Hanc, Josef: Tornado across Eastern Europe. Rev. by Otakar Odlozilik 839
Hansen, Alvin H.: Income, Consumption, and National Defense 117
Harbor View. Verse, Frances Taylor Patterson 770
Hard Place, A. Verse. Glenn Ward Dresbach 730
Harsch, Joseph C.: Pattern of Conquest. Rev. by Barnet Nover 379
Harvey, Samuel C.: Helen B. Clapesattle’s The Doctors Mayo 823
Hayakawa, S. I.: Language in Action. Rev. by J. C. Pope 829
Hedin, Sven: Chiang Kai-shek. Rev. by Ida Treat 204
Hendel, Charles W.: Benedetto Croce’s History As the Story of Liberty 396
Henning, Basil Duke: Dwight E. Lee’s Ten Years 853
— Garrett Mattingly’s Catherine of Aragon 215
Henry, George: A History of Medical Psychology. Rev. by Adolf Meyer 621
Hermens, F. A.: Democracy or Anarchy? Rev. by H. C. Mansfield 213
Herring, Hubert: Good Neighbors. Rev. by J. I. B. McCulloch 202
Hindus, Maurice: Hitler Cannot Conquer Russia. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 394
Hitler, Adolf: My New Order. Rev. by Hartley Simpson 414
Hodge, Alan: The Long Week-End. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 186
Hogan, John V. L.: Tomorrow’s Problems for Broadcasters 132
Holland, Sir Robert: A British View of India’s Problems 569
Home for Emma, A. Nathan Asch 350
Horgan, Paul: The Peach Stone 783
How Archaeology Aids History. M. Rostovtzeff 713
Howe, Quincy: American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion 315
— Uses of the Radio. Book Reviews 643
Hrushevsky, Michael: A History of Ukraine. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 424
Husband, John Dillon: White Heron. Verse 116
Huxley, Julian S.: Towards a New British Democracy 235
— Man Stands Alone. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 416
I Could Give All to Time. Verse. Robert Frost 24
In a Glass Darkly. Richard Sullivan 548
Income, Consumption, and National Defense. Alvin H. Hansen 117
Inflation: Menace or Bogey? Jacob Viner 684
Ingalls, Jeremy: The Metaphysical Sword. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Ingersoll, Ralph: Action on All Fronts. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 849
Italian Americans, Fascism, and the War. Constantine Panunzio 771
James, Preston E.: Latin America. Rev. by W. L. Schurz 826
Japan’s Dilemma. Nathaniel Peffer 336
Jeffers, Robinson: Be Angry at the Sun. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Johnson, Alvin: The Post-War Farmer 225
Johnson, Gerald W.: Roosevelt. Rev. by Raymond Clapper 601
Johnson, Howard Palmer: Margaret Leech’s Reveille in Washington 210
Johnstone, William C.: The United. States and. Japan’s New Order. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 420
Kaempffert, Waldemar: Science, Technology, and War 492
Kant and the Modern German Mind. Jose Ortega y Gasset 95
Karpovich, Michael: Russian Affairs. Book Reviews 849
— Ukrainian History. Book Reviews 424
Kennedy, Margaret: Where Stands a Winged Sentry. Rev. by Booth Tarkington 176
Kennedy, Raymond: Paul McGuire’s Westward the Course 616
Kent, Ralph: The Swastika Flies over Athens 251
Kernan, W. F.: Defense Will Not Win the War. Rev. by F. S. Dunn 810
Kerner, Robert J.: The Urge to the Sea. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 849
Kiralfy, Alexander: Victory in the Pacific. Rev. by H. S. Quigley 856
Kubler, George: Traveller and Archaeologist in Mexico. Book Reviews 623
Lachmann, Kurt: The Art of War. Book Reviews 194
Lang, Paul Henry: Music in Western Civilization. Rev. by R. D. Welch 635
Lange, Victor: E. M. Butler’s Rainer Maria Rilke 399
Langer, William L.: Guglielmo Ferrero’s The Reconstruction of Europe 411
Lazareff, Pierre: Deadline. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 834
Lazarsfeld, Paul F., ed.: Radio Research 1941. Rev. by Quincy Howe 643
Lee, Dwight E.: Ten Years. Rev. by Basil Henning 853
Lee, Irving J.: Language Habits in Human Affairs. Rev. by J. C. Pope 829
Leech, Margaret: Reveille in Washington. Rev. by H. P. Johnson 210
Lemaitre, Georges: From Cubism to Surrealism in French Literature. Rev. by Henri Peyre 637
Letters and Comment 430, 645, 861
Lewis, W. S.: Three Tours through London in the Years 1748, 1776, 1797. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 619
— ed.: Horace Waif ale’s Correspondence with George Montagu. Rev. by Herbert Davis 611
Library of the Quarter. The Editors. Autumn, xvi-xxviii; Winter, xiv-xxvi; Spring, xiv—xxi; Summer, xvi—xxix
Linn, Bettina: The Fortunate Generation 555
Lipman, Jean: American Primitive Painting. Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr. 854
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, x-xvi; Winter, vi-xii; Spring, vi-xii; Summer, viii-xiv
Locust Summer. James Still 160
Lonely Woman, The. Sean O’Faolain 269
Looking Ahead. John Chamberlain 9
Lowell, A. Lawrence: Some Functions of Higher Education 78
McCulloch, John I. B.: Hubert Herring’s Good Neighbors 202
McGuire, Paul: Westward the Course. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 616
MacLeish, Archibald: The American Writers and the New World 61
McWilliams, Richebourg: Spare the Larks’ Nest 764
Maddox, William P.: Nicholas John Spykman’s America’s Strategy in World Politics 845
Making Democracy Safe in the World. Carl Becker 433
Mansfield, Harvey C.: F. A. Hermens’s Democracy or Anarchy? 213
Marder, Arthur J.: The Anatomy of British Sea Power. Rev. by Paul Schubert 190
Martin, Betty Fible: Friday on a Farm 861
Mask of William Blake, The. Mark Schorer 747
Matsuo, Kinoaki: How Japan Plans To Win. Rev. by H. S. Quigley 856
Matthiessen, F. O.: American Renaissance. Rev. by S. T. Williams 200
Mattingly, Garrett: Catherine of Aragon. Rev. by B. D. Henning 215
Maurois, André: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Flight to Arras 819
Meeting of Relations. John Collier 430
Mencken, H. L.: Newspaper Days. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 847
— ed.: A New Dictionary of Quotations. Rev. by F. P. Adams 821
Meyer, Adolf: Gregory Zilboorg’s and George Henry’s A History of Medical Psychology 621
Miller, Douglas: You Can’t Do Business with Hitler. Rev. by Gustav Stolper 182
Montagu, George: Correspondence with Horace Walpole. Rev. by Herbert Davis 611
Moore, Douglas: Aaron Copland’s Our New Music 391
Moore, Marianne: What Are Years. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Morison, Samuel Eliot: Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Rev. by J. B. Brebner 606
Mosely, Philip E.: Maurice Hindus’s Hitler Cannot Conquer Russia 394
Muller, Herbert J.: Scientist and Man of Letters 279
— Three Critics. Book Reviews 608
Muret, Charlotte: The Heart of Europe. Rev. by Arnold Wolfers 401
Nevins, Allan: Jefferson and Lafayette. Book Reviews 814
North, Sterling: Alfalfa and Omega 503
Nourse, Edwin G.: Democracy as a Principle of Business 454
Nover, Barnet: Freedom Must Be Earned. Book Reviews 379
Odlozilik, Otakar: Josef Hanc’s Tornado across Eastern Europe 839
O’Faolain, Sean: The Lonely Woman 269
Old South Revisited. Verse. John Gould Fletcher 334
Ortega y Gasset, Jose: Kant and the Modern German Mind 95
Our First Thirty Years. Wilbur L. Cross 1
Our Historical Antecedents. Wilbur L. Cross 645
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell. Autumn, x—xvi; Winter, vi—xii; Spring, vi—xii; Summer, viii—xiv
Padover, Saul K.: Jefferson. Rev. by Allan Nevins 814
Panunzio, Constantine: Italian Americans, Fascism, and the War 771
Parks, Edd Winfield: Charles Egbert Craddock (Mary Noailles Murfree). Rev. by A. W. Armstrong- 211
Patmore, Derek: Balkan Correspondent. Rev. by W. L. White 614
Patterson, Frances Taylor: Harbor View. Verse 770
Peach Stone, The. Paul Horgan 783
Peattie, Donald Culross: The Road of a Naturalist. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 184
Peckham, Howard H.: Carl Van Doren’s Secret History of the American Revolution 628
Peffer, Nathaniel: Japan’s Dilemma 336
Perkins, Dexter: Hands Off. Rev. by J. P. Baxter, 3rd 178
Perry, Ralph Barton: Carl L. Becker’s New Liberties for Old 408
Peyre, Henri: Georges Lemaitre’s From Cubism to Surrealism in French Literature 637
Political Parties in War Time. Harold W. Dodds 703
Pope, John C.: Easy Lessons in Semantics. Book Reviews 829
Portable Phonograph, The. Walter Van Tilburg Clark 53
Porter, Roy P.: Uncensored France. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 834
Post-War Farmer, The. Alvin Johnson 225
Pottle, Frederick A.: The Idiom of Poetry. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr.. 859
Puleston, W, D.: The Armed Forces of the Pacific. Rev. by Paul Schubert 190
Quigley, Harold S.: The United States and Japan. Book Reviews 856
Quinn, Arthur Hobson: Edgar Allan foe. Rev. by S. T. Williams 626
Radin, Paul: Indians of South America. Rev. by W. L. Schurz 826
Randall, J. G.: T. Harry Williams’s Lincoln and the Radicals 640
Ransom, John Crowe: The New Criticism. Rev. by Herbert Muller 608
Ratcliffe, S. K.: A Century of England. Book Reviews 186
— George Dangerfield’s Victoria’s Heir 418
Resistance and Reconstruction in China. F. Y. Yang 534
Return, The. Verse. Walter de la Mare 234
Review of Russian Policy, A. George Vernadsky 514
Reynolds, Dorothy: Guatemalan Market Day 731
Rich, Daniel Catton: Henri Rousseau. Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr. 854
Richards, Grant: Housman, 1897—1936. Rev. by C. B. Tinker 832
Rolo, Charles J.: Radio Goes to War. Rev. by Quincy Howe 643
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Public Papers and Addresses, 1037—1940. Rev. by Raymond Clapper 601
Rosenman, Samuel, ed.: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937—1940, Rev. by Raymond Clapper 601
Rosinski, Herbert: Naval Strategy. Book Reviews 841
Rostovtzeff, Michael I.: How Archaeology Aids History 713
— The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Rev. by W. L. Westermann 403
Rougemont, Denis de: The Heart of Europe. Rev. by Arnold Wolfers 401
Roussy de Sales, Raoul de: The Making of Tomorrow. Rev. by Carl Becker 805
— ed: My Nets Order. Rev. by Hartley Simpson 414
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Flight to Arras. Rev. by Andre Maurois 819
St. John, Robert: From the Land of Silent People. Rev. by W. L. White 614
Sale, William L., Jr.: Frederick A. Pottle’s The Idiom of Poetry 859
Sanchez, Luis Alberto: John Gunther’s Inside Latin America 427
Schorer, Mark: The Mask of William Blake 747
Schubert, Paul: Naval Evolution. Book Reviews 190
— Sea Power in Conflict. Rev. by Herbert Rosinski 841
Schurz, William L.: Latin America — Land and People. Book Reviews 826
Science, Technology, and War. Waldemar Kaempffert 492
Scientist and Man of Letters. Herbert J. Muller 279
Seversky, Alexander P. de: Victory through Air Power. Rev. by F. S. Dunn 810
Shelley Once More. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 87
Shirer, William L.: Berlin Diary. Rev. by Carl Becker 173
Simpson, Hartley: Adolf Hitler’s My New Order 414
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Vitamins and Recent Biological Research 38
Some Functions of Higher Education. A. Lawrence Lowell 78
Sonnet at Dusk. Theodric Westbrook 86
Spare the Larks’ Nest. Richebourg McWilliams 764
Spykman, Nicholas John: America’s Strategy in World Politics. Rev. by W. P. Maddox 845
Stanton, Frank, ed.: Radio Research 1941. Rev. by Quincy Howe 643
Still, James: Locust Summer 160
Stolper, Gustav: Douglas Miller’s ‘You Can’t Do Business with Hitler 182
Stowe, Leland: No Other Road to Freedom. Rev. by Barnet Nover 379
Strauss, Patricia: Bevin and Co. Rev. by S. K. Ratcliffe 186
Sullivan, Richard: In a Glass Darkly 548
Suydam, E. H.: Pattern of Mexico. Rev. by George Kubler 623
Swastika Flies over Athens, The. Ralph Kent 251
Swifts, The. Verse. John Buxton 513
Tabouis, Genevieve: They Called Me Cassandra. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 834
Taggard, Genevieve: Western Meadow Lark. Verse 476
Tarkington, Booth: Margaret Kennedy’s Where Stands a Winged Sentry 176
Tarlé, Eugene: Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia. Rev. by George Vernadsky 817
Tate, Allen: Reason in Madness. Rev. by Herbert Muller 608
Taylor, George E.: America in the New Pacific. Rev. by H. S. Quigley 856
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Shelley Once More 87
— Grant Richards’s Housman, 1897-1936 832
Tomorrow’s Problems for Broadcasters. John V. L. Hogan 132
Torrence, Ridgely: Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Towards a New British Democracy. Julian S. Huxley 235
Training Military Pilots. Charles H. Gale 477
Treat, Ida: Leaders of China. Book Reviews 204
Two Poems. Walter de la Mare 233
Two Poems. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 683
Two Years of the Second World War. Arnold Wolfers 142
Untermeyer, Louis: Time and These Times. Book Reviews 375
Vaillant, George C.: Aztecs of Mexico. Rev. by George Kubler 623
Van Doren, Carl: Secret History of the American Revolution. Rev. by H. H. Peckham 628
Vernadsky, George: A Review of Russian Policy 514
— Bohdan. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 424
— Eugene Tarlé’s Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia 817
Viner, Jacob: Inflation: Menace or Bogey? 684
Vitamins and Recent Biological Research. Edmund W. Sinnott 38
Walpole, Horace: Correspondence with George Montagu. Rev. by Herbert Davis 611
Wecter, Dixon: Elmer Ellis’s Mr. Dooley’s America 630
Welch, R. D.: Paul Henry Lang’s Music in Western Civilization 635
Werth, Alexander: Moscow War Diary. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 849
Westbrook, Theodric: Sonnet at Dusk 86
Westermann, William Linn: Michael I. Rostovtzeff’s The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World 403
Western Meadow Lark. Verse, Genevieve Taggard 476
What Is Primary Literature? Van Wyck Brooks 25
Whicher, George F.: Robert Frost’s A Witness Tree 808
White, W. L.: Nazis and People under Them. Book Reviews 614
White Heron. Verse. John Dillon Husband 116
Wilder, Thornton: After a Visit to England 217
Williams, Stanley T.: F. O. Matthiessen’s American Renaissance 200
— Poe and Whittier. Book Reviews 626
Williams, T. Harry: Lincoln and the Radicals. Rev. by J. G. Randall 640
Wilson, Edmund: The Wound and the Bow. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 384
Wilson, Hugh R.: Diplomat between Wars. Rev. by A. W. Dulles 180
Wing, Donald G.: F. W. Bateson’s The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 208
Wolfers, Arnold: Two Years of the Second World War 142
Denis de Rougemont’s and Charlotte Muret’s The Heart of Europe 401
Women in this War. Ada L. Comstock 671
Yang, F. Y.: Resistance and Reconstruction in China 534
Young-, James R.: Behind the Rising Sun. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 420
Yugow, A.: Russia’s Economic Front for War and Peace. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 849
Zabriskie, George: The Mind’s Geography. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 375
Zilboorg, Gregory: A History of Medical Psychology. Rev. by Adolf Meyer 621
VOLUME XXXII (1942-1943)
[Reviews are entered, under the author of the book reviewed, and under the reviewer.]
Abbe, George: Water and Air. Verse 145
Adams, Franklin P., ed.: Innocent Merriment. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Adams, J. Donald: A Cloud of Witnesses. Book Reviews 788
Agar, Herbert: A Time for Greatness. Rev. by F. W. Coker 577
Aleutian Stepping-Stones. Theodore S. Farrelly 280
Alford, John: Public Art and Architecture 67
All Flesh Is Grass. Edmund W. Sinnott 681
Anderson, Sherwood: Memoirs. Rev. by Maxwell Geismar 183
Anderson, W. R.: The Challenge of Listening; Discovering Music, Rev. by Richard Donovan 816
Andrews, John Williams: Hill Country North. Verse 306
Are the People Right? A. G. Keller 94
Ascent of Ariel Goodbody, The. Walter Van Tilburg Clark 337
Ascoli, Max: Reynolds and Eleanor Packard’s Balcony Empire 607
Asphodel. Eudora Welty 146
Bacon, Leonard: Trouble of Mind. Verse 34
Bakeless, John: The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe. Rev. by Leslie Hotson 801
Bakke, E. Wight: Sir William Beveridge’s Social Insurance and Allied Services 585
Bayler, Walter L. J.: Last Man Off Wake Island. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Beals, Carleton: The Pampas 540
Becker, Carl: How New Will the Better World Be? 417
— J. B. Condliffe’s Agenda for a Postwar World 372
— To Win the Peace. Book Reviews 158
Beebe, William: Book of Bays. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Behrendt, Walter Curt: Henry-Russell Hitchcock’s In the Nature of Materials 178
Belden, Jack: Retreat with Stilwell. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Benét, Stephen Vincent: Selected Works. Rev. by Robert van Gelder 385
Ben-Horin, Eliahu: The Red Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Bennett, John: Folk Tales from Old Charleston 721
Berchin, Michel: The Red Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Beveridge, Sir William: Social Insurance and Allied Services. Rev. by E. W. Bakke 585
Biddle, Francis: Mr. Justice Holmes. Rev. by C. E. Clark 618
Bishop, Morris: Spilt Milk. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
— ed.: A Treasury of British Humar. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Slack Book of Poland, The. Rev. by George Vernadsky 409
Book and the Swallow, The. Verse. S. Raiziss 554
Bourke-White, Margaret: Shooting the Russian War. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Brinnin, John Malcolm: The Garden Is Political. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Britt, Steuart Henderson, ed.: Jews in a. Gentile World. Rev. by M. R. Davie 189
Brooke, Tucker: Theodore Spencer’s Shakespeare and the Nature of Man 581
Brooks, Van Wyck, ed.: The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays. Rev. by S. T. Williams 375
Buck, Pearl S.: American Unity and Asia. Rev. by Nathaniel Peffer 191
Burnett, Whit, ed.: This Is My Best. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Byas, Hugh: The Japanese Problem 453
Byrd, Sam: Small Town South. Rev. by Virginius Dabney 404
Calhoun, R. L.: Carl J. Friedrich’s The New Belief in the Common Man 616
Campbell, Oscar James: What Is the Matter with Hamlet? 309
Canfield, Dorothy: The Knot Hole 493
Card, The. Paul Marcus 533
Carnes, Cecil, ed.: Last Man Off Wake Island. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Carr, Edward Hallett: Conditions of Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Carroll, Wallace: We’re in This with Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Catholic Opinion and the War. Arnold Lunn 289
Chamberlain, John: Labor in War Time 18
Chamberlin, William Henry: Coalition for War and Peace 625
— Canada Today and Tomorrow, Rev. by F. H. Underhill 402
Chase, Stuart: Goals for America. Rev. by C. R. Walker 597
Child in France, A. Anne Green 79
Churchill, Winston S.: The Unrelenting Struggle. Rev. by C. H. Driver 388
Ciardi, John: Two Poems 237
Clark, Charles E.: Francis Biddle’s Mr. Justice Holmes 618
Clark, Charles Upson, ed.: Compendium and Description of the West Indies. Rev. by R. B. Merriman 400
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: The Ascent of Ariel Goodbody 337
Coalition for War and Peace. William Henry Chamberlin 625
Cohen, Maxwell: Newfoundland: Atlantic Rampart 555
Coker, Francis W.: Herbert Agar’s A Time for Greatness 577
Commando Raider’s Story, A. C. B. Wall 440
Condliffe, J. B.: Agenda for a Postwar World. Rev. by Carl Becker 372
Cornford, Francis Macdonald, tr.: The Re-public of Plato. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
Cowgill, George R.: Some Food Problems in War Time 251
Craven, Avery: The Coming of the Civil War. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 406
Crossroads of the Old World. Murray Harris 350
Dabney, Virginius: Sam Byrd’s Small Town South 404
Dallin, David J.: Soviet Russia’s Foreign Policy 1939—1042. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Daniels, Earl: For John Milton. Verse 668
Davidson, Eugene: To a Man of Science. Verse 110
Davie, Maurice R.: Isacque Graeber’s and Steuart Henderson Britt’s Jews in a Gentile World 189
Dawson, Christopher: The Judgment of the Nations. Rev. by C. W. Hendel 818
Dawson, Christopher M.: Great Greeks. Book Reviews 803
Dean, Vera Micheles: Germany’s Role in Post-War Reconstruction 111
De Gaulle as a Soldier. H. A. DeWeerd 760
DeVane, William C.: Every Man His Own Anthologist. Book Reviews 829
— E. B. White’s One Man’s Meat 163
DeVoto, Bernard: Mark Twain at Work. Rev. by G. S. Haight 176
— The Year of Decision. Rev. by H. P. Johnson 822
DeWeerd, H. A.: De Gaulle as a Soldier 760
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants 390
— Frank C. Waldrop’s MacArthur on War 169
Donovan, Richard: Varieties of Musical Experience. Book Reviews 816
Dorian, Frederick: The History of Music in Performance. Rev. by Roger Sessions 589
Driver, Cecil H.: Winston S. Churchill’s The Unrelenting Struggle 388
— Sigmund Neumann’s Permanent Revolution 592
Drucker, Peter F.: The Future of Industrial Man. Rev. by Henry Hazlitt 386
Du Bois, W. E. B.: James G. Leyburn’s The Haitian People 188
Dunn, Frederick Sherwood: Wendell L. Willkie’s One World 786
Dykstra, C. A.: Education and World Conflict 128
Eckstein, Gustav: In Peace Japan Breeds War. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xii—xxiv; Winter, xii—xxx; Spring, xiv—xxii; Summer, xiv—xxiv, xxx
Education and World Conflict. C. A. Dykstra 128
Education for Tomorrow. Jacques Maritain 670
Elliott, William Yandell: The Strategy of Air Power in War and Peace 217
Emerson, Rupert: Raymond Kennedy’s The Ageless Indies 202
Farrelly, Theodore S.: Aleutian Stepping-Stones 280
Fausset, Hugh l’Anson: Walt Whitman. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 172
Ficke, Arthur Davison: Tumultuous Shore. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Fire Escape. Jerome Weidman 59
Planner, Hildegarde: If There Is Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Fleming, Berry: Strike Up a Stirring Music 777
Fletcher, William G.: Hemisphere History and Policy. Book Reviews 622
Focillon, Henri: The Life of Forms in Art. Rev. by E. A. Jewell 165
Folk Tales from Old Charleston. John Bennett 721
Forbes, Esther: Paul Revere and the World He Lived In. Rev. by Margaret Leech 161
For John Milton. Verse. Earl Daniels 668
Forster, E. M.: Virginia Woolf. Rev. by Mark Schorer 377
Fosdick, Harry Emerson: On Being a Real Person. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 812
Frank, Jerome: If Men Were Angels. Rev. by Walton Hamilton 613
Frank, Waldo: Virgin Spain. Rev. by Selden Rose 195
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 390
Friedrich, Carl J.: Gorham Munson’s Twelve Decisive Battles of the Mind 167
— The New Belief in the Common Man. Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 616
Gabriel, R. H.: The Foundations of the South. Book Reviews 406
Gale, Charles H.: Jeremiah Milbank, Jr.’s The First Century of Flight in America 821
Geismar, Maxwell: Sherwood Anderson’s Memoirs 183
— Writers in Crisis. Rev. by H. J. Muller 174
George, Stefan: Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Germany’s Role in Post-War Reconstruction. Vera Micheles Dean 111
Gershoy, Leo: Leon Marchal’s Vichy 583
Gibson, Hugh: The Problems of Lasting Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Godolphin, Francis R. B., ed.: The Greek Historians. Rev. by C. M. Dawson 803
Gottmann, Jean: Nature and Men in French North Africa 474
Graeber, Isacque, ed.: Jews in a Gentile World. Rev. by M. R. Davie 189
Green, Anne: A Child in France 79
Greene, Joseph L: Tom Wintringham’s The Story of Weapons and Tactics 809
Gregory, Horace; Joseph Hone’s W. B. Yeats 599
— E. de Selincourt’s Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth 185
Grew, Joseph C.: Report from Tokyo. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Hagen, Paul: Will Germany Crack? Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 197
Haight, Gordon S.: Bernard De Veto’s Mark Twain at Work 176
— Alfred Kazin’s On Native Grounds 620
Hall, James Norman: A Word for the Essayist 50
Hamilton, Edith: The Great Age of Greek Literature. Rev. by C. M. Dawson 803
Hamilton, Walton: Jerome Frank’s If Men Were Angels 613
Harris, Murray: Crossroads of the Old World 350
Hazlitt, Henry: Peter F. Drucker’s The future of Industrial Man 386
Helion, Jean: Ten Frenchmen on a Prison Farm 642
Hendel, Charles W.: Christopher Dawson’s The Judgment of the Nations 818
Herrick, Robert: Some Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Herring, Hubert: In Mexico 35
Hersey, John: Into the Valley. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Herskovits, Melville and Frances: The Negroes of Brazil 263
Hill Country North. Verse. John Williams Andrews 306
Hilton, James: The Story of Dr. Wassell. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell: In the Nature of Materials. Rev. by W. C. Behrendt 178
Holmes, John: Metaphor for My Son. Verse 518
Hone, Joseph: W. B. Yeats. Rev. by Horace Gregory 599
