The Yale Review by decade: VOLUMES XLI-XLIX (1951-1960)
VOLUME XLI (1951-1952)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Ackerman, Edward: American Resources: Their Management and Conservation. Rev. by Anthony Netboy 145
Adams, Frederick B., Jr.: Wilmarth Lewis’s Collector’s Progress 125
Allen, John Houghton: Southwest. Rev. by J. F. Dobie 611
Altick, Richard D.: The Private Life of Robert Browning 247
Annan, Noel Gilroy: Leslie Stephen. Rev. by W. C. DeVane 618
Arendt, Hannah: The Origins of Totalitarianism. Rev. by H. R. Rudin 122
Auden, W. H.: Nones. Rev. by David Daiches 15 3
Austin, Deborah: October Invocation to a Mythical Bird. Verse 360
Bacon, Leonard: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vols. XV & XVI 463
Baker, Richard M.: The Drood Murder Case. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Barghoorn, Frederick C.: Margaret Mead’s Soviet Attitudes towards Authority 318
Bates, Marston: Exporting Our Clothes 45
Baur, John I. H.: Revolution and Tradition in Modern American Art. Rev. by Edwin Clark 624
Bellamy, Francis Rufus: The Private Life of George Washington. Rev. by Merrill Jensen 450
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: Russell Kirk’s Randolph of Roanoke 281
Bennett, C. H., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vol. XV. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Blum, Harold F.: Time’s Arrow and Evolution. Rev. by G. G. Simpson 275
Blum, John M., ed.: The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: Vols. I & II. Rev. by A. S. Link 157
Bolitho, Hector: A Century of British Monarchy. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Boyd, Julian P., ed.: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Vols. II, III, & IV. Rev. by L. B. Wright 148
Bradley, Omar N.: A Soldier’s Story. Rev. by H. A. DeWeerd 117
Brantley, Fredrick: Poets and Their Worlds. Rev. of books by Roethke, Jarrell, Gregory, Read, & Adrienne Cecile Rich 476
Brenan, Gerald: The Face of Spain & The Literature of the Spanish People. Rev. by Vicente Llorens 282
Brewer, Sam Pope: Spain: How Good an Ally? 348
Bridenbaugh, Carl: Letters of Benjamin Rush, ed. by L. H. Butterfield 131
— Our Past and Its Popularizers. Rev. of books by Smith & Willison 465
Britain and the Middle East. Sir Reader Bullard 539
British Conservatism Today. Sir Arthur Salter 1
Brittain, Robert: In the Museum. Verse 263
Brooks, Cleanth, ed.: Poems of Mr. John Milton: The 1645 Edition. Rev. by J. H. Hanford 634
— Ezra Pound: Correspondence and Commentary. Rev. of books by Pound (ed. by Paige), Russell, & Kenner 444
Brown, Dee: Trail Driving Days. Rev. by J. F. Dobie 611
Brown, G. Burniston: Science: Its Method and Its Philosophy. Rev. by I. B. Cohen 295
Brown, W. Edward: The Greeks and Their Gods. Rev’. of books by Lattimore, Kerényi, & Dodds 470
Brown, W. Norman, ed.: India, Pakistan, Ceylon. Rev. by Milton Sacks 127
Browning, Robert: see Private Life of Robert Browning, The 247
— Dearest Isa: Robert Browning’s Letters to Isabella Blagden. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Bryan, Mina R., ed.: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Vols. II, III, & IV. Rev. by L. B. Wright 148
Bryant, Arthur: The Age of Elegance. Rev. by C. H. Driver 159
Buckley, Jerome Hamilton: The Victorian Temper. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Buckley, John J., ed.: The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: Vols. I & II. Rev. by A. S. Link 157
Bullard, Sir Reader: Britain and the Middle East 539
Butterfield, Lyman H., ed.: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Vols. II, III, & IV. Rev. by L. B. Wright 148
— Letters of Benjamin Rush. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 131
— The Greatness of Jefferson. Rev. of books by Schachner, Malone, & White 441
Byrnes, Robert F.: Antisemitism in Modern France: Vol. I, The Prologue to the Dreyfus Affair. Rev. by H. R. Rudin 122
Carleton, William G.: Wanted: Wiser Power Politics 194
— Germany Seven Years after Defeat 321
Carr, Edward Hallett: The New Society. Rev. by C. H. Driver 631
Carson, Rachel L.: The Sea Around Us. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 119
Cawley, Robert Ralston: Milton and the Literature of Travel. Rev. by J. H. Hanford 634
Childs, Marquis: The Republican Opportunity 336
Clark, Edwin: John I. H. Baur’s Revolution and Tradition in Modern American Art 624
Clough, Shepard: The Rise and Fall of Civilization. Rev. by George Soule 314
Cochran, Thomas C.: C. Vann Woodward’s Reunion and Reaction 287
Coffin, Henry Sloane: George Wilson Pierson’s Yale College: An Educational History, 1871—1921 614
Cohen, I. Bernard: A Current Vogue in Science Books. Rev. of books by Brown & Synge 295
Colman, John S.: The Sea and Its Mysteries. Rev. by Daniel Merriman 119
Communism in Western Europe. Mario Einaudi 234
Communist China Looks at the United States. Richard L. Walker 25
Congress in Conflict. E. E. Schattschneider 181
Corbett, P. E.: Law and Society in the Relations of States. Rev. by Quincy Wright 137
Crowl, Philip A.: The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 452
Cruise, The. Story. George Loveridge 66
Culler, A. Dwight: Aspects of Victorian Literature. Rev. of books by Baker, Buckley, Furnas, Hayek, McAleer, & Bolitho 303
Cunningham, Viscount of Hyndhope: A Sailor’s Odyssey. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 452
Daiches, David: Some Recent Poetry. Rev. of books by Williams, Auden, & Lowell 153
de Belot, Raymond: The Struggle for the Mediterranean, 1930-1945. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 452
Dennett, Raymond, ed.: Negotiating with the Russians. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Denney, Reuel: C. Wright Mills’s White Cottar: The American Middle Classes 474
Derby, John: Francis Steegmuller’s The Two Lives of James Jackson Jarves 135
DeVane, William C.: Noel Gilroy Annan’s Leslie Stephen 618
DeWeerd, H. A.: Omar N. Bradley’s A Soldier’s Story 117
Dobie, J. Frank: The Southwestern Scene. Rev. of books by Krutch, Allen, Erna Fergusson; & by Brown & Schmitt 611
Dodds, E. R.: The Greeks and the Irrational. Rev. by W. E. Brown 470
Domenach, Jean-Marie: Communism in Western Europe. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Douglas, Kenneth: Gabriel Marcel’s The Mystery of Being 284
Drewry, Carleton: Movement. Verse 93
Driver, C. H.: Arthur Bryant’s The Age of Elegence 159
— Towards a Modern Ideology. Rev. of books by Russell & Carr 631
Dupee, F. W.: Henry James. Rev. by K. B. Murdock 115
East, Charles: Stopover. Story 579
Eichler, David K.: The Future of the New Japan 161
Einaudi, Mario: Communism in Western Europe (article) 234
— Communism in Western Europe (book). Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Enigma of East Africa, The. Elspeth Huxley 491
Exporting Our Clothes. Marston Bates 45
Feidelson, Charles: Melville Chronicled. Rev. of books by Leyda, Howard, & Gilman 297
Feis, Herbert: Is the United States Imperialist? 13
Fergusson, Erna: New Mexico: A Pageant of Three Peoples. Rev. by J. F. Dobie 611
Findlay, Bruce Allyn and Esther Blair: Your Rugged Constitution. Rev. by D. M. Potter 636
Fischer, John: Master Plan USA. Rev. by C. J. Friedrich 277
Fishwick, Marshall W.: Paul Bunyan: The Folk Hero as Tycoon 264
Forster, E. M.: Two Cheers for Democracy. Rev. by Harry Levin 615
Four Red Villages in France. Gordon Wright 361
Franklin, John Hope: The Negro in American Society. Rev. of books by Kardiner & Ovesey; & by Record 133
Freeman, Douglas Southall: George Washington: A Biography: Vols. III & IV. Rev. by Merrill Jensen 450
Friedrich, Carl J.: How Enlightened Should Self-interest Be? Rev. of books by Morgenthau, Kennan, & Fischer 277
Frischauer, Willi: The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering. Rev. by Karl Lowenstein 308
Furnas, J. C.: Voyage to Windward: The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson Rev by A. D. Culler 303
Future of the New Japan, The. David K. Eichler 161
Gaebelein, Frank E.: Christian Education in a Democracy. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 142
Garosci, Aldo: Communism in Western Europe. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Gauss, Christian, ed.: The Teaching of Religion in American Higher Education Rev. by W. L. Sperry 142
Germany Seven Years after Defeat. William G. Carleton 321
Gilbert, G. M.: The Psychology of Dictatorship. Rev. by H. R. Rudin 122
Gilman, William H.: Melville’s Early Life and “Redburn.” Rev. by Charles Feidelson 297
Greene, Graham: The Lost Childhood and Other Essays. Rev. by Harry Levin 615
Greene, Theodore M.: Lewis Mumford’s The Conduct of Life 622
Gregory, Horace: Selected Poems of Horace Gregory. Rev. by Fredrick Brantley 476
Camlet, The World of. Maynard Mack 502
Hanford, James II.: Approaches to Milton’s Poetry. Rev. of books” by Cawley, Tillyard; & by Brooks & Hardy 634
Hardy, John Edward, ed.: Poems of Mr. John Milton: The , 1645 Edition. Rev. by J. H. Hanford 634
Hart, Albert G.: Defense Without Inflation. Rev. by J. P. Miller 151
Hartt, Julian N.: Karl Jaspers’ Way to Wisdom 461
Hayek, F. A.: John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Heckscher, August: The Spirit of a Presidential Campaign 481
Herz, John H.: Political Realism and Political Idealism. Rev. by C. H. Wilson 289
Hoggart, Richard: Auden: An Introductory Essay. Rev. by Martin Price 458
Holborn, Hajo: The Political Collapse of Europe. Rev. by Charles Seymour 114
Hoover, A. C., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vol. XV. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Hoover, Calvin B.: Economic Reseources and Policies of the South. Rev. by Anthony Netboy 145
Hoover, Herbert: The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: Years of Adventure, 1874—1920. Rev. by Basil Rauch 468
How Not to Learn from History. Golo Mann 380
Howard, Leon: Herman Melville: A Biography. Rev. by Charles Feidelson 297
Hume, Robert A.: Runaway Star: An Appreciation of Henry Adams. Rev. by K. B. Murdock 115
Huston, James A.; St. L6 Revisited 551
Huxley, Elspeth: The Enigma of East Africa 491
Idea of America, The. Adrienne Koch 222
In the Museum. Verse. Robert Brittain 263
Is the United States Imperialist? Herbert Feis 13
Isaacs, Harold R.: The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution, Rev. by H. A. Steiner 311
Iseley, Jeter A.: The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 452
Janeway, Eliot: The Struggle for Survival, Rev. by H. M. Somers 293
Jarrell, Randall: The Seven-League Crutches. Rev. by Fredrick Brantley 476
Jaspers, Karl: Way to Wisdom. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 461
Jefferson, Thomas: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Vols. II, III, & IV. ed. by Boyd, Butterfield, & Mina R. Bryan. Rev. by L. B. Wright 148
Jensen, Merrill: Washington at the Dawn of Revolution. Rev. of books by Bellamy, Freeman, & Nettels 450
Johnson, Joseph E., ed.: Negotiating with the Russians. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Journey of Bret Harte, The. Verse. Lawrence Spingarn 591
Joyce, Michael: Edinburgh: The Golden Age. Rev. by F. A. Pottle 446
Kardiner, Abram: The Mark of Oppression. Rev. by J. H. Franklin 133
Kennan, George F.: American Diplomacy, 1900—1950. Rev. by C. J. Friedrich 277
Kenner, Hugh: The Poetry of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Cleanth Brooks 444
Kerényi, C.: The Gods of the Greeks. Rev. by W. E. Brown 470
Kirk, Russell: Randolph of Roanoke. Rev. by S. F. Bemis 281
Koch, Adrienne: The Idea of America 222
Krusé, Cornelius: Paul Weiss’ Man’s Freedom 447
Krutch, Joseph Wood: The Desert Year. Rev. by J. F. Dobie 611
Labor and the Election. Sidney Lens 567
Landman, Lynn and Amos: Profile of Red China. Rev. by H. A. Steiner 311
Lattimore, Richard, tr.: The Iliad of Homer. Rev. by W. E. Brown 470
Lens, Sidney: Labor and the Election 567
Lester, Richard A.: Wage Troubles 54
Levin, Harry: Essays on Several Occasions. Rev. of books by Stevens, Greene, & Forster 615
Lewis, Wilmarth: Collector’s Progress. Rev. by F. B. Adams, Jr. 125
— Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vols. XV & XVI. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Leyda, Jay, ed.: The Melville Log. Rev. by Charles Feidelson 297
Libby, Willard F.: Radiocarbon Dating. Rev. by Irving Rouse 639
Lindblom, Charles E.: Labor in Varied Economies. Rev. of books by Wright & Moore 300
Link, Arthur S.: The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: Vols. I & II, ed. by Morison, Blum, & Buckley 157
Llorens, Vicente: The Spain of Gerald Brenan. Rev. of books by Gerald Brenan 282
Lowenstein, Karl: Men of the Third Reich. Rev. of books by von Weizsacker, Schmidt, & Frischauer 308
Loveridge, George: The Cruise. Story 66
Lowell Robert: The Mills of the Kavanaughs. Rev. by David Daiches 153
McAleer Edward C., ed.: Dearest Isa: Robert Browning’s Letters to Isabella Blagden. Rev. by A. D. Culler 303
Mack, Maynard: The Muse of Satire 80
— The World of Hamlet 502
Malone, Dumas: Jefferson and the Rights of Man. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 441
Man and Tree. Verse. Hyam Plutzik 550
Mann, Golo: How Not to Learn from History 380
Marcel, Gabriel: The Mystery of Being. Rev. by Kenneth Douglas 284
Maritain, Jacques: Man and the State. Rev. by C. H. Wilson 289
Marsh, Willard N.: Two Poems 44
Maurer, Herrymon: Collison of East and West. Rev. by Milton Sacks 127
Mead Margaret: Soviet Attitudes towards Authority. Rev. by F. C. Barghoorn 318
Melville, Herman: The Melville Log. Rev. by Charles Feidelson 297
Mendenhall, T. C.: Joint Operations and Global War. Rev. of books by de Belot, Cunningham, Iseley & Crowl; & Morison 452
Merriman, Daniel: Our Heritage the Sea. Rev. of books by Carson & Colman 119
Miller, John Perry: The Future of Our Economy. Rev. of books by Hart & Slichter 151
Mills, C. Wright: White Collar: The American Middle Classes. Rev. by Reuel Denney 474
Moore, Wilbert C.: Industrialization and Labor. Rev. by C. E. Lindblom 300
Morgenthau, Hans J.: In Defense of the National Interest. Rev. by C. J. Friedrich 277
Morison, Elting E., ed.: The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: Vols. I & II. Rev. by A. S. Link 157
Morison, Samuel Eliot: History of United States Naval Operations in World War II: Vol. VI, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, 22 July 1042—1 May 1944;
Vol. VII, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, June 1942—April 1944. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 452
Mosely, Philip E.: Russia’s Resources. Rev. of books by Schwartz & Shabad 140
Movement, Verse. Carleton Drewry 93
Mumford, Lewis. The Conduct of Life. Rev. by T. M. Greene 622
Murdock, Kenneth B.: The Two Henrys. Rev. of books by Dupee & Hume 115
Mus, Paul: Viet Nam : A Nation Off Balance 524
Muse of Satire, The. Maynard Mack 80
Neither. Story. Ralph Robin 209
Netboy, Anthony: Our Natural Arsenal. Rev. of books by Whitaker & Ackerman; & by Hoover & Ratchford 145
Nettels, Curtis P.: George Washington and American Independence. Rev. by Merrill Jensen 450
October Invocation to a Mythical Bird. Verse. Deborah Austin 360
Ode in Late Winter. Verse. Harold V. Witt 207
Osgood, Cornelius: The Koreans and Their Culture. Rev. by Milton Sacks 127
Outstanding Novels. James Yaffe. Autumn, viii-xxii; Winter, vi-xiv; Spring, vi-xx; Summer, vi-xii
Ovesey, Lionel: The Mark of Oppression. Rev. by J. H. Franklin 133
Paige, D. D., ed.: The Letters of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Cleanth Brooks 444
Parkinson, Thomas: W. B. Yeats, Self-Critic. Rev. by Martin Price 458
Paul Bunyan: The Folk Hero as Tycoon. Marshall W. Fishwick 264
Pearce, Roy Harvey: The Poet as Person 421
Pelzer, Karl J.: Resettlement in Malaya 391
Perry, Ralph Barton: The Citizen Decides. Rev. by D. M. Potter 636
Philby, H. St. J. B.: Arabian Highlands. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 620
Person, George Wilson: Yale College: An Educational History, 18-71-1021. Rev. by H. S. Coffin 614
Plutzik, Hyam: Man and Tree. Verse 550
Poet as Person, The. Roy Harvey Pearce 421
Potter, David M.: The Citizen and the Constitution. Rev. of books by Perry; & by B. A. St. E. B. Findlay 636
Pottle, Frederick A.: Michael Joyce’s Edinburgh: The Golden Age 446
Pound, Ezra,: The Letters of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Cleanth Brooks 444
Pratt, Wallace E.: The United States and Foreign Oil 94
Price, Martin: Three Critiques of Modern Poets. Rev. of books by Robbins, Parkinson, & Hoggart 458
Price of Money, The: The Federal Reserve versus the Treasury; George Soule 594
Private Government and Public Policy. Arthur E. Sutherland 405
Private Life of Robert Browning-, The. Richard D. Altick 247
Procession. Story. Richard Sullivan 373
Pusey, Merlo J.: Charles Evans Hughes, Rev. by Basil Rauch 468
Ratchford, B. U.: Economic Resources and Policies of the South. Rev. by Anthony Netboy 145
Rauch, Basil: Two Conservative Leaders. Rev. of books by Hoover & Pusey 468
Read, Herbert: Collected Poems. Rev. by Fredrick Brantley 476
Record, Wilson: The Negro and the Communist Party. Rev. by J. H. Franklin 133
Republican Opportunity, The. Marquis Childs 336
Resettlement in Malaya. Karl J. Pelzer 391
Rich, Adrienne Cecile: A Change of World. Rev. by Fredrick Brantley 476
Robbins, Rossell Hope: The T. S. Eliot Myth. Rev. by Martin Price 458
Robin, Ralph: Neither. Story 209
Roethke, Theodore: Praise to the End! Rev. by Fredrick Brantley 476
Roosevelt, Theodore: The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: Vols. I & II. Rev. by A. S. Link 157
Rosinger, Lawrence K. and Associates: The State of Asia. Rev. by Milton Sacks 127
Rouse, Irving: Willard F. Libby’s Radiocarbon Dating 639
Rudin, Harry R.: Force for Evil. Rev. of books by Hannah Arendt, Gilbert, & Byrnes 122
Rush, Benjamin: Letters of Benjamin Rush, ed. by L. H. Butterfield. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 131
Russell, Bertrand: New Hopes for a Changing World. Rev. by C. H. Driver 631
Russell, Peter, ed.: An Examination of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Cleanth Brooks 444
Sacks, Milton: The Asian Pandora’s Box. Rev. of books by Rosinger, Maurer, Osgood, & Brown 127
St. L6 Revisited. James A. Huston 551
Salter, Sir Arthur: British Conservatism Today 1
Salvador!, Massimo: The Rise of Modern Communism. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Santayana, George: Dominations and Powers. Rev. by C. H. Wilson 289
Schachner, Nathan: Thomas Jefferson: A Biography. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 441
Schattschneider, E. E.: Congress in Conflict 181
Schmidt, Paul: Hitler’s Interpreter. Rev. by Karl Loewenstein 308
Schmitt, Martin F.: Trail Driving Days. Rev. by J. F. Dobie 611
Schwartz, Benjamin L: Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao. Rev. by H. A. Steiner 311
Schwartz, Harry: Russia’s Soviet Economy. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 140
Sears, Paul B.: L. Dudley Stamp’s Land for Tomorrow 638
Seymour, Charles: Hajo Holborn’s The Political Collapse of Europe 114
— F. P. Walters’ A History of the League of Nations 609
Shabad, Theodore: Geography of the USSR. Rev. by P. E. Mosely 140
Sharp, Walter R.: Understanding Communism. Rev. of books by Salvador!; by Einaudi, Domenach, & Garosci; by Dennett & Johnson; & by Warburg- 626
Simpson, G. G.: The Trajectory of Life. Rev. of books by Blum & Williams 275
Slichter, Sumner H.: What’s Ahead, for American Business. Rev. by J. P. Miller 151
Smith, Bradford: Bradford of Plymouth. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 465
Somers, Herman Miles: Eliot Janeway’s The Struggle for Survival 293
Soule, George: The Price of Money: The Federal Reserve versus the Treasury 594
— Shepard Clough’s The Rise and Fall of Civilization 314
Spain: How Good an Ally? Sam Pope Brewer 348
Speiser E A.: H. St. J. B. Philby’s Arabian Highlands 620
Sperrv, Willard L.: Religion and Education. Rev. of books by Gauss, Wilder, Gaebelein, & Thayer 142
Spingarn, Lawrence: The Journey of Bret Harte. Verse 591
Spirit of a Presidential Campaign, The. August Heckscher 481
Stamp, L. Dudley: Land for Tomorrow. Rev. by P. B. Sears 638
Steegmuller, Francis: The Two Lives of James Jackson Jarves. Rev. by John Derby 135
Steiner, H. Arthur: The Chinese Revolution. Rev. of books by Schwartz, Isaacs, & Landman 311
Stevens, Wallace: The Necessary Angel. Rev. by Harry Levin 615
Stone, Irving: Two Autobiographies. Rev. of books by Williams & Young 316
Stopover. Story. Charles East …, 579
Sullivan, Richard: Procession. Story 373
Sutherland, Arthur E.: Private Government and Public Policy 405
Synge, John L.: Science: Sense and Nonsense. Rev. by I. B. Cohen 295
Thayer, V. T.: The Attack upon the American Secular School. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 142
Tillyard, E. M. W.: Studies in Milton. Rev. by J. H. Hanford 634
Two Poems. Willard N. Marsh 44
United States and Foreign Oil, The. Wallace E. Pratt 94
Viet Nam: A Nation Off Balance. Paul Mus 524
Wage Troubles. Richard A. Lester 54
Walker, Richard L.: Communist China Looks at the United States 25
Wallace, A. D., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vol. XVI. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Walpole, Horace: Horace Waif ale’s Correspondence: Vols. XV & XVI. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Walters, F. P.: A History of the League of Nations. Rev. by Charles Seymour 609
Wanted: Wiser Power Politics. William G. Carleton 194
Warburg-, James P.: How to Co-Exist without Playing the Kremlin’s Game. Rev. by W. R. Sharp 626
Weiss, Paul: Man’s Freedom. Rev. by Cornelius Kruse 447
Weizsäcker, Ernst von: Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsäcker. Rev. by Karl Lowenstein 308
Whitaker, J. Russell: American Resources: Their Management and Conservation. Rev. by Anthony Netboy 145
White, Leonard D.: The Jeffersonians: A Study in Administrative History, tgoi 1820. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 441
Wilder, Amos, ed.: Liberal Learning and Religion. Rev. by W. L. Sperry 142
Williams, Jay: Fall of the Sparrow. Rev. by G. G. Simpson 275
Williams, R. M., ed.: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence: Vol. XVI. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 463
Williams, William Carlos: The Collected Later Poems of William. Carlos Williams. Rev. by David Daiches 153
— The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams. Rev. by Irving Stone 316
Willison, George F.: Behold Virginia: The Fifth Crown. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 465
Wilson, Charles H.: The Life of Man in Politics. Rev. of books by Maritain. Herz, & Santayana 289
Witt, Harold V.: Ode in Late Winter. Verse 207
Woodward, C. Vann: Reunion and Reaction. Rev. by T. C. Cochran 287
World of Hamlet, The. Maynard Mack 502
Wright, David McCord, ed.: The Impact of the Labor Union. Rev. by C. E. Lindblom 300
Wright, Gordon: Four Red Villages in France 361
Wright, Quincy: P. E. Corbett’s Law and Society in the Relations of States 137
Yaffe, James: Outstanding Novels. Autumn, viii-xxii; Winter, vi-xiv; Spring, vi-xx; Summer, vi-xii
Young, Stark: The Pavilion. Rev. by Irving Stone 316
VOLUME XLII (1952-1953)
[Reviews are entered, under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Acton, Lord: Essays on Church and. State. Rev. by Russell Kirk 600
Aiken, Conrad: Ushant. Rev. by F. Cudworth Flint 299
Allen, Frederick Lewis: The Big Change. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 282
Anderson, Edgar: Plants, Man and Life. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 126
Anomaly of European Socialism, The. Reinhold Niebuhr 161
Argentina after Eva Perón. Russell H. Fitzgibbon 32
Ascoli, Max: Alvin Johnson’s Pioneer’s Progress 438
Asian Nationalism. M. N. Roy 96
Bacon, Leonard: In Their Habits as They Lived. Rev. of books by Reynolds, W. H. Smith, & Quennell 606
Bakeless, John: The West in History. Rev. of books by Webb, DeVoto, & Withington 478
Baker, Carlos: Hemingway. Rev. by Robert Daniel 441
Baldwin, Hanson W.: Chester Wilmot’s The Struggle for Europe 115
Ball, W. Macmahon: Nationalism and Communism in East Asia. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 616
Barghoorn, Frederick C.: Soviet Economy and Soviet Discontent. Rev. of books by Sternberg & Fischer 598
Barker, Eric: The Pool. Verse 250
Birr, Stringfellow: Citizens of the World. Rev. by Daniel S. Cheever 468
Bell, Bernard Iddings: Crowd Culture. Rev. by Henry Nash Smith 445
Bidwell, Percy W.: How Strong Is the New Germany? 481
Blackham, H. J.: Six Existentialist Thinkers. Rev. by G. K. Strodach 307
Blackmur, R. P.: Language As Gesture. Rev. by Martin Price 463
Blanshard, Brand: Philosophical Style 547
Bridenbaugh, Carl: Myths and Realities. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 287
— Years of Transformation. Rev. of books by Allen & Hoover 282
— Douglas Southall Freeman’s George Washington: Vol. V 593
Brinton, Crane: The Anatomy of Revolution. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 139
Britain and the United States. Raymond English 262
British View of the Election, A. Herbert Nicholas 365
Brogan, D. W.: The Price of Revolution. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 139
Brown, E. K.: Willa Gather, completed by Leon Edel. Rev. by Norman Holmes Pearson 595
Brown, Francis: George Templeton Strong’s Diary 311
Bruckberger, Raymond L.: One Sky to Share. Rev. by Henry Nash Smith 445
Buber, Martin: Eclipse of God; At the Turning; Israel and Palestine. Rev. by Will Herberg 293
Bullock, Alan: Hitler. Rev. by Karl Loewenstein 631
Butler, E. M.: The Fortunes of Faust. Rev. by Victor Lange 635
Caldwell, John C.: The Korea Story. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 284
Campbell, James W.: What the Russians Have Learned in Korea 226
Carleton, William G.: A More Responsible Party System? 410
Carr, Edward Hallett: Propaganda and Power 1
— The Bolshevik Revolution. Vols. I & II. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 139
Carr, Robert K.: National Security and Individual Freedom 496
Chambers, Whittaker: Witness. Rev. by Harold Phelps Stokes 123
Chambrun, Marquis Adolphe de: Impressions of Lincoln and the Civil War. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Cheever, Daniel S.: Perspectives on World Order. Rev. of books by Strausz-Hupé, Northrop, Schuman, & Barr 468
Child, Francis James: see Cottrell, Jr., G. W.
