Baby Blues

Natalie Scenters-Zapico

Doctors pull a buoyant body from me

and say: Nurse! I drape my son across

my plastic taped incision and let him

grind my nipples with his Epstein pearls.

People ask: Is it true you couldn’t birth

your son between your legs in a barn?

I say: it hurts between my legs

just talking about it. The moon smiles

a kid-friendly grin, and I wonder

which finger Mary used to break

her god’s latch. I’m no Mary.

I chose to have a baby

in what my doctor calls a geriatric age.

I chose to have a child the year

the state called me Incubator.

Like Mary I can’t stop crying.

My doctor says: Call this number

if you get the baby blues. I pull

a cartoon smile from ear to ear.

In the dream feed I hear

a navy-blue voice calling,

calling me to drop my tired head.

The voice is blue. It calls blue.

It blue-calls, blue-calls:

No one wants to read about a mother.

On a walk with the blue stroller,

a bird calls: No wants to hear

about the mother unless it’s from the child.

I swaddle my son in a blanket so blue

it becomes a river blue, unlike

the brown rivers of my childhood.

The brown rivers of my childhood

that swallow mothers and their children

under currents woven in blue blood.

From the blue river I’ve wrapped

around his infant body, from the streetlights

that tint his room blue, a blue voice

calls me. It calls blue, calls blue:

Don’t write about becoming a mother.

Don’t write about being a mother.

Don’t write. Don’t write again,

you mother—

Natalie Scenters-Zapico is the recipient of fellowships from the Lannan and Poetry Foundations. Her third book, My Perfect Cognate, is forthcoming in 2025.
Originally published:
September 9, 2024


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