Hoover, Herbert: The Problems of Lasting Peace. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
Hotson, Leslie: John Bakeless’s The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe 801
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe: The Tale of Tanglewood 323
How New Will the Better World Be? Carl Becker 417
Humphries, Rolfe: Out of the Jewel. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Ickes, Harold L.: The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon. Rev. by T. V. Smith 827
In Mexico. Hubert Herring 35
Interpretation. I. A. Richards 693
Japanese Problem, The. Hugh Byas 453
Jewell, Edward Alden: Henri Focillon’s The Life of Forms in Art 165
Johnson, Alvin: A Time for World Civilization 209
— Joshua Trachtenberg’s The Devil and the Jews 795
Johnson, Howard Palmer: Bernard DeVoto’s The Year of Decision 822
Karpovich, Michael: Five Books on Russia. Book Reviews 413
— Soviet Diplomatic and Military Records. Book Reviews 609
Kazin, Alfred: On Native Grounds. Rev. by G. S. Haight 620
Keller, A. G.: Are the People Right? 94
Kennedy, Raymond: The Ageless Indies. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 202
Kiphuth, Robert: How To Be Fit. Rev. by Grantland Rice 374
Kirkwood, John G.: Muriel Rukeyser’s Willard Gibbs 579
Knot Hole, The. Dorothy Canfield 493
Kouwenhoven, John A.: Summer and Winter People 742
Labor in War Time. John Chamberlain 18
Lachmann, Kurt: Robert Strausz-Hupé’s Geopolitics 381
Langer, Susanne K.: Philosophy in a New Key. Rev. by John Storck 411
Lee, Clark: They Call It Pacific. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Leech, Margaret: Esther Forbes’s Paul Revere and the World He Lived In 161
Letters and Comment 205
Leyburn, James G.: The Haitian People. Rev. by W. E. B. Du Bois 188
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, xii—xxiv; Winter, xii—xxx; Spring, xiv—xxii; Summer, xiv—xxiv, xxx
Litchfield, Cora Snowden: Treasures from the Attic 205
Littell, Robert: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi-xii; Winter, vi—xii; Spring, vi—xii
Lunn, Arnold: Catholic Opinion and the War 289
McKinney, Howard D.: The Challenge of Listening; Discovering Music. Rev. by Richard Donovan 816
Magic Lantern. Verse. David Morton 741
Makepeace, LeRoy: Horace Dutton Taft’s Memories and Opinions 200
Mann, Thomas: Listen, Germany! Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 594
Manning, Helen Taft: W. E. Simnett’s The British Colonial Empire 392
Marchal, Leon: Vichy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 583
Marcus, Paul: The Card 533
Maritain, Jacques: Education for Tomorrow 670
Matthews, William: Our Soldiers Speak. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
Measure, The. Verse. Theodore Morrison 451
Merriman, Daniel: Coastal Cruises Chronicled. Book Reviews 193
Merriman, Roger B.: Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa’s Compendium and Description of the West Indies 400
Metaphor for My Son. Verse. John Holmes 518
Milbank, Jeremiah, Jr.: The First Century of Flight in America. Rev. by C. H. Gale 821
Morison, Elting E.: Admiral Sims and the Modern American Navy. Rev. by W. D. Puleston 611
Morris, Walter: American in Search of a Way. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 602
Morrison, Theodore: The Measure. Verse 451
Morton, David: Magic Lantern. Verse 741
Morwitz, Ernst, tr.: Stefan George’s Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Muller, Herbert J.: Maxwell Geismar’s Writers in Crisis 174
Munson, Gorham: Twelve Decisive Battles of the Mind. Rev. by C. J. Friedrich 167
Nature and Men in French North Africa. Jean Gottmann 474
Negroes of Brazil, The. Melville and Frances Herskovits 263
Neumann, Sigmund: Home Front Against Fascism. Book Reviews 197
— Permanent Revolution. Rev. by C. H. Driver 592
— To the Other Germany. Book Reviews 594
Newfoundland: Atlantic Rampart. Maxwell Cohen 555
Notestein, Wallace: G. M. Trevelyan’s English Social History 792
O’Faolain, Sean: The Great O’Neill. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 398
On the Fitness of Things. Frank L. Warrin 240
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Robert Littell; Mark Schorer. Autumn, vi-xii, Winter, vi-xii; Spring, vi-xii; Summer, vi-xiv
Packard, Reynolds and Eleanor: Balcony Empire. Rev. by Max Ascoli 607
Pampas, The. Carleton Beals 540
Pearson, Hesketh: G.B.S. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 394
Peffer, Nathaniel: Pearl S. Buck’s American Unity and Asia 191
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Hesketh Pearson’s G.B.S 394
Poliakov, Alexander: Russians Don’t Surrender. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Potter, David M.: Americans in Uniform. Book Reviews 824
Public Art and Architecture. John Alford 67
Puleston, W. D.: Elting E. Morison’s Admiral Sims and the Modern American Navy 611
Quintanilla, Luis: A Latin American Speaks. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 622
Raiziss, S.: The Book and the Swallow. Verse 554
Reischauer, A. K.: Three Books on Japan. Book Reviews 798
Reynolds, Horace: Sean O’Faolain’s The Great O’Neill 398
Rice, Grantland: Robert Kiphuth’s How To Be Fit 374
Richards, I. A.: Interpretation 693
— How To Read a Page. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
— ed.: The Republic of Plato. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 180
Rickenbacker, Edward V.: Seven. Came Through. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Ricketts, Edward F.: Sea of Cortez. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Riess, Curt: Underground Europe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 197
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Poems from The Hook of Hours; Sonnets to Orpheus. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Rodgers, W. R.: Awake] And Other Wartime Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Rose, Selden: Waldo Frank’s Virgin Spain 195
Rosinski, Herbert: James A. Williamson’s The Ocean in English History 604
Rourke, Constance: The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays. Rev. by S. T. Williams 375
Rukeyser, Muriel: Willard Gibbs. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 579
Salamanca, Lucy: Fortress of Freedom. Rev. by Donald Wing 204
Schorer, Mark: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Summer vi-xiv
— Virginia Woolf. Book Reviews 377
Schroeder, John C.: Harry Emerson Fosdick’s On Being a Real Person 812
Schumpeter, Joseph A.: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Rev. by C. R. Walker 597
Scott, John: Behind the Urals. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
— Duel for Europe. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 609
Scott, Winfield Townley: The Sword on the Table. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Selincourt, E. de, ed.: Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
Sessions, Roger: Frederick Dorian’s The History of Music in Performance 589
Sheean, Vincent: Between the Thunder and the Sun. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Simnett, W. E.: The British Colonial Empire. Rev. by H. T. Manning 392
Sinnott, Edmund W.: All Flesh Is Grass 681
Slichter, Sumner H.: Adolf Sturmthal’s The Tragedy of European Labor 814
Smith, T. V.: Harold L. Ickes’s The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon 827
Some Food Problems in War Time. George R. Cowgill 251
Spencer, Theodore: Shakespeare and the Nature of Man. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 581
Spring Market. Irene Calvert Straw 571
Stauffer, Donald A.: War and Poetry 520
Steinbeck, John: Sea of Cortes. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 193
Steiner, Herbert: Stefan George’s Poems 805
Storck, John: Susanne K. Langer’s Philosophy in a New Key 411
Strategy of Air Power in War and Peace, The. William Yandell Elliott 217
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Geopolitics. Rev. by Kurt Lachmann 381
Straw, Irene Calvert: Spring Market 571
Strike Up a Stirring Music. Berry Fleming 777
Sturmthal, Adolf: The Tragedy of European Labor. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 814
Summer and Winter People. John A. Kouwenhoven 742
Taft, Horace Dutton: Memories and Opinions. Rev. by LeRoy Makepeace 200
Taggard, Genevieve: Long View. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Tale of Tanglewood, The. M. A. DeWolfe Howe 323
Ten Frenchmen on a Prison Farm. Jean Helion 642
Thompson, Dorothy: Listen, Hans. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 594
Time for World Civilization, A. Alvin Johnson 209
To a Man of Science. Verse. Eugene Davidson 110
Tolischus, Otto D.: Tokyo Record. Rev. by A. K. Reischauer 798
Trachtenberg, Joshua: The Devil and the Jews. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 795
Treasures from the Attic. Cora Snowden Litchfield 205
Tregaskis, Richard: Guadalcanal Diary. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Trevelyan, G. M.: English Social History. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 792
Trouble of Mind. Verse. Leonard Bacon 34
Two Poems. John Ciardi 237
Underhill, Frank H.: William Henry Chamberlin’s Canada Today and Tomorrow 402
Unity and American Leadership. William Allen White 1
Untermeyer, Louis: Cream of the Verse. Book Reviews 366
— Hugh I’Anson Fausset’s Walt Whitman 172
—, ed.: A Treasury of Great Poems. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Valhope, Carol North, tr.: Stefan George’s Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 805
Van Gelder, Robert: Stephen Vincent Benét’s Selected Works 385
Vázquez de Espinosa, Antonio: Compendium and Description of the West Indies. Rev. by R. B. Merriman 400
Vernadsky, George: The Germans in Poland. Book Review 409
Villa Jose Garcia: Have Come, Am Here. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Wade Mason: Francis Parkman. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 807
Waldrop, Frank C.: MacArthur on War. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 169
Walker, Charles R.: Our Economic Future. Book Reviews 597
Walker, Margaret: For My People. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Wall, C. B.: A Commando Raider’s Story 440
Wallace, Henry A.: The Price of Free World Victory. Rev. by Carl Becker 158
War and Poetry. Donald A. Stauffer 520
War Crimes and Their Punishment. Thomas Raeburn White 706
Warren, Robert Penn: Eleven Poems on the Same Theme, Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 366
Warrin, Frank L.: On the Fitness of Things 240
Water and Air. Verse. George Abbe 145
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice: The Truth about Soviet Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 413
Wecter, Dixon: Walter Morris’s American in Search of a Way 602
— Our Soldiers Speak. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
— Mason Wade’s Francis Parkman 807
Weidman, Jerome: Fire Escape 59
Weller, George: Singapore Is Silent. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Welty, Eudora: Asphodel 146
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson: The Old South. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 406
What Is the Matter with Hamlet? Oscar James Campbell 309
Whitaker, John T.: We Cannot Escape History. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
White, E. B.: One Man’s Meat. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 163
White, John W.: Argentina. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 622
White, Thomas Raeburn: War Crimes and Their Punishment 706
White, W. L.: Queens Die Proudly; They Were Expendable. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
White, William Allen: Unity and American Leadership 1
Whittaker, James C.: We Thought We Heard the Angels Sing. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Wiley, Bell Irvin: The Life of Johnny Reb. Rev. by D. M. Potter 824
Williams, Stanley T.: Constance Rourke’s The Roots of American Culture and Other Essays 375
Williamson, James A.: The Ocean in English History. Rev. by Herbert Rosinski 604
Willkie, Wendell L.: One World. Rev. by F. S. Dunn 786
Wing, Donald: Lucy Salamanca’s Fortress of Freedom 204
Wintringham, Tom: The Story of Weapons and Tactics. Rev. by J. I. Greene 809
Wolfert, Ira: Battle for the Solomons. Rev. by J. D. Adams 788
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Richards and Plato. Book Reviews 180
Woolf, Virginia: The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. Rev. by Mark Schorer 377
Woollcott, Alexander, ed.: As You Were. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 829
Word for the Essayist, A. James Norman Hall 50
Wordsworth, Dorothy: Journals-. Rev. by Horace Gregory 185
VOLUME XXXIII (1943-1944)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book renewed mid under the reviewer.]
Abbe, George: Thine Is the Power. Verse 481
About Love. Walter de la Mare 609
Abyssinian Memories. Hoffman Philip 292
Adams, James Truslow: Wilbur L. Cross’s Connecticut Yankee 346
Adler, Mortimer J.: How To Think about War and Peace. Rev. by John Storck 749
Africa without Germans. Irwin Shaw 623
Aldington, Richard: The Duke. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 569
America and the Beveridge Plan. E. Wight Bakke 642
American Education after the War. William Clyde DeVane 34
Animals Courting. Julian S. Huxley 47
Aragon, Louis: Two Poems 605
Ascoli, Max: Herbert L. Matthews’s The fruits of Fascism 371
Bakeless, John: Letter 575
Bakke, E. Wight: America and the Beveridge Plan 642
Balchen, Bernt: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Barzun, Jacques: Romanticism and the Modern Ego. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Bates, Miner Searle: Citizens of the World. Book Reviews 167
Beach, F. A.: Robert M. Yerkes’s Chimpanzees 366
Beard, Charles A.: Eric F. Goldman’s John Bach McMaster 160
— The Republic. Rev. by F. W. Coker 352
Beck, Richard, ed.: Icelandic Poems and Stories. Rev. by A. B. Benson 189
Becker, Carl L.: What We Didn’t Know Hurt Us a Lot 385
— Aims and Means of Foreign Policy. Book Reviews 142
— How New Will the Better World Be? Rev. by Leo Gershoy 733
Behind the Japanese Lines in Burma. Bernard Fergusson 418
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: The Latin American Policy of the United States. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Benét, Stephen Vincent: Western Star. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Benson, Adolph B.: Richard Beck’s Icelandic Poems and Stories 189
Benton, Walter: This Is My Beloved. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Bernstein, Walter: Night Watch 658
Bidwell, Percy W.: Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.’s Lead-Lease 545
Blake, R. P.; Early Russian History. Book Reviews 552
Boggs, Tom: Arenas. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Bradford, Sax: The Battle for Buenos Aires. Rev. by Hubert Herring 149
Britain’s New Colonial Policy. Ronald Stuart Kain 498
Brogan, D. W.: The English People. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Bronson, F. W.: War around the World. Book Reviews 759
Brown, E. K.: The Revival of E. M. Forster 668
Brown, James E.: Russia Fights. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Brown, John Mason: To All Hands. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Burckhardt, Jakob: Force and Freedom. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 177
But Not So Final. Gale Wilhelm 135
Byas, Hugh: The Coming of War in the Pacific. Book Reviews 734
— John Goette’s Japan Fights for Asia 358
Canby, Henry Seidel: Walt Whitman. Rev. by C. J. Furness 557
Cant, Gilbert: America’s Navy in World War II. Rev. by Paul Schubert 356
Cardozo, Nancy: Letter Overseas. Verse 67
Cassidy, Henry C.: Moscow Dateline. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Chamberlain, John: Readers and Writers in War Time 1
Chamberlin, William Henry: The Russian Enigma. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Chant for an Unknown Grave. Verse. Margaret McGovern 516
Chiang Kai-Shek, All We Are and All We Have; Resistance and Reconstruction. Rev. by M. S. Bates 167
Chiang Kai-Shek, Madame: We Chinese Women. Rev. by M. S. Bates 167
Clayton, E. H.: The New Order in Occupied China 460
Coker, Francis W.: Charles A. Beard’s The Republic 352
Constitution vs. the Peace, The. Henry Hazlitt 405
Cousins, Norman: Carleton Mabee’s The American Leonardo 153
Crafford, F. S.: Jan Smuts. Rev. by C. H. Driver 751
Cross, Wilbur L.: Connecticut Yankee. Rev. by J. T. Adams 346
Curti, Merle: The Growth of American Thought. Rev. by S. T. Williams 549
Dallin, David J.: Russia and Postwar Europe. Rev. by V. M. Dean 541
Davidson, Eugene: H. L. Mencken’s Heathen Days 181
Davie, Maurice R.: Edwin R. Embree’s 13 against the Odds 547
Dean, Vera Micheles: David J. Dallin’s Russia and Postwar Europe 541
— Policy towards Germany. Book Reviews 744
De la Mare, Walter: About Love 609
Demos, Raphael: Werner Jaeger’s Paideia, Vols. II and III 543
DeVane, William Clyde: American Education after the War 34
DeVoto, Bernard: The Literary Fallacy. Rev. by S. T. Williams 747
DeWeerd, H. A.: Germany’s Strategic Position 331
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants, Vol. II 185
Dramatic Expression among Primitive Peoples. Melville J. Herskovits 683
Dresbach, Glenn Ward: The Tree Remembered. Verse 682
Driver, C. H.: F. S. Crafford’s Jan Smuts 751
— South African Newsreel. Book Reviews 157
Duranty, Walter: U.S.S.R. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 756
Earle, Edward Mead, ed.: Makers of Modern Strategy. Rev. by Fletcher Pratt 383
Eaton, Charles Edward: The Bright Plain. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Eaton, Clement: Marie Kimball’s Jefferson 165
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, xvi—xxvi; Winter, xxiv—xxxii; Spring, xviii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xiv
Edman, Irwin: George Santayana’s Persons and Places 536
Eliot, T. S.: Four Quartets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Embree, Edwin R.: 13 against the Odds. Rev. by M. R. Davie 547
Everyone Is Right. Liz Jacobson 531
Fedotoff White, D.: The Growth of the Red. Army. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 756
Fergusson, Bernard: Behind the Japanese Lines in Burma 418
Fiesta in St. Paul. Grace Flandrau 69
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Our Young Folks. Rev. by K. E. McBride 554
Fitzgibbon, Russell H.: Studies of Latin America. Book Reviews 170
Flandrau, Grace: Fiesta in St. Paul 69
Forces of Change in the English-Speaking World. W. B. Willcox 14
Ford, Corey: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Foreign Relations of the United States: Japan, 1031—1041. Rev. by Hugh Byas 734
For Love Only. Verse, John Dillon Husband 33
Fowlie, Wallace: Clowns and Angels. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Frank Waldo: South American Journey. Rev. by Hubert Herring 149
Franklin, Albert B.: Ecuador. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Fredborg, Arvid: Behind the Steel Wall. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 567
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants, Vol. II. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 185
Free Private Enterprise for Post-War America. James J. O’Leary 586
Fry, Clements C.: Katherine Butler Hathaway’s The Little Locksmith 362
Furness, Clifton Joseph: Henry Seidel Canby’s Walt Whitman 557
Gabriel,’ R. H.: Carl Van Doren’s Mutiny in January 161
Geismar, Maxwell: Ellen Glasgow’s A Certain Measure 364
Germany’s Strategic Position. H. A. DeWeerd 331
Gershoy, Leo: Carl L. Becker’s How New Will the Better World Be? 733
Glasgow, Ellen: A Certain Measure. Rev. by Maxwell Geismar 364
Goette, John: Japan Fights for Asia. Rev. by Hugh Byas 358
Goldman, Eric F.: John Bach McMaster. Rev. by C. A. Beard 160
Gray, George W.: Science at War. Rev. by Waldemar Kaempffert 535
Greene, Theodore M.: The Mind of Maritain. Book Reviews 377
Grew, Joseph C.: Ten Years in Japan. Rev. by Hugh Byas 734
Grift Cornelis van der: Escape from Java. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Guedalla, Philip: The Two Marshals. Rev. by T. Mendenhall 559
Guérard, Albert: Is England in Europe ? 312
— Napoleon III. Rev. by T. Mendenhall 559
Guérard, Albert, Jr.: Prometheus and the Aeolian Lyre 482
Gunther, John: D Day. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Hagen, Paul: Germany after Hitler. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Halper, Albert: A Song Writer in the Family 258
Hamilton, George Heard: Regina Shoolman’s and Charles E. Slatkin’s The Enjoyment of Art in America 183
Hamlin, Talbot: Greek Revival Architecture in America. Rev. by E. V. Meeks 742
Haskins, Caryl P.: The Amazon. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Hathaway, Katherine Butler: The Little Locksmith. Rev. by C. C. Fry 362
Hays, H. R., ed.: 12 Spanish American Poets. Rev. by Rolfe Humphries 561
Hazlitt, Henry: The Constitution vs. the Peace 405
Heiden, Konrad: Der Fuehrer. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 567
Herring, Hubert: The Aloofness of Argentina. Book Reviews 149
Herskovits, Melville J.: Dramatic Expression among Primitive Peoples 683
Holt, Rackham: George Washington Carver. Rev. by F. B. Hutt 155
Howard, Leon: The Connecticut Wits. Rev. by S. T. Williams 175
Hoyland, John S.: Indian Crisis. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Humphries, Rolfe: H. R. Hays’s 12 Spanish American Poets 561
Husband, John Dillon: For Love Only. Verse 33
Hutt, F. B.: Rackham Holt’s George Washington Carver 155
Huxley, Julian S.: Animals Courting 47
In Autumn Read History. Verse. Keith Thomas 120
In Defense of the Small Countries. Arnold Wolfers 201
Is England in Europe? Albert Guérard 312
Island Road to Tokyo, The. Willard Price 517
Issues of the Coming Election, The. Alvin Johnson 577
Jacobson, Liz: Everyone Is Right 531
Jaeger, Werner: Paideia, Vols. II and III. Rev. by Raphael Demos 543
James, Selwyn: South of the Congo. Rev. by C. H. Driver 157
Japanese Emperor, The. Helen Mears 238
Jeans, Sir James: Physics and Philosophy. Rev. by Henry Margenau 163
Jefferson, Thomas: The Complete Jefferson. Rev. by Dumas Malone 571
Jobim, José: Brazil in the Making. Rev. by R. H. Fitzgibbon 170
Johnson, Alvin: The Issues of the Coming Election 577
— Peace in the World to Come 193
Johnson, Gerald W.: American Heroes and Hero-Worship. Rev. by Dixon Wecter 375
Kaempffert, Waldemar: George W. Gray’s Science at War 535
Kain, Ronald Stuart: Britain’s New Colonial Policy 498
Karpovich, Michael: Russia Today. Book Reviews 354
— Two Books on Russia. Book Reviews 756
Kelemen, Pal: Medieval American Art. Rev. by George Kubler 173
Kennedy, Raymond: K. M. Panikkar’s The future of South-East Asia 555
Kern’s Garden. Marian Marschak 471
Kimball, Marie: Jefferson. Rev. by Clement Eaton 165
Knight, G. Wilson: The Starlit Dome. Rev. by Mark Schorer 179
Kubler, George: Pal Kelemen’s Medieval American Art 173
La Farge, Oliver: War below Zero. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Laing, Dilys Bennett: Two Poems 221
Lansing, E. H.: Escape from Java. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Lavin, Mary: The Sand Castle 721
Lerner, Max, ed.: The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 572
Lesueur, Larry: Twelve Months that Changed the World. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 354
Letter Overseas. Verse. Nancy Cardozo 67
Letters and Comment 191,575
Letter to Sara Teasdale, A. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay 191
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, xvi—xxvi; Winter, xxiv—xxxii; Spring, xviii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xiv
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel: A Letter to Sara Teasdale 191
Lippmann, Walter: U.S. Foreign Policy. Rev. by Carl Becker 142
Little, C. C.: Charles Oberling’s The Riddle of Cancer 763
Logan, Richard F.: William R. Van Dersal’s The American Land 374
Mabee, Carleton: The American Leonardo. Rev. by Norman Cousins 153
McBride, K. E.: Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s Our Young Folks 554
McGovern, Margaret: Chant for an Unknown Grave. Verse 516
Mackenzie, DeWitt: India’s Problem Can Be Solved. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
McMurtrie, Douglas C.: The Book. Rev. by C. P. Rollins 169
Malone, Dumas: Saul K. Padover’s The Complete Jefferson 571
Margenau, Henry: Sir James Jeans’s Physics and Philosophy 163
Maritain, Jacques: Art and Poetry; Ransoming the Time; The Rights of Man and Natural Law; The Twilight of Civilization. Rev. by T. M. Greene 377
Marschak, Marian: Kern’s Garden 471
Matthews, Herbert L.: The Fruits of Fascism. Rev. by Max Ascoli 371
Mears, Helen: The Japanese Emperor 238
Meeks, Everett V.: Talbot Hamlin’s Greek Revival Architecture in America . 742
Mencken, H. L.: Heathen Days. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 181
Mendenhall, T.: Victims of Irony. Book Reviews 559