Circe. Verse. Samuel Yellen 374
Clark, Eleanor: Rome and. a Villa. Rev. by P. M. Pasinetti 118
Cohen, Robert S.: Reflections on Physics. Rev. of books by Samuel & Schrödinger 13 3
Concepción, Chile: South American Microcosm. Cecil Robinson 580
Cottrell, Jr., G. W., ed.: The Scholar-Friends: Letters of Francis James Child and James Russell Lowell. Rev. by Stanley T. Williams 475
Crane, Hart: The Letters of .. . Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Culler, A. Dwight: Five Victorians. Rev. of books by Lawrence & Elisabeth Hanson, Dorothy Hewlett, O’Faolain, & Symons 316
Dahl, Robert A.: William Y. Elliott’s United States Foreign Policy 441
Daiches, David: Six Poets. Rev. of books by Eliot, Thomas, MacLeish, Winters,
Van Doren, & Merwin 622
Dallin, David J.: On the Nature of Soviet Imperialism: Communist Innovations 343
Daniel, Robert: Hemingway and Faulkner. Rev. of books by Howe & Baker 441
Daniels, Josephus: see Kilpatrick, Carroll
Davidson, Eugene: Betty Miller’s Robert Browning 613
Davie, Maurice R.: New Cities for Old. Rev. of books by Woodbury & Orlans 637
Day of the Cipher, The. Story. Augusta Walker 199
Day’s Work, The. Verse. Hortense Flexner 95
Deutsch, Babette: Poetry in Our Time. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 13 5
DeVoto, Bernard: The Course of Empire. Rev. by John Bakeless 478
Dewey, Thomas E.: Journey to the Far Pacific. Rev. by George E. Taylor 158
Dillard, Hardy C,: Power and Persuasion: The Role of Military Government 212
Dinkier, Erich: At the Political Equator. Rev. of books by Habe, Muhlen, & von Einsiedel 609
Dollard, John: Andrew Salter’s The Case against Psychoanalysis 131
Donald, David, ed.: Divided We Fought. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Dorsey, Stephen P.: Early English Churches in America. Rev. by T. J. Wertenbaker 472
Dorson, Richard M.: Daniel G. Hoffman’s Paul Banyan 298
Douglas, William O.: Beyond the High Himalayas. Rev. by Billion Ripley 305
Downing, Antoinette F.: The Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode Island. Rev. by T. J. Wertenbaker 472
Driver Cecil H.: The South African Crisis. Rev. of books by Hatch & Dvorin 290
Drucker, Peter F.: The Liberal Discovers Big Business 529
Dubos, Jean: The White Plague: Tuberculosis, Man and Society. Rev. by George Rosen 314
Dubos, René: The White Plague: Tuberculosis, Man and Society. Rev. by George Rosen 314
Dudden, F. Homes: Henry Fielding. Rev. by Frederick W. Hilles 633
Duffield, E. S.: see Forrestal, James
Dunbar, Virginia Esterly: Two Poems 408
Dvorin, Eugene P.: Racial Separation in South Africa, Rev. by Cecil H. Driver 290
Edel Leon: see Brown, E. K.
Egbert, Donald Drew, ed.: Socialism and American Life. Rev. by Rubin Gotesky 155
Einsiedel, Heinrich von: 1 Joined the Russians. Rev. by Erich Dinkier 609
Eliot, T. S.: The Complete Poems and Plays. Rev. by David Daiches 622
Elliott, William Y.: United States Foreign Policy. Rev. by Robert A. Dahl 448
Emerson, Rupert: Americans in the Far East. Rev. of books by Latourette, Caldwell, & Rand 284
— Nationalism in Southeast Asia. Rev. of books by Holland, Ball, Kahin, & Thayer 616
Enchanted Water, The. Story. Liam O’Flaherty 46
English, Raymond: Britain and the United States 262
Fainsod, Merle: David Mitrany’s Marx Against the Peasant 143
Fasnacht, G. E.: Acton’s Political Philosophy. Rev. by Russell Kirk 600
Feidelson, Jr., Charles: Symbolism and American Literature. Rev. by Richard Harter Fogle 604
Fergusson, Francis: Louis Kronenberger’s The Thread of Laughter 289
Fiedler, Leslie A.: Love Is Not Enough. Rev. of books by Matthiessen, Lehmann, Katherine Anne Porter, & H. Miller 455
Fischer, George: Soviet Opposition to Stalin. Rev. by Frederick C. Barghoorn 598
Fitzgibbon, Russell H.: Argentina after Eva Perón 32
Flexner, Hortense: The Day’s Work. Verse 95
Flint, F. Cudworth: Recollections of Two Artists. Rev. of books by John & Aiken 299
Fogle, Richard Harter: Varieties of Critical Monism. Rev. of books by Feidelson, Susanne K. Langer, & Pearce 604
Forrestal, James: The Forrestal Diaries (ed. by Millis & Duffield). Rev. by Basil Rauch 148
Fortune, Editors of: Is Anybody Listening? Rev. by Thomas O. Waage 145
Freeman, Douglas Southall: George Washington: Vol. V. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 593
Frost, Lesley: The Korea Story. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 284
Galbraith, John Kenneth: American Capitalism. Rev. by Thomas O. Waage . 145
Garvan, Anthony: Architecture and Town Planning in Colonial Connecticut. Rev. by T. J. Wertenbaker 472
German Universities, The. James M. Read 83
Glazer, Nathan: see Riesman, D.
Gleason, S. Everett: The Challenge to Isolation. Rev. by Charles Griffin 127
Goethe’s Faust: see MacNeice, Louis
Gold, Herbert: The Witch. Story 537
Goodenough, Erwin R.: Mercer’s The Pyramid Texts in Translation and Commentary 440
Gotesky, Rubin: Egbert & Persons’ Socialism and American Life 155
Government as a Patron of the Arts. Russell Lynes 21
Grierson, Philip: see C. W. Previté-Orton
Griffin, Charles: Two Views of Recent Foreign Policy. Rev. of books by Langer & Gleason; & by Tansill 127
Habe, Hans: Our Love Affair with Germany. Rev. by Erich Dinkier 609
Hanson, Elisabeth: Marian Evans and George Eliot & Necessary Evil: The Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 316
Hanson, Lawrence: Marian Evans and George Eliot & Necessary Evil: The Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 316
Haring, Douglas G.: Japanese National Character 375
Hartmann, Frederick H.: The Issues in Korea 54
Hatch, John: The Dilemma of South Africa. Rev. by Cecil H. Driver 290
Henn, T. R.: W. B. Yeats and the Irish Background 351
Herberg, Will: Philosopher of Israel. Rev. of books by Martin Buber 293
Hewlett, Dorothy: Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 316
Hilles, Frederick W., ed.: Portraits, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 606
— F. Homes Dudden’s Henry Fielding 633
Himmelfarb, Gertrude: Lord Acton. Rev. by Russell Kirk 600
Hindemith, Paul: A Composer’s World. Rev. by Paul Henry Lang 302
Hinsley, F. H.: Hitler’s Strategy. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 460
Hoffman, Daniel G.: Paul Banyan. Rev. by Richard M. Dorson 298
Holborn, Hajo: Theory and History of Revolutions. Rev. of books by Brogan, Brinton, Priscilla Robertson, & Carr 139
Holland, William L., ed.: Asian Nationalism and the West. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 616
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: Holmes-Laski Letters. Rev. by Eugene V. Rostow 590
Hoover, Herbert: The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, 1020—1941. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 282
How Strong Is the New Germany? Percy W. Bidwell 481
Howard, Leon : Victorian Knight-Errant:…the Early Literary Career of James Russell Lowell. Rev. by Stanley T. Williams 475
Howe, Irving: William Faulkner. Rev. by Robert Daniel 441
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe, ed.: The Scholar-Friends: Letters of Francis James Child and James Russell Lowell. Rev. by Stanley T. Williams 475
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, ed.: Holmes-Laski Letters. Rev. by Eugene V. Rostow 590
Hutchens, John K., ed.: The American Twenties. Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Intellectual Climate of Asia, The. George E. Taylor 184
Issues in Korea, The. Frederick H. Hartmann 54
Jacob. Verse. Allen Kanfer 198
Japanese National Character: Cultural Anthropology, Psychoanalysis, and History. Douglas G. Haring 375
Jewel, The. Verse. Leonard Wolf 579
John, Augustus: Chiaroscuro. Rev. by F. Cudworth Flint 299
Johnson, Alvin : Pioneer’s Progress. Rev. by Max Ascoli 438
Jones, Howard Mumford: The Bright Medina. Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Kahin, George McTurnan: Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Rev. by Rupert Emerson 616
Kanfer, Allen: Jacob. Verse 198
Kaplan, Milton, picture ed.: Divided We Fought. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Kilgour, Frederick G.: George Sarton’s A History of Science: Ancient Science through the Golden Age of Greece 310
Kilpatrick, Carroll, ed.: Roosevelt and Daniels. Rev. by Basil Rauch 148
King, Ernest J.: Fleet Admiral King. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 460
Kirk, Russell: Lord Acton’s Opinions. Rev. of books by Gertrude Himmelfarb, Fasnacht, & Acton 600
Koenig, Frederick O.: Lynde Phelps Wheeler’s Josiah Willard Gibbs 152
Kronenberger, Louis: The Thread of Laughter. Rev. by Francis Fergusson 289
Labaree, Leonard W.: A Nation in the Gristle. Rev. of books by Ola Elizabeth Winslow, Bridenbaugh, & Sydnor 287
Laistner, M. L. W.: Gerard Walter’s Caesar 121
Lamott, Kenneth: The Unbelievers. Story 103
Lang, Paul Henry: Paul Hindemith’s A Composer’s World 302
Lange, Victor: Faust Revisited. Rev. of books by MacNeice & Butler 635
Langer, Paul: Red Flag in Japan. Rev. by George E. Taylor 158
Langer, Susanne K.: Feeling and Form. Rev. by Richard Barter Fogle 604
Langer, William L.: The Challenge to Isolation, 1937-1940. Rev. by Charles Griffin 127
Laski, Harold J.: Holmes-Laski Letters. Rev. by Eugene V. Rostow 590
Latourette, Kenneth Scott: The American Record in the far East, 1045-1051. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 284
Latter End, The. Story. George Loveridge 393
Lehmann, John: The Open Night. Rev. by Leslie A. Fiedler 455
Lewis, Edith: Willa Gather Living. Rev. by Norman Holmes Pearson 595
Lewis, Sinclair: From Main Street to Stockholm: Letters of Sinclair Lewis. Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Leyda, Jay: Marie Seton’s Sergei Eisenstein 619
Liberal Discovers Big Business, The. Peter F. Drucker 529
Loewenstein, Karl: Alan Bullock’s Hitler 631
Lopez, Robert Sabatino: C. W. Previté-Orton’s The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History 453
Lorant, Stefan: Lincoln. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Loveridge, George: The Latter End. Story 393
Lowell, James Russell: see Cottrell, Jr., G. W.
Lynes, Russell: Government as a Patron of the Arts 21
MacLeish, Archibald: Collected Poems, 1917—1952. Rev. by David Daiches . 622
MacNeice, Louis, tr.: Goethe’s Faust. Rev. by Victor Lange 635
Manning, Clarence A.: The Forgotten Republics. Rev. by Anatole G. Mazour 466
Martz, Louis L.: The Grace of Modern Poetry. Rev. of books by Babette Deutsch, Wilder, & Sona Raiziss 135
Matthews, Z. K.: South Africa: A Land Divided against Itself 513
Matthiessen, F. O.: The Responsibilities of the Critic. Rev. by Leslie A. Fiedler 455
Mazour, Anatole G.: Nations Behind the Iron Curtain. Rev. of books by Schmidt & Manning 466
Mendenhall, T. C.: Strategy and Command in the Second World War. Rev. of books by Hinsley; & by King & Whitehill 460
Mercer, Samuel A. B.: The Pyramid Texts-. Rev. by Erwin R. Goodenough 440
Merwin, W. S.: A Mask for Janus. Rev. by David Daiches 622
Milhollen, Hirst D., picture ed.: Divided We Fought. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
tiller, Betty: Robert Browning. Rev. by Eugene Davidson 613
Miller, Henry: The Books in My Life. Rev. by Leslie A. Fiedler 455
Miller, John Perry: The New England Economy: A Federal Problem? 168
Millis, Walter, ed.: The Forrestal Diaries. Rev. by Basil Rauch 148
Mitrany, David: Marx Against the Peasant. Rev. by Merle Fainsod 143
Montagu, M. F. Ashley: Darwin: Competition and Cooperation. Rev. by Colin S. Pittendrigh 436
More Responsible Party System?, A. William G. Carleton 410
Morrison, Hugh: Early American Architecture. Rev. by T. J. Wertenbaker 472
Muhlen, Norbert: The Return of Germany. Rev. by Erich Dinkier 609
National Security and Individual Freedom. Robert K. Carr 496
Nausea of Sartre, The. Margaret Walker 251
Nevins, Allan, ed.: The Diary of George Templeton Strong. Rev. by Francis Brown 311
New Deal Under Republican Management, The. Jacob Viner 321
New England Economy: A Federal Problem ?, The. John Perry Miller 168
Nicholas, Herbert: A British View of the Election 365
Niebuhr, Reinhold: The Anomaly of European Socialism 161
Northrop, F. S. C.: The Taming of the Nations. Rev. by Daniel S. Cheever 468
O’Faolain, Sean: Newman’s Way. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 316
O’Flaherty, Liam: The Enchanted Water. Story 46
Ogilvie, John Thayer: Regeneration. Verse 31
On the Nature of Soviet Imperialism: The Continuity of Russian Imperialism. Harry R. Rudin 333
On the Nature of Soviet Imperialism: Communist Innovations. David J. Dallin 343
Orlans, Harold: Utopia Ltd. Rev. by Maurice R. Davie 637
Outstanding Novels. Paul Pickrel. Autumn, viii-xx; Winter, vi-xviii; Spring, vi-xxii; Summer, vi-xvi
Pasinetti, P. M.: Eleanor Clark’s Rome and a Villa 118
Pearce, Roy H.: The Savages of America. Rev. by Richard Harter Fogle 604
Pearson, Norman Holmes: Witness Miss Gather. Rev. of books by Brown, Edith Lewis, & Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant 595
Persons, Stow, ed.: Socialism and American Life. Rev. by Rubin Gotesky 155
Philosophical Style. Brand Blanshard 547
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Novels. Autumn, viii-xx; Winter, vi-xviii; Spring, vi—xxii; Summer, vi—xvi
Pittendrigh, Colin S.: M. F. Ashley Montagu’s Darwin: Competition and Cooperation 436
Platforms, the Parties, and the Voter, The. Austin Ranney 10
Pool, The. Verse. Eric Barker 250
Porter, Katherine Anne: The Days Before. Rev. by Leslie A. Fiedler 455
Potter, David M.: Lincoln and the Civil War: The Endless Inquest. Rev. of books by Randall, Thomas, T. Harry Williams, Kenneth P. Williams,
Marquis Adolphe de Chambrun, Lorant; & by Donald, Milhollen & Kaplan 428
Power and Persuasion: The Role of Military Government. Hardy C. Dillard 212
Previté-Orton, C. W.: The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History. Rev. by Robert Sabatino Lopez 453
Price, Martin: The Language of Poetry. Rev. of books by Blackmur & Elizabeth Sewell 463
Propaganda and Power. Edward Hallett Carr 1
Quennell, Peter: The Singular Preference. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 606
Rackliffe, John, ed.: F. O. Matthiessen’s The Responsibilities of the Critic. Rev. by Leslie A. Fiedler 455
Raiziss, Sona: The Metaphysical Passion. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 135
Rand, Christopher: Hongkong. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 284
Randall, Clarence B.: A Creed for Free Enterprise. Rev. by Thomas O. Waage 145
Randall, J. G.: Lincoln the President: Vol. III, Midstream. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Ranney, Austin: The Platforms, the Parties, and the Voter 10
Rauch, Basil: Shapers of the Present. Rev. of books by Rosenman, Kilpatrick, Vandenberg, & Forrestal 148
Read, James M.: The German Universities 83
Regeneration. Verse. John Thayer Ogilvie 31
Reinhardt, Kurt F.: The Existentialist Revolt. Rev. by G. K. Strodach 307
Reynolds, Sir Joshua: Portraits. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 606
Riesman, David: Faces in the Crowd. Rev. by Henry Nash Smith 445
Ripley, Dillon: William O. Douglas’ Beyond the High Himalayas 305
Robertson, Priscilla: Revolutions of 1848. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 139
Robinson, Cecil: Concepción, Chile: South American Microcosm 580
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: see Kilpatrick, Carroll
Rosen, George: Controlling Epidemics. Rev. of books by Winslow; & by Rene & Jean Dubos 314
Rosenman, Samuel I.: Working with Roosevelt. Rev. by Basil Rauch 148
Rostow, Eugene V.: Holmes-Laski Letters (ed. by Mark DeWolfe Howe) 590
Roy, M. N.: Asian Nationalism 96
Rudin, Harry R.: On the Nature of Soviet Imperialism: The Continuity of Russian Imperialism 333
Salter, Andrew: The Case Against Psychoanalysis. Rev. by John Dollard 131
Samuel, Herbert L.: Essay in Physics. Rev. by Robert S. Cohen 133
Sarton, George: A History of Science: Ancient Science through the Golden Age of Greece. Rev. by Frederick G. Kilgour 310
Schmidt, Dana Adams: Anatomy of a Satellite. Rev. by Anatole G. Mazour 466
Schrade, Leo: Monteverdi. Rev. by Louise Talma 120
Schrödinger, Erwin: Science and Humanism. Rev. by Robert S. Cohen 133
Schuman, Frederick L.: The Commonwealth of Man. Rev. by Daniel S. Cheever 468
Scully, Jr., Vincent J.: The Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode Island. Rev. by T. J. Wertenbaker 472
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley: Willa Gather. Rev. by Norman Holmes Pearson 595
Seton, Marie: Sergei Eisenstein. Rev. by Jay Leyda 619
Sewell, Elizabeth: The Structure of Poetry & Paul Valéry. Rev. by Martin Price 463
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Edgar Anderson’s Plants, Man and Life 126
Smith, Harrison, ed.: From Main Street to Stockholm: Letters of Sinclair Lewis. Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Smith, Henry Nash: The American Scene. Rev. of books by Bruckberger, Bell, & Riesman 445
Smith, J. Percy: Superman versus Man: Bernard Shaw on Shakespeare 67
Smith, Warren Hunting: Originals Abroad. Rev. by Leonard Bacon 606
South Africa: A Land Divided against Itself. Z. K. Matthews 513
Sternberg, Fritz: The End of a Revolution. Rev. by Frederick C. Barghoorn 598
Stokes, Harold Phelps: Whittaker Chambers’ Witness 123
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: The Zone of Indifference. Rev. by Daniel S. Cheever 468
Strodach, G. K.: Existentialism Examined. Rev. of books by Reinhardt & Blackham 307
Strong-, George Templeton: The Diary of .. . (ed. by Nevins & Thomas). Rev. by Francis Brown 311
Superman versus Man: Bernard Shaw on Shakespeare. J. Percy Smith 67
Swearingen, Rodger: Red Flag in Japan. Rev. by George E. Taylor 158
Sydnor, Charles S.: Gentlemen Freeholders. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 287
Symons, Julian: Thomas Carlyle. Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 316
Talma, Louise: Leo Schrade’s Monteverdi 120
Tansill, Charles Callan: Back Door to War. Rev. by Charles Griffin 127
Taylor, George E.: The Intellectual Climate of Asia 184
— Japanese Communism. Rev. of books by Swearingen &Langer; & by Dewey 158
Thayer, Philip W., ed.: Southeast Asia in the Coming World. Rev. by Rupert Emerson 616
Thomas, Benjamin P.: Abraham Lincoln. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Thomas, Dylan: Collected Poems, 1934-1953. Rev. by David Daiches 622
Thomas, Halsey, ed.: The Diary of George Templeton Strong. Rev. by Francis Brown 311
Tindall, William York: The Literary ‘Twenties. Rev. of books by Jones, Hutchens, Crane, & Lewis 450
Twain, Mark: Report from Paradise. Rev. by Stanley T. Williams 475
Two Poems. Virginia Esterly Dunbar 408
Unbelievers, The. Story. Kenneth Lamott 103
Vandenberg, Jr., Arthur H., ed.: The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg. Rev. by Basil Rauch 148
Van Doren, Mark: Spring Birth and Other Poems. Rev. by David Daiches 622
Viner, Jacob: The New Deal Under Republican Management 321
Vinoba Bhave: India’s Walking Messiah. George Weller 236
Waage, Thomas O.: Business and the Public. Rev. of books by Galbraith, Randall ; & by Whyte & the Editors of Fortune 145
Walker, Augusta: The Day of the Cipher. Story 199
Walker, Margaret: The Nausea of Sartre 251
Walter, Gerard: Caesar. Rev. by M. L. W. Laistner 121
Webb, Walter Prescott: The Great Frontier. Rev. by John Bakeless 478
Weber, Brom, ed.: The Letters of Hart Crane. Rev. by William York Tindall 450
Wecter, Dixon: Sam Clemens of Hannibal. Rev. by Stanley T. Williams 475
Weller, George: Vinoba Bhave: India’s Walking Messiah 236
Wertenbaker, T. J.: Our Past in Buildings. Rev. of books by Morrison; Antoinette F. Downing & Vincent J. Scully, Jr.; Dorsey; & Garvan 472
What the Russians Have Learned in Korea. James W. Campbell . 226
Wheeler, Lynde Phelps: Josiah Willard Gibbs. Rev. by Frederick O. Koenig 152
Whitehall, Walter Muir: Fleet Admiral King. Rev. by T. C. Mendenhall 460
Whyte, Jr., William Holly: Is Anybody Listening? Rev. by Thomas O. Waage 145
Wilder, Amos N.: Modern Poetry and the Christian Tradition. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 135
Williams, Kenneth P.: Lincoln Finds a General: Vol. III. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Williams, Stanley T.: Unlikely Contemporaries. Rev. of books by Howard, Wecter, Child & Lowell; & by Twain 475
Williams, T. Harry: Lincoln and His Generals. Rev. by David M. Potter 428
Wilmot, Chester: The Struggle for Europe. Rev. by Hanson W. Baldwin 115
Winslow, C.-E. A.: Man and Epidemics. Rev. by George Rosen 314
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Meetinghouse Hill. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 287
Winters, Yvor: Collected Poems. Rev. by David Daiches 622
Witch, The. Story. Herbert Gold 537
Withington, Mary C., comp.: Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Collection of Western Americana founded by William Robertson Coe. Rev. by John Bakeless 478
Wolf, Leonard: The Jewel. Verse 579
Woodbury, Coleman, ed.: The Future of Cities and Urban Redevelopment. Rev. by Maurice R. Davie 637
Yeats and the Irish Background, W. B. T. R. Henn 351
Yellen, Samuel: Circe, Verse 374
VOLUME XLIII (1953-1954)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abrams, M. H. : The Mirror and the Lamp. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Adler, John H.: Disagreement on Econ omic Development. Rev. of books by Frankel & Nurkse 468
Advertising: The Institution of Abundance. David M. Potter 49
Afternoon : Amagansett Beach. Verse. John Hall Wheelock 385
Alpers, Antony: Katherine Mansfield. Rev. by Harry Levin 310
Anderson, Wendell B. : The Night of No Stars. Verse 101
Arber, Agnes : The Mind and the Eye. Rev. by Marston Bates 633
Aron, Raymond: A Century of Total War. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé 617
Astronomy Lesson. Story. Willard Marsh 548
Auerbach, Erich : Mimesis. Re v. by Rosemond Tuve 619
Bates, Marston : Agnes Arber’s The Mind and the Eye 633
Beach, Joseph Warren : Robert Frost 204
Bear, Firman E. : Land, Food, and People 262
Bergin, Thomas G. : Francis Fergusson’s Dante’s Drama of the Mind 150
Bergson, Abram, ed. : Soviet Economic Growth. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Berlin, Isaiah: The Hedgehog and the Fox. Rev. by René Wellek 607
Bieber, Konrad: Albert Camus’ The Rebel 473
Bingham, Jonathan B. : Skirt-Sleeve Diplomacy. Rev. by Willard L, Thorp 599
Blanshard, Brand : The Case for Plato. Rev. of books by Levinson & Wild 444
Miss, Trudy, ed. : Thomas Carlyle: Letters to His Wife. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Blum, John M. : The Republican Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
—(ed.) : The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
Bogardus, Edgar: Various Jangling Keys. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Genius of American Politics. Rev. by Gushing Strout 137
Borkenau, Franz : European Communism. Rev. by Philip E. Mosely 284
Boulding, Kenneth E. : The Organizational Revolution. Rev. by J. M. Clark 1 18
“Bourgeois Idealism” in Soviet Nuclear Physics. Martin Gardner 386
Bowen, Howard R. : Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. Rev. by. J. M. Clark 118
Bowles, Chester: Ambassador’s Report. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 599
Bridenbaugh, Carl: The Great Transformation. Rev. of books by Hazard & Miller 312
Brinton, Crane: Isaac Deutscher’s The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 613
British Colonialism. W. T. Stace 372
Brombert, Victor H.: Baudelaire, Proust, and Alain-Fournier. Rev. of books by Jones, Turnell, Hindus, & Gibson 635
Brown, Harrison: The Challenge of Man’s Future. Rev. by G. E. Hutchinson 61 1
Brown, Ralph S., Jr.: Concerning the Atom. Rev. of books by Dean & Evans 452
Bruce, J. Campbell: The Golden Door. Rev. by Oscar Handlin 639
Burchell, S. C. : The First of the Moderns. Rev. of books by LeRoy, Holloway, & Trudy Bliss 155
Burns, David: E. E. Cummings’ i — Six Nonlectures 306
Campbell, Mildred: Early Parliaments. Rev. of books by Neale & Faith Thompson 456
Camus, Albert: The Rebel. Rev. by Konrad Bieber 473
Carleton, William G. : The Nazi-Fascist Revolutions. Rev. of books by Hitler, von Papen, & Ciano 316
Carlyle, Thomas: see Trudy Bliss.
