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Search results tagged “Climate & Environment”

Traffic in smog

Driving Us to Despair

Soul-killing and racist, the American commute is deeply wrong
Jess Row
April 1, 2020
black and white photo of low and heavy clouds

The Heavy Air

Capitalism and affronts to common sense
Anne Boyer
December 1, 2020
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

The Misinformation Age

Weaponizing Reputation
Cailin O’Connor
James Owen Weatherall
October 1, 2018
photograph of metal match box with "a [image of a match] for you at any time" printed on the front

Everything Bright Is Something Burned

How to mourn a planet
Erica Berry
September 1, 2020
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Natural and Spiritual Freedom

Martin Hägglund
January 1, 2019
A still image from film of a creature running through the woods who appears to look like Bigfoot.

The Wild Man Within

Peter Matthiessen’s Bigfoot
Jeff Wheelwright
July 1, 2019
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Turning the Soil

Cultivating our gardens in times of trouble
Jane Costlow
November 1, 2017
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

The Aquarists

Life, death, and fish
Seth Lerer
November 1, 2017

A Faceless Compass

Johannesburg’s haunted streets
Ivan Vladislavić
December 6, 2022
Still from the film Atlantics, 2019.

In the Atmosphere

In Mati Diop’s Atlantics, every breath takes in the evaporated substance of history
Lindsay Turner
June 1, 2020