Merriman, Daniel: Using Our Marine Resources 446
Mexico’s Unity. Joseph S. Werlin 268
Miller, John C.: Origins of the American Revolution. Rev. by D. M. Potter 370
Mommsen, Theodor E.: Jakob Burckhardt’s Force and Freedom 177
Moos, Malcolm.: Swiss Neutrality 121
Moraes, F. R.: Introduction to India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Morgan, Edwin: Flower of Evil. Rev. by Henri Peyre 753
Mowat, R. B.: History of the English-speaking Peoples. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Muir, Peter: This Is India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Muller, Herbert J.: Science and Criticism. Rev. by W. M. Sale, Jr. 151
Neumann, Sigmund: Hitler and His Germany. Book Reviews 567
— Derrick Sington’s and Arthur Weidenfeld’s The Goebbels Experiment 187
New Order in Occupied China, The. E. H. Clayton 460
Nichols, James Hastings, ed.: Force and Freedom. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 177
Night Watch. Walter Bernstein 658
Notes of an Amateur Bee-Keeper. Phillips Russell 114
Oberling, Charles: Why Should Cancer Interest Us? 282
— The Riddle of Cancer. Rev. by C. C. Little 763
O’Leary, James J.: Free Private Enterprise for Post-War America 586
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, xiv—xx; Spring, viii—xiv; 764
Padover, Saul K., ed.: The Complete Jefferson. Rev. by Dumas Malone 571
Panikkar, K. M.: The Future of South-East Asia. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 555
Patchen, Kenneth: The Teeth of the Lion. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Peyre, Henri: Romantics and Moderns. Book Reviews 753
Philip, Hoffman: Abyssinian Memories 292
Potter, David M.: John C. Miller’s Origins of the American Revolution 370
Pratt, Fletcher: Edward Mead Earle’s Makers of Modern Strategy 383
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, vi—xii; Winter, xiv—xx; Spring, viii—xiv; 764
Price, Willard: The Island Road to Tokyo 517
Prometheus and the Aeolian Lyre. Albert Guérard, Jr. 482
Proulx, Benjamin A.: Underground from. Hongkong. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Quiet Streets of Home, The. Robert Shaplen 108
Race in the World to Come. Alvin Johnson 193
Raman, T. A.: Report on India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Rame, David: Road to Tunis. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Readers and Writers in War Time. John Chamberlain 1
Return of a Snob. Lowry Charles Wimberly 320
Revival of E. M. Forster, The. E. K. Brown 668
Rollins, Carl Purington: Douglas C. McMurtrie’s The Book 169
Rolo, Charles J,: Wingate’s Raiders. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Rosinski, Herbert: The German Army. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Rostow, Eugene V.: Max Lerner’s The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes 572
Russell, Phillips: Notes of an Amateur Bee-Keeper 114
Sale, William M., Jr.: Herbert J. Muller’s Science and Criticism 151
Sand Castle, The. Mary Lavin 721
Santayana, George: Persons and Places. Rev. by Irwin Edman 536
Schorer, Mark: G. Wilson Knight’s The Starlit Dome 179
Schubert, David: The Visitor. Verse 417
Schubert, Paul: Gilbert Cant’s America’s Navy in World War II 356
Schultz, Sigrid: Germany Will Try It Again. Rev. by V. M. Dean 744
Seidman, Joel: Union Rights and Union Duties. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 538
Shaplen, Robert: The Quiet Streets of Home 108
Shaw, Irwin: Africa without Germans 623
Sherrod, Robert: Tarawa. Rev. by F. W. Bronson 759
Shoolman, Regina: The Enjoyment of Art in America,. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 183
Sington, Derrick: The Goebbels Experiment. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 187
Slatkin, Charles E.: The Enjoyment of Art In America. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 183
Slichter, Sumner H.: Joel Seidman’s Union Rights and Union Duties 538
Slosson, Preston: History of the English-speaking Peoples. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 145
Smith, T. V.: The Unknown Soldier and the Ideal of Honor 225
Snyder, Charles Lee: John Skally Terry’s Thomas Wolfe’s Letters to His Mother 373
Song Writer in the Family, A. Albert Halper 258
Sowden, Lewis: The Union of South Africa. Rev. by C. H. Driver 157
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.: Lend-Lease. Rev. by P. W. Bidwell 545
Stimson, Robert: Introduction to India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Storck, John: Mortimer J. Adler’s How To Think about War and Peace 749
Sumner, B. H.: A Short History of Russia. Rev. by R. P. Blake 552
Swiss Neutrality. Malcolm Moos 121
Terhune, William B.: Gregory Zilboorg’s Mind, Medicine and Man 159
Terry, John Skally, ed.: Thomas Wolfe’s Letters to His Mother. Rev. by C. L. Snyder 373
Thine Is the Power. Verse. George Abbe 481
Thomas, Dylan: New Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Thomas, Keith: In Autumn Read History. Verse 120
Thomson, Alexander: Richard Aldington’s The Duke 569
— The English and Their Institutions. Hook Reviews 145
Tree Remembered, The. Verse. Glenn Ward Dresbach 682
Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy. George Vernadsky 699
Two Plans for International Monetary Stabilization. Jacob Viner 77
Two Poems. Louis Aragon 605
Two Poems. Dilys Bennett Laing 221
Unknown Soldier and the Ideal of Honor, The. T. V. Smith 225
Untermeyer, Louis: Eight Poets. Book Re-views 348
Using Our Marine Resources. Daniel Merriman 446
Van Dersal, William R.: The American Land. Rev. by R. F. Logan 374
Van Doren, Carl: Mutiny in January. Rev. by R. II. Gabriel 161
Vernadsky, George: Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy 699
— Ancient Russia. Rev. by R. P. Blake 552
Viner, Jacob: Two Plans for International Monetary Stabilization 77
Visitor, The. Verse. David Schubert 417
Ward, Maisie: Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 368
Wecter, Dixon: Gerald W. Johnson’s American Heroes and Hero-Worship 375
Weidenfeld, Arthur: The Goebbels Experiment. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 187
Welles, Sumner: The World of the Four Freedoms. Rev. by Carl Becker 142
Werlin, Joseph S.: Mexico’s Unity 268
What We Didn’t Know Hurt Us a Lot. Carl Becker 385
Wheeler, Post: India against the Storm. Rev. by C. H. Driver 564
Why Should Cancer Interest Us? Charles Oberling 282
Wilhelm, Gale: But Not So Final 135
Willcox, W. B.: Forces of Change in the English-Speaking World 14
Williams, Stanley T.: Merle Curti’s The Growth of American Thought 549
— Bernard DeVoto’s The Literary fallacy 747
— Leon Howard’s The Connecticut Wits 175
Wimberly, Lowry Charles: Return of a Snob 320
Wolfe, Thomas: Letters. Rev. by C. L. Snyder 373
Wolfers, Arnold: In Defense of the Small Countries 201
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Maisie Ward’s Gilbert Keith Chesterton 368
Wylie, Elinor: Last Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 348
Yerkes, Robert M.: Chimpanzees. Rev. by F. A. Beach 366
Zilboorg, Gregory: Mind, Medicine and Man. Rev. by W. B. Terhune 159
VOLUME XXXIV (1944-1945)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
About Foreign Language Teaching. Leonard Bloomfield 625
Adams, J. Donald: The Shape of Books To Come. Rev. by H. J. Muller 744
Allen, D. C.: Not Unrequited. Verse 683
American Security and Foreign Economic Policy. Eugene V. Rostow 495
Andrews, John Williams: No Star Fallen. Verse 601
Argall, Phyllis: My Life with the Enemy. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Art in Progress: A Survey Prepared, for the fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 351
Auden, W. H.: The Collected Poetry of. Rev. by D. A. Stauffer 153
— For the Time Being. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Bache, Carol: Paradox Isle. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Bailey, Thomas A.: Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace. Rev. by Charles Seymour 158
Beard, Charles A.: A Basic History of the United States. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Beard, Mary R.: A Basic History of the United States. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Becker, Carl: The Will of the People 385
— The Reconstruction. Book Reviews 148
Belief in a Future Life. J. Paul Williams 462
Bloomfield, Leonard: About Foreign Language Teaching 625
Bodmer, Frederick: The Loom of Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 187
Bowers, Claude: The Young Jefferson, 1743-1789. Rev. by D. M. Potter 738
Bowers, David F.: Ralph Barton Perry’s Puritanism and Democracy 749
Brandt, Paul: The Reconstruction of World Agriculture. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 565
Bridgman, P. W.: The Prospect for Intelligence 444
British Twentieth Century Economics. Geoffrey Crowther 210
Brooke, Tucker: Arthur Colby Sprague’s Shakespeare and the Actors 169
Brookhouser, Frank: Request for Sherwood Anderson 618
Brooks, Cleanth: Shakespeare as a Symbolist Poet 642
Brooks, Van Wyck: The World of Washington Irving. Rev. by S. T. Williams 346
Brown, E. K.: The Fiction of Henry James. Book Reviews 536
Brown, Harry: The Violent. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Brown, Ralph Adams: Richard S. West, Jr.’s Gideon Welles: Lincoln’s Navy Department 184
Byas, Hugh: Re-Education of the Japanese. Book Reviews 155
Calhoun, Robert L.: Kierkegaard’s Writings. Book Reviews 370
Chamberlain, John: The Public and the Political Campaign 1
Chase, Mary Ellen: The Bible and the Common Reader. Rev. by A. N. Wilder 745
— Sheila Kaye-Smith’s and G. B. Stern’s Speaking of Jane Austen 165
Chemurgic Fantasy, A. Ross L. Holman 282
Childs, Marquis W.: Raymond Clapper’s Watching the World: 1943-1044 153
Ciardi, John: On My Nephew’s Globe Bank. Verse 225
Clapper, Raymond: Watching the World: 1943-1944. Rev. by M. W. Childs 153
Clapper, Mrs. Raymond, ed.: Watching the World: 1943-1944, Rev. by M. W. Childs 153
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: The Wind and the Snow of Winter 227
Colonists for Alaska. William Oilman 666
Come Away Home. Michael Wilson 330
Cooke, Morris Llewellyn: Brazil on the March. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 365
Craig, Gordon A.: The Technique of Peacemaking 113
Crider, J, H.: The Bureaucrat. Rev. by W. A. Orton 378
Croce, Benedetto: Germany and Europe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Crowther, Geoffrey: British Twentieth Century Economics 210
Dallin, David J.: The Real Soviet Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Davenport, Russell: My Country. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Davidson, Eugene: Two Poems. Verse 27
Davis, Herbert: W. S. Lewis’s and A. Dayle Wallace’s Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry 355
de Kiewiet, C. W.: C. V. Wedgwood’s William the Silent 561
Deutsch, Babette: Take Them, Stranger. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
DeWeerd, H. A.: Japan’s Fatal Miscalculations 129
Donovan, Richard: Alfred Einstein’s Mozart: His Character, His Work 741
Dos Passos, John: State of the Nation. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 348
Driver, C. H.: Penderel Moon’s Strangers in India 755
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Song for a Son. Verse 254
Editors, The: Library of the Quarter, The. Autumn, x-xxx; Winter, viii-xxiv; Spring, viii-xxvi; and Summer, viii-xxviii
Einstein, Alfred: Mozart: His Character, His Work, Rev. by Richard Donovan 742
El Soledad. A Dialogue. Donald A. Stauffer 472
Employment and Post-War Prosperity. Leonora Herrick 270
Epic Animal. Verse, Edith Henrich 57
Epitaph. Verse. David Morton 99
Farm Kitchen, The. Betty Fible Martin 699
Fay, Sidney B.: Harry R. Rudin’s Armistice 1918 551
Fiction of the Future, The. Bettina Linn 241
Field, Carter: Bernard Baruch. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 539
Fitzgerald, Robert: A Wreath for the Sea. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Planner, Janet: Pétain, the Old Man of France. Rev. by C. A. Micaud 357
Fletcher, William G.: Brazil and Argentina. Book Reviews 365
Fontaine, Robert: The Life and Death of Uncle Louis 142
Fosdick, Harry Emerson: A Great Time to be Alive. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 367
Fowler, Burton P.: A Liberal Program for Secondary Schools 306
Fox, Dixon Ryan: The Completion of Independence, 1790—1830 (A History of American Life, V). Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Fox, William T. R.: The Super Powers, The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union—Their Responsibility for Peace. Rev. by Quincy Wright 553
Fraenkel, Ernst: Military Government and the Rule of Law. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 747
Francis, Robert: The Sound I Listened For. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Fraser, Lindley: Germany between Two Wars: A Study of Propaganda and War-Guilt. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants, a Study in Command, Vol. III. Rev. by D. M. Potter 3 60
Frost, Frances: Weather Report from Earth. Verse 305
Frost, Robert: A Masque of Reason. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 549
Gabriel, Ralph H.: The Philippines 14
— Ernst Fraenkel’s Military Government and the Rule of Law 747
— Surveying the Nation. Book Reviews 348
Gerry, Bill: Understand What I Mean? 76
Gide, André: Imaginary Interviews. Rev. by Henri Peyre 567
Gilm’an, William: Colonists for Alaska 666
Graham, Edward H.: Natural Principles of Land Use. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Greene, Theodore M.: History and the Liberal Arts 64
Gregory Horace: The Shield of Achilles: Essays on Beliefs in Poetry. Rev. by Mark Schorer 163
Griswold, A. Whitney: American Agriculture in the War and Afterwards. Book Reviews 171
— Karl Brandt’s The Reconstruction of World Agriculture 565
Hailey, Foster: The War Converges on Japan 587
Hall Lawrence S.: Hawthorne, Critic of Society. Rev. by Austin Warren 362
Hamilton, George Heard: Art in Progress: A Survey Prepared for the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art . 351
Hardwick, Elizabeth: Saint Ursula and Her Eleven Thousand Virgins 524
Hart, B. H. Liddell: Some Lessons of the European Warfare 405
Hayes, Alfred: The Big Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
“H. D.”: The Walls Do Not Fall. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Heavey’s Army. Robert Shaplen 429
Hendrickson, Roy F.: Food “Crisis”. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Henrich, Edith: Epic Animal. Verse 57
Herrick, Leonora: Employment and Post-War Prosperity 270
Herskovits, Melville J.: Bronislaw Malinowski’s A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays 377
History and the Liberal Arts. Theodore M. Greene 64
Hockett, Homer C.: Land of the Free: A Short History of the American People. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Hogben, Lancelot, ed.: The Loom of Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 187
Hollandia. Robert Shaplen 87
Holman, Ross L. A Chemurgic Fantasy 282
Horgan, Paul: Taos Valley 36
Howard, Joseph Kinsey: Montana: High, Wide and Handsome. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 160
Howe, Will D.: Charles Lamb and His Friends. Rev. by H. W. Randall 174
Husband, John Dillon: Whose Is the Name We Say. Verse 427
Huxley, Julian: West African Possibilities 255
James, Henry: The Great Short Novels of. Rev. by E. K. Brown . 536
— Stories of Writers and Artists. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Japan’s Fatal Miscalculations. H. A. DeWeerd 129
Johnson, Alvin: The Rehabilitation of Europe 577
— Carter Field’s Bernard Baruch 539
— Joseph Kinsey Howard’s Montana: High, Wide and Handsome 160
Jones, Vergil Carrington: Ranger Mosby. Rev. by Lloyd Lewis 368
Justema, William: Private Papers: Poems of an Army Year. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Karpovich, Michael: Three Books on Soviet Russia. Book Reviews 759
Kaye-Smith, Sheila: Speaking of Jane Austen. Rev. by Mary Ellen Chase 165
Keller, A. G.: William Benjamin Smith’s and Walter Miller’s The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation 363
Kelley, Welbourn, nar.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Kennedy, Raymond: Richard Wright’s Black Boy 762
Kierkegaard, Soren: Either/Or, Vol. I, Vol. II; The Concept of Dread; Training in Christianity; For Self-Examination and Judge Yourselves!; Attack upon “Christendom.” Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 370
Kris, Ernst: German Radio Propaganda. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Krout, John A.: The Completion of Independence, 1790-1830. (A History of American Life, V). Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
Krutch, Joseph Wood: Samuel Johnson. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 546
Kybal, Vlastimil: Carlo Sforza’s Contemporary Italy 167
Lamott, Willis: Nippon: The Crime and. Punishment of Japan. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Landheer, B.: Hendrik Riemen’s The Netherlands 185
Lazarsfeld, Paul F., ed.: Radio Research, 1042-1943. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Leffingwell, R. C.: Managing Our Economy 603
Lewis, Lloyd: Vergil Carrington Jones’s Ranger Mosby 368
Lewis, W. S., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
Liberal Program for Secondary Schools, A. Burton P. Fowler 306
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, x-xxx; Winter, viii-xxiv; Spring, vii—xxvi; Summer, viii—xxviii
Life and Death of Uncle Louis, The. Robert Fontaine 142
Lin, Yu-Tang: The Vigil of a Nation. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Lincoln and John Bright. J. G. Randall 292
Linn, Bettina: The Fiction of the Future 241
Lippmann, Walter: U.S. War Aims. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
Lower 6. Verse. David McCord 481
Maclean, Catherine Macdonald: Born under Saturn: A Biography of William Hazlitt. Rev. by H. W. Randall 174
McCord, David: Lower 6. Verse 481
McCoy, Melvin H.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
McKay, Donald C.: J. M. Thompson’s The French Revolution 740
Malinowski, Bronislaw: A Scientific Theory of Culture and. Other Essays. Rev. by M. J. Herskovits 377
Man the Insurgent. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 29
Managing Our Economy. R. C. Leffingwell 603
Marriott, Alice: The Ten Grandmothers. Rev. by L. W. Simmons 563
Martin, Betty Fible: The Farm Kitchen 699
Marx, Daniel, Jr.: Strategy and American Shipping Policy 684
Matthiessen, F. O.: Henry James: The Major Phase. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
— Henry James: Stories of Writers and Artists. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Maurer, Oscar, Jr.: Francis E. Mineka’s The Dissidence of Dissent: “The Monthly Repository,” 1806-1838 375
Mellinek, S. M.: Ten Escape from Tojo. Rev. by Hugh Byas 155
Menner, Robert J.: Frederick Bodmer’s The Loom of Language 187
Meredith, William: Love Letters from an Impossible Land. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Merriam, Charles E.: Ludwig von Mises’s Omnipotent Government 179
Micaud, Charles A.: The New France 100
— The Dead Past (France). Book Reviews 357
Miller, Walter, trans.: The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation. Rev. by A. G. Keller 363
Mineka, Francis E.: The Dissidence of Dissent. Rev. by Oscar Maurer, Jr. 375
Mises, Ludwig von: Bureaucracy. Rev. by W. A. Orton 378
— Omnipotent Government. Rev. by C. E. Merriam 179
Moon, Penderel: Strangers in India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 755
Moore, Marianne: Nevertheless. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Morris, Ray: Beardsley Ruml’s Tomorrow’s Business 556
Morton, David: Epitaph. Verse 99
Muller, Herbert J.: J. Donald Adams’s The Shape of Books To Come 744
Neumann, Sigmund: The Future of Germany. Book Reviews 735
— Research in a New Field. Book Reviews 176
New France, The. Charles A. Micaud and Robert Strausz-Hupé 100
No Star Fallen. Verse. John Williams Andrews 601
Not Unrequited. Verse. D. C. Allen 683
Note on the Home Front. Eve Riehle 323
Notestein, Ada Comstock: Mary Gray Peck’s Carrie Chapman Catt 151
Nourse, Edwin G.: Price Making in a Democracy. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 182
O’Leary, James J.: Edwin G. Nourse’s Price Making in a Democracy 182
On My Nephew’s Globe Bank. Verse. John Ciardi 225
Orton, William A.: Democracy and Statism. Book Reviews 378
Outlook for Europe, The. Arnold Wolfers 193
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott. Autumn, 1895 Winter, 381; Spring, 573; Summer, 765
Paarlberg, Don: Food. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Patchen, Kenneth: Cloth of the Tempest. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Pearson, Frank A.: Food. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Peattie, Donald Culross: Plant Hunters 58
Peck, Mary Gray: Carrie Chapman Catt. Rev. by A. C. Notestein 151
Perry, Ralph Barton: Puritanism and Democracy. Rev. by D. F. Bowers 749
Perse, Saint-John: Eloges and Other Poems. Rev. by Herbert Steiner 181
Pertinax: The Grave Diggers of France. Rev. by C. A. Micaud 357
Peyre, Henri: André Gide’s Imaginary Interviews 567
Philippines, The. Ralph H. Gabriel 14
Plant Hunters. Donald Culross Peattie 58
Potter, David M.: Claude Bowers’s The Young Jefferson, 1743—1789 738
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s Lee’s Lieutenants, a Study in Command, Vol. III 360
Pottle, Frederick A.: Joseph Wood Krutch’s Samuel Johnson 546
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Autumn, 189; Winter, 381; Spring, 573; Summer, 765
Prospect for Intelligence, The. P. W. Bridgman 444
Public and the Political Campaign, The. John Chamberlain 1
Rahv, Philip, ed.: The Great Short Novels of Henry James. Rev. by E. K. Brown 536
Randall, Helen W.: Lamb and Hazlitt. Book Reviews 174
Randall, J. G.: Lincoln and John Bright 292
— Basic History. Book Reviews 558
Ratchford, Fannie E., ed.: Letters of Thomas J. Wise to John Henry Wrenn 757
Rauch, Basil: The History of the New Deal. Rev. by W. A. Sturges 569
Rehabilitation of Europe, The. Alvin Johnson 577
Request for Sherwood Anderson. Frank Brookhouser 618
Riehle, Eve: Note on the Home Front 323
Riemens, Hendrik: The Netherlands. Rev. by B. Landheer 185
Rosinger, Lawrence K.: China’s Wartime Politics, 1037-1044. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Rostow, Eugene V.: American Security and Foreign Economic Policy 495
Rowe, David Nelson: China Among the Powers. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Rudin, Harry R,: Armistice 1018. Rev. by S. B. Fay 551
Rukeyser, Muriel: Beast in View. Rev. by Mark Schorer 531
Ruml, Beardsley: Tomorrow’s Business. Rev. by Ray Morris 556
Saint Ursula and Her Eleven Thousand Virgins. Elizabeth Hardwick 524
Salisbury, Laurence: China in War Time. Book Reviews 751
Saunders, Hilary St. George: Pioneers! O Pioneers! Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 348
Schlesinger, Arthur M.: Land of the Free: A Short History of the American People. Rev. by J. G. Randall 558
School Excursion, The. Anna Seghers 706
Schorer, Mark: New Poems. Book Reviews 532
— Horace Gregory’s The Shield- of Achilles: Essays on Beliefs in Poetry 163
Schroeder, John C.: Harry Emerson Fosdick’s A Great Time to be Alive 367
Sedgwick, William Ellery: Herman Melville: The Tragedy of Mind. Rev. by S. T. Williams 571
Seghers, Anna: The School Excursion 706
Seymour, Charles: Thomas A. Bailey’s Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace 158
Sforza, Carlo: Contemporary Italy. Rev. by Vlastimil Kybal 167
Shakespeare as a Symbolist Poet. Cleanth Brooks 642
Shaper of American Romance, The. George Snell 482
Shapiro, Karl: V-Letter and Other Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Shaplen, Robert: Heavey’s Army 429
— Hollandia 87
Shotwell, James T.: The Great Decision. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
Simmons, Leo W.: Alice Mariott’s The Ten Grandmothers 563
Smith, William Benjamin, trans.: The Iliad of Homer: A Line for Line Translation. Rev. by A, G. Keller 363
Snell, George: The Shaper of American Romance 482
Some Lessons of the European Warfare. B. H. Liddell Hart 405
Song for a Son. Verse, Virginia Esterly Dunbar 254
Speier, Hans: German Radio Propaganda. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Spencer, Theodore: An Act of Life. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Sprague, Arthur Colby: Shakespeare and the Actors. Rev. by Tucker Brooke 169
Stanton, Frank, ed.: Radio Research, 1042—1043. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 176
Stauffer, Donald A.: El Soledad. A Dialogue 472
— The Collected, Poetry of W. H. Auden 153
Steiner, Herbert: Saint-John Perse’s Eloges and Other Poems 181
Stern, G. B.: Speaking of Jane Austen. Rev. by Mary Ellen Chase 165
Stevens, Edmund: Russia Is No Riddle. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Strategy and American Shipping Policy. Daniel Marx, Jr. 684