Carr, E. H.: The Bolshevik Revolution: Vol. III. Rev. by Martin E. Malia 466
Catlin, George : Propaganda and the Cold War 103
Cecil, Algernon: Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Chapman, Stuart W. : The Right of Revolution and the Rights of Man 576
Chute, Marchette : Ben Jonson of Westminster. Rev. by Charles Tyler Prouty 471
Ciano, Count Galeazzo: Ciano’s Hidden Diary, 1937-1938. Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Ciardi, John : Three Views of a Mother. Verse 185
Civilian-Military Balance. Townsend Hoopes 218
Clark, J. M. : Economics and Ethics. Rev. of books by Muelder, Boulding, & Bowen 118
Cochran, Thomas C. : Railroad Leaders, 1845-1890, Rev. by John E. Sawyer 622
Cohen, I, Bernard: Louis de Broglie’s The Revolution in Physics 283
Collective Security and the War in Korea. Arnold Wolfers 481
Colton, Joel : The French Socialist Party 402
Connolly, Cyril : Ideas and Places. Rev. by Henri Peyre 293
Copeland, Thomas W. : Jacques Maritain’s Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry 143
Cornell, Kenneth : Zola and George Sand. Rev. of books by Maurois & Hemmings 314
Cummings, E. E. : i — Six Nonlectures. Rev. by David Burns 306
Current, Richard N. : Secretary Stimson. Rev. by Robert H. Ferrell 625
Curtis, L. P. : Conservatives All. Rev. of books by Pares & Kirk 133
Curtius, Ernst Robert: European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Rev. by Charles W. Jones 459
Dahl, Robert A. : Politics, Economics, and Welfare. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Dallin, David J. : The New Russian Intelligentsia 188
Dean, Gordon : Report on the Atom. Rev. by Ralph S. Brown, Jr. 452
Dean, Vera Micheles: New Patterns of Democracy in India 161
de Broglie, Louis: The Revolution in Physics. Rev. by I. Bernard Cohen 283
Dedmon, Emmett : Fabulous Chicago. Rev. by Victor S. Yarros 47 5
Denigration of Masaryk, The. Richard Hunt 414
Deutsch, Babette: Poetry Chronicle. Rev. of books by Warren, Santayana, Bogardus, MacNeice, May Sarton, Jean Garrigue, Roethke, & Shapiro 276
Deutscher, Isaac: The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1870-1021. Rev. by Crane Brinton 613
Driscoll, David: The Lost Sheep. Story 246
Driver C. H.: Monarchs and Prime Ministers. Rev. of books by Nicolson, Young, & Cecil 287
Duteil, H.-J.: The Great American Parade. Rev. by Gushing Stout 137
Edel, Leon: Henry James: The Untried Years, 1843-1870. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr 128
Einaudi, Mario: Europe after Stalin 24
Eliot T. S., ed.: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Harry Levin 602
Erdman, David V.: Blake: Prophet Against Empire. Rev. by Martin Price 629
Europe after Stalin. Mario Einaudi 24
Europe versus Asia in American Strategy. Herbert Feis 351
Evans, Medford: The Secret War for the A-Bomb. Rev. by Ralph S. Brown, Jr. 452
Fainsod, Merle: How Russia Is Ruled. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Feidelson, Charles, Jr.: Leon Edel’s Henry James: The Untried Years, 1843-1870 128
Feis, Herbert: Europe versus Asia in American Strategy 351
—: The China Tangle. Rev. by William W. Kaufmann 308
Fellner, William: Problems Behind the Federal Budget 177
Fergusson, Francis: Dante’s Drama of the Mind. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 150
Ferrell, Robert H.: Anglo-American Relations. Rev. of books by Zimmern & Willert 141
—: Richard N. Current’s Secretary Stimson 625
Feuillerat, Albert: The Composition of Shakespeare’s Plays. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Finn, Dallas: Japanese Universities Today 559
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield: Vermont Tradition. Rev. by Helen MacAfee 464
Fitzsimons, M. A., ed.: The Catholic Church in World Affairs. Rev. by George N. Shuster 609
Fluchere, Henri: Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallet Smith 121
Francis, Robert: The Net. Verse 534
Frankel, S. Herbert: The Economic Impact on Underdeveloped Societies, Rev. by John H. Adler 468
French Socialist Party, The. Joel Colton 402
Frost, Robert: Joseph Warren Beach 204
Frye, Richard N.: Iran. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Fuess, John C.: World Labor and American Foreign Policy 437
Gardner, Martin: “Bourgeois Idealism” in Soviet Nuclear Physics 386
Garraty, John A.: Henry Cabot Lodge. Rev. by Charles Seymour 273
Garrigue, Jean: The Monument Rose. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sibson, Robert: The Quest of Alain-Fournier. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Gifts, The. Story. Faye Riter 427
Gleason, S. Everett: The Undeclared War. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 295
Goerlitz, Walter: History of the German General Staff. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Graham, David L.: The United States and Mexico 235
Greece and Recovery. Theodore Saloutos 535
Greene, Constance McL.: Rollin G. Osterweis’ Three Centuries of New Haven 144
Guerney, B. G., tr.: New Russian Stories. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
Gurian, Waldemar, ed.: The Catholic Church in World Affairs. Rev. by George N. Shuster 609
—: Contemporary Russia. Rev. of books by Stevens, Fainsod, Rostov, Leites, & Bergson 461
Hamlet. Karl Polanyi 336
Handlin, Oscar: The Immigrant’s Rights. Rev. of books by Konvitz & Bruce 639
Hart B. H. Liddell, ed.: The Rommel Papers. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Hartmann, Frederick H.: Soviet Russia and the German Problem 511
Hazard, Paul: The European Mind. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 312
Hemmings, F. W. J.: Emile Zola. Rev. by Kenneth Cornell 314
Hindus, Milton: The Proustian Vision. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Hitler, Adolf: Hitler’s Secret Conversations (introduction by H. R. Trevor Roper) . Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Holborn, Hajo: The Prussian Military Mind. Rev. of books by Goerlitz, Taylor, & Rommel 301
Holbrook, Stewart H.: The Age of the Moguls. Rev. by John E. Sawyer 622
Holcombe, Arthur N.: Presidential Leadership and the Party System 321
Holloway, John: The Victorian Sage. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Hoopes, Townsend: Civilian-Military Balance 218
House, Humphry: Coleridge. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Hudnut, Joseph: Christopher Tunnard’s The City of Man 274
Hunt, Richard: The Denigration of Masaryk 414
Hurewitz, J. C.: Mid-die East Dilemmas. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Hutchinson, G. E.: Harrison Brown’s The Challenge of Man’s Future 611
—: The Itinerant Ivory Tower. Rev. by Kirtley F. Mather 455
Ickes, Harold L.: The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: 1933-1936. Rev. by Basil Rauch 458
James, William, A Boy’s Recollections of. Sidney Lovett 525
Japanese Universities Today. Dallas Finn 559
Jarrell, Randall: Poetry and the Age. Rev. by Henri Peyre 293
Johnson, Alvin: Belle Case La Follette & Fola La Follette’s Robert M. La Follette 44 7
Johnson, E. D. H.: The Romantic View of Poetry. Rev. of books by Abrams, Read, House, & Knight 298
Jones, Charles W.: Ernst Robert Curtius’ European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages 459
Jones, Maxwell: The Therapeutic Community. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Jones, P. Mansell: Baudelaire. Rev. by Victor M. Brombert 635
Jumping Bean Season. Story. Ralph Robin 89
Kaufmann, William W.: Herbert Feis’s The China Tangle 308
Kirk, George: The Middle East in the War. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 158
Kirk, Russell: The Conservative Mind. Rev. by L. P. Curtis 133
Knight, G. Wilson: Lord Byron. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Knoepfle, John: On a Fall Night. Verse 117
Kökeritz, Helge: Shakespeare’s Pronunciation. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Konvitz, Milton R.: Civil Rights in Immigration. Rev. by Oscar Handlin 639
Kubler, George: Andre Malraux, The Voices of Silence 448
La Follette, Belle Case, & La Follette, Fola: Robert M. La Follette. Rev. by Alvin Johnson 447
Land, Food, and People. Firman E. Bear 262
Langer, William L.: The Undeclared War. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 295
Lape, Fred: Two Country Figures. Verse 574
Leites, Nathan: A Study of Bolshevism. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
LeRoy, Gaylord C.: Per flexed Prophets. Rev. by S. C. Burchell 155
Lester, Richard A.: Economics Includes Politics. Rev. of books by Dahl & Lindblom; Millikan; & Nourse 146
Letter to Americans. René Sedillot 1
Levin, Harry: Antony Alpers’ Katherine Mansfield 310
—: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound (ed. by T. S. Eliot) 602
Levinson, Ronald B.: In Defense of Plato. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 444
Lindblom, Charles E.: David Riesman’s Thorstein Veblen 282
—: Politics, Economics, and Welfare. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Link Arthur S. : Theodore Roosevelt in His Letters. Rev. of The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, edited by Morison & Blum, et at.; & The Re-publican Roosevelt, by John M. Blum 589
Logan, Rayford, W. : The Negro in American Life and Thought: 1877-1901. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Lost Sheep, The. Story. David Driscoll 246
Lovett, Sidney : A Boy’s Recollections of William James 525
Lunt, Horace G., ed. : Harvard Slavic Studies, Vol. I. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
MacAfee, Helen: Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s Vermont Tradition 464
MacNeice, Louis: Ten Burnt Offerings. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Malia, Martin E. : The Russian Revolution. Rev. of books by Carr & Steinberg 466
Malraux, André : The Voices of Silence. Rev. by George Kubler 448
Maritain, Jacques: Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. Rev. by Thomas W. Copeland 143
Marsh, Willard : Astronomy Lesson. Story 548
Mason, Edward S. : The New Competition 37
Mather, Kirtley F. : G. E. Hutchinson’s The Itinerant Ivory Tower 455
Maurois, André: Lélia: The Life of George Sand. Rev. by Kenneth Cornell 314
Miller, Perry: The New England Mind: From Colony to Province. Rev. by Carl Bridenbaugh 312
Millikan, Max F., ed. : Income Stabilization for a Developing Democracy. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Milosz, Czeslaw: The Captive Mind. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Morison, Elting E., ed. : The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Rev. by Arthur S. Link 589
Mosely, Philip E. : The Course of Communism. Rev. of books by Borkenau & Seton-Watson 284
Muelder, Walter George : Religion and Economic Responsibility. Rev. by J. M. Clark 118
Neale, J. E.: Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments. Rev. by Mildred Campbell 456
Nelson, Norman E. : Science and the Irresponsible Imagination 71
Net, The. Verse. Robert Francis 534
Neumann, Sigmund: John W. Wheeler-Bennett’s The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1018-1045 477
Neutra, Richard: Survival through Design. Rev. by Christopher Tunnard 615
New Competition, The. Edward S. Mason 37
New Critics and the Historical Method, The. Frederick A. Pottle 14
New Patterns of Democracy in India. Vera Micheles Dean 161
Russian Intelligentsia, The. David J. Dallin 1 88
Nichols, Lee : Breakthrough on the Color Front. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Nicoll, Allardyce: Shakespeare: An Introduction. Rev. by Charles Tyler Prouty 471
Nicolson, Harold : King George the Fifth. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Night of No Stars, The. Verse. Wendell B. Anderson 101
Nourse, Edwin G.: Economics in the Public Service. Rev. by Richard A. Lester 146
Nurkse, Ragnar: Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. by John H. Adler 468
On a Fall Night. Verse. John Knoepfle 117
Osterweis, Rollin G.: Three Centuries of New Haven. Rev. by Constance McL. Green 144
Outstanding Novels. Paul Pickrel. Autumn, vi-xxvi; Winter, vi-xxiv; Spring, viii-xviii; Summer, viii-xviii
Pares Richard : King George III and the Politicians. Rev. by L. P. Curtis 133
Paterson, A. B.: see Power, William.
Perkins, Dexter: Langer & Gleason’s The Undeclared War 295
Peyre, Henri: A Concern for Literature. Rev. of books by Connolly & Jarrell 293
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Novels. Autumn, vi-xxvi; Winter, vi-xxiv; Spring, viii-xviii; Summer, viii-xviii
Polanyi, Karl: Hamlet 336
Potter, David M.: Advertising: The Institution of Abundance 49
Pottle, Frederick A.: The New Critics and the Historical Method 14
Pound, Ezra: The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. Rev. by Harry Levin 602
Power, William: Waltzing Matilda 497
Presidential Leadership and the Party System. Arthur N. Holcombe 321
Price, Martin: Blake: Pictures and Politics. Rev. of books by Roe & Erdman . 629
Problems Behind the Federal Budget. William Fellner 171
Propaganda and the Cold War. George Catlin 103
Prouty, Charles Tyler: Two Elizabethans. Rev. of books by Nicoll & Marchette Chute 471
Radin, Paul: The World of Primitive Man. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
Rauch, Basil: The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: 1933-1936 458
Read, Herbert: The True Voice of Feeling. Rev. by E. D. H. Johnson 298
Redfield, Robert: The Primitive World and Its Transformations. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
Reed, Stephen W.: Primitive Worlds. Rev. of books by Radin, Underhill, & Redfield 152
Revolt of Existence, The. John E. Smith 364
Riesman, David: Thorstein Veblen. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 282
Right of Revolution and the Rights of Man, The. Stuart W. Chapman 576
Riter, Faye: The Gifts. Story 427
Robin, Ralph: Jumping Bean Season. Story 89
Roe, Albert S.: Blake’s Illustrations to the Divine Comedy. Rev. by Martin Price 629
Roethke, Theodore: The Waking. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Rommel: see Hart, B. H. Liddell.
Roosevelt, Theodore: see Link, Arthur S.
Rostow, W. W.: The Dynamics of Soviet Society. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Ruchames, Louis: Race, Jobs, and Politics: The Story of FEPC. Rev. by C. Vann Woodward 604
Saloutos, Theodore: Greece and Recovery 535
Sandeen, Ernest: Two Poems 400
Santayana, George: The Poet’s Testament. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sarton, May: The Land of Silence and Other Poems. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Sawyer, John E.: American Entrepreneurs. Rev. of books by Holbrook & Cochran 622
Science and the Irresponsible Imagination. Norman E. Nelson 71
Sedillot, René: Letter to Americans 1
Seeley, John R.: The Men of Mind and the Mind of Man. Rev. of books by Sullivan, Jones, & Milosz 125
Seton-Watson, Hugh: From Lenin to Malenkov. Rev. by Philip E. Mosely 284
Seymour, Charles: John A. Garraty’s Henry Cabot Lodge 273
Shakespeare: see Polanyi, Karl, & Smith, Hallett.
