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Search results tagged “Individual & Society”

chalkboard with yellow line along top and bottom

My Silent Childhood

I didn’t know my name until I went to kindergarten. Then I became a writer.
Maureen Sun
September 1, 2020
Photograph of white house

Soup Can; or, On Hospitality

Anything can become a weapon in America, especially against those who dare to cross the color line
Wendy S. Walters
September 1, 2020
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Cassandra in San Francisco

Henry Sloss
April 1, 2019
A stack of old issues of The Yale Review. Courtesy Pentagram

Midwinter Letter

Geoffrey Brock
April 1, 2019
Theo Colenbrander, Flower Market, 1917. Courtesy Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.


Louise Glück
April 1, 1992
Sigfrid Lundberg / Creative Commons

Walking at Night

Louise Glück
April 1, 2008
Jan Brandes, Ananas, 1785. Courtesy Rijksmuseum, Amserdam.


Louise Glück
April 1, 2008

So Long

Antonio Tabucchi
Elizabeth Harris
September 1, 2020
Picture of sky as if looking up from under water, with pool tiles reflected onto sky

Ana and the Water

Carla Guelfenbein
Nicole Bell
September 1, 2020
Antoine-François-Jean Claudet, “[Multiple Exposures of the Moon],” 1846-52. Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

In Those Years

Adrienne Rich
April 1, 1992