Strausz-Hupé: The New France 100
Sturges, Wesley A.: Basil Rauch’s The History of the New Deal 569
Taos Valley. Paul Horgan 36
Technique of Peacemaking, The. Gordon A. Craig 113
Teller, Walter M.: Roots in the Earth. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Thompson, Dunstan: Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Thompson, J. M.: The Trench Revolution. Rev. by D. C. McKay 740
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Man the Insurgent 29
Tong, Hollington K., ed.: China After Seven Years of War. Rev. by Laurence Salisbury 751
Two Poems. Verse. Eugene Davidson 27
Understand What I Mean? Bill Gerry 76
Untermeyer, Louis: Among the Poets. Book Reviews 341
Van Doren, Mark: The Seven Sleepers. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Walker, Charles R.: Dixon Wecter’s When Johnny Comes Marching Home 359
Wallace, A. Dayle, ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
Walpole, Horace: Correspondence. Rev. by Herbert Davis 355
War Converges on Japan, The. Foster Hailey 587
Waring, P. Alston: Roots in the Earth. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 171
Warren, Austin: Lawrence S. Hall’s Hawthorne, Critic of Society 362
Warren, Robert Penn: Selected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 341
Weather Report from Earth. Verse. Frances Frost 305
Wecter, Dixon: When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Rev. by C. R. Walker 359
Wedgwood, C. V.: William the Silent. Rev. by C. W. de Kiewiet 561
Weil, Felix J.: Argentine Riddle. Rev. by W. G. Fletcher 365
Welles, Sumner: Time for Decision. Rev. by Carl Becker 148
West African Possibilities. Julian Huxley 255
West Richard S., Jr.: Gideon Welles: Lincoln’s Navy Department. Rev. by R. A. Brown 184
Whicher, George F.: Robert Frost’s A Masque of Reason 549
White W. L.: Report on the Russians. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 759
Whose’ Is the Name We Say. Verse. John Dillon Husband 427
Wilder Amos N.: Mary Ellen Chase’s The Bible and the Common Reader 745
Will of the People, The. Carl Becker 385
Williams, J. Paul: Belief in a Future Life 462
Williams, Oscar, ed.: New Poems, 1944: An Anthology of American and British Verse, with a Selection of Poems from the Armed Forces. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Williams, Stanley T.: Van Wyck Brooks’s The World of Washington Irving 346
— William Ellery Sedgwick’s Herman Melville: The Tragedy of Mind 511
Wilson, Michael: Come Away Home 330
Wind and the Snow of Winter, The. Walter Van Tilburg Clark 227
Wing, Donald G.: Fannie E. Ratchford’s Letters of Thomas J. Wise to John Henry Wrenn 757
Wise, Thomas J.: Letters. Rev. by D. G. Wing 757
Wolfers, Arnold: The Outlook for Europe 193
Wright, Quincy: William T. R. Fox’s The Super Powers, The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union—Their Responsibility for Peace 553
Wright, Richard: Black Boy. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 762
Young, Marguerite: Moderate Fable. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
Zaturenska, Marya: The Golden Mirror. Rev. by Mark Schorer 532
XXXV (1945-1946)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Adams, Samuel Hopkins: A. Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Alinsky, Saul D.: Reveille for Radicals. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
America and Britain, 1939—1946. D. W. Brogan 193
American Security and the Atomic Bomb. Bernard Brodie 399
Andrews, Charles McLean, ed.: Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Andrews, Evangeline Walker, ed.: Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Are We Ready for a World State? Edward R. Lewis 491
Artist in the Community, The. Charles Morgan 594
Bailey, Thomas A.: Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress, Third Series and Fourth Series. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 367
Bakshy, Alexander, tr.: Seven Plays. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Barnes, John L., ed.: A Stone, A Leaf, A Door. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Beard, Mary R.: Ida Pruitt’s A Daughter of Han 544
Beck, Warren: Out of Line 139
Becker, Carl L.: Freedom and Responsibility in the American Way of Life. Rev. by J. B. Brebner 555
Bell, H. C. F.: Woodrow Wilson and the People. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
Bennett, Charles H.: Peter Quennell’s The Profane Virtues 379
Bennett, Joan: Virginia Woolf. Rev. by Bettina Linn 360
Bill, Alfred Hoyt: The Beleaguered City. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Binger, Carl: The Doctor’s Job. Rev. by A. B. Dayton 172
Biological Basis of Democracy, The. Edmund W. Sinnott 61
Blanshard, Brand: Morris R. Cohen’s A Preface to Logic 170
— Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy 568
Blunden, Edmund: Shells by a Stream. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Bolte, Charles G.: The Veterans Seek Education 614
— The New Veteran. Rev. by J. F. Mathias 566
Botkin, B. A., ed.: Lay My Burden Down. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 736
Bradley, John Hodgdon: Vannevar Bush’s Endless Horizons 729
— Science Marches on. Book Reviews 367
Bradley, Phillips, ed.: Democracy in America. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 173
Brebner, John Bartlet: North Atlantic Triangle. Rev. by P. E. Corbett 338
— Tracts for Our Times. Book Reviews 555
Brinton, Crane: The United States and Britain. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 553
Brodie, Bernard: American Security and the Atomic Bomb 399
Brogan, D. W.: America and Britain, 1939-1946 193
Brown, E. K.: James and Conrad 265
— Hilton Brown’s Rudyard Kipling 740
Brown, Hilton: Rudyard Kipling. Rev. by E. K. Brown 740
Brown, Ivor: A Word in Your Ear and Just Another Word,. Rev. by David McCord 372
Brown, W. Norman: Franklin Edgerton’s The Bhagavad Gita 177
Bryant, Arthur: Years of Victory. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 358
Buchanan, Norman S.: International Investment and Domestic Welfare. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Burckhardt, Jacob: The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. Rev. by T. E. Mommsen 182
Bush, Vannevar: Endless Horizons. Rev. by J. H. Bradley 729
Butcher, H. C.: My Three Years with Eisenhower. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 743
By the Light of a Mushroom. George Weller 40
Calder-Marshall, Arthur: Notes on Yugoslav Journeys 475
Canfield [Fisher], Dorothy: Sex Education 252
— William Allen White’s Autobiography 531
Case, Arthur E.: Four Essays on Gulliver’s Travels. Rev. by George Sherburn 760
Chamberlain, John: President Truman’s Job 1
Christmas Card Verse. Verse. Earl Daniels 222
Chute, Marchette: Geoffrey Chaucer of England. Rev. by R. A. Pratt 763
Ciano, Count: The Ciano Diaries. Rev. by Hans Kohn 542
Clapham, Sir John: The Bank of England. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 559
Clark, Charles E.: Samuel J. Konefsky’s Chief Justice Stone and the Supreme Court 564
Cohen, Morris R.: A Preface to Logic. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 170
Colum, Padraic: Robin Flower’s The Western Island 349
Corbett, P. E.: John Bartlet Brebner’s North Atlantic Triangle 338
Cowley, Malcolm, ed.: Aragon. Rev. by Henri Peyre 562
Croushore, James H., ed.: A Volunteer’s Adventures. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Czechoslovakia’s Reconstruction. Joseph Wechsberg 502
Dallin, David J.: The Big Three. Rev. by Hans Kohn 184
Daniels, Earl: Christmas Card Verse. Verse 222
Daniels, Jonathan: Morris Ernst’s The First Freedom 726
Daniels, Josephus: The Wilson Era. Rev. by D. M. Potter 161
David, Hans T., ed.: The Bach Reader. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 731
Day of Gold and Darkness. Robert Fontaine 527
Dayton, Arthur Bliss: Carl Singer’s The Doctor’s Job 172
De Forest, John William: A Volunteer’s Adventures. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Demos, Raphael: George Santayana’s The Middle Span 149
Departure. Verse. Frederick Ebright 99
DeVane, William C.: The Shelleys. Book Reviews 153
Dickinson, Jonathan: Journal. Rev. by R. M. Jones 561
Dickinson Saga, The. John Erskine 74
Donovan, Richard: Mendelssohn and Schumann. Book Reviews 351
Driver, C. H.: George Soule’s America’s Stake in Britain’s future 356
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Two Lyrics 622
Earle, Edward Mead: The Influence of Air Power upon History 577
Ebright, Frederick: Departure. Verse 99
Edgerton, Franklin, ed.: The Bhagavad Gita. Rev. by W. N. Brown 177
Editors, The: The Library of the Quarter. Autumn, x-xxxviii; Winter, xviii-xxxix; Spring, viii-xxx; Summer, vi-xxvi
Embree, John F • The Japanese Nation, Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Empty Sky, The. Benedict Thielen 431
Ernst Morris: The Pint Freedom. Rev. by Jonathan Daniels 726
Erskine, John: The Dickinson Saga 74
Farewell, My Lovely Magnolias. J. H. Marion, Jr. 416
Fifield, William: Step Right Up 682
Fine Benjamin: Democratic Education. Rev. by David Worcester 757
Finegan, Jack: Light from the Ancient Past. Rev. by G. M. A. Hanfmann 761
Finer, Herman: Road to Reaction. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Sex Education 252
— William Allen White’s Autobiography 533
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Crack-up. Rev. by Mark Schorer 187
Fleisher, Wilfrid: What To Do with Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Flower, Robin: The Western Island. Rev. by Padraic Colum 349
Fontaine, Robert: Day of Gold and Darkness 527
Forman, Harrison: Report from Red China. Rev. by D. N. Rowe 738
Furnivall, J. S.: Netherlands India. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Future in Relation to American Naval Power, The. William B. Willcox 100
Gabriel, Ralph H.: George R. Stewart’s Names on the Land 151
Geismar, Maxwell: Thomas Wolfe: The Hillman and the Furies 649
Germany and the Germans. Thomas Mann 223
Goddard, Harold: In Ophelia’s Closet 462
Gooch, G. P.: Courts and Cabinets. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 742
Gorky, Maxim: Seven Plays. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Gottmann, Jean: French Colonial Records. Book Reviews 370
Greene, Jane Bannard, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1802-1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: Frederic C. Lane’s Andrea Barbarigo 186
Griswold, A. Whitney: The Agrarian Crossroads of Public Policy. Book Reviews 164
Guerard, Albert J.: Montherlant and the Collaborators 93
Haggard, Howard W.: The Physiology of Alcohol 295
Haight, Gordon S.: Victorian Writers. Book Reviews 546
Hailey, Foster: War, Peace, and Atomic Fission. Book Reviews 343
Hanfmann, George M. A.: Jack Finegan’s Light from the Ancient Past 761
Hansen, Alvin H.: Inflation 692
— America’s Role in the World Economy. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Harper, Paul V., ed.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Harper, Samuel N.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Harris, Seymour E., ed.: Economic Reconstruction. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Harvard Committee: General Education in a Free Society. Rev. by Marjorie Nicolson 535
Harvest, The. Verse. May Sarton 29
Hennessey, Joseph, ed.: The Letters of Alexander Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Henrich, Edith: Sonnet for Sappho 415
Herring, Hubert: Dictatorship in South America. Book Reviews 175
Hinkley, Laura L.: The Brontës. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Holmes, John: Time and My Father’s Cousin. Verse 291
Hooker, Richard: Japan’s Lost Opportunity in the War 30
Hoover, Calvin B.: International Trade and Domestic Employment. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 374
Hudnut, Joseph: Paul Zucker’s New Architecture and City Planning 167
Huntington, Ellsworth: Mainsprings of Civilization. Rev. by Samuel Van Valkenburg 377
Inflation. Alvin H. Hansen 692
Influence of Air Power upon History, The. Edward Mead Earle 577
Ingersoll, Ralph: Top Secret. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall, II 743
In Ophelia’s Closet. Harold Goddard 462
Interpretation of China’s Conflict, An. Gunther Stein 633
James and Conrad. E. K. Brown 265
Japan’s Lost Opportunity in the War. Richard Hooker 30
Johnstone, William C.: The Future of Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stem 340
Jones, Frederick L., ed.: The Letters of Mary W. Shelley. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
Jones, Rufus M.: Evangeline Walker Andrews’ and Charles McLean Andrews’ Jonathan Dickinson’s Journal 561
Josephson, Hannah, ed.: Aragon. Rev. by Henri Peyre 562
Kaufman, Beatrice, ed.: The Letters of Alexander Woollcott. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Kennedy, Raymond: Indonesia. Soak Reviews 363
Kenyon Critics, The: Gerard. Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Maynard Mack 539
Kerner, Robert J.: Russian Policy in the Far East 119
Koestler, Arthur: The Yogi and the Commissar. Rev. by Marc Slonim 179
Kohn, Hans: Count Ciano’s The Ciano Diaries 542
— David J. Dallin’s The Big Three 184
Konefsky, Samuel J.: Chief Justice Stone and the Supreme Court. Rev. by C. E. Clark 564
Kreymborg, Alfred: Selected Poems. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Krout, John A.: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.’s The Age of Jackson 727
Laing, Dilys Bennet: Proof and Reproof. Verse 666
Lane, Frederic C.: Andrea Barbarigo. Rev. by K. R. Greenfield 186
Lao Shih: Sound-Movies 286
Laserson, Max M.: Russia and the Western World. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Latourette, Kenneth Scott: A History of the Expansion of Christianity. Vols. III—VII. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 158
Lauterbach, Richard E.: These Are the Russians. Rev. by Marc Slonim 179
Lewis, Alun: Ha! Ha! Among the Trumpets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Lewis, C. Day: Short Is the Time. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Lewis, Edward R.: Are We Ready for a World State? 491
Leyburn, James G.: Bronislaw Malinowski’s The Dynamics of Culture Change 362
Liberman, Simon: Building Lenin’s Russia. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Library of the Quarter, The. The Editors. Autumn, x-xxxviii; Winter, xviii-xxxix; Spring, viii-xxx; Summer, vi-xxvi
Life of Boswell, The. Frederick A. Pottle 445
Lineaweaver, Marion: Sapphics. Verse 691
Lines about Land. Verse. Rosalie Moore 461
Linn, Bettina: Joan Bennett’s Virginia Woolf 360
Lynd, Helen Merrell: England in the Eighteen-Eighties. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 347
McCord, David: Ivor Brown’s A Word in Your Ear and Just Another Word- 372
Mack, Maynard: The Kenyon Critics’ Gerard Manley Hopkins 539
MacNeice, Louis: Springboard. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Malinowski, Bronislaw: The Dynamics of Culture Change. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 362
Mann, Thomas: Germany and the Germans 223
Marion, J. H., Jr.: Farewell, My Lovely Magnolias 416
Marshall, George C.: The Winning of the War in Europe and the Pacific. Rev. by Foster Hailey 343
Mathias, James F.: Charles G. Bolte’s The New Veteran 566
Medical Services of the Future. Thomas Parran 385
Mencken, H. L.: Supplement I: The American Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 354
Mendel, Arthur, ed.: The Each Reader. Rev. by Bruce Simonds 731
Mendell, C. W.: L. P. Wilkinson’s Horace and His Lyric Poetry 746
Mendelssohn, Felix: Letters. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Mendenhall, Thomas C., II: Sir John Clapham’s The Bank of England 559
— Look Out, Here Come the Experts. Book Reviews 743
Menner, Robert J.: H. L. Mencken’s Supplement I: The American Language 354
Meredith, Roy: Mr. Lincoln’s Camera Man. Rev. by D. M. Potter 733
Micaud, Charles A.: The New Regime in France 308
Milburn, George: Oklahoma 515
Mllis Walter: The United Nations Charter and the Peace 14
Mommsen, Theodor E.: Jacob Burckhardt’s The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy 182
Montherlant and the Collaborators. Albert J. Guerard 93
Mook Hubertus J. van: The Netherlands Indies and Japan. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Moore, Arthur: The Farmer and the Rest of Us. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 164
Moore Harriet L.: Soviet Far Eastern Policy, 1031—1941;. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Moore, Rosalie: Lines about Land. Verse 461
Morgan, Charles: The Artist in the Community 594
New Regime in France, The. Charles A. Micaud 308
Nicolson, Marjorie: The Harvard Committee’s General Education in a Free Society 535
Nixon, Glenn: Science and the Battle of the Atlantic 667
Norton, M. D. Herter, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1802—1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Notes on Yugoslav Journeys. Arthur Calder-Marshall 475
Notestein, Wallace: Two Books on English History. Book Reviews 347
Oil in the World. Joseph E. Pogue 623
Oklahoma. George Milburn 515
O’Leary, James J.: Social and Economic Planning. Book Reviews 550
Orton, William Aylott: The Liberal Tradition. Rev. by J. B. Brebner 555
Out of Line. Warren Beck 139
Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews. Orville Prescott 189, 381, 573, 765
Parran, Thomas: Medical Services of the Future 385
Peattie, Donald Culross: The Santa Fe Trail 242
Peyre, Henri: The Resistance and Literary Revival in France 84
— Hannah Josephson’s and Malcolm Cowley’s Aragon 562
Physiology of Alcohol, The. Howard W. Haggard 295
Pickrel, Paul: Public Entertainer. Book Reviews 168
Plenty Pilikia. Genevieve Taggard 48
Pogue, Joseph E.: Oil in the World 623
Polner, Tikhon: Tolstoy and His Wife. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Potter, David M.: Perceptions of the Civil War. Book Reviews 733
— Wilson and His Times. Book Reviews 161
Pottle, Frederick A.: The Life of Boswell 445
Pratt, Robert A.: Marchette Chute’s Geoffrey Chaucer of England 763
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews 189, 381, 573, 765
President Truman’s Job. John Chamberlain 1
Prince, A. E.: Freya Stark’s The Arab Island 570
Proof and Reproof. Verse. Dilys Bennet Laing 666
Pruitt, Ida: A Daughter of Han. Rev. by M. R. Beard 544
Quennell, Peter: The Profane Virtues. Rev. by C. H. Bennett 379
Radin, Paul: The Road of Life and Death. Rev. by L. W. Simmons 747
Ray, Gordon N., ed.: The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. I and II. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Rennie, Ysabel F.: The Argentine Republic. Rev. by Hubert Herring 175
Resistance and Literary Revival in France, The. Henri Peyre 84
Reynolds, Horace: B. A. Botkin’s Lay My Burden Down 736
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Letters, 1802-1010. Rev. by H. J. Weigand 368
Robequain, Charles: The Economic Development of French Indo-China. Rev. by Jean Gottmann 370
Rostow, Eugene V.: World Politics and World Trade. Book Reviews 374
Roth, Andrew: Dilemma in Japan. Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Rowe, David Nelson: Reports of Communist China. Book Reviews 738
Rowse, A. L.: The Spirit of English History. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 347
Russell, Bertrarid: A History of Western Philosophy. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 568
Russian Policy in the Far East. Robert J. Kerner 119
Santa Fe Trail, ‘The. Donald Culross Peattie 242
Santayana, George: The Middle Span. Rev. by Raphael Demos 149
Sapphics. Verse. Marion Lineaweaver 691
Sarton, May: The Harvest. Verse 29
Saturday Nocturne. Richard Sullivan 322
Schapiro, J. Salwyn: Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 173
Schauffler, Robert Haven: Florestan. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Age of Jackson. Rev. by J. A. Krout 727
Schorer, Mark: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Crack-u-p 187
Schultz, Theodore W.: Food for the World. Rev. by A. W. Griswold 164
Schuman, Frederick L.: Soviet Politics at Home and Abroad. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Science and the Battle of the Atlantic. Aurelius B. Vosseller in collaboration with Glenn Nixon 667
Selden-Goth, G., ed.: Felix Mendelssohn: Letters. Rev. by Richard Donovan 351
Sex Education. Dorothy Canfield 252
Shapiro, Karl: Essay on Rime. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Sharp, Roland Hall: South America. Uncensored. Rev. by Hubert Herring 175
Shelley, Mary W.: Letters. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
Sherburn, George: Arthur E. Case’s Four Essays on Gulliver’s Travels 760
Simmons, Ernest J.: Three Russian Writers. Book Reviews 155
Simmons, Leo W.: Paul Radin’s The Road of Life and Death 747
Simonds, Bruce: Hans T. David’s and Arthur Mendel’s The Bach Reader 731
Sinnott, Edmund W.: The Biological Basis of Democracy 61
Slichter, Sumner H.: Strikes and the Public Interest 207
Slonim, Marc: Two Writers on Russia. Book Reviews 179
Smyth, Henry De Wolf: Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. Rev. by Foster Hailey 343
Sonnet for Sappho. Edith Henrich 415
Soule, George: America?! Stake in Britain’s Future. Rev. by C. H. Driver 356
Sound-Movies. Lao Shih 286
Sperry, Willard L.: Kenneth Scott Latourette’s A History of the Expansion of Christianity. Vols. III-VII 158
Stark, Freya: The Arab Island. Rev. by A. E. Prince 570
Stebbins, Lucy Poate: The Trollopes. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Stebbins, Richard Poate: The Trollopes. Rev. by G. S, Haight 546
Stein, Gunther: An Interpretation of China’s Conflict 633
— The Challenge of Red China. Rev. by D. N. Rowe 738
— The Roots of the Japanese Problem. Book Reviews 340
Step Right Up. William Fifield 682
Stern, Jacques: The French Colonies, Past and Future. Rev. by Jean Gottmann 370
Stewart, George R.: Names on the Land. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 151
Strikes and the Public Interest. Sumner H. Slichter 207
Striking Clocks, The. Dorothy Tyler 712
Sullivan, Richard: Saturday Nocturne 322
Suyemoto, Toyo: Two Poems 251
Taggard, Genevieve: Plenty Pilikia 48
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Letters and Private Papers. Vols. I and II. Rev. by G. S. Haight 546
Thielen, Benedict: The Empty Sky 431
Thomas Wolfe: The Hillman and the Furies. Maxwell Geismar 649
Thompson, Ronald, ed.: The Russia I Believe In. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Thomson, Alexander: Arthur Bryant’s Years of Victory 358
— G. P. Gooch’s Courts and Cabinets 742
Timasheff, Nicholas S.: The Great Retreat. Rev. by George Vernadsky 748
Time and My Father’s Cousin. Verse. John Holmes 291
Tocqueville, Alexis de: Democracy in America. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 173
Two Lyrics. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 622
Two Poems. Toyo Suyemoto 251
Tyler, Dorothy: The Striking Clocks 712
United Nations Charter and the Peace, The. Walter Millis 14
Untermeyer, Louis: War Poets and Others. Book Reviews 335
Van Valkenburg, Samuel: Ellsworth Huntington’s Mainsprings of Civilization 377
Vernadsky, George: Towards an Understanding of Russia. Book Reviews 748
Veterans Seek Education, The. Charles G. Bolte 614
Vlekke, Bernard H. M.: The Story of. the Dutch East Indies. Rev. by Raymond Kennedy 363
Vosseller, Aurelius B.: Science and the Battle of the Atlantic 667
Ward, Robert S.: Asia for the Asiatics? Rev. by Gunther Stein 340
Webster, Samuel Charles, ed.: Mark Twain, ‘Business Man. Rev. by S. T. Williams 758
Wechsberg, Joseph: Czechoslovakia’s Reconstruction 502
Weigand, Hermann J.: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters, 1892-1010 368
Weller, George: By the Light of a Mushroom 40
White, Newman Ivey: Portrait of Shelley. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 153
White, William Allen: Autobiography. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 533
Wilkinson, L. P.: Horace and His Lyric Poetry. Rev. by C. W. Mendell 746
Willcox, William B.: The Future in Relation to American Naval Power 100
— Crane Brinton’s The United States and Britain 553
Williams, Oscar: That’s A\l That Matters. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
—’ed.: The War Poets. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Williams, Stanley T.: Samuel Charles Webster’s Mark Twain, Business Man 758
Wilson, Edmund, ed.: The Crack-up. Rev. by Mark Schorer 187
Wolfe, Thomas: A Stone, A Leaf, A Door. Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 335
Woollcott, Alexander: Letters. Rev. by Paul Pickrel 168
Wootton, Barbara: Freedom under Planning. Rev. by J. J. O’Leary 550
Worcester, David: Benjamin Fine’s Democratic Education 757
Wreden, Nicholas, tr.: Tolstoy and His Wife. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 155
Zucker, Paul, ed.: New Architecture and City Planning. Rev. by Joseph Hudnut 167
XXXVI (1946-1947)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.