Shapiro, Karl: Poems: 1940-1053. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Shuster, George N.: Rev. of Gurian & Fitzsimons, The Catholic Church in World Affairs 609
Simmons, Ernest J., ed.: Through the Glass of Soviet Literature. Rev. by Gleb Starve 130
Slonim Marc: Modern Russian Literature. Rev. by Gleb Struve 130
Smith, Alson J.: Chicago’s Left Bank. Rev. by Victor S. Yarros 475
Smith Hallett: Shakespeare: The Additions of the Learned. Rev. of books by Kökeritz, Whitaker, Wilson, Feuillerat, & Fluchere 121
Smith, John E.: The Revolt of Existence 364
Soviet Russia and the German Problem. Frederick H. Hartmann 511
Speiser, E. A.: The Middle East. Rev. of books by Kirk, Hurewitz, & Frye 158
Stace W. T.: British Colonialism 372
Staley Eugene: The Future of Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 599
Steinberg, I. N.: In the Workshop of the Revolution. Rev. by Martin E. Malia 466
Stevens, Leslie C.: Russian Assignment. Rev. by Waldemar Gurian 461
Strausz-Hupe, Robert: Raymond Aron’s A Century of Total War 617
Strout, Cushing: Three Views of America. Rev. of books by Boorstin, Duteil, & Warner 137
Struve, Gleb: Recent Russian Literature. Rev. of books by Slonim, Lunt, Simmons, & Guerney 130
Sullivan, Harry Stack: The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. Rev. by John R. Seeley 125
Taylor, Telford: Sword and Swastika. Rev. by Hajo Holborn 301
Thompson, Faith: A Short History of Parliament, 1295-1642. Rev. by Mildred Campbell 456
Thorp, Willard L.: Underdeveloped Countries. Rev. of books by Bowles, Bingham, & Staley 599
Three Views of a Mother. Verse. John Ciardi 185
Tunnard, Christopher: Neutra’s Survival through Design 615
—: The City of Man. Rev. by Joseph Hudnut 274
Turnell, Martin: Baudelaire. Rev. by Victor H. Brombert 635
Tuve, Rosemond: Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis 619
Two Country Figures. Verse. Fred Lape 5 74
Two Poems. Ernest Sandeen 400
Underbill, Ruth Murray: Red Man’s America. Rev. by Stephen W. Reed 152
United States and Mexico, The: David L. Graham 235
von Papen, Franz: Memoirs. Rev. by William G. Carleton 316
Waltzing- Matilda. William Power 497
Warner, W. Lloyd: American Life. Rev. by Cushing Strout 137
Warren, Robert Penn: Brother to Dragons. Rev. by Babette Deutsch 276
Wellek, Rene: Rev. of Isaiah Berlin’s The Hedgehog and the Fox 607
Wheeler-Bennett, John W.: The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1018-1045. Rev. by Sigmund Neumann 477
Wheelock, John Hall: Afternoon: Amagansett Beach. Verse 385
Whitaker, Virgil K.: Shakespeare’s Use of Learning. Rev. by Hallet Smith 121
John: Plato’s Modern Enemies and the Theory of Natural Law. Rev. by Brand Blanshard 444
Willert, Sir Arthur: The Road to Safety. Rev. by Robert H. Terrell 141
Wilson, F. P.: Marlowe and the Early Shakespeare. Rev. by Hallett Smith 121
Wolfers, Arnold: Collective Security and the War in Korea 481
Woodward, C. Vann: The Progress of the Negro. Rev. of books by Logan, Ruchames, & Nichols 604
World Labor and American Foreign Policy. John C. Fuess 437
Yarros, Victor S.: Chicago—Then and Now. Rev. of books by Dedmon & Smith 475
Young, G. M.: Stanley Baldwin. Rev. by C. H. Driver 287
Zimmern, Sir Alfred: The American Road to Peace. Rev. by Robert H. Ferrell 141
XLIV (1954-1955)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abernethy, Thomas Perkins: The Burr Conspiracy. Rev. by Edmund S. Morgan 150
Abrahams, Peter: Tell Freedom. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Acheson, Dean: The Responsibility for Decision in Foreign Policy 1
Adams, Leonie: Poems. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
American Policy and Preventive War. Henry A. Kissinger 321
Americans in the Port of Princes. Herbert Gold 85
Armenian Writers, The. Story. William Saroyan 41
Arts in Italy, The. Joseph H. Summers 373
Auden, W. H.: The Shield of Achilles. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
—(ed.): Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard. Rev. by Robert Phelps 136
Australia: America’s Uneasy Ally. Nathaniel Peffer 411
Babcock, Robert S.: Guides to Politics. Rev. of books by Neuberger, Connally, & Richberg 312
Balsdon, J.P.V.D.: Marguerite Yourcenar’s Hadrian’s Memoirs 466
Barred Islands. Verse. Philip Booth 568
Bates, Marston: The Prevalence of People. Rev. Summer x
Benelux: Pilot Plant of Economic Union. Alan Valentine 23
Bergin, Thomas G.: On Being Spanish. Rev. of books by Castro & Pritchett 133
Bingham, Millicent Todd: Emily Dickinson. Rev. Spring x
Blair, Clay, Jr.: The Hydrogen Bomb. Rev. by J. H. Wolfenden 295
Blond, Georges: The Death of Hitler’s Germany. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Booth, Philip: Barred Islands. Verse 568
Bormann Letters, The (ed. by H. R. Trevor-Roper). Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Bowen, Harold G.: Ships, Machinery, and Mossbacks. Rev. by J. R. Killian, Jr. 127
Bowle, John: Politics and Opinion in the Nineteenth Century. Rev. by Howard Mumford Jones 147
Bowra, C. M.: J. K. Johnstone’s The Bloomsbury Group 461
Brinton, Crane: Arnold J. Toynbee’s A Study of History, Vols. VII-X 264
Bro, Margueritte Harmon: Indonesia. Rev. Winter xiv
Brookes, Edgar H.: South Africa in a Changing World. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Brooks, Cleanth: The Letters of W. B. Yeats (Allan Wade, ed.) 618
Brooks, Van Wyck: John Sloan. Rev. Spring xxiv
Broomell, Myron H.: Four Poems 81
Brower, Reuben A,: The Incarnation of Yeats. Rev. of books by Moore & Ellmann 290
Campbell, Alexander: The Heart of Africa. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Canham, Erwin D.: Democratic Man. Rev. of books by Lundberg, Valentine, & Mumford 439
Carrier, Constance: The Middle Voice. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Castro, Américo: The Structure of Spanish History. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 133
Cecil, David: Melbourne. Rev. by C. H. Driver 584
Champness, Harry: Lord Elton’s Gordon of Khartoum 612
Chapin, Henry: The Sun, the Sea, and Tomorrow. Rev. by Paul B. Sears 310
Chase, Gilbert: America’s Music. Rev Summer xviii
Chenery, William L.: Freedom of the Press. Rev Summer vi
Churchill and the Limitations of Myth. Reed Whittemore 248
Ciardi, John H. (tr.) : see Dante Alighiere
Clifford, James L.: Young Sam Johnson. Rev Summer viii
Coffin, Charles M.: Religious Poetry of the Seventeenth Century. Rev. of books by Martz, Summers, Ross, & Hunt 623
Cohen, Morris R.: American Thought. Rev. by Ralph H. Gabriel 278
Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, The. Randall Jarrell 340
Collins, James: The Mind of Kierkegaard. Rev. by Robert Phelps 136
Colquhoun, Archibald: Manzoni and His Times. Rev. by P. M. Pasinetti 451
Connally, Tom, & Alfred Steinberg: My Name is Tom Connolly. Rev. by Robert S. Babcock 312
Cooper, J. P.: Wallace Notestein’s The English People on the Eve of Colonization 464
Court, W. H. B.: A Concise Economic History of Britain. Rev Spring xx
Cowell, Henry & Sidney: Charles Ives and His Music. Rev. by Robert Phelps 454
Crane, R. S.: The Languages of Criticism and the Structure of Poetry. Rev. by Austin Warren 271
Curling, Jonathan: Edward Wortley Montagu. Rev. Winter xii
Dante Alighiere: The Inferno (tr. by John H. Ciardi). Rev. by Archibald T. MacAllister 155
Davis, Kingsley: Blankes Aleen: Race and Caste in Africa. Rev. of books by Brookes, St. John, Campbell, Abrahams, Segal, Meeker, Putnam & Keller, Wright, & Laye 469
Deutsch, Karl W.: David M. Potter’s People of Plenty 292
Difficult Art of Biography, The. Wilmarth S. Lewis 33
Dillard, Hardy Cross: The United States and China: The Problem of Recognition 180
Driver, C. H.: The Letters of Sydney Smith (ed. by Nowell C. Smith) 139
—Three Prime Ministers. Rev. of books by Cecil, Magnus, & Owen 584
Eastman, Max: Reflections on the Failure of Socialism. Rev Summer xx
Eiseley, Loren C.: Matrix of the Present. Rev. of books by Lewinsohn & Howells 121
—William Irvine’s Apes, Angels, and Victorians 632
Eliot, George: Letters, Vols. I-III (ed. by Gordon S. Haight). Rev. by Joan Bennett 298
Ellmann, Richard: The Identity of Yeats. Rev. by Reuben A. Brower 290
Elton, Lord: Gordon of Khartoum. Rev. by Harry Champness 612
Emerson, Rupert: Indo-China 51
Enright, Elizabeth: A Nightwatch. Story 113
Evans, Joan: John Ruskin. Rev. by Emery Neff 448
Ewald, William Bragg, Jr.: The Masks of Jonathan Swift. Rev. Winter x
Feis, Herbert: Deterrents to War. Rev. of books by Kennan, Marshall, & Finletter 280
Fernau, F W.: Moslems on the March. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 143
Finletter, Thomas K.: Power and Policy. Rev. by Herbert Feis 280
Finley M. I.: The World of Odysseus. Rev Spring xx
Four Poems. Myron H. Broomell 81
Four Poems. Hyam Plutzik 564
Fowlie, Wallace: see Perse, St. John
Freeman, Douglas Southall: George Washington, Vol. VI. Rev Winter xvi
Fry Christopher: The Dark Is Light Enough. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Fuller, J. F. C. :A Military History of the Western World, Vol. I. Rev…Spring x
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr.: The Twilight of French Foreign Policy 64
Gabriel, Ralph H.: Morris R. Cohen’s American Thought 278
Galland, Adolf: The First and the Last. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
“German Miracle,” The. H. C. Wallich 501
Gold, Herbert: Americans in the Port of Princes 85
Grandmother, The. Story. Janice Davis Warnke 216
Griswold, A. Whitney: Essays on Education. Rev. by Henry M. Wriston 119
Gropius, Walter: Scope of Total Architecture. Rev Spring xxviii
Guérard, Albert: Bottle in the Sea. Rev. by Richard B. Sewall 151
Haight, Gordon S. (ed.) : The George Eliot Letters, Vols. I-III. Rev. by Joan Bennett 298
—Geoffrey Tillotson’s Thackeray the Novelist 610
Harbage, Alfred: The Shakespearean Quest. Rev. of books by Hotson, Hodges, & Keen & Lubbock 443
Harris, Whitney R.: Tyranny on Trial. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Hartz, Louis: The Liberal Tradition in America. Rev. by David M. Potter 620
Havens, George R.: The Age of Ideas. Rev Summer vi
Hazard, Paul: European Thought in the Eighteenth Century. Rev Winter x
Highet, Gilbert: Juvenal the Satirist. Rev Winter xvi
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell: Early Victorian Architecture in Britain. Rev. Spring xii
Hodges, C. Walter: The Globe Restored. Rev. by Alfred Harbage 443
Hoffer, Eric: The Passionate State of Mind. Rev Spring xxvi
Hoffman, Frederick J.: The Twenties. Rev. Summer xii
Hohlenberg, Johannes: Soren Kierkegaard. Rev. by Robert Phelps 136
Holley, I. B., Jr.: Ideas and Weapons. Rev. by J. R. Killian, Jr. 127
Hotson, Leslie: The First Night of Twelfth Night. Rev. by Alfred Harbage 443
How Good Are Our Science and Engineering? Frederick G. Kilgour 555
Howells, William: Back of History. Rev. by Loren C. Eiseley 121
Humphries, Rolfe: Poems: Collected and New. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Hunt, Clay: Donne’s Poetry. Rev. by Charles M. Coffin 623
Indo-China. Rupert Emerson 51
Irvine, William: Apes, Angels, and Victorians. Rev. by Loren C. Eiseley 632
Ives, Charles E. Leo Schrade 535
Jarrell, Randall: The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens 340
—Recent Poetry. Rev. of books by Sitwell, Stephens, Fry, Kirkup, Van Doren, Olson, Matchett, Humphries, Carrier, MacLeish, & Auden 598
Johnstone, J. K.: The Bloomsbury Group. Rev. by C. M. Bowra 461
Jones, Howard Mumford: 19th Century Theorists and Disciples. Rev. of books by Bowie & Woodward 147
Jordy, William H.: Two Historians of Taste. Rev. of books by Lynes & Lehmann-Haupt 457
Keen, Alan: The Annotator. Rev. by Alfred Harbage 443
Keller, Allan: Madami. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Kennan, George F.: Realities of American Foreign Policy. Rev. by Herbert Feis 280
Kierkegaard: Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard (ed. by W. H. Auden). Rev. by Robert Phelps 136
Kilgour, Frederick G.: How Good Are Our Science and Engineering? 555
Killian, J. R., Jr.: Science in the Public Arena. Rev. of books by Price, Holley, & Bowen 127
Kirk, Russell: Wyndham Lewis’ First Principles 520
—Academic Freedom. Rev. by Henry M. Wriston 608
Kirkup, James: A Spring Journey and Other Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Kissinger, Henry A.: American Policy and Preventive War 321
Knight, G. Wilson: Laureate of Peace. Rev. Summer xiv
Koehler, G. Stanley: Two Poems 246
Lang, Daniel: The Man in the Thick Lead Suit. Rev. by J. H. Wolfenden 295
Laye, Camara: The Dark Child. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Léger, Alexis: see Perse, Saint-John
Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut: Art Under a Dictatorship. Rev. by William H. Jordy 457
Lewinsohn, Richard: Animals, Men, and Myths. Rev. by Loren C. Eiseley 121
Lewis, C. Day: An Italian Visit. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
Lewis, Ewart: Medieval Political Ideas. Rev. by Eric Voegelin 616
Lewis, Wilmarth S.: The Difficult Art of Biography 33
—(ed.) : Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XVII-XIX. Rev. by George Sherburn 592
Lewis, Wyndham: see Kirk, Russell
Lind, L. R. (ed.) : Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance. Rev. by Archibald T. MacAllister 155
Lippmann, Walter: The Public Philosophy: A Rejoinder 497
Lochner, Louis P.: Tycoons and Tyrants. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Lopez, Robert S.: Steven Runciman’s A History of the Crusades 596
Lubbock, Roger: The Annotator. Rev. by Alfred Harbage 443
Lundberg, Ferdinand : The Treason of the People. Rev. by Erwin D. Canham 439
Lynes, Russell: The Tastemakers. Rev. by William H. Jordy 457
—George R. Stewart’s American Ways of Life 145
“McCarthyism” and American Social Tension. Talcott Parsons 226
McKeon, Richard : Thought, Action, and Passion. Rev. by Austin Warren 271
McLellan, David S.: The North African in France 421
MacAllister, Archibald T.: The Literature of Italy. Rev. of books by Wilkins, Lind, & Dante 155
MacLeish, Archibald: The Public Philosophy: The Alternative 481
—Songs of Eve. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Magnus, Philip: Gladstone: A Biography. Rev. by C. H. Driver 584
Marshall, Charles Burton: The Limits of Foreign Policy. Rev. by Herbert Feis 280
Martz, Louis L.: The Poetry of Meditation. Rev. by Charles M. Coffin 623
—New Poetry: In the Pastoral Mode. Rev. of books by Thomas, Williams, Léonie Adams, Lewis, Watkins, & Merwin 301
Matchett, William H.: Water Ouzel and Other Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Meeker, Oden: Report on Africa. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Melville, Herman: Journal of a Visit to Europe and the Levant (Howard C. Horsford, ed.). Rev Summer xxii
Merwin, W. S.: The Dancing Bears. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
Michener, James A.: The Floating World. Rev Spring viii
Miller John Perry: Joseph A. Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis 123
Moore, Virginia: The Unicorn. Rev. by Reuben A. Brower 290
Morgan, Edmund S.: Thomas Perkins Abernethy’s The Burr Conspiracy 150
Morris, Newbold: Let the Chips Fall (Dana Lee Thomas, collaborator). Rev. Summer xii
Moving American, The. George Wilson Pierson 99
Mumford, Lewis: In the Name of Sanity. Rev. by Erwin D. Canham 439
Needham, Joseph: Science and Civilization in China, Vol. I. Rev. Spring xxii
Neff, Emery: Ruskin and Mill. Rev. of books by Packe & Evans 448
Neuberger, Richard L.: Adventures in Politics. Rev. by Robert S. Babcock 312
Nightwatch, A. Story. Elizabeth Enright 113
Noether, Emiliana P.: Political Catholicism in France and Italy 569
North African in France, The. David S. McLellan 421
Notestein, Wallace: The English People on the Eve of Colonization. Rev. by J. P. Cooper 464
Olson, Elder: The Scarecrow Christ and Other Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Orr, John Boyd: The White Man’s Dilemma. Rev. by Paul B. Sears 310
Outstanding Fiction. Paul Pickrel. Autumn, viii; Winter, 315; Spring, 476; Summer 634
Owen, Frank: Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George, His Life and Times. Rev. by C. H. Driver 584
Packe, Michael St. John: The Life of John Stuart Mill. Rev. by Emery Neff 448
Park, Richard L.: The British Indians. Rev. of books by Woodruff & Wint 446
Parsons, Talcott: “McCarthyism” and American Social Tension 226
Pasinetti, P. M.: Archibald Colquhoun’s Manzoni and His Times 451
Peffer, Nathaniel: Australia: America’s Uneasy Ally 411
Perkins, Dexter: John Slessor’s Strategy for the West 159
Perse, Saint-John: Seamarks (Wallace Fowlie, tr.) 389
Phelps, Robert: Henry & Sidney Cowell’s Charles Ives and His Music 454
—Kierkegaard. Rev. of books by Kierkegaard, Collins, & Hohlenberg 136
Pickrel, Paul: Outstanding Fiction. Autumn, viii; Winter, 315; Spring, 476; Summer 634
Pierson, George Wilson: The Moving American 99
Plutzik, Hyam: Four Poems 564
Political Catholicism in France and Italy. Emiliana P. Noether 569
Potter, David M.: People of Plenty. Rev. by Karl W. Deutsch 292
—Essays in Political Definition. Rev. of books by Hartz & Rossiter 620
Price, Don K.: Government and Science. Rev. by J. R. Killian, Jr. 127
Price, Lucien (ed.) : The Dialogues of Alfred North White/lead. Rev. by Richard B. Sewall 151
Pritchett, V. S.: The Spanish Temper. Rev. by Thomas G. Bergin 133
Public Philosophy, The: The Alternative. Archibald MacLeish 481
Public Philosophy, The: A Rejoinder. Walter Lippmann 497
Putnam, Anne Eisner: Madami. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Reischauer, Edwin O.: Wanted: An Asian Policy. Rev Summer xvi
Responsibility for Decision in Foreign Policy, The. Dean Acheson . 1
Richberg, Donald: My Hero. Rev. by Robert S. Babcock 312
Ride, The. Story. Alma Stone 546
Ross, Malcolm Mackenzie: Poetry and Dogma. Rev. by Charles M. Coffin 623
Rossiter, Clinton: Toward an American Conservatism 354
—Conservatism in America. Rev. by David M. Potter 620
Runciman, Steven: A History of the Crusades, Rev. by Robert S. Lopez 596
St. John, Robert: Through Malan’s Africa. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Sanger, Richard H.: The Arabian Peninsula. Rev. by E. A. Speiser 143
Saroyan, William: The Armenian Writers. Story 41
Saveth, Edward N.: Understanding the American Past. Rev. Winter viii
Schrade, Leo: Charles E. Ives 535
Schumpeter, Joseph A.: History of Economic Analysis. Rev. by John Perry Miller 123
Seamarks. Saint-John Perse (Wallace Fowlie, tr.) 389
Sears, Paul B.: Food and the Future. Rev. of books by Orr; & Smith & Chapin 310
Segal, Albert: Johannesburg Friday. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Sewall, Richard B.: Two Brands of Skepticism. Rev. of books by Whitehead & Guérard 151
Shakespeare, William: A Photographic Facsimile of the First Folio Edition (ed. C. T. Prouty & Helge Kökeritz). Rev. Spring xiv
Shepley, James R.: The Hydrogen Bomb. Rev. by J. H. Wolfenden 295
Sherburn, George: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XVII—XIX 592
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Lancelot Law Whyte’s Accent on Form 268
Sitwell, Edith: The Collected Poems of Edith Sitwell. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Slessor, John: Strategy for the West. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 159
Smith, F. G. Walton: The Sun, the Sea, and Tomorrow. Rev. by Paul B. Sears 310
Smith, Nowell C. (ed.): The Letters of Sydney Smith. Rev. by C. H. Driver 139
Smith, Sydney: The Letters of Sydney Smith (ed. by Nowell C. Smith). Rev. by C. H. Driver 139
Speiser, E. A.: The Middle East. Rev. of books by Sanger & Fernau 143
Steinberg, Alfred: see Connally, Tom
Steiner, H. Arthur: The United States and China: The Prospect Before Us 161
Stendhal: The Private Diaries of Stendhal (ed. & tr. by Robert Sage). Rev. Spring xvi
Stephens, James: Collected Poems of James Stephens. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Stevens, Wallace: The Whole Man: Perspectives, Horizons 196
—Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, see Jarrell, Randall
Stewart, George R.: American Ways- of Life. Rev. by Russell Lynes 145
Stone, Alma: The Ride. Story 546
Strings on Economic Aid. Willard L. Thorp 202
Stuart, John Leighton: Fifty If ears in China. Rev Winter viii
Summers, Joseph H.: The Arts in Italy 373
—George Herbert. Rev. by Charles M. Coffin 623
Taylor, Telford: The Third Reich. Rev. of books by Toynbee, Harris, Lochner, Blond, Bormann, & Galland 284
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
Thoreau: see White, E. B.
Thorp, Willard L.: Strings on Economic Aid 202
Tillotson, Geoffrey: Thackeray the Novelist. Rev. by Gordon S. Haight 610
Toward an American Conservatism. Clinton Rossiter 354
Toynbee, Arnold J.: A Study of History, Vols. VII-X. Rev. by Crane Brinton 264
Toynbee, Arnold & Veronica (eds.): Hitler’s Europe. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Trevor-Roper, H. R. (ed.) : The Bormann Letters. Rev. by Telford Taylor 284
Twilight of French Foreign Policy, The. Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 64
Two Poems. G. Stanley Koehler 246
Two Poems. Joan White 566
United States and China, The: The Prospect Before Us. H. Arthur Steiner 161
United States and China, The: The Problem of Recognition. Hardy Cross Dillard 180
Valentine, Alan: Benelux: Pilot Plant of Economic Union 23
—The Age of Conformity. Rev. by Erwin D. Canham 439
Van Doren, Mark: Selected Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 598
Voegelin, Eric: Ewart Lewis’ Medieval Political Ideas 616
Wade, Allan (ed.) : see Yeats, W. B.
Walden—1954- E. B. White 13
Wallich, H. C.: The “German Miracle” 501
Walpole, Horace: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XVII-XIX. Rev. by George Sherburn 592
Warnke, Janice Davis: The Grandmother. Story 216
Warren, Austin: Modes of Literary Theory. Rev. of books by Crane, McKeon, Wheelwright, & Wimsatt 271
Watkins, Vernon: The Death Bell. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
Wheelwright, Philip: The Burning Fountain. Rev. by Austin Warren 271
White, E. B.: Walden—1954 13
White, Joan: Two Poems 566
White, Leonard D.: The Jacksonians. Rev Winter xviii
Whitehead, A. N.: The Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Lucien Price, ed.). Rev. by Richard B. Sewall 151
Whittemore, Reed: Churchill and the Limitations of Myth 248
Whole Man, The: Perspectives, Horizons. Wallace Stevens 196
Whyte, Lancelot Law: Accent on Form. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 268
Wilkins, Ernest Hatch: A History of Italian Literature. Rev. by Archibald T. MacAllister 155
Williams, William Carlos: The Desert Music and Other Poems. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 301
Wimsatt, W. K., Jr.: The Verbal Icon. Rev. by Austin Warren 271
Wint, Guy: The British in Asia. Rev. by Richard L. Park 446
Wolfenden, J. H.: Human Consequences of Nuclear Energy. Rev. of books by Lang; & Shepley & Blair 395
Woodruff, Philip: The Men Who Ruled India. Rev. by Richard L. Park 446
Woodward, Frances J.: The Doctor’s Disciples. Rev. by Howard Mumford Jones 147
Wright, Richard: Black Power. Rev. by Kingsley Davis 469
Wriston, Henry M.: A. Whitney Griswold’s Essays in Education 119
—Russell Kirk’s Academic Freedom 608
Wyndham Lewis’ First Principles. Russell Kirk 520
Yeats, W. B.: The Letters of W. B. Yeats (Allan Wade, ed.). Rev. by Cleanth Brooks 618
Yourcenar, Marguerite: Hadrian’s Memoirs. Rev. by J. P. V. D. Balsdon 466
XLV (1955-1956)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Abrams, M. H.: René Wellek’s A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1830 146
Abrams, Peter: Mine Boy, Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Acheson, Dean: Legislative-Executive Relations 481
Adams, Hazard: Blake and Yeats. Rev Summer vi
Adams, Walter: Monopoly in America, Rev. by John Perry Miller 590
After Stalin. David J. Dallin 252
Aiken, Conrad: A Letter to Li Po. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Allen, Gay Wilson: The Solitary Singer, Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 135
— (ed.) : Walt Whitman’s’ Poems. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 135
Allen, H. C.: Great Britain and the United States. Rev. by Raymond English 298
American Culture Abroad. Chester H. Opal 349
American Diplomacy: The Case for “Amateurism.” Seymour J. Rubin 321
American Scientist, The: 1955. Lee A. DuBridge 1
Anderson, Thomas: Your Own Beloved Sons. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Andrews, Wayne: Architecture, Ambition and Americans. Rev. by Carroll L. V. Meeks 454
Apocalypse. Verse. Richard Foster 249
Ardant, Gabriel: Economics and Action. Rev. by Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 149
Atkins, John: George Orwell. Rev Winter x
Bailey, Stephen K.: Leadership in Local Government 563
Baldwin, A. W.: My Father, Rev. by C. H. Driver 592
Barber, Elinor G.: The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France, Rev Winter xxviii
Bayley, John: In Another Country. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Beckett, Samuel: Molloy. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Belitt, Ben: Wilderness Stair. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: John Quincy Adams and the Union. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 617
Benda, Harry J,: Communism in Southeast Asia 417
Beringause, Arthur F.: Brooks Adams. Rev Winter xxxii
Berlin, Isaiah: Historical Inevitability. Rev Winter xxii
Biggs, John, Jr.: The Guilty Mind. Rev. by Arthur E. Sutherland 451
Black, John D.: The Future of the Family Farm 549
Blackmur, R. P.: The Lion and the Honeycomb. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 142
— The Scandals and Embarrassments of Modern Man. Rev, of books by Niebuhr, Fiedler, Kempton, & Rebecca West 276
Blake, Robert: Unrepentant Tory: . . , Andrew Bonar Law, 1858-1923. Rev. by C. H. Driver 592
Bock, Frederick: A Return from the Wars. Verse 562
Bogardus, Edgar: The Wall of Rome. Verse 391
Böll, Heinrich: Adam Where Art Thou? Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Boorstin, Daniel J.: Self-Discovery in Puerto Rico 229
Brace, Gerald Warner: Bell’s Landing. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Brady, Frank: The Letters of Edward Gibbon (J. E. Norton, ed.) 613
— (ed.) Boswell on the Grand Tour. Rev Autumn xxxvi
Brée, Germaine: Marcel Proust and Deliverance from Time. Rev Winter viii
Bridenbaugh, Carl: Cities in the Wilderness & Cities in Revolt. Rev. by Leonard W. Labaree 296
Briggs, Asa: Victorian People. Rev Spring xiv
Buchan, William: Kumari. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Burrows, Millar: The Dead Sea Scrolls. Rev. by Robert C. Dentan 430
Cahill, Holger: The Shadow of My Hand. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Caldwell, John C.: Still the Rice Grows Green. Rev. by George E. Taylor 118