Abele, Rudolph von: Alexander H. Stephens. Rev. by D. M. Potter 356
Adams, Henry: The Formative Years. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
— Henry Adams and his Friends. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Agar, Herbert, ed.: The Formative Years. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Allen, Charles: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Allen, Lafe Franklin: Educational Reform in Japan 705
Almond, Gabriel A.: Veil Valentin’s The German People 181
American Position in the Mediterranean, The. William Reitzel 673
Anderson, Charles R., ed.: The Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Anderson, Elbridge Gerry: This Ever-Homing Time. Verse 490
Andrade, Jorge Carrera: Secret Country. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth: Berlin Underground, 1938-1045. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Arnall, Ellis Gibbs: The Shore Dimly Seen. Rev. by H. H. Miller 544
Arts, the Professions, and the State, The. Lyman Bryson 631
Australian Pioneer, An. Frank Dalby Davison 320
Barrett, Catharine: When They Cast Their Leaves 514
Batchelor, C. Malcolm: Gilberto Freyre’s The Masters and, the Slaves 362
Baykov, Alexander M.: Soviet Foreign Trade. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Bayne-Jones, S.: John F. Fulton’s Harvey Cashing 528
Bean, C. E. W.: On the Wool Track. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Beard, Charles A.: American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932—1940. Rev. by G. A. Craig 369
Beatty, Richmond C.: The Heritage of Symbolism in Modern Poetry 467
Benedict, Ruth: The Chysanthemum and the Sword. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Blanch, Arnold: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
Blanshard, Brand: Herbert W. Schneider’s A History of American Philosophy 530
Bonsai, Stephen: Suitors and Suppliants. Rev. by Charles Seymour 145
Brazil. Hubert Herring 304
Bridgman, P. W.: Philipp Frank’s Einstein 734
Britain under Planning. John Chamberlain 210
Brodie, Bernard, ed.: The Absolute Weapon. Rev. by R. C. Snyder 162
Brown, E. K.: Homage to Willa Cather 77
— Thackeray and Trollope. Book Reviews 753
Bryson, Lyman: The Arts, the Professions, and the State 631
— Science and. Freedom. Rev. by E. W. Sinnott 552
Bullard, F. Lauriston, ed.: The Diary of a Public Man. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Bullitt, William C.: The Great Globe Itself. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Burnham, James: The Struggle for the World. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 755
Bush, Douglas: English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600—1660. Rev. by L. L. Martz 568
Campbell, Joseph, ed.: Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Rev. by Benjamin Rowland, Jr. 364
Campbell, Oscar James: John Palmer’s Political Characters of Shakespeare 555
Carleton, William G: Ideology or Balance of Power? 590
Carr, Edward Hallett: The Soviet Impact on the Western World,. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Cassandra Again. Verse. Hugh Chisholm 603
Cater, Harold Dean, ed.: Henry Adams and- his friends. Rev. by H. M. Jones 725
Cecil, David: Hardy the Novelist. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 376
Cecil, David: The Poetry of Thomas Gray 611
Chamberlain, John: Britain under Planning 210
Chamberlin, William Henry, ed.: Blueprint for World Conquest. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Chapman, Abraham: Two Filipino Narratives. Book Reviews 184
Chase, Mary Ellen: Mary Alden Hopkins’ Hannah More and Her Circle 744
Chevigny, Hector: My Eyes Have a Cold Nose. Rev. by G. W. Corner 542
Children Swimming. Verse. Eugene Davidson 630
Childs, Marquis W.: Issues and Leaders in Washington 385
— The Political Outlook 1
Chisholm, Hugh: Cassandra Again. Verse 603
Christ-Janer, Albert: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
Churchill, Winston: Secret Session Speeches. Rev. by Charles Poore 360
Coates, Robert M.: The State of the Novel 604
Cole, Margaret: Beatrice Webb. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 350
Colum, Padraic: Sean O’Casey’s Drums under the Windows 154
Complex Problem of China, The. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger 499
Conant, James Bryant: The Scientific Education of the Layman 15
Corbett, Percy Elwood: Britain. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 174
Corner, George W.: Hector Chevigny’s My Eyes Have a Cold Nose 542
Covarrubias, Miguel: Mexico South. Rev. by George Kubler 560
Coyle, David Cushman: The Dilemma of Prosperity 193
— Fred I. Raymond’s The Limitist 740
Craig, Gordon A.: Charles A. Beard’s American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1032-1040 369
Cultural Handicaps in the Northwest. Joseph Kinsey Howard 478
Curti, Merle: Impressions of a Visit to India 689
— The Roots of American Loyalty. Rev. by John Lydenberg 177
D., H.: The flowering of the Rod. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
— Tribute to the Angels. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Dabbs, James McBride: Thoreau: The Adventurer as Economist 667
Dart, Margaret S., ed.: Letters of a Yankee Forty-niner 643
Davidson, Eugene: Children Swimming. Verse 630
— Among the Poets. Book Reviews 149
— New Volumes of Poetry. Book Reviews 539
Davison, Frank Dalby: An Australian Pioneer 320
Deane, John R.: The Strange Alliance. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Deasy, Mary: The Holiday 131
Dehn, Adolf: Boardman Robinson. Rev. by L. E. York 564
De la Mare, Walter: The Burning Glass. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Demos, Raphael: John Dewey’s Problems of Men 156
— F S. C. Northrop’s The Meeting of East and West 371
DeVane, William C.: Mark Schorer’s William Blake 547
Dewey, John: Problems of Men. Rev. by Raphael Demos 156
Dilemma of Prosperity, The. David Cushman Coyle 193
Dorfman, Joseph: The Economic Mind in American Civilization’, 1606—1865. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 159
Douglas, Kenneth N.: Balzac and Stendhal. Book Reviews 565
Driver, Cecil H.: Restless India. Book Reviews 368
— Tory Radical. Rev. by R. L. Schuyler 562
— Arnold J. Toynbee’s A Study of History 727
Duckett, Eleanor Shipley: Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars. Rev. by J. C. Pope 758
Dulles, Allen Welsh: Germany’s Underground. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Dunn, Frederick S.: Sumner Welles’s Where Are We Heading? 343
Bade, Charles, ed.: Winston Churchill’s Secret Session Speeches. Rev. by Charles Poore 360
Economic Issues in the Occupation of Japan. William W. Lockwood 46
Educational Reform in Japan. Lafe Franklin Allen 705
Evans, Oliver: Skaters, Rockefeller Plaza. Verse 303
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Walter Johnson’s Selected Letters of William Allen White 537
Flores, Angel, ed.: The Kafka Problem. Rev. by Harry Levin 354
Formation of Stars, The. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. 491
Fox, William T. R.: American-Soviet Relations. Book Reviews 164
— James Burnham’s The Struggle for the World 755
Frank, Philipp: Einstein. Rev. by P. W. Bridgman 734
Freyre, Gilberto: The Masters and the Slaves. Rev. by C. M. Batchelor 362
Frost, Robert: Nocturnes. Verse 37
Fulton, John F.: Harvey Cashing. Rev. by S. Bayne-Jones 528
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Australia’s Past and Present. Book Reviews 741
Gamow, George: Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life. Rev. by R. F. Humphreys 567
Gerth, H. H., ed.: From Max Weber. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Gilchrist, Marie: In Place of Farewell. Verse 277
Gipson, Lawrence Henry: The British Empire before the American Revolution, Vol. VI. Rev. by Stanley Pargellis 186
Grave in the Foothills. Verse. Celeste Turner Wright 703
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: The Mediterranean Way of Life 435
Greenslet, Ferris: The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 345
Gregory, Horace: A History of American Poetry, 1000-1040. Rev. by S. T. Williams 374
Grierson, Herbert J. C.: A Critical History of English Poetry. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 731
Haight, Gordon S.: Gordon N. Ray’s The Letters and. Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. Ill, IV 557
Hall, Walter Phelps: Iron Out of Calvary. Rev. by Walter Millis 348
Haring, Douglas G., ed.: Japan’s Prospects. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Hendrick, Burton J.: Lincoln’s War Cabinet. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Henrich, Edith: The Quiet Center. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Heritage of Symbolism in Modern Poetry, The. Richmond C. Beatty 467
Herring, Hubert: Brazil 304
High Cost of Living, The. Harley L. Lutz 577
Hoffman, Frederick J.: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Holiday, The. Mary Deasy 131
Homage to Willa Gather. E. K. Brown 77
Hopkins, Mary Alden: Hannah More and Her Circle. Rev. by M. E. Chase 744
Howard, Joseph Kinsey: Cultural Handicaps in the Northwest 478
Humphreys, Richard F. George Gamow’s Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life 567
Husband, John Dillon: The Sun Moves North. Verse 423
Ideology or Balance of Power? William G. Carleton 590
Impressions of a Visit to India. Merle Curti 689
Improvisation for Spring. Verse. Joan Murray 466
Incident in Siam. Dillon Ripley 262
Innocence. Sean O’Faolain 257
In Place of Farewell. Verse. Marie Gilchrist 277
Instruments of Culture on the Frontier. Dixon Wecter 242
Issues and Leaders in Washington. Marquis Childs 385
Jackson, Robert H.: The N�rnberg Case, Rev. by E. V. Rostow 736
Jackson, Shirley: Men with Their Big Shoes 447
Johnson, Alvin: Places for Displaced Persons 394
— Two Sides of the German Problem 38
Johnson, Walter, ed.: Selected Letters of William Allen White. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 537
Jones, Howard Mumford: Henry Adams. Book Reviews 725
Josephson, Matthew: Stendhal. Rev. by K. N. Douglas 565
Kain, Donald Stuart: The Netherlands and Indonesia 287
Kaufman, Esther: The Murderer 717
Kent, Sherman: Prospects for the National Intelligence Service 116
Kocher, Paul H.: Christopher Marlowe. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 175
Kubler, George: In Middle America. Book Reviews 560
Kusaka, Shuichi, ed.: Einstein. Rev. by P. W. Bridgman 734
Labor Unions and Labor Policy. Leo Wolman 231
Lanier, Sidney: Works. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Lasswell, Harold D.: World Politics Faces Economics. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Lauterbach, Richard E.: Through Russia’s Back Door. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Lavrin, Janko: Dostoevsky. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 762
Layman and Libraries, The. Wilmarth S. Lewis 456
Le Fevre, Louis: Paul Bunyan and Rip Van Winkle 66
Letters of a Yankee Forty-niner. Margaret S. Dart, ed 643
Levi, Werner: American-Australian Relations. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Levin, Harry: Angel Flores’ The Kafka Problem 354
Lewis, Wilmarth S.: The Layman and Libraries 456
Leyburn, James G.: Rupert B. Vance’s All These People 168
Liddell Hart, B. H.: The Revolution in Warfare. Rev. by Alfred Vagts 760
Liebling, A. J., ed.: The Republic of Silence. Rev. by D. C. McKay 729
Lineaweaver, Marion: Revelation. Verse 230
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony: The Complex Problem of China 499
Lloyd, J. A. T.: Fyodor Dostoevsky. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 762
Lockwood, William W.: Economic Issues in the Occupation of Japan 46
Lowell, Robert: Lord Weary’s Castle. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Lutz, Harley L.: The High Cost of Living 577
Lydenberg, John: Merle Curti’s The Roots of American Loyalty 177
Mack, Maynard: Donald A. Stauffer’s The Nature of Poetry 346
McKay, Donald C.: A. J. Liebling’s The Republic of Silence 729
— Golo Mann’s Secretary of Europe 152
Mandel, William M.: A Guide to the Soviet Union. Rev. P. E. Mosely 533
Mann, Golo: Secretary of Europe. Rev. by D. C. McKay 15 2
Marshall, S. L. A.: Walter Millis’ The Last Phase 147
Martz, Louis L.: Douglas Bush’s English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600—1660 568
Mauny, Erik de: Summer’s End. Verse 115
Mediterranean Way of Life, The. Kent Roberts Greenfield 435
Mendelssohn, Peter de: Design for Aggression. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Mendenhall, Thomas C.: Harold Nicolson’s The Congress of Vienna 570
Men with Their Big- Shoes. Shirley Jackson 447
Merton, Thomas: A Man in the Divided, Sea. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Miller, Helen Hill: New Southern Resources 101
— Ellis Gibbs Arnall’s The Shore Dimly Seen 544
Millis, Walter: Walter Phelps Hall’s Iron Out of Calvary 348
— The Last Phase. Rev. by S. L. A. Marshall 147
Mills, C. Wright, ed.: From Max Weber. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Morlev, Sylvan us Griswold: The Ancient Maya. Rev. by George Kubler 560
Mosely, Philip E.: Reports and Studies of the U.S.S.R. Book Reviews 533
— Ephraim A. Speiser’s The United States and the Near East 757
Murderer, The. Esther Kaufman 717
Murray, Joan: Improvisation for Spring. Verse 466
Netherlands and Indonesia, The. Ronald Stuart Kain 287
Neumann, Sigmund: H. H. Gerth’s and C. Wright Mills’s From Max Weber 171
— Men Who Were Tested. Book Reviews 748
New Southern Resources. Helen Hill Miller 101
Nicolson, Harold: The Congress of Vienna. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 570
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Discerning the Signs of the Times. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 366
Nocturnes. Verse. Robert Frost 37
Northrop, F. S. C.: The Meeting of East and West. Rev. by Raphael Demos 371
Notes in a Greek Journal. Derek Patmore 278
Notestein, Wallace: The Scot in History. Rev. by Alexander Thomson 377
— Two English Liberals. Books Reviews 350
O’Casey, Sean: Drums under the Windows. Rev. by Padraic Colum 154
O’Faolain, Sean: Innocence 257
Old and the New Diplomacy, The. E. L. Woodward 405
Ortega y Gasset, José: Concord and Liberty. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 167
Outstanding Novels. Rev. by Orville Prescott 189, 380, 573, 765
Palmer, John: Political Characters of Shakespeare. Rev. by O. J. Campbell 555
Pargellis, Stanley: Lawrence Henry Gipson’s The British Empire before the American Revolution, Vol. VI 186
Parkin, Raleigh: India Today. Rev. by C. H. Driver 368
Patmore, Derek: Notes in a Greek Journal 278
Pattern of a Man. James Still 93
Paul Bunyan and Rip Van Winkle. Louis Le Fevre 66
Pearson, Hesketh: Oscar Wilde. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 361
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Paul H. Kocher’s Christopher Marlowe 175
Fitter, Ruth: The Bridge. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Places for Displaced Persons. Alvin Johnson 394
Poetry of Thomas Gray, The. Lord David Cecil 611
Political Outlook, The. Marquis W. Childs 1
Poore, Charles: Charles Eade’s Winston Churchill’s Secret Session Speeches 360
Pope, John C.: Eleanor Shipley Duckett’s Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars 758
Potter, David M.: Rudolph von Abele’s Alexander H. Stephens 356
— F. Lauriston Bullard’s The Diary of a Public Man 549
Pottle, Frederick A.: Herbert J. C. Grierson’s and J. C. Smith’s A Critical History of English Poetry 731
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews 189, 380, 573, 765
Prospects for the National Intelligence Service. Sherman Kent 116
Putnam, Samuel, tr.: The Masters and the Slaves. Rev. by C. M. Batchelor 362
Quezon, Manuel Luis: The Good Fight. Rev. by Abraham Chapman 184
Ray, Gordon N., ed.: The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vols. Ill, IV. Rev. by G. S. Haight 557
Raymond, Fred I.: The Limitist. Rev. by D. C. Coyle 740
Reischauer, Edwin O.: Japan. Rev. by Chitoshi Yanaga 746
Reitzel, William: The American Position in the Mediterranean 673
Revelation. Verse. Marion Lineaweaver 230
Reynolds, Horace: Hesketh Pearson’s Oscar Wilde 361
Rider, Fremont: The Great Dilemma of World Organization. Rev. by O. J. Roberts 358
Ripley, Dillon: Incident in Siam 262
Roberts, Owen J.: Fremont Rider’s The Great Dilemma of World Organization 358
Romulo, Carlos P.: I See the Philippines Rise. Rev. by Abraham Chapman 184
Rosinger, Lawrence K.: Restless India. Rev. by C. H. Driver 368
Rostow, Eugene V.: Joseph Dorfman’s The Economic Mind in American Civilization, 1606—1865 159
— Robert H. Jackson’s The N�rnberg Case 736
Rowland, Benjamin, Jr.: Heinrich Zimmer’s “Myths and. Symbols in Indian Art and. Civilization 364
Sadleir, Michael: Trollope. Rev. by E. K. Brown 753
Salisbury, Harrison: Russia, on the Way. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 533
Santayana, George: The Idea of Christ in the Gospels, or, God in Man. Rev. by A. N. Wilder 182
Schapiro, J. Salwyn: Jose Ortega y Gasset’s Concord, and Liberty 167
Schneider, Herbert W.: A History of American Philosophy. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 530
Schorer, Mark: William Blake. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 547
Schroeder, John C.: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Discerning the Signs of the Times 366
Schuschnigg, Kurt von: Austrian Requiem. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 748
Schuyler, Robert Livingston: Cecil Driver’s Tory Radical 562
Scientific Education of the Layman, The. James Bryant Conant 15
Seymour, Charles: Stephen Bonsai’s Suitors and Suppliants 145
Simmons, Ernest J.: Dostoevsky. Hook Reviews 762
— Leo Tolstoy. Rev. by Marc Slonim 553
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Lyman Bryson’s Science and Freedom 552
Skaters, Rockefeller Plaza. Verse. Oliver Evans 303
Slonim, Marc: Ernest J. Simmons’ Leo Tolstoy 553
Smith, J. C.: A Critical History of English Poetry. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 731
Snyder, Richard C.: Bernard Brodie’s The Absolute Weapon 162
Somervell, D. C., ed.: A Study of History. Rev. by C. H. Driver 727
Speiser, Ephraim A.: The United States and the Near East. Rev. by P. E. Mosley 757
Speyer, Leonora: Slow Wall; Nor Without Music. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.: The Formation of Stars 491
State of the Novel, The. Robert M. Coates 604
Stauffer, Donald A.: The Nature of Poetry. Rev. by Maynard Mack 346
Stevenson, Lionel: The Showman of Vanity Fair. Rev. by E. K. Brown 753
Still, James: Pattern of a Man 93
Summer’s End. Verse. Erik de Mauny 115
Sun Moves North, The. Verse. John Dillon Husband 423
Taggard, Genevieve: Slow Music. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Letters and Private Papers. Rev. by G. S. Haight 557
This Ever-Homing Time. Verse. Elbridge Gerry Anderson 490
Thomson, Alexander: Wallace Notestein’s The Scot in History 377
Thoreau: The Adventurer as Economist. James McBride Dabbs 667
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Trollope 424
Toynbee, Arnold J.: A Study of History. Rev. by C. H. Driver 727
Treece, Henry: Collected Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 149
Trollope. Chauncey Brewster Tinker 424
Two Sides of the German Problem. Alvin Johnson 38
Ulrich, Carolyn F.: The Little Magazine. Rev. by Donald Wing 169
Vagts, Alfred: B. H. Liddell Hart’s The Revolution in Warfare 760
Valentin, Veil: The German People. Rev. by G. A. Almond 181
Vance, Rupert B.: All These People. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 168
Van Deusen, Glyndon G.: Thurlow Weed. Rev. by D. M. Potter 549
Weber, Max: Essays in Sociology. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 171
Wecter, Dixon: Instruments of Culture on the Frontier 242
Weismiller, Edward: The Faultless Shore. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 539
Welles, Sumner: Where Are We Heading? Rev. by F. S. Dunn 343
When They Cast Their Leaves. Catharine Barrett 514
Whicher, George F.: Ferris Greenslet’s The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds 345
White, William Allen: Selected Letters. Rev. by D. C. Fisher 537
Wilder, Amos N.: George Santayana’s The Idea of Christ in the Gospels, or, God in Man 182
Willcox, W. B.: Percy Elwood Corbett’s ‘Britain 174
Williams, Stanley T.: Charles R. Anderson’s The Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier 179
— Horace Gregory’s and Marya Zaturenska’s A History of American Poetry, 1900-1940 374
Wing, Donald: Frederick J. Hoffman’s, Charles Allen’s, and Carolyn F. Ulrich’s The Little Magazine 169
Wolman, Leo: Labor Unions and Labor Policy 231
Wood, G. L., ed.: Australia, its Resources and Development. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 741
Woodbridge, Homer E.: David Cecil’s Hardy the Novelist 376
Woodward, E. L.: The Old and the New Diplomacy 405
— Short Journey. Rev. by Wallace Notestein 350
Wright, Celeste Turner: Grave in the Foothills. Verse 703
Yanaga, Chitoshi: Three Studies of Japan. Book Reviews 746
York, Lewis E.: Albert Christ-Janer’s Boardman Robinson 564
Zaturenska, Marya: A History of American Poetry, 1900—1940. Rev. by S. T. Williams 374
Ziff, William B.: Two Worlds. Rev. by W. T. R. Fox 164
Zimmer, Heinrich: Myth and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Rev. by Benjamin Rowland, Jr. 364
Zweig, Stefan: Balzac. Rev. by K. N. Douglas 565
VOLUME XXXVII (1947-1948)
[Reviews are entered under the reviewer and- under the author of the book reviewed or under “Outstanding Novels.”]