Camus, Albert: The Myth of Sysiphus. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 444
Carter, Byrum E.: The Office of Prime Minister. Rev. by C. H. Driver 592
Chase, A. Elizabeth: Ancient Art. Rev. of books by Gisela M. A. Richter & Sibylle von Cles-Reden 622
Chase, Richard: If alt Whitman Reconsidered. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 135
Ciardi, John: As If. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Citadel of Learning, The. James Bryant Conant 48
Cloete, Stuart: The African Giant. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 439
Coat for My Mother, A. Verse. Allyn Wood 104
Coleman, Lonnie: Ship’s Company. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Colvin, Milton: German Youth and German Rearmament 636
Communism in Southeast Asia. Harry J. Benda 417
Conant, James Bryant: The Citadel of Learning 48
Connelly, Kenneth: Carlo Gatti’s Verdi 286
Conquest, Robert: Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Could a War in Europe be Limited ? Arnold Wolfers 214
Coxe, Louis O.: The Second Man. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
— Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Abrams, Eyster, Clemence Dane, Wilson, Roy, Goethals, Coleman, Klaas, Huxley, Waugh, Brace, & Warren 154
Cruttwell, Patrick: The Shakespearean Moment and Its Place in the Poetry of the 17th Century. Rev. by Maynard Mack 267
Culler, A. Dwight: The Imperial Intellect. Rev. by Alvan S. Ryan 597
Cummins, P. D.: Some Phases of Love. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Dabbs, James McBride: The Resonance of the World 108
Dahl, Paul: Scandinavian Integration 634
Dallin, David J.: After Stalin 252
Dane, Clemence: The Flower Girls. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Daniels, Jonathan: C. Vann Woodward’s The Strange Career of Jim Crow 140
Davidson, J. LeRoy: Heinrich Zimmer’s The Art of Indian Asia 291
Davis, Charles T. (ed.) : Walt Whitman’s Poems. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 135
Dennis, Nigel: Cards of Identity. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Dentan, Robert C.: The Scrolls Evaluated. Rev. of books by Wilson & Burrows 430
Diebold, William, Jr.: Emergent Germany. Rev. of books by Wallich & Pollock 435
Dill, Alonzo Thomas: Governor Tryon and His Palace. Rev. by Carroll L. V. Meeks 454
di Pirajno, Alberto Denti: A Cure for Serpents. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 439
Driver, C. H.: British Prime Ministers. Rev. of books by Blake, Baldwin, & Carter 592
Druon, Maurice: The Film of Memory. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
DuBridge, Lee A.: The American Scientist: 1955 1
Duggan, Alfred: My Life for My Sheep. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Dulles, Foster Rhea: America’s Rise to World Power 1898-1954. Rev. by Raymond English 298
Ehrenburg, Ilya: The Thaw. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Ekirch, Arthur A., Jr.: The Decline of American Liberalism. Rev. by John P. Roche 619
Elliott, William Y.: The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 273
English, Raymond: Terms of Hostility 393
—Revision in Anglo-American History. Rev. of books by Allen, Dulles, Robson, Ritcheson, & Lancaster 298
Eyster, Warren: No Country for Old Men. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Feidelson, Charles, Jr.: The Centenary of “Leaves of Grass.” Rev. of books by Allen, Hindus (ed.), Chase; & Allen & Davis (eds.) 135
Feis, Herbert: War Came at Pearl Harbor: Suspicions Considered 378
Fiedler, Leslie: An End to Innocence. Rev. by R. P. Blackmur 276
Fitzell, Lincoln: Selected Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Ford, George H.: Dickens and His Readers. Rev Autumn xxxii
Foster, Richard: Apocalypse. Verse 249
Frankel, Charles: The Case for Modern Man. Rev. by John P. Roche 619
French Army, The. Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 498
Friedman, Maurice S.: Martin Buber. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 444
Frohock, W. M.: French Fiction. Rev. of books by Peyre; & by Thelma M. Smith & Miner 151
Fromm, Erich: The Sane Society. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 298
Furniss, E. S.: Helen MacAfee: 1884-1956 496
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr.: Lament for France. Rev. of books by Luethy; & by Mendès-France & Ardant 149
Future of the Family Farm, The. John D. Black 549
Gale, George Stafford: No Flies in China. Rev. by George E. Taylor 118
Galler, David: Two Poems 560
Gardner, Isabella: Birthdays from the Ocean. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Gatti, Carlo: Verdi. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 286
Gaver, Jack (ed.) : Critics’ Choice. Rev. by Vernon Young 607
German Youth and German Rearmament. Milton Colvin 636
Gibbon, Edward: The Letters of Edward Gibbon (J. E. Norton, ed.). Rev. by Frank Brady 613
Giono, Jean: The Malediction. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Goethals, Thomas: Chains of Command. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Gold, Herbert: The Man Who Was Not With It. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Gordon, Caroline: The Malefactors. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Gordon, Lincoln: Myth and Reality in European Integration 80
Grass. Story. Hubert Saal 62
Graves, Robert: Collected Poems, 1955. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 302
Gray, Horace M.: Monopoly In America. Rev. by John Perry Miller 590
Greene, Graham: The Quiet American. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Groussard, Serge: A German Officer. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Gunther, John: Inside Africa. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 439
Haggin, B. H.: A Music Critic Looks at Music Criticism 336
Hamlin, Talbot: Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Rev. by Carroll L. V. Meeks 454
Hartman, Geoffrey H.: The Unmediated Vision. Rev Autumn vi
Hartt, J. N.: Beyond Existentialism. Rev. of books by Ussher, Wild, Friedman & Camus 444
Hicks, John D.: The American Tradition. Rev. by John P. Roche 619
Hilles, Frederick W.: George Wilson Pierson’s Yale: The University College 1921-1937 432
Hindus, Milton (ed.) : “Leaves of Grass” One Hundred Years After. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 135
Hodson, James L.: Return to the Wood. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Hoffman, Ross J. S.: Edmund Burke, New York Agent. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 603
Huxley, Aldous: The Genius and the Goddess. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Ignatow, David: The Gentle Weight Lifter. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Jane Austen and the Flight from Fancy. Frank O’Connor 31
Jarrell, Randall: Recent Poetry. Rev. of books by Isabella Gardner, Ignatow, Fitzell, Nemerov, Belitt, & Spender 122
— Robert Graves’ Collected Poems, 1955 302
— Graves and the White Goddess—Part II. Rev. of books by Williams, Coxe, Conquest, Ross, Ciardi, Aiken, Cummins, & Adrienne Cecile Rich 467
Jhabvala, R. Prawer: Amrita. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Johnson, Thomas H.: Emily Dickinson. Rev Spring x
Jordan, Pascual: Science and the Course of History. Rev. by J. H. Wolfenden 294
Journey to Brentwood, The. Story. Eugene Ziller 364
Katzenbach, Edward L., Jr.: The French Army 498
Kaufmann, W. W. (ed.) : Military Policy and National Security. Rev. Summer x
Kempton, Murray: Part of Our Time. Rev. by R. P. Blackmur 276
Kerr, Walter: How Not to Write a Play. Rev Autumn xxviii
Ketton-Cremer, R. W.: Thomas Gray. Rev Autumn vi
Klaas, Joe: Maybe I’m Dead, Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Kuhn, Herbert: On the Track of Prehistoric Man. Rev Spring x
Labaree, Leonard W.: Colonial American Cities. Rev. of books by Bridenbaugh 296
Laforgue, Jules: Unter den Linden in the ‘Eighties (William Jay Smith, tr.) 410
Laistner, M. L. W.: R. E. Smith’s The Failure of the Roman Republic 458
Lancaster, Bruce: From Lexington to Liberty. Rev. by Raymond English 298
Leadership in Local Government. Stephen K. Bailey 563
Legislative—Executive Relations. Dean Acheson 481
Lenin and the Course of Colonial Communism. Nathaniel Peffer 17
Levant, Howard: Two Poems 106
Lewis, R. W. B.: The American Adam. Rev Spring xvi
Lewis, Wilmarth S. (ed.): Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XXVIII-XXIX. Rev. by George Sherburn 455
Liberty of the Prison, The: Reflections of a Prisoner of War. Ian Watt 514
Lindblom, Charles E.: Men and Economic Organization. Rev. of books by Fromm, Soule, & Ward 289
Lines Found under a Blotter. Verse. Helen MacAfee 497
Luethy, Herbert: France Against Herself. Rev. by Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 149
Lykaon and Achilles. Thomas McFarland 191
MacAfee, Helen: 1884-1956. E. S. Furniss 496
MacAfee, Helen: Lines Found under a Blotter. Verse 497
Macbeth: The Anatomy of Loss. Robert Pack 533
McCarthy, Mary: A Charmed Life. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
MacDonald, John F.: Zambesi. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 439
McFarland, Thomas: Lykaon and Achilles 191
Mack, Maynard: Shakespeare and Seventeenth-Century Sensibility. Rev. of books by Cruttwell & Traversi 267
McKenzie, R. F.: British Political Parties. Rev Winter xiv
Mann, Thomas: Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Martz, Louis L.: The Energy of Mind. Rev. of books by Blackmur, Trilling, & Vivas 142
Mason, Alpheus Thomas: Security through Freedom: American Political Thought and Practice. Rev Spring viii
Masters, John: Bugles and a Tiger. Rev Spring xxii
Maurer, Herrymon: Great Enterprise. Rev. by John Perry Miller 590
Meeks, Carroll L. V.: Aspects of American Architecture. Rev. of books by Dill, Andrews, & Hamlin 454
Memmi, Albert: The Pillar of Salt. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Mendès-France, Pierre: Economics and Action. Rev. by Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 149
Miller, John Perry: Big Business and the Public Interest. Rev. of books by Maurer; & Adams & Gray 590
Miner, Ward L.: Transatlantic Migration. Rev. by W. M. Frohock 151
Mowat, Charles Loch: Britain between the Wars. Rev Winter xxxi
Murry, John Middleton: Jonathan Swift. Rev Summer viii
Music Critic Looks at Music Criticism, A. B. H. Haggin 336
Myth and Reality in European Integration. Lincoln Gordon 80
Naguib, Mohammed: Egypt’s Destiny. Rev. by R. H. Nolte 133
Nemerov, Howard: The Salt Garden. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Newby, P. H.: The Picnic at Sakkara. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Niebuhr, Reinhold: The Self and the Dramas of History. Rev. by R. P. Blackmur 276
Niland, D’Arcy: The Shiralee. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Nolte, R. H.: Mohammed Naguib’s Egypt’s Destiny 133
Norton, J. E. (ed.) : see Gibbon, Edward
O’Connor, Edwin: The Last Hurrah. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
O’Connor, Frank: Jane Austen and the Flight from Fancy 31
O’Connor, Patrick FitzGerald: Mungo Starke. Rev. by Henri Peyre 314
Opal, Chester H.: American Culture Abroad 349
Oppenheimer, J. Robert: The Open Mind. Rev. by J. H. Wolfenden 294
Orwell, George: Keep the Aspidistra Flying. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 460
Pack, Robert: Macbeth: The Anatomy of Loss 533
Pearson, Lester B.: Democracy in World Politics. Rev Spring xviii
Peffer, Nathaniel: Lenin and the Course of Colonial Communism 17
Perkins, Dexter: Samuel Flagg Bemis’ John Quincy Adams and the Union 617
Peyre, Henri: The Contemporary French Novel. Rev. by W. M. Frohock 151
— ‘New Fiction from Overseas. Rev, of books by Mann, Duggan, O’Connor, Niland, Newby, Hodson, Ehrenburg, Giono, Groussard, Memmi, & Beckett 314
Phelps, Robert: The Unpublished Writings of Gertrude Stein (see Stein, G.)
Pierson, George Wilson: Yale: The University College 1921-1937. Rev. by Frederick W. Hilles 432
Pollock, James K. (ed.) : German Democracy at Work. Rev. by William Diebold, Jr. 435
Pottle, Frederick A. (ed.) : Boswell on the Grand Tour. Rev Autumn xxx
Powers, J. F.: The Presence of Grace. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Price, Harry Bayard: The Marshall Plan and Its Meaning. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 273
Pritchard, John Paul: Criticism in America. Rev Summer xiv
Prosperity and Stability: Central Banks and Monetary Policy. Allan Sproul 178
Proust, Marcel: Jean Santeuil. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 625
Read, Conyers: Mr. Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth. Rev Autumn xiv
Resonance of the World, The. James McBride Dabbs 108
Return from the Wars, A. Verse. Frederick Bock 562
Rich, Adrienne Cecile: The Diamond Cutters. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Richter, Gisela M. A.: Ancient Italy. Rev. by A. Elizabeth Chase 622
Ritcheson, Charles R.: British Politics and the American Revolution. Rev. by Raymond English 298
Robson, Eric: The American Revolution in Its Political and Military Aspects, 1763-1783. Rev. by Raymond English 298
Roche, John P.: The Liberal Tradition. Rev. of books by Frankel, Ekirch, & Hicks 619
Ross, Alan: Something of the Sea. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Rowan, Carl T.: The Pitiful and the Proud. Rev Summer xvi
Rowse, A. L,: The Expansion of Elizabethan England, Rev Spring xx
Roy, Jules: The Navigator. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Rubin, Seymour J.: American Diplomacy: The Case for “Amateurism” 321
Rudin, Harry R.: Africa and the Future. Rev. of books by di Pirajno, Gunther, Cloete, van der Post, & MacDonald 439
Run, Run Away, Brother. Story. John Campbell Smith 574
Ryan, Alvan S.: A. Dwight Culler’s The Imperial Intellect 597
Saal, Hubert: Grass. Story 62
Sayers, Dorothy L.: Introductory Papers on Dante. Rev Winter xviii
Scandinavian Integration. Paul Dahl 634
Scott, John: Political Warfare. Rev. by Willard L. Thorp 273
Self-Discovery in Puerto Rico. Daniel J. Boorstin 229
Shannon, David A.: The Socialist Party of America. Rev Winter vi
Sherburn, George: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XXVIII-XXIX 455
Smith, Charles Page: James Wilson. Rev Summer xx
Smith, John Campbell: Run, Run Away, Brother. Story 574
Smith, R. E.: The Failure of the Roman Republic. Rev. by M. L. W. Laistner 458
Smith, Robert A.: Ross J. S. Hoffman’s Edmund Burke, New York Agent 603
Smith, Thelma M.: Transatlantic Migration. Rev. by W. M. Frohock 151
Smith, William Jay (tr.): see Laforgue, Jules
Soule, George: Time for Living. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 289
Spender, Stephen: Collected Poems. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 122
Sproul, Allan: Prosperity and Stability: Central Banks and Monetary Policy 178
Stein, Gertrude: The Unpublished Writings of Gertrude Stein—Two: Gertrude Stein and Her Brother; Mrs. Reynolds and Five Earlier Novelettes;
Bee Time Fine and Other Pieces; As Fine as Melanctha; Painted Lace and Other Pieces. Rev. by Robert Phelps 600
Stevenson, Fanny & Robert Louis: Our Samoan Adventure. Rev Winter xxii
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: The United States and Yugoslavia: A Reappraisal 161
Sutherland, Arthur E.: Crimes and Courts. Rev. of books by Biggs & Vanderbilt 451
Taylor, George E.: China Under Communism. Rev. of books by Walker, Caldwell, & Gale 118
Terms of Hostility. Raymond English 393
Thorp, Willard L.: On Economic Foreign Policy. Rev. of books by Price, Elliott, & Scott 273
Traversi, Derek: Shakespeare: The Last Phase. Rev. by Maynard Mack 267
Trilling, Lionel: The Opposing Self. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 142
Two Poems. David Galler 560
Two Poems. Howard Levant 106
Two Poems. Reed Whittemore 246
United States and Yugoslavia, The: A Reappraisal. Robert Strausz-Hupé 161
Unter den Linden in the ‘Eighties. Jules Laforgue (William Jay Smith, tr.) 410
Ussher, Arland: Journey Through Dread. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 444
van der Post, Laurens: The Dark Eye in Africa. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 439
Vanderbilt, Arthur T.: The Challenge of Law Reform. Rev. by Arthur E. Sutherland 451
Van Ghent, Dorothy: Missing Persons: Some Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Mary McCarthy, Orwell, Dennis, Boll, Bayley, R. Prawer Jhabvala, Buchan, & O’Connor 460
—Technique and Vision: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Proust, Caroline Gordon, Greene, Powers, Druon, Gold, Anderson, & Cahill 625
Vivas, Eliseo: Creation and Discovery. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 142
von Cles-Reden, Sibylle: The Buried People. Rev. by A. Elizabeth Chase 622
Waggoner, Hyatt H.: Hawthorne. Rev Autumn xiv
Walker, Richard L.: China under Communism. Rev. by George E. Taylor 118
Wall of Rome, The. Verse. Edgar Bogardus 391
Wallich, Henry C.: Mainsprings of the German Revival. Rev. by William Diebold, Jr. 435
Walpole, Horace: Horace Walpole’s Correspondence, Vols. XXVIII-XXIX. Rev. by George Sherburn 455
War Came at Pearl Harbor: Suspicions Considered. Herbert Feis 378
Ward, A. Dudley: The American Economy. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 389
Warren, Robert Penn: Band of Angels. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Watt, Ian: The Liberty of the Prison: Reflections of a Prisoner of War 514
Waugh, Evelyn: Officers and Gentlemen. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Weiner, J. S.: The Piltdown Forgery. Rev Autumn xii
Wellek, René: A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1830. Rev. by M. H. Abrams 146
West, Rebecca: A Train of Powder. Rev. by R. P. Blackmur 276
Whitman, Walt: see Feidelson, Charles, Jr.
Whittemore, Reed: Two Poems 246
Wild, John: The Challenge of Existentialism. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 444
Williams, Stanley T.: The Spanish Background of American Literature. Rev. Autumn xviii
Williams, William Carlos: Journey to Love. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 467
Wilson, Edmund: The Scrolls from the Dead Sea. Rev. by Robert C. Dentan 430
Wilson, Sloan: The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. Rev. by Louis O. Coxe 154
Wolfenden, J. H.: Two Natural Philosophers. Rev. of books by Jordan & Oppenheimer 294
Wolfers, Arnold: Could a War in Europe be Limited ? 214
Wood, Allyn: A Coat for My Mother. Verse 104
Woodward, C. Vann: The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Rev. by Jonathan Daniels 140
Young, Vernon: Critics’ Choice. (Jack Gaver, ed.) 607
Ziller, Eugene: The Journey to Brentwood. Story 364
Zimmer, Heinrich: The Art of Indian Asia. Rev. by J. LeRoy Davidson 291
VOLUME XLVI (1956-1957)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Adams, John: see Rossiter, Clinton
After a Visit. Verse. Dorothy Roberts 74
Angoff, Charles: H. L. Mencken. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 130
Aspaturian, Vernon V.: The Metamorphosis of the United Nations 551
Austin, Deborah: Paradise. Verse 224
Austria Today: Music, Medicine, and Diplomacy. Herbert S. Benjamin 76
Baird, James: Ishmael. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 122
Barghoorn, Frederick C.: Soviet Russian Nationalism. Rev. by Merle Fainsod 136
Barrett, Laurence: Professors and Professionals: Teacher Training and the Liberal Arts 402
Barzun, Jacques: The Energies of Art. Rev. by John E. Smith 267
Bastert, Russell H.: The New American History and Its Audience 245
Baurmeister, Adjutant General Major: see Uhlendorf, Bernhard A.
Bellow, Saul: Seize the Day. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Benjamin, Herbert S.: Austria Today: Music, Medicine, and Diplomacy 76
Berryman, John: Homage to Mistress Bradstreet. Rev. by Ambrose Gordon, Jr. 298
Black, Charles L., Jr.: Judicial Restraint. Rev. of books by Konefsky & Mason 432
Blackett, P. M. S.: Atomic Weapons and East-West Relations. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
Blake, William: The Letters of William Blake (Geoffrey Keynes, ed.) Spring xii
Borroff, Marie: Robert Gittings’ The Mask of Keats 606
Bowles, Chester: American Politics in a Revolutionary World. Rev. by Austin Ranney 110
Bradbrook, M. C.: The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy. Rev. Winter xiv
Brandenburg, Frank R.: Communism and Security in Latin America 413
Brinnin, John Malcolm: Eleven Poets. Rev. of books by Combs, Fearing, Fitzgerald, Merwin, Rexroth, Swallow, Weiss, Marcella Miller duPont,
Gerta Kennedy, Lenore G. Marshall, & Edna St. Vincent Millay 454
Britain after Churchill. David L. MacFarlane 341
Burns, James MacGregor: Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox. Rev. by Basil Rauch 612
Bush, Douglas: The Whole Works of Homer, Prince of Poets. Rev. of books by Lord & Nicoll 430
Butcher, Margaret Just: The Negro in American Culture. Rev. by David M. Potter 260
Butterfield, Herbert: The Statecraft of Machiavelli. Rev Autumn viii
Butterfield, L. H.: The American Revolution. Rev. of books by Scheer & Rankin; Uhlendorf, Dos Passes, & Morgan 624
Cady, Edwin H.: The Road to Realism. Rev Winter xxvi
Carpentier, Alejo: The Lost Steps. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr.: The Blessings of Liberty. Rev. by Hugh Cox 132
Chapman’s Homer, see Nicoll, Allardyce
Cheever, John: Stories. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Coates, Robert M.: The Hour After Westerly and Other Stories. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Combs, Tram: Pilgrim’s Terrace. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Communism and Security in Latin America. Frank R. Brandenburg 413
Compton, Arthur Holly: Atomic Quest. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
Connelly, Kenneth: Two Critics of Music. Rev. of books by Downes & Meyer 637
Connery, Robert H.: The Professional Soldier in the Modern State. Rev. of books by Huntington; & Masland & Radway 632
Conservative Economic Policy. Henry C. Wallich 63
Conservatism by Amendment. Clement E. Vose 176
Coughlin, Richard J.: Colonialism and Communism in Southeast Asia. Rev. of books by Furnivall, King, & Pye 446
Cox, Hugh: Freedom and the Citizen. Rev. of books by Chafee, Shils, & Smith 132
Curtis, Jean-Louis: The Side of the Angels. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Gushing, Harvey: see Price, Lucien
Daiches, David: Critical Approaches to Literature. Rev. by Rene Wellek 114
Dallin, David J.: The Changing World of Soviet Russia. Rev. by Merle Fainsod 136
David. Verse. James Wright 222
Dazai, Osamu: The Setting Sun. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Diehl, Charles: Byzantium. Rev. by John L. Teall 630
Dos Passos, John: The Men Who Made the Nation. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 624
Douglas, William O.: Russian Journey. Rev. by Merle Fainsod 136
Downes, Irene(ed.): Olin Downes on Music. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 627
Dream of Birds, A. Verse. George Hemphill 568
duPont, Marcella Miller: Poems: Folio Two. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Dutourd, Jean: Five A.M. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Elder, Donald: Ring Lardner. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 130
Engle, Paul (ed.) : Prize Stories, 1957: The O. Henry Awards. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Erikson, Erik H.: The First Psychoanalyst 40
Fainsod, Merle: Khrushchev’s Russia. Rev. of books by Barghoorn, Dallin, & Douglas 136
Fearing, Kenneth: New and Selected Poems. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Feidelson, Charles, Jr.: Culture, Religion, and Imagination. Rev. of books by Baird & Miller 122
Fellner, William: Trends and Cycles in Economic Activity. Rev. by Gerald M. Meier 119
Fenton, Charles A.: Lardner and Mencken. Rev. of books by Angoff & Elder 130
—Short Stories. Rev. of books by Bellow, Coates, Engle, Stegner, Whitehill; & Jean Stafford, Cheever, Fuchs, & Maxwell 451
Ferguson, DeLancey (ed.) : R. L. S.: Stevenson’s Letters to Charles’ Baxter. Rev Winter xx
Fife, Robert Herndon: The Re-volt of Martin Luther. Rev Summer viii
First Psychoanalyst, The. Erik H. Erikson 40
Fitzgerald, Robert: In the Rose of Time. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Fortune, Editors of: The Executive Life. Rev. by Franz M. Oppenheimer 270
Fowlie, Wallace: Return to Paris: 1957 586
Franklin, John Hope: The Militant South, 1800-1861. Rev. by David M. Potter 260
Freidel, Frank: Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Triumph. Rev. by Basil Rauch 612
Fuchs, Daniel: Stones. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Fuchs, Lawrence H.: The Political Behavior of American Jews. Rev. by Austin Ranney 110
Furnivall, J. S.: Colonial Policy and Practice. Rev. by Richard J. Coughlin 446
Gascar, Pierre: Beasts and Men. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Giraud, Raymond: The Unheroic Hero in the Novels of Stendhal, Balzac, and Flaubert Summer xvi
Gittings, Robert: The Mask of Keats. Rev. by Marie Borroff 606
Gordimer, Nadine: Six Feet of the Country. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Gordon, Ambrose, Jr.: Berryman’s Homage to Mistress Bradstreet 298
Gordon, Lincoln: Toward an Integrated World Society. Rev. of books by Myrdal & Posnack 126
Graff, W. L.: Rainer Maria Rilke. Rev. by Geoffrey Hartman 607
Graves, Robert: The Crowning Privilege. Rev Autumn vi
Greene, Thomas M.: Montaigne and the Savage Infirmity 191
—Grover Smith, Jr., T. S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays 604
Greenwood, Robert: Lines for My Grandmother’s Death. Verse 225
Gregory, Joseph T.: The Early History of Man. Rev. of books by Senet & Wendt 464
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 476 & 636
Hall, Donald: Exiles and Marriages. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 100
——-Tennessee Williams’ In the Winter of Cities 297
Hall, Everett W.: Modern Science and Human Values. Rev. by Frederick A, Pottle 597
Halle, Louis J.: Strategy versus Ideology 1
Halsband, Robert: The Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Rev Spring vi
Harrison, George Russell: What Man May Be. Rev. by J. N. Ham 288
Hartman, Geoffrey: W. L. Graff’s Rainer Maria Rilke 607
Hartt, J. N.: Where Man Is Now. Rev. of books by Harrison, Hoyle, Smith, & Wilson 288
Heal, Edith: The Shadow Boxers. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Heilbroner, Robert L.: The Quest for Wealth. Rev. by Franz M. Oppenheimer 270
Heilman, Robert B.: Magic in the Web. Rev Winter viii
Hemphill, George: A Dream of Birds. Verse 568
Highet, Gilbert: Poets in a Landscape. Rev. by Bernard Knox 620
Home, Alistair: Return to Power. Rev. by James G. Leyburn 140