Abbott, Wilbur Cortez, ed.: The Writings and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, Vols. III and IV. Rev. by Godfrey Davies 375
Abernethy, Thomas Perkins: E. Merton Coulter’s The South during Reconstruction, 1865-1877 559
Aiken, Conrad: The Kid. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Along; the Danube. M. W. Fodor 449
American President, The. Clinton L. Rossiter 619
And Not My Wounds. Verse. Mark Van Doren 32
Anshen, Ruth Nanda: Our Emergent Civilization. Rev. by Paul Schrecker 549
Are We Doing’ Our Homework in Foreign Affairs? John W. Gardner 400
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish: The Calculated Risk. Rev. by T. J. Hamilton 523
Arnall, Ellis: The Democrats and the Future 9
Ashburn, P. M.: The Ranks of Death. Rev. by B. C. Corner 176
Auden, W. H.: The Age of Anxiety. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Barghoorn, Frederick C.: Notes on Life and Travel in Russia 596
Barker, Charles A.: Arthur S. Link’s Wilson: The Road to the White House 150
Barker, George: Love Poems. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Barnard, Mary: A Character Must Have a Name 281
Beard, Charles A.: President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941. Rev. by G. A. Craig 762
Bennett, Charles H.: D. B. Wyndham Lewis’ The Hooded Hawk 750
Bentley, Eric: Bernard Shaw. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 544
Bishop, Elizabeth: North & South. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Bretall, Robert, ed.: A Kierkegaard Anthology. Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 162
Britain’s Present Crisis. C. William Vogel 299
Brodie, Bernard: Walter Lippmann’s The Cold War 378
Brogan, D. W.: French Personalities and Problems. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 347
Brooke, Tucker: Essays on Shakespeare and Other Elizabethans. Rev. by O. J. Campbell 752
Brooks, Van Wyck: The Times of Melville and Whitman. Rev. by Randall Stewart 542
Brown, E. K.: David Copperfield 651
— Henry James. Rook Reviews 530
Brown, Ralph S.: John Gunther’s Inside U.S.A. 148
Bundy, McGeorge: On Active Service in Peace and War, Rev. by C. E. Clark . 727
Burnham, James: The Case for de Gaulle. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 737
Byrnes, James F.; Speaking Frankly. Rev. by R. C. Hottelet 331
Calhoun, R. L.: Two New Volumes of Kierkegaard. Book Reviews 162
Calvocoressi, Peter: Nuremberg. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 739
Campbell, Lily B.: Shakespeare’s “Histories.” Rev. by O. J. Campbell 357
Campbell, Oscar James: Tucker Brooke’s Essays on Shakespeare and Other Elizabethans 752
— Shakespearean Studies. Book Reviews 357
Canby, Henry Seidel: American Memoir. Rev. by John Farrar 365
Cant, Gilbert: The Great Pacific Victory. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 352
Can We Check Inflation? Jacob Viner 193
Cecil, David; Two Quiet Lives. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 732
Cerwin, Herbert: These Are the Mexicans. Rev. by Grace Flandrau 526
Chamberlain, Lawrence H.: American Foreign Policy. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 730
Character Must Have a Name, A. Mary Barnard 281
Child of God. Elizabeth Janeway 47
Churches and Civilizations. Arnold Toynbee 1
Clark, Charles E.: The New Court. Book Reviews 139
— Henry L. Stimson’s and McGeorge Bundy’s On Active Service in Peace and War 727
Colum, Mary: Life and the Dream. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 181
Conant, James B.: On Understanding Science. Rev. by E. W. Sinnott 146
Core, The. Verse. John Holmes 409
Corner, Betsy C.: Medical Histories. Book Reviews 176
Coulter, E. Merton: The South during Reconstruction, 1865—1877. Rev. by T. P. Abernethy 559
Cowgill, George R.: James Rorty’s and N. Philip Norman’s Tomorrow’s Food 372
Cowie, Alexander: The Rise of the American Novel. Rev. by G. S. Haight 760
Coyle, David Cushman: Tolerance and Treason 411
Craig, Gordon A.: Charles A. Beard’s President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941 762
Cromwell, Oliver: Writings and Speeches, Vols. Ill and IV. Rev. by Godfrey Davies 375
Curtis, Charles P., Jr.: Lions under the Throne. Rev. by C. E. Clark 139
Dallin, David J.: Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 142
David Copperfield. E. K. Brown 651
Davidson, Eugene: Poets’ Shelf. Book Reviews 745
Davies, Godfrey: Wilbur Cortez Abbott’s The Writings and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, Vols. HI and IV 375
Davis, Anne M.: Days on the Creek 81
Davis, Helen Miller: Constitutions, Electoral Laws, Treaties of States in the Near and Middle East. Rev. by C. C. Torrey 369
Days on the Creek. Anne M. Davis 81
De Guingand, Sir Frederick: Operation Victory. Rev. by S. L. A. Marshall 757
Democrats and the Future, The. Ellis Arnall 9
Denholm-Young, N.: Richard of Cornwall. Rev. by S. K. Mitchell 755
Derby, John: William Plomer’s Kilvert’s Diary, 1870—1879 183
— Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters, Vol. II 555
Dession, George H.: Richard H. Rovere’s Howe& Hummel 349
DeVane, William C.: The Virgin and the Dragon 33
Devereux, James P. S.: The Story of Wake Island. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 151
Domeratzky, Louis: Outlook for International Trade 668
Donovan, Richard: Aids in Understanding Music. Book Reviews 168
Douglas, Kenneth N.: Jean-Paul Sartre’s Existentialism 368
Dream World. Betty Fible Martin 507
Dudley, Samuel William, ed.: The Early Work of Willard Gibbs in Applied Mechanics. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 564
Dunbar. Virginia Esterly: Parable of the Foolish Cock. Verse 80
— The Temple. Verse 485
Dunn, Frederick S.: Peace Strategies in an Unstable World 226
Einstein, Alfred: Music in the Romantic Era. Rev. by Richard Donovan 168
Epstein, Israel: The Unfinished Revolution in China. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 568
Evatt, Herbert Vere: The United Nations. Rev. by T. J. Hamilton 523
Farrar, John: Henry Seidel Canby’s American Memoir 365
Fausset, Hugh I’Anson: Poets and Pundits. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 366
Finer, Herman: America’s Destiny. Rev. by R. C. Snyder 533
Fischer, John: Why They Behave Like Russians. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 142
Fishbein, Morris: A History of the American Medical Association. Rev. by B. C. Corner 176
Fitch, Frederic B.: Alfred North Whitehead’s Essays in Science and Philosophy 185
Flandrau, Grace: Herbert Cerwin’s These Are the Mexicans 526
Flexner, James Thomas: First Flowers of Our Wilderness. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 539
Fodor, M. W.: Along the Danube 449
France Revisited. Donald C. McKay 110
Frost, Ernest M.: The Swans. Verse 618
Frost, Robert: Steeplebush, Rev. by Louis Untermeyer 138
Fry, Clements C.: Alfred C. Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 547
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Dumas Malone’s Jefferson and His Time, Vol. I 735
— Allan Nevins’ Ordeal of the Union 343
Gardner, John W.: Are We Doing Our Homework in Foreign Affairs? 400
Germany and European Economic Recovery. Calvin B. Hoover 385
Gerry, Bill: The Lesson 326
Gershoy, Leo: Movements in France. Book Reviews 737
— The Struggle of the French Republic. Book Reviews 347
Gibbs, Willard: Early Work in Applied Mechanics. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 564
Gide, André: Journals, Vol. I. Rev. by Henri Peyre 341
Goebbels, Joseph: Diaries, 1042-1943. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 739
Good-bye. Verse. Sister M. Bernetta 330
Graf, Max: Modern Music. Rev. by Richard Donovan 168
Granville-Barker, Harley: Prefaces to Shakespeare, Vol. II. Rev. by O. J. Campbell 357
Greene, Jane Bannard, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, Vol. II. Rev. by John Derby 555
Greenup, Leonard and Ruth: Revolution Before Breakfast. Rev. by Hubert Herring 374
Gregory, Lady: Journals, 1916—1030. Rev. by Sean O’Faolain 165
Gunther, John: Inside U.S.A. Rev. by R. S. Brown 148
Hacker, Louis M.: The Shaping of the American Tradition. Rev. by D. M. Potter 174
Haight, Gordon S.: Alexander Cowie’s The Rise of the American Novel 760
— Percy Lubbock’s Portrait of Edith Wharton 355
Hailey, Foster: The How and the Why of the Pacific War. Book Reviews 528
Hamilton, George Heard: James Thomas Flexner’s First Flowers of Oar Wilderness 539
Hamilton, Thomas J.: The United Nations at Work 88
— Next Steps for the U.N. Book Reviews 523
Haskins, George L.: The Growth of English Representative Government. Rev. by Hartley Simpson 553
Hassell, Ulrich von: The von Hassell Diaries, 1038—1044. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 360
Hawthorne and the Twilight of Romance. Roy Harvey Pearce 487
Hayes, Carlton J. H.: Salvador de Madariaga’s The Rise of the Spanish American Empire 561
Hecksher, August: A Pattern of Politics. Rev. by Howard Penniman 371
Henry James’s Final Period. Morris Roberts 60
Herbert, A. P.: Leave My Old Morale Alone. Rev. by David McCord 557
Herring, Hubert: Ruth and Leonard Greenup’s Revolution Before Breakfast 374
— Ralph Roeder’s Juarez and His Mexico 563
Herzog, Wilhelm: Dreyfus to Pétain. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 347
Hoare, Sir Samuel: Complacent Dictator, Rev. by H. R. Rudin 172
Holborn, Hajo: American Military Government. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 360
Holmes, John: The Core. Verse 409
Hoover, Calvin B.: Germany and European Economic Recovery 385
Horan, Robert: Though the Eye Be Adamant. Verse 447
Hotchkiss, William O.: Our Declining Mineral Reserves 68
Hottelet, Richard C.: James F. Byrnes’s Speaking Frankly 331
Hough, Frank O.: The Island War. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 152
Humphries, Rolfe: Forbid Thy Ravens. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Husband, John Dillon: New Orleans August. Verse 667
I’m Glad I Told You. Granville Toogood 686
International Consequences of National Planning. David Mitrany 18
It Seems So. Verse. Lysander Kemp 280
Jacoby, Annalee: Thunder Out of China. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 568
James, Henry: Notebooks. Rev. by E. K. Brown 530
Janeway, Elizabeth: Child of God 47
Johnson, Alvin: Rexford G. Tugwell’s The Stricken Land 157
Joy, Charles R., ed.: Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 535
Karpovich, Michael: Inside Russia. Book Reviews 142
Kemp, Lysander: It Seems So. Verse 280
Kierkegaard, Soren: Works of Love; A Kierkegaard Anthology. Rev. by R. L. Calhoun 162
Kilvert, Francis: Diary. Rev. by John Derby 183
Kinsey, Alfred C.: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Rev. by C. C. Fry 547
Kirkwood, John G.: Lynde Phelps Wheeler’s, Everett Oyler Waters’, and Samuel William Dudley’s The Early Work of Willard Gibbs in Applied Mechanics 564
Kohn, Hans: Switzerland: Centenary of a Democracy 477
Laing, Dilys Bennett: Love Has So Terrible a Face. Verse 109
— The Train in the Wood 428
Lange, Victor: Thomas Mann’s Essays of Three Decades 166
— Douglas Yates’s Franz Grillparzer 566
Langer, William L.: Our Vichy Gamble. Rev. by H. R. Rudin 172
Lesson, The. Bill Gerry 326
Lewis, C. Day: Noah and the Waters. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Lewis, D. B, Wyndham: The Hooded Hawk. Rev. by C. H. Bennett 750
Leyburn, James G.: Wulf Sachs’s Black Anger 180
Link, Arthur S.: Wilson: The Road to the White House. Rev. by C. A. Barker 150
Lippmann, Walter: The Cold War. Rev. by Bernard Brodie 378
Lochner, Louis P., ed.: The Goebbels Diaries, 1943-1043. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 739
Love Has So Terrible a Face. Verse. Dilys Bennett Laing 109
Lubbock, Percy: Portrait of Edith Wharton. Rev. by G. S. Haight 355
M. Bernetta, Sister: Good-bye. Verse 330
McCleary, Dorothy: Please State Age 638
McCord, David: A. P. Herbert’s Leave My Old Morale Alone 557
McCune, Wesley: The Nine Young Men. Rev. by C. E. Clark 139
McKay, Donald C.: France Revisited 110
MacNair, Harley Farnsworth, ed.: China. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 568
Madariaga, Salvador de: The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. Rev. by C. J. H. Hayes 561
Malone, Dumas: Jefferson and His Time, Vol. I. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 735
Malraux, André: The Case for de Gaulle. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 737
Mann, Thomas: Essays of Three Decades. Rev. by Victor Lange 166
Manning, Helen Taft: Louis B. Wright’s The Atlantic Frontier 537
Marshall, S. L. A.: Military Memoirs. Book Reviews 757
Martin, Betty Fible: Dream World 507
Martz, Louis L.: Recent Poetry. Book Reviews 333
Matthiessen, F. O.: The James family. Rev. by E. K. Brown 530
— ed.: The Notebooks of Henry James. Rev. by E. K. Brown 530
Melon, The. Alfredo Segre 713
Mendell, C. W.: James R. Ullman’s Kingdom of Adventure 351
Mendenhall, Thomas C.: History-Writing and the War. Book Reviews 152
Merton, Thomas: Figures for an Apocalypse. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Metaphysical Revival, The. George Whalley 434
Meyer, Cord, Jr.: Peace or Anarchy? Rev. by R. C. Snyder 533
Millis, Walter: Our Military Needs 577
— This Is Pearl! Rev. by Foster Hailey 528
Mitchell, Sydney Knox: N. Denholm-Young’s Richard of Cornwall 755
Mitrany, David: International Consequences of National Planning 18
Montgomery of Alamein, Viscount: Normandy to the Baltic. Rev. by S. L. A. Marshall 757
Morison, S. E.: Operations in North African Waters, October 1043—June 1943. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 152
Murdock, Kenneth B., ed.: The Notebooks of Henry James. Rev. by E. K. Brown 530
Murray, Joan: Poems. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Neumann, Sigmund: The Aftermath of the Dictators. Book Reviews 360
— Of Germany and Germans. Book Reviews … 739
Nevins, Allan: Ordeal of the Union. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 343
New England Republican Looks Ahead, A. Leverett Saltonstall 212
New Orleans August. Verse. John Dillon Husband 667
Nicoll, Allardyce: A History of Late Nineteenth Century Drama 1850— 1900. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 170
Nims, John Frederick: The Iron Pastoral. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Norman, N. Philip: Tomorrow’s Food. Rev. by G. R. Cowgill 372
Norton, M. D. Herter, tr.: Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, Vol. II. Rev. by John Derby 555
Notes on Life and Travel in Russia. Frederick C. Barghoorn 596
Notestein, Ada Comstock: Rebecca West’s The Meaning of Treason 521
O’Brien, Justin, tr.: The Journals of Andre Gide, Vol. I. Rev. by Henri Peyre 341
O’Donnell, W G.: Robert Frost and New England 698
Odum, Howard W.; The Way of the South. Rev. by John Sirjamaki 187
O’Faolain, Sean: Lennox Robinson’s Lady Gregory’s Journals, 1016-1030 165
O’Neill, Edward H., ed.: The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
On the Road to Page One. Charles Allen Smart 242
Our Declining Mineral Reserves. William O. Hotchkiss 68
Our Military Needs. Walter Millis 577
Outlook for International Trade. Louis Domeratzky 668
Outstanding Novels. Rev. by Orville Prescott 189, 381, 573, 765
Parable of the Foolish Cock. Verse. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 80
Parkman, Francis: Journals. Rev. by H. H. Peckharn 540
Patton, George S., Jr.: War As 1 Knew It. Rev. by S. L. A. Marshall 757
Peace Strategies in an Unstable World. Frederick S. Dunn 226
Pearce, Roy Harvey: Hawthorne and the Twilight of Romance 487
Pearson, Norman Holmes: Gertrude Stein’s Four in America 743
Peckham, Howard H.: Mason Wade’s The Journals of Francis Parkman 540
Pelcovits, Nathan A.: Old China Hands and the Foreign Office. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 568
Penniman, Howard: August Hecksher’s A Pattern of Politics 371
Perkins, Dexter: Lawrence H. Chamberlain’s and Richard C. Snyder’s American Foreign Policy 730
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Master and Disciple. Book Reviews 544
— Allardyce Nicoll’s A History of Late Nineteenth Century Drama, 1850-1900 170
Peterson, Florence: Survey of Labor Economics. Rev. by Leo Wolman 551
Peyre, Henri: Andre Gide’s Journals, Vol. I 341
Please State Age. Dorothy McCleary 638
Plomer, William, ed.: Kilvert’s Diary, ,870-1870. Rev. by John Derby 183
Poe, Edgar Allan: Complete Poems and Stories. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Pomeroy, Wardell B.: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Rev. by C. C. Fry 547
Potter, David M.: Louis M. Hacker’s The Shading of the American Tradition 174
Pratt, Fletcher: The Marines’ War. Rev. by Foster Hailey 528
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels. Book Reviews 189, 381, 573, 765
Professional Teacher, The. Francis T. Spaulding 257
Puleston, W. D.: The Influence of Sea Power in World War II. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 352
Quinn, Arthur Hobson, ed.: The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Rev. by S. T. Williams 179
Rees, J. R., ed.: The Case of Rudolph Hess. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 739
Reynolds, Horace: Mary Colum’s Life and the Dream 181
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Letters, Vol. II. Rev. by John Derby 555
Robert Frost and New England. W. G. O’Donnell 698
Roberts, Morris: Henry James’s Final Period 60
Robinson, Lennox, ed.: Lady Gregory’s Journals, 1916-1930. Rev. by Sean O’Faolain 165
Rodnick, David: Postwar Germans. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 739
Roeder, Ralph: Juarez and His Mexico. Rev. by Hubert Herring 563
Roethke, Theodore: The Lost Son and Other Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Rorty, James: Tomorrow’s Food. Rev. by G. R. Cowgill 372
Rossiter, Clinton L.: The American President 619
Rovere, Richard H.: Howe & Hummel. Rev. by G. H. Dession 349
Rudin, Harry R.: Vichy and Madrid. Book Reviews 172
Rutledge, Archibald: The Tomb 129
Sachs, Wulf: Black Anger. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 180
Salazar, Adolfo: Music in Our Time. Rev. by Richard Donovan 168
Saltonstall, Leverett: A New England Republican Looks Ahead 212
Sartre, Jean-Paul: Existentialism. Rev. by K. N. Douglas 368
Schrecker, Paul: Ruth Nanda Anshen’s Our Emergent Civilization 549
Schroeder, John C.: Charles R. Joy’s Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology 530
Schweitzer, Albert: An Anthology. Rev. by J. C. Schroeder 535
Scudder, Townsend: Concord. Rev. by G. F. Whicher 345
Segre, Alfredo: The Melon 713
Shapiro, Karl: Trial of a Poet and Other Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Shaw, Bernard: Geneva, Cymbeline Refinished, & Good King Charles. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 544
She Asked Us, Didn’t She? Jessie M. Treichler 469
Shirer, William L.: End of a Berlin Diary. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 360
Simpson, Hartley: George L. Haskins’ The Growth of English Representative Government 553
Sinnott, Edmund W.: James B. Conant’s On Understanding Science 146
Sirjamaki, John: Howard W. Odum’s The Way of the South 187
Slichter, Sumner H.: The Challenge of Industrial Relations. Rev. by Leo Wolman 551
Smart, Charles Allen: On the Road to Page One 242
Snyder, Richard C.: American Foreign Policy. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 730
— Paths to Peace. Book Reviews 533
Spaulding, Francis T.: The Professional Teacher 257
Stein, Gertrude: Four in America. Rev. by N. H. Pearson 743
Stevens, Wallace: Transport to Summer. Rev. by L. L. Martz 333
Stewart, Randall: Van Wyck Brooks’s The Times of Melville and Whitman 542
Stimson, Henry L.: On Active Service in Peace and War. Rev. by C. E. Clark 727
Swans, The. Verse. Ernest M. Frost 618
Switzerland: Centenary of a Democracy. Hans Kohn 477
Tate, Allen: Poems, 1022—1947. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Taylor, George E.: Policy and History in China. Book Reviews 568
Temple, The. Verse. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 485
Though the Eye be Adamant. Verse. Robert Horan 447
Tinker, C. B.: Essays in Retrospect. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 732
Tolerance and Treason. David Cushman Coyle 411
Tomb, The. Archibald Rutledge 129
Toogood, Granville: I’m Glad I Told You 686
Torrey, Charles C.: H. M. Davis’ Constitutions, Electoral Laws, Treaties of States in the Near and Middle East 369
Toynbee, Arnold: Churches and Civilizations 1
Train in the Wood, The. Dilys Bennett Laing 428
Treichler, Jessie M.: She Asked Us, Didn’t She? 469
Trevor-Roper, H. R.: The Last Days of Hitler. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 360
Tugwell, Rexford G.: The Stricken Land. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 157
Ullman, James R.: Kingdom of Adventure. Rev. by C. W. Mendell 351
United Nations at Work, The. Thomas J. Hamilton 88
U.S. Marine Corps Correspondents: Semper Fidelis. Rev. by Foster Hailey 528
Untermeyer, Louis: Robert Frost’s Steeplebush 138
Van Doren, Mark: And Not My Wounds. Verse 32
— New Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 745
Viereck, Peter: A Walk on Snow. Verse 240
Viner, Jacob: Can We Check Inflation? 193
Virgin and the Dragon, The. William C. DeVane 33
Vogel, C. William: Britain’s Present Crisis 299
Wade, Mason, ed.: The Journals of Francis Parkman. Rev. by H. H. Peckham 540
Walk on Snow, A. Verse. Peter Viereck 240
War Department, Historical Division: Armed Forces in Action. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 152
Waters, Everett Oyler, ed.: The Early Work of Willard Gibbs in Applied Mechanics. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 564
Werth, Alexander: The Year of Stalingrad. Rev. by Michael Karpovich 142