Hoskins, Katherine: Villa Narcisse. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 100
Hoyle, Fred: Man and Materialism. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 288
Humphries, Rolfe: Green Armor on Green Ground. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 100
Huntington, Samuel P.: The Soldier and the State. Rev. by Robert H. Connery 632
Ideology of Economic Aid, The. Irving Kristol 497
Indonesia. Burton Raffel 372
Jacobson, Dan: A Dance in the Sun. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Jacoby, Neil H.: Can Prosperity Be Sustained? Rev. by Gerald M. Meier 119
Japanese Politics and the Socialist Minority. Hyman Kublin 571
Jarrell, Randall: Five Poets. Rev. of books by Hall, Humphries, Pound, Katherine Hoskins, & Andrienne Cecile Rich 100
Jay, Kenneth: Calder Hall. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
Jenkins, Iredell: Segregation and the Professor 311
Katzenbach, Edward L., Jr.: War in Society. Rev. of books by Millis, Liu; & Preston, Wise, & Werner 306
Kendall, Paul Murray: Richard the Third. Rev Autumn xviii
Kennedy, Gerta: Native Island. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Kerman, Joseph: Opera as Drama. Rev Winter xxviii
Keynes, Geoffrey (ed.): see Blake, William
King, John Kerry: Southeast Asia in Perspective. Rev. by Richard J. Coughlin 446
Kinross, Lord(Patrick Balfour) : Europa Minor. Rev Winter xvi
Kirk, Russell: Eric Voegelin’s Order and History: Vol. I 466
Knox, Bernard: Aspects of Italy. Rev. of books by Wall & Highet 620
Koehler, G. Stanley: Off New London. Verse 569
Konefsky, Samuel J.: The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 432
Kornhauser, Arthur: When Labor Votes. Rev. by Austin Ranney no
Kramer, Dale: The Wild Jackasses. Rev Spring viii
Kramish, Arnold: Atomic Energy for Your Business. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
Krieger, Murray: The New Apologists for Poetry. Rev. by René Wellek 114
Kristol, Irving: The Ideology of Economic Aid 497
Kublin, Hyman: Japanese Politics and the Socialist Minority 571
Lamar, Howard Roberts: Dakota Territory, 1861-1889. Rev Winter x
Lapp, Ralph E.: Atoms and People. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
Leavis, F. R.: D. H. Lawrence, Novelist. Rev. by Martin Price 300
Lednicki, Waclaw (ed.) : Adam Mickiewicz in World Literature. Rev. Spring xxiv
Legacy of John Adams, The. Clinton Rossiter 528
Leyburn, James G.: Changing Societies. Rev. of books by Home, Villard, Margaret Mead; & Quigley & Turner 146
Lines for My Grandmother’s Death. Verse. Robert Greenwood 225
Liu, F. F.: A Military History of Modern China: 1924-1949. Rev. by Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 306
Lord, George deF.: Homeric Renaissance. Rev. by Douglas Bush 430
Lullaby Through the Side of the Mouth. Verse. David Wagoner 227
MacFarlane, David L.: Britain after Churchill 341
McKillop, Alan Dugald: The Early Masters of English Fiction. Rev. by Martin Price 300
Marshall, Lenore G.: Other Knowledge. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 451
Mascall, E. L.: Christian Theology and Natural Science. Rev. by Frederick A. Pottle 597
Masland, John W.: Soldiers and Scholars. Rev. by Robert H. Connery 632
Mason, Alpheus Thomas: Harlan Fiske Stone. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 432
Maxwell, William: Stories. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Mayer, Albert J.: When Labor Votes. Rev. by Austin Ranney 110
Mead, Margaret: New Lives for Old. Rev. by James G. Leyburn 140
Meeks Carroll L. V.: The Railroad Station. Rev Spring xx
Meier Gerald M.: Sustaining Prosperity. Rev. of books by Fellner & Jacoby 119
Menashe, Samuel: Someone Walked Over My Grave. Verse 75
Merwin, W. C.: Green with Beasts. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Metamorphosis of the United Nations, The. Vernon V. Aspaturian 551
Meyer, Leonard B.: Emotion and Meaning in Music. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 627
Millar, Oliver: English Art, 1625-1712. Rev Summer xiv
Millay, Edna St. Vincent: Collected Poems. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Miller, Milton L.: Nostalgia. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 435
Miller, Perry: The Raven and the Whale. Rev. by Charles Feidelson, Jr. 122
Millis, Walter: Arms and Men. Rev. by Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 306
Milton and the Cult of Conformity. Joseph H. Summers 511
“Modern Idiom” of Poetry, and All That, The. Reed Whittemore 357
Montaigne and the Savage Infirmity. Thomas M. Greene 191
Moos, Malcolm: The Republicans. Rev Autumn x
Morgan, Edmund S.: The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 624
Morgenthau, Hans J.: The Paradoxes of Nationalism 481
Muller, Herbert J.: The Spirit of Tragedy. Rev Summer x
Murdoch, Iris: The Flight from the Enchanter. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Murray, Philip: Song of the Thin Man. Verse 75
Myrdal, Gunnar: An International Economy. Rev. by Lincoln Gordon 126
Nahm, Milton C.: The Artist as Creator. Rev. by Rene Wellek 114
Needham, Joseph: Science and Civilization in China, Vol. II. Rev Autumn xiv
Nelson, Lowry, Jr.: Leonard Unger’s The Man in the Name 609
New American History and Its Audience, The. Russell H. Bastert 245
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 476 & 636
Nicoll, Allardyce (ed.) : Chapman’s Homer. Rev. by Douglas Bush 430
Nolte, Richard H.: Year of Decision in the Middle East 228
Noma, Hiroshi: Zone of Emptiness. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
”Noon Wine”: The Sources. Katherine Anne Porter 22
Not No. Verse. I. A. Richards 226
Notestein, Wallace: Four Worthies. Rev Summer vi
Nowell, Elizabeth (ed.) : see Wolfe, Thomas
O’Connor, Frank: The Mirror in the Roadway. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 435
Off New London. Verse. G. Stanley Koehler 569
Oppenheimer, Franz M.: Men Making Money. Rev. of books by Whyte, Heilbroner, & Editors of Fortune 270
Paradise. Verse. Deborah Austin 224
Paradoxes of Nationalism, The. Hans J. Morgenthau 481
Phelan, Richard: Tommy Lee, Bobby D., Ester, Durbin, and Lilly. Story 386
Pluzik, Hyam: Richard Wilbur’s Things of This World 295
Policy for the West, A. Robert Strausz-Hupé 161
Pollard, Ernest C.: Documenting the Atomic Age. Rev. of books by Blackett, Compton, Jay, Lapp; & Kramish & Zuckert 425
Porter, Katherine Anne: “Noon Wine”: The Sources 22
Posnack, Emanuel R.: World Without Barriers. Rev. by Lincoln Gordon 126
Potter, David M.: A Minority within a Minority. Rev. of books by Franklin, Stampp, Warren, & Margaret Just Butcher 26o
Pottle, Frederick A.: Science and Theology. Rev. of books by Hall, Mascall, Sinnott, & Smethurst 597
Poulet, Georges: Studies in Human Time. Rev. by Rene Wellek 114
Pound, Ezra: Section: Rock Drill. 85—95 de los Cantares. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 100
Praz, Mario: The Hero in Eclipse in Victorian Fiction. Rev. by Martin Price 300
Preston, Richard A.: Men in Arms. Rev. by Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 306
Price, Lucien: Scalpel and Pen: A Portrait of Harvey Gushing 206
Price, Martin: The Novel and Its Heroes. Rev. of books by Leavis, McKillop, & Praz 300
Pritchett, V. S.: The Sailor, Sense of Humour, and Other Stories. Rev. by Dorothy VanGhent 274
Professors and Professionals: Teacher Training and the Liberal Arts. Laurence Barrett 402
Promises: Ten Poems. Robert Penn Warren 321
Pye, Lucian W.: Guerrilla Communism in Malaya. Rev. by Richard J. Coughlin 446
Quigley, Harold S.: The New Japan. Rev. by James G. Leyburn 140
Quinn, Sister M. Bernetta: The Metamorphic Tradition in Modern Poetry. Rev Autumn xii
Radway, Laurence I.: Soldiers and Scholars. Rev. by Robert H. Connery 632
Raffel, Burton: Indonesia 372
Rankin, Hugh F.: Rebels and Redcoats. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 624
Ranney, Austin: How Voters Vote. Rev. of books by Bowles, Fuchs; & Kornhauser, Mayer & Sheppard 110
Rauch, Basil: Roosevelt and the Historians. Rev. of books by Schlesinger, Burns, & Freidel 612
Read, Herbert: The Art of Sculpture. Rev Winter xxii
Records, see New Records in Review
Return to Paris: 1957. Wallace Fowlie 586
Rexroth, Kenneth: In Defense of the Earth. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Rich, Adrienne Cecile: The Diamond Cutters. Rev. by Randall Jarrell 100
Richards, I. A,: Not No. Verse 226
Roberts, Dorothy: After a Visit. Verse 74
Rossiter, Clinton: The Legacy of John Adams 528
Sargant, William: Battle for the Mind, Rev Summer xiv
Scalpel and Pen: A Portrait of Harvey Gushing. Lucien Price 206
Scheer, George F.: Rebels and Redcoats, Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 624
Schevill, Ferdinand: Six Historians. Rev Spring xvi
Schlesinger, A. M., Jr.: The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order. Rev. by Basil Rauch 612
Scott, J. D.: Life in Britain. Rev Winter xvi
Segregation and the Professor. Iredell Jenkins 311
Senet, Andre: Man in Search of His Ancestors. Rev. by Joseph T. Gregory 464
Sheppard, Harold L.: When Labor Votes. Rev. by Austin Ranney no
Shils, Edward A.: The Torment of Secrecy. Rev. by Hugh Cox 132
Siebel, Julia: The Narrow Covering. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Sinnott, Edmund W.: Matter, Mind and Man. Rev. by Frederick A. Pottle 597
Slavitt, David R.: Two Poems 566
Smethurst, Arthur F.: Modern Science and Christian Beliefs. Rev. by Frederick A. Pottle 597
Smith, Grover, Jr.: T. S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays. Rev. by Thomas M. Greene 604
Smith, James Morton: Freedom’s Fetters. Rev. by Hugh Cox 132
Smith, John E.: Jacques Barzun’s The Energies of Art 267
Smith, Roland Gregor: The New Man. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 288
Someone Walked Over My Grave. Verse. Samuel Menashe 75
Song of the Thin Man. Verse. Philip Murray 75
Spencer Elizabeth: The Voice at the Back Door. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Spiro, Melford E.: Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia. Rev Autumn xxiv
Stafford, Jean: Stones. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Kenneth M.: The Peculiar Institution. Rev. by David M. Potter 260
Stegner’, Wallace: The City of the Living. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Stevenson, R. L.: see Ferguson, DeLancey
Stir, The. Story. Alma Stone 86
Stone, Alma: The Stir. Story 86
Strachey, John: Contemporary Capitalism. Rev. by David McCord Wright 443
Strategy versus Ideology. Louis J. Halle 1
Strausz-Hupe, Robert: A Policy for the West 161
Summers, Joseph H.: Milton and the Cult of Conformity 511
Swallow, Alan: The Nameless Sight. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Teall, John L.: Charles Diehl’s Byzantium 630
Tommy Lee, Bobby D., Ester, Durbin and Lilly. Story, Richard Phelan 386
Troyat, Henri: Amelie in Love. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Turner, John E.: The New Japan. Rev. by James G. Leyburn 140
Two Poems. David R. Slavitt 566
Uhlendorf, Bernhard (tr.) : Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals, 1776-1784, of Adjutant General Major Baurmeister of the Hessian Forces. Rev. by L. H. Butterfield 624
Unger, Leonard: The Man in the Name. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Jr. 609
van Druten, John: The Vicarious Years. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 149
Van Ghent, Dorothy: Forms of Fiction and the Duties of Conscience. Rev. of books by Gascar, Jacobson, Troyat, van Druten, Edith Heal, Iris Murdoch & Julia Siegel 149
—Recent Fiction: The Race, the Moment, and the Milieu. Rev. of books by Carpentier, Curtis, Dazai, Dutourd, Noma, Pritchett, Wilson, Nadine Gordimer, & Elizabeth Spencer 274
—The Pattern in the Carpet: Some Recent Analyses of Fiction. Rev. of books by Miller & O’Connor 435
Verdier, Philippe: Otto von Simson’s The Gothic Cathedral 145
Villard, Henry Serrano: Libya. Rev. by James G. Leyburn 140
Voegelin, Eric: Order and History: Vol. I. Rev. by Russell Kirk 466
von Koenigswald, G. H. R.: Meeting Prehistoric Man. Rev Summer xii
von Mises, Ludwig: The Anti-Capitalist Mentality. Rev. by David McCord Wright 443
von Simson, Otto: The Gothic Cathedral. Rev. by Philippe Verdier 145
vose, Clement E.: Conservatism by Amendment 176
Wagoner, David: Lullaby Through the Side of the Mouth. Verse 227
Wamgrow, Marshall (ed.): R. L. S.: Stevenson’s Letters to Charles Baxter. Rev. Winter xx
Walker, Richard L.: Karl A. Wittfogel’s Oriental Despotism 601
Wall, Bernard: The Vatican Story & Italian Art. Rev. by Bernard Knox 620
Wallich, Henry C.: Conservative Economic Policy 63
Barren, Robert Penn: Promises: Ten Poems 321
—Segregation. Rev. by David M. Potter 260
Watt, Ian: The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. Rev. Summer xviii
Weiss, Neil: Changes of Garments. Rev. by John Malcolm Brinnin 454
Wellek, Rene: Criticism of Criticism and Time in Literature. Rev. of books by Daiches, Krieger, Nahm, & Poulet 114
Wendt, Herbert: In Search of Adam. Rev. by Joseph T. Gregory 464
Werner, Herman 0.: Men in Arms. Rev. by Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 306
Whinney, Margaret: English Art, 1625—1715. Rev Summer xiv
Whitehill, Joseph: Able Baker and Others. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 451
Whittemore, Reed: The “Modern Idiom” of Poetry, and All That 357
Whyte, William H., Jr.: The Organisation Man. Rev. by Franz M. Oppenheimer 270
Wilbur, Richard: Things of This World. Rev. by Hyam Plutzik 295
Williams, Tennessee: In the Winter of Cities. Rev. by Donald Hall 297
Wilson, Angus: Anglo-Saxon Attitudes. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 274
Wilson, Colin: The Outsider. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 288
Wise, Sydney F.: Men in Arms. Rev. by Edward L. Katzenbach, Jr. 306
Wittfogel, Karl A.: Oriental Despotism, Rev. by Richard L. Walker 601
Wolfe, Thomas: The Letters of Thomas Wolfe (Elizabeth Nowell, ed.). Rev. Spring xviii
Wright, David McCord: Two Views of Capitalism. Rev. of books by Strachey & von Mises 443
Wright, James: David. Verse 222
Year of Decision in the Middle East. Richard H. Nolte 228
Zuckert, Eugene M.: Atomic Energy for four Business. Rev. by Ernest C. Pollard 425
VOLUME XLVII (1957-1958)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Academic Freedom and German Politics. Thomas T. Helde 76
Acheson, Dean: Morality, Moralism, and Diplomacy 481
Adrian, Arthur A.: Georgina Hogarth and the Dickens Circle. Rev. by Joan Bennett 445
Akashi, Yasushi: Japan’s Foreign Policy 219
Anderson, Quentin: The American Henry James. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 265
Arms and the Welfare State. John Davenport 335
Aron, Raymond: The Opium of the Intellectuals. Rev Summer vi
Atherton, John: On Inheriting an Empty House at Coney Island. Verse 74
Baker, James Volant: The Sacred River. Rev. by Martin Price 617
Baker, Joseph E.: How the French See America 239
Balsden, J. P. V. D.: Clarence W. Mendell’s Tacitus 262
Beach, Joseph Warren: The Making of the Auden Canon. Rev Winter xxiv
Beale, Howard K.: Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Beck, William S.: Modern Science and the Nature of Life. Rev Autumn xiv
Bennett, Joan: Two Victorian Women. Rev. of books by Vera Wheatley-& Adrian 445
Benton, William: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia 552
Berg, Stephen: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Berliner, Joseph S.: Factory and Manager in the USSR. Rev. by Charles R. Walker 288
Berrigan, Daniel: Time Without Number. Rev. by James Wright 608
Bible Salesman, The. Story. Alma Stone 393
Billington, James H.: Mikhailovsky and Russian Populism. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Black Charles L., Jr.: Constitutional Issues Today. Rev. of books by Kilpatrick & Hook 117
Blackmur, R. P.: The Swan in Zurich 347
Bloom, Harold: Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism 130
Blum, John Morton: Woodrow Wilson. Rev. of books by Walworth & Hoover 592
Brogan, D. W.: The End of Illusion? 161
Brown, J. Douglas: High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Bruford, W. H.: Chekhov. Rev Autumn xvi
Buffum, Imbrie: Studies in the Baroque from Montaigne to Rotrou, Rev. Autumn xii
Camus, Albert: Exile and the Kingdom. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Carpentier, Alejo: The Kingdom of This World. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Changing Outposts: The Western Communities in Southeast Asia. Leslie H. Palmier 405
Chiang Chung-Cheng: see Chiang Kai-Shek.
Chiang Kai-Shek (Chiang Chung-Cheng): Soviet Russia. Rev. by Herbert Feis 133
Chisolm, Lawrence: American Biography. Rev. of books by Levenson; Howe; Beale; Mitchell; Walters; Meade; Sellers; Nevins & Hill; & Catherine Owens Peare 291
Clark, J. M.: Economic Institutions and Human Welfare. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Cohn, Norman: The Pursuit of the Millennium. Rev. by Raymond English 272
Collection, The. Story. Katharine Shattuck 93
Cone, Carl B.: Burke and the Nature of Politics. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Connelly, Kenneth: Albert Camus. Rev. of books by Camus, Hanna, Maquet, & Thody 623
Cottrell, Alvin J.: A New Strategy for Europe 36
Cow, The. Story. Lucian Marquis 193
Cozzens, James Gould: By Love Possessed. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Cressy, Earl Herbert: Understanding China. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Davenport, John: Arms and the Welfare State 335
Davidson, Edward H.: Poe. Rev Spring viii
Davie, Donald: Articulate Energy. Rev, by Martin Price 617
Defense, Dollars, and Doctrines. James Tobin 321
de Latil, Pierre: Thinking by Machine. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Denney, Reuel: The Astonished Muse. Rev. by John Fischer 112
de Santillana, Giorgio: Historians of Science. Rev, of books by Sarton & Koyré 453
DeVane, William Clyde: Prophets in an Anxious Time. Rev. of books by Willey & Houghton 108
—The American University in the Twentieth Century. Rev. by Douglas Knight 141
de Vaucouleurs, Gérard: Discovery of the Universe. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Dickey, James: The Sprinter’s Sleep. Verse 72
Douglas, William O.: The Right of the People. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Durrell, Lawrence: Hitter Lemons. Rev. by George Steiner 600
Edwards, Jonathan: freedom of the Will (Paul Ramsey, ed.). Rev. Autumn viii
Einzig, Paul: The Economic Consequences of Automation. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Eisenhower Economy and National Security, The: Two Views, see Tobin, James, and Davenport, John.
Eliot, Alexander: Three Hundred fears of American Painting. Rev Winter xx
Ellmann, Richard: Ulysses the Divine Nobody 56
End of Illusion? The: D. W. Brogan 161
English Raymond: Studies in Heresy and Catastrophe. Rev. of books by Cohn & Judith N. Shklar 272
Feis, Herbert: Chiang Chung-Cheng (Chiang Kai-Shek), Soviet Russia 133
Fielding Gabriel: In the Time of Greenbloom. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Fischer, George: Russian Liberalism. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Fischer, John: The Masses and the Arts. Rev. of books by Rosenberg & White (eds.) ; & Denney 112
Force and Foreign Policy. Robert W. Tucker 374
Foreign Economic Aid. Milton Friedman 500
Forsdyke, John: Greece Before Homer. Rev Spring vi
Freeman, Eugene: Principles and Prudence in Integration 310
Friedman, Milton: Foreign Economic Aid 500
Friedman, William F. & Elizebeth: The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined. Rev. Winter xii
From You, Emperors, and Others. Five Poems. Robert Penn Warren 494
Frost William: The Correspondence of Alexander Pope (George Sherburn, ed.) 125
Frye, Northrop: Anatomy of Criticism. Rev. by Harold Bloom 130
Galantière, Lewis: see Parmelin, Hélène.
Galler, David: The Phoenix at Windsor, California. Verse 419
Gironella, José Maria: Where the Soil Was Shallow. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Gluckstein, Ygael: Mao’s China. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Goodman, Ronald: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Gray, Ronald: Kafka’s Castle. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 265
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, The. William Benton 552
Griswold, A. Whitney: In the University Tradition. Rev. by Henry M. Wriston 432
Haftmann, Werner: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 157, 306, 477, & 628
Hahn, Walter F.: A New Strategy for Europe 36
Hamilton and Power. Adrienne Koch 537
Hamilton, George Heard: Modern German Art. Rev. of books by Haftmann; Hentzen & Lieberman ; Kuhn; Roethel; Selz; & Myers 443
Hamilton, Walton: The Politics of Industry. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Hand, Learned: The Bill of Rights. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Hanna, Thomas: The Thought and Art of Albert Camus. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Harbison, Frederick: High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Hartt, J. N.: Man in Search of Wisdom. Rev. of books by Missenard, Wolfe, Ortega y Gasset, & Mora 449
Helde, Thomas T.: Academic Freedom and German Politics 76
Heller, Erich: The Disinherited Mind. Rev Summer xviii
Hentzen, Alfred: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Hewes, Laurence: Boxcar in the Sand. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Higbee, Edward: The American Oasis. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Hill, Frank Ernest: Ford’ Expansion and Challenge. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Hilles, Frederick W.: Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis’s Horace Walpole’s Library 599
Hillyer, Robert: The Relic and Other Poems. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Hiscocks, Richard: Democracy in Western Germany. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 440
Hook, Sidney: Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 117
Hoopes, Townsend: NATO Strategy and Europe’s Atomic Fear 181
Hoover, Herbert: The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by John Morton Blum 592
Hoskins, Katherine: Responsibilities. Verse 416
Houghton, Walter E.: The Victorian Frame of Mind. Rev. by William Clyde DeVane 108
How the French See America. Joseph E. Baker 239
Howe, Mark De Wolfe: Justice Holmes: The Shaping Years. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Huck and Jim. Kenneth S. Lynn 421
Hunt, Herbert J.: Honoré de Balzac. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Ionesco, Eugene: Four Plays. Rev Spring xii
Japan’s Foreign Policy. Yasushi Akashi 219
Jewkes, John: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Journal of the Plague, A. Francis Russell 219
Juilfs, J.: The Rise of Modern Physics. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Kafka and the Mystery of Bureaucracy. Rebecca West 15
Kampelman, Max M.: The Communist Party vs. the C.I.O. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Kermode, Frank: Romantic Image. Rev. by Martin Price 617
Kilpatrick, James Jackson: The Sovereign States. Rev. by Charles L. Black, Jr. 117
Kissinger, Henry A.: Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Rev Autumn vi
Knight, Douglas: William Clyde DeVane’s The American University in the Twentieth Century 141
Knox, Bernard M. W,: Oedipus at Thebes. Rev Autumn xviii
Koch, Adrienne: Hamilton and Power 537
Konvitz, Milton R.: Fundamental Liberties of a Free People. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Koyre, Alexandre: From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe. Rev. by Giorgio de Santillana 453
Krieger, Leonard: New Democracies. Rev. of books by Hiscocks & Montgomery 440
— The German Idea of Freedom. Rev. by Carl E. Schorske 276
Kristol, Irving: Old Truths and the New Conservatism 365
— Letter to an American 632
Kroeber, Clifton B. (ed.): The Frontier in Perspective. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Kuhn, Charles L.: German Expressionism and Abstract Art: The Harvard Collections. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Kurland, Philip B.: The Supreme Court and Its Literate Critics. Rev. of books by Hand, Douglas, Swisher, Konvitz, & O’Brien 596
Lamar, Howard R.: The Frontier Reexamined. Rev. of books by Wyman & Kroeber (eds.) ; & Moore 469
Lampert, E.: Studies in Rebellion. Rev. by Janko Lavrin 613
Lattimore, Richmond: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Lavrin, Janko: The Rise of Russian Liberalism. Rev. of books by Lampert, Billington, & Fischer 613
Letter to an American. Irving Kristol 632
Levenson, J. C.: The Mind and Art of Henry Adams. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Lewis, D B. Wyndham: Doctor Rabelais. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Lewis, r. W. B.: Inside and Out. Rev. of books by Anderson & Gray 265
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon: Horace Walpole’s Library. Rev. by Frederick W. Hilles 599
Liberty and Equality. Reinhold Niebuhr 1
Lieberman, William S.: German Art of the Twentieth Century. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Lindblom, Charles E.: Economics and Society. Rev. of books by Clark, Hamilton, Richberg, & Kampelman 128
Lynn, Kenneth S.: Huck and Jim 421
McCollom, William G.: Tragedy. Rev Spring xiv
Maquet, Albert: Albert Camus: The Invincible Summer. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Maritain, Jacques: Reflections on America. Rev Summer x
Marquis, Lucian: The Cow. Story 193
Martz, Louis L.: Wallace Stevens 517
—Essays on the Poetry of Milton. Rev. of books by Rosemond Tuve & Stein 259
Meade, Robert Douthat: Patrick Henry. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Meier, Richard L,: Science and Economic Development. Rev. by Abbott Payson Usher 254
Mendell, Clarence W.: Tacitus. Rev. by J. P. V. D. Balsdon 262
Meredith, William: The Open Sea and Other Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Mezey, Robert: Poems. Rev. by James Wright 608
Missenard, Andre: In Search of Man. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Mitchell, Broadus: Alexander Hamilton: Youth to Maturity. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Montgomery, John D.: Forced To Be Free. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 440
Moore, Arthur K.: The Frontier Mind, Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Mora, Jose Ferrater: Man at the Crossroads. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Morality, Moralism, and Diplomacy. Dean Acheson 481
Moravia, Alberto: The Sterility of Suffering 175
Morris, Wright: Love Among the Cannibals. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Morse, Samuel French (ed.) : see Stevens, Wallace.