West, Rebecca: The Meaning of Treason. Rev. by A. C. Notestein 521
Whalley, George: The Metaphysical Revival 434
Wheeler, Lynde Phelps, ed.: The Early Works of Willard Gibbs in Applied Mechanics. Rev. by J. G. Kirkwood 5 64
Whicher, George F.: Townsend Scudder’s Concord 345
White, Theodore H.: Thunder Out of China. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 568
Whitehead, Alfred North: Essays in Science and Philosophy. Rev. by F. B. Fitch 185
Willcox, William B.: American Naval Strategy. Book Reviews 352
Williams, Stanley T.: Arthur Hobson Quinn’s The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe 179
Wolman, Leo: Economics of Labor Relations. Book Reviews 551
Woodbridge, Homer E.: Hugh I’Anson Fausset’s Poets and Pundits 366
— Three Volumes of Essays. Book Reviews 732
Woolf, Virginia: The Moment, and Other Essays. Rev. by H. E. Woodbridge 732
Wright, Gordon: The Reshaping of French Democracy. Rev. by Leo Gershoy 737
Wright, Louis B.: The Atlantic Frontier. Rev. by H. T. Manning 537
Yates, Douglas: Franz Grillparzer. Rev. by Victor Lange 566
Zahler, Helene S., ed.: The Shaping of the American Tradition. Rev. by D. M. Potter 174
Zink, Harold: American Military Government in Germany. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 360
XXXVIII (1948-1949)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
American Attitude towards War, The. Dexter Perkins 234
Ancient Pistol. Leslie Hotson 51
Angell, Norman: The Atlantic Pact in the American Tradition 598
Arms, John Taylor: Emerson Tuttle’s Fifty Prints 153
Ashton, Thomas: Correspondence with Horace Walpole, Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Atlantic Pact in the American Tradition, The. Norman Angell 598
At Mrs. Canotti’s. Michael Williams 471
Atomic Power Politics. Walter Isard and Vincent Whitney 399
Bacon, Leonard: Fantasy in D-Minor. Verse 608
— The New Walpole Volumes. Book Review 552
Bacon, Peggy: Etcher’s Heaven 271
Bailey, Thomas A.: The Man in the Street. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 554
Band, Claire: Two Years with the Chinese Communists. Rev. by P. M. A. Linebarger 170
Band, William: Two Years with the Chinese Communists. Rev. by P. M. A. Linebarger 170
Barbour, Harriot Buxton: Sandwich. Rev. by S. T. Williams 367
Barghoorn, Frederick C.: The Progress of Soviet Expansion. Book Reviews 352
Barker, Sir Ernest, ed.: The Character of England. Rev. by C. H, Driver 155
Barnett, Lincoln: The Universe and Dr. Einstein. Rev. by R. F. Humphreys 759
Beauty Is Relative. Christine Weston 654
Beddie, James S., ed.: Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1930—1941. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Bell, Aubrey F. G.: Cervantes. Rev. by Hayward Keniston 158
Bell, Herbert C. F,: Arnold J. Toynbee’s Civilization on Trial 142
Benardete, M. J., ed.: Cervantes across the Centuries. Rev. by Hayward Keniston 158
Bennett, Charles H., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard West, and Thomas Ashton. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Bennett, Joan: George Eliot. Rev. by G. S. Haight 744
Bernstein, David: Lesson from Luzon 509
Berry, John: New Shoes 712
Bishop, Morris: Champlain. Rev. by L. W. Labaree 760
Born, Wolfgang: American Landscape Painting. Rev. by Edwin Clark 755
Borroff, Marie: Two Poems 222
Bowes Lyon, Lilian: Collected Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Boy-Men and Man-Boys. Asher Brynes 223
Boy Next Door, The. Alice Carver Cramer 83
Bradley, David: No Place To Hide. Rev. by C. O. Dunbar 537
Brazilian Scene, The. D. Lee Hamilton 109
Bremen’s. Elizabeth Coatsworth 128
British Colonial Territories, The. A. Creech Jones 204
Brodie, Bernard: Sumner Welles’s We Need Not Fail 178
Brogan, D. W.: An Outsider’s View 17
Bruford, W. H.: Chekhov and. His Russia. Rev. by E. J. Simmons 176
Brynes, Asher: Boy-Men and Man-Boys 223
Bryson, Lyman: James Bryant Conant’s Education in a Divided World 548
Bullett, Gerald: George Eliot. Rev. by G. S. Haight 167
Cahill, Fred V., Jr.: Richard Hofstadter’s The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It 565
Canby, Henry Seidel, ed.: Literary History of the United States. Rev. by J. B. Hubbell 558
Cantwell, Robert: Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rev. by S. T. Williams 757
Carleton, William G.: The Fate of Our Fourth Party 449
Carroll, Wallace: Persuade or Perish. Rev. by D. C. Coyle 351
Carter, John: Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. Rev. by Donald Wing 378
Carter, W. Harrison, Jr.: William Vogt’s Road to Survival 370
Cate, J. L., ed.: The Army Air Forces in World War II. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: Interludes. Rev. by Hay ward Keniston 158
Challenge of Heart Disease, The. H. M. Marvin 283
Chamberlain, John: The Condition of the Republicans 385
Chapman, Wilbert McLeod: Fishing in Troubled Waters, Rev. by Daniel Merriman 543
Chase, Stuart: The Proper Study of Mankind. Rev. by John Storck 379
Childs, Marquis W.: Washington and the Atlantic Pact 577
— Year of Doubt 1
Churchill, Winston S.: The Gathering Storm. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 140
— Their Finest Hour. Rev. by W. B. Willcox 732
Ciardi, John: Halloween. Verse 28
Ciechanowski, Jan: Defeat in Victory. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 352
Clark, Edwin: Wolfgang Born’s American Landscape Painting 755
Closed for Good. Verse. Robert Frost 720
Coatsworth, Elizabeth: Bremen’s 128
Coker, F. W.: Harold J. Laski’s The American Democracy 569
Cole, G. D. H.: Samuel Butler. Rev. by G. S, Haight 744
Cole, Margaret I., ed.: Our Partnership. Rev. by C. H. Driver 155
Conant, James Bryant: Education in a Divided World. Rev. by Lyman Bryson 548
Condition of the Republicans, The. John Chamberlain 385
Corbett, P. E.: Philip C. Jessup’s A Modern Law of Nations 175
Coyle, David Cushman: Wallace Carroll’s Persuade or Perish 351
Cramer, Alice Carver: The Boy Next Door 83
Craven, W. F., ed.: The Army Air Forces in World War II. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Curti, Merle: M. K. Gandhi’s Autobiography 563
Curtis, Brian: The Life Story of the Fish. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 543
Curtiss, Mina, ed.: Letters of Marcel Proust. Rev. by Henri Peyre 728
Daiches, David: T. S. Eliot 460
Dallin, David J.: Soviet Russia and the Far East. Rev. by R. J. Kerner 532
Danes, Gibson: George Kubler’s Mexican Architecture of the Sixteenth Century 186
Daniels, Earl: The End Is Not Yet. Verse 270
Davidson, Eugene: Poets’ Shelf. Book Reviews 723
DeWeerd, H. A.: The Reputation of Rommel 67
— Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe 534
Dillon, Myles: Early Irish Literature. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 182
Drake, Barbara, ed.: Our Partnership. Rev. by C. H. Driver 155
Dream, The. V. S. Pritchett 45
Driver, C. H.: England in Transition. Book Reviews 155
— Clinton L. Rossiter’s Constitutional Dictatorship 549
Dunbar, Carl O.: David Bradley’s No Place To Hide 537
Dunham, William H., Jr.: John Harvey’s The Plantagenets, 1154—1485 561
Duranty, Walter: Stalin & Co. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Early Dead, The. Verse. S. Raiziss 82
Ebon, Martin: World Communism Today. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 352
Editors, The: Wilbur L. Cross 341
Effects of Analogy. Wallace Stevens 29
Eighty-first Congress, The. Ernest K. Lindley 193
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Crusade in Europe. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 534
Empson, William: Collected Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
End Is Not Yet, The. Verse. Earl Daniels 270
Enright, Elizabeth: The Trumpeter Swan 327
Etcher’s Heaven. Peggy Bacon 271
Fairbank, John King: The United States and China. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 539
Fairley, Barker: A Study of Goethe. Rev. by Victor Lange 530
Fantasy in D-Minor. Verse. Leonard Bacon 608
Fate of Our Fourth Party, The. William G. Carleton 449
Fearing, Kenneth: Stranger at Coney Island and Other Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Feather Falling, The. Verse. Bernice Slote 311
Flaubert and the Spirit of ‘48. Harry Levin 96
Flechtheim, Ossip K.: Max Weber’s The Theory of Social and Economic Organization 184
Flexner, James Thomas: John Singleton Copley. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 545
Flores, Angel: The Art of Kafka. Book Reviews 365
— ed.: Cervantes across the Centuries. Rev. by Hayward Keniston 158
France and the Future German State. Robert Strausz-Hupe 313
Freeman, Douglas Southall: George Washington. Rev. by L. B. Wright 342
Freud, Sigmund: An Outline of Psychoanalysis. Rev. by Eugen Kahn 747
Frost, Robert: Closed for Good. Verse 720
Furbank, P. N.: Samuel Butler. Rev. by G. S. Haight 744
Gandhi, M. K.: Autobiography. Rev. by Merle Curti 563
Gardner, John W.: Joseph E. McLean’s The Public Service and University Education 74.2
Gide, Andre: Journals, Vol. II. Rev. by Henri Peyre 162
Giedion, Siegfried: Mechanization Takes Command. Rev. by John Storck 180
Goethe: Science and Poetry. Victor Lange 623
Gray, Thomas: Correspondence with Horace Walpole. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Great Wall of Russia, The. Walter Millis 588
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: The Organization of Ground Combat Troops. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Hadley, Morris: Arthur Twining Hadley. Rev. by C. W. Mendell 349
Haight, Gordon S.: Gerald Bullett’s George Eliot 167
— Three Victorian Novelists. Book Reviews 744
Halloween. Verse. John Ciardi 28
Halper, Albert: Money 520
Hamilton, D. Lee: The Brazilian Scene 109
— Samuel Putnam’s Marvelous Journey 369
Hamilton, Edith: Witness to the Truth. Rev. by A. N. Wilder 173
Hamilton, George Heard: Two American Artists. Book Reviews 543
Harvey, John: The Plantagenets, 1154-1485. Rev. by W. H. Dunham, Jr. 561
Herold, J. Christopher: The Swiss without Halos. Rev. by Malcolm Moos 566
Hofstadter, Richard: The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It. Rev. by F. V. Cahill, Jr. 565
Koran, Robert: A Beginning. Rev. by L. L. Martz 144
Hotson, Leslie: Ancient Pistol 51
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, ed.: The Letters of Henry James to Mr. Justice Holmes 410
Hubbell, Jay B.: New History of American Literature. Book Review 558
Hull, Cordell: Memoirs. Rev. by Estes Kefauver 356
Humphreys, Richard F.: Lincoln Harriett’s The Universe and Dr. Einstein 759
Husband/John Dillon: A Secret Bird. Verse 448
In the House and Out. Verse. Samuel Yellen 507
Isard, Walter: Atomic Power Politics 399
James, Henry: Letters to Mr. Justice Holmes 410
Jarrell, Randall: Losses. Rev. by L. L. Martz 144
Jessup, Philip C.: A Modern Law of Nations. Rev. by P. E. Corbett 175
Johnson, Alvin: Party and Ideology in America 11
Johnson, Thomas H., ed.: Literary History of the United. States. Rev. by J. B. Hubbell 558
Jones, A. Creech: The British Colonial Territories 204
Joyce’s Sentimental Journey. Harry Levin 664
Kahn, Eugen: Sigmund Freud’s An Outline of Psychoanalysis 747
Keast, William R.: The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Kefauver, Estes: Cordell Hull’s Memoirs 356
Keniston, Hayward: The Cervantes Quadricentennial. Book Reviews 158
Kerner, Robert J.: Russia in the Far East 698
— David J. Dallin’s Soviet Russia and the Far East 532
Knorr, Klaus: Barbara Ward’s The West at Bay 363
Kohn, Hans: Tenth Anniversary. Book Reviews 344
Krout, John A.: David C. Mearns’s The Lincoln Papers 346
Kubler, George: Mexican Architecture of the Sixteenth Century. Rev. by Gibson Danes 346
Labaree, Leonard W.: Morris Bishop’s Champlain 760
Lam, George L., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard West, and Thomas Ashton. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Lane, Arthur Bliss: I Saw Poland Betrayed. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 352
Lange, Victor: Goethe: Science and Poetry 623
— Goethe after Two Centuries. Book Reviews 530
Laski, Harold J.: The American Democracy. Rev. by F. W. Coker 569
Le Corbusier, Charles: Concerning Town Planning; New World of Space. Rev. by C. H. Sawyer 358
Lehrman, Hal: Russia’s Europe. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 352
Lesson from Luzon. David Bernstein 509
Letters of Henry James to Mr. Justice Holmes, The. Mark DeWolfe Howe 410
Levin, Harry: Flaubert and the Spirit of ‘48 96
— Joyce’s Sentimental Journey 664
Lewis, W. S., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard. West, and. Thomas Ashton. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Lindley, Ernest K.: The Eighty-first Congress 193
Linebarger, Paul M. A.: The Yenan Idyl. Book Reviews 170
McAdam, E. L., Jr.: A New Letter from Fielding 300
MacAfee, Helen: The New Editors 722
McKeon, Richard: The Pursuit of Peace through Understanding 253
McLean, Joseph E., ed.: The Public Service and University Education. Rev. by J. W. Gardner 742
MacLeish, Archibald: Yankee Skipper 610
— Actfive and Other Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Magidoff, Robert: In Anger and. Pity. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Man and Energy. Edmund W. Sinnott 640
Mann, Thomas, ed.: The Permanent Goethe. Rev. by Victor Lange 530
March, Harold: The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust. Rev. by Henri Peyre 728
Marks, Richard Lee: A View of Argentina under Peron 483
Martz, Louis L.: Recent Poetry. Book Reviews 144
Marvin, H. M.: The Challenge of Heart Disease 283
Mearns, David C., ed.: The Lincoln Papers. Rev. by J. A. Krout 346
Mencken, H. L.: Supplement II: The American Language. Rev. by R. J. Menner 151
Mendell, C. W.: Morris Hadley’s Arthur Twining Hadley 349
Mendenhall, T. C.: Viscount Montgomery’s El Alamein to the River Sangro 762
— Fletcher Rratt’s The Empire and the Glory 556
— War Histories. Book Reviews 372
Menner, Robert J.: H. L. Mencken’s Supplement II: The American Language 151
Merriman, Daniel: Poor Fish, Indeed! Book Reviews 543
Mikhailov, Nicholas: Soviet Russia. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Millis, Walter: The Great Wall of Russia 588
Mills, C. Wright: The New Men of Power. Rev. by C. R. Walker 362
Mitchell, Joseph: Old Mr. Flood. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 543
Modern British Painting. Denys Sutton 675
Money. Albert Halper 520
Montgomery, Viscount: El Alamein to the River Sangro. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 762
Moos, Malcolm: J. Christopher Herold’s The Swiss without Halos 566
Morison, Samuel Eliot: The Battle of the Atlantic, 1930-1043 ; The Rising Sun in the Pacific, 1031-A frit, 1942. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Morley, S. Griswold, tr.: The Interludes of Cervantes. Rev. by Hayward Keniston 158
Mosely, Philip E.: Inside Soviet Russia. Book Reviews 751
Namier, L. B.: Diplomatic Prelude, 1938-1030. Rev. by Hans Kohn 344
Neider, Charles: The Frozen Sea. Rev. by Angel Flores 365
Neumann, Sigmund: Alfred Weber’s Farewell to European History 541
New Editors, The. Helen MacAfee 722
New Letter from Fielding, A. E. L. McAdam, Jr. 300
New Shoes. John Berry 712
Notestein, Ada Comstock: Margaret Farrand Thorp’s Female Persuasion 734
Ostrom, John Ward, ed.: The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe. Rev. by N. H. Pearson 568
Outsider’s View, An. D. W. Brogan 17
Outstanding Novels. Orville Prescott 189, 381, 573, 764
Palmer, Robert R.: The Organization of Ground Combat Troops; The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Papadaki, Stamo, ed.: Le Corbusier, Rev. by C. H. Sawyer 358
Parsons, Talcott, ed.: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Rev. by O. K. Flechtheim 184
Party and Ideology in America. Alvin Johnson 11
Patchen, Kenneth: Red Wine and Yellow Hair. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Pearson, Norman Holmes: John Ward Ostrom’s The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe 568
Penniman, Howard: Dixon Wecter’s The Age of the Great Degression 169
Perkins, Dexter: The American Attitude towards War 234
— Thomas A. Bailey’s The Man in the Street 554
Perry, Henry Ten Eyck: Shaw. Book Reviews 749
Perse, St. John: Exile and Other Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Peyre, Henri: Andre Gide’s Journals, Vol. II 162
— Proust. Book Reviews 728
Pincher, Chapman: A Study of Fish. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 543
Poe, Edgar Allan: Letters. Rev. by N. H. Pearson 568
Pound, Ezra: The Cantos; The Pisan Cantos. Rev. by L. L. Martz 144
Pratt, Fletcher: The Empire and the Glory. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 556
Prescott, Orville: Outstanding Novels 189, 381, 573, 764
Pritchett, V. S.: The Dream 45
Proust, Marcel: Letters; Pleasures and Regrets. Rev. by Henri Peyre 728
Pursuit of Peace through Understanding, The. Richard McKeon 253
Putnam, Samuel: Marvelous Journey. Rev. by D. L. Hamilton 369
Raiziss, S.: The Early Dead. Verse 82
Reputation of Rommel, The. H. A. DeWeerd 67
Research in the Humanities. E. M. W. Tillyard 689
Reynolds, Horace: Myles Dillon’s Early Irish Literature 182
Richardson, Edgar Preston: Washington Allston. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 545
Rossiter, Clinton L.: Constitutional Dictatorship. Rev. by C. H, Driver 549
Rostow, Eugene V.: Chaim Weizmann’s Trial and Error 736
Rusk, Ralph L.: The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Rev. by Odell Shepard 739
Russia in the Far East. Robert J. Kerner 698
Sassoon, Siegfried: Meredith. Rev. by G. S. Haight 744
Sawyer, Charles H.: Pioneer in a World of the Arts. Book Re-views 358
Schapiro, J. Salwyn: David McCord Wright’s Democracy and Progress 165
Secret Bird, A. Verse. John Dillon Husband 448
Shaw, Bernard: Sixteen Self Sketches. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 749
Shell, Inez: Two Poems 673
Shepard, Odell: Ralph L. Rusk’s The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson 739
— Randall Stewart’s Nathaniel Hawthorne 360
Shub, David: Lenin. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 352
Simmons, Ernest J.: W. H. Bruford’s Chekhov and His Russia 176
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Man and Energy 640
Slote, Bernice: The Feather Falling. Verse 311
Smart, Charles Allen: Austin Warren’s Rage for Order 164
Sontag, Raymond J., ed.: Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1039-1041. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Spiller, Robert E., ed.: Literary History of the United States. Rev. by J- B. Hubbell 558
Stacey, C. P.: The Canadian Army, 1939—7945. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Stevens, Wallace: Effects of Analogy 29
Stewart, Randall: Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rev. by Odell Shepard 360
Stilwell, Joseph W.: The Stilwell Papers. Rev. by P. M. A. Linebarger 170
Storck, John: Stuart Chase’s The Proper Study of Mankind 379
— Siegfried Giedion’s Mechanization Takes Command 180
Strausz-Hupe, Robert: France and the Future German State 313
Sutton, Denys: Modern British Painting 675
T. S. Eliot. David Daiches 460
Tauber, Herbert: Franz Kafka. Rev. by Angel Flores 365
Taylor, George E.: John King Fairbank’s The United States and China 539
Thorp, Margaret Farrand: Female Persuasion. Rev. by A. C. Notestein 734
Thorp, Willard, ed.: Literary History of the United States. Rev. by J. B. Hubbell 558
Tillyard, E. M. W.: Research in the Humanities 689
Towster, Julian: Political Power in the U.S.S.R. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Toynbee, Arnold J.: Civilization on Trial. Rev. by H. C. F. Bell 142
Trumpeter Swan, The. Elizabeth Enright 327
Tuttle, Emerson: Fifty Prints. Rev. by J. T. Arms 153
Two Poems. Marie Borroff 222
Two Poems. Inez Shell 673
United States Army, Historical Division: Anzio Beachhead; Utah Beach to Cherbourg. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Van Doren, Mark: The Watchman 434
— Hawthorne. Rev. by S. T. Williams 757
Viereck, Peter: Terror and Decorum. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
View of Argentina under Peron, A. Richard Lee Marks 483
Vogt, William : Road to Survival. Rev. by W. H. Carter, Jr. 370
Vyshinsky, Andrei Y., ed.: The Law of the Soviet State. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Walker, Charles R.: C. Wright Milk’s The New Men of Power 362
Walpole, Horace: Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard West, and Thomas Ashton. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Ward, Barbara: The West at Bay. Rev. by Klaus Knorr 363
Warren, Austin: Rage for Order. Rev. by C. A. Smart 164
Washington and the Atlantic Pact. Marquis W. Childs 577
Watchman, The. Mark Van Doren 434
Webb, Beatrice: Our Partnership. Rev. by C. H. Driver 155
Weber, Alfred: Farewell to European History. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 541
Weber, Max: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Rev. by O. K. Flechtheim 184
Wecter, Dixon: The Age of the Great Depression. Rev. by Howard Penniman . 169
Weizmann, Chaim: Trial and Error. Rev. by E. V. Rostow 736
Welles, Sumner: We Need Not Fail, Rev. by Bernard Brodie 178
West, Richard: Correspondence with Horace Walpole. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 552
Weston, Christine: Beauty Is Relative 654
Wheeler-Bennett, John W.: Munich. Rev. by Hans Kohn 344
White, W. L.: Land of Milk and Honey. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Whitney, Vincent: Atomic Power Politics 399
Wilbur L. Cross. The Editors 341
Wilder, Amos N.: Edith Hamilton’s Witness to the Truth 173
Wiley, Bell I.: The Organization of Ground Combat Troops; The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 372