Muir, Edwin: Collected Poems. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Murdoch, Iris: The Sandcastle. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Myers, Bernard S.: The German Expressionists. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Nathan, Leonard: Western Reaches. Rev. by James Wright 608
NATO Strategy and Europe’s Atomic Fear. Townsend Hoopes 181
Nelson, Lowry, Sr.: Our Productive Land. Rev. of books by Higbee, Hewes, & Smith 137
Nevins, Allan: Ford: Expansion and Challenge. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 157, 306, 477, & 628
New Strategy for Europe, A. Alvin J. Cottrell & Walter F. Hahn 36
Newman, Ernest: From the World of Music. Rev Winter vi
Olson, Harold: Sainte-Beuve. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Niebuhr, Reinhold: Liberty and Equality 1
Nutting, Anthony: I Saw for Myself. Rev. by George Steiner 600
O’Brien, F. William: Justice Reed and the First Amendment. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Old Truths and the New Conservatism. Irving Kristol 365
On Inheriting an Empty House at Coney Island. Verse. John Atherton 74
Ortega y Gasset, José: Man and People and On Love. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Oxenhandler, Neal: Scandal & Parade. Rev Summer xii
Palmier, Leslie H.: Changing Outposts: The Western Communities in Southeast Asia 405
Parmelin, Helene: Picasso and “Las Meninas” (Lewis Galantière, tr.) 578
Patchen, Kenneth; When We Were Here Together. Rev. by James Wright 608
Peare, Catherine Owens: William Penn. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Felling, Henry M,: America and the British Left. Rev Autumn xvi
Perkins, David: Two Poems 237
Peyre, Henri: Four French Lives. Rev. of books by Lewis, Wilson, Nicolson, & Hunt 434
Phoenix at Windsor, California, The. Verse. David Galler 419
Picasso and “Las Meninas.” Helene Parmelin (Lewis Galantière, tr.) 578
Poggioli, Renato: The Phoenix and the Spider, Rev Winter xxvi
Pope, Alexander: The Correspondence of Alexander Pope (George Sherburn, ed.). Rev. by William Frost 125
Price, Martin: In the Fielding Country: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Fielding, Waugh, Morris, Cozzens, Carpentier, Iris Murdoch, & Muriel Spark 143
—Symbols and Syntax. Rev. of books by Kermode, Baker, & Davie 617
Principles and Prudence in Integration. Eugene Freeman 310
Ramsey, Paul (ed.): Faith and Ethics: The Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr. Rev Spring xviii
Ramsey, Paul (ed.) : see Edwards, Jonathan.
Records, see New Records in Review.
Responsibilities. Verse. Katherine Hoskins 416
Ribner, Irving: The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare. Rev. Autumn x
Richberg, Donald R.: Labor Union Monopoly. Rev. by Charles E. Lindblom 128
Roethel, Hans Konrad: Modern German Painting. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Rosenberg, Bernard (ed.) : Mass Culture. Rev. by John Fischer 112
Russell, Francis: A Journal of the Plague 219
Sarton, George: Six Wings. Rev. by Giorgio de Santillana 453
Save Yourself for a Bargain. Story. Ellen Tifft 569
Sawers, David: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Schlesinger, Arthur M.: Prelude to Independence. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Schorske, Carl E.: Liberalism and Conservatism: German Variations on a European Theme. Rev. of books by Krieger & von Klemperer 276
Sellers, Charles Grier, Jr.: James K. Polk. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Selz, Peter: German Expressionist Painting. Rev. by George Heard Hamilton 443
Shattuck, Katharine: The Collection. Story 93
Sherburn, George (ed.) : see Pope, Alexander.
Shklar, Judith N.: After Utopia. Rev. by Raymond English 272
Smith, Harlan J.: Science for Laymen. Rev. of books by von Weizsäcker & Juilfs; & de Vaucouleurs 303
Smith, Irwin: Shakespeare’s Globe Playhouse. Rev Autumn xx
Smith, Robert A.: Reinterpreting Edmund Burke. Rev. of books by Stanlis, Cone, & Schlesinger 604
Soth, Lauren: Farm Trouble, Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Sr. 137
Soviet Encyclopedia, see Benton, William.
Spark Muriel: The Comforters. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Sprinter’s Sleep. Verse. James Dickey 72
Stanlis, Peter J.: Edmund Burke and the Natural Law. Rev. by Robert A. Smith 604
Stein Arnold: Heroic Knowledge. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 259
Steiner, George: On the Scene. Rev. of books by Durrell & Nutting 600
Sterility of Suffering, The. Alberto Moravia 175
Stevens, Wallace. Louis L. Martz 517
— Opus Posthumous (Samuel French Morse, ed.). Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Stillerman, Richard: The Sources of Invention. Rev. by Paul Woodring 589
Stone, Alma: The Bible Salesman. Story 393
Swan’ in Zurich, The. R. P. Blackmur 347
Swisher Carl Brent: The Supreme Court in Modern Role. Rev. by Philip B. Kurland 596
Tang Peter S. H.: Communist China Today. Rev. by Richard L. Walker 458
Tanizaki, Junichiro: The Makioka Sisters. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Thirlwall, John C. (ed.) : see Williams, William Carlos.
Thody, Philip: Albert Camus: A Study of His Work. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 623
Tifft, Ellen: Save Yourself for a Bargain. Story 569
Tobin, James: Defense, Dollars, and Doctrines 321
Traversi, Derek: Shakespeare: From “Richard II” to “Henry V.” Rev. Winter x
Trip Through Yucatan, A. Verse. T. Weiss 73
Tucker, Robert W.: Force and Foreign Policy 374
Tuve, Rosemond: Images and Themes in Five Poems by Milton. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 259
Two Poems. David Perkins 237
Ulysses the Divine Nobody. Richard Ellmann 56
Usher, Abbott Payson: New Patterns of Living. Rev. of books by Meier, de Latil, & Einzig 254
Van Doren, Mark: Don Quixote’s Profession. Rev Spring x
von Klemperer, Klemens: Germany’s New Conservatism. Rev. by Carl E. Schorske 276
von Mises, Ludwig: Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution. Rev Winter viii
von Weizsäcker, C. F.: The Rise of Modern Physics. Rev. by Harlan J. Smith 303
Walker, Charles R.: Joseph S. Berliner’s Factory and Manager in the USSR. 288
Walker, Richard L.: The New China, Rev. of books by Cressy, Gluckstein, & Tang 458
Walter, Bruno: Gustav Mahler. Rev Summer xiv
Walters, Raymond, Jr.: Albert Gallatin. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 291
Walworth, Arthur: Woodrow Wilson. Rev. by John Morton Blum 592
Wardle, Ralph M.: Oliver Goldsmith. Rev Winter xvi
Warren, Robert Penn: Promises. Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
— From You, Emperors, and Others. Five Poems 494
Waugh, Evelyn: The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Rev. by Martin Price 143
Weiss, T.: A Trip Through Yucatan. Verse 73
West, Rebecca: Kafka and the Mystery of Bureaucracy 15
Wheatley, Vera: The Life and Work of Harriet Martineau. Rev. by Joan Bennett 445
White, David Manning (ed.) : Mass Culture. Rev. by John Fischer 112
White, Patrick: Voss. Rev. by James Yaffe 463
Whittemore, Reed: Five Old Masters and Their Sensibilities. Rev. of books by Williams, Hillyer, Stevens, Warren, & Muir 281
Willey, Basil: More Nineteenth Century Studies. Rev. by William Clyde De Vane 108
Williams, William Carlos: The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams (John C. Thirlwall, ed.). Rev. by Reed Whittemore 281
Wilson, Arthur M.: Diderot: The Testing Years. Rev. by Henri Peyre 434
Wolfe, Don M.: The Image of Man in America. Rev. by J. N. Hartt 449
Woodring, Paul: The Innovators. Rev. of books by Brown & Harbison; Jewkes; Sawers; & Stillerman 589
Wright, James: The Cold Divinities. Verse 236
— Delicacies, Horse-Laughs, and Sorrows. Rev. of books by Meredith, Patchen, Berrigan, Lattimore, Nathan, Berg, Goodman & Mezey 608
Wriston, Henry M.: A. Whitney Griswold’s In the University Tradition 432
Wyman, Walker D. (ed.): The Frontier in Perspective. Rev. by Howard R. Lamar 469
Yaffe, James: Three Foreign Novels. Rev. of books by Gironella, White, & Tanizaki 463
You, Emperors, and Others, From. Five Poems. Robert Penn Warren 494
VOLUME XLVIII (1958-1959)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer.]
Acheson, Dean: Prelude to Independence 481
Adler, Mortimer J.: The Idea of Freedom, Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Aiken, Conrad: A Reviewer’s ABC. Rev. by Ambrose Gordon, Jr. 415
Albert Camus on Capital Punishment: His Adaption of The Possessed. Warren Ramsey 634
Alleg, Henri: The Question. Rev. by Georges May 148
Antony and Octavius. Thomas McFarland 203
Any Summer Afternoon. Verse. Sister M. Maura 420
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia: Spinster. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Barber, C. L.: Shakespeare’s Festive Comedy. Rev Summer vi
Barlow, Nora (ed.) : The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Barrett, William: Irrational Man. Rev. by Julian Hartt 295
Bay, Christian: The Structure of Freedom. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Beardsley, Monroe C.: Aesthetics. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
Bees, The. Story. Eleanor Clark 181
Bellow, Saul: Henderson the Rain King. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Beringer, Robert. Robert Jungk’s Brighter than a Thousand Suns 418
Betjeman, John: John Betjeman’s Collected Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Binkley, Wilfred E.: The Man in the White House. Rev Spring viii
Bloom, Harold: Shelley’s Mythmaking. Rev. by Earl R. Wasserman 609
Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Americans: The Colonial Experience. Rev. by Edmund S. Morgan 402
Brown, Frank London: Trumbull Park. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Brown, Maurice J. E.: Schubert. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 286
Brown, Norman O.: Life Against Death. Rev. by James E. Dittes 426
Buck, Pearl: Friend to friend. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Burdick, Eugene: The Ugly American. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Butor, Michel: A Change of Heart. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Camus, Albert, see Ramsey, Warren
Gary, Joyce: Art and Reality. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
—The Captive and the Free. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Castra. Verse. Byron Colt 78
Catton, Bruce: America Goes to War. Rev Winter viii
Changing Image of Catholicism in America, The. Robert D. Cross 562
Chisolm, Lawrence: The Failures of Success. Rev. of books by Wilkins, Samuels, & Keller 436
Ciardi, John: I Marry You. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Clark, Eleanor: The Bees. Story 181
Clark, W. Norris: The Road, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Coleridge: The Vulnerable Poet. I. A. Richards 491
Colt, Byron: Castra. Verse 78
Colum, Mary and Padriac: Our friend James Joyce. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Connelly, Kenneth: Musical Portraits: Bizet and Schubert. Rev. of books by Maurice J. E. Brown & Mina Curtiss 286
Cornyn, William S.: Burmese Life: Two Views. Rev. of books by U Ba U & Trager 133
Cox, James M.: Two Surveys, One Analysis. Rev. of books by Stewart, Levin, & Thoreau 150
Coxe, Louis O.: The Wilderness and Other Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Crisis of Democracy, The. John Knox Jessup 17
Cross, Robert p.: The Changing Image of Catholicism in America 562
Culler, A. Dwight: On Victorian Political Thought. Rev. of books by St. John Stevas & Kenny 584
Cummings, E. E.: 95 Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Curle, Richard: Joseph Conrad and His Characters Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 153
Curtiss, Mina: Bizet and His World. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 286
Darwin, Charles: Charles Darwin: Evolution and Natural Selection (Bert James Loewenberg, ed.). Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Decision, The. Verse. Theodore Roethke 78
Deevey, Edward S.: Donald R. Griffin’s Listening in the Dark 114
Degler, Carl N.: Arthur M. Schlesinger’s The Coming of the New Deal 445
— Out of Our Past. Rev Summer viii
DeMott, Benjamin: The Body’s Cage. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Dickey, James: The Other. Verse 398
Dinerstein, Herbert S.: War and the Soviet Union. Rev. by William R. Emerson 604
Dittes, James E.: Freud and Society. Rev. of books by Rieff & Brown 626
Dreyfus Echo, The: Justice and Politics in the Fourth Republic. Gordon Wright 354
Duerrenmatt, Friedrich: The Pledge, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Durr, Robert Allen: The Last Days of H. L. Mencken 58
Ego in Otherdom. Bertrand de Jouvenel 505
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: The Personality of Jonathan Swift. Rev Spring vi
Else, Gerald F.: Aristotle’s Poetics. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 135
Emerson, William R.: The Generals. Rev. of books by Montgomery & von Manstein 280
Emerson, William R.: Hindsight and Foresight. Rev. of books by Wedemeyer & Dinerstein 604
Enright, Elizabeth: I Pine for Thee. Story 515
Erikson, Erik H.: Young Man Luther. Rev. by Roland H. Bainton 405
Farnsworth, Paul R.: The Social Psychology of Music. Rev Autumn x
Feis, Herbert: Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin Autumn xviii
Fellner, William: Politics, Economics, and Recession 1
Fenton, Charles A.: Stephen Vincent Benet. Rev. Geoffrey Wagner 284
Fielding, Gabriel: Eight Days. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Fluid Suburbia. William Zeckendorf 27
Fowlie, Wallace: see Perse, St.-John
France’s New Horizon. John E. Sawyer 161
Frankel, Theodore: Letter from Munich 541
Friedrich, Otto: How to be a War Correspondent 474
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr.: Albert Guérard’s France: A Modern History 593
Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Affluent Society. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Garthoff, Raymond L.: Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age. Rev. by Townsend Hoopes 266
Gasiorowski, Zygmunt J.: Poland: Times of Trial. Rev. of books by Rozek & Syrop 116
Gibbs, Barbara: The Green Chapel. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Gillet, Louis -.daybook for James Joyce. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Gold, Herbert: The Optimist. Rev. by Martin Price 595
Gorky, Letters of …: see Yershov, Peter (ed.)
Griffin, Donald R.: Listening in the Dark. Rev. by Edward S. Deevey 114
Gilbert, Felix: Politics and Morality. Rev. of books by Sterling & Strauss 465
Glazer, Nathan: The Immigrant Groups and American Culture 382
Gordon, Ambrose, Jr.: Conrad Aiken’s A Reviewer’s ABC 415
Gordon, Lincoln: NATO in the Nuclear Age 321
Gordon, Milton M.- Social Class in American Sociology. Rev Spring xviii
Gregory, Horace: Amy Lowell. Rev. by Geoffrey Wagner 284
Griswold, Whitney Liberal Education and the Democratic Ideal and Other Essays. Rev. by Harold W. Stoke 583
Guérard Albert: France: A Modern History. Rev. by Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. 593
Guerard’ Albert J.: Conrad the Novelist. Rev. by Dorothy Van Ghent 153
Gunn, Thom: Poetry as Written. Rev. of books by Williams, Cummings, Muriel Rukeyser, Villa, Shapiro, Ciardi, Wagoner, Hall, & Stephens 297
—Poets English and American. Rev. of books by Betjeman, Reid, Coxe, O’Gorman, Roethke, Elizabeth Jennings, & Barbara Gibbs 617
Haggin B. H.: New Records in Review 157, 317, 470 & 630
Hagstrum, Jean H.: The Sister Arts. Rev Spring x
Hall Donald: The Dark Houses. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Hamerow, Theodore S.: Restoration, Revolution, Reaction. Rev. by Leonard Krieger 292
Hanley, James: An End and a Beginning. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Hardy, John Edward: After the New Criticism. Rev. of books by Heuser, Watson & Wilson 410
Harrity, Richard: Eleanor Roosevelt. Rev Winter xx
Hartt, Julian N.: The Existential and the Human. Rev. of books by Ortega y Gasset & Barrett 295
Heisenberg: Werner: The Physicist’s Conception of Nature. Rev Winter xii
Heller, Erich: The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann. Rev. by Victor Lange 447
Herz, John H.: International Politics in the Atomic Age. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Heuser, Alan: The Shaping Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Himmelfarb, Gertrude: Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Hirschman, Albert O. The Strategy of Economic Development. Rev. by C. P. Kindleberger 440
Hoopes, Townsend: Raymond L. Garthoff’s Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age 266
How to be a War Correspondent. Otto Friedrich 474
How to Write Like Somebody Else. Theodore Roethke 366
I Pine for Thee. Story. Elizabeth Enright 515
Immigrant Groups and American Culture, The. Nathan Glazer 382
In Gertrude’s Closet. William Wasserstrom 244
Jenkins, Iredell: Art and the Human Enterprise. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 135
—Recent Perspectives on Art. Rev. of books by Gary, Sedlmeyr & Beardsley 420
Jennings, Elizabeth: A Sense of the World. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Jerome, Judson: Rivalry with Madmen 344
Jessup, John Knox: The Crisis of Democracy 17
Johnson, Samuel: Diaries, Prayers, and Annals. Rev Autumn vi
Jouvenel, Bertrand de: Ego in Otherdom 505
Jungk, Robert: Brighter than a Thousand Suns. Rev. by Robert Beringer 418
Kanfer, Allen: The Trigger Man. Verse 81
Keller, Morton: In Defense of Yesterday. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 436
Kenny, Terence: The Political Thought of John Henry Newman, Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 584
Key, V. O., Jr.: Robert C. Wood’s Suburbia 403
Kindleberger, C. P.: Albert O. Hirschman’s The Strategy of Economic Development 440
Knox, Bernard M. W.: John W. Wheeler-Bennett’s King George VI 413
Kohn, Hans: National Socialism and German History 190
Krieger, Leonard: Freedom: Theory and Practice. Rev. of books by Adler, Bay, & Hamerow 292
Lall, Anand: Seasons of Jupiter: Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
Lange, Victor: Erich Heller’s The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann 447
Larrabee, Eric: Mass Leisure. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 428
Last Days of H. L. Mencken, The. Robert Allen Durr 58
Latin America in Perspective. Milton I. Vanger 228
Lederer, William J.: The Ugly American. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Letter from Munich. Theodore Frankel 541
Levin, Harry: The Power of Blackness. Rev. by James M. Cox 150
—Art versus Life. Rev. of books by Gillet, Sullivan, & Mary & Padraic Colum 269
—The Question of Hamlet. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 587
Levin, Max M.: Allen Wheelis’s The Quest for Identity 139
Lockard, Duane: New England State Politics, Rev Summer x
Locke, Edward: A Summer Rowing. Verse 243
Loewenberg, Bert James (ed.) see Darwin, Charles
—Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Natural Selection. Rev. by Edmund W. Sinnott 578
Lost Ingredient, The. Verse. Anne Sexton 559
McFarland, Thomas: Antony and Octavius 203
McLellan, David S.: Style and Substance in American Foreign Policy 41
Manstein, Erich von: Lost Victories, Rev. by William R. Emerson 280
Marshall, Charles Burton: American Foreign Policy: Three Critics. Rev. of books by Herz, Sulzberger, & Thomas 576
Marshall, John: St. John Perse’s Seamarks 142
Martin, Ralph G.: Eleanor Roosevelt: Her Life in Pictures. Rev Winter xx
Martz, Louis L.: Maurice Valency’s In Praise of Love 442
Mason, Alpheus Thomas: The Supreme Court: Temple and Forum 524
May, Georges: Algeria Today: Facts and Moral Problems. Rev. of books by Alleg & Tillion 148
Mayer, Martin: Madison Avenue, U.S.A. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Mencken, H. L.: see Durr, Robert Allen
Meyersohn, Rolf: Mass Leisure, Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 428
Mill, Edward W.: A New Diplomacy for Asia. Rev. of Books by Lederer & Burdick; & by Romulo & Pearl Buck 431
Miller, Perry: see Thoreau, Henry David
Millis, Walter. Arms and the State. Rev. by Edward Posniak 613
Mills, C. Wright: The Causes of World War Three. Rev. by Edward Posniak 613
Montgomery: The Memoirs of Field-Marshall the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. Rev. by William R. Emerson 280
Morgan, Edmund S.: Daniel J. Boorstin’s The Americans: The Colonial Experience 402
Morris, Wright: The Territory Ahead. Rev Winter xii
Mount Athos. Frederick Will 82
Munich: see Theodore Frankel
Murdoch, Iris: The Bell. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Narayan, R. K.: The Guide. Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
National Socialism and German History. Hans Kohn 190
NATO in the Nuclear Age. Lincoln Gordon 321
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 157, 317, 470 & 630
Nuclear Blackmail and Limited War. Robert Strausz-Hupé 173
O’Gorman, Ned: The Night of the Hammer. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Oliver, E. J.: Gibbon and Rome. Rev Summer xvi
Ortega y Gassett, José: Man and Crisis. Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 295
Other, The. Verse. James Dickey 398
Pack, Robert: Wallace Stevens. Rev. by Geoffrey Wagner 284
Pease, Otis: The Responsibilities of American Advertising. Rev. by Robert H.L. Wheeler 125
Pension, The. Story. John D. Stewart 374
Perse, St.-John: Seamarks, (Wallace Fowlie, tr.). Rev. by John Marshall 142
Phelps, Robert: Heroes and Orators. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Poggioli, Renato: Trotsky’s Diary in Exile 307
Politics, Economics, and Recession. William Fellner 1
Posniak, Edward: The “Elite” and Its Critics. Rev. of books by Millis & Mills 613
Prelude to Independence. Dean Acheson 481
Price, Martin: The Self-Deceivers: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Phelps, Hanley, Iris Murdoch, Bianca VanOrden, & Muriel Spark 272
—Intelligence and Fiction: Some New Novels. Rev. of books by Bellow, Gary, Wilson, Snow, Fielding, & Updike 451
—The Difficulties of Commitment: Some Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Duerrenmatt, Butor, DeMott, Gold, Brown, Coates, Muriel Spark, & Sylvia Ashton-Warner 595
Rajan, Balachandra: The Dark Dancer. Rev. by Monroe K. Spears 118
Ramsey, Warren: Albert Camus on Capital Punishment: His Adaptation of The Possessed 634
Records: see New Records in Review
Records, Alastair: Oddments, inklings, Omens, Moments: Poems. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Richards, I. A.: Coleridge: “The Vulnerable Poet 491
Rieff, Philip: Freud; The Mind of the Moralist. Rev. by James E. Dittes 426
Rivalry with Madmen. Judson Jerome 344
Roethke Theodore: The Decision. Verse 78
—How to Write Like Somebody Else 336
—Words for the Wind. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 617
Romulo, Carlos P.: Friend to Friend. Rev. by Edward W. Mill 431
Rozek, Edward J,: Allied Wartime Diplomacy. Rev. by Zygmunt J. Gasiorowski 116
Rukeyser Muriel: Body of Waking. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Saarinen’ Aline: The Proud Possessors. Rev Winter viii
St. John-Stevas, Norman: Walter Bagehot. Rev. by Dwight Culler 584
Samuels Ernest: Henry Adams: The Middle Years. Rev. by Lawrence Chisholm 436
Sawver John E.: France’s New Horizon 161
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Coming of the New Deal. Rev. by Carl N. Degler 445
Sedlmayr, Hans: Art in Crisis. Rev. by Iredell Jenkins 420
See Too the Morning Come. Verse. Mark Strand 560
Sewall, Richard B.: The Vision of Tragedy. Rev. by Eliseo Vivas 587
Sexton, Anne: The Lost Ingredient. Verse 559
Seymour, Charles, Jr.: Edgar Wind’s Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance 305
Shapiro, Karl: Poems of a Jew. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Shattuck, Roger: Me Banquet Years. Rev Autumn x
Sinnott, Edmund W.: The Darwinian Emancipation. Rev. of books by Loewenberg, Darwin, Nora Barlow, & Gertrude Himmelfarb 578
Sister M. Maura: Any Summer Afternoon. Verse 401
Snow, C. P.: The Search. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Spark, Muriel: Robinson. Rev. by Martin Price 272
—Memento Mori, Rev. by Martin Price 595
Sparrows. Story. Eugene Ziller 98