Willcox, William B.: Winston S. Churchill’s The Gathering Storm 140
— Winston S. Churchill’s Their Finest Hour 732
Williams, Michael: At Mrs. Canotti’s 471
Williams, Stanley T.: Harriot Buxton Barbour’s Sandwich 367
— Portraits of Hawthorne. Book Reviews 757
Williams, William Carlos: Paterson, Books I and II. Rev. by L. L. Martz 144
— Selected Poems. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 723
Wing, Donald: John Carter’s Taste and. Technique in Book Collecting 378
Winsten, Stephen: Days with Bernard Shaw. Rev. by H. T. E. Perry 749
Wolfe, Bertram D.: Three Who Made a Revolution. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 751
Wright, David McCord: Democracy and Progress. Rev. by J. S. Schapiro 165
Wright, Louis B.: Douglas Southall Freeman’s George Washington 342
Yankee Skipper. Archibald MacLeish 610
Year of Doubt. Marquis W. Childs 1
Yellen, Samuel: In the House and Out. Verse 507
VOLUME XXXIX (1949-1950)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
After the British Election. H. G. Nicholas 591
Almond, Gabriel A.: The American People and, foreign Policy. Rev. by McGeorge Bundy 726
Anti-Westernism in Recent Soviet Literature. Gleb Struve 209
Appleby, Paul H.: The Significance of the Hoover Commission Report 1
Auden, W. H.: The Enchafèd flood. Rev. by Jacques Barzun 730
Austria’s Dilemma. Robert Strausz-Hupe 311
Aydelotte, William O.: The Detective Story as a Historical Source 76
Baitsell, George A., ed.: Science in Progress: Sixth Series. Rev. by Waldemar Kaempffert 167
Barker, Eric Wilson: Listen, the Fog Horns! Verse 511
Barzun, Jacques: W. H. Auden’s The Enchaféd Flood 730
Baum, Paull F.: Two Victorian Poets. Rev. of books by Oswald Doughty & John Connell 570
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: John Quincy Adams. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 360
Bergin, Thomas G.: Italian Fiction Today 709
Beyen, J. W.: Money in a Maelstrom. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Bieber, Ralph P.: The Gold Rush and Its Historians. Rev. of books by Cleland, Bruff, Moorman, Van Nostrand, Coulter, Jackson, Knowland, Neasham, Heizer, Fenengh, Caughey, Lewis & Hulbert 370
Bloch, Marc: Strange Defeat. Rev. by B. M. W. Knox 173
Bourret, F. M.: The Gold Coast. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
Bowra, C. M.: The Romantic Imagination. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 346
Brinton, Crane: Pieter Geyl’s Napoleon 160
Brodie, Bernard: Strategic Implications of the North Atlantic Pact 193
Brooks, Gwendolyn: Annie Allen. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Brown, Lloyd A.: The Story of Maps. Rev. by A. O. Victor 186
Bruff, J. Goldsborough: Journals, Drawings, and Other Papers. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Bundy, McGeorge: G. A. Almond’s The American People and Foreign Policy 726
Bunkley, Allison Williams: Peronist Crisis 402
J. L., Stephens’s Incidents of Travel 357
Bush, Vannevar: Modern Arms and Free Men. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 560
Canby, Marion: So Only Try. Verse 274
Carleton, William G.: The Republicans Face 1950 415
Caughey, John Walton: Gold. Is the Cornerstone & Rushing for Gold. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Challange of Mass Media, The. Alexander Klein 675
Chamberlain, John: Man and the State. Rev. of books by W. O. Orton & Bertrand Russell 733
Chamberlin, W. H.: Vladimir Petrov’s Soviet Gold 554
Childs, Harwood L.: Public Opinion Polls. Rev. of books by Mosteller, Hyman, McCarthy, Marks, & Truman; and by Meier & Saunders 550
Chinese Communism. Nathaniel Peffer 23
Christopher, Robert: Jishin. Story 54
Chuang Tzu’s Butterfly. Verse. Ralph Gordon 225
Chute, Marchette: Shakespeare of London. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Clapham, Sir John: A Concise Economic History of Britain. Rev. by Herbert Heaton 558
Clay, Lucius D.: Decision in Germany. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Cleland, Robert Glass, ed,: Apron Full of Gold. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Clifford, James L.: Pope and His Contemporaries. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Clucas, Lowell M., Jr.: Piercing the Iron Curtain 603
Cohen, Robert S.: Philipp Frank’s Modern Science and Its Philosophy 738
Coker, Francis W.: Ludwig von Mises, Human Action 748
Commager, Henry Steele: The American Mind. Rev. by H. M. Jones 723
Communism and the Asiatic Mind. Emanuel Sarkisyanz 491
Connell, John: W. E. Henley. Rev. by P. F. Baurn 570
Controlling Poliomyelitis. John R. Paul 647
Cooper, Duff: Sergeant Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Corle, Edwin: The Widow. Story 337
Coulter, Edith M.: California Pictorial. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Crane, R. S. The English Augustans and Modern Criticism. Rev. of books by Clifford, Landa, & James 753
Creekmore, Hubert: Greetings from Pascagoula. Story 142
Culler, A. Dwight: The Core of the Nineteenth Century. Rev. of books by Basil Willey & Holbrook Jackson 552
Danger of Innocence, The: Adam as Hero in American Literature. R. W. B. Lewis 473
Daugherty, Carroll R.: Organized Labor and the Public Interest 454
Davidson, Eugene: Walk with a Child. Verse 75
Dawson, Giles E.: A Gentleman’s Purse 631
Democritus, Arise! A Study of Dr. Johnson’s Humor. C. R. Tracy 294
Derby, John: Rilke as Prose-Writer and Friend. Rev. of books by Rainer Maria Rilke & Magda von Hattingburg 563
Detective Story as a Historical Source, The. William O. Aydelotte 76
Deutsch, Babette: Six Poets. Rev. of books by Rosalie Moore, Gwendolyn Brooks, Louis Simpson, Jose Garcia Villa, Sister Mary Jeremy, Theodore Spencer 361
Deutscher, Isaac: Stalin. Rev. by David Shub 155
DeVane, William C.: Charles Tennyson’s Alfred Tennyson 176
DeVoe, Alan: Andrew Denny Rodgers’s Liberty Hyde Bailey 158
DeWeerd, H. A.: Vannevar Bush’s Modern Arms and Free Men 560
Dodge, Bayard: The Problem of the Palestine Refugees 61
Doughty, Oswald: Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Rev. by P. F. Bauin 570
Dunbar, Carl O.: George Gaylord Simpson’s The Meaning of Evolution- 344
Einstein, Alfred: The Italian Madrigal. Rev. by Leo Schrade 378
Elliott, Charles Winslow: Kenneth P. Williams’s Lincoln Finds a General 538
Ellmann, Richard: Yeats. Rev. by George Whalley 165
— From Renishaw to Paterson. Rev. of books by Edith Sitwell & W. C. Williams 543
Emotive Language Still. I. A. Richards 108
Enright, Elizabeth: The Sardillion. Story 445
Farnham, Willard: Shakespeare’s Tragic Frontier. Rev. by Hallet Smith 743
Fenenga, Franklin: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Flatter, Richard: Hamlet’s Father. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
Fogle, Richard Harter: The Imagery of Keats and Shelley. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 346
Food Shortages and the Sea. Daniel Merriman 430
Fox Annette Baker: Freedom and Welfare in the Caribbean. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
François-Poncet, Andre: The Fateful Years. Rev. by Hans Kohn 184
Frank, Philipp: Modern Science and Its Philosophy. Rev. by R. S. Cohen 738
French Literary Scene, The. Henry Peyre 263
Friters, Gerard M.: Outer Mongolia and Its International Position. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
From a High Window. Verse. Sara Teasdale .> 414
Fuller, J. F. C.: The Second World War, 1939—1945. Rev. by Fletcher Pratt 157
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Henry Nash Smith’s Virgin Land 746
Gardner, W. H.: Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by Josephine Miles 368
Gayn, Mark: Japan Diary. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 150
Gentleman’s Purse, A. Giles E. Dawson 631
Geyl, Pieter: Napoleon. Rev. by Crane Brinton 160
Goldenweiser, E. A.: Monetary Management. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Goodenough, Erwin R.: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Faith and History 162
Gordon, Ralph: Chuang Tzu’s Butterfly. Verse 225
Goshal, Kumar; People in Colonies. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
Greece: Our Problem and Our Opportunity. L. S. Stavrianos 657
Greetings from Pascagoula. Story. Hubert Creekmore 142
Griffiths, Eldon W.: Retrospect on Germany 96
Gudzy, N. K.: History of Early Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Hadsel, Winifred Nelson: A. Rossi’s A Communist Party in Action 763
Hall, Amanda Benjamin: The Outsiders. Story 693
Hamilton, George Heard: Andre Malraux, The Psychology of Art 751
Harbor, The. Verse. Edith Stuurman 692
Harper, Ralph: Martin Heidegger’s Existence and Being 758
Harris, Seymour E., ed.: Saving American Capitalism. Rev. by S. H. Slichter 376
Harrison, Richard Edes, ed.: New Compass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Hartmann, Frederick H.: Settlement for Germany 240
Hattingberg, Magda von: Rilke and Benvenuta, Rev. by John Derby 563
Heaton, Herbert: Sir John Clapham’s A Concise Economic History of Britain 558
Heidegger, Martin: Existence and Being. Rev. by Ralph Harper 758
Heizer, Robert F.: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Hoover Commission Report, see Significance of the Hoover Commission Report 1
Hotson, Leslie: Shakespeare’s Sonnets Dated find Other Essays. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
How Stable Is the American Economy? Sumner H. Slichter 577
Hudnut, Joseph: Architecture and the Spirit of Man. Rev. by Christopher Tunnard 366
Hulbert, Archer Butler. Forty Niners. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Hunt, The. Story. Sloan Wilson 524
Huxley, Julian: Heredity, East and West: Lysenko and World Science. Rev. by E. W. Sinnott 536
Hyman, Herbert: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
In a Public Ward. Charles Spielberger 226
Inland Boyhood. Verse. Lionel Wiggam 656
In the Low Country of Ceylon. Dillon Ripley 119
Italian Fiction Today. Thomas G. Bergin 709
Jackson, Holbrook: Dreamers of Dreams. Rev. by A. D. Culler 55 2
Jackson, Joseph Henry, ed.: Gold Rush Album. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Jacoby, Erich H.: Agrarian Unrest in Southeast Asia. Rev. by M. S. Stewart 352
James, D. G.: The Life of Reason: Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Jeremy, Sister Mary: Dialogue with an Angel. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Jishin. Story. Robert Christopher 54
Johnson, Walter: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1941-1945, edited by S. I. Rosenman 755
Jones, F. C.: Manchuria Since 1031. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
Jones, Howard Mumford: H. S. Commager’s The American Mind, 723
Joughin, G. Louis: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 171
Kaempffert, Waldemar: George A. Baitsell’s Science in Progress: Sixth Series 167
Kaysen, Carl: Stefan T. Possony’s Strategic Air Power 567
Kent, Sherman: Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy. Rev. by W. L. Langer 365
Kerner, Robert J., ed.: ‘Yugoslavia. Rev. by H. L. Roberts 178
— Pauline Thompkins’s American-Russian Relations in the Far East 541
Key, V. O., Jr.: Southern Politics in State and Nation. Rev. by C. V. Woodward 374
Klein, Alexander: The Challenge of Mass Media 675
Knopf, Alfred A.: William Miller’s The Book Industry 355
Knowland, Joseph R.: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Knox, Bernard M. W.: Marc Bloch’s Strange Defeat 173
Kohn, Hans: André François-Poncet’s The Fateful Years 184
Kraus, Michael: The Atlantic Civilization. Rev. by G. W. Pierson 545
Kurath, Hans: A Word Geography of the Eastern United States. Rev. by Harold Whitehall 556
Kurihara, Kenneth K.: Monetary Theory and Public Policy. Rev. by Lawrence Smith 760
Landa, Louis A.: Pope and His Contemporaries. Rev. by R. S. Crane 753
Langer, William L.: Sherman Kent’s Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy 365
Lattimore, Owen: The Situation in Asia. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 150
Lavrin, Janko: Panorama of Russian Literature. Rev. of books by Gudzy, Mirsky, Slonim, & Strakhovsky 547
Lewis, Oscar: Sea Routes to the Gold Fields. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Lewis, R. W. B.: The Danger of Innocence 473
Leyburn, James G.: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti, by G. Louis Joughin & Edmund M. Morgan 171
Liberal Journalism. George Soule 326
Lindblom, Charles E.: Unions and Capitalism. Rev. by Frances Perkins 349
Listen, the Fog Horns! Verse. Eric Wilson Barker 511
McCarthy, Philip J.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Ma, Ho-t’ien: Chinese Agent in Mongolia. Rev. by Nicholas Poppe 565
Madison, Charles A.: Walter Reuther and the New Unionism 275
Malraux, Andre: The Psychology of Art. Rev. by G. H. Hamilton 751
Marks, Eli A.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1048. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Marsh, Willard N.: Two Poems 471
Mathematics Comes Out of the Classroom. Gerard Piel 132
Meier, Norman C.: The Polls and Public Opinion. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Meinecke, Friedrich: The German Catastrophe. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 735
Merriinan, Daniel: Food Shortages and the Sea 430
Meyerhoff, Howard A.: New Compass of the World, ed. by Weigert, Stefansson Harrison 175
Miles, Josephine: The Plastic Glass. Verse 630
— W. H. Gardner’s Gerard Manley Hopkins 368
Miller, William: The Book Industry. Rev. by A. A. Knopf 355
Millis, Walter: Our Defense Program 385
Mirsky, D. S.: A History of Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Mises, Ludwig von: Human Action. Rev. by F. W. Coker 748
Moore, Rosalie: The Grasshopper’s Man. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Moorman, Madison Berry: The Journal. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Morgan, Edmund M.: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. Rev. by J. G. Leyburn 171
Mosteller, Frederick: The Pre-Election Polls of 1948. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Neasham, Aubrey: California Gold Discovery. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Neumann, Sigmund: Decision in Germany? Rev. of books by L. D. Clay & Friedrich Meinecke 735
Nicholas, H. G.: After the British Election 591
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Faith and History. Rev. by E. R. Goodenough 162
Noon of Loss, The. Verse. Thomas H. Vance 325
O’Casey, Sean: Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well. Rev. by Horace Reynolds 169
O’Faolain, Sean: The Irish. Rev. by Horace Heynolds 169
Organized Labor and the Public Interest. Carroll R. Daugherty 454
Orton, William O.: The Economic Role of the State. Rev. by John Chamberlain 733
Ouija Board, The. Story. Jessamyn West 255
Our Defense Program. Walter Millis 385
Outsiders, The. Story. Amanda Benjamin Hall 693
Outstanding Novels. Paul Pickrel 189, 381, 573, 765
Paul, John R.: Controlling Poliomyelitis 647
Peffer, Nathaniel: Chinese Communism 23
Perkins, Dexter: Samuel Flagg Bemis’s John Quincy Adams 360
Perkins, Frances: Charles E. Lindblom’s Unions and Capitalism 349
Peronist Crisis. Allison Williams Bunkley 402
Petrov, Vladimir: Soviet Gold. Rev. by W. H. Chamberlin 554
Peyre, Henri: The French Literary Scene 263
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Novels 189, 381, 573, 765
Piel, Gerard: Mathematics Comes Out of the Classroom 132
Piercing the Iron Curtain. Lowell M. Clucas, Jr. 603
Pierson, G. W.: Michael Kraus’s The Atlantic Civilization 545
Plastic Glass, The. Verse. Josephine Miles 630
Poppe, Nicholas: Central Asia. Rev. of books by F. C. Jones, Ma Ho-t’ien, & G. M. Friters 565
Possony, Stefan T.: Strategic Air Power. Rev. by Carl Kaysen 567
Potter, David M.: Sketches for the Roosevelt Portrait 39
Pottle, Frederick A.: The Romantic Imagination Revisited. Rev. of books by C. M. Bowra & R. H. Fogle 346
Pratt, Fletcher: J. F. C. Fuller’s The Second World War, 1030-1045 157
Problem of the Palestine Refugees, The. Bayard Dodge 61
Reichardt, Konstantin: August Strindberg’s Eight Famous Plays 153
Reiwald, Paul: Society and Its Criminals. Rev. by Fredric Wertham 741
Republicans Face 1950, The. William G. Carleton 415
Retrospect on Germany. Eldon W. Griffiths 96
Reuther, Walter, see Walter Reuther and the New Unionism 275
Reynolds, Horace: Irish Puritanism. Rev. of books by Sean O’Faolain & Sean O’Casey 169
Richards, I. A.: Emotive Language Still 108
Rilke, Rainer Maria: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. Rev. by John Derby 563
Ripley, Dillon: In the Low Country of Ceylon 119
Roberts, Henry L.: R. J. Kerner’s Yugoslavia 178
Rodgers, Andrew Denny: Liberty Hyde Bailey. Rev. by Alan Devoe 158
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Public Papers and Addresses, 1941-1945. Rev. by Walter Johnson 735
Rosenman, Samuel L, ed.: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1941—1945. Rev. by Walter Johnson 755
Rossi, A.: A Communist Party in Action. Rev. by W. N. Hadsel 763
Russell, Bertrand: Authority and the Individual. Rev. by John Chamberlain 733
Sansoin, G. B.: The Western World and Japan. Rev. by G. E. Taylor 728
Sardillion, The. Story. Elizabeth Enright 445
Sarkisyanz, Emanuel: Communism and the Asiatic Mind 491
Saunders, Harold W.: The Polls and Public Opinion. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Schrade, Leo: Alfred Einstein’s The Italian Madrigal 378
Settlement for Germany: Frederick H. Hartmann 240
Sherburn, George: The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker 182
Shub, David: Isaac Deutscher’s Stalin 155
Significance of the Hoover Commission Report, The. Paul H. Appleby 1
Simpson, George Gaylord: The Meaning of Evolution. Rev. by C. O. Dunbar 344
Simpson, Louis: The Arrivistes. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Julian Huxley’s Heredity, East and West 536
Sitwell, Edith: The Canticle of the Rose, Rev. by Richard Ellmann 543
Sketches for the Roosevelt Portrait. David M. Potter 39
Slichter, Sumner H.: How Stable Is the American Economy? 577
— Seymour E. Harris’s Saving American Capitalism 376
Slonim, Mark: The Epic of Russian Literature. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Smith, Hallett: The Shakespeare Shelf. Rev. of books by Chute, Cooper, Farnham, Flatter, Hotson, & Stauffer 743
Smith, Henry Nash: Virgin Land. Rev. by R. H. Gabriel 746
Smith, John Campbell: Who Too Was a Soldier. Story 620
Smith, Lawrence: Money Today. Rev. of books by Beyen, Goldenweiesr, & Kurihara 760
So Only Try. Verse. Marion Canby 274
Soule, George: Liberal Journalism 326
Spencer, Theodore: An Acre in the Seed. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 361
Spielberger, Charles: In a Public Ward 226
Stauffer, Donald A.; Shakespeare’s World of Images. Rev. by Hallett Smith 743
— The Golden Nightingale. Rev. by George Whalley 165
Stavrianos, L. S.: Greece: Our Problem and Our Opportunity 657
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, ed.: New Corn-pass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Stegner, Wallace: Variations on a Theme by Conrad 512
Stephens, John L.: Incidents of Travel. Rev. by A. W. Bunkley 357
Stewart, Maxwell S.: Colonial Unrest. Rev. of books by Goshal, Jacoby, Fox, & Fourret 352
Strakhovsky, Leonid : Three Poets of Modern Russia. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 547
Strategic Implications of the North Atlantic Pact. Bernard Brodie 193
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Austria’s Dilemma 311
Strindberg, August: Eight Famous Flays. Rev. by Konstantin Reichardt 153
Stuurman, Edith: The Harbor. Verse 692
Struve, Gleb: Anti-Westernism in Recent Soviet Literature 209
Taylor, George E.: G. B. Sansom’s The Western World and Japan 728
— Asia in a Bipolarized World. Rev. of books by Mark Gayn & Owen Lattimore 150
Teasdale, Sara: From a High Window. Verse 414
Tennyson, Charles: Alfred Tennyson. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 176
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. Rev. by George Sherburn 182
Tompkins, Pauline: American-Russian Relations in the Far East. Rev. by R. J. Kerner 541
Tracy, C. R.: Democritus, Arise! A Study of Dr. Johnson’s Humor 294
Truman, David B.: The Pre-Election Polls of 1948. Rev. by H. L. Childs 550
Tunnard, Christopher: Joseph Hudnut’s Architecture and the Spirit of Man 366
Two Poems. Willard N. Marsh 471
Vance, Thomas H.: The Noon of Loss. Verse 325
Van Nostrand, Jeanne: California Pictorial. Rev. by R. P. Bieber 370
Variations on a Theme by Conrad. Wallace Stegner 512
Victor, Alexander O.: Lloyd A. Brown’s The Story of Maps 186
Villa, José Garcia: Volume Two. Rev. by Babette Deutch 361
Walk with a Child. Verse. Eugene Davidson 75
Walter Reuther and the New Unionism. Charles A. Madison 275
Warren, Austin: Theory of Literature. Rev. by W. K. Wimsatt, Jr. 18 o
Weigert, Hans W., ed.: New Compass of the World. Rev. by H. A. Meyerhoff 175
Wellek, René: Theory of Literature. Rev. by W. K. Wirnsatt, Jr. 180
Wertham, Fredric: Paul Reiwald’s Society and Its Criminals 741
West, Jessamyn: The Ouija Board. Story 255
Whalley, George: Yeats’s Mind. Rev. of books by Richard Ellmann & D. A. Stauffer 165
Whitehall, Harold: Hans Kurath’s A Word Geography of the Eastern United States 556
Who Too Was a Soldier. Story. John Campbell Smith 620
Widow, The. Story. Edwin Corle 337
Wiggam, Lionel: Inland Boyhood. Verse 656
Willey, Basil: Nineteenth Century Studies. Rev. by A. D. Culler 552
Williams, Kenneth P.: Lincoln Finds a General. Rev. by C. W. Elliott 538
Williams, William Carlos: Paterson (Book Three). Rev. by Richard Ellmann 543
Wilson, Sloan: The Hunt. Story 524
Wimsatt, W. K., Jr.: Theory of Literature, by René Wellek & Austin Warren 180
Woodward, C. Vann: V. O. Key, Jr., Southern Politics in State and Nation 374