Spears, Monroe K.: Three Indian Novels. Rev. of books by Lall, Narayan, & Rajan 118
Spivack, Bernard: Shakespeare and the Allegory of Evil. Rev Autumn xvi
Stephens, Alan: The Sun. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Sterling, Richard W.: Ethics in a World of Power. Rev. by Felix Gilbert 465
Stewart, John D.: The Pension. Story 374
Stewart, Randall: American Literature and Christian Doctrine. Rev. by James M. Cox 150
Stoke, Harold W.: A Whitney Griswold’s Liberal Education and the Democratic Ideal and Other Essays 583
Stopp, Frederick J.: Evelyn Waugh. Rev Summer xx
Strand, Mark: See Too the Morning Come. Verse 560
Strauss, Leo: Thoughts on Machiavelli. Rev. by Felix Gilbert 465
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Nuclear Blackmail and Limited War 173
Style and Substance in American Foreign Policy. David S. McLellan 41
Sullivan, Kevin: Joyce among the Jesuits. Rev. by Harry Levin 269
Sulzberger, C. L.: What’s Wrong with U.S. Foreign Policy. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Summer Rowing, A. Verse. Edward Locke 243
Supreme Court, The: Temple and Forum. Alpheus Thomas Mason 524
Syrop, Konrad: Spring in October. Rev. by Sygmunt J. Gasiorowski 116
Thomas, Norman: The Prerequisites for Peace. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 576
Thoreau, Henry David: Consciousness in Concord: … Thoreau’s Hitherto Lost Journal (1840-1841) (commentary by Perry Miller). Rev. by James M. Cox 150
Tillion, Germaine: Algeria: The Realities. Rev. by George May 148
Trager, Frank N.: Building a Welfare State in Burma, 1948-1958. Rev. by William S. Cornyn 133
Trigger Man, The. Verse. Allen Kanfer 81
Trotsky’s Diary in Exile. Renato Poggioli 307
Ba U: My Burma. Rev. by William S. Cornyn 133
Updike, John: The Poorhouse Fair. Rev. by Martin Price 451
Valency. Maurice: In Praise of Love. Rev. by Louis L. Martz 442
Vanger, Milton I.: Latin America in Perspective 228
Van Ghent, Dorothy: The Mask of Creation: Two New Conrad Studies. Rev. of books by Guerard & Curie 153
VanOrden, Bianca: Water Music. Rev. by Martin Price 272
Villa, Jose Garcia: Selected Poems and New, Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Vivas, Eliseo: Evolutionary Aesthetics and Aristotle. Rev. of books by Jenkins & Else 135
—The Tragic Dimension. Rev. of books by Sewall & Levin 587
Wagner, Geoffrey: Three Poets. Rev. of books by Pack, Gregory, & Fenton 284
Wagoner, David: A Place to Stand, Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Warren, Robert Penn: Selected Essays. Rev Winter vi
Wasserman, Earl R.: Shelley for the Present. Rev. of books by Bloom & Wilson 609
Wasserstrom, William: In Gertrude’s Closet 244
—Heiress of All the Ages, Rev Summer xvi
Waters, D. W.: The Art of Navigation in England in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times. Rev. Winter x
Watson, George L: A, E. Housman. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Wedemeyer, Albert C: Wedemeyer Reports. Rev. by William R. Emerson 604
Weiss, Paul: Modes of Being. Rev. by W. Norris Clarks, S.J.. 130
Wheeler, Robert H. L.: American Advertising: The Perils of Abundance. Rev. of books by Galbraith, Mayer, Pease, & Wood 125
—Larrabee & Meyersohn, Mass Leisure 428
Wheeler-Bennett, John W.: King George VI. Rev. by Bernard M. W. Knox 413
Whitman, Cedric H.: Homer and the Heroic Tradition. Rev Winter xiv
Wheelis, Allen: The Quest for Identity. Rev. by Max M. Levin 139
Wilkins, Thurman: Clarence King. Rev. by Lawrence Chisolm 436
Will, Frederic: Mount Athos 82
Williams, William Appleman: The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. Rev Spring xiv
Wilson, Angus: The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot, Rev. by Martin Price 451
Williams, William Carlos: Paterson (Book Five) Rev. by Thorn Gunn 297
Wilson F. A. C.: W. B. Yeats and Tradition. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 410
Wilson, Milton: Shelley’s Later Poetry. Rev. by Earl R. Wasserman 609
Wind, Edgar: Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance. Rev. by Charles Seymour, Jr. 305
Wood, James Playsted: The Story of Advertising. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 125
Wood, Robert C.: Suburbia, Rev. by V. O. Key, Jr. 403
Wright, Gordon: The Dreyfus Echo: Justice and Politics in the Fourth Republic 354
Yershov, Peter, ed.: Letters of Gorky and Andreev, 1899-1912. Rev Autumn viii
Zeckendorf, William: Fluid Suburbia 27
Zelomek, A. Wilbert: A Changing America. Rev. Spring xii
Ziller, Eugene: Sparrows. Story 98
VOLUME XLIX (1959-1960)
[Reviews are entered under the author of the book reviewed and under the reviewer]
About Soviet Culture: Or the Twilight of Poetry and Art. Renato Poggioli 198
“All My Pretty Ones? Did You Say All?” Verse. Sink Noll 569
Allen, Walter: Threescore and Ten. Rev. by Martin Price 124
Ambiguous Modern Novel, The. Earl H. Rovit 413
Amis, Kingsley: New Maps of Hell. Rev. by Harold Orel 602
Arab Nationalism and the Cold War. Richard H. Nolte 1
Arnott, Peter D.: An Introduction to the Greek Theatre. Rev Spring viii
Arvin, Newton: Two Literary Rebels. Rev. of books by Lynn & Hough 429
Auerbach, M. Morton: The Conservative Illusion. Rev Summer viii
Bakeless, John: Exploring the West. Rev. of books by Goetzman; White & Walton (eds.), & Dupree 452
Barnes, Hazel E.: The Literature of Possibility. Rev Summer xxiv
Baroque Novel, The. George Steiner 488
Bastert, Russell H.: The Two American Diplomacies 518
Battestin, Martin C.: The Moral Basis of Fielding’s Art. Rev. by Aubrey Williams 454
Belknap, Waldron Phoenix, Jr.: American Colonial Painting. Rev. Summer xx
Bell, Whitfield J., Jr.: John C. Miller’s Alexander Hamilton 288
Berggren, Douglas C.: Dorothea Krook’s Three Traditions of Moral Thought 458
Bewley, Marius: The Eccentric Design. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 113
Blotner, Joseph L. (ed.): Faulkner in the University. Rev Winter xxiv
Blum, John Morton: From the Morgenthau Diaries. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 285
Blunt, Anthony: The Art of William Blake. Rev Spring xxvi
Boase, T. S. R.: The Oxford History of English Art. Rev. by Andrew Carnduff Ritchie 464
Bock, Frederick: A Full Heart. Verse 93
Boswell, James: The Man and the Journal. William K. Wimsatt, Jr. 80
Bowers, Fredson: Textual and Literary Criticism. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 137
Bradbury, Malcolm: Eating People Is Wrong. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Brady, Frank: Swift: Scholarship and Fancy. Rev. of books by Paulson & Johnston 598
Braine, John: From the Hand of the Hunter. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Brecher, Michael: Nehru. Rev. by Charles H. Heimsath 132
Brinnin, John Malcolm: The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and Her World. Rev Spring vi
British Labor Faces the ‘Sixties. Herbert Nicholas 338
Bruckberger, R. L.: Image of America. Rev. by Henri Peyre 118
Bryant, Arthur: Triumph in the West. Rev. by Herbert Feis 425
Buckley, William F., Jr.: Up from Liberalism. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 290
Burton, Elizabeth: The Pageant of Elizabethan England. Rev. by William H. Dunham, Jr. 135
Carruth, Hayden: The Crow and the Heart. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Case for Optimism, The. Edwin L. Dale, Jr. 481
Chamberlain, John: The Roots of Capitalism. Rev. by William Fellner 121
Cohen, Sir Andrew: British Policy in Changing Africa. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 111
Connelly, Kenneth A., Jr.: Victor Zuckerkandl’s The Sense of Music 315
— Martin, Esslin’s Brecht: The Man and His Work 629
Crane, Stephen: Letters. Rev Spring xii
Cross, Robert D.: Catholics and Protestants. Rev. of books by von Loewenich & Graham 460
Cross, Wilbur: Challengers of the Deep. Rev Autumn xiv
Culler, A. Dwight: The Diary of Benjamin Robert Haydon (Willard Bissell Pope, ed.) 604
Dakin, Arthur Hazard: Paul Elmore More. Rev. by Howard C. Horsford 584
Dale, Edwin L., Jr.: The Case for Optimism 481
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard: The Phenomenon of Man. Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 431
Deevey, Edward S.: The Hare and the Haruspex: A Cautionary Tale 161
De Gaulle: The Vision and the Record. Roy C. Macridis 180
Deutsch, Karl W.: Germany Rejoins the Powers 20
Dickey, William: Of the Festivity. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Dobree, Bonamy: English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century, 1700-1740. Rev Spring xvi
Dobriner, William M.: The Natural History of a Reluctant Suburb 398
Doing Business Abroad: Challenge and Opportunity. Christopher G. Janus 146
Donoghue, Denis: The Third Voice. Rev. by Richard B. Young 310
Dougherty, Richard: A Summer World. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Duerrenmatt, Friedrich: Traps. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Duffy, James: Portuguese Africa. Rev. by Harry R. Rudin 111
Dunham, William H., Jr.: Elizabeth the First. Rev. of books by Elizabeth Burton & Neale 135
Dupree, A. Hunter: Asa Gray, 1810-1888. Rev. by John Bakeless 452
Durrell, Lawrence: Two Views, see Steiner, George, and Green, Martin
Edinger, Lewis J.: Germany Rejoins the Powers 20
Einaudi, Mario: The Roosevelt Revolution. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 285
Eliade, Mircea: The Sacred and the Profane. Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 431
Ellis, A. E.: The Rack. Rev. by Martin Price 278
Emerson, William R.: Inside the Second World War. Rev. of books by Morton et. al., & Matloff 469
Esslin, Martin: Brecht: The Man and His Work. Rev. by Kenneth Connelly 629
Faulkner, William: The Mansion. Rev. by Martin Price 278
Feidler, Leslie A.: Love and Death in the American Novel. Rev. by R. W. B. Lewis 610
Feis, Herbert: Arthur Bryant’s Triumph in the West 425
Fellner, William: John Chamberlain’s The Roots of Capitalism 121
Fenton, Charles A.: Willard Thorp’s American Writing in the Twentieth Century 635
First Publication of the Original Version of Joyce’s “Portrait.” Editors’ Introduction. Richard M. Kain and Robert E. Scholes 355
Fishel, Wesley R.: Free Vietnam Since Geneva 68
Frisch, Max: Homo Faber. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Frohock, W. M.: George D. Painter’s Proust: The Early Yean 308
Full Heart, A. Verse. Frederick Bock 93
Gallant, Mavis: Green Water, Green Sky. Rev. by Martin Price 278
Gallenkamp, Charles: Maya. Rev Winter vi
Garrett, George: The Finished Alan. Rev. by Martin Price 124
Garrigue, Jean: A Water Walk by Villa D’este. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Germany Rejoins the Powers. Karl W. Deutsch & Lewis J. Edinger 20
Gibson, William C.: Chapters in Medical History. Rev. of books by Kobler & Shyrock 616
Gibson, William C.: (ed.) Mark Twain-Howells Letters. Rev Summer viii
Gilkes, Lillian (ed ): Stephen Crane: Letters. Rev Spring xii
Goetzman, William H.: Army Exploration in the American West, 1803-1863. Rev. by John Bakeless 452
Golay, Marcel J. e.: A Surmise of Our Cosmic Responsibility 370
Golding, William: Free Fall. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Gombrich, E. H.: Art and Illusion. Rev. by Richard Held 607
Goodman Up for Election. Verse. Allen Kanfer 244
Gracq, Julien: Balcony in the Forest. Rev. by Martin Price 124
Graham, Robert A.: Vatican Diplomacy. Rev. by Robert D. Cross 460
Green, Martin: A Minority Report 488
Gunn, Thom: Excellence and Variety. Rev. of books by Schwatrz, Wright, Simpson Plutzik, Whittemore, Carruth, Dickey, Lowell, & Barbara Howes 295
— Voices of Their Own. Rev. of books by Pound, Starbuck, Kock, Garrigue, Justice, Carol Hall & Ruth Stone 589
Gwynn, Frederick L.,(ed.): Faulkner in the University. Rev Winter xxiv
Hadas, Moses: Hellenistic Culture. Rev. Winter xvi
Haggin, B. H.: New Records in Review 142, 317, 476, & 637
Hall Carol: Portrait of four Niece. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Hardy, John Edward: Motives of Criticism. Rev. of books by Bowers, Lynch, & Neumann 137
Hare and the Haruspex, The: A Cautionary Tale. Edward S. Deevey 161
Harman, Alex: Late Renaissance and Baroque Music. Rev Summer vi
Hartt, Julian N.: The Future of Contemporary Man. Rev. of books by De Chardin, Eliade, Jacobi, & Rostand 431
Haydon, Benjamin Robert: The Diary of Benjamin Robert Hayden (Willard Bissell Pope, ed.). Rev. by A. Dwight Culler 604
Heimsath Charles H.: Indian Politics. Rev. of books by Brecher; & by Park, & Irene Tinker 132
Held, Richard: E. H. Gombrich’s Art and Illusion 607
Hemphill, George: Old Gentleman Rising. Verse 246
Hogrefe, Pearl: The Sir Thomas More Circle. Rev. by Richard S. Sylvester 466
Hollander, John: Race Rock Light. Verse 567
Honig, Edwin: Dark Conceit. Rev Winter x
Hook, Sidney: Political Power and Personal Freedom. Rev. by William Miller 139
Hoopes, Townsend: The Persistence of Illusion: The Soviet Economic Drive and American National Interest 321
Horsford, Howard C.: Patrician Critics in America. Rev. of books by Vanderbilt & Dakin 584
Hough, Robert L.: The Quiet Rebel: William Dean Howells. Rev. by Newton Arvin 429
Howes, Barbara: Light and Dark. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Hudson, Derek: Sir Joshua Reynolds. Rev Autumn xvi
Hughes, Emmet John: America the Vincible. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 439
Individualism Today. John W. Ward 380
Jacobi, Jolande: Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C. G. Jung. Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 431
Janus, Christopher G.: Doing Business Abroad: Challenge and Opportunity 146
Jhabvala, R. Prawer: A Loss of Faith. Story 539
Johnston, Denis: In Search of Swift. Rev. by Frank Brady 598
Joyce, James: A Portrait of the Artist 360
Justice, Donald: The Summer Anniversaries. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Kain, Richard M. (ed.): First Publication of the Original Version of Joyce’s “Portrait”: Editors’ Introduction 355
Kanfer Allen: Goodman Up for Election. Verse 244
Keele, Kenneth D.: Pain, Past and Present 43
Keeping Up with Ourselves: Irving Kristol 509
Kenner, Hugh: The Invisible Poet: T. S. Eliot. Rev. by Richard B. Young 310
Kirk, Russell: Thomas Molnar’s Bernanos 614
Kobler, John: The Reluctant Surgeon: John Hunter. Rev. by William C. Gibson 616
Koch, Kenneth: Ko, or a Season on Earth. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Kristol, Irving: Keeping Up with Ourselves 509
Krook, Dorothea: Three Traditions of Moral Thought. Rev. by Douglas C. Berggren 458
LaPiere, Richard: The Freudian Ethic. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 290
Leonard, Irving A.: Baroque Times in Old Mexico. Rev Spring x
Lewis, R. W. B.: Marius Bewley’s The Eccentric Design 113
Leslie A. Fiedler’s Lone and Death in the American Novel 610
Loftis, John: Comedy and Society from Congreve to Fielding. Rev. by Aubrey Williams 454
Loomis, Edward: The Charcoal Horse. Rev. by Martin Price 124
Loomis, Roger Sherman (ed.) :Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Rev. by Thomas A. Kirby 627
Loss of Faith, A. Story. R. Prawer Jhabvala 539
Lowell, Robert: Life Studies. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Lynch, William, S, ].: The Image Industries. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 137
Lynn, Kenneth S.: Mark Twain and. Southwestern Humor. Rev. by Newton Arvin 429
McCarthy, Mary: The Stones of Florence. Rev Winter xviii
McConkey, James: A Tale of Romance. Story 51
McQuade, Lawrence C: The Showplace of Black Africa 215
Macridis, Roy C.: De Gaulle: The Vision and the Record 180
Maritain, Jacques: The Responsibility of the Artist .Rev Summer xvi
Marsh, Willard: My House Is Yours. Story 230
Marshall, Charles Burton: National Security: Neither Words Nor Science. Rev. of books by Hughes & Morgenstern 439
Matloff, Maurice: Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1943-1944. Rev. by William R. Emerson 469
May, Ernest R.: The World War and American Isolation, 1914-1917. Rev Autumn vi
Miksche, F. O.: The Failure of Atomic Strategy. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé. 272
Miller, John C.: Alexander Hamilton. Rev. by Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. 288
Miller, William: Philosophers on Politics. Rev. of books by Hook & Weiss 139
Milner, Anthony: Late Renaissance and Baroque Music, Rev Summer vi
Minority Report, A. Martin Green 488
Molnar, Thomas: Bernanos. Rev. by Russell Kirk 614
Moral Conflict and Psychiatry. Thomas S. Szasz 555
Morgan, Lewis Henry: The Indian Journals, 1859-1862 (ed. by Leslie A. White). Rev. by John Bakeless 452
Morgenstern, Oskar: The Question of National Defense. Rev. by Charles Burton Marshall 439
Mortmain: Five Poems. Robert Penn Warren 393
Morton, Louis et al: Command Decisions. Rev. by William R. Emerson 469
Murdoch, Iris: The Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited 247
My House Is Yours. Story. Willard Marsh 230
Natural History of a Reluctant Suburb, The. William M. Dobriner 398
Neale, J. E.: Essays in Elizabethan History. Rev. by William H. Dunham, Jr. 135
Nelson, Lowry, Jr.: Denis Mack Smith’s Italy: A Modern History 305
Neumann, Erich: Art and the Creative Unconscious. Rev. by John Edward Hardy 137
— The Archetypal World of Henry Moore, Rev Autumn xx
New Directions in Jazz. Marshall W. Stearns 154
New Records in Review. B. H. Haggin 142, 317, 476, & 637
Nicholas, Herbert: British Labor Faces the ‘Sixties 338
Noll, Sink: “All My Pretty Ones? Did You Say All?” Verse. 569
Nolte, Richard H.: Arab Nationalism and the Cold War 1
Old Gentleman Rising. Verse. George Hemphill 246
On First Looking In on Blodgett’s “Keat’s ‘Chapman’s Homer’ ”. Verse. George Starbuck 245
On Yeats and the Cultural Symbolism of Modern Poetry. M. L. Rosenthal 573
Orel, Harold: Kingsley Amis’ New Maps of Hell: A Survey of Sicene Fiction 602
Pain: Past and Present. Kenneth D. Keele 43
Painter, George D.: Proust: The Early Years. Rev. by W. M. Frohock 308
Park, Richard L. (ed ) •Leadership and Political Institutions in India. Rev. by Charles H. Heimsath 132
Paulson, Ronald: Theme and Structure in Swift’s “Tale of a Tub.” Rev. by Frank Brady 598
Pearson, Lester B.: Diplomacy in the Nuclear Age. Rev. by Robert Strausz Hupé 272
Perkins, Dexter: History of Yesterday. Rev. of books by Warren, Einaudi, & Blum 285
Persistence of Illusion. The: Soviet Economic Drive and American National Interest. Townsend Hoopes 321
Peyre Henri: R. L. Bruckberger’s Image of America 118
Pick, J. B.: The Last Valley: Rev. by Martin Price 443
Plutzik, Hyam: Apples from Shinas. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Poggioli, Renato: About Soviet Culture: Or the Twilght of Poetry and Art 198
Pope, Williard Bissell (ed.) see Haydon, Benjamin Robert.
Portrait of the Artist, A. James Joyce 360
Pound, Ezra. Thrones, 96-109 De Los Cantares. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Price Martin: Six Recent Novels. Rev. of books by Warren, Garrett, Sillitoe, Allen, Loomis, & Gracq 124
— Dreams and Doubts: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Faulkner, Ellis, Nathalie Sarraute, Mavis Gallant, & Augusta Walker 278
— Deeps and Shallows: Some Recent Fiction. Rev. of books by Waterhouse, Braine, Raven, Dougherty, Swados, Simon, & Pick 443
— Some Novels from Abroad. Rev. of books by Snow, Golding, Frisch, Duerrenmatt, Bradbury, & Nathalie Sarraute 618
Race Rock Light. Verse. John Hollander 567
Raven, Simon: The feathers of Death. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Records, see New Records in Review
Ritchie, Andrew Carnduff: T. S. R. Boase’s The Oxford History of English Art: Vol. X 464
Rosenthal, M. L.: On Yeats and the Cultural Symbolism of Modern Poetry 573
Rostand, Jean: Can Man Be Modified? Rev. by Julian N. Hartt 431
Rovit, Earl H.: The Ambiguous Modern Novel 413
Rudin, Harry R.: Africa: Changing and Unchanged. Rev. of books by Cohen & Duffy 111
Sarraute, Nathalie: Martereau .Rev. by Martin Price 278
— The Planetarium. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Scholes, Percy A. (ed.): Dr. Barney’s Musical Tours in Europe. Rev. Autumn viii
Scholes, Robert E. (ed.):First Publication of the Original Version of Joyce’s “Portrait”: Editors’ Introduction 355
Schwartz, Delmore: Summer Knowledge. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Scitovsky, Tibor & Anne: What Price Economic Progress? 95
Showplace of Black Africa, The. Lawrence C. McQuade 215
Shyrock, Richard Harrison: Medicine and Society in America, 1660-1860. Rev. by William C. Gibson 616
Sillitoe, Alan: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. Rev. by Martin Price 124
Simon, Claude: The Grass. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Simpson, Louis: A Dream of Governors. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Smith, Denis Mack: Italy: A Modern History. Rev. by Lowry Nelson, Jr. 305
Smith, Henry Nash (ed.): Mark Twain-Howells Letters. Rev Summer viii
Snow, C.P.: The Affair. Rev. by Martin Price 618
Spears, Monroe K. (ed.) : The Literary Works of Matthew Prior. Rev. Autumn xii
Stallman, R. W. (ed.): Stephen Crane: Letters. Rev Spring xii
Starbuck, George: On First Looking In on Blodgett’s “Keat’s’ Chapman’s Homer’ ” (Sum. ½ C. M-9-11).Verse 245
— Bone Thoughts. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Stearns, Marshall W.: New Directions in Jazz 154
Stein, Arnold: Earl R. Wasserman’s The Subtler Language 122
Steiner, George: The Baroque Novel 488
Stone, Ruth: In an Iridescent Time. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 589
Stoutenburg, Adrien: Warning. Verse 94
Strausz-Hupé, Robert: Debate Continued. Rev. of books by Wolfers (ed.). Pearson, Miksche, Warburg, & Ways 272
Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited, The. Iris Murdoch 247
Surmise of Our Cosmic Responsibility, A. Marcel J. E. Golay 370
Swados, Harvey: Poise Coin. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Sylvester, Richard S.: Pearl Hogrefe’s The Sir Thomas More Circle 466
Szasz, Thomas S.: Moral Conflict and Psychiatry 555
Tale of Romance, A. Story. James McConkey 51
Thorp, Willard: American Writing in the Twentieth Century. Rev. by Charles A. Fenton 635
Tillich, Paul: Theology of Culture. Rev Winter viii
Tinker, Irene (ed.) : Leadership and Political Institutions in India. Rev. by Charles H. Heimsath 132
Toynbee, Arnold J.: Hellenism. Rev Autumn x
Two American Diplomacies, The. Russell H. Bastert 518
Vanderbilt, Kermit: Charles Eliot Norton. Rev. by Howard C. Horsford 584
von Loewenich, Walther: Modern Catholicism. Rev. by Robert D. Cross 460
Vyvyan, John: The Shakespearean Ethic. Rev Summer xii
Walker, Augusta: A Midwest Story. Rev. by Martin Price 278
Walton, Clyde (ed.) : Lewis Henry Morgan: The Indian Journals, 1859-1862. Rev. by John Bakeless 452
Warburg, James P.: The West in Crisis. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé 272
Ward, John W.: Individualism Today 380
Warning. Verse. Adrian Stoutenburg 94
Warren, Harris Gaylord: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. Rev. by Dexter Perkins 285
Warren, Robert Penn: The Cave. Rev. by Martin Price 124
— Mortmain: Five Poems 393
Wasserman, Earl R.: The Subtler Language. Rev. by Arnold Stein 122
Waterhouse, Keith: Billy Liar. Rev. by Martin Price 443
Ways, Max: Beyond Survival. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé 272
Weiss, Paul: Our Public Life. Rev. by William Miller 139
What Price Economic Progress? Tibor & Anne Scitovsky 95
Wheeler, Robert H. L.: Probing for an Intellectual Breakthrough. Rev. of books by Young, Buckley, & LaPiere 290
White, Leslie A. (ed.): Lewis Henry Morgan: The Indian Journals, 1859-1862. Rev. by John Bakeless 452
Whittemore, Reed: The Self-Made Man. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Williams, Aubrey: Comic Art in the Eighteenth Century. Rev. of books by Loftis & Battestin 454
Wimsatt, William K. Jr.: James Boswell: The Man and the Journal 80
Wolfers, Arnold (ed.): Alliance Policy in the Cold War. Rev. by Robert Strausz-Hupé 272
Wright, H. Bunker (ed.) : The Literary Works of Matthew Prior. Rev. Autumn xii
Wright, James: Saint Judas. Rev. by Thorn Gunn 295
Young, Michael: The Rise of the Meritocracy. Rev. by Robert H. L. Wheeler 290
Young, Richard B.: Viva Voce. Rev. of books by Kenner & Donoghue 310
Zuckerkandl, Victor: The Sense of Music. Rev. by Kenneth A. Connelly, Jr. 315